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Assignment : Computer Graphics

Q1: Early applications in engineering and science has to rely on expensive

and cumbersome equipment. But the use of computer graphics made it less
expensive. Justify and list the application areas.
First of all take Pilot training. There will be used of Physical aircraft
which is more expensive to provide for training purpose. Like expense of fuel,
and if crashed then loss of expensive lives and also of the loss of aircraft. So for
this when computer graphics came then it made it easy to train pilots with the
help of computer graphics like Flight Simulator, which is much less expensive
and easy to understand.
Second take the example of Medicine and Virtual Surgery.
In first days of medical sciences the training will be on actual human body
means actual body will be shown to trainee. But now a days with the help of
Computer Graphics they are trained with the model of human body parts or
even the Surgery Practice is done with the help of Virtual Surgery model.
Application Areas of Computer Graphics:
There are many applications but we will discuss some of these.
1. User Interface:
A major component of graphical interface is a window manager that
allow a user to display multiple windows like areas on the same time on
the screen. Each window can contain a different process that can
contain graphical or non-graphical display.
2. Scientific Visualization and Analysis:
Computer graphics is very helpful in producing graphical representation
for scientific visualization and analysis especially in the field of
engineering and Medicine.
3. Room Layout Design:
Computer Graphics are used for designing physical models for buildings,
bridges and living rooms.

Q5: Computer Graphics has made the analysis of large amounts of

Information easier. Explain How the Computer Graphics has made things
easier in the following areas:

i. Visualization.

ii. Image Processing.

iii. CAD.


1. Visualization.

Computer Graphics is very helpful in making graphical representation

for scientific visualization and other information visualization. Like

Creating Models, Drawing charts, Graphs, X-rays, Simulators etc


i. Scientific research.

ii. Digital Libraries.

iii. Information Graphics.

iv. Data mining.

v. Crime mapping.

vi. Pilots training. Etc

2. Image Processing.

Computer graphics made it easy to process images. Like in first days

images were drawn by the hands and then by coming of technologies
the picture will be taken by the cameras in which you would have to
enter a film (reel) and then this film will be taken to the laboratory to
gain pictures and you cannot even control(edit) that picture.

i. Adobe Photoshop.

ii. Corel draw.

iii. Artists paintbrush ETC

3. CAD.

CAD software is used to increase the productivity of the designer,

improve the quality of design, improve communications through
documentation, and to create a database for manufacturing.

Computer-aided design is used in many fields. Its use in designing

electronic systems is known as electronic design automation, or EDA.
In mechanical design it is known as mechanical design automation
(MDA) or computer-aided design (CAD), which includes the process
of creating a technical drawing with the use of computer software.

Q6. A picture is more worth than thousand words. Justify and explain the
importance of computer graphics in the present scenario? Write about the
first Graphics tool designed (Sketch Pad)?


A picture is more worth than thousand words means that a picture can
convey a message or feeling more accurately than words like happiness,
sadness etc. These are the things that cannot be expressed in words.

Sketch Pad:

It was a revolutionary computer program written by Ivan Sutherland in 1963 in

the course of his PhD thesis, for which he received the Turing Award in 1988,
and the Kyoto Prize in 2012. It pioneered the way for humancomputer
interaction (HCI).

Sketchpad was the first program ever to utilize a complete graphical user
interface, using an x-y point plotter display and the recently invented light pen.
The clever way the program organized its geometric data pioneered the use of
"objects" and "instances" in computing and pointed forward to object oriented
programming. The main idea was to have master drawings which one could
instantiate into many duplicates.

Q8. CRT is also called as Refresh CRT. Justify the statement and draw the
design of CRT showing the operation of electron gun and also the magnetic
deflection systems. Explain?


When the electrons beam strikes with phosphor coating screen it

produce a light. But the life time of this brightness is very short, so it is
refreshed, that is why it is also called Refreshed CRT.



The Base:

In the base plate there are two input lines set, one is used for power supply
second one is used for data. Base plate receives signals from VGA or Graphical
card through data cable.
Electron Gun:

Electron Gun Produces electrons. The primary component of an electron gun in

a CRT are the heated metal cathode and a control grid. Heat is supplied to the
cathode by directing a current through filament (a coil of wire), inside the
cylindrical cathode structure.

Control Grid:

Intensity of electron beam is controlled by setting voltage levels on the control

grid, a metal cylinder that fits over the cathode. A high negative voltage
applied to the control grid will shut off the beam by repelling electron and
stopping them from passing through the small hole at the end of the control
grid structure.

Accelerating Anode:

The electron beam is then accelerated by accelerating anode or positively

charged metal coating inside the tube.

Focusing Anode:

The electron beam is scattered and may repel each other and the beam would
disappeared. So it is the responsibility of focusing system to converge electron
beam to a small spot where it strikes the phosphor.
Deflecting Plates:

Two pairs of deflecting plates are used to deflect the beam of electron to the
viewing area of the screen. Horizontal deflecting plates are used for vertical
adjustment while vertical deflecting plates are used for horizontal adjustment
of electron beam.

Q9. Refresh rate on a random scan system depends on number of lines to be

displayed. Justify and explain the working of random scan system with neat
sketch its operation and architecture?


Refresh rate on a random scan system depends on number of lines to be

displayed. Picture definition is now stored as a set of line-drawing commands
in an area of memory referred to as the Refresh Display file. It is also called as
Display list, Display program or Refresh buffer. To display a specified picture,
the system cycles through the set of commands in the display file, drawing
each component line in turn. After all line-drawing commands have been
processed, the system cycles back to the first line-command in the list.

Random-scan displays are designed to draw all the component lines of a

picture 30 to 60 times each second


An application program is input and stored in the system memory along with a
graphics package. Graphics commands in the application program are
translated by the graphics package into a display file stored in the system
memory. This display file is then accessed by the display processor to refresh
the screen. The display processor cycles through each command in the display
file program onceduring every refresh cycle. Sometimes the display processor
in a random-scan system is referred to as a display processing unit or a
graphics controller.

Q11. Interactive Raster scan displays are able to display shaded scenes very
well than random scan displays. Justify the above statement and explain the
operation of raster scan displays with neat sketch?


The capability of raster scan systems to store intensity information for

each screen point makes it well suited for the realistic display of scenes
containing subtle shading and colour patterns.

Working of Raster Scan Display:

Interactive raster-graphics systems typically employ several processing units. In

addition to the CPU, a special purpose processor called the video controller or
display controller is used to control the operation of the display device.

Video Controller

A fixed area of the system memory is reserved for the frame buffer, and the
video controller is given direct access to the frame buffer memory. The co-
ordinates of the graphics monitor starts at the lower left screen corner.
Positive x values increasing to the right and y values increasing from bottom to

The above diagram shows the refresh operation of video controller. Two
registers are used to store the co-ordinates of the screen pixels. Initially x=0
and y=ymax. The value stored in the frame buffer corresponding to this pixel
position is retrieved. And the x value is incremented by 1 and the
corresponding y value is retrieved, like that the pixel values are retrieved line
by line. Once the last pixel is reached again the registers are reset to initial
value to repeat the process.

Display Processor

The purpose of the display processor or graphics controller is to free the CPU
from the graphics chores. In addition to the system memory a separate display
processor memory area can also provide.

A major task of the display processor is digitizing a picture definition given in

an application program into a set of pixel-intensity values for storage in the
frame buffer. This digitization process is called scan conversion. Lines and
other geometric objects are converted into set of discrete intensity points.
Characters can be defined with rectangular grids, or they can be defined with
curved outlines.

A. The vector displays generally have higher resolution than raster scan
display system. State the reason with explanation for supporting above

B. Random scan displays better than raster scan displays in terms of

refresh rate. Agree or disagree the above statement by giving
appropriate reasons.


A. Vector displays resolution is good because these system produces

smooth lines drawing because CRT beam directly follows the line path.

While raster displays have poor resolution because it produces zig-zag

lines that are plotted as discrete point sets.

B. Disagree because the Random scan display refresh rate is less than the
raster scan display. Raster scan displays refresh rate is 30 to 60 and
above up to 80 fps. While random scan display have refresh rate of 30 to
approximately 60 fps and cannot have greater refresh rate than that
because if the refresh rate became greater than that it will burn out the
Q14. The use of interactive graphical input devices made the computer
highly sophisticated. Write about the following interactive graphical input


i. Data Glove:

Data glove can be usedto grasp a "virtual" object. The glove is

constructed with a series of sensors that detect hand and
finger motions. Electromagnetic coupling between transmitting
antennas and receiving antennas is used to provide
information about the position and orientation of the hand.

A common device for drawing, painting, or interactively

selecting coordinate positions on an object is a digitizer. These
devices can be used to input coordinate values in either a two-
dimensional or a three-dimensional space.

Image Scanners:

Drawings, graphs, colour and black-and-white photos, or text

can be stored for computer processing with an image scanner
by passing an optical scanning mechanism over the information
to be stored. The gradations of greyscale or colour are then
recorded and stored in an array. Once we have the internal
representation of a picture, we can apply transformations to
rotate, scale, or crop the picture to a particular screen area.
Touch Panels:

As the name implies, touch panels allow displayed objects or

screen positions to be selected with the touch of a finger. A
typical applicationof touch panelsis for the selection of
processing options that are represented with graphical icons.
Some systems, such as the plasma panels are designed with
touch screens

Light Pen:

Such pencil-shaped devices are used to selectscreenpositions

by detecting the light coming from points on the CRT screen.
They are sensitiveto theshort burst of light emitted from the
phosphor coating at the instant the electron beam strikes a
particular point. Other Light sources, such as the background
light in the room, are usually not detected by a light pen.

Q10. State the reason why we use the following terms in display system and
define each of them.


i. Persistence:

Persistence is defined as the time it takes the emitted light from

the screen to decay to one-tenth of its original intensity.

ii. Aspect ratio:

The ratio of vertical points to horizontal points necessary to

produce equal-lengthlines in both directions on the screen.
Sometimes aspect ratio is stated in terms of the ratio of horizontal
to vertical points. Like .

iii. Refresh buffer:

Picture definition is stored in a memory area called the refresh

buffer or frame buffer. This memory area holds the set of intensity
values for all the screen points.

iv. Pixel:

Each screen point is referred to as pixel or pel.Shortened

forms of picture element.

v. Pixmap:

Frame buffer with multiple bits per pixel is known as Pixmap.

vi. Bitmap:

The frame buffer used in the black and white system is known as
bitmap which take one bit per pixel.

vii. Horizontal retrace:

The return to the left of the screen, after refreshing eachscan line,
is called the Horizontal retrace of the electron beam.

viii. Vertical retrace:

The return of the electron beam to the top left corner of the
screen after each frame is known as Vertical retrace.

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