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< Traffic Signal Management System>

Software Requirements Specification

Version 1.0

Group Id: .

Supervisor Name
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Revision History

Date Version Description Author

27/07/2016 1.0 Traffic Signal Management Student ids
SRS Document includes
a) Scope
b) Functional and Non
c) Use Case Diagram
d) Usage Scenarios
e) Adopted Methodology
f) Work Plan
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Table of Contents


1. Scope (of the project) 04

2. Functional Requirements Non Functional requirements 05

3. Use Case Diagram 07

4. Usage Scenarios 08

5. Adopted Methodology 13

6. Work Plan 14

Scope of Project:

This project is about traffic signal management, which allows managing the traffic on a four
way road. The system will consist of four signals on each road. The system will manage the
signal timing according to the size of traffic on a road parallel to it. By measuring the traffic
lined up on a particular road the signal timings are adjusted to let that particular way clear
out and then the next populated one.
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It will be a web based application. It can run on any operating system using any latest web
browser like Google Chrome, Internet Explorer and Opera etc. Following Tools and
Technologies will use in application development

PHP Programming Language

MySQL Database

Xampp Control Panel (Apache Web Server + MySQL Webserver)

Functional and Non functional requirements:

Functional requirements:

These requirements will specify functions that system will actually perform. Following
are functional requirements of my project.

The system will show the traffic on a road graphically.

By measuring the traffic lined up on a road signal timings should be adjusted.
According to the adjusted timing of signal the system should clear out the particular
way and then the next route accordingly.
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There should be an emergency override that allows traffic authorities to remotely let
go a particular signal in case an ambulance or important vehicle arrives on that way.
The system should allow smooth and efficient traffic flow across all four ways.
The system should dynamically schedule the signals.
The system should enhance the traffic signal performance.
The system should have the ability to reduce traffic jam.

Non functional requirements:

These requirements will specify functions that system will not perform but it will show the

performance of system. Following are functional requirements of my project.

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Application will be portable to run at any latest Operating System.


Application will be reliable at all time and will give their maximum performance and help.

User friendly:

Application will be user friendly. Every user can easily understand and user them. The user
can use it by simply fallowing simple and easy steps.


Application will be security. It will stop unauthorized access.

Use Case Diagram

Vision Graphically

Modify Timings

Clear Route
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Scan Emergency
Emergency Vehicle

Override Emergency
Emergency Vehicle

Keep Efficient
Efficient Traffic
Traffic Flow

Plan Dynamically

Develop Signal
Signal Performance

Decrease Traffic
Traffic Jam

Usage Scenarios:

Use Case Title Vision Graphically

Use Case ID UC-001

Action User will open Application

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User will Select option Vision Graphically

The system will show the traffic on a road graphically

Pre condition Application must in running form in web browser

Post condition User has performed action successfully.

Exception N/A

Authority User

Use Case Title Modify Timings

Use Case ID UC-002

Action User will open Application

User will Select option Modify Timings

By measuring the traffic lined up on road signal timings should be


Pre condition Application must in running form in web browser

Post condition User has performed action successfully.

Exception N/A

Authority User

Use Case Title Clear Rout

Use Case ID UC-003

Action User will open Application

User will Select option Clear Rout

According to the adjusted timing of signal the system should clear out the
particular way and then the next route accordingly

Pre condition Application must in running form in web browser

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Post condition User has performed action successfully.

Exception N/A

Authority User

Use Case Title Scan Emergency Vehicle

Use Case ID UC-004

Action User will open Application

User will Select option Scan Emergency Vehicle

There should be an emergency override that allows traffic authorities to

remotely let go a particular signal in case an ambulance or important
vehicle arrives on that way.

Pre condition Application must in running form in web browser

Post condition User has performed action successfully.

Exception N/A

Authority User

Use Case Title Override Emergency Vehicle

Use Case ID UC-005

Action User will open Application

User will Select option Override Emergency Vehicle

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There should be an emergency override that allows traffic authorities to

remotely let go a particular signal in case an ambulance or important
vehicle arrives on that way.

Pre condition Application must in running form in web browser

Post condition User has performed action successfully.

Exception N/A

Authority User

Use Case Title Keep Efficient Traffic Flow

Use Case ID UC-006

Action User will open Application

User will Select option Keep Efficient Traffic Flow

The system should allow smooth and efficient traffic flow across all four

Pre condition Application must in running form in web browser

Post condition User has performed action successfully.

Exception N/A

Authority User

Use Case Title Plan Dynamically

Use Case ID UC-007

Action User will open Application

User will Select option Plan Dynamically

The system should dynamically schedule the signals

Pre condition Application must in running form in web browser

Post condition User has performed action successfully.

Exception N/A
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Authority User

Use Case Title Develop Signal Performance

Use Case ID UC-008

Action User will open Application

User will Select option Develop Signal Performance

The system should enhance the traffic signal performance.

Pre condition Application must in running form in web browser

Post condition User has performed action successfully.

Exception N/A

Authority User

Use Case Title Decrease Traffic Jam

Use Case ID UC-009

Action User will open Application

User will Select option Decrease Traffic Jam

The system should have the ability to reduce traffic jam

Pre condition Application must in running form in web browser

Post condition User has performed action successfully.

Exception N/A

Authority User
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Adopted Methodology:

The methodology chosen for this project is VU Process Model. The vu process model, offers
numerous advantages for software developers and because of its beneficial flow I use this
methodology. This model is a combination of Waterfall and Coiled/Spiral Model. This is a
hybrid approach of system development, which maximizes the quality of system and
minimizes the disadvantages and risks. VU process model has four phases; each phase is
tested on its completion. It conserves resources and is superlative for sustaining less skilled
plan teams and project managers whose composition fluctuates. The errors are removed due
to iteration to previous or next phases. The orderly sequence of development steps and strict
controls for ensuring the adequacy of documentation and design reviews helps ensure the
quality, reliability, and maintainability of the developed software. The progress of system
development is measurable.

VU Process model is explained in the following diagram.

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Analyzing & Gathering


Planning Phase

Analysis & Design


Development Phase

Operation &

Analysis and Design


Development Phase

Operation &

Work Plan (Use MS Project to create Schedule/Work Plan)

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