Geomagnetic Referencing-The Real Time Compass For Directional Drillers

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Geomagnetic ReferencingThe Real-Time

Compass for Directional Drillers

Andrew Buchanan To pinpoint the location and direction of a wellbore, directional drillers rely on
Eni US Operating Company Inc.
Anchorage, Alaska, USA measurements from accelerometers, magnetometers and gyroscopes. In the past,
high-accuracy guidance methods required a halt in drilling to obtain directional
Carol A. Finn
Jeffrey J. Love measurements. Advances in geomagnetic referencing now allow companies to use
E. William Worthington
US Geological Survey real-time data acquired during drilling to accurately position horizontal wells,
Denver, Colorado, USA decrease well spacing and drill multiple wells from limited surface locations.
Fraser Lawson
Tullow Ghana Ltd.
Accra, Ghana
For a variety of reasons, operating companies
Stefan Maus need to know where their wells are as they are
Magnetic Variation Services LLC being drilled. Many of todays deviated and hori-
Boulder, Colorado zontal wells no longer simply penetrate a reser-
voir zone but must navigate through it laterally to
Shola Okewunmi contact as much of the reservoir as possible.
Chevron Corporation Precise positioning of well trajectories is required Drift indicator disk
Plumb bob
Houston, Texas, USA to optimize hydrocarbon recovery, determine 6
where each well is relative to the reservoir and
Benny Poedjono 4
avoid collisions with other wells.
Sugar Land, Texas 2
To accomplish these objectives, drillers require
directional accuracy to within a fraction of a degree. Disk
Oileld Review Autumn 2013: 25, no. 3.
Copyright 2013 Schlumberger. To achieve this level of accuracy, they use measure-
For help in preparation of this article, thanks to Essam
Adly, Muscat, Oman; Goke Akinniranye, The Woodlands, ment-while-drilling (MWD) tools that include accel-
Texas; James Ashbaugh and Robert Kuntz, Pennsylvania erometers and magnetometers that detect the
General Energy Company, LLC, Warren, Pennsylvania,
USA; Nathan Beck, Anchorage; Luca Borri, Jason Brink Earths gravitational and magnetic elds; they also
Punch marks show
and Joseph Longo, Eni US Operating Co. Inc., Anchorage; use sophisticated procedures to compensate for
Daniel Cardozo, St. Johns, Newfoundland, Canada; Pete 3.5 inclination
Clark, Chevron Energy Technology Company, Houston; measurement perturbation. As drillers have found
Steve Crozier, Tullow Ghana Ltd., Accra, Ghana; Mike success with these tools and become more depen-
Hollis, Chesapeake Energy, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma,
USA; Christopher Jamerson, Apache Corporation, Tulsa; dent on them for well guidance, the need for accu-
Xiong Li, CGG GravMag Solutions, Houston; Ross Lowdon, rately quantied positional uncertainty that takes
Aberdeen; Diana Montenegro Cuellar, Bogot, Colombia;
Ismail Bolaji Olalere, Shell Nigeria, Port Harcourt, Nigeria; into account all measurement error has also
Irina Shevchenko, Michael Terpening and John Zabaldano, increased. For some applications, the uncertainty is
Houston; Tim White, US Geological Survey, Denver; and the
Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, Department of as important as the position itself.
Natural Resources, St. Johns, Newfoundland, Canada. This article reviews aspects of wellbore sur- > Mechanical drift indicator. This downhole
PowerDrive is a mark of Schlumberger. veying, focusing on modern techniques for mag- device measures drift, or deviation from vertical,
1. Borehole orientation may be described in terms of using a pendulum, or the plumb bob, principle.
inclination and azimuth. Inclination refers to the vertical
netic surveying with MWD tools. To understand The sharp-tipped pendulum is lowered onto a
angle measured from the down directionthe down, the operation of and uncertainty associated with disk into which it punches two holes that mark
horizontal and up directions have inclinations of 0, 90 an initial measurement then a verication
and 180, respectively. Azimuth refers to the horizontal
magnetic tools, we examine important aspects of
the Earths magnetic eld and its measurement. measurement. In this example, the inclination is
angle measured clockwise from true norththe north,
east, south and west directions have azimuths of 0, 90, 3.5. The technique gives no indication of azimuth
180 and 270, respectively. For more on borehole
Examples from the USA, Canada, offshore Brazil but may be reliable for surface hole intervals and
orientation: Jamieson AL: Introduction to Wellbore and offshore Ghana illustrate the application of shallow vertical wells in which dogleg severity
Positioning. Inverness, Scotland: University of the and inclination are not signicant. [Adapted from
Highlands and Islands, 2012,
new techniques that improve measurement accu-
Gatlin C: Petroleum Engineering Drilling and Well
research-enterprise/wellbore-positioning-download racy and thus effect considerable reduction in
(accessed June 18, 2013). Completions. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, USA:
magnetic tool survey error. Prentice-Hall, Inc. (1960): 143.]
2. Griswold EH: Acid Bottle Method of Subsurface Well
Survey and Its Application, Transactions of the AIME 82,
no. 1 (December 1929): 4149.

32 Oileld Review
Historical Perspective makes it easier and less expensive to complete directional driller stopped drilling to measure
Traditionally, wellbores were drilled vertically wells and produce hydrocarbons. However, the wellbore inclination and azimuth.1
and were widely spaced. Well spacing decreased introduction of horizontal drilling and closer well- The oldest survey method entailed lowering a
as elds matured, regulations tightened and res- bore spacing has intensied the need for accurate glass bottle of acid downhole and holding it station-
ervoirs were targeted in remote areas. Over time, wellbore positioning and for processes to prevent ary long enough for the acid to etch a horizontal ring
drilling multiple horizontal wells from a single collisions between the bit and nearby wellbores. in the bottle. The rings position was interpreted for
pad became common practice. Today, more than Before the introduction of modern steerable inclination once the device was retrieved.2
a dozen wells may fan out into the reservoir from downhole motors and advanced tools to measure Another simple survey tool is the single shot
a single offshore platform or onshore drilling pad. hole inclination and azimuth, directional or hori- mechanical drift indicator (previous page).
Pad drillinggrouping wellheads together at zontal drilling was much slower than vertical Magnetic single shot (MSS) and multishot (MMS)
one surface locationnecessitates fewer rig drilling because of the need to stop regularly and surveys have also been used to record inclination
moves, requires less surface area disturbance and take time-consuming downhole surveys. The and magnetic azimuth. For those surveys, the tool

Autumn 2013 33
West as the survey tool continuously traverses the well
P path. Surveying engineers also use them in gyro-
X compassing mode, in which the stationary tool
Geogra responds to the horizontal component of the
D north phic Earths rotation rate. The use of rate gyros has
reduced errorssuch as geographic reference
East H
errors and unaccountable measurement drift
M that are associated with conventional gyros.
F nor agneti
th c Unfortunately, because they are taken while the
tool is stationary, gyro surveys carry operational

risk and rig time cost associated with wellbore

c fi
conditioning when drilling is stopped.6

In some intervals, signicant magnetic inter-

ference from offset wellbores makes accurate

magnetic surveying impossible. To address this
limitation, scientists developed gyro-while-
Down drilling methods. Tool design engineers are
extending the operational limits of some com-
mercial gyro-while-drilling survey systems to the
> Magnetic eld orientation. At any point P, the magnetic eld vector (red) is
commonly described in terms of its direction, its total magnitude, F, in that full range of wellbore inclinations.
direction and H and Z, the local horizontal and vertical components of F. The For some situations, surveying engineers
angles D and I describe the orientation of the magnetic eld vector. The combine gyroscopic and magnetic surveying. One
declination, D, is the angle in the horizontal plane between H and of the combined techniquesinhole referenc-
geographic north. The inclination, I, is the angle between the magnetic eld
vector and the horizontal plane containing H. Of these measurements, D and ingmakes use of highly accurate gyroscope
I are required to convert the compass orientation of a wellbore to its measurements in shallow sections to align subse-
geographic orientation. The absolute magnitudes of F, Z or H are used for quent data obtained using magnetic surveys in
quality control and calibration. deeper sections.7 In highly deviated and
extended-reach wells, this approach delivers lev-
els of accuracy comparable to those acquired
took photographs, or shots, of compass cards Triaxial accelerometers measure the local with wireline gyroscopic surveys without incur-
downhole while the pipe was stationary in the gravity eld along three orthogonal axes. These ring the added time and costs. In these inhole
slips. Photographs were taken every 27 m [90 ft] measurements provide the inclination of the tool referencing systems, gyroscopic measurements
during active changes of angle or direction and axis along the wellbore as well as the toolface are used in shallow near-vertical wellbore sec-
every 60 to 90 m [200 to 300 ft] while drilling relative to the high side of the tool.4 Similarly, tri- tions in the vicinity of casing until MWD mag-
straight ahead. The introduction of downhole mud axial magnetometers measure the strength of the netic surveys can be obtained free of interference
motors in the 1970s and the development of rug- Earths magnetic eld along three orthogonal and in longer-reach sections in which inclina-
gedized sensors and mud pulse telemetry of MWD axes. From these measurements and the acceler- tions increase. An additional benet of using
data enabled the use of continuously updated digi- ometer measurements, the tool determines azi- both gyro and MWD surveys is the detection of
tal measurements for near real-time trajectory muthal orientation of the tool axis relative to gross error sources in either tool.
adjustments. Most wells are now drilled using sur- magnetic north. Conversion of magnetic mea-
vey measurements from modern MWD tools. surements to geographic orientation is at the Positional Uncertainty
heart of MWD wellbore surveying. The key mea- Drillers use positional uncertainty estimates to
Well Survey Basics surements are magnetic dip (also called mag- determine the probability of striking a geologic
Today, directional drillers rely primarily on real- netic inclination), total magnetic eld and target and of intersecting other wellbores.8 They
time MWD measurements of gravitational and magnetic declination (above).5 base the estimates on tool error model predic-
magnetic elds using ruggedized triaxial acceler- A variety of tools exploit gyroscopic princi- tions, which themselves depend on quality con-
ometers and magnetometers. Other categories of ples. These systems are unaffected by ferromag- trol (QC) of survey data. Survey tool quality
survey tools include magnetic multishot tools, netic materials, giving them an advantage over checks help identify sources of error, often with
inclination-only tools and a family of tools based magnetic tools in some drilling scenarios. Some redundant surveys as independent cross-checks.
on the use of gyroscopes, or gyros.3 Unlike MWD tools take measurements at discrete intervals of For most survey tools, the outputs are azi-
tools, many of these specialty tools are run as measured depth (MD) along the well path when muth, inclination and measured depth. Errors in
wireline services, thus requiring cessation of the the survey tool is stationary; others operate in a each measurement may occur because of both
drilling process. Increasingly, however, gyro- continuous measurement mode. North-seeking the tool and the environment. Accuracies avail-
scopic tools are also being incorporated into gyrocompasses (NSGs) make use of gyroscopes able from stationary measurements made with
downhole steering and surveying instruments for and the rotation of the Earth to automatically standard MWD tools are on the order of
use while drilling. nd geographic north. Rate gyros provide an out- 0.1 for inclination, 0.5 for azimuth and
put proportional to the turning rate of the instru- 1.0 for toolface.
ment and may be used to determine orientation

34 Oileld Review
A surveying engineers ability to determine 1,000 ft
1,000 ft
borehole trajectory depends on the accumulation
of errors from wellhead to total depth. Rather 200 ft

than specifying a point in space, surveying engi-

neers consider wellbore position to be within an
ellipsoid of uncertainty (EOU). Typically, the
uncertainty in the lateral direction is larger than
in the vertical or along-hole directions. When dis-
played continuously along the wellbore, the EOU
presents a volume shaped like a attened cone
surrounding the estimated borehole trajectory
(right). The combined effects of accumulated
error may reach values of 1% of measured well
depth, which could be unacceptably large for
long wellbores.9
The Industry Steering Committee for Wellbore
Survey Accuracy, ISCWSAnow the SPE
Wellbore Positioning Technical Section, WPTS
has promoted development of a rigorous mathe-
matical procedure for combining various error
sources into one 3D uncertainty ellipse.10
External effects on accuracy include axial mis-
alignment, BHA deection, unmodeled geomag-
netic eld variations and drillstring-induced Y Z
interference. The latter two factors dominate the
performance of magnetic tools and their error
models; such models depend on the resolution of
the geomagnetic reference model in use.11
> Planned well trajectories showing slices of the ellipsoids of uncertainty
The Geomagnetic Field (EOUs) obtained from standard MWD (blue) and from higher accuracy MWD
(red) surveys. The azimuthal and inclination uncertainties are in the XY plane
To make use of magnetic measurements for nd- perpendicular to the borehole. The depth uncertainty is along the Z-axis of
ing direction, it is necessary to take into account the borehole. When shown at a dense series of points along the well
the complexity of the geomagnetic eld. The geo- trajectory, they form a cone of uncertainty. The high-accuracy method
magnetic eld surrounds the Earth and extends delivers a wellbore with smaller positional uncertainty. (Adapted from
Poedjono et al, reference 32.)
into nearby space.12 The total magnetic eld mea-
sured near the Earths surface is the superposition
of magnetic elds arising from a number of time-

3. This family includes conventional gyros, rate gyros, horizontal and up directions have dips (inclinations) of 9. For typical well depths and step-out, or horizontal reach,
north-seeking gyros, mechanical inertial gyros and ring 90, 0 and 90, respectively. Declination is dened the dimensions of the uncertainty envelope may be on
laser inertial gyros. For more on gyros: Jamieson AL: similarly to hole azimuth. For more on magnetic eld the order of 100 ft [30 m] or more unless action is taken
Understanding Borehole Surveying Accuracy, orientation: Campbell WH: Introduction to Geomagnetic to correct error sources and run high-accuracy surveys.
Expanded Abstracts, 75th SEG Annual International Fields, 2nd ed. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University This may exceed the size of the target and increase the
Meeting and Exposition, Houston (November 611, 2005): Press, 2003. risk of unsuccessful wellbore steering. For more on the
23392340. 6. Gyro surveys conducted on wireline in openhole sections calculation, extent and causes of positional uncertainty:
Jamieson, reference 1. carry the risk of stuck survey tools. Surveys made Jamieson, references 1 and 3.
4. Gravity, or high side, toolface is the orientation of the through drillpipe when the drilling is stopped carry the 10. For more on tool error model selection and the accepted
survey instrument in the borehole relative to up. risk of stuck drillpipe. Additionally, operators usually industry standard ISCWSA error models for magnetic
Magnetic toolface is the orientation of the survey perform a hole conditioning cleanup cycle after drilling is tools: Williamson HS: Accuracy Prediction for
instrument relative to magnetic north, corrected to a stopped. These combined operations may require many Directional Measurement While Drilling, SPE Drilling &
chosen reference of either grid north or true north. Most hours of rig time. Completion 15, no. 4 (December 2000): 221233.
MWD systems switch from a magnetic toolface to a high 7. Thorogood JL and Knott DR: Surveying Techniques with For more on error models for gyroscopic tools:
side toolface once the inclination exceeds a preset a Solid-State Magnetic Multishot Device, SPE Drilling Torkildsen T, Hvardstein ST, Weston JL and Ekseth R:
threshold typically set between 3 and 8. For more on Engineering 5, no. 3 (September 1990): 209214. Prediction of Wellbore Position Accuracy When
instrument orientation: Jamieson, reference 1. 8. Ekseth R, Torkildsen T, Brooks A, Weston J, Nyrnes E, Surveyed with Gyroscopic Tools, paper SPE 90408,
5. By international agreement, magnetic eld orientation Wilson H and Kovalenko K: High-Integrity Wellbore presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and
may be described in terms of dip (also referred to as Surveying, SPE Drilling & Completion 25, no. 4 Exhibition, Houston, September 2629, 2004.
inclination) and declination. Dip is measured positively (December 2010): 438447. 11. Williamson, reference 10.
downward from the horizontal directionthe down, 12. Love JJ: Magnetic Monitoring of Earth and Space,
Physics Today 61, no. 2 (February 2008): 3137.

Autumn 2013 35
Axis of Earths rotation varying physical processes that are grouped into
Axis of magnetic poles four general components: the main magnetic eld,
the crustal eld, the external disturbance eld
and local magnetic interference.13 The signicance
of these contributions to direction, strength and
stability of the total magnetic eld varies with geo-
graphic region and with magnetic survey direction.
The importance of accounting for each component
in the measurement depends on the purpose and
required accuracy of the survey.
Physicists have determined that the Earths
Line in orbital plane main magnetic eld is generated in the Earths
uid outer core by a self-exciting dynamo pro-
cess. Approximately 95% of the total magnetic
eld measured at Earths surface comes from this
main eld, a signicant portion of which may be
described as the eld of a dipole placed at the
Earths center and tilted approximately 11 from
the Earths rotational axis (left). The magnitude
of the main magnetic eld is nearly 60,000 nT
near the poles and about 30,000 nT near the
> Simplied geomagnetic eld. The Earths main geomagnetic eld is equator.14 However, there are signicant non-
portrayed as the ideal magnetic eld of a geocentric tilted dipole with poles dipole contributions to the main magnetic eld
at the core of the Earth (brown shading). Lines of magnetic ux (red)
that complicate its mathematical and graphical
emanate outward through the surface of the Earth near the geographic
south pole and reenter near the geographic north pole. Those positions representation (below left). As an additional
along the axis of the dipole are the magnetic south and north poles, although complication, the main eld varies slowly
the polarity of the internal dipole is the opposite. The geographic north and
13. Akasofu S-I and Lanzerotti LJ: The Earths
south poles lie on the Earths axis of rotation. Both axes are tilted relative to Magnetosphere, Physics Today 28, no. 12 (December
the plane of the Earths rotational orbit. 1975): 2834.
Jacobs JA (ed): Geomagnetism, Volume 1. Orlando,
Florida, USA: Academic Press, 1987.
Jacobs JA (ed): Geomagnetism, Volume 3. San Diego,
California, USA: Academic Press, 1989.
Merrill RT, McElhinny MW and McFadden PL: The
Magnetic Field of the Earth: Paleomagnetism, the Core,
and the Deep Mantle. San Diego, California: Academic
Press, International Geophysics Series, Volume 63, 1996.
Campbell, reference 5.
Lanza R and Meloni A: The Earths Magnetism: An
Introduction for Geologists. Berlin: Springer, 2006.
10 Auster H-U: How to Measure Earths Magnetic Field,
Physics Today 61, no. 2 (February 2008): 7677.
Love, reference 12.
14. The symbol B is often used for magnetic induction,
10 the quantity that is sensed by magnetometers. The
SI unit for B is the Tesla (T), and the centimeter-gram-
second (cgs) unit is the Gauss (G); the common unit is
10 the gamma, which is 10 9 T = 1 nT.
10 10 15. Time variations, called secular variations, necessitate
20 periodic updating of magnetic eld maps and models.
30 These variations are caused by two types of processes
20 40 in the Earths core. The rst is related to the main dipole
20 eld and operates on time scales of hundreds or
30 thousands of years. The second is related to nondipole
eld variations at time scales on the order of tens of
years. For more on secular variations: Lanza and Meloni,
reference 13.
16. Remanent magnetism of rocks results from exposure of
> Values of declination along lines of equal declination (isogonic lines) of the Earths magnetic eld. In magnetic materials in the rocks to the Earths magnetic
the areas surrounded by red lines, or the lines of equal positive declination, a compass points to the eld when the rocks were formed. Igneous rocks retain
thermoremanent magnetization as they cool. In some
east of true north. Lines of equal negative declination, for which the compass points to the west of rocks, remanent magnetization arises when magnetic
true north, are blue. Along the green, agonic lines, for which declination equals zero, the directions to grains are formed during chemical reactions.
magnetic north and true north are identical. The eld shown is the International Geomagnetic Sedimentary rocks retain remanent magnetization when
Reference Field for the year 2010. [Adapted from Historical Main Field Change and Declination, magnetic grains align with the magnetic eld during
CIRES Geomagnetism, (accessed June 24, 2013).] sediment deposition. Remanent magnetism also occurs
in ferromagnetic materials, such as the steel in casing
or drillpipe, as a result of exposure to the Earths
magnetic eld or industrial magnetic eld sources.

36 Oileld Review



Total intensity anomaly, nT

P a c 30
i f i
c 40
c 60
a 80

Year 2010 125
> Variation of the position of the northern
magnetic pole between 1990 and 2010. Magnetic
declination (red and blue lines) from the > Geomagnetic crustal eld. Airborne measurements of the strength of the magnetic eld provide data
International Geomagnetic Reference Field that are used to determine the anomalous contribution from earth crustal materials. The total intensity
model is shown for 2010. The green dot anomaly (TIA) is the difference between the magnitude of the total eld and that of the main magnetic
represents the position of the magnetic dip pole eld. The TIA eld over western Canada; Alaska, USA; and the northwest continental US varies from
in 2010; the yellow dot represents the position of 300 nT (blue) to +400 nT (pink). The mean total eld strength is about 55,000 nT in this region. The
that pole in 1990. The agonic lines, for which crustal eld shows local intensity ridges, with variation on a much ner spatial scale than that of the
declination equals zero in 2010, are highlighted in main magnetic eld. [Adapted from Magnetic Anomaly Map of North America, USGS, http://mrdata.
green. If a compass at any location points to the (accessed July 23, 2013).]
right of true north, declination is positive, or east
(red contours), and if it points to the left of true
north, declination is negative, or west (blue
contours). [Adapted from Historical Magnetic
Declination, NOAA National Geophysical Data
historical_declination/ (accessed June 24, 2013).] Magnetopause
Bow shock

Magnetic field lines

because of changes within the Earths core. The
relative strengths of nondipole components
change, and the magnetic dipole axis pole posi-
tion itself wanders over time (above).15
The magnetic eld associated with the
Earths crust arises from induced and remanent Solar wind
magnetism.16 The crustal eldalso referred to Van Allen
radiation belts
as the anomaly eldvaries in direction and
strength when measured over the Earths sur-
face (above right). It is relatively strong in the
vicinity of ferrous and magnetic materials, such
as in the oceanic crust and near concentrations
of metal ores, and is the focus of geophysical
mineral exploration.
The disturbance eld is an external magnetic
eld arising from electric currents owing in the
ionosphere and magnetosphere and mirror-cur- > Distortion of the Earths magnetosphere from the solar wind. The sun emits a ux of particles, called
rents induced in the Earth and oceans by the the solar wind, which consists of electrons, protons, helium [He] nuclei and heavier elements. The
external magnetic eld time variations. The dis- Earths magnetic eld is conned by the low-density plasma of the solar wind and the interplanetary
turbance eld is associated with diurnal eld magnetic eld (IMF) that accompanies it. These distort the Earths magnetic eld away from its dipolar
shape in the magnetosphere, the extensive region of space bounding the Earth. The eld becomes
variations and magnetic storms (see Blowing in compacted on the sunward side and elongated on the opposite side. The solar wind produces a
the Solar Wind: Sun Spots, Solar Cycles and Life variety of effects, including the magnetopause, radiation belts and the magnetotail. Time-varying
on Earth, page 48). This eld is affected by solar interactions of the magnetosphere with the solar wind produce magnetic storms and the external
activity (solar wind), the interplanetary mag- disturbance eld.
netic eld and the Earths magnetic eld (right).

Autumn 2013 37
Magnetic Field Measurements,
Instrumentation and Models
Physicists have developed a variety of sophisti-
cated instruments for measuring magnetic
elds.18 Of particular interest for geomagnetic
referencing are the instruments that scientists
use within magnetic observatories on the Earths
surface and those that surveying engineers use in
the oil eld for downhole MWD surveying.
Proton precession and Overhauser magne-
Bobserved tometers, which measure the Earths magnetic
B int
eld, are based on the phenomenon of nuclear
B int paramagnetism and the tendency of atomic
nuclei with a magnetic spin to orient along the
dominant magnetic eld. During this process, a
current-induced magnetic eld is applied and
removed intermittently, and then the frequency
of precession is measured as protons in the sen-
sor uid precess under the inuence of the
Earths magnetic eld. The Overhauser magne-
tometer makes use of additional free electrons in
> Contributions to the total observed magnetic eld. During periods of solar the sensing uid and the application of a strong
quiet, the discrepancy between the observed eld, Bobserved (red), and the radio frequency polarizing eld to enable contin-
main magnetic eld, Bm (green), is largely due to the local crustal eld Bc uous measurement of the precession frequency.
(blue) and the drillstring interference, Bint (yellow). At other times, the
The 14 US-based US Geological Survey (USGS)
external disturbance eld also makes a contribution. (Adapted from
Poedjono et al, reference 30.) magnetic observatories use Overhauser magne-
tometers to provide absolute measurements of
magnetic eld intensity.19 These magnetometers
achieve absolute accuracy on the order of 0.1 nT.
The external magnetic eld exhibits varia- magnetic storms, arise and show impulsive and Fluxgate magnetometers operate by driving
tions on several time scales, which may affect the unpredictable rapid time variations. the cores of magnetic circuits into saturation and
applicability of magnetic reference models.17 Very On the local scale, nearby structures such as measuring slight asymmetries that arise from the
long-period variations are related to the solar rigs and wells may induce magnetic interference. additional contribution of the Earths magnetic
cycle of about 11 years. Short-term variations Drillstring remanent magnetization and mag- eld. These instruments give nonabsolute mag-
arise from daily sunlight variation, atmospheric netic permeability contribute to perturbations of netic measurements along a particular direction,
tides and diurnal conductivity variations. the measured magnetic eld (above). Operators with resolution as ne as 0.01 nT.20 The instru-
Irregular time variations are inuenced by the may use nonmagnetic drill collars to reduce ments are used in surface observatories and in
solar wind. Perturbed magnetic states, called these effects along with software techniques to ruggedized downhole MWD equipment, although
compensate for them. some instruments are temperature sensitive and
require stabilization through mechanical design.
Magnetic eld models provide values for mag-
netic declination, magnetic inclination and total
Model Organization Order Resolution, km Update Interval magnetic eld at points on the surface of the
WMM NOAA, NGDC and BGS 12 3,334 5 years Earth; scientists use these models to transform
IGRF IAGA 13 3,077 5 years magnetic measurements to directions in the geo-
BGGM BGS 50 800 1 year graphic coordinate system. Various organizations
EMM and HDGM NOAA and NGDC 720 56 5 years and 1 year have developed geomagnetic reference models
using global magnetic eld measurements taken
> Magnetic eld reference models. Several groups and organizations have
from satellite, aircraft and ships. These organiza-
developed reference models of differing resolution; the models are updated
at various intervals. In the Order column, order increases with the tions include the US National Oceanic and
complexity of the model and in this case refers to spherical harmonic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the NOAA
models. These models construct the global magnetic eld as a sum of terms National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC), the
of varying order and degree. Terms of order n have a total of n circular British Geological Survey (BGS) and the
nodal lines on the sphere at which the magnetic eld contribution is zero.
The orientation of the lines depends on the combination of order and International Association of Geomagnetism and
degree. Resolution corresponds to the wavelength of the highest order term. Aeronomy (IAGA). The models differ in their
resolution in space and time (left).

38 Oileld Review
The World Magnetic Model (WMM) character- Improving Well Position Accuracy sufcient data, the method determines a robust
izes the long-wavelength portion of the magnetic To place wellbores accurately when using mag- correction of the BHA disturbance to be applied
eld that is generated in the Earths core; it does netic guidance, surveying engineers must account for each particular well orientation.
not represent the portions that arise either in the for or eliminate two important sources of survey Multistation analysis is an improvement over
crust and upper mantle or from the disturbance error: interference caused by magnetized ele- the earlier technique of single station analysis in
eld generated in the ionosphere and magneto- ments in the drillstring and local variations which compensation is estimated and applied to
sphere.21 Consequently, magnetic measurements between magnetic north and true, or geographic, each survey station independently. Now com-
may show discrepancies when referenced to the north. Analysis of data from multiple wellbore sur- monly used in the industry, MSA generally
WMM alone. Local and regional magnetic declina- vey stations, or multistation analysis (MSA), has reduces directional uncertainty and aids in pen-
tion anomalies occasionally exceed 10, and decli- become the key to addressing drillstring interfer- etration of smaller reservoir targets than were
nation anomalies on the order of 4 are not ence. Surveying engineers use geomagnetic refer- previously achievable. The technique can elimi-
uncommon but are usually of small spatial extent. encing, which accounts for the inuence of the nate some gyrocompass runs, thus reducing oper-
To account for secular variation, the WMM is crustal eld and the time-varying disturbance ational costs. Service companies have developed
updated every ve years. An international task force eld as well as secular variations in the main mag- data requirements and acceptance criteria that
formed by the IAGA has released International netic eld. have to be fullled when applying MSA, and an
Geomagnetic Reference Field IGRF-11, a series of Multistation analysisMSA is a technique industry standard has been proposed.26
mathematical models of the Earths main magnetic that helps compensate for drillstring magnetic Geomagnetic referencingAnother tech-
eld and its rate of change. These models have reso- interference, which can affect downhole mag- nique for improving wellbore position accuracy,
lution that is comparable to that of the WMM.22 netic surveys.25 Drillstring components generate geomagnetic referencing provides the mapping
Directional drilling requires higher resolu- local disturbances to the Earths magnetic eld between magnetic north and true north that is
tion models than WMM or IGRF alone. The BGS because of their magnetic permeability and necessary to convert magnetically determined
Global Geomagnetic Model (BGGM), widely used remanent magnetization. Using tools manufac- orientations to geographic ones on a local scale.
in the drilling industry, provides the main mag- tured with nonmagnetic materials to isolate The mapping must account for secular variations
netic eld at 800-km [500-mi] resolution and is directional sensors from magnetized drillstring in the main magnetic eld model and include an
updated annually.23 The Enhanced Magnetic components is benecial, but the use of such accurate crustal model. Furthermore, it must
Model (EMM) improves greatly on this spatial tools may be imperfect or impractical because incorporate the time-varying disturbance eld
resolution. The EMM and a successor, the High- they may impact the cost or performance of the when it is signicant. The Schlumberger geomag-
Denition Geomagnetic Model (HDGM), resolve BHA. An alternative is to characterize the magni- netic referencing method builds a custom model
anomalies down to 56 km [35 mi], an order of tude of the disturbance associated with the BHA of the geomagnetic eld, with all its magnetic
magnitude improvement over previous models. so that its inuence is predictable. eld components, to minimize the error in the
By accounting for a larger waveband of the geo- The MSA technique assesses the magnetic mapping between magnetic and true north.27
magnetic spectrum, the HDGM improves the signature of the BHA by comparing the Earths Annually updated magnetic eld models such
accuracy of the reference eld, which in turn main magnetic eld with magnetic data acquired as the BGGM or HDGM accurately track secular
improves the reliability of wellbore azimuth at multiple survey stations. The magnitude of the variations of the main magnetic eld. Surveying
determination and enables high-accuracy drill- perturbation depends on the orientation of the engineers employ such models as the foundation
string interference correction.24 tool relative to the magnetic eld direction. With for a custom model. They use various techniques
17. During quiet periods of solar activity, daily eld 22. For more on the International Geomagnetic Reference 25. Brooks AG, Gurden PA and Noy KA: Practical
variations, called diurnal variations, can have Field (IGRF) model: Glassmeier K-H, Soffel H and Application of a Multiple-Survey Magnetic Correction
magnitudes of about 20 nT at midlatitudes and up to Negendank JFW (eds): Geomagnetic Field Variations. Algorithm, paper SPE 49060, presented at the SPE
about 200 nT in equatorial regions. During periods of Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2009, http://www.ngdc.noaa. Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, New
heightened solar activity, magnetic storms may persist gov/IAGA/vmod/igrf.html (accessed July 21, 2013). Orleans, September 2730, 1998.
for several hours or several days with deviations in 23. For more on the BGS Global Geomagnetic Model Lowdon RM and Chia CR: Multistation Analysis and
magnetic intensity components on the order of several (BGGM): BGS Global Geomagnetic Model, British Geomagnetic Referencing Signicantly Improve
tens to hundreds of nT at midlatitudes. In auroral Geological Survey, Magnetic Survey Results, paper SPE/IADC 79820,
regions, the disturbances occasionally reach 1,000 nT, data_service/directionaldrilling/bggm.html (accessed presented at the SPE/IADC Drilling Conference,
and the declination angle can vary by several degrees July 16, 2013). Amsterdam, February 1921, 2003.
or more. For more on magnetic reference models: Lanza
Macmillan S, McKay A and Grindrod S: Condence Chia CR and de Lima DC: MWD Survey Accuracy
and Meloni, reference 13 and Campbell, reference 5.
Limits Associated with Values of the Earths Magnetic Improvements Using Multistation Analysis, paper
18. Campbell, reference 5. Field Used for Directional Drilling, paper SPE/IADC IADC/SPE 87977, presented at the IADC/SPE Asia Pacic
Lanza and Meloni, reference 13. 119851, presented at the SPE/IADC Drilling Conference Drilling Technology Conference and Exhibition, Kuala
Auster, reference 13. and Exhibition, Amsterdam, March 1719, 2009. Lumpur, September 1315, 2004.
19. Love JJ and Finn CA: The USGS Geomagnetism 24. For more on the Enhanced Magnetic Model (EMM): 26. Nyrnes E, Torkildsen T and Wilson H: Minimum
Program and Its Role in Space Weather Monitoring, Maus S: An Ellipsoidal Harmonic Representation of Requirements for Multi-Station Analysis of MWD
Space Weather 9, no. 7 (July 2011): S07001-1S07001-5. Earths Lithospheric Magnetic Field to Degree and Magnetic Directional Surveys, paper SPE/IADC 125677,
Order 720, Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems 11, presented at the SPE/IADC Middle East Drilling
20. Auster, reference 13.
no. 6 (June 2010): Q06015-1Q06015-12. Technology Conference and Exhibition, Manama,
21. For more on the World Magnetic Model (WMM): Bahrain, October 2628, 2009.
For more on the High-Denition Geomagnetic Model
Maus S, Macmillan S, McLean S, Hamilton B,
(HDGM): Maus S, Nair MC, Poedjono B, Okewunmi S, 27. For a detailed description of crustal magnetic modeling,
Thomson A, Nair M and Rollins C: The US/UK World
Fairhead D, Barckhausen U, Milligan PR and Matzka J: including construction of the vector crustal magnetic
Magnetic Model for 20102015, Boulder, Colorado,
High Denition Geomagnetic Models: A New eld using downward continuation and trilinear
USA: US NOAA technical report, National Environmental
Perspective for Improved Wellbore Positioning, interpolation: Poedjono B, Adly E, Terpening M and Li X:
Satellite, Data, and Information Service/National
paper IADC/SPE 151436, presented at the IADC/SPE Geomagnetic Referencing ServiceA Viable
Geophysical Data Center, 2010.
Drilling Conference and Exhibition, San Diego, California, Alternative for Accurate Wellbore Surveying,
March 68, 2012. paper IADC/SPE 127753, presented at the IADC/SPE
Drilling Conference and Exhibition, New Orleans,
February 24, 2010.

Autumn 2013 39
extensions of this technique, incorporating
remote observatory data to account for time vari-
ations. Surveying engineers use these techniques
to extend the main magnetic eld model and pro-
vide the best estimate of the local magnetic eld,
which is critical for geomagnetic referencing and
multistation drillstring compensation. These
techniques allow magnetic surveying even at
high latitudes, where the local magnetic eld
exhibits extreme variations.
Schlumberger has introduced the geomagnetic
referencing service (GRS) as a cost-effective alter-
native to conducting gyroscopic surveys in real-
time drilling applications.28 GRS provides accurate
data on wellbore position and enables timely cor-
> Plan view of wellbore trajectories, looking down. PGE used a multiwell rections to wellbore trajectory. Surveying engi-
pad design for 14 wells drilled into the Marcellus Shale from a single pad. neers use a proprietary algorithm, a 3D crustal
The plan shows initial uncertainty disks at true vertical depths of 2,500 ft
model and a time- and depth-varying geomagnetic
(red) and 5,000 ft (yellow). As expected, uncertainty grows larger with
increasing distance from the surface location and can impact the drilling reference to correct MWD measurements for mag-
program. None of the red disks intersect each other, nor do the yellow netic drillstring interference, calculate tool orien-
disks, indicating that the wellbores (blue) are clear of each other at those tation from the corrected measurements and
depths. (Copyright 2010, SPE Eastern Regional Meeting. Reproduced with
permission of SPE. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.) advise the directional driller on course adjust-
ments. Coordination between the operator, direc-
tional drilling contractor, MWD survey provider,
for local crustal magnetic mapping, including able to incorporate disturbances caused by diur- geomagnetic observatory and survey engineer is
land, marine or aeromagnetic surveys. Fortu- nal solar activity and magnetic storms into survey essential for managing this survey technique.
nately, the crustal magnetic eld needs to be data processing. Examples from the USA, Canada, offshore Brazil
characterized only once in the life of the reser- The technique of ineld referencing (IFR) and offshore Ghana illustrate a range of geomag-
voir. The disturbance eld, however, varies rap- makes use of data from local magnetic surveys netic referencing applications.
idly over time. Because data are available from near a wellsite to characterize the crustal mag-
magnetic observatories, surveying engineers are netic eld. Service companies have developed Avoiding Collision in the Marcellus Shale
Pennsylvania General Energy (PGE) has under-
taken eld development in the Marcellus Shale
that illustrates the benets of multiwell planning
and the need for quantifying positional uncer-
tainty and assuring collision avoidance. PGE and
its service providers sought to optimize pad
design for multiwell drilling.29 Historically, opera-
tors have developed the Marcellus Shale and
other resources in the Appalachian basin using
inexpensive vertical wells with minimal quality
control on well surveys conducted by gyro and
steering tools. Currently, however, more opera-
tors are turning to multiwell pads and horizontal
drilling to improve logistics and economic and
environmental impact during the development of
shale gas reservoirs.
Operators now are drilling up to 14 wells per
pad on 7-ft [2-m] centers by constructing devi-
ated wells. First, a 17 1/2 -in. surface hole is air
drilled to a depth of about 1,000 ft [300 m] and
then surveyed. A 12 1/4 -in. section for a water pro-
> Pad design and well trajectories. PGE drilled 14 wells into two reservoirs during Phases 1 (magenta) tection string is then air drilled to a true verti-
and 2 (blue) of the drilling campaign. The graphical size of each wellbore corresponds to the size of cal depth (TVD) of 2,500 ft [760 m] using
the EOUs as dened in the survey program. The drilling team conrmed the anticollision condition. At gyro-while-drilling tools to guide the separation
the reservoir entry point, each well needed to have a minimum 200-ft [60-m] separation from its
counterpart drilled in the opposite direction. (Copyright 2010, SPE Eastern Regional Meeting. of wells on the pad. The directional driller uses
Reproduced with permission of SPE. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.)

40 Oileld Review
a north-seeking gyro until the well reaches a
depth that is free of external magnetic interfer-
ence from nearby wellbores. The deeper, devi-
ated 8 3/4 -in. section is simultaneously drilled
and surveyed to total depth (TD) with a rotary
steerable system (RSS) and MWD.
Because accurate surveying and anticollision Y-axis
monitoring are imperative, PGE took a proactive 0m
approach to the multiwell pad design and drilling 400 m

by using a recently proposed anticollision stan- 800 m 400 m

dard.30 Following this procedure, the operator
1,200 m
dened uncertainty areas at three TVDs: 1,000 ft, 800 m
1,600 m
2,500 ft and 5,000 ft [1,500 m]. Well planners per-
1,200 m
formed anticollision analysis of trajectories to 2,000 m

ensure wellbores were properly separated at 2,400 m 1,600 m

these depths. Visualization of wellbore trajecto- 2,800 m
ries, with uncertainty areas plotted at intermedi- 2,000 m
3,200 m
ate and deeper depths, conrmed that the 2,400 m
3,600 m
drilling plan was unlikely to lead to wellbore col-
lision (previous page, top). 2,800 m
6,000 m
The selection of slots in the multiwell pad was 5,000 m 3,200 m
an important aspect of the PGE pad design X-axis 4,000 m
3,600 m
because of the constraints on surface hole loca-
3,000 m
tions and target coordinates. PGE drilled seven 6,000 m
wells into each of two stacked reservoirs. The 5,000 m
4,000 m
drilling engineer completed the nal pad design 3,000 m
after surface holes were drilled and surveyed; 2,000 m Y-axis
then they replanned all wells, recalculated 1,000 m
uncertainty areas and reassessed anticollision
conditions (previous page, bottom). As a result,
the plan reduced the risk of wellbore collision
and its associated costs.

Reaching Difcult Targets Offshore Canada

Geomagnetic referencing techniques have helped
an operator efciently and safely reach its objec-
> Hitting distant targets with an extended-reach well in the Jeanne dArc basin, offshore Canada. This
tives in the Jeanne dArc basin offshore eastern
well trajectory (center) extends approximately 7,000 m [23,000 ft] before dropping to hit two targets
Canada.31 Weather conditions are often severe in (red) at about 4,000 m [13,000 ft]. Insets (top and bottom) show close-up views of the targets and the
this remote area of the North Atlantic, leading ellipsoids of uncertainty (EOUs) for two survey methods. The positional uncertainty (green) of the
operators to develop strategies for minimizing the magnetic surveys without GRS (top) is so large that the well may be outside the targets. With GRS
extent of their offshore installations. The con- (bottom), the positional uncertainty (blue) is well within the size of the targets. (Adapted from Poedjono
et al, reference 27. The images in this gure are copyright 2010, IADC/SPE Drilling Conference and
struction of multiple extended-reach wells drilled Exhibition. Reproduced with permission of SPE. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.)
from slots on gravity-based platforms leverages the
use of infrastructure but creates a crowded sub-
surface, placing a premium on collision avoidance For a successful drilling program, the opera- 28. Lowdon and Chia, reference 25.
and precise wellbore positioning. tor required an accurate description of positional 29. Poedjono B, Zabaldano J, Shevchenko I, Jamerson C,
As a further challenge, the geology of the area uncertainty and a small error ellipsoid. The GRS Kuntz R and Ashbaugh J: Case Studies in the
Application of Pad Design Drilling in the Marcellus
is complex. The sedimentary basin consists of guided drilling program met these requirements Shale, paper SPE 139045, presented at the SPE Eastern
thick, layered sandstones separated by shales and and provided extended drillability, reduced drill- Regional Meeting, Morgantown, West Virginia, USA,
October 1214, 2010.
subdivided by faults into large compartments or ing time and improved chances of hitting the geo- Kuntz R, Ashbaugh J, Poedjono B, Zabaldano J,
blocks. The reservoir is in a fault-bounded sector logic target (above). Shevchenko I and Jamerson C: Pad Design Key for
Marcellus Drilling, The American Oil & Gas Reporter,
in which the target zones are smaller than the seis- 54, no. 4 (April 2011): 111114.
mic resolution. The operator needed to employ High Precision in High Latitudes 30. Poedjono B, Lombardo GJ and Phillips W: Anti-Collision
sophisticated drilling and surveying techniques to Geomagnetic referencing brings signicant Risk Management Standard for Well Placement, paper
SPE 121040, presented at the SPE Americas E&P
hit these small targets while maintaining tight advantages but encounters its greatest challenge Environmental and Safety Conference, San Antonio,
restrictions on wellbore trajectory designs. when applied at high latitude, where the magni- Texas, USA, March 2325, 2009.
31. Poedjono et al, reference 27.
tude of geomagnetic disturbance eld variations
Kuntz et al, reference 29.

Autumn 2013 41
is large. The Eni US Operating Co. Inc. Nikaitchuq
eld in the Beaufort Sea off the North Slope of
Alaska, USA, is one such location. Continuity of
the reservoir is broken by several faults, and drill-
Real-time raw MWD ers need to consider local reservoir compartmen-
survey data
QA/QC by Schlumberger talization in well planning.32 Wellbore positioning
Crustal data must be precise and accurate.
cube coordinates At these high latitudes, the external distur-
bance eld varies dramatically over time.33 This
DED observatory Geomagnetic QA/QC QA/QC disturbance represents the major source of noise
adjusted data referencing remove data with calibration?
QA/QC by USGS processing external interference failed sensor? in magnetic data used for well guidance.
Amplitude variations are as large as 1,000 nT, and
No Yes measured declination angles may vary by several
Pass Nearby well?
QA/QC? degrees during magnetic storms. To account for
Real-time GRS these perturbations, GRS applies time-varying
azimuth correction Yes No
to drill ahead reference data from a nearby observatory to
No End of Yes Total depth No MWD measurements.
bit run? reached? In 2009, the USGS launched a joint public-
private partnership with Schlumberger to begin
Final GRS Yes
definitive surveys Sectional GRS planning for installation and maintenance of a
definitive surveys
final GRS report new observatory, called Deadhorse Geomagnetic
Observatory (DED), at the town of Deadhorse, on
Stop New bit run the North Slope of Alaska. The newest of the 14
observatories, DED is now operated by
> Geomagnetic referencing workow. The workow starts with raw MWD and magnetic observatory Schlumberger under USGS guidance and follows
data streams (shown here as from the DED observatory) and combines them with crustal magnetic eld Intermagnet standards.34
data then progresses through geomagnetic processing, data adjustment and quality control. Instrumentation at the observatory includes a
Processing continuously generates directional drilling corrections and provides denitive surveys at
the end of bit runs. (Adapted from Poedjono et al, reference 32.) triaxial uxgate magnetometer for vector eld
measurements, an Overhauser magnetometer
for total eld intensity measurements and a
single-axis uxgate declination-inclination mag-
netometer (DIM) on a nonmagnetic theodolite.
Data Specialists use DIM and Overhauser data to cali-
58,239 Reference brate the uxgate variational data weekly. USGS
scientists have developed specialized data pro-
cessing algorithms to produce adjusted and den-

57,639 itive versions of real-time data streams received

57,439 remotely at the USGS Geomagnetism Program
57,239 headquarters in Golden, Colorado, USA.35
57,039 The workow for geomagnetic referencing
10,500 11,776 13,052 14,328 15,605 16,881 18,157 19,433 20,710
includes simultaneous acquisition and quality
Depth, ft
control of two data streamsMWD survey data
Data at the rig site and real-time magnetic data at the
58,826 Reference
58,479 observatory (above left).36 Schlumberger wellsite
engineers perform QC of the raw MWD data.
USGS experts execute automated QC and daily

inspection of data from the DED observatory and
apply sensor calibration factors to produce
adjusted observatory data representing the time-
10,500 11,776 13,052 14,328 15,605 16,881 18,157 19,433 20,710 varying disturbance eld correction. GRS pro-
Depth, ft cessing combines the time-stamped disturbance
> Time-varying reference data. Raw magnetic MWD survey data (top, blue) initially exceeded the data eld data, crustal eld data and main magnetic
quality acceptance limits (red) at several depths, but the data passed when referenced to DED eld model data. The algorithm applies the com-
observatory data (bottom). Initial acceptance limits were based on a static reference value (top, green) bined magnetic eld data to the raw MWD sensor
for the local magnetic eld strength, whereas the DED data provided actual time-varying values data at each survey depth and performs multista-
(bottom, green) to which the limits could be referenced. (Adapted from Poedjono et al, reference 32.)
tion processing and geomagnetic referencing,

42 Oileld Review
yielding geographic hole orientation. During Williston Basin
additional processing stages, the algorithm
implements data acceptance logic and computes
a correction to drilling direction. The directional
driller applies the drill-ahead correction until a
new set of surveys is completed and a new drill-
ahead correction is available. At the completion
of each BHA run, surveying engineers apply BHA
deection corrections and compile the nal
denitive survey for that run. 1 mi
The use of time-varying reference data was

1 mi
essential for drilling engineers to plan and exe-
cute drilling in the Nikaitchuq eld. Magnetic
MWD survey raw data initially failed the data
quality acceptance limits at several depths but
improved to an acceptable range when refer-
enced to DED observatory data (previous page,
bottom). Because the company used GRS, drill-
ing activities continued without the need for
dedicated and costly surveying operations beyond

the standard MWD survey stations.

High-Density Wells in the Williston Basin

ConocoPhillips Company has demonstrated that
improved wellbore survey accuracy contributes
to increased oil production. Better survey accu-
racy enables closer well separation and longer
Early producer well spacing:
horizontal wells essential for boosting the ef- one well per 640 acres
ciency of water injection programs designed to
> Field development plan. In a eld in Montana and North Dakota, USA, operators started eld
enhance oil recovery. Operating in two elds near development with one well per 1-mi2 [640-acre, 2.6-km2] parcel. Alternate rows of injector (blue) and
the Cedar Creek anticline along the border producer wells (gray) show planned down-spacing to an interwell spacing of 950 ft [290 m] (red box).
between Montana and North Dakota, USA, the Positional uncertainty needs to be minimized to keep the well trajectories parallel and reduce the risk of
company has systematically studied the accuracy premature breakthrough of water from the injectors. (Adapted from Landry et al, reference 37.)
of existing wellbore survey data and examined
the causes of MWD errors. By developing
improved methodologies for magnetic data col-
lection and reducing those errors, the company
reduced positional uncertainty and contributed To assess the accuracy of MWD surveys, the determined that the principal cause of azimuthal
to both the safety and viability of the horizontal operator conducted several statistical surveys in error was BHA-induced magnetic interference.
drilling program.37 which the positions of wells drilled using MWD Other factors included local magnetic eld varia-
Initially, the operators in these elds placed were compared with positions determined from tions and drillstring sag.
horizontal wells on a 640-acre [2.6-km2] spac- postdrilling gyro surveys. Results showed that Understanding and minimizing BHA-induced
ing. They subsequently reduced well spacing to while the average azimuth deviation between the magnetic interference proved to be the key to
320 acres [1.3 km2] and recongured the well MWD and gyro data was about 1, the differences improving survey accuracy. Surveying engineers
pattern for a line-drive waterood, in which were larger for a signicant number of wells. used specialized software to estimate the contri-
rows of injection wells alternated with rows of After evaluating the data, surveying engineers bution of drillstring interference to azimuth error
producers (above right). Reservoir modeling
32. Poedjono B, Beck N, Buchanan A, Brink J, Longo J, 35. Love and Finn, reference 19.
suggested that reducing well spacing to Finn CA and Worthington EW: Geomagnetic 36. For more on the workow at the DED observatory and on
160 acres [0.65 km2] would be benecial. Referencing in the Arctic Environment, paper SPE the geomagnetic referencing: Poedjono et al,
149629, presented at the SPE Arctic and Extreme reference 32.
However, before proceeding, the operator Environments Conference and Exhibition, Moscow,
37. Landry B, Poedjono B, Akinniranye G and Hollis M:
needed to assess the accuracy of wellbore place- October 1820, 2011.
Survey Accuracy Extends Well Displacement at
33. Merrill et al, reference 13. Minimum Cost, paper SPE 105669, presented at the
ment, because inadvertent convergence of bore-
34. For more on Intermagnet: International Real-time 15th SPE Middle East Oil and Gas Show and Conference,
holes could adversely affect waterood sweep Magnetic Observatory Network, INTERMAGNET, Bahrain, March 1114, 2007.
efciency, reducing hydrocarbon production (accessed
October 16, 2013).
and increasing lifting and disposal costs.

Autumn 2013 43
and evaluate the benets and tradeoffs of placing
Plan View Well-to-well separation nonmagnetic material between the magnetome-
at surface location ters and the rest of the BHA. Because separating
Surface location Surface location
Well 1 Well 3 sensors from the bit can compromise real-time
steering, the operators minimized nonmagnetic
components and instead employed single station
Surface location
Well 2 and multistation processing techniques to correct
the surveys in real time. Postdrilling comparisons
of MWD drilled trajectories with gyro surveys con-
Survey Program B rmed that discrepancies had been reduced sta-
Separation at
provides separation at TD. measured depth tistically, including for instances in which the
real-time magnetic interference corrections were
large. Taking the reduced EOUs into account,
drilling engineers were able to stagger wellhead
positions and optimize wellhead spacing to pre-
vent water breakthrough (left).

Crustal Variations
Uncertainty of Survey Program A In some situations, the main concern is not the
Separation for Survey
Survey Program A Program A relative to the Uncertainty of Survey Program B time-varying eld but the crustal correction.
does not provide offset at TD of Well 3
separation at TD.
Such was the case for one operator in a deepwa-
ter heavy-oil eld offshore Brazil.38 The project
lies in 1,100 m [3,600 ft] of water in the northern
> Strategies for ensuring optimal spacing to prevent water breakthrough. Survey Program B (pink)
Campos basin. The operator had drilled several
delivers higher accuracy than Survey Program A (blue). Had Wells 1 and 2 been drilled from adjacent
surface locations using Survey Program A, the wells may have collided at TD. Survey Program B, with wells using MWD and had observed discrepancies
compensation for magnetic interference, ensures noncollision and allows the wells to be extended to between downhole tool readings and those
planned total depth. By staggering one wellhead to the surface location of Well 3, the operator could expected from the BGGM. To improve magnetic
increase well separation at total depth, drill wells with the desired orientation and spacing and prevent
surveying here, it was necessary to develop a bet-
early water breakthrough. The operator chose to use both Survey Program B and wellhead staggering.
(Adapted from Landry et al, reference 37.) ter model of the local magnetic eld so that well-
bore trajectories would attain their targets. The
company needed to employ a highly accurate geo-
magnetic model to avoid eld acceptance criteria
23.8 failures in real-time drilling. Such failures may
2048 23.4
lead to unnecessary tool retrieval operations
because of suspected tool failure.
22 To resolve the survey discrepancies, a
research team composed of representatives from
Magnetic field declination, degree

the operator, Schlumberger, other contractors

and academia developed a method for mapping
2136 23.2
the magnetic variations using the High-Denition
Field Geomagnetic Model (HDGM2011), which had
23 recently been developed at the US NGDC. The

2200 23 team integrated this large-scale magnetic eld

model with data from a local aeromagnetic sur-
23.2 23 vey to extend the spatial spectrum of the mag-
2224 23.2
netic eld from regional scales down to the
kilometer scale (left).
23.6 The team used two independent methods to
2248 analyze the crustal magnetic model.39 Method 1
24 combined the BGGM with aeromagnetic survey
4000 3936 4000 3936 4000 3936 data and employed an equivalent source method
for downward continuation of the eld to reser-
> Magnetic eld declination maps offshore Brazil. The standard model (left) shows smooth, large- voir depth. Method 2 combined the aeromagnetic
scale variations in magnetic eld declination in the vicinity of the hydrocarbon eld (red polygon). The
higher resolution HDGM (center) includes more detail. The combined HDGM and aeromagnetic survey
model (right) contains the highest resolution information of all three models. All maps show declination
at mean sea level. Differences of nearly 1 in declination are observed between the standard and
highest resolution models near the eld. (Adapted from Poedjono et al, reference 38.)

44 Oileld Review
survey with a long-wavelength crustal eld model Crustal Contribution at Sea Level
provided by the German CHAMP satellite survey
and created a 3D magnetic model for the lease
area. The team established the validity of
Method 2 by comparing the results with marine 1.8

magnetic proles taken from the US NOAA/NGDC 1.6

archive. Magnetic eld model attributes com- 0.4
0.2 1.4
puted with these two methods closely agreed 0.8
with each other when compared at mean sea

Magnetic field declination, degree

level and at the 5,000-m [16,400-ft] reservoir
depth (right).
The team discovered that intermediate-wave- 0.8
length anomalies caused by large-scale magneti-

10,000 m
zation of the oceanic crust had a signicant
impact on local magnetic declination. The 0.4

higher-resolution geomagnetic reference models 0.2

enabled more-rened multistation compensation
for drillstring interference. By comparing predic- 0 0

tions of horizontal and vertical magnetic eld 0.2

components with those from MWD tool readings,
the team established validity of the broadband
models. Data points affected by drillstring inter- 0.6

ference were outside quality control acceptance

10,000 m
bands when processed with the BGGM but were
consistent with the other data when processed Crustal Contribution at 5,000 m
with a high-resolution model.
The team evaluated the importance of the
time-varying disturbance eld using data from 2.0

the nearby Vassouras Magnetic Observatory in 0.8 1.8

Brazil. Results showed small variations in decli- 0.6
0.4 1.6
nation, dip and total eld intensity. Diurnal varia-
0.2 1.2
tions were insignicant at the wellbore positions 1.4
during times of low solar activity, and data from 1.4

Magnetic field declination, degree

the high-resolution static models were sufcient
for these times. Operator representatives con- 1.0

cluded that multistation analysis improved when 0 0.8

they used the high-resolution geomagnetic mod-
10,000 m

els compared with the BGGM magnetic eld pre-
dictions. Signicant localization improvements 0.2 0.4
occurred when they used GRS to correct MWD
raw readings. Estimated wellbore bottomhole
locations shifted signicantly, and the sizes of 0

the ellipsoids of uncertainty and the TVD uncer- 0.2

tainty consistently decreased.
38. Poedjono B, Montenegro D, Clark P, Okewunmi S, 0.6
Maus S and Li X: Successful Application of 0.6
Geomagnetic Referencing for Accurate Wellbore
Positioning in a Deepwater Project Offshore Brazil, 10,000 m
paper IADC/SPE 150107, presented at the IADC/SPE
Drilling Conference and Exhibition, San Diego, California,
March 68, 2012. > Crustal contribution to the magnetic eld declination at two depths in the vicinity of a eld
39. Two proprietary processing methods developed for offshore Brazil. The crustal eld contribution to the magnetic declination is shown in plan
analyzing the crustal eld are discussed in Poedjono et view at mean sea level (top) and at a depth of 5,000 m (bottom). Values were calculated using
al, reference 38. Method 1 was developed by Fugro a method that combined an aeromagnetic survey with a long-wavelength crustal eld model
Gravity & Magnetic Services Inc, now part of CGG.
Method 2 was developed by Magnetic Variation
provided by the German CHAMP satellite survey; the method then created a 3D magnetic
Services LLC. model for the lease area. The 3D magnetic eld changes with depth, in large part because of
the magnetic properties of the Earths crust underlying the sediments offshore Brazil.
(Adapted from Poedjono et al, reference 38.)

Autumn 2013 45
Schlumberger Drilling & Measurements Survey Tool Box
Main File Launch Help

EDI Calculator Reference Check Benchmark Rotation Shot BHA Survey Frequency

Units Survey Data Geomagnetic Reference

Meters GeoMag Field Geographic Region
GridAzimuth 270.00 deg Declination 4.5900 deg
Inclination 90.00 deg Grid Convergence 0.2100 deg Total lBl 49895 nT Dip 61.75 deg
Azimuth Reference
Check Reference DEM Total Correction 4.3800 Region
True North

Grid North Minimum Number of Surveys Required for DMAG 25

BHA Collar Size Nonmagnetic Spacing of BHA Elements

Small (4.75 OD or Less)
D2 100.51 ft MP 52.78 ft D1 36.02 ft
Medium (6.75 and all Medium sizes) NMR

Large (8 OD or More) L2 ft S2 ft L1 ft S1 ft

BHA Conguration Type

PowerDrive Rotary Steerable 1 D2

Steerable Motor Assembly 2
NonMag Steerable Motor 3
Drill Collars or Other BHA 4
Stabilizer + Bit Only Below MWD
Azimuth Error: 4.22 deg
Add Nonmagnetic Spacing
Interfering Field: 1746 nT
Above MWD 0.0 ft Add ..
Calculate Delta FAC dlBl 33 nT

Report Below MWD 0.0 ft Undo Last

Delta FAC dDip 0.07 deg

Open Save Save As .. Clear Exit

> Quantifying magnetic measurement sensitivity to toolstring interference. Modeling codes are used
to simulate the extent of magnetic interference for various survey orientations and BHA designs.
This simulation, taken from the Schlumberger Drilling & Measurements Survey Tool Box, shows the
large azimuthal error (red) that would occur at this particular wellbore grid azimuth of 270 and
inclination of 90 if the driller did not add nonmagnetic spacing material to the BHA in addition to
that included in the initial design (blue). Drilling engineers use these simulations to determine the
length of nonmagnetic material above or below the MWD measure point necessary to reduce the
error sufciently.

Deepwater Success the magnetic measurement to wellbore trajectory magnetic eld processing yielded an updated
Accurate real-time magnetic surveys allow direc- and to the inclusion of nonmagnetic collars for magnetic eld from sea level to a depth of 4,500 m
tional drillers to stay on path and to reduce the BHA variations (above). [14,800 ft] using downward continuation of the
number of required conrmatory gyro surveys. An aeromagnetic survey provided the basis for scalar TMI anomaly. Subsequent processing
Tullow Ghana Ltd. used geomagnetic referencing the custom-built geomagnetic model. This 80-km determined the east, north and vertical
to achieve its objectives to hit distant geologic 80-km [50-mi 50-mi] survey was centered at the components of the magnetic eld and transformed
targets accurately and within budget while devel- Jubilee eld at an altitude of 80 m [260 ft] and them into declination and inclination
oping the Jubilee eld offshore Ghana.40 included presurvey test ights for calibration and perturbations relative to the main magnetic eld.
The operator wanted to drill all wells safely use of a base station as reference for time-varying
40. Poedjono B, Olalere IB, Shevchenko I, Lawson F,
and successfully in the shortest possible time changes in the magnetic eld. Analysts computed Crozier S and Li X: Improved Drilling Economics and
because rig spread costs are exceptionally high in a total magnetic intensity (TMI) anomaly grid Enhanced Target Acquisition Through the Application
of Effective Geomagnetic Referencing, paper SPE
this area. To enable accurate GRS, Schlumberger using the total magnetic eld measured in the 140436, presented at the SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual
surveying experts conducted numerical aeromagnetic survey combined with the 2010 Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria,
May 2326, 2011.
simulations, which quantied the sensitivity of BGGM main magnetic eld model.41 Crustal 41. For more on the processing workow: Poedjono et al,
reference 32.

46 Oileld Review
512,000 m

X-axis 515,000 m
511,800 m X-axis
514,000 m
513,000 0m
512,000511,600 m

0 400 m

400 800 m

800 1,200 m

1,200 1,600 m
512,000 m
1,600 2,000 m
511,800 m

2,400 m

511,600 m
2,800 m

2,800 m
3,200 m

3,200 m 515,000 m
514,000 m
Y-axis 513,000 m
512,000 m X-axis

> An extended-reach well in the Jubilee eld offshore Ghana. The Tullow Ghana Ltd. Well 4 has a long step-out and tangent
prole to hit the target (red). The EOU from standard MWD (top left, green) is larger than the rectangular geologic target.
Because of the smaller EOU from GRS (center left, blue), the operator was able to drill the well with high condence that the
wellbore would penetrate the target. (Adapted from Poedjono et al, reference 40. The images in this gure are copyright
2011, SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition. Reproduced with permission of SPE. Further reproduction
prohibited without permission.)

For the initial wells in the Jubilee eld, stan- Reaching the Target aid processing for drillstring interference com-
dard MWD surveys yielded small enough EOUs These examples illustrate a range of new and pensation and enhance measurement quality
to hit the geologic targets with condence. exacting requirements for wellbore guidance and control by employing customized acceptance
These initial well paths had relatively shallow the geomagnetic measurement technology that criteria. Geomagnetic referencing improves
inclination angles. For more-distant targets has been developed to satisfy those require- well placement accuracy, reduces positional
with higher inclination angles and longer tan- ments. Challenges have included avoiding well- uncertainty and mitigates the danger of colli-
gent sections, the uncertainty associated with bore collision, reducing drillstring magnetic sion with existing wellbores. When used in real-
standard MWD surveys was unacceptably large. interference and accounting for geomagnetic time wellbore navigation, GRS saves rig time,
However, uncertainty was considerably smaller eld variations associated with crustal magne- reduces drilling costs and helps drillers reach
for GRS processed magnetic data, and drillers tism and temporal magnetic eld variations. their targets. HDL
reached their objectives with high condence. Directional drillers now place wellbores
Using GRS, the operator was able to drill the within increasingly demanding targets by relying
well with guaranteed placement of the wellbore on real-time wellbore surveys and small EOUs.
inside the target (above). High-resolution geomagnetic reference models

Autumn 2013 47

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