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Yearbook of the International Centre for Underwater Archaeology in Zadar

Godinjak Meunarodnog centra za podvodnu arheologiju u Zadru

Submerged Heritage
Potopljena batina
Number 5 / Broj 5, Zadar, December 2015/ Prosinac 2015.

Beki, Suri
Fourth Shipwreck Found at Cape Uljeva
Pronaen etvrti brodolom na Uljevi
Beki, Suri
Investigation of upski Zaljev and Lokrum
SUBMERGED HERITAGE - POTOPLJENA BATINA / Number 5 / Broj 5, Zadar, December 2015. / Prosinac 2015.

Istraivanje upskog zaljeva i Lokruma

New Developments in the Survey of
Zadar County
Nove zanimljivosti sa rekognosciranja
Zadarske upanije
Babulja Investigation Continues
Nastavak istraivanja Babuljaa

ISSN 1848-2422
Beki, Suri
The Shipwrecks of Rovinj Project
Projekt Rovinjski brodolomi
Badovinac, Draksler
Project Ljubljanica River Experience and Exhibition Site
Projekt Doivljajsko razstavie Ljubljanica
Underwater archeology in the Czech 2015
esk podvodn archeologie 2015
Croatian-Danish Underwater Archaeology Cooperation
Suradnja Hrvatske i Danske podvodne arheologije
imii, Beki

In this
The Conservation of the Monoxylon from Karlovac
Konzerviranje drvenog monoksila iz Karlovca
Vrgo, Jeli issue
U ovom
The Conservation Finds from the Flacius Street
Konzerviranje nalaza s Flaciusove ulice
Dobrovi, Beki broju:
The three ICUA Libraries in One
Tri knjinice MCPA - u jednoj

Yearbook of the International Centre for Underwater Archaeology in Zadar /

Godinjak Meunarodnog centra za podvodnu arheologiju u Zadru
Number / Broj: 5
Zadar, December / Prosinac 2015.
Publisher / Izdava:
International Centre for Underwater Archaeology in Zadar - UNESCO Category II Centre
Meunarodni centar za podvodnu arheologiju u Zadru - UNESCO centar II kategorije
B.Petranovia 1, HR-23000 Zadar, Hrvatska,
Editor / Urednik: Luka Beki
Translation / Prijevod: Neven Fereni
Graphic Design / Grafiki dizajn: Ivan Diskordia
Print / Tisak: Printera, Zagreb
Print run / Naklada: 500
ISSN: 1848-2422
Not for sale / Nije za prodaju
Frontpage / Naslovnica: Tired diver at Piruzi / Umorni ronioci na Piruzima (photo: M.Pei)
Second page / Druga stranica: David Badovinac and Saa Koren documenting the Vrnika
logboat / David Badovinac i Saa Koren dokumentiraju monoksil kod Vrhnike (photo: M.Pei)

SADRAJ News / Vijesti

str. 4-7

Beki, Suri Beki, Suri

Fourth Shipwreck Found at Investigation of upski Zaljev
Cape Uljeva and Lokrum
Pronaen etvrti brodolom na Istraivanje upskog zaljeva i
Uljevi Lokruma
str. 8-15 str.16-23

Pei Pei
New Developments in the Babulja Investigation
Survey of Zadar County Continues
Nove zanimljivosti sa Nastavak istraivanja Babuljaa
rekognosciranja Zadarske
upanije str. 24-28 str. 29-33

Beki, Suri Badovinac, Draksler

The Shipwrecks of Rovinj Project Ljubljanica River
Project Experience and Exhibition Site
Projekt Rovinjski brodolomi Projekt Doivljajsko razstavie
str. 34-38 str. 39-46

Machov Suri
Underwater archeology in the Croatian-Danish Underwater
Czech 2015 Archaeology Cooperation
esk podvodn archeologie Suradnja Hrvatske i Danske
2015 podvodne arheologije
str. 47-51 str. 52-57

imii, Beki Vrgo, Jeli

The Conservation of the The Conservation of the Finds
Monoxylon from Karlovac from the Flacius Street
Konzerviranje drvenog Konzerviranje nalaza iz
monoksila iz Karlovca Flaciusove ulice
str. 58-63 str. 64-67

Dobrovi, Beki
The three ICUA Libraries in One
Tri knjinice MCPA - u jednoj

str. 68-71
News Vijesti
U Zadru predstavljena monografija
i izloba Luka Vetar
U dvorani Meunarodnog centra za podvodnu arheo-
logiju u Zadru, u petak, 27. veljae 2015. g., javnosti je
predstavljena monografija Luka Vetar - Der Hafen von
Vetar, rad skupine desetak autora. Ova tvrdo ukoriena
knjiga na 300 stranica i dva jezika, hrvatskom i njema-
kom, donosi cjelokupne rezultate dugogodinjeg istra-
ivanja ovog arheolokog nalazita. Knjigu su predstavili Igor Borzi i Mato Ilki sa Sveuilita u
Zadru. Ujedno je otvorena i prigodna izloba s arheolo-
kim nalazima iz Vetra autora Roka Suria i Luke Bekia.

DEGUWA ove godine u Nrnbergu

1. Senior lecturers Ilki and Borzi promote the Vetar
Harbour book / Docenti Ilki i i Borzi predstavljaju knjigu I ove godine je odran tradicionalni, dvadeseti po redu,
Luka Vetar (photo: M. imii)
meunarodni kongres In Posei-
dons Realm XX s posebnom te-
Vetar Harbour Monograph Promotion and mom Kopno pod vodom! u orga-
Exhibition in Zadar nizaciji glasovite njemake udruge

The auditorium of the International Centre for Underwater

Archaeology in Zadar was the venue Friday, 27 February
2015 of a promotion of Luka Vetar - Der Hafen von Vetar
(Vetar Harbour), a monograph of papers by ten authors.
This 300-page bilingual (Croatian and German) hardback
volume compiles the complete results of the multiannual
investigation of this archaeological site. The book was pre-
sented by senior lecturers Igor Borzi DSc and Mato Ilki
DSc of the University of Zadar. The event also included the
opening of an exhibition of the archaeological finds from
Vetar by authors Roko Suri and Luka Beki.

DEGUWA in Nuremberg This Year

In Poseidons Realm XX, the twentieth such international
congress, this year focusing on the topic of Land Under-
2. The DEGUWA congress was held at the well-known
water!, was staged in Nuremberg, Germany by organiser German National Museum / Skup DEGUWA odravao se u
DEGUWA and a number of major culture institutions. The poznatom Nacionalnom germanskom muzeju
(photo: L. Beki)
DEGUWA i vie znaajnih kulturnih ustanova u Nrnber-
gu, Njemaka. Kongres se odravao u Germanskom naci-
onalnom muzeju od 16. do 22. oujka 2015. g., a na nje-
mu je odrano preko etrdeset predavanja. Meu njima
su odrana i etiri s temama iz Hrvatske, pa tako i jedno
o novim rezultatima MCPA Zadar na istraivanjima Veli-
kog osjekog mosta u Dardi.
3. Roko Suri and Marina imii lecture at the DEGUWA
congress in Nuremberg / Predavanje Roka Suria i Marine
imii na DEGUWA-i u Nurnbergu (photo: L. Beki)


congress was held at the German National Museum
from the 16th to 22nd of March 2015 and featured over
forty lectures. Four lectures covered topics focused on
Croatia including one on the latest results of the ICUA
Zadar investigation of the Great Osijek Bridge at Darda.

The Great Osijek Bridge Book Promo

The Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts (HAZU) Institute
for Scientific and Artistic Work in Osijek staged a promotion
of the book The Great Osijek Bridge on Wednesday, 15 April
2015, at the Revival Stateroom of the HAZU National Hall
in Zagreb. The book is the result of research conducted by
4. TINAs Ouz Aydemir spoke at the presentation of The
Great Osijek Bridge / Na predstavljanju knjige Osjeki
most govorio je i Ouz Aydemir iz TINA-e (photo: L. Beki)

Predstavljena knjiga o
Velikom osjekom mostu
U organizaciji Zavoda za znanstveni i umjetniki rad HAZU
u Osijeku, u srijedu, 15. travnja 2015. g. u Preporodnoj dvo-
rani Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti u Zagre-
bu predstavljena je knjiga Veliki Osjeki most. Knjiga je
rezultat istraivakog rada Instituta za povijest umjetno-
sti o tzv. Velikom osjekom ili Sulejmanovom mostu, koji
je kroz movarna podruja u duini od oko 8 kilometara
povezivao povijesna naselja Osijek i Dardu. Arheoloka
5. The book promo was held at the Revival Stateroom of the
HAZU National Hall in Zagreb / Predstavljanje knjige odrano istraivanja i konzerviranje nalaza s trase mosta obavio je
je u Preporodnoj dvorani HAZU u Zagrebu (photo: L. Beki) Meunarodni centar za podvodnu arheologiju u Zadru,
emu je posveeno i jedno poglavlje knjige, koautora
the Institute of Art History on what has been dubbed the Mladena Peia. Knjiga je objavljena uz potporu Velepo-
Great Osijek or Suleimans bridge, which linked the historic slanstva Republike Turske u Republici Hrvatskoj i Turskog
settlements of Osijek and Darda, traversing an eight-kilo- instituta za podvodnu arheologiju iz Istanbula, TINA.
metre expanse of marshland. Archaeological investiga-
Izloba Luka Vetar stigla je u Rovinj
tions and conservation of the finds from the route of the
bridge were conducted by the International Centre for U Zaviajnom muzeju grada Rovinja, 15. svibnja 2015. g.
Underwater Archaeology in Zadar, covered in one of the predstavljena je opirna dvojezina monografija Luka Ve-
books chapters co-authored by Mladen Pei. The book tar - Der Hafen von Vetar, koja prikazuje rezultate arheo-
has been published with the support of the Turkish Em- lokih istraivanja koja je provodio MCPA Zadar uz surad-
bassy in Croatia and the Turkish Institute of Nautical Ar- nju vie institucija. Takoer je sveano
chaeology (TINA) in Istanbul. otvorena izloba arheolokih nalaza pro-
naenih tijekom est godina podvodnih
Vetar Harbour Exhibition in Rovinj
istraivanja na ovom znaajnom nalazitu.
The comprehensive bilingual Luka Vetar - Der Hafen von
Vetar monograph, discussing the results of the archaeolog-
ical investigations conducted by ICUA Zadar in collaboration
with a number of institutions, was presented at the Rovinj
Heritage Museum on the 15th of May 2015. The event also
included the opening of an exhibition of archaeological finds
recovered in the course of the six years of underwater inves-
tigation at his important site. The exhibition features Antiq-
6. The results of six years of investigation at Vetar are
presented in Rovinj / Nakon est godina istraivanja Vetra
rovinjskoj javnosti predstavljeni su rezultati (photo: L. Beki)


uity period finds and those from the post-medieval period Na izlobi su prikazani antiki nalazi, ali i oni koji potjeu iz
during which time Vetar was evidently a significant mari- novojekovnog doba, kada je Vetar oito bio znaajan pomor-
time hub. The exhibition ran through to the end of August ski punkt. Izloba je bila otvorena do kraja kolovoza 2015.
2015 and was visited during the summer by many tourists. g., pa ju je tijekom ljetne sezone posjetio i velik broj turista.

Jrgen Dencker Lectures at ICUA Zadar Predavanje Jrgena Denckera u MCPA Zadar
In the frame of collaboration between the International U sklopu nastavka suradnje Meunarodnog centra za
Centre for Underwater Archaeology and the Danish Agency podvodnu arheologiju i Danske agencije za kulturu, u
for Culture a lecture was staged in Zadar featuring Danish Zadru se odralo predavanje danskog podvodnog arhe-
underwater archaeologist Jrgen Dencker on 9000-Year- ologa Jrgena Denckera pod naslovom 9000 years old
Old Submerged Stone Age Sites in Denmark. The lecture submerged Stone Age Sites in Denmark. Predavanje se
was given on Wednesday, 9 September 2015 at the lecture odralo u srijedu, 9. rujna 2015. g. u uionici Meunarod-
hall of the International Centre for Underwater Archaeolo- nog centra za podvodnu arheologiju u Zadru. Predava-
gy in Zadar. Many experts in the field and students attend- nju je nazoilo mnogo strunjaka i studenata koji su se
ed the lecture, followed by an informal Q&A session nakon predavanja zadrali u razgovoru s ovim po-
with this well-known archaeologist. znatim arheologom.
7. Jrgen
Dencker speaks at
the ICUA Zadar lecture
hall / Predavanje Jorgena
Dencker u uionici
MCPA Zadar (photo:
R. Suri)

Post-Medieval Glass Exhibition Otvorena izloba o

Opens in Pula novovjekovnom staklu u Puli
An exhibition of post-medieval glass from underwater Dana 25. rujna 2015.g., u galeriji C8 Arheolokog muze-
sites in the Istria and Dalmatia regions opened on the 25th ja Istre u Puli sveano je otvorena izloba Novovjekov-
of September 2015 at Gallery C8 of the Archaeological Mu- no staklo iz podmorja Istre i Dalmacije. Autori izlobe su
seum of Istria in Pula. The exhibition authors are Luka Beki Luka Beki i Roko Suri iz MCPA Zadar, a izloba prikazuje
and Roko Suri of ICUA Zadar. The exhibition showcases brojne ulomke razliitih staklenih posuda koje datiraju
numerous fragments of various glassware dated from od 15. do 20. st. Meu izlocima izdvajaju se i neki obli-
the fifteenth to twentieth century. Prominent among the ci boca i aa dosada sasvim nepoznati iroj publici, pa i
exhibits on display are some bottle and glass drinking strunoj javnosti. Na otvaranju je bilo prisutno mnotvo
vessel forms previously entirely unknown to the public posjetilaca te nekoliko novinarskih ekipa.


8. The exhibition in Istria County of post-medieval Odrani poetni teajevi
glassware recovered in underwater research / konzerviranja i restauriranja
Izloba o novojekovnom staklu iz podmorskih istraivanja
stigla je i do Istre (photo: M. imi) U organizaciji MCPA Zadar, a pod pokroviteljstvom UNES-
at large and even to the expert community. Many visitors CO-vog ureda u Veneciji, tijekom studenog i prosinca
and several news teams were on hand for the opening. 2015.g. odrani su poetni teajevi konzerviranja i restau-
riranja podvodnih arheolokih nalaza. Na meunarodni te-
ICUA Stages Introductory Conservation
aj je primljeno osmero polaznika, koji dolaze iz Albanije,
and Restoration Courses
Hrvatske, Grke, Libanona i Makedonije. Njihov boravak
Introductory courses in the conservation and restoration of i rad u radionicama specijaliziranim za metal, keramiku i
underwater archaeological finds, organised by ICUA Zadar staklo, te organsku grau je trajao dva tjedna. Osim teo-
and supported retske izobrazbe, svi polaznici su imali mogunost ispro-
by the UNESCO bati tehnike konzerviranja i na originalnim predmetima.
office in Venice, Poetkom naredne godine provoditi e se novi teajevi.
were held in
November and
December of
2015. Eight par-
ticipants were accepted for the international course coming
from Albania, Croatia, Greece, Lebanon and Macedonia. They
spent two weeks working in the workshops specialised in met-
al, ceramics, glass and organic materials. Along with theoretical
instruction, the participants were afforded the opportunity
to try their hand at conservation techniques on original
artefacts. New courses will be staged in the beginning
of the coming year.

9. Studenti promatraju proces odsoljavanja metalnih

predmeta / Students observing process of desalination of
metal objects (photo: M. imii)


Fourth Shipwreck Found at Cape
Uljeva near Linjan
Pronaen etvrti brodolom na
Uljevi kod Linjana
Luka Beki, Roko Suri
From the 15th to 26th of September 2015 the International Meunarodni centar za podvodnu arheologiju u Zadru
Centre for Underwater Archaeology conducted underwater proveo je od 15. rujna do 26. rujna 2015. godine podvod-
archaeological investigations at Cape Uljeva, where the re- no arheoloko istraivanje na rtu Uljeva gdje se na maloj
mains of four shipwrecks are found standing at a small dis- udaljenosti nalaze ostaci etiri brodoloma. Istraivanja su
tance from one another. Investigation has been conducted provedena na tri brodoloma, dok se na novootkrivenom,
of three of the shipwrecks, while the fourth, newly discov- etvrtom izvrio povrinski pregled. Ovogodinja istrai-
ered wreck, has been subjected to a surface inspection. vanja provedena su u nastavku na viegodinja istraiva-
This years investigation was conducted as a continuation nja koja se provode od 1998. godine.
of multiannual research that has been on-going since 1998.
Struni voditelj arheolokog istraivanja bio je dr. sc. Luka
Serving as expert leader of the archaeological research cam- Beki, a njegov zamjenik Mladen Pei, oboje iz Meuna-
paign is Luka Beki DSc, with deputy leader Mladen Pei, rodnog centra za podvodnu arheologiju. Ostatak strune
both of the International Centre for Underwater Archaeol- i tehnike ekipe inili su arheolozi Marina imii i Roko
ogy in Zadar. The other members of the expert team are ar- Suri iz Meunarodnog centra za podvodnu arheologiju
chaeologists Marina imii and Roko Suri of the Interna- u Zadru (MCPA), te polaznici teaja podvodne arheologi-
tional Centre for Underwater Archaeology in Zadar (ICUA), je Jelena elebi (Crna Gora), Veronika Zerznov (eka),
and participants of an underwater archaeology course Je- Barbora Machov (eka), Bartlomiej Grzywniak (Poljska) i
lena elebi (Montenegro), Veronika Zerznov (Czech Re- Ahmed Ali Mohamed Al-Siyabi (Oman).
public), Barbora Machov (Czech Republic), Bartlomiej Grzy-
wniak (Poland) and Ahmed Ali Mohamed Al-Siyabi (Oman). Istona obala istarskog poluotoka je za razliku od zapadne,
siromana uvalama pogodnim za sidrenje u sluaju jakih i
Unlike the western shores, the eastern shores of the Istrian nepogodnih vjetrova. Upravo iz tog razloga uvala Kuje bila
peninsula offer few coves suitable for anchorage in times je privlana svim moreplovcima koji su se u trenutku ne-
of strong and dangerous winds. It was for this reason that povoljnih vjetrova nali s te strane Istre, prema Velim vra-
Kuje Cove was attractive to all seafarers when navigating tima Kvarnerskog zaljeva. Na samom ulazu u uvalu, s lijeve
the waters of this side of the Istrian peninsula in unfavour- strane, nalaze se plitke kamene hridine ispred rta Uljeva,
able winds, facing Vela Vrata, the main channel leading into koje su predstavljale opasnu prepreku za sve koji su na-
mjeravali ui u uvalu. Podvodne hridi proteu se u duini
od oko 200 m i irine su 50ak m. Teren karakterizira-
ju visoke stijene, krape i jame s pijeskom meu
1. The njima. Na ovim hridinama do ovogodinjih
Bura wind kicks up
istraivanja prepoznata su tri brodoloma, a
powerful waves at
Cape Uljeva / ove godine otkriven je i etvrti brodolom
Tijekom bure rt Uljeva nedaleko od prethodnih. Brodovi koji su
zapljuskuju snani
doivjeli havariju na ovim hridinama vjero-
valovi (photo: M.
Pei) jatno su se uslijed jakih valova (naroito bure
koja na tom dijelu stvara izrazito velike valove)
raspali, a teret im se rasuo po morskom dnu. Zbog ve
opisanih karakteristika morskog dna, nalazi su se zaglavili
su krapama meu stijenama, a dio je naknadno zatrpan
pijeskom i sitnim kamenjem.


Ostaci brodoloma Uljeva A najblii su ulazu u uvalu, a nalaze
se na sjeverozapadnom dijelu hridina, dok se Uljeva C nalazi
50-ak metara junije od njega. Brodolom Uljeva B nalazi se
na jugoistonom zavretku hridinastog terena na udaljenosti
od 150 m od prethodna dva. Ostaci novootkrivenog brodo-
loma Uljeva D nalaze se 150-ak metara istono od Uljeve B.

2. Instructor Suri explains the working principle of the

water pumps to course participants / Instruktor Suri
objanjava polaznicima teaja princip rada s vodenom
pumpom (photo: M. imii)
Kvarner Bay. There are shallow submarine rocks at the very
mouth of the cove, to the left side of Cape Uljeva, consti-
tuting a treacherous obstacle to those intending to enter
the cove. The submarine rock stretches across a distance of 3. Course participants practice classic underwater
about 200 metres and is about 50 metres wide. The terrain measurements / Polaznici teaja vjebaju klasino
podvodno mjerenje (photo: M. Pei)
is characterised by high rocks with crevices and sand-filled
cavities between them. Up to this years investigation three Cilj istraivanja koja se provode na ovom nalazitu jest pri-
shipwrecks had been identified on these rocks a fourth kupiti to je mogue vie informacija o samim brodolomi-
was discovered this year not far from the others. The ships ma. Stoga se arheoloki iskopavaju jame izmeu hridina
wrecked on these rocks likely fell apart on account of the kako bi se nalo sve, pa i najmanje nalaze. Prilikom iskopa-
action of the powerful waves (especially those driven by the vanja prikupljaju se svi arheoloki predmeti, koji se iznose
north-easterly Bura wind), with their cargoes strewn across na povrinu, odnosno na brod, gdje se dokumentiraju, vau
the seabed. As a result of the above noted characteristics of i prebrojavaju. Podaci dobiveni tim metodama unose se u
the seabed, the finds were trapped in the crevices between unaprijed pripremljene tablice. Tipoloki znaajni nalazi se
the rocks, part of which were subsequently filled with sand izdvajaju i pakiraju dok se ostatak nalaza vraa u jamu u ko-
and small stones. joj su i pronaeni. Na taj nain se vaniji arheoloki nalazi

The remains of the Uljeva A shipwreck are closest to the

mouth of the cove, on the northwest section of the rocks,
while Uljeva C is located some 50 metres to the south. Ship-
wreck Uljeva B is located on the southeast termination of
the rocky terrain at a distance of about 150 metres from A
and C. The remains of the newly discovered shipwreck Ul-
jeva D are located some 150 metres to the east of Uljeva B.

The objective of the investigation being conducted at this

site is to collect the greatest possible quantity of information
pertaining to the shipwrecks. Archaeological excavation of
the cavities between the rocks is carried out with the aim
of finding all, even the smallest finds. All archaeological ma-
terial is collected during excavation and brought up to the
surface, i.e. the boat, where they are documented, weighed
and counted. The data procured by this method is logged in
4. Many of the finds at Uljeva A are found between the
tables prepared in advance. Typologically significant finds rocks / Na Uljevi A mnotvo je nalaza izmeu stijena
are segregated and packed, while the remainder are restored (photo: M. Pei)


5. All finds
are raised from the
seabed to the boat for
documentation / Svi nalazi
podiu s dna na brod radi
(photo: M. Pei)

to the cavity in which they were found. In this manner the odvajaju za daljnja prouavanja, a ujedno su sauvani od krae
more significant archaeological finds are set apart for further ili devastacije, dok je lokalitet i dalje vizualno atraktivan s velikim
study and also preserved from looting or devastation, while koliinama arheolokih nalaza u jamama.
the locality remains visually attractive with a large quantity
of archaeological finds in the cavities. Dokumentacija pod morem vrena je pomou fiksne mree. Mre-
a je nainjena od fiksnih toaka (klinova) s brojevima, a nakon
Submarine documentation was conducted with the aid of a to je nekoliko puta izmjerena, postavljena je kao dokumenta-
fixed grid. The grid consists of numbered fixed points (spikes) cijska osnova u kompjuterski program Site recorder. Glavna ulo-
after several measurements are taken the grid is entered ga mreita bila je pozicioniranje jama u prostor, a time i nalaza.
into the Site Recorder software application as a documen-
tation basis. The chief role of the grid is to provide a spatial Osim izmjerom lokanog mreita, pozicioniranju jama i nalaza
reference for the cavities, and thereby for the finds. uvelike je pomoglo skeniranje morskog dna viesnopnim sona-
rom koje je 2014. g. provela Harpha Sea iz Slovenije. Snimanjem
morskog dna izraena je batimetrijska, georeferencirana, kar-
ta podmorja Uljeve. Naknadom raunalnom obradom te karte
izrauju se posebni nacrti jama pojedinog brodoloma.

Svrha mapiranja jama je u tome to se na taj nain svaki pro-

naeni predmet moe pripisati odreenoj jami, a time se auto-
matski pozicionira unutar brodoloma, to bi u konanici moglo
dovesti do jasnije slike o samoj veliini broda, teretu i nainu na
koji se on raspao.

Istraivanja su se zbog povremenih vremenskih neprilika vrila

i juno od rta Uljeva, u uvali Kuje. Tako se na mjestu na kojem
6. Inspected sherds are returned to the seabed in nets /
Pregledani ulomci vraaju se na dno u mreama se na povrini pronalaze novovjekovni nalazi opeke, stakla i ke-
(photo: L. Beki) ramike, iskopao jedan arheoloki probni rov veliine 3 x 1 m.


Besides the survey of the local grid, the positioning of cav- Istraivanje brodoloma Uljeva C izvrilo se s kopna i to na na-
ities and finds was greatly assisted by multibeam sonar in da su ronioci i oprema ulazili s obale, a na stijeni na samoj
scanning of the seabed conducted in 2014 by the Slove- obali nalazila se vodena pumpa za mamute. Kako bi se moglo
nian company Harpha Sea. Recording of the seabed pro- izvriti sondiranje na nalazitu, crijeva i mamuti razvueni su u
duced a bathymetric, geo-referenced map of the seabed duini od gotovo 80 m. Pokazalo se da je to dobar nain da se
of Uljeva. Further computer processing of the map pro- istraivanje nastavi unato velikim valovima koji su sprjeavali
duced separate drawings of the cavities pertaining to in- istraivanje pomou broda.
dividual shipwrecks.

The purpose of mapping the cavities is to attribute every

recovered artefact to a given cavity, automatically posi-
tioning it within the shipwreck location, which, in the final
tally, should provide us with a clearer image of the size of
the vessel, its cargo and the manner in which it fell apart.

Due to intermittent inclement weather investigation was

also conducted to the south of Cape Uljeva, in Kuje Cove.
An archaeological exploratory trench of 3 by 1 metres was
excavated at a location with surface finds of post-medieval
brick, glass and pottery.

7. The current state of investigation at Uljeva A /

The investigation of the Uljeva C shipwreck was conduct- Stanje istraenosti Uljeve A (author: Harpha sea / R. Suri)
ed from land such that the divers and equipment entered
from the shore, with a water pump located on the shore- to se tie arheoloke grae, oito je kako se na Uljevi A pro-
line rock to power the dredges. In order to enable trench- nalazi znatno vie nalaza od Uljeve B. Velika veina prona-
ing of the site the piping and dredges were extended to enih nalaza je keramika, a meu njima prevladavaju na-
a length of almost eighty metres. This was shown to be lazi amfora, dok se na Uljevi B pronalazi i znaajno vei broj
a good method by which to continue the investigation kuhinjskog posua. Novovjekovni brodolom Uljeva C sadri
when large waves precluded boat-launched investigation. nalaze opeka, keramikih posuda i stakla.

In terms of the archaeological material it is evident that Ul- Meu svim brodolomima na Uljevi, brodolom Uljeva A zasi-
jeva A has yielded a significantly greater quantity of finds gurno je najbogatiji arheolokim nalazima. Ove su se godine
than has Uljeva B. The great majority of the recovered finds istraivale jame AJ5, AJ6, AJ9 i AJ10. Obrisi jama izvueni su
are ceramic, predominant among which are amphorae, s batimetrijske karte, pa se moglo s najveom dozom preci-
while Uljeva B has yielded a much greater quanti- znosti stupiti u iskopavanje. U jamama su pronaeni ulomci
ty of cooking ware. Post-medieval shipwreck amfora, dijelovi grla, dna, ruaka i poklopaca za amfore.
Uljeva C yielded finds of brick, ceramic U nekim su se jamama osim ulomaka amfora mo-
ware and glass. gli pronai i ulomci raznog kuhinjskog posua.

Among all of the shipwrecks at Ul- Na Uljevi A je dosada iskopano 15 jama u ko-
jeva, shipwreck Uljeva A is certain- jima se nalazilo sveukupno 1731,9 kilograma
ly the most abundant in terms of nalaza, koji su izvaeni na brod. Od toga je
archaeological finds. This year we zabiljeeno 3636 ulomaka amfora od kojih
investigated cavities AJ5, AJ6, AJ9 34 iljaka, 40 epova, 89 dijelova ruaka i 42
and AJ10. The contours of the cavi- dijela oboda. Uz njih tu su i brojni drugi nalazi
ties were evident from the bathymetric pojedinanih oblika posua brodske kuhinjske
maps and we were able to undertake ex- keramike, avala, ulomaka tegula i stakla.
cavation with the greatest possible measure of 8. An
precision. Sherds of amphorae neck, base, han- example of the U ovogodinjoj arheolokoj kampanji na Uljevi B
amphorae plugs
dle and amphorae plug sections were recovered from Uljeva A / Primjer istraeno je 6 jama: BJ27, BJ32, BJ33, BJ52, BJ53
from the cavities. Along with amphorae sherds epova amfora s i BJ54. Za plan nalazita iskoritene su batime-
some of the cavities also yielded sherds of vari- Uljeve A trijske karte, to je rezultiralo preciznim obrisi-
(photo: L. Beki)
ous cooking ware. Fifteen pits have been excavated ma jama. Iako se u istraenim jamama pronalaze


at Uljeva A so far, yielding a total
of 1,731.9 kilograms of finds that
were brought up to the boat. Of
that we registered 3,636 ampho-
rae sherds, of which 34 amphorae
spikes, 40 plugs, 89 handle sections and
42 rim sections. Besides these there are nu-
merous other finds of individual forms of
The rim of a
ships galley ceramic cooking ware, nails,
Spatheion amphora tegulae sherds and glass.
from Uljeva B /
Obod Spatheion amfore
Six pits were investigated in this years
s Uljeve B
(photo: L. Beki) archaeological campaign at Uljeva B:
BJ27, BJ32, BJ33, BJ52, BJ53 and BJ54. The
bathymetric maps were used to produce the
site map, which resulted in precise pit contours. Although
we do find amphorae sherds in the investigated cavities, the
9. The current state of investigation at Uljeva B/ Stanje
bulk of the finds is made up of numerous sherds of cooking istraenosti Uljeve B (author: Harpha sea / R. Suri)
ware of the Aegean Coarse Ware type.
ulomci amfora, glavninu nalaza predstavljaju brojni dijelo-
A total of 267.5 kilograms of finds were inspected at Uljeva vi kuhinjskog posua koje pripada tzv. egejskom kuhinj-
B, including 1,813 amphorae sherds, of which 35 ampho- skom posuu (Aegean Coarse Ware).
rae spikes, three plugs, 65 handle sections, 52 rim sections
and seven spikes, eight ballast stones and three fragments Na Uljevi B pregledano je sveukupno 267,5 kilograma nala-
of glass. za, meu kojima se izdvaja 1813 ulomaka amfora od ega
35 iljaka, 3 epa, 65 dijelova ruki, 52 dijela oboda, 7 kli-
Pits CJ3, CJ5, CJ6, CJ7 and CJ8 were investigated at Uljeva nova, 8 balastnih kamenova i 3 ulomka stakla.
C, while investigation of CJ9 has not been completed. The
bulk of the finds consists of brick, which was not collected, Na Uljevi C istraene su jame CJ 3, CJ5, CJ6, CJ7, CJ8, a CJ9
followed by sherds of glazed post-medieval ware, two iron je ostala nedovrena. Glavninu nalaza ine opeke, koje se
nails while the most interesting find is that of a section of a nisu prikupljale, potom fragmenti glaziranog novovje-
perforated wooden beam. kovnog posua, dva eljezna avla, a najzanimljiviji nalaz
predstavlja dio drvene grede s rupom.

Nalaz obraene drvene grede s rupom - utorom duboko

u sedimentu CJ 6 zajedno s arheolokim nalazima koje
pripisujemo razdoblju, svjedoi o drvenom brodu
koji se ovdje potopio zajedno sa svojim teretom. U meu-
vremenu je izraena c-14 analiza starosti drveta na Adam
Mickiewicz laboratoriju u Poznanju u Poljskoj. Rezultat
mjerenja uzorka pod oznakom POZ 76254 je BP 230+30
to kalibrirano iznosi AD 1719+71.g. Veliki raspon mogu-
ih vrijednosti je zbog nepravilne krivulje, koja ukazuje na
dvije mogunosti - ili je rije o brodolomu iz druge polo-
vine ili s kraja Stoga e tek precizna tipoloka
analiza arheolokih nalaza pomoi u odluci da li je rije o
11. The current state of investigation at Uljeva C / Stanje
istraenosti Uljeve C (author: Harpha sea / R. Suri) brodu iz 17. ili

The find of a worked wooden beam with a hole/slot deep Dio drvene grede trenutno je u postupku konzerviranja i
in the sediment of CJ6, together with archaeological finds restauriranja u MCPA Zadar, a tijekom postupka odrediti
we attribute to the seventeenth century, bear witness to e se i vrsta drveta od koje je bio graen brod.
the wooden ship that sank here with its cargo. Radiocar- Koliko su hridine ispred rta Uljeva za drevne moreplovce bile
bon analysis of the woods age was conducted at the Adam pogubne, svjedoi nam pronalazak jo jednog brodoloma,


12. A wooden beam from the Uljeva C shipwreck / Drvena
greda s brodoloma Uljeva C (photo: L.Beki)

Mickiewicz laboratory in Pozna, Poland. The result of the

measurement of the sample designated as POZ 76254 is
BP 230+30, yielding a calibrated result of AD 1719+71. The 14. Imbreces and tegulae at the Uljeva D shipwreck
broad range of the value is due to an irregular curve, indi- position / Imbreksi i tegule na poziciji brodoloma Uljeva D
(photo: L. Beki)
cating two possibilities the shipwreck is either from the
second half of the seventeenth or the end of the eighteenth koji se naziva Uljeva D. Radi se o brodolomu iz vremena an-
century. A precise typological analysis of the archaeological tike, a karakterizira ga teret koji je prenosio, odnosno veliki
finds will, then, be required to ascertain whether the ship is rimski krovni pokrov tegule, imbreksi i cijevi Tubi fittili. Brod
from the seventeenth or eighteenth century. je udario o stijene na jugoistonom kraju uljevskih hridina, i
s teretom je potonuo na 9 m dubine. Pronaao ga je L. Beki
prilikom rekreativnog ronjenja na godinjem odmoru. Pri-

13. The carbon 14 dating curve of a section of the wooden

ship / Krivulja C14 datacije dijela drvenog broda
(OxCal 1.7.4.)

The wooden beam section is currently undergoing conser-

vation and restoration treatment at ICUA Zadar the type 15. A Roman tubi fittili pipe from the Uljeva D shipwreck /
of wood used in the construction of the boat will be deter- Rimski Tubi fittili s brodoloma Uljeva D (photo: L. Beki)
mined in the treatment process. likom ovih istraivanja, istraivaki tim MCPA obavio je po-
vrinski pregled brodoloma, a posebno se pazilo da ostane
Just how perilous the rocks off Cape Uljeva were for ancient intaktan, odnosno da se to manje nalaza pomie. to vea
seafarers is evidenced by the find of yet another shipwreck, izvorna ouvanost brodoloma bitna je u koliko e se za sli-
designated as Uljeva D. It is an Antiquity period shipwreck jedeu kampanju izvesti fotografiranje brodoloma u svrhu
as characterised by the cargo it bore Roman roofing tiles, izrade fotomozaika ili fotogrametrije, ovisno o sredstvima
tegulae, imbreces and pipes tubi fittili. The ship ran aground koja e biti na raspolaganju.
to the southeast end of the Uljeva rocks and sank with its
cargo in nine metres of water. It was found by L. Beki during Osim iskopavanja koja su provedena na trima brodolo-
holiday recreational diving. For this investigation the ICUA mima na hridima sjeverno od rta Uljeva, provedena su


investigation team conducted a surface inspection of the iskopavanja juno od rta Uljeva, unutar uvale Kuje. Isko-
shipwreck, taking particular care that it remains intact, i.e. pavanje u uvali provelo se kad je zbog jakog vjetra i valo-
that as few finds as possible are moved. The highest possi- va bilo nemogue izvriti efikasno i sigurno iskopavanje
ble level of the preservation of the shipwreck is critical if a sjeverno od rta Uljeva.
follow-on campaign is to conduct photography of the ship-
wreck to produce a photo-mosaic or photogrammetry, de- Rekognosciranjima uvale Kuje koja su provedena prijanjih
pending on the available financing. godina, ustanovljeno je da se na odreenim pozi-
cijama u uvali mogu pronai hrpe s fragmentira-
nim opekama i novovjekovnim nalazima. Zasada
se smatra kako je rije o odbaenom balastu ov-
dje usidrenih brodova. Na jednoj od pronae-
nih balastnih gomila na istonoj strani uvale
iskopao se rov dimenzija 3 x 1 m
kako bi se dobio uvid u stra-
tigrafiju. Stratigrafijom je po-
tvreno da se radi o tankom
zasipu debljine oko dva-
desetak centimetara, ispod
kojeg nema daljnjih nalaza.

Iskopavanjem rova nailo se na 17. A

niz novovjekovnih nalaza. Preteno post-medieval
bottles from Kuje /
16. The water pump and attendant equipment on a small se radi o fragmentima opeka i openi- Novovjekovne
inflatable boat / Vodena pumpa i pripadajua oprema to graevinske ute, no pronaena je boce iz Kuja
nalazila se na manjem gumenjaku (photo: R. Suri) (photo: L. Beki)
i velika koliina ulomaka novovjekov-
Besides those conducted at the three shipwrecks on the rocks nog posua, stakla i metala. Od posebnih
to the north of Cape Uljeva, excavations were also conducted nalaza istiu se dvije staklene perle koje su
to the south of the cape, within Kuje Cove. Excavations in the se slijepile jedna za drugu, koje svje-
cove were carried out when strong wind and waves preclud- doe o greci u proizvodnji.
ed effective and safe excavations to the north of Cape Uljeva.
Arheoloka istraivanja na trima bro-
The archaeological survey of Kuje Cove conducted in previous dolomima na Uljevi do sad su, una-
years established that piles of fragmented brick and post-me- to velikom stupnju devastiranosti,
dieval finds are found at certain positions in the cove. For now iznjedrila znaajne podatke vezane
it is presumed that this is ballast ejected from ships anchored uz njihovu povijest. Osim devastacije
here. At one of the found ballast heaps on the east side of koju su nainili ljudi u ne tako dav-
the cove a 3 by 1 metre trench was excavated to provide in- noj prolosti, bitan imbenik koji je
sight into the stratigraphy. The stratigraphy confirmed that utjecao na slabu ouvanost je i karakter 18. Post-
this is a thin deposit with a depth of about twenty centime- same lokacije, odnosno, stjenovito dno medieval glass
tres beneath which there are no further finds. na plitkoj obali izloenoj jakim udari- beads from Kuje
/ Novovjekovne
ma valova. Arheoloka iskopavanja
staklene perle iz
Excavation of the trench yielded a number of post-medieval pokazala su se tako kao idealno rjee- Kuja (photo:
finds. For the most part these are fragments of brick and con- nje za dobivanje podataka o ostacima L. Beki)
struction rubble in general, but we also found a large quantity brodoloma.
of sherds of post-medieval ware, glass and metal. Prominent
among the special finds are two fused glass beads, bearing Posebno je vano da se brodolomi istrae u cijelosti, no isto
witness to manufacturing defects. tako bitno je da ostanu in situ kako lokacija ne bi izgubila
na atraktivnosti u sluaju da se pripremi za organizirane
The archaeological investigation of the three shipwrecks at posjete. Pokazalo se da je sustav istraivanja i dokumenti-
Uljeva to date, in spite of a high level of devastation, has gen- ranja koji se provodi prilikom istraivanja na Uljevi najbolji
erated significant data related to their history. Besides the nain da se ova dva pravila ispotuju i provedu u cijelosti.
devastation committed by humans in the very recent past, Osim otkria novog brodoloma Uljeva D, ovogodi-
a significant factor that has contributed to the poor state of nja kampanja pokazala se kao izuzetno korisna u vidu


19. The Uljeva 2015 team: standing from the left / Ekipa Uljeva 2015. Stoje slijeva: Ahmed Ali Mohamed
Al-Siyabi, Roko Suri, Marina imii, Jelena elebi, Veronika Zerznov, Bartlomiej Grzywniak,
Barbora Machov; squatting from the left / ue slijeva: Luka Beki, Mladen Pei (photo: M. Pei)

preservation is the nature of the location itself, i.e. the rocky implementacije podataka dobivenih prologodinjom
bottom of a shallow shore exposed to powerful wave ac- izradom batimetrijske karte na Uljevi, u svakodnevni rad
tion. The archaeological excavations have been shown to be na terenu. Kampanju je obiljeilo i iskopavanje u uvali
the ideal solution for obtaining data on the remains of the Kuje, ime se nastoji upotpuniti slika rta Uljeve i uvale
wrecked ships. Kuje kao povezane cjeline.

It is particularly important that the shipwrecks are investigated Jednom dijelu istraivanja prikljuili su se i studenti koji
in their entirety, but it is likewise important that they remain su polagali Napredni teaj za podvodnu arheologiju, a ko-
in situ so that the location does not lose its attractiveness jeg je MCPA organizirao paralelno s ovogodinjim istra-
in the event that it is set up for organised visits. It has been ivanjima. Na taj nain dala im se prilika da iz prve ruke
shown that the system of investigation and documentation ue o podvodnim istraivanjima, ali i o dokumentaciji
being conducted at Uljeva is the best means whereby these nalazita i nalaza.
two rules are respected and implemented in full.
Arheolokim istraivanjima ovog prostora dobila se jasni-
Besides the discovery of a new shipwreck Uljeva D, this ja slika potencijala koji se krije u podmorju ove lokacije
years campaign has proven to be exceptionally beneficial in na zapadnoj istarskoj obali. Poseban znaaj ovi lokaliteti
terms of the use of data obtained in last years production of bi dobili u koliko bi se oni iskoristili za popunjavanje tu-
bathymetric maps of Uljeva in everyday work in the field. Also ristike ponude u jugoistonoj Istri.
prominent in this campaign were excavations at Kuje Cove
with the objective of completing the picture of Cape Uljeva Bibliography: / Literatura:
and Kuje Cove as connected contexts. Beki, L. 2012 - Launch of Systematic Research of Roman Period
Shipwrecks at Cape Uljeva / Poetak sustavnih istraivanja antikih
One part of the investigation was joined by students attend- brodoloma na rtu Uljeva. Potopljena batina / Submerged Herit-
ing the advanced level underwater archaeology course organ- age 2, Zadar 2012. 34 - 38.
ised by ICUA parallel to this years investigations. This afford- Beki, L. 2012b - Rt Uljeva A i B, Linjan. Hrvatski arheoloki godin-
ed them a first-hand opportunity to learn about underwater jak 9/2012. Zagreb.
investigation and about site and find documentation. Beki, L. 2013 - Continued Research of the Roman Period Ship-
wrecks at Cape Uljeva near Linjan / Nastavak istraivanja antikih
The archaeological investigation of this area has provided us brodoloma na rtu Uljeva kod Linjana. Potopljena batina / Sub-
with a clearer picture of the potential of the seabed in this merged Heritage 3, Zadar 2013. 31-34.
location on the western Istrian coast. These localities could Beki, L. 2014 - Three Shipwrecks at Cape Uljeva near Linjan / Tri
acquire special significance if they were to be utilised in sup- brodoloma na rtu Uljeva kod Linjana. Potopljena batina / Sub-
plementing the tourism offer of southeast Istria. merged Heritage 4, Zadar 2014. 25-32.


Investigation of upski Zaljev
and Lokrum
Istraivanje upskog zaljeva
i Lokruma
Luka Beki, Roko Suri

1. Separating From the 31st of August to the 7th of Meunarodni centar za podvodnu arheologiju u Zadru (MCPA)
amphorae fused September 2015 the International u suradnji s Arheolokim muzejom Dubrovakih muzeja (DU-
to the rock at the
Sveti Petar A shipwreck Centre for Underwater Archaeo- MUS) proveo je podmorsko arheoloko istraivanje na po-
/ Odvajanje amfora logy in Zadar (ICUA) in collabora- druju upskog zaljeva i Lokruma u razdoblju od 31. kolovoza
sraslih sa stijenom na tion with the Archaeological Mu- do 7. rujna 2015. Struni voditelj radova podvodnog arheo-
brodolomu Sv. Petar A
(photo: L. Beki) seum of the Dubrovnik Museums lokog istraivanja bio je dr. sc. Luka Beki, a ostatak strune
(DUMUS) conducted underwater ar- i tehnike ekipe inili su podvodni arheolozi Mladen Pei,
chaeological investigation in the area of Marina imii i Roko Suri iz MCPA Zadar, Domagoj Perki iz
upski Zaljev (upa Bay) and the island of Lokrum. Serving DUMUS i Mirko Masla iz ronilakog kluba upa dubrovaka.
as expert leader of the archaeological research campaign
was Luka Beki DSc. The other members of the specialist Viegodinja meunarodna suradnja s amerikim timom RPM
and technical team were underwater archaeologists Mla- Nautical Foundation (RPMNF), s kojima smo svake godine vr-
den Pei, Marina imii and Roko Suri of ICUA Zadar, ili istraivanja dubrovakog podmorja s brodom Hercules
Domagoj Perki of DUMUS and Mirko Masla of the upa ove godine je izostala zbog kanjenja nadlenih dravnih ti-
Dubrovaka diving club. jela prilikom izdavanja dozvole. Iz tog razloga odlueno je da


Our international collaboration with the US-based RPM
Nautical Foundation (RPMNF) team, with which we have
investigated the waters of the Dubrovnik area aboard the
research vessel Hercules for a number of years, was mis-
sed this year due to the lateness of the competent state
authorities in issuing licences. As a result it was decided
that, in place of the customary inspection of the seabed
using the advanced technology provided by RPM, we
would conduct a visual inspection of already discovered
shipwrecks and areas at lesser depths along the shore for
which it is hypothesised that they may hold submerged
archaeological heritage.

We inspected the shipwrecks discovered in investigati-

ons conducted in previous years located in the waters
of Cape Sveti Petar (rt Sveti Petar) in Kupari, designated
Sveti Petar A and Sveti Petar B, and we also inspected the
shipwreck Kostur B, located in the waters just off Cape Ko-
stur (rt Kostur) at Mlini. Besides the shipwrecks, we also
inspected the shoreline area along Cape Sveti Pelegrin
(rt Sv. Pelegrin) and the waters of the Lokrum channel to
the eastern and northern side of the island of Lokrum.

Two of the shipwrecks located in previous years are situ-

ated near Cape Sveti Petar near Kupari. The objective of
this years investigation was to collect as much informa- 2. Extracting part of a still plugged amphora at Sveti
tion as possible on the nature of the shipwrecks. Petar A / Vaenje dijela jo zaepljene amfore s Sv. Petra A
(photo: R. Suri)

The remains of the shipwreck designated as Sveti Petar e se umjesto uobiajenog pregleda morskog dna napred-
A are found to the eastern side of the promontory, at a nom tehnikom koju posjeduje RPM, izvriti vizualni pregledi
depth of two to five metres on a rocky seabed that drops ve otkrivenih brodoloma i podruja na manjim dubinama
towards a sandy bottom covered with Mediterranean ta- uz obalu, za koja se pretpostavlja da kriju potopljenu arhe-
peweed. The objective was to ascertain the character of oloku batinu.
the site, the area of distribution of the finds and to locate
typologically identifiable finds. Pregledani su brodolomi koji su otkriveni u istraivanjima
provedenim prethodnih godina, a nalaze se u podmorju
An inspection of the site revealed amphorae sherds that ispred rta Sv. Petar u Kuparima, pa ih nazivamo Sv. Petar A
have become incrusted onto the surrounding rock. The i Sv. Petar B, a takoer je pregledan i brodolom Kostur B
fact that the pottery was thus adhered to the rock meant koji se nalazi u podmorju ispred rta Kostur u Mlinima. Osim
that typologically identifiable sherds had to be separated brodoloma izvren je pregled priobalnog podruja uz rt. Sv.
from the rock with the spiked end of a hammer. The sepa- Pelegrin te pregled podmorja Lokrumskog kanala, uz isto-
ration of the sherds from the rock revealed three amphorae nu i sjevernu stranu otoka Lokruma.
neck sections, two amphorae bases, a fragmented small
bowl and the base of a vessel. For one amphorae neck we Dva brodoloma koji su locirani prethodnih godina, nalaze
have yet to find an analogous example, one base is from a se u blizini rta Sv. Petar u Kuparima. Cilj ovogodinjih istrai-
Forlimpopoli type, while the other two are North African vanja bio je prikupiti to vie informacija o karakteru samih
types manufactured from the third to early fifth century. brodoloma.

It was established that the finds are distributed for the Ostaci brodoloma koji se naziva Sv. Petar A nalaze se s isto-
most part on a rocky, relatively steep part of the seabed ne strane rta, na dubini od 2 5 m na stjenovitom dnu koje
at a depth of from two to five metres and that they stret- se sputa prema pijeskovitom dnu obraslom posidonijom.
ch across an area of some 60 metres along the shoreli- Cilj je bio utvrditi karakter nalazita, podruje rasprostiranja
ne. Although we did conduct a surface inspection of the nalaza i pronai tipoloki odredive arheoloke nalaze.


part of the seabed with a dense cover of Mediterranean Pregledom nalazita uoeni su ulomci amfora koji su se
tapeweed, no archaeological finds were observed there. inkrustrirali s okolnim kamenjem. Zbog tog stanja slijeplje-
It is to be expected that they are to be found in the sand nosti keramike i kamena tipoloki odredivi ulomci morali
here, covered in the dense roots of the tapeweed. su se od kamena odvajati iljastim dijelom ekia. Odva-
janjem ulomaka od stijena pronala su se tri grla amfo-
The investigation has led us to conclude that these are ra, dva dna amfora, fragmentirana zdjelica i dno posude.
the remains of a late Antiquity ship and its cargo. The ship Za jedno grlo amfore se za sada nije pronala analogija,
most likely ran aground the eastern side of Cape Sveti Pe- jedno dno pripada tipu Forlimpopoli, dok druge dvije pri-
tar, blown by a strong northerly wind, scattering its car- padaju sjevernoafrikim tipovima koji se proizvode od 3.
go along the seabed. Few sherds are preserved on the do poetka 5. st.
bottom that have become incrusted with the rock while
the remainder, easily accessible as it was, was likely loo- Utvrdilo se da se nalazi rasprostiru preteno na kame-
ted in the second half of the twentieth century. nitom, relativno strmom dijelu dna na dubini od 2 do 5
m, a proteu se na prostoru uz obalu u duini od 60-ak
Shipwreck Sveti Petar B was located on the silty bottom metara. Iako je izvren povrinski pregled morskog dna
to the southeast of Cape Sveti Petar at a depth of from obraslog gustom posidonijom, na tom dijelu nisu uoeni
36.5 do 37.5 metres. The shipwreck was discovered du- arheoloki nalazi. Za oekivati je da ih ima i ovdje u pije-
ring scanning of the seabed aboard the research vessel sku, prekrivenih gustim korijenjem posidonije.
Hercules in 2013. The scan revealed a large heap of ovoid
perimeter consisting of incrusted rock and amphorae. The
heap of stones is about 15 metres long and eight metres
wide. Two dives were conducted at this site in order to
as best as possible
d o c u m e nt i t
3a. An
African amphora and to colle-
from the Sveti Petar ct as much
A shipwreck / Afrika informati-
amfora s brodoloma Sv.
Petar A on as po-
(photo: L. Beki) ssible about
the character
of the site. Once it
had been established that the amphorae on the seabed
were firmly fused to the heap and could not be moved,
it was decided that the surrounding terrain, i.e. silty se-
abed be inspected in hope of per-
haps locating a solitary amphora or
some other find of archaeological
interest. Because of the depth, i.e.
the short period of time (15 mi-
nutes) that could be spent on
the bottom, we were unsuccessful
in finding solitary amphorae outsi-
3b. A rare de the heap. 4. An amphora incrusted with the ballast stones at Sveti
amphora from Petar B / Amfora inkrustrirana u balastno kamenje na Sv.
the Sveti Petar A Petru B (photo: R.Suri)
shipwreck / Rijetka It was decided then to draft site
amfora sa brodoloma drawing documentation of the Istraivanjem se dolo do zakljuka da se na ovom lo-
Sv. Petar A
(photo: L. Beki) site. An aggravating circumstan- kalitetu nalaze ostaci broda iz kasnoantikog razdoblja
ce for precise documentation was i ostaci njegovog tereta. Brod je najvjerojatnije uslijed
the poor visibility predominant for jakog sjevernog vjetra udario u istonu stranu rta Sv. Pe-
some rea- son at this depth and we opted to draw up a tar, nakon ega je teret rasut po morskom dnu. Na dnu
sketch of the site. While drawing this up it was establis- su sauvani samo rijetki ulomci koji su se inkrustacijom
hed that there are 16 amphorae visible on the surface of spojili sa stijenom, dok je ostatak zbog svoje dostupnosti
the heap on one we observed a flat strap-like rim, long najvjerojatnije opljakan tijekom druge polovine 20. st.


Brodolom Sv. Petar B lociran je na muljevitom dnu jugo-
istono od rta Sv. Petar, na dubini od 36,5 m do 37,5 m.
Brodolom je otkriven Herculesovim skeniranjem morskog
dna 2013. g. Radi se veoj nakupini jajolikog tlocrta koja
je nainjena od inkrustriranih kamenja i amfora. Gomila
kamena je dugaka oko 15 m a iroka oko 8 m. Na ovom
nalazitu izvrena su dva zarona kako bi se on to bolje
dokumentirao i kako bi se izvuklo to vie informacija o
karakteru nalazita. Nakon to je utvreno da se amfore
koje se nalaze vrsto srasle na gomili ne mogu poma-
knuti, odlueno je da se pretrai okolni teren, odnosno,
muljevito dno, u nadi da e se moda locirati neka osa-
mljena amfora ili neki drugi arheoloki zanimljiv nalaz.
5. The ascent from the Sveti Petar B site at 36m depth / Izron
sa nalazita Sv. Petar B na 36m dubine (photo: M.imii) Zbog dubine, odnosno kratkog vremena (15 min.) koje
se moglo provesti na dnu, nije se uspjelo pronai osa-
handles and a prominent shoulder on another and a very mljene amfore izvan gomile.
elongated spike at the base of a third (Fig. 6). Consistent
with these details it can be said with a high measure of Nakon toga odlueno je da se izradi nacrtna
certainty that this is the wreck of a ship that was tran- dokumentacija samog nalazita. Otegot-
6. The ideal
sporting Dressel 6A amphorae, which are dated to the na okolnost za precizniju dokumen-
appearance of
period from the late first century BCE to the first century taciju bila je loa vidljivost, koja iz the amphorae at the
CE. A particularly interesting situation at this shipwreck nekog razloga vlada na toj dubini, Sveti Petar B shipwreck
is that the rounded ballast stones are found on the sur- pa je odlueno da se napravi skica / Idealan izgled amfora
na brodolomu Sv
face of the entire heap and that they cover the ampho- nalazita. Prilikom izrade skice usta- Petar B (L. Beki)
rae. We can conclude from this that the ship sank to the novljeno je da se na povrini gomile
bottom keel up. nalazi vidljivih 16 amfora, od ega
je na jednoj primijeen tra-
Following on a report that there was another shipwreck on kasti ravni obod, na jednoj
the seabed not far from Cape Kostur (besides the sailboat duge ruke i naglaeno
rame te na treoj izrazito
dug iljak na dnu (Sl.6).
Sukladno tim pojedino-
stima, s velikom vjerojat-
nou moe se ustvrditi
kako se radi o brodolomu
koji je prevozio Dressel 6A
amfore, koje se datiraju u period
od kasnog Kr. do 1. st. Na ovom brodolomu po-
sebno je zanimljiva situacija da se oblo balastno kame-
nje nalazi na povrini cijele gomile i zatrpava amfore.
Slijedom toga je najloginiji zakljuak kako je brod na
morsko dno potonuo okrenut naopako.

7. The team of archaeologists dive at Cape Kostur / Nakon dojave da se u podmorju nedaleko rta Kostur na-
Arheoloka ekipa nakon urona kod rta Kostur lazi jo jedan brodolom (osim pronaenog jedrenjaka iz
(photo: M. imii)
2014. g.) odlueno je da e se i to podruje pregledati. Na
located in 2014), it was decided that this area should also brodolom se zaronilo uz pomo lokalnog ronioca Nikole
be inspected. We dove to the shipwreck in the company Dupera, koji je znao tonu poziciju. Brodolom se nalazi
of local diver Nikola Duper, who knew the exact position. na dubini od 25 m, 300-tinjak metara sjeverozapadno
The shipwreck is located at a depth of 25 metres, some od rta Kostur. Ostaci brodoloma ne istiu se na morskom
300 metres to the northwest of Cape Kostur. The remains dnu, ve se pozicija prepoznaje po nalazima koji se ra-
of the shipwreck are not prominent on the seabed, rather sprostiru na povrini od preko 100 m. Pregledom loka-
the position is recognised by the finds that are scattered liteta ustanovljeno je kako je glavnina tereta koji je ovaj


over an area of over 100 square metres. An
8. Part of
inspection of the site determined that the the inscription on
bulk of the cargo transported by this ship a roof tile from the
consisted of roof tiles and brick. This is a Kostur B shipwreck /
Dio natpisa sa crijepa s
specific, broad roof tile that usually bears brodoloma Kostur B
the relief stamps KUPARI RAGUSA B.GRAF (photo: R. Suri)

We also found one amphora neck sherd, but we cannot

associate it with this post-medieval shipwreck, most likely
dating from the early twentieth century. Besides the roof
tiles and bricks we did not discover any other finds asso-
ciated with this vessel and we did not find any artefacts
or remains of a wooden structure that we could attribute
to this ship. This puts the very character of the site into brod prevozio bio krovni crijep i opeka. Radi se o speci-
question as it is likely attributable to the deliberate eje- finom, irokom krovnom crijepu koji najee na sebi
ction of cargo from a ship to prevent its sinking. Without nosi i reljefne peate KUPARI RAGUSA B.GRAF CABOGA
more precise investigation, however, we cannot entirely ANTICA FORNACE KUPARI FONDATE ANNO 1200 .
reject the theory that the remains of the ship could be
somewhere in the vicinity of the site. Pronaen je i jedan ulomak vrata amfore, no njega ne
moemo dovesti u vezu s ovim novovjekovnim brodo-
This years investigations, besides on the inspection of shi- lomom, koji najvjerojatnije datira s poetka 20. st. Od
pwrecks, was also focused on the surveying of locations nalaza vezanih uz ovaj brodolom, osim krovnog crijepa i
along the shoreline. This shoreline zone of a depth of up to opeka, nisu pronaeni drugi nalazi, a isto tako, nije pro-
20 metres remains uninvestigated in the campaigns with naen niti jedan predmet ili ostatak drvene konstrukcije
RPM, as the research vessel Hercules cannot safely navi- koje bismo mogli pripisati brodu. Iz tog razloga karakter
gate this close to the shoreline. The time constraints did samog nalazita dolazi u pitanje, a vjerojatno se radi o
not allow us to fully survey the entire shoreline zone of namjernom izbacivanju tereta iz samog broda kako bi se
Konavle and upski Zaljev and we therefore selected tho- izbjeglo potapanje. Bez preciznijeg istraivanja ne moe
se locations that are archaeologically of greatest interest. se u potpunosti odbaciti ni teorija da su ostaci broda pri-
sutni u okolici nalazita.
The first location to be thus surveyed was the area around
Cape Pelegrin. All three sides of the promontory were sur- Ovogodinja istraivanja su se, osim na pregledu brodo-
veyed. Large stone and construction rubble was dumped loma, bazirala i na pregledu lokacija uz obalu. Taj priobal-
along most of the shallow coastal belt (0 to 10 metres) to ni pojas do 20-ak m dubine ostaje neistraen u istraiva-
the western side during some recent episode, evidently njima s RPM-om, jer se brod Hercules zbog sigurnosnih
during the construction or reconstruction of buildings on razloga ne pribliava tako blizu obali.
the seafront, such that the original seabed is not accessi-
ble. We find dense growth of Mediterranean tapeweed at Zbog nedostatka vremena nije se mogao u potpunosti
a depth of some 20 metres in which we did not observe pregledati cijeli priobalni pojas Konavala i upskog za-
any archaeological finds. ljeva, pa se odluilo izabrati odreene lokacije koje su
arheoloki bile najzanimljivije.
Although we did find several isolated amphorae sherds
and a sherd from an Antiquity period pot, at no part did Prva lokacija koja je pregledana na taj nain bilo je pod-
we observe a greater concentration of finds that would ruje uz rt Pelegrin. Pregledane su sve tri strane rta. Vei
be indicative of an archaeological site. To the east side of dio plieg priobalnog pojasa (0 10 m) na zapadnoj stra-
the promontory, however, we did collect two sherds from ni je u nekom novijem vremenskom periodu zasut veim
the upper section of one amphora with handles. This is an kamenjem i graevinskom utom, oito prilikom izgrad-
Agora K114B amphora, dated to the period from the first nje ili rekonstrukcije objekata na samoj obali, pa origi-
century BCE to the fourth century. Along with the ampho- nalno morsko dno nije dostupno. Ve na dubini od oko
ra we also discovered a sherd from an Aegean coarse ware 20 m javlja se gusta trava posidonija, u kojoj nisu uoeni
pot that is dated to the second to fourth century. nikakvi arheoloki nalazi.


9. An Agora
K114B type
amphora from Cape
Pelegrin / Amfora tipa
Agora K114B
s rta Pelegrin
(photo: L. Beki)

The following locations we surveyed lie along the island of Iako je pronaeno nekoliko usamljenih ulomaka amfora,
Lokrum. The island has served as a natural seawall of sorts te ulomak antikog lonca, na niti jednom dijelu nije uo-
throughout history and its coves offered favourable con- ena vea koncentracija nalaza koja bi upuivala da se
ditions for anchorage from the prevailing southwesterly. radi o arheolokom nalazitu. Ipak, s istone strane rta,
prikupljena su dva ulomka gornjeg dijela iste amfore s
The survey of Boina Cove was conducted primarily to rukama. Radi se o amfori Agora K114B koja se datira od
evaluate the condition and potential finds associated 1. st. pr. Kr. do 4. st.. Osim amfore pronaen je i ulomak
with the 1859 sinking of the Austro-Hungarian war- takozvanog Aegean coarse ware lonca, a koji se datiraju
ship Triton, from which several cannon were od. 2. do 4. st.
extracted back in the 1970s. Unfortunately
no trace was found of this shipwreck in spi- Slijedee lokacije koje se odluilo pregledati nalaze se
te of the fact that the dive was conducted uz otok Lokrum. Sam otok inio je svojevrsni prirodni
on the basis of the oral instructions of one valobran tokom itave povijesti, a njegove uvale
of the living divers from that campaign. stvarale su povoljne uvjete za sidrenje za vrijeme
puhanja jugozapadnih vjetrova.
Boina Cove was inspected in its entirety to a
depth of some 20 metres. Most of the cove is Pregled uvale Boina proveden je prvenstveno zbog
covered by fields of Mediterranean tapeweed. provjere stanja i potencijalnih nalaza povezanih uz
Although this has been an anchorage for a potapanje austrougarskog ratnog broda Triton 1859. g.,
long time the surface inspection yielded s kojeg su jo sedamdesetih godina izvaeni neki
10. A post-
only a few finds prominent among whi- medieval jug topovi. Naalost od ovog brodoloma nije pronaeno ni-
ch are two almost entirely preserved from Boina Cove on kakvih tragova, mada se ronilo prema usmenim uput-
Lokrum /
post-medieval glazed jugs. Also found stvima jednog od ivuih ronilaca iz tadanje akcije.
Novovjekovni vr iz
was a sherd from the upper section of a uvale Boina na
glazed post-medieval bowl with hand- Lokrumu (photo: Uvala Boina pregledana je u cijelosti do dubine od 20-
L. Beki)
le and the upper part of a glass post-me- ak m, a na veem dijelu uvale prostire se polje posidonije.
dieval bottle. The finds were discovered on the Iako se radi o dugotrajnom sidritu, povrinskim pregle-
surface of the seabed and there is no doubt that there is dom pronaeno je tek nekoliko nalaza, od ega se isti-
an abundance of finds under the sand. u dva, gotovo potpuno sauvana novovjekovna glazi-
We also inspected a smaller cove to the northeast side rana vra. Pronaen je i ulomak gornjeg dijela glazirane


of Lokrum facing Dubrovnik. We find sherds of post-me- novovjekovne zdjele s rukom i gornji dio staklene novo-
dieval ceramic ware along the entire length of the cove. vjekovne boce. Nalazi su pronaeni na povrini morskog
An interesting situation was discovered at a depth of 15 dna, a zasigurno se jo mnotvo nalaza krije ispod pijeska.
metres where we came across a trough of over two me-
tres in depth, about 100 metres long and five metres wide. Pregledana je i manja uvala na sjeveroistonoj
The manner and cause for the occurrence of this trough is strani otoka Lokruma, nasuprot Dubrovnika.
unknown, but thanks to it we gained insight into the ho- Po cijeloj duini uvale pronalaze se ulom-
rizontal stratigraphy. At a half metre depth in the profile ci novovjekovnog keramikog posua.
of the trough, for example, we found a sherd from a small Zanimljiva situacija otkrivena je na 15 m
post-medieval bowl, while at the bottom of the profile, at dubine, gdje je uoen rov dubok preko
a depth of about two metres, we found most of a late An- 2 m, duine oko 100 m i irine oko 5 m.
tiquity amphora. We also surveyed the area to the north Nepoznat je nain i razlog zbog kojeg je
of the promontory where we found the upper section of rov nastao, no zahvaljujui njemu dobi-
a Lamboglia 2 amphora, several sherds of post-medieval li smo uvid u horizontalnu stratigrafiju.
ceramic ware and two glass bottles from the first half of Na primjer, na pola metra dubine u profilu
the twentieth century. pronaao se ulomak novovjekovne zdjelice,
dok se na dnu profila, na dubini od oko 2 m, 12.
pronaao vei dio kasnoantike amfore. An African
Pregledano je i podruje do sjevernog amphora from the
submarine trough
rta na kojem je naen gornji dio amfo- off Lokrum / Afrika
re Lamboglia 2, nekoliko ulomaka no- amfora iz podvodnog
vovjekovnog keramikog posua i dvi- kanala kod Lokruma
(photo: L. Beki)
je staklene boce iz prve polovice 20. st.

Na kraju, valja napomenuti kako je arheoloka ekipa ponovo

pregledala i poznate lokacije kasnoantikog brodoloma pre-
krivenog kavezom, te brodoloma s dolijama uz otok Supetar
nedaleko Cavtata. Oba nalazita su u sustavu koncesijskih pod-
vodnih muzeja, te ih godinje posjeti velik broj turistikih ro-
nilaca, uz vodstvo iz ronilakog centra Epidaurum. Novi kavez
je u odlinom stanju, usprkos tome to je na njemu poela ra-
sti morska trava, a na oba nalazita nema tragova oteivanja.
11. A puzzling trough in the seabed off Lokrum /
Zagonetan kanal ukopan u morskom dnu kod Lokruma Usprkos tome to sa aljenjem moemo konstatirati da smo
(photo: M.Pei)
zbog nedolaska istraivakog broda Hercules i njegove strune
Finally, we should note that the archaeological team once aga- ekipe svi izgubili, a najvie kulturna batina RH, ovakvim istra-
in inspected the known location of a late Antiquity shipwreck ivanjima klasinom metodom ipak su postignuti odreeni
protected by a cage and a shipwreck with dolia alongside the rezultati. Pokualo se s manjim gliserom i skromnijom ekipom
island of Supetar not far from Cavtat. Both sites are in the con- uiniti sve to se moe da se kontinuitet istraivanja dubro-
cession system of underwater museums and are visited annu- vakog podruja ipak zadri. Tako su dodatno dokumentirani
ally by a great number of tourist divers under the guidance of i okarakterizirani brodolomi oko rta Sv.Petar, koji se svakako
the Epidaurum diving centre. The new cage is in excellent con- mogu istraivati klasinom, ronilakom metodom, te je prona-
dition in spite of the seaweed that has begun to grow on it and en i jo jedan potencijalni brodolom s poetka 20. stoljea, s
there are no signs of devastation at both sites. teretom crijepa (kupa) iz nekadanje tvornice Caboga - Kupari.

The research vessel Hercules and its team of specialists were gre- Daljnjim pregledom podvodnih terena iskljuena je mogu-
atly missed and their absence is a regretful loss to us all, above nost pronalaska daljnjih brodoloma uz sam rt Pelegrin, na to
all to Croatias cultural heritage. We did, nevertheless, applying se sumnjalo zbog prethodnog pronalaska dva brodoloma u
classic investigation methods, achieve a measure of success in dubljim vodama uz njega.
our results. We made the best of it and, using a small powerbo-
at and a more modest team, did what we could to maintain the Pregledom okolice Lokruma nisu pronaeni ostaci brodoloma
continuity of the research of the Dubrovnik area. Thus we docu- Tritona, meutim, istraivanja na sjeveroistoku otoka potvrdila
mented and characterised the shipwreck off Cape Sveti Petar, su da se na muljevitim podrujima morskog dna u zavjetrini


Inspection of the
large dolia off the
island of Supetar /
Pregled velikih dolija
kod otoka Supetar
(photo: L. Beki)

which can certainly be investigated applying the classic diving neke prirodne barijere moe, upravo ovdje, ali i na slinim ta-
method and discovered another potential early 20th century kvim mjestima na Jadranu, pronai dobro ouvani nalazi ak i
shipwreck with a cargo of roof tiles (barrel tiles) from the former pod dva metra sedimenta. Upravo zbog toga, u budunosti bi
Caboga-Kupari factory. valjalo posvetiti posebnu panju prilikom zatitnih arheolo-
kih radova na nekadanjim sidritima, usprkos tome to se na
Further inspection of the submarine terrain excluded the po- sadanjoj povrini ne uoavaju arheoloki nalazi.
ssibility of finding other shipwrecks in the immediate vicinity of
Cape Pelegrin based on the previous finds of two shipwrecks in Nadamo se da e slijedee godine ponovo biti mogunosti
deeper waters near the promontory. da ameriki znanstveno - istraivaki brod Hercules i njego-
va struna ekipa istrauju dubine naeg podmorja, za to mi
We did not find the remains of the Triton shipwreck during a u Hrvatskoj nismo opremljeni i obueni, a svakako nismo u
survey of the Lokrum area. The investigation of the northeast mogunosti takva istraivanja financijski pokriti. Najvei udio
of the island did, however, confirm that here and at similar pla- trokova takvih istraivanja u Hrvatskoj do sada je snosila sama
ces on the Adriatic, on silty parts of the seabed to the leeward RPM zaklada, a oni iznose preko milijun kuna godinje, pa je
side of natural barriers, we can find well preserved finds even oito rije o znaajnom gubitku za RH. Stoga se valja nadati da
on two metres of sediment. For this reason precisely we should e znaaj ovog meunarodnog istraivanja nadjaati suvine
in the future afford particular attention to rescue archaeological birokratske procedure koje ga optereuju.
work at former anchorages in spite of the fact that archaeologi-
cal finds are not observed on the current surface. Bibliography / Literatura
Beki, L., Royal, J. 2012 - Deep Sea Survey off Konavle, Croatia / Du-
In the coming year we hope to once again be able to host the binsko pretraivanje podmorja uz Konavle, Hrvatska. Potopljena
American research vessel Hercules and its specialist team in batina / Submerged Heritage 2, Zadar 2012. 13 - 20.
exploring the depths of our sea an effort beyond our current Beki, L. imii, M. 2013 - Hercules Continues with Deep-Sea Survey
technical capacity and training, and certainly outside the scope of Croatian Waters / Hercules nastavlja s dubinskim pretraivanjem
of our research financing. The lions share of the funding of this hrvatskog podmorja. Potopljena batina / Submerged Heritage 3,
research in Croatia has so far been borne by the RPM Foundation, Zadar 2013. 11 - 18.
amounting to in excess of one million kuna (over 130 thousand Beki, L., imii, M., Royal, J. 2014 - R/V Hercules Research Along
euro) per year an evident loss for Croatia. It is, therefore, to be the Coast of Konavle and upa Bay in 2014 / Istraivanja R/V Hercu-
hoped that the significance of this international research will lesa u konavoskom i upskom primorju 2014. g. Potopljena batina
overcome the excessive bureaucratic procedures that hamper it. / Submerged Heritage 4, Zadar 2014. 17 - 24.


New Developments in the Archaeo-
logical Survey of Zadar County Waters
Nove zanimljivosti s rekognosciranja
podmorja Zadarske upanije
Mladen Pei
For four years running the International Centre for Under- Ve etiri godine za redom Meunarodni centar za podvod-
water Archaeology has conducted an archaeological survey nu arheologiju provodi program rekognosciranja Zadarske
programme in Zadar County. The programme is financed by upanije. Program je financiran od strane Ministarstva kul-
the Ministry of Culture and has as its core objective to sur- ture, a osnovna mu je svrha pregled registriranih nalazi-
vey registered sites in order to ascertain the level of their ta radi uvida u stanje njihove ouvanosti i ugroenosti, te
preservation and possible threats, and to survey new loca- pregled novih lokacija na osnovu prikupljenih informacija
tions on the basis of collected information on submarine o nalazima arheoloke batine u podmorju koje prikuplja-
archaeological heritage finds that we have gathered in the mo tijekom godine.
course of the year.
I ovaj put program je obavljen na osnovu dojava podvodnih
As previously the programme was conducted on the basis of ronioca koji nam pomau ve niz godina te im se ovim pu-
reports from divers that have assisted us for many years we tem zahvaljujemo, posebno gosp. Marinku Ugleiu. Neke od
wish to take this opportunity to once again thank them, in lokacija smo saznali i uz pomo ronilakih klubova od kojih
particular Mr Marinko Uglei. Information concerning some ove godine istiemo suradnju s ronilakim klubom Pangea
of the locations has also come from diving clubs. Notable iz Starigrada. Uz itavi ronilaki tim MCPA, u rekognosciranji-
this year is our collaboration with the Pangea diving club of ma je sudjelovao i dugogodinji suradnik Borna Krstulovi.
Starigrad. Joining the entire ICUA diving team in the archae-
ological survey was long time associate Borna Krstulovi. Tijekom ove godine ustalila se nova praksa obavljanja dijela
ronilakih urona po programu rekognosciranja koju djelat-
This year we established a new practice: ICUA staff joins the nici MCPA obavljaju sa djelatnicima razliitih Ministarstava,
staff of the various ministries in carrying out some of the a koja je popularno nazvana Koordinacija na moru. Radi se
dives undertaken in the frame of the archaeological sur- o suradnji s Konzervatorskim odjelom Ministarstva kulture u
vey programme. This is commonly referred to as the Coor- Zadru, Pomorskom i graninom policijom (Ministarstvo unu-
dination at the sea. This pertains to collaboration with the tarnjih poslova), Lukom kapetanijom (Ministarstvo pomor-
Zadar Conservation Department of the Ministry of Culture, stva, prometa i infrastrukture), Obalnom straom (Hrvatska
the Maritime and Border Police (Ministry of the Interior), the ratna mornarica, Ministarstvo obrane), Carinskom upravom
Harbourmasters Office (Ministry of Maritime Affairs, Trans- Zadar (Ministarstvo financija) i Ribarskom inspekcijom (Mi-
port and Infrastructure), the Coast Guard (Croatian Navy, nistarstvo poljoprivrede), ije djelatnosti su direktno pove-
Ministry of Defence), the Zadar Customs Administration zane s morem i inspekcijom razliitih aktivnosti na moru. U
(Ministry of Finance) and the Fisheries Inspection (Ministry sklopu Koordinacije se ronioci MCPA pridruuju navedenim
of Agriculture), the purviews of which are directly associated slubama na njihovim plovilima tijekom obavljanja redov-
with the sea and the inspection of various activities at sea. nih djelatnosti, te na taj nain dobivaju mogunost pregleda
In the frame of the Coordination, ICUA divers join the cited podvodnih lokacija koje se nalaze na dogovorenim rutama.
authorities on their vessels in the course of their regular ac- Na ovaj nain smanjuju se trokovi transporta ronioca na
tivities this gives us an opportunity to survey underwater lokaciju, a ujedno se i razvija suradnja na zatiti podvodne
locations on prearranged routes. It also reduces the cost of kulturne batine meu Ministarstvima, ali se openito i po-
transporting divers to locations and at the same time de- boljava zatita i nadzor nad podmorjem.
velops cooperation in the protection of underwater herit-
age at the inter-ministerial level and improves the overall Nastavak rekognosciranja tijekom ove godine donio je zani-
protection and surveillance of the maritime environment. mljive rezultate te otkrivanje novih brodoloma, ali i sidrita


The continuation of the archaeological survey this year produced na rutama plovidbe drevnih pomoraca. Za dva brodoloma
interesting results and the discovery of new shipwrecks and an- koja su locirana sa sigurnou se moe tvrditi da su preno-
chorages on the navigation routes of ancient seafarers. For two sili amfore tipa Lamboglia 2.
of the shipwrecks that have been located we can say with cer-
tainty that they transported amphorae of the Lamboglia 2 type.

The first of these was identified in the far southern section of

the Velebit Channel. An area up to a depth of 26 metres was
inspected at etvrta Cove to the south of Vinjerac. The seabed
drops in gentle steps and at a depth of 12 to 13 metres, on a
silty bottom, we found amphorae sherds the concentration of
which increases to a depth of 16 metres. Although a broader
area to the west of the cove was inspected, the finds can be
located on the seabed immediately off the tip of the cape. Im-
mediately upon arriving at the position with the amphorae we
observed that they can be characterised as being of the Lambo-
glia 2 type, but it was also observed that there are a number of
different rims that all belong to the same type. Further analysis
should determine whether these are in fact multiple sub-types
1. Part of a ships cargo at etvrta Cove / Dio brodskog
and what the differences between them are. The large quanti- tereta iz uvale etvrta (photo: M. imii)
ty of finds belonging to the same chronological and typologi-
cal frame allow us to ascertain that this was a smaller ship that Prvi od njih prepoznat je na krajnjem junom dijelu Velebit-
was wrecked in the period from the second century BCE to the skog kanala. U uvali etvrta juno od Vinjerca pregledan je
first century CE. Based on the characteristics of the silty bottom, prostor do 26 metara dubine. Morsko dno pada u blagim
there is a possibility that deeper layers may hold sections of the stepenicama, a na dubini od 12 13 m, na muljevitom dnu,
ships structure. nailo se na ulomke amfora ija se koncentracija poveava
prema dubini od 16 metara. Iako je pregledan iri prostor
The configuration of the terrain at the location of the second zapadno od uvale, sami nalazi mogu se locirati u podmorju
shipwreck with the same amphorae type affords no likelihood neposredno u nastavku rta. Odmah po dolasku na poziciju
for the discovery of parts of the vessels structure. Amphorae na kojoj su se nalazile amfore uoilo se da se radi o ulomci-
sherds were observed across a broad expanse of the shallow ma koji se mogu okarakterizirati kao Lamboglia 2 amfore,
waters immediately off the shore of the islet of Meanj, situated no moe se primijetiti da postoji vie razliitih oboda koje
to the western side of the island of Dugi Otok. They are for the sve pripadaju istom tipu. Daljnje analize bi trebale pokaza-
most part highly fragmented sherds that the action of the sea, ti da li se doista radi o vie podtipova i koje su razlike meu
and certainly of human hands, has now reduced only to the re- njima. Vea koliina nalaza koji spadaju u isti vremenski i ti-
mains of the cargo of a ship that was once visible here. Besides poloki okvir, daju nam za mogunost potvrditi da
the large quantity of belly sherds and the odd rim or base sec- se ovdje radi o jednom manjem brodolomu
tion, it is interesting to note that we can still find a large num- koji je nastradao u rasponu od 2. st. pr. Krista
do 1. st. nakon Krista. Na osnovu karakte-
ristika muljevitog dna, postoji mogunost
da je u dubljim slojevima mogue nai i
dijelove brodske konstrukcije.

Konfiguracija terena na kojem je lociran dru-

gi brodolom s istim tipom amfora ne daje za
mogunost otkrivanja dijelove brodskih kon-
strukcija. Na malom otoiu Menju koji se
nalazi na zapadnoj strani Dugog otoka, u 3. An
plitkom moru uz sam otoi, na irokom amphorae section
from etvrta Cove
prostoru se mogu uoiti fragmenti am- / Dio amfore iz uvale
fora. Veim dijelom su to sitniji ulomci, etvrta
koji su djelovanjem mora, a zasigurno i (photo: R. Suri)
2. An amphora base at etvrta Cove / Dno amfore u uvali
etvrta (photo: M. imii)


ber of amphorae plugs among the rocks. All of these sherds are ljudskih ruku, danas svedeni samo na ostatke brodskog te-
from a ship with a cargo of Lamboglia 2 type amphorae that reta koji je tu nekad bio vidljiv. Uz veliku koliinu trbuha, te
ended its voyage on the rocks of Meanj. poneki dio oboda ili dna zanimljivo je da se i danas moe
izmeu kamenja nai vea koliina epova amfora. Svi ovi
A little to the east of the shipwreck with amphorae, and par- fragmenti pripadali su brodskom teretu amfora tipa Lambo-
tially overlapping it, we find sherds of post-medieval pottery. glia 2, koji je svoje putovanje zavrio na krapama Menja.
For the most part these are the bases of bowls, a few speci- Neto istonije od brodoloma s amforama, djelomino i pre-
mens of the bases and rims of jugs, and sections of ware of ko njega, nalazimo fragmente keramike novovjekovne data-
large size reminiscent of dolia. At one part of the site, over an
area of about 20 square metres, we find bits of bronze, mostly
10 centimetre long bronze nails, that certainly are the remains
of the ships structure that were preserved when the wooden
parts decayed. We see ballast stones of various sizes, from small
pebbles with a diameter of two to three centimetres to larg-
er stones with a diameter of some 30 centimetres within the
broad area of both shipwrecks.

4. Amphorae plugs from the seabed off Meanj / epovi

amfora iz podmorje Menja (photo: M. Pei)

cije. Veinom su to dna zdjelica, tek nekoliko primjeraka dna

i oboda vreva, ali i dio posude velikih dimenzija koja naliku-
je na doliju. Na jednom dijelu nalazita, na 20-ak metara kva-
dratnih povrine mogue je nai komade bronce, a ponajvi-
e bronane avle duine oko 10 centimetra, koji zasigurno
predstavljaju ostatke brodske konstrukcije, koji su se ouvali
5. Bronze nails are the only remains of the ships structure nakon to je drveni dio propao. Unutar irokog prostora obaju
at Meanj/ Bronani avli jedini su ostatak brodske brodoloma vidljivo je balastno kamenje razliitih dimenzija,
konstrukcije na Menju (photo: M. Pei)
od manjih kamenia promjera 2-3 centimetra do veeg ka-
As with the wreck at the islet of Meanj, the shipwreck at Cape menja promjera 30-ak centimetara.
Lopata is now hardly recognisable among the submarine rocks
and crevices surrounding the cape. We see sherds of Forlim- Slino kao i na otoiu Menju, brodolom na rtu Lopata danas
popoli type amphorae in the shallow waters that testify to yet je teko prepoznatljiv meu podmorskim stijenama i krapama
another unsuccessful voyage undertaken by antiquity period koje okruuju rt. U plitkom moru vidljivi su fragmentirani ostat-
seafarers in the first century. ci amfora tipa Forlimpopoli koje nam svjedoe o jo jednom
neuspjelom putovanju antikih pomoraca tijekom 1. stoljea.
We can also confirm Antiquity period maritime navigation in Tragove plovidbe na podruju uvale Sakarun kroz antiki period
the area of Sakarun Cove with other finds discovered in the area moemo potvrditi i drugim nalazima koji se uokolo pronalaze,
attributed to amphorae of the Dressel 2-4, Late Roman 1 and
Byzantine ribbed types, which indicates that this favourable
position was used as an anchorage for many years.

We find information of the shipwreck at Veli Lagan in the litera-

ture and the data tells us that complete amphorae could once
be found here, while now we see only fragments in the shallow
waters. An amphora that was found intact originating from the

6. Sherds of Forlimpopoli type amphorae from the

shipwreck at Lopata / Fragmenti amfora tipa Forlimpopoli
s brodoloma na Lopati (photo: M. Pei)


a pripisuju se tipovima amfora Dressel 2-4, Late Roman 1 te
bizantskim narebrenim amforama, to nam daje naznake da
se ova pogodna pozicija koristila kao sidrite dugi niz godina.

Informacije o brodolomu na Velom Lagnu mogue je nai u lite-

raturi, i podatci govore da se tu nekada moglo nai cijelih amfora,
a danas samo krhotine u plitkom moru. Amfora koja je naena
cjelovita i potjee s prostora Lagnia prepoznata je kao Dressel
6A (Uglei, Parica 2013, 153). Radi utvrivanja ovih podataka i
uvid u stanje ouvanosti nalazita u svrhu njegove registracije,
pregledao se juni dio podmorja otoia Veli Lagan.

Jedini arheoloki nalazi uoeni su na junom rtu Velikog La-

7. A post-dive preliminary inspection of the archaeological gna, a radi se o irokom polju krhotina amfora koje su dosta fra-
finds at Cape Lopata / Preliminarni pregled arheolokih gmentirane i nalaze se u pukotinama izmeu stijena. Najveim
nalaza nakon izrona na rtu Lopata (foto: M. imii)

Lagnii island group has been identified as a Dressel 6A type

(Uglei, Parica 2013, 153). The southern section of the waters
of the islet of Veli Lagan was surveyed in order to confirm these
data and to gain insight into the level of preservation of the
site for the purpose of its registration.

The only archaeological finds observed were at the southern

cape of Veli Lagan a broad field of highly fragmented ampho-
rae sherds found in the crevices between the rocks. For the most
part these are belly sherds and very few amphorae rim and base
sherds. Based on these finds, however, and comparison with
the intact specimen from the literature, we observed typolog-
ical differences and there is a possibility that they are not from
the same shipwreck. The preliminary analysis conducted on the
basis of the fragmented rims opens the possibility that this was 8. At Veli Lagan the sherds are found between the rocks
a shipwreck with somewhat earlier amphorae, more precisely / Na Velikom Lagnu krhotine se nalaze meu stijenama
(photo: R. Suri)
late Greco-Italic amphorae dated to the period from the late
third to mid second century BCE (Caravale, Toffoletti 1997, 97). dijelom su to ulomci trbuha, te rijetki obodi i dna amfora. Ipak,
na osnovu ovih nalaza, i usporedbom s cjelovitim primjerkom
Along with shipwrecks, anchorages too have a very important iz literature, uoene su tipoloke razlike te postoji mogunost
role in defining the waterways and favourable navigation routes da se ne radi o istim brodolomima. Preliminarne analize koje su
used by sailors. Some of these anchorages were izvrene na osnovu fragmentiranih oboda daju mogunost da
9.Typologically determined by the distribution of settled se ovdje nalazi brodolom s neto ranijim amforama, tonije o
places on the maritime routes that were kasnim grko-italskim amforama koje se datiraju u period kraja
sherds from Veli
Lagan / Tipoloki frequented by merchants and travellers, 3. i polovice 2. stoljea prije Krista (Caravale, Toffoletti 1997, 97).
odredivi fragmenti s while others were determined by a favour-
Velikog Lagna
able geographic position that caused them Osim brodoloma, i sidrita imaju vrlo vanu ulogu u definiranju
(photo: R. Suri)
to be continually used by ships in inclement plovnih putova i povoljnih plovidbenih ruta kojima su se slui-
weather or at night when sailing was li moreplovci. Neka od tih sidrita uvjetovana su rasporedom
avoided. Soline Cove on the west- naseljenih mjesta na pomorskim trasama koje su posjeivali tr-
ern part of the island of Paman govci i putnici, a neka od njih uvjetovao je povoljan geografski
was certainly one such place poloaj koji je bio uzrokom kontinuiranih zadravanja brodo-
its elongated northwest va na njima za loeg vremena ili tijekom noi kada se plovidba
southeast orientation makes izbjegavala. Jedno od takvih mjesta je zasigurno i uvala Soli-
it an excellent protection from ne na zapadnom dijelu Pamana, koja radi svoje izduenosti u
the Bura and southerly winds smjeru SZ-JI i danas predstavlja dobru zatitu od bure i junih
to this day. Across the entire area vjetrova. Na itavoj povrini uvale od 10-18 metara ustanovljeni


su nalazi iz irokog vremenskog raspona. Veinom se radi o nala-
zima fragmenata amfora, primjerice tipa Forlimpopoli, ali i razli-
itih rukica i dna novovjekovne datacije. Slojevitost nalazita je
ustanovljena runim iskopom, te se uvidjelo da i ispod povrine
postoje fragmentirani nalazi, to ide u prilog tezi o dugogodi-
njem koritenju uvale kao pogodnog sidrita.

Slian karakter ima i uvala Podgarbe na otoku Molatu, na ijem

je junom dijelu pronaena velika koliina nalaza iz razliitih
razdoblja. Nalazi su raireni po irokom podruju na dubini od
6-10 metara i nedvojben su dokaz sidrita koje su ovdje koristili
brodovi. Najveim dijelom radi se o fragmentima amfora, obo-
du Lamboglia 2 amfore, razliitih zdjela te fragmentima novo-
10. The finds at Soline Cove are dispersed across a broad vjekovnih posuda. Najzanimljiviji nalaz je djelomino sauvana
area / Nalazi u uvali Soline ratrkani su na irokom Sarius aa, trbuasta aa stisnuta po sredini recipijenta s tra-
podruju (photo: M. Pei)
kastom rukom. Donji dio je raen u kalupu i ima ukrase u vidu
of the cove of ten to eighteen metres we observed finds from niza vegetabilnih motiva, te dio natpisa od kojeg je ouvano L L
a broad chronological period. For the most part these are finds S V R. Proizvodnja ovih alica smjetena je u period 1. stoljea pr.
of amphorae sherds, for example of the Forlimpopoli type, but Krista do 1. stoljea nakon Krista, a proizvodile su se u Sjevernoj
also of various small handles and bases of post-medieval dating. Italiji. Ime su dobile po najpoznatijem proizvoau, a i ovaj na
The layering of the site was determined by manual excavation, primjerak nosi dio njegovog imena koje se restituira L(VCIUS)
showing that there are fragmented finds beneath the surface, SARIVS L(VCI) L(IBERTUS) SVRVS, te spada u prvu proizvodnu
which further supports the hypothesis of the long term use of fazu koja je datirana u 1. stoljee pr. Krista (Brusi 1999, 23-25).
this cove as a favourable anchorage. Do sada su u Liburniji pronaene na desetak mjesta, tako da je
ovaj nalaz daljnji prilog koliini luksuzne rimske robe ovog tipa
Of similar character is Podgarbe Cove on the island of Molat, in koja se nalazi kod nas.
the southern section of which we find a large quantity of finds
from various periods. The finds Bipliography / Literaura:
are spread across of broad area Brusi, Z., 1999 - Hellenistic and Roman Relief Pottery in Liburnia,
at a depth of from six to ten me- BAR Series 8147, Oxford.
tres and are undeniable proof Caravale A., Toffoletti I., 1997 - Anfore antiche, conoscerle e identifi-
of an anchorage used here by carle, Istituto ricerche ecologiche ed economiche Formello.
ships. For the most part these Uglei A., Parica M., 2013 - Antika, srednjovjekovna i ranonovov-
are amphorae fragments, rims of jekovna arheoloka batina Veloga Rata, u: Uglei A., Farii J. (ur.),
Lamboglia 2 amphorae, various Zadar, Veli Rat, 147-159.
bowls and sherds of post-medie-
val ware. The most interesting find is
that of a partially preserved Sarius type
11. A cup cup, a rotund cup pinched at the middle of
bearing the the recipient with a strap handle. The low-
inscription L L S V R
from Podgarbe Cove / er section was fabricated in a mould and
aa s natpisom L L S V bears vegetative motif decorations and
R iz uvale Podgarbe part of an inscription of which the letters
(photo: R. Suri)
L L S V R are preserved. The manufacture
of these cups is dated to the period of the first
12. An amphora
century BCE to the first century CE and was located in northern sherd from Podgarbe
Italy. They are named after the best known manufacturer, and Cove is evidence
our specimen also bears a part of his name, L(VCIUS) SARIVS L(V- of anchorage
throughout the
CI) L(IBERTUS) SVRVS, and falls within the first production phase, Antiquity period /
dated to the first century BCE (Brusi 1999, 23-25). To date they Ulomak amfore iz
have been found in Liburnia at a dozen locations, such that this Uvala Podgarbe
dokaz je o sidrenju
find is a further contribution to the quantity of luxurious Roman kroz antiku
merchandise of this type in Croatia. (photo: M. Pei)


Babulja Waters Investigation
Nastavak istraivanja podmorja
Mladen Pei
For the third year running the International Centre for Un- Treu godinu za redom Meunarodni centar za podvod-
derwater Archaeology has conducted underwater archae- nu arheologiju provodi podvodna arheoloka istraivanja
ological investigation of the waters of the islet of Babul- podmorja otoia Babuljaa. Nastavak je to dugogodi-
ja. The work is part of a long-term collaboration with the nje suradnje s Turistikom zajednicom opine Pakotane
Tourism Board of the Municipality of Pakotane, which is koja financira arheoloka istraivanja i prua nam podrku
providing financing for archaeological investigation and u daljnjem valoriziranju podvodne kulturne batine Pa-
support in the further valorisation of the underwater cul- kotana. U sklopu istraivanja odrava se i Poetni teaj
tural heritage of Pakotane. A basic level underwater ar- podvodne arheologije koji se odvija u suradnji s Agen-
chaeology course was also held in the frame of the inves- cijom Han Vrana i Odjelom za arheologiju Sveuilita u
tigation in collaboration with the Han Vrana Agency and Zadru, iji djelatnici Marko Metrov i Mate Parica uz dje-
the University of Zadars archaeology department. Marko latnike MCPA provode teoretska predavanja i praktine
Metroc and Mate Parica of the university joined ICUA staff vjebe za sudionika. Ove godine na teaju su sudjelovale
in staging the lectures on theory and the hands-on training Veronika Zerznov i Barbora Machov iz eke. Uz
of participants. Participating in the course this year were djelatnike MCPA, na arheolokim istraivanji-
Czech nationals Veronika Zerznov and Barbora Macho- ma meunarodnu ekipu istraivaa inili
v. The international team conducting the archaeological su Milan Rodi (Bosna i Hercegovina),
investigation included ICUA staff and Milan Rodi (Bos- Jelena elebi i Nemanja avlovi
nia-Herzegovina), Jelena elebi and Nemanja avlovi (Crna Gora) i Saa Koren (Slovenija).
(Montenegro) and Saa Koren (Slovenia).
Tijekom dosadanjih istraivanja niz
The research to date has yielded a number of finds pro- otkrivenih nalaza dali su nam podat-
viding data on a shipwreck with a cargo of North African ke o brodolomu s teretom sjevernoa-
amphorae and ware that, based on typology, can be dat- frikih amfora i posua koji se na osno-
ed to the very end of the fourth and early fifth century vu tipologije moe datirati u sam kraj 4.
(Pei 2014). Remains of the shipwrecks cargo were also ili poetak 5. stoljea (Pei 2014). Ostatci
found this year, although in somewhat lesser quantity tereta brodoloma naeni su i ove godine,
than in previous years. This includes primarily rims of Keay ali u neto manjem obimu nego prolih
XXV amphorae, several fragments of amphorae bases, and godina. U prvom redu se radi o obodi-
sherds of coarse cooking ware of the Hayes 195 and 197 ma amfora Keay XXV, o nekoliko fra-
types and fine North African ware of the Hayes 50 B type. gmenata dna amfora, te fragmentima
These finds further supplement what we already know of grubog kuhinjskog posua tipa Hayes
the cargo carried by this ship and are consistent with the 195 i 197 i finog sjevernoafrikog posua
time period of the creation of the archaeological material tipa Hayes 50 B. Svi ovi nalazi nadopunjuju
recorded at the site of the shipwreck. With the objective ve poznatu sliku o teretu koji je brod
of finding the ships structure, which had not been locat- prenosio i uklapaju se vremenske 1. A wooden
ed at the site in the previous years, this year we placed okvire nastanka arheolokog ma- fragment with a
trenches away from the central position we had thus far terija zabiljeenog na njemu. Radi hafting hole / Drveni
fragment s rupom za
investigated. This placement of trenches is the likely cause pokuaja pronalaska brodske kon- nasad
of the smaller quantity of finds recovered in comparison strukcije koja na nalazitu tijekom (photo: R. Suri)
with previous archaeological campaigns. Again this year we prolih godina nije bila locirana, ove
did not, unfortunately, find wooden sections of the ships godine smo sonde udaljili od centralne


pozicije na kojoj smo do sada istraivali. Takav razmjetaj
sondi vjerojatan je uzrok manje koliine antikih nalaza
nego to je naeno u prethodnim arheolokim kampa-
njama. Na alost, ni ove godine nisu pronaeni drveni
dijelovi brodske konstrukcije, i izgleda da je ona tijekom
godina unitena radom mora, te nam bronani avli koji
su naeni predstavljaju jedini ouvani dokaz o brodskoj
konstrukciji. U sondama i uokolo njih pronaeno je i vie
komada oblog kamenja manjih dimenzija, koje zasigur-
no nije lokalnog karaktera, te se za njega sa sigurnou
moe rei da je dio balastnog kamenja koje je brod pre-
nosio radi stabilnosti tijekom plovidbe.
2. The distribution of investigated trenches in the waters Antiki nalazi ine samo dio arheolokog materijala koji
of Babulja/ Raspored istraenih sonda u podmorju
Babuljaa (author: M. Pei)

structure and it does appear that the actions of the ma-

rine environment have destroyed them over the years
the discovered bronze nails appear to constitute the sole
preserved evidence of the ships structure. A number of
rounded stones of small size were found in and around
the trenches that are certainly not local in origin and for
which we can say with certainty that the were part of the
ballast used to provide stability when sailing.

Roman period finds make up only a part of the archae-

ological material we are finding in the waters of Babul-
ja. They are present only in a relatively shallow layer of
sand, such that they can be placed in the first two layers
we identified in the course of the investigation. These are
a surface layer forming a single context with a depth of
ten centimetres that is characterised by soft sand, and a 3. The finds are sorted and packed at the end of the days
second layer at a depth of from ten to twenty centime- diving / Nalazi se sortiraju i pakiraju nakon zavrenih
dnevnih ronjenja (photo: M. imii)
tres with sand of greater hardness and lighter in colour.
We find sherds of prehistoric pottery sporadically in both se pronalazi u podmorju Babuljaa. Oni su prisutni jedino
layers. The third layer is found at a depth of twenty to fif- u relativno plitkom sloju pijeska, tako da je njih mogue
ty centimetres and is very uniform, consisting of hard, smjestiti u prva dva sloja koja smo odvojili prilikom istra-
compact sand with irregular small broken stones, an ad- ivanja. Radi se o povrinskom sloju koji ini jedinstve-
mixture of seagrass of brown colour and a large quanti- nu cjelinu sa slojem dubine do 10 cm kojeg karakterizi-
ty of prehistoric pottery. All of the prehistoric pottery is ra meki pijesak, te drugom sloju koji se nalazi na dubini
od 10-20 cm sa svijetlim i neto tvrim pijeskom. U oba
sloja se sporadino javljaju i fragmenti prapovijesne ke-
ramike. Trei sloj se nalazi na dubini od 20-50 cm, vrlo je
jednolian i sastoji se od tvrdog, kompaktnog pijeska sa
nepravilnim manjim lomljenim kamenjem, primjesama
morske trave smee boje te velikom koliinom prapovi-
jesne keramika. Sva prapovijesna keramika je dosta izli-
zana po rubovima, loe fakture i slabe postojanosti, te
prema tome zakljuujemo da se ovdje nala sekundar-
no, uslijed ispiranja s otoia Babuljaa. Ovaj sloj je ta-
koer prisutan u svim istraenim sondama, ali njegova
debljina varira i smanjuje se pribliavanjem obali otoi-
4. A large quantity of prehistoric pottery was found
in the trenches/ U sondama je naena velika koliina a, tako da je primjerice u sondi L njegova debljina ma-
prapovijesne keramike (photo: R. Suri) nja od 10 cm. Najveu uslojenost tijekom dosadanjih


istraivanja dobili smo u sondi J, koja je smjetena i u naj-
dubljem moru na do danas istraenom podruju. Osim
prva tri sloja koja smo razdvojili, i koja su u identinom
sastavu prisutna na itavom nalazitu, ovdje je odije-
ljen jo jedan sloj. On se nalazi na dubini od 50-60 cm,
a osim prapovijesnih keramikih nalaza koji su tipoloki
vrlo bliski onima iz prethodnih slojeva, karakterizira ga
velika koliina sitnijeg kamenja, te nalazi vee koliine
ivotinjskih kostiju i koljaka.

Iako ouvani u loem i fragmentiranom stanju, prapovijesni

keramiki nalazi imaju karakteristike koje se okvirno mogu
smjestiti u bronano doba. Radi se uglavnom o fragmentima
5. The greatest prehistoric layering was recorded in trench J
/ U sondi J zabiljeena je najvea uslojenost prapovijesnog loptastih posuda koje karakteriziraju iroke trakaste ruke
sloja (photo: R. Suri) od kojih se poneki primjerci razlikuju to imaju povie ru-
quite worn on the edges, of poor fabric and low durabil- ke uzdignuti dio koji izlazi izvan oboda, zatim horizontalne
ity, based on which we conclude that it came here as masivne ruke te rukice u obliku reljefnih polumjese-
a secondary deposit, washed down from the islet 6. A flint astih aplika. Na pronaenim fragmentima posuda
of Babulja. This layer is also present in all of the arrowhead se javljaju i razliiti ukrasi u vidu urezanih paralel-
trenches investigated, but its thickness varies with hafting tang nih linija, niza utisnutih kruia ili niza ukrasa nalik
/ Kremena strelica
and drops as we approach the shore of the is- s trnom za nasad otiscima prstiju na rubu oboda. Prapovijesni sloje-
let, such that, for example, its depth is less than (photo: R. Suri) vi sadre i nalaze manjih kremenih fragmenata od
ten centimetres in trench L. The greatest layering kojih se veinom prepoznaju kremeni odbitci, ali se
found in the course of the investigations to date was in moe nai i pokoji djeli kremenog noia. Najzanimljiviji
trench J, located in the deepest sea in the area inves- nalaz je svakako vrak kremene strelice ss krilcima i iro-
tigated so far. Besides the first three layers we have kim trnom za nasad. Iako zanimljiv, nalaz nam ne moe
identified, which are identical in content across the poblie dati vrijeme njegova nastanka, budui da ovaj tip
entire site, we have one other layer here. It is found streljiva nije kronoloki osjetljiv, te se koristio u dugom
at a depth of from fifty to sixty centimetres and, vremenskom periodu od neolitika, eneolitika te kroz rano
along with the finds of prehistoric pottery that are bronano doba. Jedan vei komad kamena svojim oblikom
typologically very similar to those from previous lay- podsjea na dio runog rvnja, tonije dio kojim se pritiskalo
ers, it is characterised by a large quantity of smaller i mljelo zrnje itarica.
stones and the find of larger quantities of animal Zadnji sloj koji je istrai-
bones and shells. van sadravao je i veu

7. The archaeological investigation is conducted by pairs of divers /

Arheoloka istraivanja odrauju parovi ronioca u svakoj sondi (photo: M. Pei)


Although preserved in a poor and fragmented state, the pre- koliinu kostiju, a najvie se radi o zubima preivaa, te
historic ceramic finds possess characteristics that place them drugih kostiju za koje e nam arheozooloka analiza dati
roughly in the Bronze Age. These are for the most part spheri- tone podatke kojim vrstama su pripadale. Dokaz upo-
cal vessels that are characterised by broad strap handles with trebe kremenih noia vidljiv je na jednoj od kostiju koja
some of the specimens differentiated by the fact that they have nosi niz paralelnih tragova, grubih zareza koji su nastali
a section above the handle that extends beyond the rim, mas- kao posljedica skidanja mesa s nje.
sive horizontal handles and small handles in the form of relief
crescent-shaped appliqus. We also find various decorations on
the recovered sherds in the form of incised parallel lines, rows
of small impressed circles or rows of decorations similar to fin-
gerprint impressions on the edge of the rim. The prehistoric
layers also contain finds of small flint fragments, most of which
can be identified as flint flakes, although we do find sporadic
sections of bladelets. The most interesting find is certainly the
tip of a flint barbed arrowhead with a broad hafting tang. Al-
though certainly interesting, this find cannot assist us in rough-
ly dating its creation, given that this type of projectile point is 8. Traces of cutting on a bone / Tragovi rezanja noem na
kosti (photo: R. Suri)
not chronologically sensitive and was in use over an extended
period of time, from the Neolithic, the Eneolithic and through Prapovijesni sloj sadri i male fragmente nagorenog drva ve-
to the early Bronze Age. One larger stone is reminiscent in form liine 1-2 centimetra, koji se javljaju tek sporadino, ali prili-
to a quern-stone, more precisely the upper handstone used to kom istraivanja naen je i jedan vei komad drva. Gornji dio
apply pressure to and grind cereals. mu je zadebljan dok se prema donjem dijelu suava. Iako je
fragmentarno sauvan, na gornjem irem dijelu se moe pre-
The last layer to be investigated also contained a large quanti- poznati rupa za nasad, tako da je pretpostavka da se mogao
ty of bone, mostly the teeth of ruminants, and other bones for koristiti kao drak za kamenu sjekiru.
which an archaeozoological analysis will provide precise data
on the species they originate from. Evidence of the use of flint
bladelets is evident on one of the bones which bears parallel
traces, coarse incisions created as the result of the removal of
meat from the bone.

The prehistoric layer also contains small fragments of burned

wood of about one to two centimetres in size that appear only
sporadically during the investigation one larger piece of wood

9. Surface finds were documented during underwater

drawing practice / Prilikom vjebe crtanja pod morem
dokumentirani su povrinski nalazi (photo: M. Pei)

iroka lepeza nalaza, kako iz antikog, tako i iz prapovije-

snog razdoblje svrstavaju podmorje otoia Babuljaa u
jedno od zanimljivijih nalazita koje smo do sada istraivali.
Novi nalazi koji su ove godine otkriveni obogauju sliku o
kulturnim slojevima, osobito onima iz bronanog doba za
koje smo do sada imali malobrojne informacije. Zasigur-
no je velika zanimljivost da se u prapovijesnim slojevima
u dubljem pijesku pronalaze i relativno dobro ouvani fra-
gmenti organskog materijala, to nam daje nadu da bi se
u nastavku istraivanja mogli nai i novi drveni nalazi koji
10. Every find was recorded in detail and positioned within
the trench / Svaki nalaz detaljno je snimljen i pozicioniran se na kopnu rijetko mogu otkriti u tako ouvanom stanju
unutar sonde (photo: R. Suri) kao pod morem.


11. Keay
XXV amphorae
constituted the bulk of
the cargo of the / Amfore
Keay XXV inile su glavninu
tereta brodoloma na
(photo: M. Pei)

was, however, found. The upper section is

thickened and tapers towards the lower
end. Although preserved only as a fragment
we can identify a hafting hole on the upper, broader
part, such that the presumption is that it may have been
used as the handle of a stone axe.

The broad array of finds, both

from the Antiquity and the
prehistoric period, make the
waters of Babulja one of the 12. Finds and their positions are sketched underwater on
compelling sites we have inves- plastic dive slates / Nalazi i njihova pozicija se skiciraju
pod morem na plastinim ploicama (photo: R. Suri)
tigated to date. The new finds re-
13. Sherds covered this year enrich our insight into
of prehistoric the cultural layers, especially those from
pottery / Fragmenti the Bronze Age, for which we have so far
prapovijesne had only sporadic information. Certainly Bibliography / Literatura:
ukraene keramike of great interest is the fact that we find Hayes, J. W. 1972. - Late Roman Pottery, London-Roma.
(photo: R. Suri)
relatively well preserved fragments of or- Keay, S. J. 1984. - Late Roman Amphorae in the Western Medit-
ganic material in the prehistoric layers of the erannean part I, BAR International Series 196 (i), Oxford.
deeper sand, which gives us hope that the continuation of this Pei, M. 2014. - New Research of the Roman Shipwreck at the Is-
investigation could yield new wooden finds that would rarely let of Babulja near Pakotane / Nova istraivanja antikog bro-
be preserved on land in a state of preservation as good as doloma kod otoia Babuljaa, Potopljena batina / Submerged
that found in the submarine environment. Heritage 4, Zadar, 33-37.

16. Part of the team of this years investigation / Dio ekipe s ovogodinjih istraivanja. Standing from the left /
Stoje s lijeva: Veronika Zerzanova, Mladen Pei, Barbora Machova, Tino Zrili, Roko Suri; squatting / ue: Marina
imii, Nemanja avlovi, Luka Beki. Missing/Nedostaju: Saa Koren, Milan Rodi, Jelena elebi (photo: L.Beki)
1. The
west side of
the islet of Veliki
Piruzi / Zapadna
strana otoia Veliki
Piruzi (photo: M.

The Shipwrecks of Rovinj

Project The Piruzi Rocks:
First Shipwreck
Projekt Rovinjski brodolomi.
Hrid Piruzi, prvi brodolom
Luka Beki, Roko Suri
The Shipwrecks of Rovinj research project is in its second Ve drugu godinu za redom, u rovinjskom akvatoriju pro-
year. The project aims to find and study all of the shipwrecks vodi se istraivaki projekt Rovinjski brodolomi koji ima
in the waters of Rovinj, with the objective of learning as za cilj pronai i istraiti sve brodolome tog podruja, kako
much as possible about the oldest maritime history of this bi se vie saznalo o najstarijoj pomorskoj prolosti ovoga
town. The first of the four shipwrecks known of so far is the grada. Prvi od za sada etiri poznata brodoloma je onaj
one at the Veli Piruzi rock. kod Hridi Veli Piruzi.

Meunarodni centar za podvodnu arheologiju u Zadru

(MCPA) u suradnji s Bavarskim drutvom za podvodnu
arheologiju (Bayerischen Gesellschaft fr Unterwasserar-
chologie, BGfU) iz Njemake te Zaviajnim muzejem Gra-
da Rovinja proveo je podmorsko arheoloko istraivanje
na Piruzima u travnju ove godine. Radi se o nastavku istra-
2. ivanja koje je zapoelo u travnju 2014. g., u kojem se
Its all hustle istrauju skromni ostaci kasnoantikog brodoloma.
and bustle on the Na ovaj nain nastavljena je viegodinja surad-
boat ahead of a dive
/ Pred zaron na brodu nja izmeu ove tri ustanove, koja je zapoela jo
vlada komeanje 2009. g., prilikom istraivanja luke Vetar, uz po-
(photo: M. mo Turistike zajednice Grada Rovinja.
The International Centre for Underwater Archaeology in Zadar
(ICUA), in collaboration with the Bavarian Society for Underwater
Archaeology (Bayerischen Gesellschaft fr Unterwasserarchol-
ogie, BGfU) from Germany and the City of Rovinj Heritage Muse-
um conducted underwater archaeological investigation at the
Piruzi rocks in April of this year. This continues on the investiga-
tions launched in April of 2014 of the modest remains of a late
Antiquity shipwreck. It furthers the multiannual collaboration
of these three institutions, which began back in 2009 during
the investigation of the port of Vetar with the support of the
Tourism Board of the City of Rovinj.

Serving as expert leader of the underwater archaeological re-

search campaign at the Piruzi rocks is Luka Beki DSc. The oth-
er members of the expert and technical team are underwater
archaeologists Mladen Pei, Marina imii and Roko Suri of
ICUA, Max Fiederling, Michael Heinzlmeier, Anna-Sophie Fuchs 3. Investigation of the Piruzi rocks required teamwork /
and Peter Handwerker of the BGfU, and outside associates, par- Istraivanje na Piruzima iziskuje timski rad (photo: L. Beki)
ticipants of a NAS programme-based course, Plenar Stojan of Struni voditelj radova podvodnog arheolokog istraiva-
Slovenia, Milan Rodi of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Schott Aline of Lux- nja na Piruzima bio je dr. sc. Luka Beki, a ostatak strune i
embourg and Kateina tehnike ekipe inili su podvodni arheolozi Mladen Pei,
Kozkov, David Von- Marina imii i Roko Suri iz MCPA, te Max Fiederling, Mi-
draek, Milan Ais and chael Heinzlmeier, Anna-Sophie Fuchs i Peter Handwerker
Veronika Zerzanova of the Czech Republic. Also participating iz BGfU. Takoer su sudjelovali vanjski suradnici, polaznici
in the investigation was Marko Sreec, the owner of the Old teaja po programu NAS-a, Plenar Stojan iz Slovenije, Mi-
Diver club in Vetar. lan Rodi iz BiH, Schott Aline iz Luksemburga, te Kateina
Kozkov, David Vondraek, Milan Ais i Veronika Zerzano-
The remains of this late Antiquity shipwreck are found scattered va iz eke. U istraivanjima je sudjelovao i Marko Sreec,
between the rocks on the seabed to the southwest side of the vlasnik ronilakog kluba Old diver u Vetru.

5. Excavating
the large quantities
of rocky material was
arduous work/ Kopanje
velike koliine kamenog
materijala je naporan
(photo: L. Beki)

5. Excavating the large quantities of rocky material

was arduous work / Kopanje velike koliine kamenog
materijala je naporan posao (photo: L. Beki)

Ostaci kasnoantikog brodoloma nalaze se meu stijena-

ma na morskom dnu na jugozapadnoj strani otoia Veliki
Piruzi. Pregledano je stanje nalazita, nakon ega se izvrilo
popravljanje klinova s brojanim oznakama, fiksnih toaka.
Potom se pristupilo postavljanju mreita sainjenog od
4. A drawing of the site indicating the quadrants
between the large rocks / Nacrt nalazita sa oznaenim kvadranata 4 x 4 m. Iskopavanja su vrena u kvadrantima
kvadrantima izmeu velikih stijena (author: M. imii) E, F, G i H. Mamutima se iskapao kvadrant po kvadrant, a


islet of Veliki Piruzi (Greater Piruzi). The state of the site was
inspected, followed by the mending of the numbered spikes
designating the fixed points. This was followed by the instal-
lation of a grid composed of four by four metre quadrants. Ex-
cavations were conducted in quadrants E, F, G and H. Dredges
were used to excavate quadrant by quadrant as one quad-
rant as completed, we would move on to the next one. In this
manner the previously excavated quadrant was backfilled with
stone material from the newly excavated quadrant. Our water
pump was mounted on a small inflatable boat located above
the site, while the researchers and equipment were on a larger
boat that was usually some fifty metres from the actual locality.

6. A rest after a taxing diving shift / Odmor nakon teke

We endeavoured to collect all archaeological material during ronilake smjene (photo: M. Pei)
the excavations. This allowed us to count and weigh all the finds,
while for finds of particular significance (special finds, SF) we kako je koji kvadrant zavren, prelazilo bi se na slijedei.
also noted the position within a quadrant at which they were Na taj nain prethodno iskopani kvadrant bivao bi zatrpan
recovered. At the end of a dive all data on finds was entered kamenim materijalom iz novozapoetog kvadranta. Pum-
pa za vodu nalazila se na manjem gumenom brodu koji se
nalazio iznad nalazita, dok su se istraivai i oprema na-
lazili na veem brodu koji je najee bio 50-ak m udaljen
od samog lokaliteta.

Prilikom arheolokog iskopavanja nastojali su se prikupiti

svi arheoloki nalazi. Na taj nain svi su se nalazi mogli pre-
brojiti i izvagati, a nalazima od osobite vanosti (posebni
nalazi, PN) biljeila se i pozicija pronalaska u kvadrantu. Svi
podaci o nalazima su se nakon ronjenja unosili u unaprijed
pripremljene specijalne tablice. Ovom vrstom dokumenta-
cije dobiveni su podaci o prostornoj koncentraciji tipova
posua. Nakon dokumentacije su tipoloki odredivi ulom-
ci zapakirani, dok je ostatak vraen u more, na isto mjesto
7. Working out a strategy on-board the boat for work on odakle je izvaen.
the seabed / Dogovori oko strategije na morskom dnu
obavljaju se na brodu (photo: M. imii)

into tables prepared in advance. This method of documentation

provided us with data on the spatial concentration of types of
ware. Following documentation, the typologically identifiable
sherds were packed while the remainder of the finds were re-
stored to the seabed to the location at which they were found.

A total of 609 potsherds were extracted in the frame of this

years investigation with a total weight of 67.368 kilogrammes.
Of that 585 pieces are sherds from amphorae with a total weight
of 43.421 kilogrammes. The positions of special finds (SF) with-
in quadrants were recorded in order to later enter these into
the site map. Every special find was photographed underwater
along with the number by which it was designated. This year
we identified a total of 48 special finds, designated by num-
bers 27 through 73.

8. The daily inspection and documentation of the finds /

Only typologically identifiable finds were packed for further Dnevno pregledavanje i dokumentiranje nalaza
processing, while the rest were restored to their original posi- (photo: M. imii)


tions on the seabed. In this years investigation we separated U sklopu ovogodinjih istraivanja ukupno je iz mora izvae-
seven base sherds, nine handle sherds, 13 amphorae rim sherds no 609 ulomaka keramike ukupne teine 67,368 kilograma. Od
and one amphora plug. We also discovered 43 ballast stones. toga su 585 komada ulomci amfora ukupne teine 43,421 kilo-
This method of processing the material provided us with data grama. Za posebne nalaze (PN) zabiljeen je poloaj u kvadran-
on the spatial concentration of types of tu kako bi se kasnije mogao unijeti na plan. Pod morem je svaki
ware. The potsherds are predomi- posebni nalaz fotografiran zajedno s brojem kojim je oznaen.
nantly parts of late Antiquity am- Ukupno je ove godine izdvojeno 48 posebnih nalaza, oznae-
phorae of African types. Prom- nih brojevima 27-73.
inent among the other finds
are a half-section of a small 9. Rims Zapakirani su za daljnju
pot with handle (SF 37), part of African obradu samo tipolo-
amphorae / Obodi
of a ceramic oil lamp (SF 68), afrikih amfora ki odredivi nalazi, dok je
a rim section of large (photo: L. ostatak vraen u podmor-
sigillata plate (SF Beki) je na isto mjesto odakle
10. Spikes
of African 64) and the base je izvaen. U ovogo-
amphorae / iljci
of a small sigilla- dinjim istraivanjima
afrikih amfora
ta plate (SF 71). All of (photo: L. the archaeologi- izdvojeno je 7 dijelova
cal finds are currently Beki) at the workshop of dna, 9 ulomaka ruki, 13
the underwater archaeo- logical finds restora- dijelova oboda amfora i
tion department of the International Centre for Underwater jedan ep amfore. Prona-
Archaeology in Zadar. Scientific analysis will follow the desa- eno je i 43 komada balastnog
linisation and conservation-restoration treatment. kamenja. Ovakvim nainom obrade
materijala dobiveni su podaci o prostornoj koncentraciji tipova
12. A rare The site posua. Ulomci keramike uglavnom su
find of a small map was dijelovi kasnoantikih amfora afri-
pot with handle
expanded to kih tipova. Od ostalih nalaza isti-
/ Rijedak loni s
rukom (photo: the north this u se polovica lonia s rukom
L. Beki) year. Last year (PN 37), dio keramike uljani-
we excavated ce (PN 68), dio oboda velikog
quadrants A, B, C, D and a part of sigilatnog tanjura (PN 64) i
quadrant H. This year we excavat- dno sigilatnog tanjuria (PN
ed F, E, H and most of quadrant G. The 71). Svi arheoloki nalazi tre-
layers in G and H were particularly thick nutno su u radionici Odjela za
and contained an abundance of archaeological finds. The site restauriranje podvodnih arheo-
13. We also
drawing documentation was produced by Marina imii on lokih nalaza Meunarodnog centra found finer late
the basis of last years drawings by Marcus Prell. The site draw- za podvodnu arheologiju u Zadru. Znan- Antiquity pottery
ings are spatially placed within the large rocks to the left and stvena obrada nalaza moe uslijediti na- / Pronalazi se i
finija kasnoantika
right side of the excavation field. Some thirty square metres of kon desalinizacije i konzervatorsko-re- keramika (photo:
the site were investigated in this years campaign. stauratorske obrade. R. Suri)

Parallel to this research project we conducted a three-day un- Ove godine proiren je i nacrt nalazita u smje-
derwater archaeology course at Camp Vetar based on the pro- ru sjevera. Prole godine iskopani su A, B, C, D i dio kvadranta H.
gramme of the Nautical Archaeological Society (NAS), these Ove godine iskopani su F, E, H i vei dio kvadranta G. Slojevi u
being the NAS Introduction to Foreshore and Underwater Ar- G i H bili su posebno debeli i sa mnotvom arheolokih nalaza.
chaeology and the NAS Part I Certificate in Foreshore and Un- Nacrtnu dokumentaciju je izradila Marina imii na bazi pro-
derwater Archaeology. The premises of the Old Diver diving logodinjeg nacrta Marcusa Prella. Nacrt je u prostoru odreen
club at Camp Vetar were used for the theoretical section of the velikim hridima s lijeve i desne strane iskopnog polja. U ovogo-
course, while practical underwater training was staged along dinjoj kampanji istraeno je oko 30 m2 nalazita.
the northern and southern shore of Vetar Cove. The courses
were successfully completed by seven participants from Slo- Uz ovaj istraivaki projekt, u kampu Vetar proveden je trod-
venia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, the Czech Republic and Luxem- nevni teaj podvodne arheologije prema programu Nautical
bourg, after which they joined the underwater archaeological Archaeological Society (NAS) i to NAS Uvod u priobalnu i pod-
excavations at the islet of Veliki Piruzi. vodnu arheologiju i teaj NAS I stupanj priobalne i podvodne


14. The
water pump
was mounted on
a small inflatable
boat / Vodena pumpa
postavlja se na mali
gumenjak (photo:
M. Fiederling)

During the practical training we inspected the seabed arheologije. Za teoretski dio teaja koritena je prostorija u
along the southern shore of the cove, primarily with ronilakom klubu Old Diver u kampu Vetar, a praktine pod-
the objective of identifying possible devastation or un- vodne vjebe su odrane uz sjevernu i junu obalu vetar-
authorised excavation since the last inspection (2014). ske uvale. Teajeve je uspjeno zavrilo sedmero polaznika iz
The inspection did not reveal any submarine devas- Slovenije, Bosne i Hercegovine, eke i Luksemburga, nakon
tation on the on land section of the southern ega su se prikljuili podvodnim arheolokim iskopavanjama
shore, however, we observed a block of na otoiu Veliki Piruzi.
stone that had, due to the abrasive ac-
tion of the sea, fallen out of the ele- Za vrijeme praktinih vjebi pregledano je podmorje uz junu
vated area of soil immediately adjacent obalu uvale, prvenstveno radi utvrivanja moguih devastaci-
to the shore. Considering the form ja ili neovlatenih iskopavanja nastalih u periodu od zadnjeg
15. An and characteristics of the block pregleda (2014. g.). Pregledom nije uoena nikakva podmor-
Antiquity period
stone pedestal was we concluded that this was ska devastacija, no na kopnenom dijelu na samoj junoj obali
also discovered at Vetar, likely the base (pedestal) of uoen je kameni blok koji je zbog abrazivnog djelovanja mora
possibly for a statue / a statue installed alongside ispao iz zemljanog uzvienja neposredno uz obalu. S obzi-
U Vetru je otkriveno
i antiko kameno a wall (Beki 2015). We noti- rom na formu i karakteristike bloka doli smo do zakljuka kako
postolje, mogue fied Damir Matoevi, curator se vjerojatno radi o bazi (postolju) kipa koji se postavlja uz zid
kipa at the Rovinj Heritage Museum, (Beki 2015). O takvom stanju obavijeten je kustos Zaviaj-
and the Pula Conservation Depart- nog muzeja Grada Rovinja Damir Matoevi, te Konzervator-
ment to have the worked block stored at a safe location. ski odjel u Puli, kako bi se obraeni blok spremio na sigurno.

Bibliography /
Beki, L. (2014) - Launch of Systemat-
ic Research of the Piruzi Rocks Ship-
wreck, Rovinj / Poetak sustavnih
istraivanja brodoloma kod hridi
Piruzi, Rovinj. Potopljena batina /
Submerged Heritage 4, Zadar 2014.
Fiederling, M., Beki, L. (2014) - Kro-
atien 2014. Neues Projekt: Das
Schiffswracks Rovinj. Jahresbericht
Bayerischen Gesellschaft fr Unter-
wasserarchologie, 15, 2014. 3.
Beki, L. (2015) - Drevna luka Vetar 16. The Rovinj research team in 2015. Upper row from the left / Rovinjski istraivaki tim
kod Rovinja / Lantico porto Vestre 2015. g. Gornji red slijeva: Damir Matoevi, David Vondraek, Milan Ais, Milan Rodi, Aline
Schott, Roko Suri, Max Fiederling, Marko Sreec; bottom row from the left / donji red slijeva:
presso Rovigno, Rovinj, 2015.
Mladen Pei, Stojan Plenar, Kateina Kozkov, Veronika Zerznov, Marina imii, Luka
Beki, Anna-Sophie Fuchs, Michael Heinzlmeier, Peter Handwerker (photo: L. Beki)
Project Ljubljanica River
Experience and Exhibition Site,
acronym Ljubljanica
Projekt Doivljajsko razstavie
Ljubljanica, akronim Ljubljanica
David Badovinac, Matej Draksler
The research of the logboat was part of a large project partly Raziskava deblaka, ki je potekala pod vodstvom Mestne
financed by the EEA Financial Mechanism Programme 2009- obine Vrhnika in v sodelovanju z Muzejem in galerijami
2014 and conducted by the Municipality of Vrhnika (Obina Vrh- mesta Ljubljane ter Biotehniko fakulteto Univerze v Lju-
nika), the Museum and galleries of Ljubljana (Muzej in galerije bljani, je bila del projekta Doivljajsko razstavie Ljublja-
mesta Ljubljane) and the Biotechnical Faculty of the University nica, delno financiranega s strani Finannega mehanizma
of Ljubljana (Univerza v Ljubljani, Biotehnika fakulteta). The EGP 2009-2014. Namen projekta je reevanje najbolj aku-
projects mission is to solve the most acute threat to the unique tne ogroenosti edinstvenega spomenika v Sloveniji, ki
monument in Slovenia, threatened due to its location, degree mu zaradi lege, stopnje degradacije in vrste najdia grozi
of degradation and type of material. Our further objective is to unienje. Na nadaljnji cilj je javnosti omogoiti bistveno
allow a considerably easier access to the cultural heritage and laji dostop do kulturne dediine in naravnih znameni-
natural attractions of the Ljubljanica River to the public and de- tosti reke Ljubljanice in ustvariti uinkovito platformo za
velop an efficient platform for a revitalisation of heritage in Vrh- izvedbo celovite revitalizacije kulturne in naravne dedi-
nika and the wider region. ine Vrhnike ter ire regije v prihodnosti.

1. The
site on the
river Ljubljanica /
Najdie deblaka v reki
(Photo: D. Pavlovi)


All results of the project are intended for the general pub- Vsi rezultati projekta so namenjeni iri javnosti, z iska-
lic, and we strive to achieve sustainable effects by searching njem dolgoronih reitev pa elimo dosei predvsem
for long-term solutions, which allow access to the heritage trajnostne uinke, ki bodo omogoili dostopnost do de-
to future generations. Raising awareness of the local com- diine tudi bodoim generacijam. Ozaveanje lokalne
munity is one of the fundamental tasks of the project. The javnosti je ena izmed temeljnih nalog projekta. Z vsebi-
content and programs that concern the wider area of the nami in programi, ki segajo v ire obmoje poreja Lju-
Ljubljanica river create a potential for the development of bljanice, ustvarjamo potencial za razvoj turizma in irje-
tourism and an expansion of target audiences. nje ciljnih publik.

The Ljubljanica River, cultural monument of Reka Ljubljanica, kulturni spomenik

national significance dravnega pomena
Besides being a natural attraction, the Ljubljanica River is also Reka Ljubljanica je poleg naravnih znamenitosti pomemb-
famous for its cultural heritage. Because of the abundance, na predvsem zaradi bogate kulturne dediine. Struga reke
quality and scientific value of its findings, the Ljubljanica riv- med Vrhniko in Ljubljano sodi po tevilnosti, kakovosti
erbed between Vrhnika and Ljubljana is classified as one the in znanstveni izpovednosti najdb med najpomembneje
most important, and highly endangered archaeological sites in hkrati najbolj ogroene kulturne spomenike v Sloveni-
in Slovenia. The water flow of both the Ljubljanica and Mala ji. Za kulturni spomenik dravnega pomena je razglaen
Ljubljanica Rivers from their sources at Moilnik and Retovje, vodni tok reke Ljubljanice in Male Ljubljanice z obreji od
up to the Ljubljanica and Grubers Channel watersheds at pi- izvirov v Moilniku in Retovju do razvodja Ljubljanice in
ca, has been declared a cultural monument of national signifi- Gruberjevega kanala na pici v Ljubljani. Spomeniku pri-
cance. Part of the Ljubija River (Vrhnika) and the area between pada e del reke Ljubije na Vrhniki do sotoja z Ljubljani-
Kamin and the Livada fallow complement this monument. co ter razirjeno obmoje spomenika med Kaminom pri
Over 8000 ancient items have been found here so far (Photo1). Bevkah in ledino Livada. Doslej je bilo na tem obmoju/
tukaj odkritih preko 8000 predmetov iz rimskega obdob-
The Excavation
ja (Slika 1).
In the 1980s a logboat was discovered by the diver Miro
Potonik in the Ljubljanica River near the centre of Vrhnika.
The first archaeological research was conducted between 6 Deblak je konec osemdesetih let, v bliini mestnega centra
May and 21 July 2001 by the divers from the Group for Un- Vrhnika, prvi odkril potaplja Miro Potonik. Prve arheolo-
derwater Archaeology (Skupina za podvodno arheologijo, ke raziskave je med 6. majem in 21. julijem 2001 izvedla
SPA), working as part of the Department of Archaeology of Skupina za podvodno arheologijo (SPA), ki je delovala v
the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana. The research was supervised okrivu Oddelka za arheologijo Filozofske fakultete v Lju-
by Andrej Gaspari. bljani. Vodja raziskave je bil Andrej Gaspari.

2. Team
at the finish
of the project /
Ekipa ob zakljuku
terena (Photo: J.


Due to the erosion of the unhardened embankment and Zaradi spodjedanja neutrjene breine in monosti njene po-
a potential collapse, the logboat was found threatened by ruitve je deblaku grozilo trajno unienje. To je bil eden glav-
permanent destruction. This was one of the main reasons nih razlogov, zakaj smo raziskavo slednjega vkljuili v projekt.
why its research was included in the project.
V juniju 2015 smo zaeli s podvodno arheoloko raziskavo, ki
In June 2015 we began an underwater archaeological re- je bila osredotoena na izkopavanje, dokumentiranje in dvig
search which was focused on excavation, documentation deblaka. Raziskava je bila opravljena s strani potapljaev iz
and lifting of the logboat. The research was performed by Zavoda za podvodno arheologijo v sodelovanju z Mednaro-
divers from the Institute for underwater archaeology (Za- dnim centrom za podvodno arheologijo iz Zadra - UNESCO
vod za podvodno arheologijo) with the help from the In- centrom II kategorije in podjetjem CPA d.o.o. V raziskavi, ki
ternational Centre for Underwater Archaeology in Zadar - jo je vodil Matej Draksler, so sodelovali e: David Badovinac,
UNESCO category II. centre and CPA Ltd. The research was Matej kol, Saa Koren, Luka Beki, Mladen Pei, Ale Tiran,
led by Matej Draksler, alongside David Badovinac, Matej Gaper Koir, Peter Grosman, Uro Koir, Grega Sojer in Anton
kol, Saa Koren, Luka Beki, Mladen Pei, Ale Tiran, Vode. Pomo na kopnem in podporo do zagotovili Rene Ma-
Gaper Koir, Peter Grosman, Uro Koir, Grega Sojer and saryk, Daa Pavlovi, Sara orkovi in Marina imii (Slika 2).
Anton Vode. The assistance in land support was provided
by Rene Masaryk, Daa Pavlovi, Sara orkovi and Mari- Leta 2001 sta e bila izkopana dva velika dela deblaka sku-
na imii (Photo 2). pne doline 11.5 m. Tako smo predvidevali, da je neizko-
pano ostalo le e meter ali dva ohranjenega deblaka in na
In 2001 two large pieces of the logboat were excavated at podlagi tega pripravili delovni nart. Z izkopavanjem smo
a combined length of 11,5 m. It was estimated that only najprej zaeli nad obmojem desnega brega, za katerega
a meter or two would yet to be uncovered. Our work plan smo predvidevali, da skriva preostali del deblaka. Razlini
was constructed on this basis. First we started digging the reni sedimenti, prekriti z debelimi sloji gradbenih mate-
land on the right bank over the area where we presumed rialov, so ogroali obmoje. Hkrati smo prieli s ienjem
the remaining part of the logboat lay under. The area was podvodnega terena in dokumentiranjem celotne situaci-
compromised by various river sediments covered by a
thick landfill of construction material. At the same time we
cleaned the underwater terrain and began documenting
the situation that was excavated 14 years ago. In the mean-
time we removed the layers of the bank above the water,
and continued with our underwater excavation. (Photo 3)
We were surprised to learn that the logboat was broken
in two parts and that we were dealing with at least three
large pieces. The newly discovered part was aligned along
the river bank and we only had to expand our dig area a
little farther along the water. It was our estimation that 3
m should suffice, taken that the total length of the logboat
couldnt be over 15 m, or could it? Interestingly, we soon
discovered that the answer was positive! For this reason 3. Excavating simultaneously above and under water /
we had to expand our dig area again, which enabled us to Soasna izkopavanj nad in podvodo (Photo: D. Pavlovi)
find the logboats bow or stern, and our excavation area je, ki je bila opravljena e pred 14 leti. Presenetilo nas je
was expanded from the presumed 2 m to 7m (Photo 4). dejstvo, da je bil deblak poen na dveh mestih, kar je po-
menilo, da se ukvarjamo s tremi velikimi kosi in ne z dve-
4. Mladen Pei cleaning the
sediment on the logboat / Mladen ma, kakor je bilo prvotno predvidevano. Nanovo odkriti
Pei pri pri odstranjevanju del je leal vzporedno z renim bregom (Slika 3). Zato je
sedimenta (Photo: D. Badovinac) bilo potrebno e raziriti obmoje izkopavanj. Previde-
vali smo, da bi 3 m morali zadostovati, saj skupna dolna
deblaka ne more presegati 15 m, ali pa? Kmalu smo ugo-
tovili, da je to vsekakor mogoe! Zato smo bili primorani
ponovno raziriti nae obmoje izkopavanj in tokrat smo
odkrili bodisi premec ali krmo deblaka. Obmoje izkopa-
vanj se je tako povealo za 5 m, in sicer s prvotnih 2 m na
konnih 7 m (Slika 4).


The dig site cut deep into the river bank and we first had Obmoje izkopavanj se je nahajalo globoko v renem bregu,
to solidify the exposed profile for which we used wooden zato je bilo najprej potrebno utrditi izpostavljen profil. To smo
plaques that were fixed on metal spikes hammered into the naredili z lesenimi ploami, ki smo jih pritrdili na kovinske pa-
ground, creating a sort of adaptive protection wall. Each time lice zabite v tla in tako ustvarili prilagodljivo zaitno steno.
we progressed with the underwater excavation, we add- Vsaki, ko smo napredovali s podvodnim izkopavanjem, smo
ed a new line of the profile, while constantly repeating the dodali novo linijo lesene zaite. Na ta nain smo zavarovali
building process in order to make the excavation area safe obmoje izkopavanj za potapljae, hkrati pa zaitili deblak.
for the divers, and, at the same time, to protect the logboat.
Vsak del deblaka je bil dokumen-
Each piece of the logboat was documented with tradition- tiran s tradicionalnimi skicami
al sketches of the situation, measurements with the laser celotne situacije, geodetskimi
station and a photogrammetric 3D model of each indi- meritvami in izdelavo 3-D modela
vidual part in situ. Later on we would be able to posameznega dela in situ. Na ta na-
combine the different models into one gen- in smo lahko zdruili razline modele v eno
eral situation, covering the entire site, and splono situacijo celotnega obmoja iz katere smo
taking the required measurements from naknadno lahko pridobili natanne meritve (Slika 5).
there (Photo 5).
5. 3D Prva dva dela deblaka sta bila kar nekaj asa iz-
The first two parts of the logboat were exposed model of the logboat postavljena naravnim dejavnikom in zato v sla-
to the elements for quite a long time and were / 3D fotogrametrien bem stanju. Ker je proces izkopavanj za njiju
therefore quite poorly preserved. The excavation model deblaka (Author: pomenil dodatno gronjo, smo bili primorani
D. Badovinac, A.
process exposed them even further; therefore we Pasumansky - dvigniti iz vode oba dela. Glede na to, da je lo
decided to lift those parts separately. Since they were Agisoft) za manja kosa, ju je skupina potapljaev z lahkoto
dvignila in ju postavila na za njiju pripravljeno leie.
Okvir leia je bil narejen iz kovinskih gradbenih cevi. Za not-
ranji del ogrodja smo uporabili vezne trakove in tako ustvarili
ukrivljeno vendar trdno povrino, ki smo jo lahko po potrebi
prilagodili zunanji povrini deblaka (Slika 6).

Zadnji in najbolje ohranjen del je bil tudi najbolj problema-

tien, saj je bil stisnjen tik ob reni breg, kar je onemogoilo
prost dostop potapljaem za deblak. Visoka zunanja stranica
deblaka je povzroala skrbi, saj bi jo pritisk zemljine renega

6. Construction frame with the logboat carried by the

divers to the lift site / Okvir za dvig z deblakom, nosijo
potapljai na mesto dviga (Photo: D. Badovinac)

relatively small, the divers had no trouble lifting and plac-

ing them on a pre-prepared grounding mat. The frame of
the grounding mat was constructed of metal construction
pipes. We used connecting strips to crisscross the interior
part of the frame, therefore creating a curved but firm area 7. Diver excavating the sediment inside the logboat /
for the logboats parts that could also be tailored or adapted Potaplja izkopava sediment znotraj deblaka (Photo: D.
to match the curve of the logboats outer surface (Photo 6). Badovinac)
brega, v primeru, da se najprej izprazni njegova notranjost,
The last and the best preserved part was much more prob- lahko zlomil. Zato smo sedimente v notranjosti deblaka za-
lematic, as it was deeply embedded in the river bank, mak- asno pustili in nadaljevali z izkopavanjem med deblakom
ing it impossible for the diver to reach the area between the in bregom, ki smo ga prav tako utrdili z zaitno steno. ele
logboat and the bank. Its high eastern side caused some nato smo lahko izpraznili deblak in dokumentirali konno si-
concern, as it was uncertain if the pressure of the river banks tuacijo (Slika 7).


sediment on it would break it in case we emptied it first. This Novo odkrit kos deblaka je bil dolg ca. 6 m. Ker je bil dostop
is why we left the interior of the logboat filled with sediment omogoen samo z ene strani, je kakren koli poskus dviga ali
and proceeded with excavations on the other side between premika zadnjega kosa zahteval dobro pripravljeno strategi-
the boat and the bank, which we also firmed with our pro- jo. Zaeli smo z izgadnjo prilagojenega kovinskega ogrod-
tective wall. Once this was completed, we could finally emp- ja, ki je v celoti ovil deblak. Sestavljen je bil iz dveh loenih
ty the boat and document it (Photo 7). modelov, in sicer iz leia, ki je bilo podloeno z gumo za
spodnji del plovila, ter nastavljivega kovinskega okvirja, ki
The last part was over 6 m in length, and it lay in the most je stabiliziral stranice deblaka (Slika 8).
difficult position for lifting or any other activities. Addition-
ally, we had access to it only from one side. Therefore, a well
thought strategy was required. We began by constructing
a custom made metal framework that would envelop the
logboat perfectly. The framework essentially consisted of
two separated modules a rubber grounding mat for the
bottom part of the boat, and an adjustable metal frame that
would secure all sides of the logboat (Photo 8).

In order to place the mat under the logboat, we had to re-

move the sediment from underneath it first. At the same
time, we placed pillars of bricks padded with rubber under
the boat to hold it. We placed the bricks high enough for the
diver to reach the area underneath it, and apart enough so
that we could place the metal construction underneath. Once 8. Divers preparing the metal frame for the lift / Potpljai
that was completed, we still had to slightly move the boat pripravljajo kovinsko konstrukcijo za dvig (Photo: D.
on the mat. Eight divers positioned themselves along the
boats length and they slowly but carefully pulled the boat Za uinkovito namestitev deblaka na leie smo najprej
on the mat. The mat was then lifted and distanced from the morali odstraniti sediment pod njim. Za stabilizacijo debla-
bank in order to make room for the placement of the metal ka smo volumen nadomeali s stebriki iz opek, ki smo jih
framework over the logboat. Once that was done, we only oblazinili z gumo. Stebrike smo namestili dovolj visoko, da
had to adapt the framework to stabilize the sides (Photo 9). so potapljai lahko dosegli prostor pod deblakom ter hkrati
dovolj narazen, da smo lahko pod njega lahko namestili ko-
Everything was now prepared for the lift. The people from vinsko konstrukcijo. Osem potapljaev se je nato postavilo
Dvig Ltd brought a massive 70t truck crane, which they used po dolini deblaka ter ga poasi in previdno potegnilo na

9. Lift of the logboat / dvig deblaka (Photo. D. Badovinac)


for lifting the object some 40 m in distance above the Lju- pripravljeno leie, ki smo ga skupaj z deblakom dvigni-
bljanica River. The divers fixed the steel cables on the frame li in ga oddaljili od brega ter tako ustvarili dovolj prosto-
holding the logboat and the lift began. The whole construc- ra za postavitev kovinskega stabilizacijskega okvirja nad
tion was then lifted out of the water, high in the air, and then deblak (Slika 9).
placed on the ground, where each wooden piece was placed
into five metal containers filled with water. The containers Sedaj je bilo vse pripravljeno za dvig. Pri tem nam je na
were then loaded onto the trucks and transported to the pomo priskoila ekipa iz podjetja Dvig d.o.o., ki je z og-
Restauration Centre that is part of the Institute for the Pro- romnim 70t erjavom namestila teleskopsko roko nad 40
tection of the Cultural Heritage of Slovenia (Restavratorski m oddaljen deblak. Potapljai so privrstili jekleno vrv na
center, ZVKDS). There its conservation process began. The okvir deblaka in operater dvigala je priel z dvigovanjem.
parts are being placed in epoxy capsules, which would later Celotna konstrukcija je bila prestavljena na kopno in vsak
be lowered in melanin (Photo 10). posamezen kos debleka shranjen v enega izmed petih ko-
vinskih bazenov, napolnjenih z vodo. Bazeni so bili nato
naloeni na tovornjak in odpeljani v Restavratorski center
Zavoda za varstvo kulturne dediine Slovenije, na nadal-
nje konservatorske posege. Deli deblaka so bili tam shra-
njeni v kapsule iz epoksija in bodo kasneje potopljeni v
melanin (Slika 10).

Projekt je trajal skoraj mesec dni, medtem ko se je kon-

servatorski del ele zael in bo predvidoma trajal pet let.

Rimski deblak
Deblak je leal rahlo nagnjen ob desnem bregu Ljubljani-
ce. Sasoma so usedline renega dna in erozijski material
10. The logboat parts are placed into the pools at the
breine popolnoma prekrile severni del deblaka, tako da
conservation center / Deli deblaka so poloeni v bazene v je viden ostal le njegov manji del.
konzervatorskem centru. (Photo. D. Badovinac)
It took almost a month for the project to be completed, Lega deblaka in mo renega toka sta povzroila, da se je
while the conservation aspect has barely just begun and is prelomil na dveh mestih. Iz vode smo izvlekli tri velike kose
projected to last five years. v razlinih stanjih ohranjenosti in dolin: 5,15 m, 5,3 m in
6,1 m. Skupna dolina deblaka je tako znaala okrog 16
The Roman Logboat
m, vendar bomo tone dimenzije ugotovili takoj po opra-
The logboat lay on the bottom of the rivers east side at a vljenem konservatorskem posegu ter ko bodo vsi deli po-
slightly inclined angle from the right riverbank. Over time novno sestavljeni v celoto. V vsakem primeru gre za enega
the northern part of the dugout became completely cov- najdaljih deblakov v Evropi z 1,1 m irine in 0,68 visokimi
ered by the sediment from the river bottom and soil erod- stranicami (Slika 11).
ing from the riverbank, and only a smaller part of the dug-
out remained visible.

The power of water movement and the position of the dug-

out eventually led to its cracking in several places. We re-
covered three large parts in varying states of preservation
of length: 5.15, 5.3 and 6.1 meters. The dugout was over or
just about 16 meters long, however we will know for sure
once the conservation is completed and we have a chance
to piece it back together. In any case, it is one of the largest
logboats recovered in Europe with a 1.1 meter width and
ports (sides) 0.68 meters in height (Photo 11).

The logboat was made from the trunk of a single oak. Sev-
eral interesting features were nicely preserved. There was 11. View of the logboat / Pogled na debla
a round opening in the middle with a preserved wooden k (Photo: D. Badovinac)


plug that was fastened with a metal clamp. This opening is Deblak je bil izdelan iz debla hrasta. Ohranile so se tevilne
believed to have been used for sinking the dugout when it zanimive podrobnosti. V sredini se je nahajala okrogla od-
was not in use. The second, larger opening, was located to- prtina z lesenim zamakom, ki je bil na deblak pritrjen s ko-
wards the northern end of the dugout, and was also fastened vinsko spolijo. Ta odprtina je bila najverjetneje uporabljena
by several metal clamps. The function of this opening is not za potop deblaka v asu njegove neuporabe. Druga, veja
completely clear, but it may have been related to the pos- odprtina se je nahajala na sevrnem delu deblaka in je bila

12. Matej
sibility of setting up a sail, or, alternatively, it was kolc documenting prav tako pritjena z veimi kovinskimi spolijami.
a fastening for drag ropes. A beautifully carved the prow of the Funkcija omenjene odprtine e ni povsem jasna,
pointed tip of the dugout was preserved on the logboat / Matej kolc pri morda je omogoala vgradnjo jambora ali kon-
northern side. It was broken along its length and premca deblaka strukcije za privrstitev vlene vrvi. Na severni
the port side part of the bow was completely re- (Photo: D. strani se je ohranil lepo izrezljan kljun deblaka, ki
placed. Whether that happened during the con- Badovinac) je oitno popokal po dolini, zato je bil stranski del
struction or at a later time remains unclear. The remade premca v celoti zamenjan. Ni e povsem jasno ali se je
part of the bow was sealed with woollen cloth pieces and to zgodilo v asu izgradnje ali kasneje. Predelan del premca
resin, and it was fastened with 21 metal clamps. Additional je bil pritrjen z 21 kovinskimi sponkami stik pa je bil zates-
metal clamps were found in several parts of the dugouts njen z volneno tkanino in smolo. Dodatne kovinske sponke
sides, fixing the cracks that occurred during the period of so bile najdene na stranicah deblaka. Slednje so bile upora-
use. This demonstrates that the dugout was in use for a very bljene za sanacijo razpok, ki so nastale v obdobju uporabe.
long time, and was a very precious and valuable commod- To dokazuje, da je bil deblak v rabi zelo dolgo asa in je bil
ity that was regularly repaired and maintained (Photo 12). uporabniku zelo dragocen, zato ga je redno popravljal in
skrbno vzdreval (Slika 12).
The logboat is nearly two thousand years old, and it was
probably built somewhere around the beginning of the first Deblak je star skoraj dva tiso let in je bil najverjetneje zgra-
century AD. The samples that were taken in the year 2008 jen nekje okoli zaetka prvega stoletja naega tetja. Vzorci,


13. Luka
Beki excavating
the roman flat bottom
sewn ship / Luka Beki
izkopava rimsko
ivano ladjo.
(Photo: D.

for the purpose of radiocarbon dating produced dates: ki so bili odvzeti v letu 2008 z namenom radiokarbonske-
1995 55 BP (Z-3294); calib. 1: 50 BC-70 AD (68,2%); ga datiranja, so doloili naslednje datume: 1995 55 BP (Z-
1930 40 BP (Beta-250375); calib. 1: 4 -125 AD (57,8) 3294); calib. 1: 50 BC-70 AD (68,2%); 1930 40 BP (Beta-
(Eri, 2012, 399). 250375); calib. 1: 4 -125 AD (57,8) (Eri, 2012, 399).

Approximately one meter north of the logboat we have Priblino meter severno od deblaka smo nali tudi del iva-
also found a Roman flat-bottom sewn river barge. Since ne ladje iz rimskega obdobja. Ker slednja ni bila del projek-
the boat was not part of the project, we uncovered only 2 ta, smo raziskali samo 2 m levega boka trupa z namenom
m of its port length with the sole intention of establishing ovrednotenja najdbe in odvzema vzorcev. Ladja je bila po
a veracity of our find and taking samples. The boat was temeljitem dokumentiranju zaitena pred erozijo breine
then protected against erosion (Photo 13). (Slika 13).

The Interactive Experience Interaktivno in

and Exhibition Site doivljajsko razstavie
After the conservation the logboat will be exhibited for Po opravljenem konservatorskem posegu bo deblak raz-
an interactive experience in the exhibition site located in stavljen na interaktvnem in doivljajskem razstaviu v sre-
downtown Vrhnika. The site has been designed to encour- diu Vrhnike. S slednjim bomo nagovorili iro javnost in
age the public, including vulnerable groups, to actively ranljive skupine, jih spodbudili k aktivnemu sodelovanju in
participate in strengthening common responsibility for razvijanju skupne odgovornosti za dediino ter vzpostavili
heritage and for the development of tourism, creative temelje za razvoj turistinih dejavnosti, kreativnih industrij
industries, the revival of old crafts and local traditions. in oivitev starih obrti in lokalnih tradicij.

Bibliography / Literatura:
Eri, M., Gaspari, A., Kavur, B. 2012 - Finds of logboats on the Ljubljansko barje after 1990 and current state of research / Arheoloke najdbe ol-
nov deblakov na Ljubljanskem barju v letih 19902010, in: Gaspari, A., Eri, M. (ed.) Submerged Past: archaeology of the aquatic environments
and underwater cultural heritage exploring in Slovenia / Potopljena preteklost. Arheologija vodnih okolij in raziskovanje podvodne kulturne
dediine v Sloveniji. Ljubljana 2012. 397-404.


Underwater archeology in the
Czech Republic season 2015
esk podvodn archeologie
sezna 2015
Barbora Machov

Czech Underwater Archaeology - watercourse - water area - Kozrovice

Vystrkov hillfort Elbe river Tkov railroad - Pohansko - Thaya river
esk podvodn archeologie vodn tok vodn plocha hradit
Kozrovice Vystrkov Labe tra Tkov Pohansko eka Dyje
1. Introduction 1. vod
Underwater archeology in the Czech Republic is not a tra- Podvodn archeologie nem v esk republice zatm tradici.
dition yet, despite the fact that in the State list of archaeo- Pitom ve Sttnm archeologickm seznamu je udno asi 800
logical sites of the CR there are about 800 known archaeo- znmch archeologickch lokalit pod vodou (nebo sten
logical sites under water (or partly submerged). Under the pod vodou). Pod ztitou stavu archeologie a muzeologie
auspices of the Department of Archaeology and Museolo- FF MU jsme se rozhodli tuto situaci zmnit. lnek je zam-
gy of the Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, we decided to en na potky esk podvodn archeologie a jejho poten-
change this situation. The article is focused on the origins cilu. V roce 2015 jsme provedli ti rekognoskan vzkumy
of the Czech underwater archeology and its potential. In archeologickch lokalit pod vodou. Mezi hlavn cle vzkum
2015, we conducted three Exploration surveys of archae- patilo porovnn metodiky podvodn archeologie v rznch
ological sites under water. The main objective of the re- podvodnch podmnkch na pkladu vodnho toku (Labe,
search was to compare the methodology of underwater Dyje) a vodn plochy (VN Orlk).
archeology in different underwater conditions a water-
2. Prvn lokalita eka Labe, tra Tkov
course (Elbe river, Thaya river) and water area (Orlk dam).
(okres Litomice)
2. The first site - Elbe river, Tkov
V druh polovin 20. stolet probhla regulace eky Labe, kdy
railroad (Litomice District)
bylo pomoc korekovho bagru zskno vce jako 100 luxus-
In the second half of the 20th century, due to the regula- nch pedmt spadajcch do mlad a pozdn doby bronzov
tion of the Elbe river, using a dredger, more than 100 lu- (Zpotock 1969). Clem vzkumu bylo jednak vyvinout apli-
xury items were retrieved - luxury items belonging to the kovatelnou metodiku podvodn archeologie ve vodnm toku
early and late Bronze Age (Zpotock 1969). The aim of a dle vyzvednout ppadn dal nlezy, kter se nezachytily
the research was to develop an applicable methodology
of underwater archeology in the watercourse in order to
recover any additional findings, which were not collected
during dredging. On the right bank of the river there is a
hillfort from the Bronze Age on the top of a large rock. On
the left bank of the river can be found a pier and hand-
ling space belonging to the Lower Elbe river basin (Fig. 1).
The overall conditions of the Elbe research were quite de-
manding: cold water, poor visibility and relatively strong
current (1 - 1.5 m / s) compelled us to use rappelling equi-

1. Elbe river, excavated part/ eka Labe, zkouman st

(photo: D. Berka)


pment and personnel transported by boat to the designa- pi bagrovn. Na pravm behu eky se nachz velk skla, na
ted place. Greatly helped us given sonar data of surveyed jejm vrcholu se rozkld vinn sdlit z doby bronzov. Na
area of the river (Sonar data of surveyed area of the river was levm behu eky je vybudovan molo a manipulan prostor
of great help; Fig. 2). patc zvodu povod Doln Labe (Obr. 1). Celkov podmnky
labskho vzkumu byly pomrn nron. Byla zde velice chlad-
n voda, slab viditelnost a pomrn siln proud (1 1,5m/s),
ve kterm jsme museli pouvat slaovac techniku a pracov-
nky dopravovat na uren msto lunem. Velice nm pomoh-
la poskytnut sonarov data zkoumanho seku eky (Obr. 2).
Plocha vzkumu byla systematicky rozdlena do t zjmo-

2. Sidescan sonar image of part of the Elbe river / Sidescan

sonarov obraz sti eky Labe (author: povod Doln
Labe, s. p. o.)

The research area was systematically divided into three 3. GIS image of surveyed area of the Elbe river / GIS vstup
sectors of interest A, B and C, which were constituted by zkouman plochy eky Labe (photo: B. Machov)
probes with a length of 40 m. Other probes R (random), vch sektor A, B a C, kter byly tvoeny sondami o dlce 40
were placed randomly in places outside the designated m. Dal sondy R (random) jsme kladli nhodn na mstech
sectors (Fig. 3). Each probe consisted of a guide rope, 40 m mimo vyznaen sektory (Obr. 3). Kad sonda byla tvoena
long, on whose ends were established weights, supported vodcm lanem, dlouhm 40 m, na jeho koncch byla nav-
by a second rope with buoys on the surface. The research zna zva, od kterch byla vedena dal lana zakonen plu-
was conducted in the waterway corridor, so we placed the jcmi bjemi na hladin. Vzkum probhal v plavebn trase,
buoy so that the width of the river was at least two-thirds proto jsme bje umsovali tak, aby byl prostor koryta voln
open to passing cargo ships (Fig. 4). pro projdjc nkladn lod alespo ze dvou tetin (Obr. 4).

4. Waterway
corridor at the
Elbe river / Plavebn
trasa eky Labe
B. Machov)


3. The second location Orlk dam, 3. Druh lokalita vodn ndr Orlk,
Kozrovice Vystrkov hillfort (Pbram hradit Kozrovice Vystrkov (okres
District) Pbram)
The hillfort was discovered in 1881. It is most likely a Premys- Hradit bylo objeveno v roce 1881. Jedn se s nejvt
lid center, built in a strategically and communicatively conve- pravdpodobnost o pemyslovsk centrum, vybudovan
nient location. It falls within the period 10th to 11th centuries. ve strategicky a komunikan vhodn poloze. Spad do
The hillfort probably dominated the Vltava river valley, which obdob 10. 11. stolet. Hradit pravdpodobn ovldalo
apparently went through an important waterway. It was loca- st vltavskho dol, jm zejm prochzela dleit vodn
ted on a headland above the left bank of the Vltava river. Ko- cesta. Nachzelo se na ostron nad levm vltavskm be-
zrovice belongs to one of the largest hill forts in the Republic hem. Kozrovice pat k jednm z nejmohutnjch hradi
however, no research has been conducted in this area yet. On v republice. Pesto na hraditi neprobhl dn vzkum.
the other hand, during the building of the Orlk dam a rescue Teprve stavba orlick pehrady, jej vody zatopily nejn-
research was conducted. They consisted of tiny probes in the e poloen sti hradit, si vynutila zchrann vzkum.
years 1956, 1960 and 1961 (Buchvaldek - Slma - Zeman 1978). Ty probhaly formou drobnch sond v letech 1956, 1960 a
In early 1999 Orlk partly drained and flood plain was revealed, 1961 (Buchvaldek Slma Zeman 1978). Potkem roku
so it was possible to carry out a surface collection (Frhlich - 1999 byl Orlk sten vyputn a odhalila se tak zatope-
Lutovsk 1999). Our research has focused on area A, which is n msta, kde probhl povrchov sbr (Frhlich Lutovsk
1999). N vzkum byl zamen na arel A, je je nejsever-
nj st hradit. Jeho plocha je nyn zatopen a nach-
z se v 17 metrech. Cel arel A m plochu cca 0,8 ha. P-
vodn eit Vltavy se dnes pedpokld v cca 55 metrech
pod hladinou (Obr. 5). N vzkum byl zejmna zjiovac.
Snaili jsme se krom vyzvednut nlez zjistit napklad
intenzitu pdn eroze zpsobenou kolsnm vodn hladi-
ny, a zda dochz k naruovn kulturn vrstvy.
Viditelnost byla od cca 5 metr dobr. Problmem pro ns byl
charakter dna, kter bylo tvoeno jemnm pskem a jlem. Pi
jeho zven byla viditelnost nulov a trvalo pomrn dlouho,
ne se sediment opt usadil. Krom ve popsanch lini jsme
v arelu A pouvali i tzv. grid (Obr. 6).

5. Comparing of the old map (II. Military Survey, 1836

1852) with the actual orthophoto of Kozrovice Vystrkov
hillfort /Porovnn starho mapovho dla (II. Vojensk
mapovn, 1836 1852) s aktuln ortofoto hradit
Kozrovice Vystrkov (photo: B. Machov)

the northernmost part of the hillfort. The area is now flooded

at a depth of l 17 meters. It has about 0.8 ha. The original Vlta-
va riverbed is now believed to have been 55 meters below the
current surface (Fig. 5). Our research was mainly focused on de-
tection. We have tried to pick up the findings and determine
for example, the intensity of soil erosion caused by fluctuating
water levels and whether or not the cultural layer was disrupted.
Visibility below 5 meters was good. The problem for us was the
character of the bottom, which consisted of fine sand and clay.
After swirling the sediment, visibility was zero and it took quite
6. GIS image of surveyed area of the Kozrovice Vystrkov
a long time before the sediment settled again. On the site we hillfort / GIS vstup zkouman plochy hradit Kozrovice
used lines as described above, plus grid (Fig. 6). Vystrkov (photo: B. Machov)


7. Thaya
river (excavated
part) / eka Dyje,
zkouman st
D. Berka)

4. The third location Thaya river, near the 4. 3. lokalita eka Dyje, pobl hradit
hillfort Pohansko (Beclav District) Pohansko u Beclavi (okres Beclav)
Pohansko near Beclav is a large Slavonic hillfort from 9th Pobl hradit Pohansko tee eka Dyje, ve kter byly as od
century. Its situated in the southeastern part of the Czech asu nachzeny lidsk kosti a dal materil. Clem vzkumu
Republic, in the vicinity of the confluence of the Morava bylo zjitn monho dalho vskytu pedmt v ece, kte-
and Thaya rivers, near the Czech-Austrian borders. In the r by mohly souviset s hraditm. Msto nlez se nachz
Thaya river were occasionally found human bones and v meandru eky nedaleko soutoku ek Morava a Dyje (Obr.
other materials. The aim of the research was to determine 7). V ece byla velice dobr viditelnost, ale tak velice siln
the possible occurrence of additional objects in the river proud. Opt jsme vyuili systmu kladench sond, kdy byla
that could be related to the hillfort or its hinterland. The kad sonda tvoena vodcm lanem, dlouhm 40 m, na jeho
location of the findings is situated in a bend of the river koncch byla navzna zva, od kterch byla vedena dal
near the confluence of the Morava and Thaya rivers (Fig. lana zakonen plujcmi bjemi na hladin. Tento vzkum
7). The water visibility was good, however, the current by nebylo mon provst bez slaovac techniky (Obr. 8).
was very strong. We used the system of laid probes again.
Each probe was formed by the guide rope, 40 m long, on
whose ends were established weights and which was led
by another rope finished by buoys on the surface. This re-
search would not have been possible without rappelling
techniques (Fig. 8).

8. Divers before the documentation of the site, Thaya

river; David Berka and Oldich virk / Potpi ped
dokumentac lokality, eka Dyje; David Berka and
Oldich virk (photor: . Aisov)


5. Results 5. Vsledky
In the watercourse we used the guide ropes and rappelling Ve vodnm toku se nm osvdilo
technique in the case of strong currents. Water area does Earring pouvat tzv. vodc lana a sla-
not limit our work by the rope, but we had found at the hillfort ovac techniku v ppad sil-
Kozrovice Vystrkov,
to deal with complications of visibility. 10. 12th century / nho proudu. Vodn plocha
In the whole area we made system Zunice z hradit ns neomezovala prac na
of networks because of the orien- Kozrovice - Vystrkov, lan, ale museli jsme eit
10. - 12. stolet (foto: B.
tation, and then we chose a par- Machov) komplikaci s viditelnost. Ce-
ticular method of working. In the lou lokalitu jsme z dvodu ori-
Elbe River, we found a lot of re- entace zasovali a pak jsme pouze
cent material. Unfortunately, we zvolili uritou metodu prce. V ece Labi jsme nalezli
did not detect any archaeological mnoho recentnho materilu. Bohuel se nm nepo-
material. However, it is possible that dailo zachytit dn materil archeologick povahy. Je
some findings on the site are still under ale mon, e se na lokalit njak nlezy stle nachzej
thick sediments. On the contrary, during our research pod mocnmi sedimenty. Na hraditi Kozrovice Vystr-
at the hillfort Kozrovice - Vystrkov we managed to kov se nm podailo zskat naopak velmi poetn materil.
obtain great numbers of material. Besides the Krom velkho mnostv keramiky jsme nali tak zuni-
large number of pottery we also found ea- ci (Obr. 9) a nkolik eleznch fragment (no?). Dle se
10. Burned
rrings (Fig. 9) and a few iron fragments animal bones nm zde podailo zhodnotit stupe vod-
(knives?). Furthermore, we were able from the Thaya rive n eroze. Na sti lokality se dnes ji
to assess the level of water erosion at /Ohoel zvec kost vyml kulturn vrstva. V ece Dyji
z eky Dyje (foto: B.
the site. On the part of the site is now Machov) jsme nalezli dv peplen zvec
eroding cultural layer. In the Thaya River, kosti (Obr. 10) a tak pr elez-
we found two burned animal bones (Fig.10) nch fragment. Dle jsme zde
and a few iron fragments. Furthermore, we have found zjistili mocn zplavov vrstvy v
a thick flood layer on the profile of the river. profilu eky.

In this way, it was the first season of underwater archeo- Tmto zpsobem probhla prvn sez-
logy in the Czech Republic (Fig. 9). Despite a few com- na podvodn archeologie v esk repub-
plications, underwater archeology is well feasible in the lice. I pes drobn komplikace je podvodn archeologie v
Czech Republic and surely we will soon provide interes- esk republice dobe provediteln a jist nm brzy po-
ting results. skytne zajmav vsledky.

11. Czech underwater archaeology team / Tm esk podvodn archeologie;

David Berka, Oldich virk, Luk Konopisk, Ivo Havrnek, David Vondrek,
Jan Vodrka, Barbora Machov, rka Aisov, Milan Ais, Ladislav Voek


1. The
Agreement is
signed in Split /
sporazuma u Splitu
(photo: T. Malm)

Croatian-Danish Underwater
Archaeology Cooperation
Suradnja Hrvatske i Danske
podvodne arheologije
Roko Suri
They say that if you dip your finger into the sea that you are Kae se da ako stavi prst u more da si povezan s cijelim svi-
connected to the entire world the same must be true if you jetom, valjda to isto vrijedi ako cijeli uroni u to isto more.
immerse yourself entirely. It has been the sea more precise- Povezalo je more, tonije, aktivnost u moru, dvije povrinom
ly work at sea that has brought together two countries of i brojem stanovnika sline zemlje. Jedni na jugu, drugi na
similar size and population. One to the south, the other to sjeveru, ponose se svojim otocima, razvedenom obalom, po-
the north, proud of their islands, indented shorelines, the vijeu plovidbe uz te obale, a ponose se i svime onim to
maritime history of those shores and all that the sea has je to more kroz stoljea sakrilo i uvalo u svojoj utrobi. Kad
concealed and preserved over the centuries. If one consid- se uzme u obzir razina na kojoj se podvodna arheologija u
ers the level that underwater archaeology has achieved in obje zemlje nalazi, onda je suradnja izmeu ovih dviju ze-
both countries then cooperation between these two lands malja sasvim logian slijed dogaaja.
seems an entirely logical consequence.
Sporazum koji je inicirala Danska agencija za kulturu (Kultur-
The agreement initiated by the Danish Agency for Culture styrelsen) upuen je Meunarodnom centru za podvodnu
(Kulturstyrelsen) was received with delight at the Interna- arheologiju u Zadru, gdje je doekan s oduevljenjem. Pot-
tional Centre for Underwater Archaeology in Zadar. The pisan je u Splitu 24. listopada 2014. godine, za vrijeme e-
agreement was signed in Split on the 24th of October 2014 tverodnevnog posjeta Hrvatskoj, a potpisali su ga ravnatelj


during a four-day visit to Croatia by Luka Beki, director Meunarodnog centra za podvodnu arheologiju Luka Beki i
of the International Centre for Underwater Archaeology, predstavnik Danske agencije za kulturu Topholt Larsen. Radi
and Topholt Larsen, representing the Danish Agency for se o sporazumu koji za cilj ima razmjenu znanja na podruju
Culture. The agreement aims to achieve an exchange of podvodne arheologije u Hrvatskoj i Danskoj. Zanimljivo je
knowledge in the domain of underwater archaeology in da je inicijativa za ovakav sporazum dola od Njezinog ve-
Croatia and Denmark. The initiative for this agreement lianstva danske kraljice Margarete II, koja je inae i sama
came from Her Majesty the Danish Queen Margrethe II, arheolog, a prisustvovala je i sveanom inu potpisivanja.
herself an archaeologist, who also participated in the
signing ceremony. Dogovoreno je da e prvo hrvatski podvodni arheolozi MCPA
provesti dvotjedno razdoblje u Danskoj od 5. srpnja do 18.
Based on the agreement Croatian underwater archae- srpnja, a potom e hrvatski tim restauratora MCPA u pr-
ologists with ICUA first made a two-week visit to Den- vom dijelu 2016. g. boraviti u Danskoj. Kao zavrni in ove
mark, from the 5th to 18th of July. This will be followed suradnje dogovoren je posjet danskih strunjaka u polju
by another visit to Denmark in the first half of 2016 by a podvodne arheologije Hrvatskoj u drugoj polovici 2016. g.
Croatian team of ICUA restorers. The final phase of this Hrvatski podvodni arheolozi Marina imii, Mladen Pei i
cooperation will see a visit by Danish experts in the do- Roko Suri, imali su ast probiti led u razmjeni znanja izme-
main of underwater archaeology to Croatia in the second u ovih dviju zemalja.
half of 2016. Croatian underwater archaeologists Marina
imii, Mladen Pei and Roko Suri had the honour of
breaking the ice in this exchange of knowledge between
the two countries.

The Croatian team spent the first part of their visit on

the western shore of the Jutland peninsula, in the small
town of Thorsminde, with their host Kasper Sparvath of
the Strandingsmuseum St. George. The plan to undertake
dives at several locations in the nearby fjord was thwart-
ed, as boats were unable to sail out of harbour due to in-
clement weather. Notably, while Croatia was this year hit
by intense July heat, the temperature in Denmark at the
same time hardly reached 20C, and the strong cold wind
made the Danish summer more akin to March in Zadar.
Instead of the visit to the Danish waters, then, the Cro-
2. Kasper Sparvath explains the specific nature of
atian team visited the nearby and truly impressive mu- the Strandingsmuseum St. George / Kasper Sparvath
seums. It was particularly inspiring to see the number of objanjava specifinosti Strandingsmuseum St. George-a
volunteers involved in the work of some of the museums. (photo: R. Suri)
Prvi dio svog posjeta hrvatski tim proveo je na zapadnoj obali
poluotoka Jutland u gradiu Torsmindeu, a domain je bio
Kasper Sparvath iz Strandingsmuseum St. George. Unato
planu da se na nekoliko lokacija u oblinjem fjordu izvre
uroni, zbog nepovoljnih vremenskih uvjeta nije se moglo
isploviti. Usput reeno, dok se Hrvatska ove godine muila
s nesnosnim srpanjskim vruinama, u isto vrijeme je u Dan-
skoj temperatura jedva dosezala 20C, a jak i hladan vjetar
inili su dansko ljeto slinije oujku u Zadru. Umjesto posjeta
danskom podmorju, posjetili su se oblinji kopneni muzeji
koji su zaista upeatljivi. Posebno inspirativno bilo je vidjeti
toliki broj volontera koji su ukljueni u rad nekih od muzeja.

Slijedei korak bio je posjet Moesgard Museum u Aarhusu,

gdje su domaini bili Claus Skriver i Peter Astrup, a osim ra-
3. Volunteers at the prehistoric park / Volonteri u zgledavanja impozantnog novootvorenog muzeja, hrvat-
prapovijesnom parku (photo: R. Suri) ski strunjaci imali su priliku upoznati se s nainom rada


istraivakog, dokumentacijskog i restauratorsko-konzer-
vatorskog rada koji se obavlja u sklopu Moesgaard Muzeja.

Iz Aarhusa se krenulo prema Middelfartu u kojem se ekipa

smjestila na brod Mjlner. Osim izuzetno ljubazne i srane
posade broda, hrvatski tim doekao je i kolega Otto Uldum
iz Langelands Muzeja. Unato velikim naporima i najboljoj
elji nije se moglo roniti na niti jednoj od planiranih lokacija
zbog konstantno jakih vjetrova i kie. Posebno treba aliti
zbog proputene prilike da se sudjeluje u istraivanju impre-
sivnog lokaliteta na kojem se nalaze ostaci prapovijesnog
naselja Tybrind Vig. Treba spomenuti da je bio pravi izazov
spavati, na inae lijepom drvenom teretnom jedrenjaku iz
4. A tour of the departments at the Moesgaard Museum / 1922. g., na kojem su improvizirani leajevi.
Obilazak odjela u Muzeju Moesgaard (photo: M. imii)
The next visit was to the Moesgaard Museum in Aarhus,
where the hosts were Claus Skriver and Peter Astrup. Besides
touring this imposing newly opened museum, the Croatian
experts had an opportunity to learn about the investigative,
documentation and restoration-conservation work methods
at the Moesgaard Museum.

From Aarhus the team moved on to Middelfart, where the

team was housed abroad the Mjlner ship. Along with the
cordial and warm crew of the ship, the team was also re-
ceived by their colleague Otto Uldum of the Langelands
Museum. In spite of their great efforts and best intentions
they were unable to conduct dives at any of the planned lo-
cations due to the constant and strong wind and rain. Par- 5. For four days the ship Mjlner was home to the Croatian
ticularly regretful was the missed opportunity to take part team/ etverodnevni dom za hrvatski tim - brod Mjlner
(photo: arhiva MCPA)
in the investigation of the impressive site of the remains of
the prehistoric Tybrind Vig settlement. Sleeping on the im- U Midelfartu je hrvatski tim preuzeo Andreas Bloch iz Muze-
provised bunks of this beautiful 1922 wooden cargo sailboat ja vikinkih brodova iz Roskildea. Nakon upoznavanja s ko-
was a challenge of its own. legom, pratei njegove upute krenulo se prema luci u gra-
diu Bandholm na otoku Lolland. Na putu
iz Midelfarta prema Bandholmu koji se na-
lazi na jugu Danske smjestili su se zanimljivi
muzeji koji se tiu vikinkog razdoblja, pa je
bilo nemogue samo proi pored njih i ne
posjetiti ih.

Na odreditu se hrvatski trojac upoznao s

Jrgenom Denckerom koji je voditelj istra-
ivanja na podvodnim istraivanjima koje
provodi Muzej vikinkih brodova iz Roskil-
dea. Smjetaj u Bandholmkoj luci bio je na
brodu Honte, koji je bio zamjenski dom za
istraivaku ekipu. Brod je inae poprilino
velik i ima tri lana posade, nekoliko kabina za
spavanje, kuhinju, wc i kupaonicu, a ujedno
6. The Croatian-Danish team on the je opremljen dizalicama i pumpom s toplom
ship Mjlner / Hrvatsko-Danski tim
s Mjlnera (photo: arhiva MCPA) vodom, to je olakotna okolnost za bilo kakva
podvodna istraivanja u danskom podmorju.


Back at Middelfart the Croatian team was received by An-
dreas Bloch from the Viking Ship Museum at Roskilde. The
team was directed by Bloch to the harbour in the small town
of Bandholm on the island of Lolland. There are fascinating
museums on the way from Middelfart to Bandholm in the
south of Denmark covering the Viking period that simply
had to be visited.

At their destination the Croatian trio met Jrgen Dencker,

head of the underwater investigations conducted by the
Viking Ship Museum at Roskilde. At Bandholm harbour the
team was housed aboard the ship Honte, a second home to
the research team. This is a quite large ship with a crew of
7. Jrgen Dencker speaks to the Croatian team of the
three, several sleeping cabins, a galley, toilet and washroom underwater sites and archaeological material in Denmark/
and is also equipped with a crane and hot water pump, which Jrgen Dencker dri hrvatskom timu predavanje o
certainly facilitates underwater research in Danish waters. podvodnim lokalitetima i arheolokom materijalu u Danskoj
(photo: M. imii)

The moment the team had been waiting most for finally came! Najiekivaniji trenutak konano se i ostvario! Vrijeme se smi-
The weather calmed and they could undertake the long await- rilo i moglo se otii na dugooekivani zaron u dansko pod-
ed dive in Danish waters. It was decided that the Croatian morje. Odlueno je da e se hrvatski tim prikljuiti sondanim
team would join the trench investigation of the remains of a istraivanjima na ostacima potopljenog prapovijesnog loka-
submerged prehistoric site in the waters off the islet of Ask. liteta u podmorju otoia Ask. Tom prilikom danski kolege
For the occasion the Danish colleagues gave their Croatian prepustili su hrvatskim kolegama da iskuse ari ronjenja u
colleagues an opportunity to try the joys of diving in a spe- specijalnom odijelu koje ima konstantan dotok tople vode.
cial suit with a constant flow of hot water. This suit permits Takvo odijelo omoguuje da se u danskom moru, kojem se,
divers to work unhampered on the seabed in the Danish sea usput reeno, u zimskim vremenima temperatura sputa i
where in the winter the temperature drops to as low as 3C.
The use of this hot water suit and the supply of air from the 8. Fully
suited and
surface with full-face masks and the possibility of commu- equipped at the start
nicating with colleagues on the surface was a combination of a dive / Ronilac u
that turned a normal dive into an unforgettable experience. kompletnoj opremi
kree u zaron (photo:
M. Pei)

9. Excavating a trench at the Ask prehistoric site /

Iskopavanje sonde na prapovijesnom lokalitetu Ask
(photo: M. Pei)

Their task was to form trenches at several locations. The ex-

cavation of trenches yielded sherds and flint pebbles, some
of which have been worked by humans. Excavation was as-
sisted by dredges with sack receptacles at their exhaust that
allowed fine sand to pass and left all larger material in the
sack. The sacks of material were then raised to the ship, where


do 3C, nesmetano i ugodno boravi i radi na morskom dnu.
Koristiti takvo odijelo, zajedno s opskrbom zrakom s povr-
ine i maskama za cijelo lice s mogunou komunikacije se
kolegama na povrini inilo je kombinaciju koja je obino
ronjenje pretvorila u nezaboravno iskustvo.

Zadatak je bio napraviti sonde na vie lokacija. Iskopava-

njem sondi nailazilo se na ulomke i oblutke kremenja, od
kojih je odreena koliina izraena ljudskom rukom. Isko-
pavalo se mamutima na ijim su se ispustima nalazile vree
kako bi sitan pijesak mogao proi, a sav krupniji materijal
ostajao bi u vrei. Vree s materijalom potom su se dizale na
brod, gdje bi ostatak ekipe prolazio kroz prikupljeni mate-
10. A layer with abundant flint material / Sloj s brojnim rijal i automatski izdvajao arheoloke nalaze. Osim iskustva
kremenim materijalom (photo: M. Pei) u ronjenju na tom specifinom lokalitetu, hrvatski tim do-
the remainder of the team would sort out the material and bio je vrijedne poduke o prepoznavanju i karakteristikama
separate the archaeological finds. Besides the experience of mezolitikog materijala.
diving at this specific locality, the Croatian team also gained
valuable knowledge pertaining to the identification and char-
acteristics of Mesolithic material.

From the presentation of the plan of the future exhibition

space and permanent exhibits that will be dedicated to under-
water archaeology at the Viking Ship Museum by curator An-
dreas Bloch the Croatian team garnered new ideas that could
be applied in the organisation of the permanent exhibits of
the future ICUA museum in Zadar. Even the long awaited dive
was eclipsed by the friendship that developed over those six
days between the Danish colleagues and the Croatian trio.

The final leg of the visit to Denmark was a visit to the Viking
Ship Museum at Roskilde. Morten Ravn saw to a warm re-
ception and held a presentation of Denmarks best-known 11. Dencker and imii inspect the contents of the sack /
Viking museum before leading his Croatian colleagues on a Dencker i imii pregledavaju sadraj vree
(foto: M. Pei)
tour of the Museum and its departments. The shipyard is a
particular impressive part of the museum. Besides Kustos Andreas Bloch predstavio je u strunom izlaganju
learning about the process in which a medi- plan budueg izlobenog prostora i stalnog postava koji e
12. The eval ship is created and observing a faith- unutar Muzeja vikinkih brodova biti specijaliziran za pod-
team on the ship ful replica of one such vessel, the Croatian vodnu arheologiju, to je hrvatskom timu dalo nove ideje
Honte / Hrvatsko- team had the opportunity to sail on one koje se e se moi iskoristiti za organizaciju stalnog posta-
Danski tim s Hontea of the ships built here. va u buduem muzeju MCPA u Zadru. ak i dugo iekiva-
(photo: A. Bloch)
no ronjenje ostalo je zasjenjeno prijateljstvom koje se u tih
It should be noted that the Croatian team est dana razvilo izmeu danskih kolega i hrvatskog trojca.
was also received in his office by the Croatian
Ambassador in Copenhagen Frane Krni. The team related Zavrna etapa posjeta Danskoj bila je posjet Muzeju vikin-
their impressions of this northern European country and kih brodova u Roskildeu. Za lijep doek pobrinuo se Morten
outlined the objectives of the Danish-Croatian coopera- Ravn koji je odrao predavanje o najpoznatijem danskom
tion in the domain of underwater archaeology. The ambas- vikinkom muzeju, a potom je kolege proveo po Muzeju i
sadors readiness to be of assistance in achieving all future svim njegovim odjelima. Posebno impresivan dio muzeja je
cooperation that may develop from this agreement is both brodogradilite. Osim upoznavanja procesa nastajanja jed-
laudable and encouraging. nog srednjevjekovnog broda i promatranja izrade vjerne
replike istog, hrvatski tim iskusio je i plovidbu na jednom
At the end of the two-week visit the team visited the Dan- od brodova koji su na tom mjestu izgraeni.


13. A tour of the shipyard of the Viking Ship Museum at
Roskilde/ Obilazak brodogradilita u Muzeju vikinkih
brodova u Roskildeu (photo: M. imii

Vrijedno je spomena da je hrvatski tim u svom uredu

primio veleposlanik Republike Hrvatske u Kopenhagenu
Frane Krni. Osim prepriavanja dojmova o ovoj sjever-
noeuropskoj zemlji, hrvatski tim objasnio je i ciljeve hr-
vatsko - danske suradnje na polju podvodne arheologije.
Hvale vrijedna je i poticajna veleposlanikova spremnost
na pomo u ostvarivanju bilo kakve budue suradnje
koja bi se iz ovog sporazuma mogla razviti.

Za kraj dvotjednog posjeta obila se Danska agencija

ish Agency for Culture (Kulturstyrelsen) where their host was za kulturu (Kulturstyrelsen), gdje je domain bio Torben
Torben Malm. Torben was gracious enough to, besides the tour Malm. Kako se ne bi sve svelo na razgledavanje i upozna-
and information about the work of the agency, lead the Croa- vanje samo te agencije pobrinuo se kolega Torben koji
tian team on a tour of Copenhagen, providing an abundance je hrvatski tim proveo po Kopenhagenu uz objanjenja
of information about the points of interest in this city they like- i lekcije o znamenitostima, koje zasigurno ne bi iznijeli
ly might not have gleaned from even the best tourist guide. ni najbolji turistiki vodii tog grada.

As has already been noted, the agreement foresees that re- Kako je ve navedeno, prema sporazumu predvieno je
storers with the ICUA conservation-restoration department da restauratori iz konzervatorsko-restauratorskog odjela
will spend two weeks working with Danish museums and MCPA provedu dva radna tjedna u danskim muzejima i
restoration workshops in the spring of 2016. The arrival of our restauratorskim radionicama, to e se i odraditi na pro-
Danish colleagues in Zadar is expected in September of 2016. ljee 2016. g. Dolazak danskih kolega u Zadar predvien
je za rujan 2016. g.
This praiseworthy agreement has provided the divers of the In-
ternational Centre for Underwater Archaeology an abundance Hvale vrijedan sporazum donio je roniocima Meuna-
of experiences they will be able to implement in their work rodnog centra za podvodnu arheologiju pregrt iskustva
with Croatian underwater heritage. We can only hope that the koje e moi implementirati u radu s hrvatskom pod-
following phases of this agreement will be implemented at an vodnom batinom. Ostaje samo nada da e se slijedei
equally high level and that both parties will draw significant re- koraci ovog sporazuma provesti na jednakoj razini, i da
sults from them which should lead to the development of long e se ostvariti, za obje strane znaajni rezultati, to bi
term collaboration in the domain of underwater archaeology u konanici moglo dovesti do razvoja viegodinje su-
between two countries with so much in common. radnje u polju podvodne arheologije izmeu ovih dviju
toliko slinih zemalja.

4. Summer
in Denmark
/ Dansko ljeto
M. imii)


The Conservation and Restora-
tion of the Monoxylon from the
Karlovac City Museum
Konzerviranje i restauriranje
drvenog monoksila iz Gradskog
muzeja u Karlovcu
Marina imii, Luka Beki
Wooden boats fabricated from a single piece of timber are
known as monoxylons. One such boat was discovered in 1966
in the Kupa River at the village of Reica near Karlovac. It was
extracted and sold to the Karlovac City Museum by Mr Janko
Nejak. The monoxylon was not conserved upon its extraction
from the river rather it was left dry on the shelves of the mu-
seum depot up to July of 2013. Given that its inappropriate
handling and storage caused it to begin to deteriorate it was
agreed between the museum and the International Centre for
Underwater Archaeology in Zadar that the necessary conser-
vation-restoration interventions be undertaken. In July of 2013 1. The monoxylon at the depot of the Karlovac City
the monoxylon was transferred from the exhibition area on the Museum / Monoksil u depou Gradskog muzeja u Karlovcu
(photo: M.Mustaek)
ground floor of the Karlovac City Museum to the workshop of
the restoration and conservation department of the Interna- Drveni amci izgraeni od jednog komada drveta nazivaju se
tional Centre for Underwater Archaeology in Zadar. Conserva- monoksilima. Ovakav jedan amac pronaen je u rijeci Kupi
tion-restoration work was initiated immediately upon its arrival. kod sela Reica, blizu Karlovca, 1966. godine. Njega je izvadio
The objective of the work was to stabilise the surface layer and i prodao Gradskom muzeju u Karlovcu gospodin Janko Ne-
to consolidate the weakened wooden material. jak. Nakon vaenja iz rijeke monoksil nije konzerviran, ve je
ostavljen na suhom, na policama muzejskog depoa, sve do
srpnja 2013. g. S obzirom kako se zbog neprikladnog rukova-
nja i smjetaja poeo raspadati, dogovorom izmeu muzeja i
Meunarodnog centra za podvodnu arheologiju u Zadru od-
lueno je provesti potrebne konzervatorsko - restauratorske
zahvate. U srpnju 2013. g. monoksil je iz izlobenog prostora
u prizemlju Gradskog muzeja u Karlovcu prevezen u radioni-
cu Odjela restauriranja i konzerviranja Meunarodnog centra
za podvodnu arheologiju u Zadru. Odmah po zaprimanju, na
monoksilu su zapoeli konzervatorsko - restauratorski radovi.
Cilj radova bila je stabilizacija povrinskog sloja i konsolidaci-
ja oslabljene drvene grae.

Naime, nakon vaenja iz rijeke dolo je do nekontroliranog

isuivanja predmeta. Uslijed isuivanja oslabljena je osjet-
2. Transferring the monoxylon to the premises of
ljiva drvena struktura te su se na monoksilu pojavile brojne
the conservation-restoration workshop / Prenoenje
monoksila u prostorije konzervatorsko-restauratorske pukotine i zapoelo mrvljenje drvenih stijenki. Intervencijom
radionice (photo: M.Mustaek) tima konzervatora restauratora MCPA, Anite Jeli, Mladena


The extraction of the dugout boat from the river was, namely, Mustaeka i Marine imii, zaustavljena je razgradnja mo-
followed by the uncontrolled drying of the artefact. The fragile noksila i sprijeen nestanak jo jednog vrijednog kulturnog
wooden structure was weakened as a result of the desiccation dobra koje je bilo samo korak do raspadanja. Na drvenom su
leading to the appearance of numerous fissures on the mon- monoksilu provedeni postupci ienja, stabilizacije, konso-
oxylon and the beginnings of the crumbling of the wooden lidacije, spajanja odlomljenih dijelova povrine podlijeplji-
walls. The deterioration of the monoxylon was halted by the vanjem te integracija i toniranje integriranog dijela. Konzer-
intervention of the ICUA conservation-restoration team of Anita vatorsko - restauratorskim postupkom nastojalo se usporiti
Jeli, Mladen Mustaek and Marina imii, preventing the loss proces propadanja predmeta, konzervirati zateeno stanje,
of yet another valuable cultural good facing imminent decay. vratiti nekadanji vizualni identitet i omoguiti njegovo du-
The monoxylon was subjected to cleaning, stabilisation and gotrajno ouvanje. Pri izvedenim radovima potovani su za-
consolidation procedures, the gluing of broken-off surface sec- koni struke, koriteni su reverzibilni materijali te se nije mije-
tions and integration and the toning of integrated sections. The njao karakter predmeta.
conservation-restoration treatment aims to retard the process
of the deterioration of the artefact, to conserve the condition Po zaprimanju u restauratorsku radionicu dokumentirano
as found, to restore its former visual identity and to provide je zateeno stanje drvenog monoksila i odreen cilj konzer-
for its long-term preservation. The rules of the profession were vatorsko restauratorskih radova. Preliminarnim pregledom
adhered to in the conducted treatments reversible materials utvreno je stanje drvenog monoksila. Radi se o amcu izra-
were used and the character of the artefact was not altered. enom od jednog komada drveta, ovalnog oblika, duljine od
310 cm i najvee irine od 63 cm. Krma i pramac monoksila
su oteeni, odnosno nedostaju im krajnji dijelovi, a pramac
po sredini ima i procjep duljine od 46 cm i najvee irine od
2 cm. Opipavanjem je utvreno njegovo stanje i stupanj raz-
gradnje. Drveni je monoksil zaprimljen prekriven slojevima
prljavtine. Tu prljavtinu, uglavnom s unutarnje strane mo-
noksila, najveim dijelom su inili slojevi praine te mali ka-
menii raznih boja, sitni pijesak crvenkaste i ukaste boje,
pauina, te dijelovi bijele buke. S vanjske strane i uz rubove
monoksila uoeni su bijeli tragovi zidne boje.

Rasuivanje drvene strukture rezultiralo je pucanjem i odva-

3. Impurities in the wooden structure / Neistoe u drvenoj janjem povrinskog sloja monoksila sa svih strana u debljini
strukturi (photo: M.Mustaek) od oko 1 cm. Zbog tog stvaranja pukotina i mikropukotina
Upon its receipt at the restoration workshop the condition as
found of the monoxylon was documented and the objective
of the conservation-restoration work determined. A prelimi-
nary inspection established the condition of the monoxylon.
It is a dugout boat fabricated from a single piece of timber, of
oval form, with a length of 310 centimetres and a maximum
width of 63 centimetres. The stern and prow of the monoxy-
lon are damaged, i.e. their terminations are missing, and the
prow has a 46 centimetres fissure with a maximum width of
two centimetres running along its centre. Palpation was used
to determine the condition and level of decomposition. When
received, the monoxylon was covered in layers of dirt. This dirt,
mostly on the inside of the monoxylon, consisted largely of lay-
ers of dust and small pebbles of various colours, fine sand of 4. Removing the impurities / Uklanjanje neistoa
reddish and yellowish hue, cobweb and chunks of white plas- (photo: M.Mustaek)
ter. Traces of white wall paint were observed on the outside na povrini, povrinski sloj poprimio je izgled mozaika. S unu-
edges of the monoxylon. tranje strane monoksila povrinski sloj djelomino nedostaje,
dok na vanjskoj strani monoksila nedostaje po cijeloj duljini s
The drying out of the wooden structure resulted in the crack- jedne njegove strane, a s druge strane je nedostatak djelomi-
ing and separation of the surface layer of the monoxylon on an. Povrinski sloj se klima pri dodiru i trusi, odnosno odvaja
all sides to a thickness of about one centimetre. The fissures od ostalog dijela. ienje monoksila predstavljalo je izazov


and micro-fissures on the surface have given the surface layer a stoga to su slojevi prljavtine bili jedina veza raspucale po-
mosaic appearance. The surface layer on the inside of the mon- vrine s drvenom jezgrom. Uklanjanje neistoa vreno je
oxylon is partially missing. On the outer side it is missing along mehaniki uz upotrebu mekanih etkica i kistova, kirurkih
the entire length of one side and partially missing on the other skalpela raznih profila i manjim runim alatom uz velik oprez.
side. The surface layer wiggles and falls off to the touch, i.e. it Prilikom ienja koriten je i usisava s potenciometrom na
separates from the body. The cleaning of the monoxylon was najmanjoj snazi. Na vrh crijeva usisavaa postavljena je sigur-
challenging because the layers of dirt were the only bond be- nosna tekstilna mreica kako ne bi dolo do usisavanja nesta-
tween the cracked surface and the wooden core. The removal bilnog povrinskog sloja. Dijelovi povrinskog sloja koji su
of impurities was done mechanically and exercising great care, se odvojili prije i tijekom ienja privremeno su privreni
using soft scrubbing brushes and paintbrushes, surgical scal- ljepljivom trakom ime se sprijeio njihov gubitak i olakalo
pels of various profiles and small hand tools. A vacuum clean- njihovo naknadno podljepljivanje. Uslijed ienja uoeno je
er was used in the cleaning process set to its lowest operating i vie tankih procjepa po itavom trupu monoksila koji su bili
power. Textile netting was applied over the nozzle of the vac- zapunjeni prljavtinom.
uum cleaner in order to prevent the vacuuming up of the un-
stable surface layer. Sections of the surface layer that did sepa-
rate prior to and during the cleaning process were temporarily
adhered with adhesive tape in order to prevent their loss and
to facilitate their later gluing. In the course of the cleaning we
observed a number of thin dirt-filled gaps along the length of
the monoxylons hull.

Cleaning was followed by the stabilisation of the unstable sur-

face layer. Stabilisation was achieved by the application of a liq-
uid two-component epoxy impregnation for wood. The impreg-
nation substance was applied by injection in the fissures and
micro-fissures. Parallel to the application of the impregnation, 5. Attaching the surface layer with adhesive tape /
the separated parts of the surface layer were repaired by glu- Privrivanje povrinskog sloja ljepljivom trakom
photo: M.Mustaek)
ing. The excess impregnation was removed from the surface
using cotton pads impregnated with acetone. Stabilisation and Nakon ienja pristupilo se stabilizaciji nestabilnog povrin-
repair of the entire surface layer was followed by the consoli- skog sloja. Za stabilizaciju je koritena tekua dvokomponen-
dation of the artefact. tna epoksidna impregnacija za drvo. Impregnacijsko sredstvo
nanoeno je injektiranjem u pukotine i mikropukotine. Para-
lelno s nanoenjem impregnanta, podljepljivanjem su sanira-
ni odvojeni dijelovi povrinskog sloja. Viak impregnacijskog
sredstva s povrine uklonjen je vatenim tuferima natopljenim
acetonom. Nakon stabilizacije i sanacije itavog povrinskog
sloja uslijedilo je konsolidiranje predmeta.

Kao sredstvo za konsolidaciju koritena je 5%-tna otopina termo-

plastine smole Paraloid B-72 u acetonu. Konsolidant je nano-
en pomou mekih kistova, utapkavanjem kako ne bi dolo do
oteivanja. Konsolidacijsko sredstvo nanoeno je u vie slojeva.
6. Injecting the impregnation / Injektiranje
impregnacijskog sredstva (photo: M.Mustaek)
ienjem, podlijepljivanjem i povrinskom konsolidacijom
A 5% solution of thermoplastic Paraloid B-72 resin in ace- uvreni su odlomljeni dijelovi povrinskog sloja drva kao i
tone was used as the consolidant. The consolidant was ap- cjelokupna drvena struktura monoksila.
plied with soft paintbrushes, patting on the consolidant in
order to avoid damaging the artefact. The consolidant was Integracija je izvrena na procijepu pramanog dijela monok-
applied in several layers. sila. Procjep je integriran epoksidnom smolom za drvo Araldit
ime je smanjena mogunost daljnjeg irenja pukotine i posti-
Cleaning, gluing and surface consolidation secured the parts gnuta vea strukturalna stabilnost. Nakon provedenih konzer-
of the surface layer of wood that had fallen off and strength- vatorsko - restauratorskih radova, na drvenom monoksilu nisu
ened the entire wooden structure of the monoxylon. uoeni znakovi daljnjeg propadanja.


7. The
near the end of the
treatment / Monoksil
pred kraj radova
(photo: L.Beki)

Integration was done at the gap in the prow of the monoxylon. Nakon provedenih konzervatorsko - restauratorskih zahvata
The gap was integrated using Araldit epoxy resin for wood, re- nalaze od drva vano je skladititi u prikladnim uvjetima kako
ducing the possibility of the further widening of the gap and bi se maksimalno zatitili od eventualnih fizikalno - kemijskih
achieving greater structural stability. No signs of further dete- i mikrobiolokih promjena. Za skladitenje odnosno pohranu
rioration were observed on the monoxylon following the con- nalaza od drva, te izlaganje istih preporuuju se slijedee vri-
servation-restoration work. jednosti fizikalnih veliina: relativna vlanost u intervalu od
45-60%, najbolje 55% uz odstupanje od 2%, temperatura
od 18C uz odstupanje od 2C, te jaina svjetlosti ispod 200
lux-a, najbolje izmeu 50 i 100 lux-a (Jeli 2014, 72). Prilikom
rukovanja s nalazima od drva preporuljiva je i upotreba plat-
nenih rukavica kako bi se nalazi maksimalno zatitili od ke-
mijskih i mikrobiolokih utjecaja.

8. A drawing of the monoxylon / Crte monoksila (author:

Following conservation-restoration interventions on wooden
finds it is important that they are stored in suitable conditions
to prevent to the greatest possible extent any possible phys-
ical, chemical and microbiological changes. In the storage or
exhibition of wooden finds the following physical parameters
9. The results of the radiocarbon age analysis of the wood /
are recommended: relative humidity of from 45 to 60%, with Rezultati odreivanja starosti drveta metodom 14C (OxCal
the optimal value being 55% with a deviation of 2%, a tem v4.1.7)


perature of 18C with a deviation 2C, and lighting of a Kompletan projekt zapoeo je 2013. g. zbog preliminarne pro-
brightness of under 200 lux, optimally between 50 and 100 cjene kako je rije o vrijednom kulturnom dobru, mada se to tek
lux (Jeli 2014, 72). The use of cloth gloves is recommended valjalo provjeriti. Stoga je prvi korak bila datacija plovila. Iz tog
when handling wooden finds to best protect the wood from razloga je jedan otpali djeli drveta poslan na analizu mjerenja
chemical and microbiological impacts. radioaktivnog izotopa ugljika kojom bi se odredila njegova sta-
rost. Analiza je provedena suvremenom AMS 14c metodom u
The entire project began in 2013 following a preliminary as- poznatom laboratoriju u Poznanju u Poljskoj. Uzorku pod ozna-
sessment that this was a valuable cultural good, and the need kom POZ 57597 tako je izmjerena starost od 335 25 BP godina,
for further evaluation of this assessment. The first step, then, to kalibrirano ukazuje na godinu ruenja stabla otprilike u AD
was to date the dugout boat. To this end one piece of wood 1556 55. g. Time su otklonjene sumnje u dataciju monoksila i
that had fallen off was sent for radioactive carbon isotope sada sa sigurnou moemo rei kako je izraen tijekom 16. st.
measurement analysis to determine its age. The analysis was
conducted using the modern AMS carbon 14 method at the U Hrvatskoj nije sauvan velik broj monoksila iz starijih raz-
well-known laboratory in Pozna, Poland. A sample desig- doblja. Veina ih je propala nakon pronalaska, bez da su izvu-
nated POZ 57597 yielded an age of 335 25 BP years: the eni na kopno, dok su drugi propadali tijekom leanja u muze-
calibrated result indicates the felling of the timber around jima i drugim mjestima. Uglavnom je razlog
the year AD 1556 55. This dispelled any doubts concern- propada- nja bila injenica kako nije
ing the dating of the monoxylon and we can now say with bilo mogunosti provesti zahtjev-
certainty that it was fabricated in the six- ni proces konzerviranja, to je sada, djelo-
teenth century. vanjem MCPA Zadar, konano mogue. Sveukupno
je poznato nekoliko desetaka monoksila iz Hrvatske. Veina
Not many monoxylons from older periods have been pre- sauvanih popisana je u lanku Irene Radi Rossi (Radi Ros-
served in Croatia. Most deteriorated after they were discov- si 2009), dodue bez datacijske analize. Za nekoliko njih po-
ered, without having been extracted onto land, while oth- znati su rezultati C14 analiza. Tako su samo dva sisaka pri-
ers decayed during storage in museums and other sites. The mjera datirana u rimsko doba ( dok se ostalo datiraju u
cause of the deterioration lay largely in the fact that there was srednji i novi vijek i to jedan u 14., jedan u 16., etiri u 17. st.
no possibility to carry out the demanding conservation te tri u kasnija razdoblja (Radi Ro-
process the work of ICUA Zadar has ssi 2009). Mada je mogue da su i
finally made this possible. In all we neki drugi, zasada nedatirani mo-
know of several dozen monoxy- noksili stariji, moemo sa sigurnou rei da
lons in Croatia. Most of those that je ovo jedan od nekolicine najstarijih sauvanih u Hrvatskoj.
have been preserved are listed in a paper penned by
Irena Radi Rossi (Radi Rossi 2009), albeit without 10. The
Monoksil iz Reice izraen je jednog komada drveta,
dating analysis. For some we know of the results monoxylon from ovalnog je oblika, duljine 310 cm i irine do 63 cm.
of carbon 14 analysis. Thus only two specimens the Kupa River at the Krma i pramac monoksila su oteeni, tako nije mo-
end of the treatment
from Sisak have been dated to the Roman peri- gue rei da li su bili iljati ili proireni. Na krmi mo-
/ Kupski monoksil po
od (first century), while the rest are dated to the zavetku radova noksila, 70 cm od njenog trenutno postojeeg kra-
post-medieval period one to the fourteenth cen- ja nalazi se sjedalica za veslaa, irine od oko 12 cm i
tury, one to the sixteenth, four to the sev- najvee visine od 14 cm. Ovaj dio predstavlja sjedei dio
enteenth and three to later pe- monoksila, te je u tom dijelu monoksil i najiri. Prema pramcu
riods (Radi Rossi 2009). Although it is se monoksil suuje, da bi na samom kraju
possible that other, not yet dated, monoxylons njegova irina bila 27 cm to je
are older, we can said with certainty that this is one of the ujedno i najui dio monoksila.
oldest preserved in Croatia. Izmeu sjedalice za veslaa na krmi i pramca nalazi se teretni
dio monoksila koji ima dva poprena rebra. Svako rebro irine
The monoxylon from Reica is fabricated from a single piece je od 10 cm, dok je najvea visina prvog rebra 4 cm, a drugog
of timber, is of oval form, with a length of 310 centimetres rebra 8 cm. Prvo rebro 73 cm je udaljeno od sjedalice, a dru-
and a width of 63. The stern and prow are damaged, such go rebro je 108 cm udaljeno od prvog rebra odnosno 27 cm
that it cannot be ascertained whether they were pointed or od trenutno postojee krajnje toke pramca. Visina monoksi-
broad. At the stern of the monoxylon, 70 centimetres from la mjerena je okomito na ravnu podlogu po itavoj njegovoj
its current termination, is a seat for a rower with a width of duini i minimalno varira oko iznosa od 27 cm. Trup monok-
about 12 centimetres and a maximum height of 14. This is sila je zaobljen tako da je stvarna visina monoksila osobito u
the sitting section of the monoxylon and the craft is widest predjelu krme i pramca puno manja.


here. The monoxylon narrows towards the prow and termi- Po svojoj konstrukciji svjee konzervirani monoksil iz Re-
nates at a width of 27 centimetres, the narrowest point of ice najvie slii monoksilu iz Sotina na Dunavu, od kojeg
the craft. Between the rowers seat at the stern and the je gotovo metar krai ali ima jednu pregradu vie (Radi
prow we find the cargo area with two transverse ribs. Rossi 2009, Fig.9). Monoksil iz Sotina nije datiran, kao
Each of the ribs has a width of 10 centimetres. The ni veina hrvatskih primjera. epelev prikazuje ne-
greatest height of the first rib is four centimetres, koliko monoksila iz Rusije koji su po obliku i ras-
and of the second rib eight centimetres. The first poredu pregrada slini naem, meutim naelno
rib is 73 centimetres from the seat and the sec- datiranje tih plovila je u rasponu od prapovijesti
ond rib 108 centimetres from the first rib, i.e. 27 do 16. st. (epelev 2008). Vrlo esto pronaeni
from the current terminal point of the prow. The monoksili nisu datirani niti putem dendrokro-
height of the monoxylon was measured verti- noloke niti putem C14 analize, to dovodi do
cally on a flat surface and is 27 centimetres with mnogih nedoumica oko datacije pojedinih oblika
minimum deviation along its entire length. The i konstruktivnih rjeenja. Na jezeru Ardensee pronaen
hull of the monoxylon is rounded such that the actu- je monoksil od oko etiri metra duine, koji se dendro-
al height of the craft, especially in the area of the stern and kronoloki datira u kraj 14. st. On je slinog oblika, s drve-
prow, is much less. nim pregradama za koje se smatra da su sluile za dranje
ulov- ljene ribe (Leinenweber, Lbke,
By its construction the newly conserved monoxylon from 2009, 111). I u lanku Vejsila u-
Reica is most similar to the monoxylon from Sotin on ria ilustrirano je i opisano neko-
the Danube River it is about a metre shorter liko slinih ribarskih monoksila koji su
but has one more partition (Radi Rossi koriteni na Savi kod Donje Doline sve do
2009, Fig. 9). Like the majority of Croa- poetka 20. st. (uri 1910, sl.11).
tian specimens, the monoxylon from
Sotin has not been dated. Chepelev Oito je rije o standardnom obliku ribarskog rije-
discusses several monoxylons from Russia that are by 11. The nog plovila, kakva su izraivana stoljeima i kori-
their form and the distribution of partitions similar monoxylon from tena do prije stotinjak godina. Po svemu sude-
the Kupa River at the
to ours. However the approximate dating of these end of the treatment i, kupski ribar je sjedio na krmenoj, masivnijoj
vessels ranges from prehistory to the sixteenth cen- / Kupski monoksil po pregradi, dok je ribe, pa moda i mree, pola-
tury (Chepelev 2008). Very often monoxylon that zavetku radova gao u prednji pregraeni dio. Na taj nain su mu
have been found have not been dated, either using noge bile na suhom. S obzirom na nae skromno
dendrological or carbon 14 analysis, which leads to many znanje o tim tradicionalnim plovilima koja su tisu-
uncertainties regarding the dating ljeima nezamjenljivo plovila rijekama, jezerima i morem
of individual forms and construction nadamo se da e se ubudue pronai novi, dobro
solutions. A monoxylon of about four me- ouvani primjerci, koji e se sada moi
tres in length was found at Lake Ardensee that i struno konzervirati i
was dendrologically dated to the late fourteenth century. restaurirati.
It is of similar shape, with wooden partitions for which it is
hypothesised that they were used to hold caught fish (Lei-
nenweber, Lbke, 2009, 111). A paper by Vejsil uri also Bibliography / Literatura
illustrated several similar fishing monoxylon used on the uri, V. 2010 - Korabovi, lagje i unovi. Narodno ribarstvo u Bos-
Sava River at Donja Dolina up to the start of the twentieth ni i Hercegovini. Glasnik zemaljskog muzeja u Bosni i Hercegovini
century (uri 1910, Fig. 11). 2, 1910. 387 - 396.
Jeli, A. 2014 - Organic material. U: Beki, L. (ur.) Conservation of
This is evidently a standard form of river fishing vessel the likes Underwater Archaeological Finds Manual. II edition, Zadar 2014.
of which have been crafted for centuries and used up to about 60 76.
a hundred years ago. By all accounts the fisherman on the Kupa Radi Rossi, I. 2009 - Dugouts of Croatia. U: Bockius, R. (ur.) Beetween
River sat on the more massive stern partition while the fish the seas. Transfer and exchange in the nautical technology. ISBSA
and perhaps the nets, were placed in the front partition. This 11. Mainz 2009.
would have kept his feet dry. Given our modest knowledge epelev, V.R. 2008 - stliche Einbume. Skyllis Jh.8., H. 1-2., 2007/2008.
of these traditional watercraft that have for millennia served 90 - 99.
as an essential vessel on river, lake and sea, we hope that new, Leinenweber, R., Lbke, H. 2009 - The logboat of lake Ardensee. U:
well preserved, specimens will be found in the future that can Bockius, R. (ur.) Beetween the seas. Transfer and exchange in the
now be subjected to expert conservation and restoration. nautical technology. ISBSA 11. Mainz 2009. 107 - 113.


The Conservation and Restoration
of Organic Archaeological Finds
from the Flacius Street
Locality in Pula
Konzerviranje i restauriranje
organskih arheolokih nalaza s
lokaliteta Flaciusova ulica u Puli
Zdenka Vrgo, Anita Jeli
During archaeological supervision of construction work in Prilikom arheolokog nadzora graevinskih radova u Flaci-
Flaciusova ulica (Flacius Street) in Pula in February of 2013 staff usovoj ulici u Puli u veljai 2013. godine, djelatnici Arheo-
members of the Archaeological Museum of Istria in Pula work- lokog muzeja Istre u Puli pod vodstvom arheologinje Ide
ing under the leadership of archaeologist Ida Kocani Uha dis- Kocani Uha, otkrili su ostatke brodske konstrukcije dvaju
covered the remains of the structures of two Roman wooden rimskih drvenih brodova s pripadajuim dijelovima brodske
boats with the accompanying parts of the ships equipment and opreme i teretom. Brodovi su izraeni tehnikom ivanja ti-
cargo. The sewn boats were built using a technique typical of the pinom za podruje sjevernog i srednjeg Jadrana u rimskom
northern and central Adriatic in the Roman period and are dated razdoblju, a datira ih se u vrijeme od 1. stoljea prije Krista
to the period from the first century BCE to the first century CE. do 1. stoljea poslije Krista.

Sites of this type are very rare given that, as a rule, organic ma- Nalazita ovakvog tipa izrazito su rijetka budui da organski
terials exposed to biological and microclimatic conditions de- materijali pod utjecajem biolokih i mikroklimatskih uvjeta

1. Roman sewn ships during excavation in Flacius street / Rimski ivani brodovi
prilikom pronalaska u Flaciusovoj ulici (
cay quickly. Wood, leather and textile remain preserved only u pravilu brzo propadaju. Drvo, koa i tekstil ostaju sauvani
in ideal conditions, i.e. in muddy anaerobic environments such samo u idealnim uvjetima, odnosno u muljevitom okruenju
as the happy circumstance of the site at Flacius street. Thanks bez prisustva kisika kao to je sretan sluaj s nalazitem u
to these circumstances various wooden artefacts have been Flaciusovoj ulici. Zahvaljujui tim okolnostima ostali su sa-
preserved, parts of rope, leather material, peach seeds, pine uvani razliiti drveni predmeti, dijelovi uadi, koni mate-
nuts, walnuts and cereals. A part of this material was received rijali, kotice bresaka, pinjoli, orasi, itarice. Dio navedenog
in July of 2014 at the restoration workshop of the International materijala zaprimljen je u srpnju 2014. godine u restaurator-
Centre for Underwater Archaeology in Zadar. The material con- sku radionicu Meunarodnog centra za podvodnu arheo-
sists of 86 wooden and 14 leather artefacts and seven sections logiju u Zadru. Radilo se o 86 drvenih, 14 konih predmeta
of rope. Notable among the finds are particularly interesting i 7 ulomaka uadi. Meu nalazima valja istaknuti posebno
specimens of wooden ware, boxes, lids, baskets, various wood- zanimljive nalaze drvenih posuda, kutijica, poklopce, koa-
en tools, writing tools, leather soles and the like. ru, razliite drvene alatke, pisai pribor, kone potplate i sl.

The first and certainly essential step in the conservation-res- Prvi i svakako neophodan korak u konzervatorsko-restau-
toration process for all artefacts found in the sea or its imme- ratorskim postupcima kod svih predmeta pronaenih pod
diate vicinity is the desalination procedure, i.e. the removal of morem ili u njegovoj neposrednoj blizini je postupak de-
salts from the structure of the artefact to prevent cracking and salinizacije ili uklanjanja soli iz strukture predmeta kako ne
break down during drying (Borrelli 1999, 3). The process of the bi dolo do pucanja i raspadanja prilikom suenja (Borrelli
desalinisation of the finds from Flacius street lasted for a little 1999, 3). Proces desalinizacije nalaza iz Flaciusove ulice tra-
over a year and was carried out in the complex of the Uljanik jao je neto due od godine dana i proveden je u komplek-
shipyard in Pula. su brodogradilita Uljanik u Puli.

Upon receipt of the organic material at the ICUA restoration Po zaprimanju organskog materijala u restauratorsku radi-
workshop we first documented the condition as found, in- onicu MCPA, najprije je provedeno dokumentiranje zatee-
volving photography accompanied by detailed written re- nog stanja, odnosno fotografiranje uz popratni detaljni pi-
ports on the condition of each artefact. It was determined sani izvjetaj o stanju svakog predmeta. Ustanovljeno je da
that the finds are in a good state of preservation, partially su nalazi u dobrom stanju ouvanosti, djelomino prekriveni
covered with a layer of mud, pebbles and sand. Part of the slojem mulja, kamenia i pijeska. Dio predmeta zaprimljen
artefact was received in multiple fragments the sections je u vie ulomaka, a posebno su osjetljivi dijelovi uadi te
of rope and the thin, soft leather finds are particularly fragile tanki i mekani nalazi od koe podloni pucanju.
and subject to possible cracking.
3. The leather
Following a meticulous visual soles of Roman
inspection, during which sandals with preserved
iron clasps after conservation-
we decided on the further
restoration treatment / Kone
course of the conserva- potplate rimskih sandala s
tion-restoration proce- ouvanim eljeznim kopama
nakon konzervatorsko-
dures and the selection
restauratorskih radova
of substances and ma- (photo: A. Jeli)

2. Cleaning leather soles using small laboratory

terials that would equipment / ienje konih potplata uporabom sitnog
laboratorijskog pribora (photo: A. Jozi)
be used, the finds
were isolated in pol- Nakon paljivog vizualnog pregleda tijekom kojeg se od-
yethylene nets and luivalo o daljnjem tijeku konzervatorsko-restauratorskih
placed in distilled postupaka i izboru sredstava i materijala koji e biti kori-
water. The follow- teni, nalazi su izolirani polietilenskom mreicom i stavljeni
ing step involved u destiliranu vodu. Uslijedio je postupak ienja predme-
the cleaning of the ta kojeg je zbog osjetljivosti materijala bilo vano provesti
artefact that, due to the fragility of the mate- oprezno, polako i slojevito. U kontroliranim uvjetima, pod
rial, had to be carried out carefully, slowly and layer by povealom i pod laganim mlazom vode te uporabom mekih
layer. Under controlled conditions and under magnifica- etkica i sitnog laboratorijskog pribora, uklonjene su nasla-
tion and a slow stream of water and with the use of soft ge neistoa s povrine predmeta.


brushes and small laboratory equipment we removed the Zatim su materijali konsolidirani, odnosno impregnirani. Za kon-
layers of dirt from the surface of the artefacts. solidiranje arheolokog ueta koritena je metoda uranjanja u
10-15% otopinu glicerina u destiliranoj vodi, a za kou uranja-
The materials were then consolidated, i.e. impregnated. nje u 30% otopinu takoer glicerina u destiliranoj vodi (Hamil-
Consolidation of the archaeological rope was effected by ton 1999, File 6; Unger 2001, 399). Procesi su ukupno trajali dva
the method of submersion in a 10 to 15% solution of glyc- tjedna nakon ega je uslijedila dehidracija predmeta od koe.
erine in distilled water, while leather was submersed in a Procesom dehidracije uklanja se voda iz strukture materijala, a
30% solution, also of glycerine in distilled water (Hamilton postupak se vrio potapanjem ve konsolidiranih nalaza u ace-
1999, File 6; Unger 2001, 399). These processes lasted a to- ton u trajanju od nekoliko sati. Budui da se glicerin ne otapa niti
tal of two weeks, followed by the dehydration of the leath- mijea s acetonom, ostaje impregniran u strukturama predmeta.
er artefacts. The dehydration process removes water from
the structure of the material and the procedure is effected Nalazi su potom podvrgnuti kontroliranom suenju u atmosfer-
by submerging the already consolidated find in acetone for skim uvjetima koje je trajalo nekoliko dana. Suenje koe vrilo
several hours. As the glycerine is not dissolved by and does se pod pritiskom kako bi predmeti zadrali svoj izvorni oblik.
not mix with acetone, it remains impregnated in the struc- Svi nalazi uadi su zbog rastresite prirode materijala fiksirani na
ture of the artefact. polietilensku mreicu ime se osigurala cjelovitost i olakalo bu-
due rukovanje predmetima (Smith 2003, 60, 61). Za razliku od
The finds were then subjected to controlled drying in atmos- koe, kod drvenih predmeta procesi dehidriranja i konsolidira-
pheric conditions for several days. The leather was dried under nja teku obratnim redoslijedom. Drvo se najprije u potpunosti
pressure to ensure that the artefacts retain their original form. dehidrira i tek po zavretku dehidracijskog procesa slijedi im-
On account of their loose nature, all of the rope finds were af- pregniranje. Dehidriranje je provedeno na nain da su nalazi
fixed to polyethylene netting to ensure their integrity and to uranjani u vie uzastopnih acetonskih kupki. U svakoj kupelji i
facilitate the future handling of the artefacts (Smith 2003, 60, u zatvorenim spremnicima predmeti su ostavljeni etiri do pet
61). Unlike leather, the process of dehydrating and consolidating dana kako bi se sprijeila hlapljivost acetona i osiguralo potpu-
the wooden artefacts runs in the opposite sequence. The wood no uklanjanje vode iz predmeta potrebno zbog konsolidiranja
is first entirely dehydrated, with impregnation following only obraenom prirodnom smolom bora, odnosno kolofonijem
upon completion of the dehydration process. Dehydration was koji se ne mijea s vodom niti se u njoj otapa.
achieved by immersing the finds in multiple successive 4. Affixing
acetone baths. The artefacts were left for four to five fragments with Proces konsolidacije izvren je, dakle, potapanjem
days in each bath in closed containers to prevent the cyanoacrylate glue / predmeta u 67% otopinu kolofonija u acetonu u za-
Fiksiranje fragmenta
evaporation of the acetone and to ensure the com- cijanoakrilatnim
tvorenim spremnicima i pri temperaturi od 52 C, a
plete removal of water from the artefacts, necessary ljepilom (foto A. trajao je etiri tjedna. Uslijedio je postupak postepe-
for the consolidation with treated natural pine rosin, Jozi) nog i kontroliranog suenja drvenih nalaza dnevnim
i.e. colophony, which izlaganjem atmosferskim
does not mix with wa- uvjetima u trajanju od ne-
ter or dissolve in it. koliko sati. Postupak je pra-
en mjerenjem mase sva-
The process of con- kog pojedinog nalaza prije
solidation was carried i nakon izlaganja atmos-
out, then, by immers- ferskim prilikama. Po po-
ing the artefact in a stizanju konstantne mase
67% solution of col- nalaza, proces suenja za
ophony in acetone in pojedini drveni predmet
closed containers at a bio je zavren.
temperature of 52C
for four weeks. This Drvenim predmetima koji
was followed by the su zaprimljeni u vie ulo-
process of the gradual maka fragmenti su spojeni
and controlled drying cijanoakrilatnim ljepilom.
of the wooden finds by Na istim predmetima mje-
exposure to atmospheric conditions for several hours. The pro- sta spoja uvrena su integriranjem dvokomponentne epoksid-
cess was monitored by the weighing of the mass of each in- ne smole za drvo, Aralditom SV 427. Na nekim nalazima, kao to
dividual find prior to and following exposure to atmospheric su drvena kutijica i poklopac, uinjena je potpuna rekonstrukcija


koritenjem iste dvokomponen-
tne epoksidne smole. Kao za-
vrna zatita na povrinu svih
drvenih predmeta nanesena je
mjeavina Cosmoloida H80 i Pa-
raloida B72 u acetonu. Integri-
rani dijelovi tonirani su akrilnim
bojama u boju slinu izvornoj,
5. A Roman wooden box before conservation-restoration ali za nijansu svjetliju kako bi se
treatment / Rimska drvena kutijica prije konzervatorsko- integrirana povrina blago razli-
restauratorskih radova (photo: Z. Vrgo)
kovala od originalne, ali istovre-
conditions. When a constant mass was achieved the process of meno s njom inila jednu smi-
the drying of a given wooden artefact was completed. slenu cjelinu.

Wooden artefacts that were received in multiple fragments Pri konzervatorsko-restauratorskim 6. A Roman
were joined with cyanoacrylate glue. The joints of these ar- radovima na arheolokim nalazima od or- wooden box
after conservation-
tefacts were reinforced by integration using Araldit SV 427 ganskih materijala iz Flaciusove ulice u
restoration treatment /
two-component epoxy resin for wood. A complete reconstruc- Puli u potpunosti su potovana pravila i Rimska drvena kutijica
tion was effected of some finds, such as wooden boxes and etika naela struke koja nalau planiranje nakon konzervatorsko-
lids, using the same two-component epoxy resin. A mixture i kontrolirano izvoenje svakog postupka restauratorskih radova
(photo: A. Jeli)
of Cosmoloid H80 and Paraloid B72 in acetone was applied to kako bi se sprijeila bilo kakva povreda ili od-
the surface of all wooden artefacts as a final protection. The stupanje od izvornosti izgleda i oblika predmeta.
integrated sections were toned using acrylic paint in a colour Koriteni su iskljuivo reverzibilni materijali koji ostavljaju mo-
similar to the original colour, but a shade lighter such gunost eventualnim buduim intervencijama. Fotografski je i
that the integrated surface can be differentiated 7-8. pisano dokumentirano zateeno stanje predmeta po zapri-
but still forming a meaningful whole. A Roman wooden manju, tijekom konzervatorsko restauratorskih radova
basket before and
after conservation-
restoration treatment /
Rimska pletena koara prije
i poslije konzervatorsko-
restauratorskih radova
(photo: Z. Vrgo)

The rules and ethical principles of the profession, which require te nakon zavrenih radova. Konzerviranje organskih nalaza ne-
the planning and controlled execution of every procedure in ophodan je dio njihova ouvanja i zatite. Kako bi graa osta-
order to prevent any violation or deviation from the original la zatiena i sigurna potrebno je osigurati adekvatne uvjete
appearance and form of an artefact, were entirely adhered i prostor skladitenja te nalazima rukovati paljivo kako bi se
to in the conservation-restoration treatment of the archaeo- zatitili od kemijskih i mikroklimatskih utjecaja.
logical finds of organic materials from Flacius street in Pula.
Only reversible materials were used that allow for possible Bibliography / Literatura:
future interventions. Photographic and written documenta- Borrelli, L. 1999 - Conservation of Architectural Heritage, Historic Struc-
tion was made of the condition as received, in the course of tures and Materials, ICCROM, Rome.
the conservation-restoration treatment and upon their com- Hamilton, D. L. 1999 - Methods of Conserving Archaelogical Material
pletion. The conservation of organic finds is essential to their from Underwater Sites, Texas A&M University Press, Texas.
preservation and protection. In order for the material to re- Smith, C. W. 2003 - Glass conservation, Archaelogical conservation
main protected and secure adequate conditions and storage using polymers, Texas A&M University Press, Texas.
must be ensured and the finds handled carefully to prevent Unger, A., Schniewind, A. P., Unger, W. 2001 - Conservation of Wood
chemical and microclimatic impacts. Artifacts, Springer, New York.


The ICUA Library -
Three Libraries in One
Knjinica MCPA -
Tri knjinice u jednoj
Ivana Dobrovi, Luka Beki

The Library of the International Centre for Underwater

Archaeology in Zadar is, in terms of the use and content
of its collection of books, a specialised library with the
core purpose of procuring, organising and ensuring the
availability of its collection of scientific and specialist pub-
lications and to provide reliable information. The library
was registered in the Register of Libraries at the Ministry
of Culture on the 27th of August 2015.

The collection of books was begun in 2011. Over the years

the material has been collected in the customary manner:
through purchases, exchange and donations. The collec-
1. The ICUA Library / Knjinica MCPA (photo: L.Beki)
tion grew in its first days thanks to the efforts of book en-
thusiasts Luka Beki DSc and Mladen Pei, who collected Knjinica Meunarodnog centra za podvodnu arheolo-
donated books from many countries they visited in the giju u Zadru je, prema namjeni i sadraju knjinog fonda
course of their participation in underwater archaeology specijalna knjinica, s temeljnom svrhom nabave, orga-
congresses and symposia. The librarys collection also nizacije i osiguravanja dostupnosti zbirke znanstvenih i
grew with the exchange of books with institutions and strunih publikacija te pruanja pouzdanih informacija.
individuals and the purchase of less frequent editions. Knjinica je slubeno registrirana u Upisniku knjinica pri
From the inception of ICUA, books directly pertaining to Ministarstvu kulture dana 27.08.2015. godine.
underwater archaeology, maritime history and the res-
toration and conservation of archaeological finds were Knjini fond se poinje stvarati, odnosno graditi, od 2011.
specifically procured for the library. g. Tijekom godina graa se prikupljala uobiajenim na-
Along with the individual efforts of ICUA staff members, inima nabave; kupnjom, razmjenom i darovanjem. U
the library has succeeded in establishing systems of regu- samim poetcima, fond je rastao zahvaljujui velikim
lar institutional exchange of specialist literature with some ljubiteljima i tovateljima knjiga, Luki Bekiu i Mla-
twenty museums, institutes and other related institutions denu Peiu, koji su prikupljali i donosili darovane knjige
in the field of culture. Given the fruitful publishing activi- iz raznih zemalja koje su posjeivali radi sudjelovanja na
ty at ICUA that has seen over ten publications in the past konferencijama i strunim skupovima podvodnih arhe-
five years ( we expect this ex- ologa. Takoer se knjini fond uveavao razmjenom ra-
change to further expand. The ICUA Library now, in 2015, znih knjiga s institucijama i pojedincima te pojedinanom
numbers some two thousand volumes, including foreign kupnjom rjeih izdanja. Od poetaka postojanja centra
and domestic serial publications and monographs. su se za knjinicu ciljano nabavljali naslovi koji imaju
The collection of the ICUA Library was significantly increased veze s podvodnom arheologijom, povijeu pomorstva
in 2013 when the Roman-German Commission (Rmisch-Ger- ali i restauriranjem i konzerviranjem arheolokih nalaza.
manischen Kommission, RGK) Frankfurt, part of the German
Archaeological Institute (Deutsches Archologisches Institut, Osim kroz individualne napore djelatnika MCPA knjinica
DAI), donated for use the specialist collection of well-known je ve uspostavila sustave redovne institucionalne raz-
professor of archaeology Harald Von Petrikovits. The collection mjene strune literature s dvadesetak muzeja, instituta i
was presented on permanent loan to the International Centre drugih srodnih ustanova u kulturi. S obzirom na bogatu


izdavaku djelatnost MCPA u kojem je kroz pet godina
izdano ili suizdano preko deset izdanja (
publikacije), oekuje se da e se razmjena i dalje iriti.
Knjinica MCPA do danas, u 2015. g., broji oko 2.000 sve-
zaka knjine grae, ukljuujui strane i domae serijske
publikacije te monografska izdanja.

Fond Knjinice MCPA znatno se poveao 2013. g., kada

je Rimsko-Germanska Komisija (Rmisch-Germanischen
Kommission, RGK) Frankfurt u sastavu Njemakog arheo-
lokog instituta (Deutsches Archologisches Institut, DAI)
darovala na koritenje znanstvenu knjinicu poznatog
profesora arheologa, Haralda Von Petrikovitsa. Knjinica
je darovana na koritenje i upravljanje Meunarodnom
centru za podvodnu arheologiju u Zadru i Odjelu za ar-
heologiju Sveuilita u Zadru. Samo darovanje ureeno
2. Transferring the books from Germany / Dopremanje je ugovorom kojim je izmeu ostalog propisano da knji-
knjiga iz Njemake (photo: L.Beki) ge ine zasebnu cjelinu te da se ne iznose izvan prosto-
for Underwater Archaeology in Zadar and the University of Za- ra Knjinice MCPA. Za potrebe ove specijalne knjinice,
dars archaeology department. The donation is covered by an Ministarstvo kulture RH je obnovilo i opremilo posebne
agreement that stipulates that the books form a separate col- prostore u jednoj od zgrada unutar arhitektonskog sklo-
lection and that they are not loaned out of the premises of the pa Sv. Nikole.
ICUA Library. For this specialist collection the Croatian Ministry
of Culture renovated and equipped a separate room in one of Jedan od sadanjih zadataka Knjinice MCPA je katalo-
the buildings of the Sveti Nikola architectural complex. gizacija iznimno vrijednog fonda knjinice H.v. Petriko-
One of the current tasks of the ICUA Library is to cata- vits koja posjeduje oko 5.000 naslova. Radi se o iznimno
logue the very valuable five thousand volumes of the ouvanim, preteno novijim knjigama te velikom broju
H. von Petrikovits collection. It is a very well preserved skupocjenih bibliofilskih izdanja.
3. At the
opening of the
Petrikovits collection
/ S otvorenja knjinice


Osim standardne inventarizacije koja je zavrena u polovici
2014. g., katalogizacija je zapoela s radom u svibnju 2015.
g. u integriranom knjininom sustavu ZENON-u (central-
nom online katalogu DAI-a), odnosno knjininom progra-
mu Aleph (MARC 21) koji je omoguen i ustupljen na kori-
tenje Knjinici MCPA zahvaljujui suradnji sa Njemakim
arheolokim institutom (DAI) u Berlinu. Takoer se trenutno
radi i na prevoenju tezaurusa arheolokih pojmova, kako
bi se pretraivanje pomou kljunih rijei na hrvatskom
moglo obavljati unutar ZENON-a (online katalog DAI-a).

Zahvaljujui profesoru Haraldu von Petrikovits knjinica

raspolae iznimno rijetkim naslovima vezanim uz tema-
tiku kojom se bavio. H. von Petrikovits studirao je arheo-
logiju, povijest i klasinu filologiju na Sveuilitu u Beu.
Od 1958. do 1973. g. bio je ravnatelj Landesmuseum-a, a
od 1961. g. predavao je antiku arheologiju i povijest kao
poasni profesor na Sveuilitu u Bonnu. Takoer, bio je
nositelj Reda zasluge i poasni lan Bonner Kunstverein-u.
Sveuilite u Wrzburgu dodijelilo mu je poasni doktorat,
a njegovi su istraivaki interesi za arheologiju, povijest i
kulturu antikog Rima ivjeli s njim sve do njegove smrti.
Donacija Harald von Petrikovits od neprocjenjivog je zna-
enja za Meunarodni centar za podvodnu arheologiju u
4. The Harald von Petrikovits library / Knjinica Harald
Von Petrikovits (photo: L.Beki) Zadru i gostujue znanstvenike, za nastavnike i studente
Odjela arheologije Sveuilita u Zadru. Dio ovog knjinog
collection, predominantly of newer editions and a large
fonda jedinstven je i u hrvatskim razmjerima.
number of very costly bibliophile editions.

Uz ovu vrlo vrijednu donaciju treba istaknuti i jo jednu

Along with the standard inventory, completed in mid-2014,
hvale vrijednu donaciju. To je donacija dr. sc. Luke Bekia
cataloguing was initiated in May of 2015 in the ZENON inte-
koji je poetkom 2015. g. Meunarodnom centru za pod-
grated library system (the central online catalogue of DAI), i.e.
vodnu arheologiju u Zadru poklonio knjinu grau iz svo-
the Aleph integrated library software (MARC 21) that was pro-
je privatne knjinice. Radi se od oko 900 svezaka strune
vided for the use of the ICUA Library thanks to our collabora-
knjine grae, serijskih i monografskih publikacija. Ovim
tion with the German Archaeological Institute (DAI) in Berlin.
putem standardni fond Knjinice MCPA obo-
We are also now working on the translation of
gaen je temama iz kopnene arheolo-
a thesaurus of archaeological terminol-
gije, kulturne batine uope,
ogy to allow for searches with Croatian
ali i o temama iz polja po-
language key words within ZENON (the
DAI online catalogue).

Na mrenim stranicama
Thanks to the late professor Harald von
MCPA Zadar nalaze se po-
Petrikovits our library now has at its use
pisi svih trenutno raspo-
very rare titles related to the topics of his
loivih naslova Knjinice
study. H. von Petrikovits studied archae-
MCPA, a zasebno i popisi
ology, history and classic philology at the
naslova iz Knjinice H. von
University of Vienna. From 1958 to 1973 he
Petrikovits (
served as director of the Landesmuseum,
and from 1961 taught Antiquity archae- 5. Independent ICUA
editions and editions in
ology and history as an honorary profes-
collaboration with other
sor at the University of Bonn. He was also institutions / Samostalna
the recipient of the Order of Merit and an izdanja MCPA te izdanja
u suradnji s drugim
honorary member of the Bonner Kunstv-
erein. The University of Wrzburg awarded (photo: L.Beki)
him an honorary doctorate, and his research of archaeology, knjiznicaicua). Trenutno je knjinica za posjetitelje otvorena
history and the culture or ancient Rome was vibrant up to his etiri sata dnevno, a posjetioci se mogu najaviti elektron-
death. The Harald von Petrikovits donation is of inestimable skom potom voditeljici knjinice Ivani Dobrovi. Knjinica
importance to the International Centre for Underwater Archae- je takoer opremljena s radnim stolovima za posjetitelje,
ology in Zadar and visiting scientists, instructors and students raunalom, skenerom i fotokopirnim ureajem. Sve knji-
of the University of Zadars department of archaeology. A part nine usluge su besplatne.
of this book collection is unique in Croatia.

Along with this very valuable donation we should also note

another laudable donation by Luka Beki DSc. In early 2015
he donated his private collection to the International Centre
for Underwater Archaeology in Zadar. The collection includes
some 900 specialist volumes, serial publications and mono-
graphs. This enriched the standard collection of the ICUA Li-
brary with topics in the field of land archaeology, cultural her-
itage in general and maritime topics.

The ICUA Internet site has a list of all of the currently available
titles in the ICUA Library and a separate list of the titles in the
H. von Petrikovits collection (

The library is now open to visitors for four hours a day and visi-
tors can register with the head of the library Ivana Dobrovi. The
library is equipped with working tables for visitors, a computer, 6. The Beki collection donation / Donacija knjiga
biblioteke Beki (photo: L.Beki)
scanner and photocopier. All library services are free of charge.
Svakako treba naglasiti da su knjinica Harald von Petriko-
It should be noted that the Harald von Petrikovits collection, vits, donacija Luke Bekia i knjinica MCPA male knji-
the donation of Luka Beki DSc and the ICUA library are small nice ali samim time ne i manje znaajne, posebice stoga
collections, but no less significant, especially since they have jer posjeduju odreene naslove koji se u Hrvatskoj mogu
titles that can only be found here in all of Croatia. The already pronai samo na ovom mjestu. Ve sada dobro opremljena
well-stocked Library of the International Centre for Underwa- Knjinica Meunarodnog centra za podvodnu arheologi-
ter Archaeology aspires, and certainly has the potential, to ju u Zadru tei, i svakako ima potencijal, postati komuni-
become a communication and information hub for students, kacijsko i informacijsko sredite studentima, profesorima
professors and researchers. i znanstvenicima.

7. ICUA library study room/ Radna soba Knjinice MCPA

(photo: L.Beki)


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