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Definition of terms

Alzheimers disease - the mental decline in elderly smokers is five

times faster than in elderly non- smokers.
Acetic acid an ingredient found in hair dye and an ingredient
found in cigarettes
Acetone found in nail polish remover and also an ingredient in
Ammonia- common household cleaner and also a part of
ingredient of cigarette
Arsenic found in a rat poison and an ingredient in cigarette
Bladder cancer A common form of cancer that begins in the
lining of the bladder.
-The most common warning sign is blood in the urine.
-The number one risk factor for bladder cancer is
Cadmium Active component in battery acid and can also be
found in cigarettes
Carcinogenic having the potential to cause cancer
Carbon monoxide Color-less, odourless gas produced from the
incomplete burning of virtually any combustible product. It may
accumulate indoors as a result of tobacco smoking
Cancer treatment Smoking increases the chances that a cancer
treatment will fail
Cervical cancer The risk of developing cervical cancer doubles in
women who smoke
-Occurs when abnormal cells on the cervix grow out
of control
Ectopic pregnancy a pregnancy in which the fetus develops
outside the uterus, typically in fallopian tube
- Around 11% of these types of pregnancy
can be directly associated to smoking
Erectile dysfunction Inability of a man to maintain an erection
sufficient for satisfying sexual activity
- Smoking builds up plaque in arteries and
obstructs blood flow
Heart disease cardiovascular disease generally refers to
conditions that involve narrowed or blocked blood vessels that can
lead to heart attack
- One out of every 5 heart disease deaths is directly
related to smoking
Immune system Smoking depresses antibodies and cells in the
body that are supposed to help fight off invaders
Lung Cancer Is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells that
start off in one or both lungs; usually in the cells that line the air
passages. The abnormal cells do not develop into healthy lung
tissue, they divide rapidly and form tumors
-Smoking is the number one cause of lung cancer
Liver cancer Also known as hepatic cancer and primary hepatic
cancer, a cancer that starts in the liver
- Researchers estimate that almost a
quarter of liver cancers in the UK are
caused by smoking
Lupus Disease marked by inflammation of the skin, especially
lupus vulgaris or lupus erythemqatosus
-Studies have shown that smoking increases the risk of
developing lupus
Menopause Ceasing of menstruation
- Women who smoke have more hot
flashes as they proceed through
Nicotine Use as insecticide and commonly found on cigarettes
Psoriasis Skin disease marked by red, itchy, scaly patches
- Smoking can increase the risk of
developing psoriasis
Rheaumatoid arthritis Chronic progressive disease causing
inflammation in the joints and resulting in painful deformity and
immobility, especially in the fingers, wrists, feet , and ankles
- Smoking increases your likelihood of
developing rheaumatoid arthritis
Second hand smoke- Smoke inhaled involuntarily from tobacco
being smoked by others
Stroke Condition due to the lack of oxygen to the brain which
may lead to reversible or irreversible paralysis
- Smoking makes the blood thicker and
more likely to clot, causing strokes
Tar Material for paving roads and also found in the cigarettes
Tuberculosis Infectious bacterial disease characterized by the
growth of nodules (tubercles) in the tissues, especially the lungs
- If you have been treated for tuberculosis
in the past, smoking doubles your chance
of getting it again
Vision loss Studies have shown that smoking increases the risks
of cataracts and glaucoma

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