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2016 ABS-RI Journal List.


A* - journals:
A* Academy of Management Journal 0001-4273 MG FT
A* Academy of Management Review 0363-7425 MG FT
A* Accounting Review (The) 0001-4826 ACC FT
A* Accounting, Organizations and Society 0361-3682 ACC FT
A* Administrative Science Quarterly 0001-8392 MG FT
A* Contemporary Accounting Research 0823-9150 ACC FT
A* Information Systems Research 1047-7047 OM FT
A* International Journal of Research in Marketing 0167-8116 M
A* Journal of Accounting and Economics 0165-4101 ACC FT
A* Journal of Accounting Research 0021-8456 ACC FT
A* Journal of Applied Psychology 0021-9010 HRM FT
A* Journal of Business Venturing 0883-9026 E&I FT
A* Journal of Consumer Psychology 1057-7408 M FT
A* Journal of Consumer Research 0093-5301 M FT
A* Journal of Finance 0022-1082 FIN FT
A* Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 0022-1090 FIN FT
A* Journal of Financial Economics 0304-405X FIN FT
A* Journal of International Business Studies 0047-2506 MG FT
A* Journal of Information Technology 0268-3962 OM
A* Journal of Management 0149-2063 MG
A* Journal of Management Studies 0022-2380 MG FT
A* Journal of Marketing 0022-2429 M FT
A* Journal of Marketing Research 0022-2437 M FT
A* Journal of Operations Management 0272-6963 OM FT
A* Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 0092-0703 M
A* Management Science 0025-1909 MG FT
A* Manufacturing and Services Operations Management 1523-4614 OM
A* Marketing Science 0732-2399 M FT
A* MIS Quarterly 0276-7783 OM FT
A* Operations Research 0030-364X OM FT
A* Organization Science 1047-7039 MG FT
A* Organization Studies 0170-8406 MG FT
A* Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 0749-5978 HRM FT
A* Production and Operations Management 1059-1478 OM FT
A* Research Policy 0048-7333 MG
A* Review of Accounting Studies 1380-6653 ACC FT
A* Review of Finance 1572-3097 FIN
A* Review of Financial Studies 0893-9454 FIN FT
A* Strategic Management Journal 0143-2095 S FT
A* Transportation Science 0041-1655 OM

M - journals:
M California Management Review 0008-1256 MG FT
M Communications of the ACM 0001-0782 OM
M Harvard Business Review 0017-8012 MG FT
M Sloan Management Review (MIT) 1532-9194 MG FT

A - journals:
A Academy of Management Perspectives 1558-9080 MG FT
A Accounting and Business Research 0001-4788 ACC
A Accounting, Auditing, and Accountability Journal 0951-3574 ACC
A Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory 0278-0380 ACC
A British Journal of Industrial Relations 0007-1080 HRM
A Business History 0007-6791 MG
A Computers & Operations Research 0305-0548 OM
A Decision Sciences 0011-7315 OM
A Decision Support Systems 0167-9236 OM
A Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 1042-2587 E&I FT
A European Accounting Review 0963-8180 ACC
A European Journal of Information Systems 0960-085X OM
A European Journal of Operational Research 0377-2217 OM
A Financial Management 0046-3892 FIN
A Global Strategy Journal 2042-5085 S
A Human Relations 0018-7267 HRM
A Human Resource Management (US) 0090-4848 HRM FT
A Human Resource Management Review 1053-4822 HRM
A IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 0018-9391 OM
A IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 1041-4347 OM
A IIE Transactions 0740-817X OM
A Industrial and Corporate Change 0960-6491 MG
A Industrial Relations 0019-8676 MG
A Information and Management 0378-7206 OM
A International Journal of Electronic Commerce 1086-4415 OM
A International Journal of Industrial Organization 0167-7187 HRM
A International Journal of Operations and Production Management 0144-3577 OM
A Journal of Advertising 0091-3367 M
A Journal of Banking and Finance 0378-4266 FIN
A Journal of Business Ethics 0167-4544 MG FT
A Journal of Corporate Finance 0929-1199 FIN
A Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 0167-2681 MG
A Journal of Economics and Management Strategy 1058-6047 S
A Journal of Empirical Finance 0929-5398 FIN
2016 ABS-RI Journal List.xlsx
A Journal of Evolutionary Economics 0936-9937 MG
A Journal of Financial Intermediation 1042-9573 FIN
A Journal of Financial Markets 1386-4181 FIN
A Journal of Interactive Marketing 1094-9968 M
A Journal of International Money and Finance 0261-5606 FIN
A Journal of Management Information Systems 0742-1222 OM
A Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 0022-2879 FIN
A Journal of Organizational Behavior 0894-3796 HRM
A Journal of Product Innovation Management 0737-6782 MG/M
A Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management 1478-4092 OM
A Journal of Retailing 0022-4359 M
A Journal of Service Research 1094-6705 M
A Journal of Supply Chain Management 1523-2409 OM/M
A Journal of Vocational Behaviour 0001-8791 HRM
A Journal of World Business 1090-9516 MG
A Long Range Planning 0024-6301 MG
A Management Accounting Research 1044-5005 ACC
A Management International Review 0938-8249 MG
A Marketing Letters 0923-0645 M
A Omega 0305-0483 OM
A Organizational Research Methods 1094-4281 MG
A Personnel Psychology 1744-6570 HRM
A Quantitative Marketing and Economics 1570-7156 M
A Real Estate Economics 1080-8620 FIN
A Review of Asset Pricing Studies 2045-9920 FIN
A Review of Corporate Finance Studies 2046-9128 FIN
A Small Business Economics 0921-898X E&I
A Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal 1932-4391 E&I
A Strategic Organization 1476-1270 MG/S
A The Leadership Quarterly 1048-9843 HRM
A Transportation Research Part E: The Logistics and Transportation Review 1366-5545 OM

B - journals:
B Abacus 0001-3072 ACC
B Accounting and Finance 0810-5391 ACC
B Accounting Horizons 0888-7993 ACC
B ACM Transactions on Information Systems 1046-8188 OM
B Administration & Society 0095-3997 MG
B Annals of Operations Research 0254-5330 OM
B Annals of Tourism Research 0160-7383 MG
B Applied Financial Economics 0960-3107 FIN
B Applied Psychology 0269-994X HRM
B Asia Pacific Journal of Management 0217-4561 MG
B Behavioral Research in Accounting 1050-4753 ACC
B British Accounting Review 0890-8389 ACC
B British Journal of Management 1045-3172 MG
B Business Information Systems & Engineering 0937-6429 OM
B Business & Society 0007-6503 MG
B Business Ethics Quarterly 0962-8770 MG
B Business History Review 0007-6805 MG
B Communication Research 0093-6502 OM
B Computers & Industrial Engineering 0360-8352 OM
B Corporate Governance: An International Review 0964-8410 MG
B Critical Perspectives on Accounting 1045-2354 ACC
B Development and Change 0012-155X MG
B Economics of Transition 0967-0750 MG
B Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 1567-4223 OM
B Enterprise & Society 1467-2227 MG
B Entrepreneurship & Regional Development 0898-5626 E&I
B European Financial Management 1354-7798 FIN
B European Journal of Finance (The) 1351-847X FIN
B European Journal of Marketing 0309-0566 M
B European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 1359-432X HRM
B European Management Journal 0263-2373 MG
B European Management Review 1740-4754 MG
B Family Business Review 0894-4865 MG
B Finance and Stochastics 0949-2984 FIN
B Financial Accountability and Management 0267-4424 ACC
B Financial Analysts Journal 0015-198X FIN
B Group and Organization Management 1059-6011 HRM
B Group Decision and Negotiation 0926-2644 HRM
B Health Care Management Science 1386-9620 OM
B Human Performance 0895-9285 HRM
B Human Resource Management Journal 0954-5395 HRM
B IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 1524-9050 OM
B IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B: Cybernetics 1083-4419 OM
B Industrial Marketing Management 0019-8501 M
B Industry and Innovation 1366-2716 MG
B Information Processing & Management 0306-4573 OM
B Information Systems Journal 1350-1917 OM
B Interfaces 0092-2102 MG
B International Business Review 0969-5931 MG
B International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems 0920-6299 OM
B International Journal of Human Resource Management 0958-5192 HRM
B International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 1071-5819 OM
2016 ABS-RI Journal List.xlsx
B International Journal of Information Management 0268-4012 OM
B International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management 0960-0035 OM
B International Journal of Production Economics 0925-5273 OM
B International Journal of Project Management 0263-7863 HRM
B International Journal of Production Research 0020-7543 OM
B International Journal of Selection and Assessment 0965-075X HRM
B International Journal of Service Industry Management 0956-4233 M
B International Marketing Review 0265-1335 M
B International Small Business Journal 0266-2426 E&I
B Journal of Accounting and Public Policy 0278-4254 ACC
B Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance 0148-558X ACC
B Journal of Advertising Research 0021-8499 M
B Journal of Applied Corporate Finance 1078-1196 FIN
B Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 0894-3257 HRM
B Journal of Brand Management 1350-231X M
B Journal of Business & Economic Statistics 0735-0015 OM
B Journal of Business and Psychology 0889-3268 HRM
B Journal of Business Finance and Accounting 0306-686X ACC
B Journal of Business Logistics 0735-3766 OM
B Journal of Business Research 0148-2963 M
B Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing 1051-712X M
B Journal of Common Market Studies 0021-9886 MG
B Journal of Consumer Affairs 0022-0078 M
B Journal of Cultural Economics 0885-2545 E&I
B Journal of Derivatives (The) 1074-1240 FIN
B Journal of Economic Psychology 0167-4870 HRM/M
B Journal of Engineering and Technology Management 0923-4748 OM
B Journal of Financial Econometrics 1479-8409 FIN
B Journal of Financial Research (The) 0270-2592 FIN
B Journal of Financial Services Research 0920-8550 FIN
B Journal of Fixed Income (The) 1059-8596 FIN
B Journal of Futures Markets (The) 0270-7314 FIN
B Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing 0956-5515 OM
B Journal of International Accounting Research 1542-6297 ACC
B Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money 1042-4431 FIN
B Journal of International Management 1075-4253 MG
B Journal of International Marketing 1069-031X M
B Journal of Law, Economics, & Organization 8756-6222 MG
B Journal of Management Accounting Research 1049-2127 ACC
B Journal of Management Inquiry 1056-4926 MG
B Journal of Managerial Psychology 0268-3946 HRM
B Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 0963-1798 HRM
B Journal of Personnel Psychology 1866-5888 HRM
B Journal of Portfolio Management 0095-4918 FIN
B Journal of Public Policy and Marketing 0743-9156 M
B Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics 0895-5638 FIN
B Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 0969-6989 M
B Journal of Risk and Insurance 0022-4367 FIN
B Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 0895-5646 FIN
B Journal of Scheduling 1094-6136 OM
B Journal of Small Business Management 0047-2778 E&I
B Journal of Strategic Information Systems, The 0963-8687 OM
B Journal of Technology Transfer 0892-9912 MG
B Journal of the Operational Research Society 0160-5682 OM
B Journal of Transport Geography 0966-6923 OM
B Journal of Web Engineering 1540-9589 OM
B Logistics Research 1865-035X OM
B Management and Organization Review 1740-8776 MG
B Management Communication Quarterly 0893-3189 MG
B Management Learning 1350-5076 HRM
B Mathematical Finance 0960-1627 FIN
B Naval Research Logistics 0894-069X OM
B New Technology, Work and Employment 0268-1072 HRM
B Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 0899-7640 MG
B Operations Research Letters 0167-6377 OM
B OR Spectrum 0171-6468 OM
B Organization 1350-5084 MG
B Organization & Environment 1086-0266 MG
B Organizational Dynamics 0090-2616 MG
B Pacific-Basin Finance Journal 0927-538X FIN
B Personnel Review 0048-3486 HRM
B Psychology & Marketing 0742-6046 M
B Public Administration 0033-3298 MG
B Public Administration Review 0033-3352 MG
B Quantitative Finance 1469-7688 FIN
B R&D Management 0033-6807 MG
B Research-Technology Management 0895-6308 MG
B Review of Industrial Organization 0889-938X MG
B Review of International Political Economy 0969-2290 MG
B Scandinavian Journal of Management 0956-5221 MG
B Service Industries Journal 0264-2069 M
B Supply Chain Management 1359-8546 OM/M
B Technological Forecasting and Social Change 0040-1625 MG
B Technology Analysis and Strategic Management 0953-7325 MG
B Technovation 0166-4972 MG
2016 ABS-RI Journal List.xlsx
B The Financial Review 0732-8516 FIN
B Total Quality Management & Business Excellence 1478-3363 OM
B Transnational Corporations 1014-9562 MG
B Transport Reviews 0144-1647 OM
B Transportation 0049-4488 OM
B Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 0965-8564 OM
B Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 0968-090X OM
B Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 1361-9209 OM
B World Wide Web: Internet and Web Information Systems 1386-145X OM

ACC = Accounting
FIN = Finance
HRM = Human Resources Management
E&I = Entrepreneurship & Innovation
M = Marketing
MG = Management General
OM = Operations Management
S = Strategy

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