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Enables her to regain her health after delivery.

Gives enough time and opportunity to love and provide attention to her husband and
Gives more time for her family and own personal advancement.
When suffering from an illness, gives enough time for treatment and recovery.


Healthy mothers produce healthy children.

Will get all the attention, security, love, and care they deserve.


Lightens the burden and responsibility in supporting his family.

Enables him to give his children their basic needs (food, shelter, education, and better
Gives him time for his family and own personal advancement.
When suffering from an illness, gives enough time for treatment and recovery.


Natural family Planning

The natural family planning methods do not include any chemical or foreign body
introduction into the human body.


involves abstaining from sexual intercourse and is the most effective natural
birth control method with ideally 0% fail rate.

2.Calendar Method

Also Called the rhythm method this natural method of family planning involves
refraining from coitus during the days that the woman is fertile.

3.Ovulation Detection

The ovulation detection method is an over-the-counter kit that can predict

ovulation through the surge of luteinizing hormone that happens 12 to 24 hours
before ovulation

4.Cervical Mucus Method

The basis of this method is the changes in the cervical mucus during
ovulation.To check if the woman is ovulating, the cervical mucus must be copious,
thin, and watery.

Hormonal Contraception

These hormonal contraceptives are effective through manipulation of the hormones

that directly affect the normal menstrual cycle so that ovulation would not occur.

1.Oral Contraceptives

Also known as the pill, oral contraceptives contain

synthetic estrogen and progesterone.
2.Vaginal ring

Also known as the pill, oral contraceptives contain

synthetic estrogen and progesterone.

The woman becomes fertile as soon as the ring is removed.

3.Surgical Methods

The two kinds of surgical methods are used by either the male or the female,
and would ensure that conception is inhibited after the surgery for as long as the
client lives.

4.Hormonal Injections

The injection inhibits ovulation and causes changes in the endometrium and the
cervical mucus.


Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012

informally known as the Reproductive Health Law or RH Law, is a law in

the Philippines, which guarantees universal access to methods on contraception, fertility
control, sexual education, and maternal care.

Presidential Decree 410

the government has undertaken a national program on population and family

planning involving both public and private sector for the purpose of furthering national

Respect for Life. The 1987 Constitution states that the government protects the sanctity of
life. Abortion is NOT a FP method

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