Ofch Employee Transfer

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Oracle Fusion Global Human Resources

Workforce Lifecycle Part 2

Platform Technology Solutions (PTS)

Oracle Development

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Workforce Lifecycle - Agenda

1 Transfers
2 Terminations
3 Mass Updates
4 Whats Changed?

Copyright 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 2

Workforce Lifecycle - Agenda

1 Transfers
2 Terminations
3 Mass Updates
4 Whats Changed?

Copyright 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 3


Use the following predefined actions to process transfers and temporary

Temporary Assignment
Global Transfer
Global Temporary Assignment

Copyright 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. |

Transfer Types
Source Work Existing Assignments New Work New
Transfer Type Example Employer
Relationship Default Status Relationship Assignment

Copyright 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. |

Transfer Types
Source Work Existing Assignments New Work New
Transfer Type Example Employer
Relationship Default Status Relationship Assignment

Inactive-Payroll Eligible
Transfer Change of location Same Unchanged No No
(except current)

Copyright 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. |

Transfer Types
Source Work Existing Assignments New Work New
Transfer Type Example Employer
Relationship Default Status Relationship Assignment

Inactive-Payroll Eligible
Transfer Change of location Same Unchanged No No
(except current)
Temporary secondment to Suspended-Payroll
Same Unchanged No Yes
Assignment another Eligible

Copyright 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. |

Transfer Types
Source Work Existing Assignments New Work New
Transfer Type Example Employer
Relationship Default Status Relationship Assignment

Inactive-Payroll Eligible
Transfer Change of location Same Unchanged No No
(except current)
Temporary secondment to Suspended-Payroll
Same Unchanged No Yes
Assignment another Eligible
Transfer from UK
Global Transfer subsidiary to US Different Terminated Inactive-Payroll Eligible Yes Yes

Copyright 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. |

Transfer Types
Source Work Existing Assignments New Work New
Transfer Type Example Employer
Relationship Default Status Relationship Assignment

Inactive-Payroll Eligible
Transfer Change of location Same Unchanged No No
(except current)
Temporary secondment to Suspended-Payroll
Same Unchanged No Yes
Assignment another Eligible
Transfer from UK
Global Transfer subsidiary to US Different Terminated Inactive-Payroll Eligible Yes Yes
Global Temporary Suspended-Payroll
secondment from Different Unchanged Yes Yes
Assignment Eligible
US to UK subsidiary

Copyright 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. |

Transfer Types
Simple Transfer

A transfer is the movement of a person within the same legal employer for
example, a change of location from Pleasanton to San Francisco in the US
When you transfer a person, the work relationship remains unchanged
You make any necessary changes in the current assignment
If the worker being transferred has other active assignments in the current
work relationship, they are terminated and their status is changed to
Inactive- Payroll Eligible

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Transfer Types
Simple Transfer

If you use employment terms, you can either transfer within the same
employment terms or create new employment terms
The existing set of employment terms and assignments in the current work
relationship are terminated if you create new ones, and their status is set
to Inactive- Payroll Eligible by default
You can override the default by deselecting the assignments that you do
not want to terminate

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Transfer Types
Temporary Assignment

A temporary assignment is a transfer for a limited term for example,

temporary secondment to another department in the absence of a
department head
You end a temporary assignment by initiating the End Temporary
Assignment action and specifying a return date
The existing assignments in the current work relationship are suspended
and their status is changed to Suspended-Payroll Eligible by default. New
assignment is created with the new department
On return date, the temporary assignment is terminated and the original
assignments are reinstated automatically
Copyright 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. |
Transfer Types
Temporary Assignment
When you create a temporary assignment for a person in the same legal
employer the work relationship remains unchanged
If you use employment terms, you can either create a temporary
assignment with the same employment terms or create new employment
terms. The existing set of employment terms are suspended if you create
new ones.
You can override the default by deselecting the assignments that you do
not want to suspend; these assignments retain their original statuses. The
suspended objects become active again when you end the temporary

Copyright 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. |

Transfer Types
Global Transfer

A global transfer is the transfer of a person to another legal employer for

example, transfer of an employee from a UK subsidiary to a US subsidiary
When you transfer a person to another legal employer, the source work
relationship is terminated automatically using the default values
You create a new work relationship in the destination legal employer. The
existing set of employment terms and assignments in the source work
relationship are terminated and their status is set to Inactive- Payroll
Eligible by default

Copyright 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. |

Transfer Types
Global Transfer

You can override the default by deselecting the assignments that you do
not want to terminate; these assignments retain their original statuses and
the work relationship is not terminated

Copyright 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. |

Transfer Types
Global Temporary Assignment

A global temporary assignment is the temporary transfer of a person to

another legal employer for example, US employee sent on a temporary
secondment to the UK
You end a global temporary assignment by initiating the End Global
Temporary Assignment action and specifying a return date
The global temporary assignment is terminated and the assignments in the
source legal employer are reinstated automatically on the return date

Copyright 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. |

Transfer Types
Global Temporary Assignment

When you create a global temporary assignment, the existing set of

employment terms and assignments in the source work relationship are
suspended, and you create new objects in the destination legal employer.
The status of the assignments in the source work relationship is set to
Suspended-Payroll Eligible by default
You can override the default by deselecting the assignments that you do
not want to suspend; these assignments retain their original statuses
The suspended objects become active again when you end the temporary

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Workforce Lifecycle - Agenda

1 Transfers
2 Terminations
3 Mass Updates
4 Whats Changed?

Copyright 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 18


When workers or non-workers leave the enterprise, you terminate their

work relationships
When you terminate a work relationship, any employment terms and
assignments associated with the work relationships are ended
The status of the work relationship and the associated employment terms
and assignments are changed to inactive on the day following the
termination date

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The person becomes an ex-employee or ex-contingent worker for that legal

The person's user access and roles are revoked by default after the
termination date. You can choose to revoke user access earlier, as soon as
the termination is approved (This could mean revoking user access before
the termination date)
If you are using Oracle Payroll, a notification is sent to the payroll
administrator informing the administrator of the termination
The payroll administrator then completes the relevant tasks required to
complete the payroll termination
Copyright 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. |
Hiding Terminations

When entering sensitive terminations, you can decide to hide the

termination for a specified period
Termination Display
Controls whether the termination appears in the gallery portrait.
Postpone displaying the terminations in the gallery portrait for a certain period of
time post termination date
Deferred Processing
As part of submitting the termination, you can choose to defer the processing of the
termination transaction. The deferred processing option is typically useful to hide
terminations with a future-effective date

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Hiding Terminations

Deferred Processing
You may want to submit the terminations but defer processing them until the
termination dates because the persons you are terminating have access to
functionality that exposes their terminations to them
The processing of the termination is deferred to the date you specify. If the
transaction goes through an approval process, and the processing date you specified
occurs prior to approval, then the processing is deferred until final approval
In either case, the termination is hidden from everyone except the initiator,
approvers, and notification recipients until the time the transaction is processed and
applied to the database

Copyright 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. |

Reversing Terminations

When you reverse a termination, any work relationships, assignments, and

employment terms previously ended are restored with the statuses prior to
the termination
If the termination caused reassignment of a primary work relationship or
assignment, then the reversal of the termination restores their primary
statuses as they were before the termination
You can reverse a termination at any time provided the same legal
employer has not rehired the employee

Copyright 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. |

Reversing Terminations

When termination is reversed, any future-dated employment changes or

employment actions that occurred after the termination action are not
restored. You must manually verify the employment data and make any
required changes

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Global Transfer
Promote a Worker
Terminate & Reverse

Copyright 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 25

Transferring a Worker
Terminating a Work Relationship

Copyright 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 26

Workforce Lifecycle - Agenda

1 Transfers
2 Terminations
3 Mass Updates
4 Whats Changed?

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Mass Updates

Mass update enables you to update multiple records using a single update
Mass Transfer
Create a mass transfer to transfer multiple worker assignments at once, within the
same legal employer. Use the person search to find assignments that you want to
include in the mass transfer. You can exclude assignments from the result set defined
by the search criteria, at any time before submitting the mass transfer
Mass Assignment Change can be done using Spreadsheet

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Mass Updates

Assignments With Future Changes

You can either include or exclude assignments with future changes in the mass
update. If you include assignments with future changes, you must manually adjust
those records whose effective date of change is later than the mass update date, to
resolve any conflicts.
Assignments and Employment Terms
You can include assignments associated with employment terms in the mass transfer.
If override at assignment level is permitted, you can update the assignments but the
employment terms are unaffected. If override at assignment level is not permitted,
you cannot update the associated assignments via the mass transfer, even if you
include them in the transfer

Copyright 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. |

Workforce Lifecycle - Agenda

1 Transfers
2 Terminations
3 Mass Updates
4 Whats Changed?

Copyright 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 30

Whats Changed?
Compared to PeopleSoft

Differences in terminology
Work Relationship Vs Organizational Relationship
Assignment Vs Job
Legal Employer Vs Company
Three Tier employment model
Use of flexfields for extension purposes
Use of embedded analytics in guided flows
Change Manager and Change Working Hours available to Line Managers

Copyright 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. |

Whats Changed?
Compared to PeopleSoft

Save for later functionality

A transaction can be saved for later use instead of submitting it directly
Differences in the Termination flow
Termination date in Fusion is the last day in the company and not the first day when
the person is no more an employee (PSFT).
Possibility to hide a termination and defer a termination
Possibility to enter a notification date

Copyright 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. |

Whats Changed?
Compared to EBS
Global person model
Three Tier employment model
Use of embedded analytics in guided flows
Date effectivity with multiple changes per day
Actions and reasons
Possibility to hide a termination and defer a termination
Rehire recommendation

Copyright 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. |

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