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Photo by Hasan Sakri Ghozali/Tribun Jogja

Indonesia Australia Forest Carbon Partnership

Through the Kalimantan Forest and Climate Partnership (KFCP)
Indonesia and Australia are working together to support interna-
tional efforts on REDD Plus (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation
and Forest Degradation in Developing Countries). On 13 February,
2012 in Kapuas, Central Kalimantan, Kang Guru observed the
signing of a declaration by 7 village heads whose villages have
recently joined the Indonesia-Australia Forest Carbon Partnership
Pak Dahlan, the Kepala Desa of Mantangai Hulu explained why this was important for his
village: ...karena kelihatannya kegiatan ini sangat
menyentuh masyarakat langsung dan melibatkan beberapa
lembaga yang ada di masyarakat di desa. Jadi kemungkinan
ini berjalan dengan baik dan sukses.
See the full story of the KGI trip to Banjarmasin, the KGI
FOKUS teacher workshop in Bati Bati and Sues visit to MTs Al
Amin on the KGI Travel Page on the KGI website -

Australia-Indonesia Youth Exchange in Riau

Australian and Indonesian participants of the Australia-Indonesia Youth Exchange Program
(AIYEP) spent eight weeks, starting late
December 2011, living and working in
communities in Pekanbaru and Rokan Hulu in
Riau province. During their time in Riau
province, the participants lived with host
families in the village of Rambah Hilir Tengah
and worked with them to develop and implement
community development activities. They also presented
interactive cultural performances and English teaching and
sporting activities with local school children. Do you know that
the Indonesian participants lived and worked in Australia for
two months in late 2011 before returning to Indonesia with
the Aussie participants? This involved a two-month homestay and work placement
program in Adelaide and on Kangaroo Island just south of Adelaide, in South Australia. AIYEP is
an annual program promoting people-to-people links between Australians and Indonesians and is
managed by the Australia-Indonesia Institute and the Indonesian Ministry of Youth and Sport.
Check out the KGI website for a full report and video of AIYEP 2012.
IndoGym in Yogyakarta
In February this year, the Australian Ambassador to Indonesia, Mr. Greg Moriarty, visited
an Australian-funded gymnastics program for Indonesian youth in Yogyakarta (see front
cover). The IndoGym program is conducted by education foundation Tunas Cerdas
Gempita and provides gymnastic training to 100 girls and 25 children with special needs
from local communities. The Australian Government has granted $19,500 as part of its
Australian Sports Outreach Program to provide 20 weeks of free training for all
participants of the program. The program is a Gymnastics for All initiative designed
for children below the age of 10 years and is adapted from an already successful program
operating in the state of Victoria, Australia.
The Ambassador said, This is an excellent example of a program that promotes social
inclusion, healthy behaviours and education and leadership opportunities for young men
and women. It is important for Australia to support programs like this in Indonesia.
Sport is an excellent vehicle for bringing together people of our two countries and
building stronger links at all levels of society.

Australia Indonesia Education Partnership

It is important that all schools in Indonesia provide the highest quality programs to their
students and that the teachers who work within their classrooms are of the highest
quality possible. Islamic schools are an important part of the Indonesian education
system. In Indonesia, there are thousands of schools and a significant percentage of
these institutions are Madrasah. The new $500 million Australia Indonesia Education
Partnership is working with the Ministry of National Education and Culture and the
Ministry of Religious Affairs (MoRA) to help improve access to schools, improve the
quality of schools and support accreditation for Madrasah.
The Australia Indonesia Education Partnership provides technical assistance to the
Ministry of Religious Affairs via the Directorate of Madrasah Education to support
MoRAs program of preparing Madrasah to apply for National Education Standards (NES).
Up to 1500 Madrasah across 21 provinces and in 72 districts will be supported by a
mixture of capacity development activities and block grants assistance. MoRAs goal is
to have a majority of Madrasah accredited to the NES by 2014-15.
International Womens Day
On March 8th, AusAID and Australia Awards joined together to present a full day program
entitled Connecting Girls, Inspiring Futures at the Taman Ismail Marzuki Theater
complex in Jakarta. Activities included a forum where Australia Awards alumni met
together to listen to keynote speakers talking about building the capacity of, and
overcoming the challenges faced by women as they take up their roles in the
development of Indonesia. In the afternoon participants were joined by 150 female high
school students to enjoy a Talk Show moderated by radio presenter Sarah Gadrie.
Panellists included news anchor and Australian Development Scholarship recipient Najwa
Shihab, singer and writer Dee Lestari, Suzy Hutomo, the head of Body Shop in
Indonesia, and Sara Moriarty, Climate Change Counsellor from AusAID Indonesia. The
interactive Talk Show was designed to create an environment where female secondary
school students were encouraged to dream big.
This International Womens Day, inspirational and successful Indonesian and
Australian women will be sharing their career successes, challenges and lessons learnt
with young Indonesian women about to embark on their careers, said the Head of
AusAID in Indonesia, Jacqui De Lacy.
Other activities included a photography exhibition of Indonesian women involved in
AusAID projects including Australia Awards and Kang Guru Indonesia.

What do all these well-known Indonesians have in common?

Denny Indrayana Ikrar Nusa Bakti Chusnul Mariyah Kusmayanto Kadiman
Najwa Shihab Marty Natalegawa Boediono Hermanto Dardak

Thats right - they are all alumni of Australia. They all studied with a scholarship from the
Australian Government. Maybe you are eligible to do the same? Applications for the latest
round of Australian scholarships open on 12 March and close on 17 August, 2012.
Teachers, have you ever wished you could improve your English classroom or the way you teach?
Be sure to listen to KGI radio, Series 7700 beginning in mid April for Sues Tips for Effective
Teaching in the Classroom. Listen to Sue Rodger presenting her special tips on preparing
yourself before the term begins, what to include when planning your lessons (see examples
below) and ways to motivate your students. There are more suggestions for you about using
textbooks, why it is so important to review and revise both grammar and vocabulary, and also
hints to improve your classroom management skills. Try them ALL and why not write to Kang
Guru with a tip that you would like to share with other teachers -

Planning Lessons
Planning is essential not just individual plans or short term plans but long
term plans too. There are many reasons for this, including achieving aims,
good timing, covering all skills, giving a variety of tasks and activities,
reviewing and giving preparation for exams.

Timing is an important aspect so you are not rushing either at the end of individual lessons to complete
your daily lesson plan but also in the long term so that all topics have been covered adequately by the
end of the term before the exam. Dont forget to leave enough time for review.

As you are planning, check that you are Try to make the topics as interesting as
covering all the skills equally and not having possible - include the students in some
too many lessons where perhaps writing aspects of planning the lessons sometimes.
or reading is the main skill.

As you plan you can also check that a variety of activities are presented. If you always give students
the same type of task they will get bored and you are not giving them the opportunity to stretch

Include a mixture of activities where students work alone, work in pairs and work in groups. Students
need time to work alone sometimes to test themselves. Working in pairs helps
students with self-correction and take some responsibility for their own learning.
Group work gives students time to explore topics together and talk with confidence.

Include games, songs and quizzes from time to time. Make them
a reward or treat rather than in every lesson.
KGI In The Classroom
Have you ever visited the KGI website?
Quick Fix and .. shhhh pronunciation What did you look at? Many of you
During April and May why not listen to already visit and learn from the Quick
Kang Guru Indonesias weekly radio Fix, Idioms Inggris, Different Pond
programs to improve your Different Fish, and the Joeys Pages.
pronunciation. KGI has written some special But what about KGIs In the Classroom
Quick Fix segments about pronouncing words Page? There are many, many ideas for
which contain tricky, silent letters. Letters such teachers including MP3 podcasts and
as k and p and t which are there when we spell PDF activity sheets complete with
the word but not when we pronounce them - teacher notes and answer keys. Have
knowledge, psychology and fasten. This is a you tried them yet? They are easy to
great opportunity to hear how these words download yourself and use in the
should be pronounced. Hopefully there is a KGI classroom. Have a look today and try
radio station near you. If there isnt a KGI radio them. KGI is here to help, ok?
station near you then please tell us! Maybe you
can help us get one for you in your area.

file you can

st ? It is a type of MP3
Whats a po
d c a u know
H P o r co m puter. Did yo Although KG I is
your on
download to ble for free curr ently in a
in g u a l p o d casts availa b il in gual
there are bil te ? T h ats right! F
ree, transition phase, ther
ru w e b si isten t a ar
aree still many things
the Kang Gu w it h yo ur English. L
help yo u esian happening. For example,
podcasts to sc h o o l. L is ten in Indon
e bus or at then r ecent teacher
home, on th u t th e te xt in English workshops for FOKUS
otes ab o right
and make n a n d se e if you had the MTs SA AIBEP schools
English nd write
listen to the n g li sh version a has meant that lots of
en to th e E
ideas. Or list notes by materials need to be
a n . Check your
about it in In
d o n e si achers, why pack ed up for workshop
d o n e si a n version. Te
the In s they participants. All of
listening to n s fo r yo u r students a
e questio e KGI websi
te these boxes (see above)
not set som o d c a sts? Go to th wer
weree tak en by Sue and
listen to on
e of th e p dcast k. li n
rg a n d c li ck on the po Ayu to T asikmalaya in
gguru.o choose from
o f in te re st ing topics to February
February.. They contained
ts e
There are lo months. Fre workshop and classroom
a re a d d e d every few d o n esia
and more K a n g Guru In materials, posters and
dcasts fr o m .
bilingual po ge students prizes. Thats a lot of
a fo r a ll E n glish langua
t ide pr eparation, packing
what a grea
and sending.
Thanks Hendra and Ogi Ogi..
What is ambition? Ambition is the desire for personal
achievement. It provides the motivation and determination
necessary to achieve a particular end or condition.

Ambitious people are characterised by their strong desire for attainment, power, or
superiority. Do you have an ambition in life? Are you an ambitious person?
Look at the Joeys. Can you guess what their ambitions are? What are your ambitions
for the future? Send your responses to Ayu at before April 27th.
The KGI team is happy to announce that the Kang Guru Indonesia Facebook Fans
Page membership has reached over 12,000 people. Can you believe that? And the
number is increasing every day. KGI would like to say thank you for being one of our
fans on Facebook BUT dont stop now. Please keep promoting the KGI Facebook
Fans Page to your friends, ok? Thanks for your posts and your responses!

in Jakarta a few
d A sin g St ar on TRANS TV? KGI was
Have you ever watc remy Stringer from
of th e star participants, Je t of
weeks ago to m ee t on e rta. Here is little bi
cu rre nt ly wo rk in g for AusAID in Jaka
Australia. Jeremy
his inte rv ie w. arn your Bahasa?
ry flu en t. Where did you le
KGI : Your Ba ha sa is ve Youth Exchange
92 I we nt on th e Australia Indonesia
Jeremy : In about
19 th in Madiun
on e m on th in Ma getan and one mon
e were
program (AIYEP).W an
. Lu ar biasa pengalam
with a host family fo r
ally the foundation
itu nah. That was re bisa
terested. Aku mau
me to become so in
sa berkomunikasi,
sa In do nesia supaya aku bi n
la nc ar ba ha nt to read and liste
ra de ng an or an g Indonesia. If you wa KG I
berbica Stringer go to the
rview with Jeremy
to Ayus special inte o during April and
an d al so be su re to listen to KGI radi
website sia.
ov er 18 0 ra di o sta tions all over Indone
May, 2012, on

Neologism is a combination of two ancient Greek words neo (new) and logos (word). Basically, a
neologism is a new word that is being used by native speakers in conversation and text, but hasnt
appeared in a dictionary yet. In fact as soon as it appears in dictionary, it is no longer a neologism
- just like bahasa gaul in Indonesia. An example: to tweet (to send messages using Twitter), NEET
(acronym : not in employment, education or training), etc. But remember not all native speakers
know/use these new words. Now can you give examples of a neologism in our language?

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