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Steps: Steps:
m Turn BL-MPOI to llllmode, connecting device according to the above diagram. m Turn BL-MP01 tcWi!'M'Mmode. connecting device according to the above
diagram, T
BL MP0 1 Internet Cllbie USBCflbfe Gi ftBa~ Inst811~fj o r. Guide
r:I When already set wireless connection. please select Obtain the IP and DNS m When already set wireless connection, please select "Obtain the IP and DNS
,,'" < v , "t""" a=I automatically" e;I automatically'

Wireless Access Point . ...

I'.iiI Wireless connection to the BL-MP01 , the default SSID : BL-MP01-XXXXXX. I'.iiIWireless connection to the BL-MP01 ,the default SSID : BL-MP01-XXXXXX.
Working onAP mode. BL-MPOI is a wireless transmilter which transfer wired
Ii!lII X means th a last six MAC address . ~ X means the ISI;I six MAC address.
signal into WiF i , 50 that other WiFi device can share wireQ signal. such as
laptop or mob il e phone. 'If (11" .... J'I~ '1.'(' ' fI~ plf"I'It I r 'l r to ,1IJP!f!1,1 J.: 1 ,... 11 .~,lr~'le'J I\'!' 11;" r fI~ "1'1

Widely Used in: hotel, school dormitory, etc

I!J (or
Open the IE browser to log in the W~B management Interface aLltomatically Ii" Open the IE browser 10 log in the WEB management Interfa ce automatically
input any website in the IE browser fi eld). input User Name and Password I,!U (or input any website in th e IE browse r fi eld). relerto the foll owing :
to apply. Also you can change the SSID and the Password. refer to the following:

,jj ~O
"'0 1. Choose the 8SI0 you need. If not In the
list. please click "Roscon "

tiD ' " 1.Select thu' third (PPPoE) mode

2 .lnput the USt"r Nr.uflo provid ed by ISP

: . lrwul1he Password provided by I$P
<i .Verify the Passwor~ .gain
2 . Clic); Mconnect" .If tne router has
ent::ryptio().plea:u, input the proviou:I
"-"- 1-- ,--+,-" 5.Change SSto you like , slich as John 5t!tlinn keY,the t!QlJ lpmen t will takp.
eHoclaf'tar rest arting automatically

"':::===::.~-~-: ::::" :-':':-~+J'''' 6 .Ch all ge the wirele ss key.the lenglh is 3. When there -shows an Icon conno<Ctod ,
Note: ,.~ . more than eighl characters il means access to 'Allroleslt nel'wolt
Here it's Plug and Play.lf unconnected to the Internet, please contact the network successf..,U y
administrator. ~""""'~----l . Cli c k "Apply to take effact
Appendix One: IP Settings

Windows XP please follow the steps to set up Windows 7 please follow the steps to set up

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Appendix Two: Wireless network connection

Windows XP please follow the steps to set up Windows 7 please follow the steps to set up

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