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wes April 1994 ‘The Magazine of Drilling and Production Technology: Onshore, Offshore, Worldwide OFFSHORE TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCE Well Control Roles Change, page 39 Jackup Risks Measured, page 46 repaint: Revelations About Reservoir Fluids ‘Chemical Composition Tell the Tale Black Oli va Volatile Os Volatile Oils va Retrograde Gases Resorvolr Gasee-Subto Diferences Identitication of Reservoir Fluid Type aliciattchnolgis highlight the 1994 OshoreTechalopyCofornc. HART MANAGEMENT Chemical Composition Determines Behavior Of Reservoir Fluids ‘The most important factors in clasifying the five types of reservoir fluids are the differences in composition. These also affect the sizes and shapes of each fluid’ phase diagram. Further, phase diagram shapes affect the actions ofthe fluids inthe reservoir Subsequent parts of this article will address fluid classification using the initial _gat-cil ratio, stock-tank liquid gravity, and stock:tanke liquid color, troleum reservoir fhuids fan be classified into five fypes-black os, volatile ti retrograde gr onder sates, wel pases and dey gases Each ype Is produced by diferent snaineorng techniques “The type of Hd serial to pro diction decisions and, therefore, trust be determined cary In the Iie tf reservoir The reservoir Fd ‘spe determines the Method of ud sampling Eaboratory tests used In analyz Ing the samples, Suan quent tps and ses, Procedures for determining ol sd gain ple f= Techniques for predicting of and freeones fs Processes for predicting future prsuction rats = Plano depletion. f Selection of secondary or en anes eeoery method Reservoir Mud type can be con firmed only by observing = repre sentative sample of the fa In| ‘oratory. However, readily available frovection data usally wil indicate the eype of uid in the reserve Fa, The et prodacng pairs is higher for gies, whch wr represented ia ‘he upper pr of the graph thane Bk al hh are represented the ower "okt porn of te graph Oto his etn onium btnen dy ge mid Initial producing gas rato, sock- most important ofthese indicators, tank iguid grt sed tock ol but stocktank oll gravity and color olor are used for classifying lds. ae good validators Initial prodine gal ratio fs the The Mud types discussed in tls by Wiliam D. MeCain Jr, S.A Holdteh & Aarocites, Calage Statin, Tox Pavoleum Engineer lntentional Fig, 2.1m the phase agra of epic! lock ine 123 represents the presire ‘epiesion pth at ravi tempers Black ol ees pom ocr temper ‘tures mch higher tan esol temperate seriog of articles ae defined for angle reduced and release Increasing vol- ‘peering purposes These should not umes of ig condensate into the ‘econfeed with the reserve fluid pore space sx prewure is reduced ‘Sccnptions defined by legal agencies slow the de pt. This condensate ‘shich regulate the petoleim indus! seldom Bow and sort to production ty. The repulstoy dfniions of oll Wet gases and dy gases remain rade ol, condensate, gas, natural fear and casingrhead ges are not Felsied to those engineering defi tions an ofen contrat them ‘lack cls volt ols are ig sds in the reservoi exhibit bubble Points ar reservoir pressure Is de- Ereased during production, and Felease gas in the rerervoir pore ace at presnres below the bubble Point However, the oi material bal nce equations” Which ate used for black es, wil give incoreect results forvelat as, Because the Bair ft volatile oils does not Bt the Sssumpions inherent in derivation ft these equations. Incidentally, black ole are not mecesearily blac. ncolor and volatile olls do not fecessarily produce more surface ta than back ls "Retngrade paces, wet pases, and dry qsce ac fiialiy al gue inthe ‘eseous inthe reservoir throughout Sepltion nether leave condensate inthe reservoir The difference ‘between the ve fx wet pes eee condensate pressure aid temper Ture ate reduced to separator cond ions and dey gases remain ently fac a the surface, Noe that the ‘Words wean "ry? a use inthis ‘ansification system do nat rele 1 the presence or absence of water oF ‘sate apo Wari lays present Inpetoleum reserva, an al exe normally are saturated ‘ith water Napot, However, watt fs excluded From the dicots seis of ales "The “ess material balance equa. ion” wat dented inal for dry |ses But the equation ean be used for wot gazes sf the equivalent igevcous volume of condensate ix [Belated isthe sumatve gas pro Alton and dhe quantity and prope tes of the condensate are added 10 the surface gas to determine the properties and quantity ofthe Fest. Fora retrograde ga if the reserva ‘elumetrc nd twophase gas com rd te back a he tomperstre rage ofthe volte ol phase ‘etna Rettgrade gases exbibit agra smal, ve Ine super and heel pot further dwn ‘low pons as reservoir pressure is theafthand slop. RESERVOIR MANAGEMENT Fa 4 With fewer aor moles than vlale ol,etrograde gat havea ea “emer es than reservar tempers Le 123 exhibits ew pi presi actor are use 8? ‘Composition s the controlling factor forthe behavior described shove. Black oll are mlstures of ‘howsands of fferent cherateal Species ranging from methane to Tange, heavy, virally non-volatile ‘molecule, Vlas contain fever {tthe heavier molecules. Retrograde fuses have even Teer of the heavy tds, wet gases al fewer, andy fuse are esentialy pure methane ‘The heavy components tn the petroleum mixtures have. the Htrongest effect om the charac: leristies of the Maids. Normally, ISherator tests combine the hea, ‘components ae a “heptanes par fraction, Fig. ilusrates the eect fof this heavy faction on the most Important fui type indicators the In prestucing goo rata 1f the five fui, black oils are represented atthe lower ight end Fg 5 The pressure depletion path ine 12) of 2 wat gas dows not enter the tw hoe region snc he pus dagram covers mach omar temperature ge Petlaum Ensnoo testinal the data (black ols have the lowest Ina gasolf aos and the highest, oncenestion of hey component) Dry gases ave located atthe upper Fett of the graph. The other Mute fist in coat betwean these two. This figure is not a corre Inton-the girl ratio are not noe. malized to any standard surface operating conditions However the tr wil be used fn enauing articles to ald understanding of the sifior nce mong the Be Bai 0 Diagrams Phase dlgrams are pois of pressure ‘agains empratre that show cond tins for wich 9 parte substance Wi exist asa ig, gas, or both, Pace dnp ho the poe lp trleun fein the reservoir. When ‘combine wth nowiedg of te the pmeabilies and vscostes, he Aisgrame alo indicate which phases seflong inthe sara “The wide range of ies and mass- xo melas fos black oll mite ‘ictates thatthe phase agra wl over wide range sf temperate Fig. 2 shows the phase dgram of 3 ‘spies blk. "The region nthe upper let part of ‘he diagram gies coats in which ‘he mist egul. A igad phase ir eri by theft that ax presse 4a eded a consant terpertare, tne freeads a 2 babble, then [p incressing stn the pressure is reduced below the bubble pone. The Sper rsht pre of te gram shes ‘onalons in wb the mae i a bas psi the test is what happens ‘sen the presi Is vedced at con Stan empeatre. This te the mi fure hs dew point, and inereating mounts of quar formed as pres ‘Niet educa bel ths po "The ies representing the abe- point and deve point pressures nce, the eric! point Lines repre Senting the volume of liquid in the ‘ope region ofthe diagram are ‘ale isos They leo conver 0 ‘he eriticl point. Observe that the trical point In the Tfthand slope tf the phase envelope. The eitcal ft i nary occurring petroleum uid normally doesnot appear fo the ght of the tp afte lag, On RESERVOIR MANAGEMENT. ig. trating dey gate vty pura methane, the wo-phareeveape of ht ‘phic eapram es Blow revere nd sire onton, thove Made which are deficient in Intermediate components omens {und in South Lousiana) or have high trogen content wil ave reat paint tothe at of the top of the hase enelope “The ential points and dew point lines for Back oll alway oecir at temperatures rich higher than rest- seirtemperatres Line 1280 the dae bam represents the pesre depletion futh at revervair’tempersture Reservoir femperatre Is well blow ‘he crea pine nal reserve pressure ep- resented by pont I the i “ander Saturated.” As pressure depletion pro- feeds from point I 9 point 2 Feservoir gas existe single phase (oi) te flowing and the gue ato cries cote in conta Ths Amount of of production ruled ne the prture tol rm pst to point 2 i soll faction of the tox production. Withont natural water drive the ony energy aaa to resist pressure reduction comes From the expansion of the of and servo ok whi sal ‘When a gas eap is present, the bubblepoint of the ol wil be equa tothe nial reser prewar rep Senedby point? onthe daar As reduction eantnues and pes sure if Yeduced slong path 23, gas exes ston inthe reser ‘Theol “surated” Noi he tel Kes ae pcs fly evel Tha ‘ol sataton remains petal high, ‘thich sits the flcctve pene: bly tool at a reasonable eve. At Print 3 the effective permeable 0 ‘lend gas ate about eau But the ‘eco ofthe oe abou wo odes [timagnt larger than the voy ‘ofthe gas. Therefore, at pln 3, mow than 90% of he reservo Bow sear Wolatle oils have fewer heavy meres than black lle Tis cause thre important changes in the phase Giagram (Pig 3). The temperature ‘ane ofthe phar diagram is sal, [Howvol liner are shied upwards toward the babblepoin line snd the {eal point is frther dow the lt Ind slope othe dag. Therefne, the erteal temperature of sole lh such ower ha that or a black fl and is se to reserve tempera fre As eerolr presi deed below the bubble-poin (point 2 on Hine 123) large volumes of as leave solution: This greatly reduces the ‘fcsve pemeabity to ol sich that the reservoir ow stream becomes ‘mostly eu within few dred ps Uow the bubble point. Theale permeability of Becomes virally Heo and the flow stream i eet Petleum Engine tertiona stl es ong befor the esr oe Streep 3 Fe 3 ‘arog psc have oven fever wy mcs than lt The Phe diagram of etograde pot ows the sme thro canes (Pi 1D ec ptt ake rene dwn th phase dag ote ‘Stumm inlaw ans te terrane Te rs dopo ath ikcteei fie 12) mr en 2 dew pot. Retrograde condensate Aopenrin he rcr or spce at presuves below the” dew pol. ‘Troughout mot of th resent hs icine preety to thr come Siete ands rodud Near Steel boy where ge few te Wl son fe condenat Bows hiong line 25, the condensate vu pat rt ad hen aps the wer pressor. Tis eet tliat rere he oral Composition of the ecorvoi id SSE hen ae ero ‘roe ate wir condo Emi kind, Th cme lin {he ple gram dovoward ad to {he Bg neucing the amount of ‘eration “i compton of Wet gs con- tains wl fewer hemy molecte, Shoe the pine dagtum in Pig § Se emt eae gee ‘a he pie don ah bias rion! Fhe reser de fe throghooe the ie ofthe ever foie However, separator conditions ie within the two-phase envelope Inaarng that sro gd wl dae tthe ace, aly dey es virally pare imathane The we phase envelope Salad es bw mac cond Sl and auras condone 8) “heh sly gos nthe eso ‘lathe sate ‘Situs arts of hs sre wil ater Whe ofthese aids are found together when the reserva has io phase 1 The iferensesteten black oits vol = The dferences beeen volatile civsnd reo rs t= Why reogrn condensate docs setbon RESERVOIR When wet gas calelaton teh niques ean be applied to retro wade ss. Cassin technics For dete ‘ining Din place and pret Inahre reser and ere Empat wil be on estan Ing these fle so that clewatons fn decisions lading to improved ‘ciney wl be possible © References 1 McCain WD, J: Th Propet of Petoium Fide, socond elton, Pernnl Boks, Tes (190) a8 Mores FL: “Engrewing Appl tone Phase Bobo of Cruse Ol ‘a Condens Stes PT Udy fog) 71523 McCain, WD, "Roser Fhi Property Comat state of ho ‘” SPERE iy 9P1 26672 ‘chit, RJ Active Oil anc Resorvor Energy." Trans, AIME (oe 1,33 ‘God OK, MeCaly WO, de ane denrngs 3 Ws "An loved the Reserol-Gas Spee Gravy for Retrograde Gases” JPT ON ‘9974752 Craft, B.C. and Hewking, M. ‘Appiled Petroleum. Reservoir Engineering” Prec Hal Ege wood CG A 1985) 82 Raye, D.. Peer Dy Men, We Dia, and Peston, 5. Ws "Two Pate Comprorsbty Factors fot Retrooyase Gas” SPEFE Mirch ‘99716792. ABOUT THE AUTHOR 1 Wiliam D. McCain Ji senor ‘xeative consultant th Hac {©'Astocates in College Station, Tox, ada part tie vting pox fersor at Texss AGM Univesity He has a BS, MS, and PhD in chemical engineering. Previously he served ob ead a the petro eum engineering department st Missasippt gained experience 35 revi nginee and wre to editions ‘Of the Properties of Petroleum Fide ebook te University, Pavolou Engineer erations Black Oils And Volatile Oils-What’s The Difference? Part 2: Composition differences between the five types of reservoir fluids determine phase diagram characteristics and production techniques. The first article inthis series defined the five reservoir fluide-black ols, volatile oils, retrograde gas condensates, wet gases and dry gases. This article will address the differences between black cls and volatile oils, he gas that comes ost of ssition from 3 Back ol i ‘sally dy gos Dense the Tage at heany molecules the oll tact the intermediate sie Inolecules to stay in the a phase. Fg shows the phase digram ofa typical back ol superimposed onto the pase diagram ofthe gs Teng Seon she bubblepoin years fhe ot. 1N point 2 the two phases are in shermynaiic equilibrium. Con equety the gos at dew point fh theo sts babe point The {fee gue reins gas phase boi in the reserva as teseroir pressure {cranes} and ae pressure and te perature ave reduced to separator 2onuitions, Ae reservoir pressure ‘creases, the ga leaving solution tecomes ricer In intermedinte com ponent, the pase diagram shits to teh and the xe may become & Users, Hovever, his occurs late it the eer ie and ha ile fect ‘onthealimate production, ‘The es tht cores ot of soon from volte spc ero- tad tue Vola al do pot contain Flange molecules tha enable Back ‘ls to old most of dhe intermediate Components in the oll phase. Fig 2 Shows the pine dgram ofthe egule bron soltton gas superimposed ‘onto the phase digram of yplcal Se Ae pein 2 where the os tits buble pot ad the gas ew pit the re gas wl exit et romatle behavior inthe eserves a Fels a large amount of condensate ft surface conditions. However ‘te ols which have compositions Sli blak os ean be esate ‘eth wet gases rater han wth etn irs poses. Wet gases alo release ‘onda at ura condos Figs I ahd 2 were used t demon strite the properties of gas leaving {elution frm black ols and vole Bot cil but he gues could Be sed 19 ‘este the propertis ofthe gases in ts caps asslted wth the ls. Fi Faso shows thatthe revogrede ly tie hal pear flow the dew point. Ina retrograde par reservoir are sola ite "The soliton ges fom Blacks remain sll nthe os paseo they ‘move through the reser the eae lat ad he separator whe the ch soliton gases fon vlae ols lose ‘Sondensate on their ip to the sles Ss by Wiliam D: McCain Jr, 5A Holdkch & Aarocnee, College Station, Tex Petvlaum Engines itemstina| Fig 2. The pov dgrm of etrograde gas superior onthe pha diagram of “ote shows te tue paces nthe ain a pou 2 lin, Fig, 3 shows back oll being sons wor fr blak ol but ge incor: Drove fom areseroir th pres: rect resus for volte os, One ofthe Jie below he bubslepatn pene: enn arent he ceition fthe oil The fice gas flows trough of hee equations hat he fee sas {he ubularsand outa the separator, the reserva remains eas Ugh ‘The el rleaes additonal gas from heseparto! solution this ga i removed frm The material balance equations {he il steam ta both the separator tata muldcomponent back ol mi fand the stock tank Inthe material trea a two component mixes 8 Balance equations, the Formation snd all Reservoir lume foe forthe en, By, rallcts_enginerng calc The expansion ofthe free fas a8 lone for vote moves hom reservoir conditions 9 ols must teat the ‘race condone. ee ce Tig 4 depict te situation for a componene mine slat of arp amunt ol conden- 50 that the otal Totes separated orn the fre ge in compotion of the the separator This process reduces production stream the quantity of separstor gas ands haows and spe Incawe the lune of stocksark iq» rator caleulatons Ua The hid peopertn im Fig 3.00 (which require hot deribe tis uation, The quan: Krowledge of com Uy of condensate rleued fromm the position) ean be five gas sigfcanoften over one pafoned to dete Tal ofthe sock-tank gid produced ine the amounts ring the ie of avout ol eser— of gid snd gas at rl thersenirastiee me besutace. Fig 3 ‘lg both clasical material balance ‘cuatons and compositional (lth component) calculations.? Fig. 5 Shows the diferencs in predictions ‘teumulative recovery and produc ing env tito. When the Beld was Almont depleted, 10 years later, the Sctual performace, als shown in Fig. ne repored? Obviously the fonvestional material balance eal isons ive eronens rss or hs volatile ‘Speci laboratory procedures can rect the recovery of volatile oll hdr dpleton dv; ower hee Ste somewhat dificult to analyze [Abo the bubble point, the underse {rated black oil material balance ‘unio canbe we for volatile ol ‘The compresses of vlae als ste generally about thee tines srt thn the compress of Back St conrbating oper abovethe- able point recoveries for volte ‘ls Bel the Bue pst, compos tional mateial balance esiculatons orally are rere ihe ah [etry uo of sat. The oe Sa iboctory proostres mentioned hove help in dering the Kfstor of “rong” dhe equation of stat. Reservoir Fluid Indicators ‘The fit paper ths srs mentioned ‘il being produce (rom a reservoir with Ture perfr~ presue below ol buble polt pre outs hee 3, Material Balance Calculations ance fort ter~ which romans ln he ga phase though the tubulars sd ‘Theclnscalol steal lace eus- vor collated separator Poleum Engine terstions RESERVOIR MANAGEMENT, as However, this produced Wet as bbe ia retogrde "The fmt paper in this series also fs and fs rich pote ou tht more than 90% ofthe Enough to release woe of the aero How ora of innge quantities of 3 black oat ow reserve pressure Condensate at sur coll be pas, However unlike the 2 fice conditions, sescited with avout ol this i This cary in the dry ga i vlume I not decreased by Telatileoilreser= the les of condensate at the wrlae Toi ie thestock ‘Thar the prodecing gavoll rato of = fan liguid comes ck ol pall wil be much hier ftom the ol phase than the producing gael aloof Inthereserotrand volute of during prodacton below Tate in the feof the bubble pint. The name “volte the reservoir the isaisnomer Mock tank liguld Ofcourse, black ols re not neces: Jnondenste ftom sry black They ae ery dr, often Fig 4 Vola al bing produced rom a reeret with pes the reservoir gas. back, sometimes with a preen oF fare below of ile pant pti ete alee amats The increasing brown cart indeating the peesence of ‘i ondenate beng epuste tom fe gern te sopartor armount of conden” heavy hydrocarbons. The stock tak Stein the pees ol ges of Hack ol sheuld bees thee indicators that can be easily ton steam causes the stockton ol than" APL @ Aetermined inthe fed and can he gravity to steadily Spplied to differentiate roservolr creas during the fds? the thre ndietors for this feof the reseraie ‘uid wee an nal prong gaeeil Infact, the stock Inti of about 2000 scPSTB, « S12° tank liquid praity [AP inital socktonk ol grt and = For the example ‘pellum erage atecclncoll oar, shone ered erm Fores anil prodisnggcd S12" 58" APL as nto of 200 sc STB vaste asthe reservoir pressure ‘Sto beeen aback lst volte desea mm 070 ‘apparently based information to 730 pi ‘resented above. The peat difrence Experience indi ‘eto the res f te oo ell cates tat the sock on beds iSite oe tank ol ray of 9 ‘th ths ae sen hela range ack ol changes in Indaloner gral aio ciel eee the oppnte deci ‘Shy Hundveds of abortory studies The large amount of indicate the presence ofa volute ol dry gas produced ‘Soul besuspecead whenever the inl with the Black oll prodicing geil rato exceds aout trips some of the Tia scifi or when the stcktank ight components til groity fe more than 40° API with om the of dating {ome cole brown, red, orange oe tip tothe neta (bemn'T Ico femtion wime be Thus, he stockank (erat the bute pin ie mand in oll gay of lack ‘helaborsty evoke of20 res BIST il produ decea for greater suggests volatile oll, es rng mostof the Tabortory measurements on simple lie of the seri: tthe reser Bie dense above Laon th eserves (Enea hepraes ps oncenation of ie, when the gs 151 mae prcentand aod ormaon leaving solution is olive fcr of shout 27 = HIST ich enough to be- heute poi ome a wet is, the in this eres alo asserted scksank ol ay that as teenol reste decemscr in wl merase de 10 Fi {we ol reser the Bow sea nthe reservar becomes virtually all densate from the rate of ve of reerots. Fetyleun Engine Iterations RESERVOIR ‘Author's Note ‘Next month, Pare 3S this series wll Asean the difercnces between voi tle oll and retrograde gases. How er the data presented also wl alo ‘simation fhe hepane pis compo. ‘Shona of ck ad vba ode References AVSehithas RJ: “tive Oi and Reservoie Energy” Tons, AIME (1530 118 33 2 day Re Had Bey, VJ Je" Method far Predicting Depletion Prfomanes of Rae Frode ing Volatile Crade Oi" Trane IME 19572738, Cord, Can bere, "A Case History Comperson of Pre- Sted sr Sel Pefonones of 4 Reser oducr Valatle Crude (ils JPT (November 1965) 1.291 1258, Raudahubar FO. and Hinds RF: "Compositions! Matera Blancs Method for Predton of Recovery {or Vale Oi esto Div Ros. see War. ABE (15M 210192 5. Mean WO. J: "Choma Com- plion Desrines Behr of Re Fen Ful” Petroleum Engineer Inteenatonsl (September 1993) tes. 6 Moses PL: “Enghnoerng Apples ‘lone of Paes Baer of de i teed Conant Sten PT Oa 5900 78723. 17, Mein WL, J: The Poporios of Petoleum Fuels, second easton, Poon Books, isa, Oct (190) ‘srs ABOUT THE AUTHOR + Wiliam D. Metin Js senloe Executive consultant with S.A Holdtch & Asncates in College Staton Tex, and a prt ie a Ing professor ot Texas A&M University He fas BS, MS, and PD degrees in chemical enna ing: Previously he sed we ead of the petroleum engineering ‘department a Misstep! State Unive gained experience se 4 resevoi enna, and wrote 0, fditions of the Propertior of ero Fide tenbook. [ RESERVOIR BQCNGs Volatile Oils And Retrograde Gases—What's The Difference? Part 3: In a continuing effort to describe the five different reservoir fluids, this segment of the series will explain the differences between volatile olls and retragrade gases. An initial producing gas-ol ratio of 3,200 scf/STB and a heptanes plus composition of 12.5 mole % ‘appear to be good separation points between these fluids st showed dha at esenole onlin, volatile ot ex fi ube points and vee rograde gases exhibit dew rota! Th atic cone graph Final producing pao vato pls te gsi eonsrration of heptane usm the Dd. Fig Is «potion of that paph with the dat pnts nd 1 buble pines scr conios {The cater Inthe data reflects the compositional ference among the Thade and the ilerences i surice ‘parton fies an onions 1h Fig. 1 only three Mids have ew points at nial preicing gas ‘ato lees than 3,200 cS, nd aly one tld reaches a buble point Shove his ee, Thercove, ie of 3.200 scSTB appears to be a good tot bwcen vole ol and eno trade ease ‘Only two fluids with heptanes plus compositions less tham 125 tole Se exhibit bubble points, and Sly dre Md i concentrations stove this vale exhibit dew points ‘Than 125 mole heptane psi Useful dividing lie Decweenvolaie bls and retrograde gases. Actually Feptanes plus content has been sbrerved as low as 10 mole in oli ols ana high au 15 moe Sn retrograde gases? These cases Serco nal clea orcs veel, high stoctaak ofl avis, Retrograde behavior hs been need in abiory Studles of rewograde gaser ‘vith nial gs. ation over 150000 HST, although the amount of retogrde ig til is alse din 16a the revel pore sees ‘Surface probably release ome condensate fn the t= Seroir_probably very few true wet gases exist. How ‘ro, Wet gs theory ea be Spied to rettosrade gases that release (of lguid inthe reserva, Shepton [MOUS Fig nl go raion of 3.200 sc/5TB and 125 mae vin the revere fide good uate is wl be explored in Part between vale le nd reegrde gues falta sen Fuld Permeabiltos ‘Therebogrode gs med ina to. grade ga reser at pressures belo the dew point ofthe past vitally ImmobeFe 2 shows the il and as ‘lative permeabilities of reservoir onainng eto gade gas. The con Senate the reser considered the ering hse, so tbs eae per ‘meses were meamie i ‘lon proces Ineduce ater ton as present a 25 ole “he woe of Fig. 2 requires an ext nae of the highest possible caer ‘Ste sateration. Phase dagrams te ented in art 1 of ti eres show tha the so-alumne % liquid line bs almost vertical just below the critical point ofthe pica ail anal {roe wypleal gases. Generally his Is {tue aad shows that ike manimom possble condensate saturation tn ogra gas SO the hydra ‘bon pore space. OF couse, aly the richest rettograce ges, ith titel enperaares ery near exo em porate release this much erogade Fi Therefore the tl igi at ‘ation ofthe reserve represented by ig. 2 ltr a on reduce water taturtion of 028 and bald to ar ‘uum of 0425 as pressure declines, Obvioly the elective permeability 'y Wii D. MeCain Je, .A Hldich and Astocistes,Colege Staton, Texas: nd Brenda Brig Pevoleum Engine errtina exas ABM University, Calage Station, Tear RESERVOIR MANAGEMENT. to the condensate is almost zer0 The eas of horton proce throughout at ofthis range, Litle dures are necessary for "tun Druduction ofthe retrograde guid ig the equation state fccur the reer deplete ‘Conventional gas matertal ig. 2 also depicts the rapid balance equaons can be used ocrese In efectve permeniliy toa pressures above the dew fu arti uidsturaton increas” pont ithe equtalent gaseous (Ecce permesbily tothe non Ylue ofthe surface conden. Aroing phase wm ane alfected ste added tothe prodaced inaesses in he weting plow ant gs and Ifthe surface conden Fon of an imbibition process than sate and gas are combined by inadainage poces Many operators calculation to determine the Iota sharp decrease nthe as po. properties ofthe reservar es! Chon mate oom afer servo pres~ At pressures below the dev fre passes though the retrograde point do gs material balance a dew pnt pres Squation fs applicable i two ig 2 may not expain the whole phase factors are empioyed 9 Fig. 2. Very Iiervoprade quid production ocr sto Flow snalzation research talus the ge fermation moor throne of oul ttal ld stato Heriot Watt University in Scodand, sme factors. An intresting tang higkpressureglss micrad: corclation calculates the composi- Cif, NJ(1959) 82. (Sha cove Mooding wit gases and ons ofthe rexel gas st presses 6, ayes, D.C, Pipe, LD, McCain vorade quid, shows that dese blow te bubble oi.” WD. Jr, and Poston, 5. WT Thdeeahibiteliecne prmeabilies Prt Pol hissae seta maximum hess Compressblity Factors for thot eve sensitive to low tate! The inal probing gavolratio of L750, Retrograde ses,” SPEFE (arch Condensate will nt flow at low gas sc/STB for black oil Values of 199018792, Hw rates found throughout most of hepa plus concennation between 7. Namstschik, GE, Petinson FH thereeroin Bt itdocs ow at high 19m and 22 mae errexpond And Thompee, RS: "Corlaton [Evins ree nent she well anes, tothe ratio S020mnle iva feasin~ ferDeterinin Ga Cond Com itnough the condensate does not le cutoff between vole is snd poston” paper SPE 26183 prsent- flow with the gas in the main prt of Black al © (doxthe 195 Gus Tetley Spo. the reservoir, sll desi downward Shu, Calgary (ne 2830, 1973 thteto savy force if he resenoie Authors Note ‘lcs nt contain barirs 0 vertcal Next month, Part 4 wil examine the ow. Apparent, Raw rate setnthlty dllerences song etrograde gases, onca?” Peroloum Engineer Iter owen hen nerve in comvenonal wel gases ad dy S16, ‘ational verb 1993) 2427 ‘Scie permeability measurement ve hough thew seam oem References "ABOUT THE AUTHORS te reservoir virtsly al gas, the 1. MeCan, WD: "Chae Com Svlace producing gato ratio will postion Determines Behavior of | w William D. Main Je. snlor Increase after the reservoir pressure Resorvr Fl," Petroeum Engi executive consultant with S.A icles below the dow point The fe naar Iteration, (October 1993) | Holditch & Associates In College doe tothe Ios ofcondensie (that 1825. Seton Tes, and apart time Stould have ended up inthe stock 2, Mores, PL: "Engneoing Aplice- | ting profesor at Teas ARM Univ tani) inthe veseroir The wavy of tone of Phase Behavior of Crude | ernity He as BS, MS, and PAD the stock-ank liguid increases se Olan Condenante Systems" JPT- | degrees in chemical engineering Teseroi presse dovteses because (uly 1986) 71523, Prevoulyhe seve a Dead ofthe Ihe rctmgrde behavior in the reser, Danesh, Al: Professor, Petroleum | peuueum engnering department Voir remuves sone of the heaviest Engineering, Hesot Watt Univer” | at Mississippi State University, mponsnts fom he pat. These cam- Sy, Edinburgh, persona commun | gana experience as a ero eh fonts do ot ge othe stock tank, eaton, 1998 nee and rote to eins of Ehdconsnquny the sock tank lig? A. Gold D.K., MeCain, WD. J, And | the Properties of Parotearn Fide {ides higher APL sav) Sonning, J. Wes An improved | txtoak ‘Spevial provaures for ettourade Mathod ofthe Osterminstidn of | #irenda Bdges san editor a esses provide daa suitable for pre- the ReseroleGas Speci Gravity | the Santayana Elo, Toms AAA {icing retrograde gas teseroir per- for Retrograde Gases," Trans, | Unrest i all Staton, Teas onmance. Compositional material AIME (1990) 289, 747-752. She recelved 4 BS in petroleum balance calculations, with Kesctors 5, Craft, BC. And Hawkins, M.F: | enlnerng Irom Misissipp! State Craquatinsolstte slp canbewsed —Appied Pevoleum Reservoir Engi | Uniesiyin 182. Torfuaure performance prediction, neering, Prentew al, Englewood Potrloum Engin MANAGEMENT Reservoir Gases Exhibit Subtle Differences Part 4: This segment of the reservoir fluids series describes the characteristics of wet and ty gases. At an initial producing gas-oll ratio greater than 15,000 scf/STB, engineers can treat the reservoir fuid as a wet gas. Gases with intial producing gas-oil ratios greater than 100,000 scf/STB can he treated as dry gases. etrograde behavior has been observed in gases wth Inia producing gas-oil ‘alos pester than 150000 ScPSTE! The gaat of rettograde Tigi the reservoir f very sal for gases this ean. If agus has ‘hough hesry component 0 release ‘andensate atthe surface, the ‘of condensate inthe reservole Ths Spies few trv wet gases exit (ig Wid atthe surface but no laid in thereseroe Howser the concept of wet as is ery uefa for engineering pur pores, The gas material balance ‘equation ean be applied fora wet fas by simply combining the sur- face es and condensate by calcula to to determine the properties of the reservoir gos, and adding the fascous equivalent of the surface Condensate to the surface ens pro ‘inction? if there isa stock tank fs especie pravity (whe wil be relatively high) mast be included ‘wth the specie gravity ofthe sepa ator gas or res (welghted Dy 235, produeton rates) to obtain an est Ihote of srtace gas specific prvi. Ifthe eax production rate and se ‘te gravity of the sock tan ye fas are not Known, comeation Sralable! “The problem is determining a value of inital producing gas-oil ratio above ‘which an engi- that the wer eas procedures are applicable orphans Fig. 1 shows the relationship “ between normal Iworphase ice tor! The data ‘sore tke fom 2 retrograde Bat Taboratory port Gas 2fse tos appronch Tow pressures ‘Twophase fs: tars tend to co tinue decreasing low presets Fig. At lower posure ob core approsch = compres ‘uct the pres: ly far af 1. The presi of» Bad phe eset te ce ofthe Kut phase sfactor to decane at ow presares, Oconto Dc. Howse, pase sfacors approach 0 at fom prewriting hs Fomelimes the ate thes aogiepae ge fworphase foe forstend toward sale of L0atlow and shoe that had two-phase 2 fac pressures indicating the fi acts_ tors fending toward 1.0 at low pres Fite a tingle phase eas (le. acted sires! Fig: 2a shows two-phase 7 Tike & wet ges} even though to. factors for those retrograde gases phases are present which have hepancs pls concent ia from 131 laboratory studies tons greater than 4 moe 8 Fig. 2b cof retrograde gases wore parlloned gives two-phare factors for those Ivothose for which the werphwe'» retrograde gases which have hep factors decreased at low pressutes tanes plus concentrations les than $ roa ‘by Wiliam D: McCain Ir, 5A Holditch and Artois, Cllage Staton, Texas: and Lay. Piper, Texas ABM University, Colle Staton, Tone Petoleum Engines Itemtiona RESERVOIR MANAGEMENT mole %. Apparently equated to reservoir production ifthe concenraton rate. of heptane pls is Tee than 4 le the scan be eat. sardine ast ‘seven though the pas of reser Mus Next mont, TEhormtory reported Par’ wileepar the del wmong the presente ofsome alle sera Mad reroerade ui. ig spt of References dataset cused in 1 MeCain, W. D., dr: “Chemical Pant Lolth sees! Comariion etormines Bohr The heptanes plus of Reservoir Fluids" Petroleum Concentration of the Engineer international (October fas lnexpected be 1999 1825, fess than 4 mole % 2 Gol D. Ky MeCaly, WD J and ‘wen the inal pro Jennings J Wz An Improved tlucinggasail rio Method forthe Determination of {Etbove 15000 se) the ResowoinGae Spec Gravy STB. Thos ithe ine for Retrograde Genes” JPT Uuly flrodicinggaval 1960707752, rato above 15000 3, Rayes D. Gy Piper. LD. MeCein, Selistm, he reser WO. Je and Poston, “Too: Wo, Mid can be Phase Compeessity Factor for trent ap itworea —Revogrede Get,” SPEFE (Mach wee raerae, condensitevalore mr ‘motatne gas pro. | ABOUTTHE AUTHORS Ahcton are aig tn rg 2 brs suo oven that rwrogrde gros cant when he ye | Wain D. Metain J sensor ‘ith baptne pn Conones greater han 4 male % of condcrnate is 10. | executive consultant with SA Srorly hove fwohane sire ch dere tow SbliMafet or ess Holduch i Antone i Cllege fromare nig 20 heptane pr conenrtonee hn. shen the ne | Seaton, Ten, and apa ne {Taciem genety hve pone nlc tht wrench al prodcing get | wing rofstor at Tena AMAL Siew pence fil ratio fs 100.000 | University He has BS, MS, ad ScHSTB or more). | PhD degrees chemical cau ven though some | neering” Previous he served condensate te pre-_| head ofthe petroleum engineer. diced othe surace| tng department at Misssipp snd possibly some | State University, gained exper Tetrograde conden. | ence asa reseroitengincer and tatelsfomedinthe | wrote two editions of the Pro- Teseroiy enero | pers of Perle Fs ten fiatds wih iinet | book producing gavotl_ | « Kary D. Piper is senior ls Faton tha hgh con | Gree petrol engines be treated as dry | Tex A&M Univers in Cofege totes. The surfgce_| Station, Tenax. He Was BS, MS tas specific grvity_| and PhD degrocs In petroicum fn be used 0 rep-_| engincering from Texas A&M feseat the specie | Untrey ahd am MS In opr Brity ofthe re- | tins research rom the 8 Fe. 3 Whe th heptane cnc ot ha 4 Servo gas, andthe | Naval Postgraduate Schoo! tole be il prosisg gue ato witb grater at surface ga. Dre "300.7 wd arc benediction res a be Povoleumngineoiterratinal EGGS “AN Acement Revised Gas-Oil Ratio Criteria Key Indicators Of Reservoir Fluid Type Part 5: The previous four articles in this series revealed the differences and similarities ‘among the five reservoir fluids in detail This concluding article discusses guidelines for Using field data to determine the fluid type, the laboratory evidence that verifies fluid type and the production behavior ofthe five fluids. able 1 ahve the suidlines for determining Maid pe from Held dat. Three prop cts sre readily avaiable the Sntlal producing gae-oll rato {Gow} the ern ofthe stock Iigutd and ue cola the stock ta gui nial producing GOR is by farthe mest important othe indice tors and shold e considered Hest, wth the athe wo indletors utd to ‘onfim ld pe. Stock-tank uid rian color ae both indicators ‘tthe quantity of hear components resent inthe inital servo Hud Darker colas are associated withthe Inrrest, heaviest molecules 1a the sptolum mitre TH any one of there thee prope tie fis ome the cetera of Tae Inthe test fas and 3 repre rentative sample of the feservolr fluid. mast be ‘lamina ina tborstry © ‘Stablish tid wpe “The inital productag GOR uldelines piven in Anble fare somewhat ler ent chan rules presented by ‘ther authors. The ration Ses for selection ofthe al tis im Tale Lave given tn {he previous ails in this lil rat, scSTB Intl tocktakliu s ‘ry a otro Seeing eS series 24 Those aril ae the fst to present empirical evidence to sup- port the selection of GOR criteria for denying tld pe “Tle 2 shows the expected labo ator analyte result ofthe five fy. {de The os wil exhibit bubble Dols, the reuograde gases wil dis hy dew points and the other gases ‘sll demonstrate no phase change throughout the pressure range tapected in the renee. The he {anes plus composition ‘cutoff ‘etween black sie and volte ols (Go mole) tnt exact, Vales om 19022 mole might be observed.” However the cua of 12.5 mole % between vole ois and retroerade tes Is aly sharp The compost ‘ons of mole Sand 07 mole % for 1950175010320 Dak clog aly clad tr whee the other gases are based on en neering applications Some retro. ‘ne igi al key occu inthe ‘il formation volume ctor has been defined for ose in oll materia Yalancesslcultions Stace dese cal ulation procedures are not applies bleto volatile ol, formation valume Factor usually is not measured for volatile oily Bul one laboratory resi tht indiates dhe presence of Soles ol i on ofl freon vob tee factor at ubbl-pot presire Of 2.0 es BOISE or grater Production Characteristics Frovoction trend for the fve ids freshown in Table 3 Pricing GOR ie constant lore a Tong a reser Woete at Rekograde a samo >5000" 20 Upto7> Nellis by Wiliam: MeCain Je, .A Hodich nd Astoites, College Staton, Texas Petroleum Engineer Irtrtons RESERVOIR MANAGEMENT. BORATORY AN, ‘ack oils and volatile oils "The incressing propor tions of dry gs produced twith ac cle ae renevoit pressure decline strip some ofthe lightcr components pte i, le 25 a_| fom theo Therefore, the Sradually decreases {hroghoat most of the ie Forenaeoneapenen ofthe reservoir. This Gecrease isnot significant ‘oir pressure i above bubble point denste vid at the mueface decear (anually shout 2° API from nar 9 Dresse. Boch ols exhibit increar- ex and the GOR increses as reser~ ed). ee ordeiet! Dew pit Nophite Nophaee re hae Nop (Gt famain vol eRe pee Tag producing GORs when two voir prenure denims ducing pro-Lae nthe Mi of «back ol rear [hoses exist in the reservoir This duction volt, he gravity ofthe stocktank oll fncrese is due tothe existence of The producing GOR of struc wet will eres At low reserve pes: ‘escrolr gos which has much lower gas remains constant throughout the sures) the gas which comes out of ‘scot and, therfore, moves more Iife-of the reservoir as shown in _solon from the ll nthe reservar fly than the ol to the well bre. Table 3. Remember, though, that fick enough (wel gs) to release Of course, as reservoir pressure puielies for ientiping a wet gat condensate when it i produced, Aecines further the amount of gos for engineering purposes eat fairly This dilutes the stocketank ligaid inthe reseroir increases, This cae: deep into the range of fluids that with condensate causing the gravity fan increase in the effective per’ eshte some retrograde behavior 1 increase ‘eability to ees nd a decrease in Therefore, an increase in GOR later On the other hand, the incretsng the elfectne prmenbilty to oA inthe production period ofa wet gas proportions of retrograde Ras pro Fest the rato of gs to ol inthe might be expected. duced seth volatile oils release Liguids atthe surface. This condensate Gases The changes in API gravity ofthe mixes withthe decreasing propor Dy pte stole wth Wack ole wock-tank guide daring produc oneal reduced el ening he Ieav the flow steam inthe frat ton or shows in Table rare nir- ravi of the sock Maud to stage of separa, he retrograde eg ie changes ar fen ip. herene. Ts change in gay can aes astocited with vlat olz_ ful ifereniaing between ack te sigan, on tc erro 10 or ‘ete sre condos tribe fat olls and voile ss: Sick tank woe APL ult Thetctore te ted Ege of eparston Masur ick gravity temas Const when the of woctan ol pve anter Si gpicliy have Higher telace Sucrckr prose above the bub. indaor ef ald pe between ack ‘oR: han vat ls drng mest esol premure ofthe oll How. alan late ol the prodicng times Note the evar resure falsbow he Bub- The gravis ofthe stock tank decree tn producing COR for Me poin tenderer Ugide reduced wil retvogrnde both os ate nthe end of the po ction petod in ase 3 Ths a ow i primary dct the severe Feta ow eet prs Teirgrade girl alg damon Rage Voge Retrggrade wet strate constant producing GORS mpc wate ke tea fhe dew pont. However the reason Time Time Time fr the increase i diferent than for : the els Very litle of the iad ‘ete fom reropase poe nthe fescrvolr wil flow. Theis gd g 2 z teh would besa part of the eon- Gensate atthe surface were H not Time Time Time leat the reserva Thus the con- Povoleum Engineer iterations RESERVOIR MANAGEMENT. ‘Dew point Bubble point 1g. 1. The effect ofcomposton on intel producing GOR fs cated hy the “erection ett of he fe eer Me [gases also remain constant when __tmaina Newemb 995) 2427 ‘aservue pressure is abowe the dew 3. MeCain,W.D, Je and Pat LO. point pressure of the gas and "Volatile Oils And Retvograd Increase a reservoir pressure Gazez—Whats The Diference?™ deelies below the dew point The Petroleum Engineer International tread below the dew point 4 (anawy 199) 3536, ‘asl ofthe heaier components of 4, Mécom, WD, J “Rosle Gas the gas being lost co the retrograde Esibit Subtle Diference,” Peter guid inthe sescevosr and, there- eum Engineer norationl March for, not reaching the stocetank.—198)4546, art I of this series presented a otf data showing heeft of [ ABOUTTHE AUTHORS composition (represented by the note percent of hepanes pls i the Fiiajon inal reducing GOR? |« William D. McCain Je. is Using he se data, Fig indents | Senior exectve constant with the compenition and nial produc: | S.A, Holdtch & Associates im ing cuts forthe ive Quits The | College Station, Teas and pat ‘ationalizations for these cutoffs time visiting professor at Texas fave Been explained tioghout ths | AEM Universi, He has BS, MS series fate 4nd PhD degrees in chemical engineering. Previously. he References Served as ead of the petroleum Sinceain, W. D., des *Chgmical_| engineering. department at Conposion Detaranenhicarot_ | Mlssisippt Stave University, Resaroi Fluids Petroleum En- | gained experience asa reservoir ‘her ternational (Oxebe 1993) | engineer and wrote two eltions ie, ofthe Properties of Petroleum Fuad ebook 2 Machin, WD, Jan Sige, "hak Ole Ard Vole ihe “The Diorenca™ Petroleum Enger Petroleum Enginoo iterations

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