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Condensation Heat Transfer in a Rotating

Horizontal Cylinder with a Scraper

K. Futagami l l A dryer used in the drying process of paper production is usually a rotating
Department of Mechanical and Industrial horizontal cylinder in which steam condenses. This study concerns some ex-
Engineering, Ehime University Matsuyama, periments and analyses of condensate flow and heat transfer in a dryer with a
Japan scraper.
J . Ikeda A laminar film model and a solid film model are introduced for the theoret-
Toshiba Co. ical analyses. In the former the condensate flow is assumed to be laminar. In
the latter the condensate film is assumed to adhere to the cylinder wall. In the
K. Ohhira analysis with the laminar film model, the film thickness diverges at relatively
Mitsubishi Heavy Industry Co. Ltd. slow rotations. A criterion for the critical condition at which the divergence
Y. Aoyama commences is proposed. From the solid film model, analytical expressions can
K. Mizukami be derived for the film thickness and the heat transmission coefficient through
Department of Mechanical and Industrial the condensate film and the cylinder wall.
Engineering, Ehime University, Matsuyama, The experiments are conducted with an acrylic resin cylinder and a stainless
Japan steel cylinder. The experimental result on heat transmission agrees with the
analytical result for the solid film model if a condensate film about 25 #m
thick remains in spite of scraping.

Keywords: augmentation, condensation, rotating cylinder

INTRODUCTION However, we could not find any report dealing with the
conjugate problem including heat transfer through the conden-
Steam dryers are often used in the drying process of paper sate film and the cylinder wall.
production, The dryer is usually a rotating horizontal cylinder
in which steam condenses. One way of improving its perform- EXPERIMENT
ance is to scrape off the condensate film on the inside surface
of the cylinder. The present study concerns some experiments Apparatus and Method
and analyses of condensate flow and heat transfer in this
situation. Figures 1 and 2 are schematic diagrams of the experimental
If a cylindrical condenser is rotating, the condensate film on apparatus and the structure of a test cylinder, respectively.
the outside surface will be partially thrown off due to Saturated R-113 vapor generated in an evaporator 4 is led into
centrifugal force and become thinner. Thus, enhancement of the cylinder 5 through a horizontally fixed tube (axial tube)
heat transfer may be expected. Motivated by this possibility, around which the cylinder rotates. There are many small holes
many investigators [ 1-5] have worked on the effect of rotation. on the wall of the axial tube. The vapor pressure is maintained
However, the result is that enhancement is not necessarily slightly higher than atmospheric. The condensate is scraped at
satisfactory at slow rotations. Several papers have recently the top on the inside surface of the cylinder. The scraped
reported on a more direct and reliable method in which the film condensate flows down into two vertical tubes that also serve
is removed mechanically by a scraper [6-8]. as the supports of the scraper, passes through a tube within the
In the rotating dryer, it is impossible for the condensate to be axial tube and the flowmeter 6, and then enters a reservoir 1.
thrown off, since the centrifugal force is directed toward the The condensate stored in the reservoir is cooled and sent to the
wall. The question then is how to discharge the condensate that evaporator by the pump 2. The scraper is made of rubber. The
accumulates at the bottom of the dryer. Dryer performance condensation rate is obtained from the volume of the scraped
will improve if the condensate film can be scraped and condensate, which is temporarily stored in the flowmeter.
discharged without accumulation. Since axial uniformity is assumed in this study, it is
Thermal resistance of the dryer wall is another factor necessary to exclude the end effect. Thus, the test section is
affecting performance. Therefore, heat transmission through limited to the central region of the cylinder, which is separated
the condensate film and the wall is discussed below. from the outer sections by two thin rings pasted on the inside
Some studies [9-14] have been made on the hydrodynamic surface of the cylinder. The liquid condensing in the outer
behavior of liquid film on the inside surface of a rotating sections is scraped by the subscrapers, passes out of the
cylinder in which a certain amount of liquid is charged. cylinder through a tube within the axial tube, and flows into the

Address correspondence to Professor K. Futagami, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Ehime University, Matsuyama, 790 Japan.

Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 1989; 2:384-391

1989 by Elsevier Science Publishing Co., Inc., 655 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10010 0894-1777/89/$3.50
Condensation Heat Transfer in a Rotating Cylinder 3115

The value of the dimensionless thermal conductivity ratio C

defined by
X.R R - ~/Xs
is 6.3 x 10 -3 for the acrylic resin cylinder and 1.03 x 10 -4
for the stainless steel cylinder, kf and Xw are the thermal
conductivities of the condensate and the cylinder wall, respec-
roo tively, a is the thickness of the wall, R is the inside radius of
the cylinder, and $ is the thickness of the condensate film. As
seen from Eq. (1), the product CR can be regarded as an
imaginary condensate film thickness equivalent to the wall
Temperatures on and in the wall of the acrylic resin cylinder
are measured with three thermocouples made of wire elements
0.1 mm in diameter. These thermocouples are connected via
slip rings to a voltmeter reading to 0.5 #V. Another thermo-
couple for measuring the vapor temperature is mounted on the
axial tube but can be bent toward the inside surface of the
cylinder. Thus, the temperature distribution in the vapor can be
explored. The temperature difference between the vapor and
(~) reservoir (~) flowmeter the outside surface of the cylinder can thus be determined
(~ pump (~ manometer Since the temperature difference across the wall and the
(~) control valve (~) subreservoir condensate film is so small for the stainless steel cylinder, a
(3) evaporator thermopile consisting of a series of five thermocouples is used
(~ drain valve to measure it. The hot junctions of the thermopile are clustered
(~) rotating cylinder and set in the vapor through a fine hole that penetrates both the
cylinder wall and one of the rings separating the test section
Figure 1. A schematic diagram of the experimental apparatus.
from the outer sections. Each cold junction is separately
inserted near the middle of the wall from the outside surface
reservoir. The outside surface of the cylinder is cooled by the through a fine hole. The temperature difference between the
air in the laboratory, whereas moist paper is passing over the vapor and the outside surface is calculated from the tempera-
outside surface of an actual dryer. ture difference measured with the thermopile and the mean
Two cylinders of different thermal resistances are used. One heat flux obtained from the condensation rate.
is made of acrylic resin, and is 562 mm long, with an inside The rotation rate is varied between 3 rpm and 200 rpm.
diameter of 294 mm and wall thickness of 2.94 mm. The length Measurements are made after the steady state is reached. The
of the test section is 402 mm. The other is made of 304 temperature difference between the vapor and the outside
stainless steel, is 383 mm long, and has an inside diameter of surface of the cylinder wall ranges between 2 K and 15 K for
312 mm and wall thickness of 3.83 mm. Its test section is 248 the acrylic resin cylinder and between 0.06 K and 0.3 K for the
mm long. stainless steel cylinder.

.,,//scraper /thermocouple] oTl seal

in t~ ~/I/II///'~//J~/I//////////I///l~/////f/llll////F I F
.... ~ I 1 ball bearing

-- Ivapr \condensatel
. ~ L t e s t section(248mm)J end plate

-?-@ ,,~

thermopile Figure 2. The structure of the stainless steel cylinder.

386 K. Futagami et al

Data Reduction and Uncertainty Basic Equations

The vapor is assumed to be saturated. The mean heat flux q,, The coordinate system used in the analysis is shown in Fig. 3.
through the cylinder wall is calculated from The angle ~ is zero at the top of the cylinder. The position of
the scraper is denoted by ~ = ~bb. The condensate film is
qm = hto m / F (2) scraped at ~b = ~bsc = ~bb + 2r.
where ht~, F, and m are the latent heat of evaporation, the heat The coordinate y is the distance from an arbitrary point on the
transfer area (inside surface area of the test section), and the inside surface o f the wall to the center of the cylinder.
rate of condensate scraping, respectively. The mean heat According to the laminar film model, the local velocity u ( y ,
transmission coefficient km and the dimensionless coefficient 0) and the local temperature t ( y , dp) in the film can derived as
Km are defined as
u = Ro~ + (g/vf)OSy - y 2 / 2 ) sin ~b (5)
k m = qm ~(is -- two) (3)
t = twi + (ts - twi)y/~5 (6)
where ~b ~< ~b ~< ~b~c,g is the gravitational acceleration, twi is
1(., = k m R / Xf (4) the temperature on the inside surface of the wall, vy is the
kinematic viscosity of the condensate, and o~ is the angular
where ts is the saturation temperature of the condensate and two
velocity of the rotating cylinder. Since the wall thickness is
is the temperature on the outside surface of the wall.
much less than the inside radius, tw~ can be written as
Since the measured scraping rate is relatively correct, the
certainty in Km depends on the accuracy of the temperature
difference ts - two. In the case of the acrylic resin cylinder, tw~ = i s - ~ ( t ~ - two) (7)
the temperature difference is large enough to be correctly
measured and fluctuation is negligible. All the results were Upon introducing the dimensionless variables
within + 20% of the mean value. U = u/R60, Y = y/R, A = tS/R (8)
In the case of the stainless steel cylinder, it was observed
that the temperature difference fluctuated. It amplitude is about Eq. (5) can be rewritten in the dimensionless form
15% of the mean temperature difference. The maximum and U = 1 + B(A Y - y2/2) sin ~ (9)
minimum heat transmission coefficients are calculated from
the minimum and maximum temperature differences. with
Besides the fluctuation, there are several factors that may
B = Ga/Re (10)
bring about errors in the measured temperature difference:
uncertainty of the positions of the cold junctions of the where Re and Ga are the Reynolds number and Galilei
thermopile, obstructive thermoelectromotive forces arising at
the slip rings due to nonuniform temperatures over them, and
nonuniform temperature in the vapor. The bias error intro-
duced by the first factor will not exceed 20%. The influence of
the second is explained later.
Some of the data were obtained while the connection of the
~ ~ oper
thermopile to the slip rings was alternated. Comparing these
data with the other data, the error due to the slip rings is
estimated to be within 0.02 K.


Analytical Models

Following the laminar film condensation model of Nusselt, the

condensate flow is assumed to be laminar, and the shear stress
on the liquid-vapor interface and convection heat transfer are
neglected. However, it is assumed that the relative direction of
flow against gravity varies along the periphery. The film
thickness has an initial value just behind the scraper and varies
with the peripheral length. However, film thickness, velocity
and temperature are constant at any fixed peripheral position.
CyLinder t',.c'x.'%',.<"Y "ts
The temperature on the outside surface of the cylinder wall is woLL~ ~Xxx.w,
assumed to be uniform and constant. This assumption is
appropriate not only for an actual paper dryer but also for the
rotational cylinders used in our experiment. The vapor density
is neglected. This analytical model is termed the laminar film
model. =y
When the cylinder rotates rapidly, the condensate on the y=0
inside wall will behave as an adhering solid film, and the Figure 3, Definition of the coordinate system (~, y) and other
laminar film model reduces to the solid film model. quantities.
Condensation Heat Transfer in a Rotating Cylinder 387

number, respectively, and are defined by Thickness o f C o n d e n s a t e Film

Re = R 20j/Pf, Ga = R 3g/v} (11)
The variation of film thickness in the laminar film model can
Substituting Eq. (7) into Eq. (6) and nondimensionalizing the be obtained by numerically integrating Eq. (20) under the
resulting equation yield initial condition of Eq. (21). It is noted that if C = Ab = 0,
Eq. (23) can be used for angles near 0b to avoid numerical
T = ( C + Y ) / ( C + A) (12) overflow.
where T is the dimensionless temperature difference defined Figure 4 shows illustrative examples of the results for some
by Reynolds numbers with ~b = 0, Ab -- 0, Pr = 7.1, C = 1.03
10 -4, Ga = 3.5 10 I1, a n d H = 10 -3. The film thickness
T = t - two (13) monotonously increases with ~k for greater Reynolds numbers,
ts - two that is, for relatively fast rotations, and has a maximum in the
range of 2~" > ~ > 3~r/2 for those of intermediate speed. For
The energy balance for the condensate film [15] can be
relatively slow rotations, there is an angle between 37r/2 and ~r
written as
at which the denominator on the right-hand side of Eq. (20) is
zero and the film thickness diverges. As seen from Eq. (16),
-~ pfhto o U dy+pfc u 0 U ( t s - t ) dy =XfR ~YY y=0 this divergence occurs when an increase in the film thickness
does not result in any increase in the rate of condensate flow.
(14) Physically speaking, the viscous force is not strong enough to
increase the flow rate against the gravitational force (other
where pf and cp are the density and specific heat at constant
forces are not considered in the model). An actual phenomenon
pressure of the condensate, respectively. The second term in
corresponding to the above mathematical singularity may be
brackets on the left-hand side of Eq. (14) can be neglected
that part of the condensate flows downward and the hydraulic
because it is much less than the first term. Thus, Eq. (14) is
jump or " b o r e " [9] is induced, although the velocity of the
nondimensionalized as
liquid-vapor interface is predicted to be half of that at the wall
surface when the divergence occurs.
~-~=A ~ r=0 The critical conditions at which the divergence commences
were sought by trial and error with Pr = 7.1, Ga = 3.5
namely, 1011, and with C, Ab, H, and Ob as parameters.
dA A [O T/O Y] r = 0 - OQ/O0 We now propose the following equation as a criterion for the
dO aQIOA critical condition:
where [2.1(3~r/2 - 0b)A + ( C + Ab) 2] i/2 _ C = 0.67/B i/2 (24)
A The original form of this criterion was derived by noting that
Q= I0 U dY (17) the divergence was most likely to occur at an angle near 3x/2
and that the variation of the film thickness could be approxi-
A =/-//(Re Pr) (18) mately expressed by Eq. (23) until the divergence occurred.
Then it was modified with the correction factors 2.1 and 0.67.
and Pr is the Prandtl number H is the ratio of sensible heat to If the right-hand side of Eq. (24) is greater than the left-hand
latent heat defined by side, then the divergence does not occur.
H = cu (ts - two)/hto (19) The accuracy of the criterion is demonstrated in Fig. 5.
Points in the figure show the results of the numerical
Using Eqs. (17), (9), and (12) to evaluate the right-hand side of calculation, and the line is the plot of the equation. Several
Eq. (16) gives points departing from the line are for A b = 2 10 -3 and 0b
dA A/(C+A)-(B/3)A 3 cos 0 = + ~/6. The criterion is applicable either if Ab is smaller or
(20) if Ob is nearly equal to zero.
dO B A 2 sin 0 + 1
The initial condition is imposed as
x10-4 Go=3.Sx10 ''1
A = Ab at 0 = 0b (21) Pr=7.1
3.0 C=1.03x10 -4
Setting C = 0, Eq. (20) reduces to substantially the same
equation that Singer and Preckshot [1] and Yamashita et al [7] H=IO-~ 2.0x104 2.2x104
used to determine the angular variation of the film thickness on <3
the outside surface of the wall.
In the solid film model, U is required to be unity. This
relation is obtained by setting BA 2 g 1 in Eq. (9). Then Eq. 1.0 ~
(20) becomes
dA A
(22) O0
i I
57C/2 2~
dO C+A
This equation can be solved to give
Figure 4. Illustrative examples o f the variation o f the film
A = [2A(0 - 0b) + ( C + Ab) 2] i/z _ C (23) thickness with Re as a parameter with 0b = 0 and Ab = 0.
388 K. Futagami et al

F 1 i 1
o CAb=O, ~b=O Go=3.Sx10"
1.4 A CAb~O, q~b=O Pr:7.1
t ~b:~/6 8 C=1.03x10-4
It Re=2.6xlO 4 H=IO-~
L.), L2 -e~ 1.02
+ E
I ~l.O E
(5 hE 1.00

i l kJiJJ i , i i ~,~iI , , , J .... I I I
0'990 ~'2 71; 5~/2 2~
lO-a 10-3 10-2 10-1
0 . 6 7 / B 1/2
Figure 6. The dependence of the heat transmission coefficient on
Figure 5. The accuracy of the proposed criterion for the critical
the position of the scaper.
condition at which divergence commences.

If the divergence does not occur, the flow characteristics are theoretically. Solid lines are plots of Eq. (28) with Ab = 0.
essentially the same as those in the case Yamashita et al [7] The experimental results for the acrylic resin cylinder ( C =
classified as type B-2. 6,3 10 -3 , G a = 2.9 1011, 1.9 x 105 < Re < 1.1
106, and 2.2 10 -2 < H < 0.1), which are designated by
Heat Transmission triangles, agree well with the results of calculation using Eq.
(28), but those for the stainless steel cylinder ( C = 1.03
The condensation rate is expressed as 10 -4, Ga = 3.5 x I0 t], 2.4 x 104 < Re < 1.6 x 106, and
m = pj,L R 2(..d( Qsc - Qb) (25) 5.1 10 -4 < H < 1.4 10-3), designated by circles, are
about 60% lower than the theoretical prediction. The slashes
where L denotes the length of the test section and Qsc is the piercing the circles indicate uncertainty due to the fluctuation
dimensionless flow rate at the position of scraping, namely at of the temperature difference. The discrepancy is too large to
q~sc. By combining this equation with Eqs. (2)-(4), the be attributed to the errors described before.
dimensionless mean heat transmission coefficient is obtained as There are two possible causes for the discrepancy. One is
gm = (Qsc - Qb)/27rA (26) the residual film that may remain in spite of scraping, and the
other is nonuniformity of the temperature in the vapor, which
Since Q is equal to A in the solid film model, the above may be significant, especially when there is air in the cylinder.
equation reduces to If the discrepancy is attributed to the residual film alone, the
Km = (A,c - A b ) / 2 r A (27) film must be about 25 #m thick. The corresponding value of
A b is 1.6 10 -4. The dotted line in Fig. 7 shows a plot of Eq.
Taking Eq. (23) into account yields the explicit expression (28) on this condition. The above value of the residual film
thickness is almost the same as the value of 0.03 mm reported
Km={[4rrA+(C+Ab)2]u2-(C+Ab)}/27rA (28) by Maeda et al [8]. An evaluation from the measured
condensation rates shows that the scraped condensate thickness
From the numerical calculations it was found that the heat
ranges between 0.47 #m and 10.7 #m. Thus, only a slight part
transmission coefficients obtained from the two models agreed
of the condensate film was scraped in the experiments. In the
well in magnitude for greater Reynolds numbers. In the case
case of the acrylic resin cylinder, the effect of the residual film
where C = 1.03 10 -4 , Pr = 7.1, Ga = 3.5 101~, Ab =
0, ~bb = 0, and 10 -4 < H < 0.1, the difference is within 3%
even near the critical condition at which the divergence 10 s
commences. The heat transmission coefficient obtained from
the laminar film model is less because the film is thicker.
Figure 6 shows the dependence of the heat transmission
coefficient on the position of the scraper, where C = 1.03
10 -4 , P r = 7.1, Ga = 3.5 10 I I , H = 10 -3 , andAb = 0. 104 ~ \. " ~ H:lO-Z
For Reynolds numbers less than 2.6 104, the film thickness E
diverges at least in a partial range of ~bb. An example in which
it does not diverge even for such Reynolds numbers can be C=1 0 3 x 1 0 -4 H=IO -s \ \ "-,, "
found in Fig. 4. In this example, the position of the scraper is 10 s \ \ ,,
\ \ \
more effective. However, it can be concluded that the effect is
generally weak. [Those who have recalled Eq. (24) should note C=6,5x10_ 3 H - ~
that the range of 37r/2 < Sb < 2~r in Fig. 6 is equivalent to the
range of - r / 2 < q~b < 0 in Eq. (24).] lO 2 ........ , ........ ~ , , . ~ , , ,
10-" 10 -' 10 -9 10 -8 10 -r
A(- RePr )
The dimensionless heat transmission coefficients obtained Figure 7.A comparison of the dimensionless heat transmission
experimentally are compared in Fig. 7 with those obtained coefficients obtained experimentally and theoretically.
Condensation Heat Transfer in a Rotating Cylinder 389

is negligible because the thermal resistance of the wall is much i I i I i I 11 1

greater than that of the residual film.
As explained before, the temperature distribution in the Ab=1,92x10-3 Rimf
vapor was measured for the acrylic resin cylinder. The result
Divergence V
was that the temperature gradient near the condensate f'dm was
too small to be detected. Even if it is small, it may be
significant in the case of the stainless steel cylinder. Therefore Ab=1,28x10-3 RimI
we do not deny the possibility of the influence of air. However,
it is impossible to evaluate it quantitatively. 10 6 Rim~ Divergence
The measured heat transmission coefficients are almost
constant for each cylinder. This result means that heat
transmission is governed by the thermal resistance of the
cylinder wall and/or the residual condensate film. Rim~_~--~ccumu!,atior
The critical condition at which the divergence will com-
mence is shown by the broken lines in Fig. 7, where the initial
film thickness Ab is neglected. According to this prediction,
divergence will not have occurred in the experiments. How-
ever, if residual film is assumed, divergence is predicted to
occur in some experiments with the stainless steel cylinder. In ~ Accumul,ation
fact, no phenomenon like divergence was observed.
Experiments of another kind were carried out with the 10~
stainless steel cylinder to realize the bore. The rubber scraper
&b Condition
was replaced by an acrylic resin plate that was set slightly apart 1'.92 Bore
from the inside surface of the cylinder. Two values of 0.2 mm x10-3 Rippte
and 0.3mm were chosen for the gap. The corresponding values 1.28 m Bore
of Ab are 1.28 x 10 -3 and 1.92 x 10 -3, respectively. xlO -3 Ripple
At fast rotations, the condensate exists on the inside surface
of the cylinder as an annular film or a rim. As the rotation I I 1 I l il,l
rate is reduced, ripples appear across the liquid-vapor inter-
face between 4~ = 37r/2 and q~ = 21r, and then the bore occurs 1 5 10 xI0-3
near ~ = 37r/2. As the rotation rate is further reduced, the H
bore moves downward. When it reaches the bottom, the steady
state no longer exists, and condensate begins to accumulate. Figure 8. Observed flow patterns and predicted divergences.
The observed flow patterns are shown in Fig. 8. The solid lines
show the predicted conditions for the appearance of the PRACTICAL SIGNIFICANCE
divergence, that is, appearance of the bore. The prediction
overestimates the Reynolds number at which the bore appears. In a papermiU, most of the steam is consumed in the drying
Ohtsuka et al [14] observed the transition of the flow pattern process. From the standpoint of the effective use of energy, an
from the accumulation to the rim, and the reverse transition in improvement in the performance of the dryer is very impor-
a horizontal rotating heat pipe. They derived some empirical tant. Condensate in the dryer is drained by means of buckets,
correlations. One of them, which is for the transition criterion canals, or siphons. However, these drainage procedures are
from the rim to the accumulation, can be rewritten with our not perfect, and the residual drain obstructs heat transmission
notations as through the wall of the dryer. In addition, it increases the
Re = 1.67 Ga .53 ,/0.22 (29) rotational power.
The drainage mechanism proposed in this paper will be
where 7/is the fraction of the internal volume of the test section available for enhancement of heat transmission because the
occupied by the condensate. As Ohtsuka et al explained, this condensate film is thinner. Consider a steam dryer with a
equation shows that the transition is almost independent of the corotating siphon as a practical example. Its typical specifica-
viscous force. tions are as follows; R = 0.75 m, a = 0.02 m, and C = 4 x
In our experiments, ~/ is approximately equal to 2Ab since 10 -4. If the dryer is operated at Re = 4 x 10 7 and ts - two =
the scraped condensate thickness is negligible compared with 10 K, then A = 3.5 10- to and the practical value of K m is
the preset residual condensate thickness. The Reynolds number about 850. If the siphon is replaced by a scraper and the same
calculated from Eq. (29) is 7.0 x 105 and agrees to within operating conditions are assumed, the value of K m obtained
10% with the measured one at the appearance of the bore when from Eq. (28) is about 1900, where the residual condensate
the residual thickness is 0.3 mm, but is 6,4 x 105 and about film in scraping is assumed to be 0.1 mm thick. For an outside
50% greater than the measured one when it is 0.2 mm. This surface temperature of 373 K, the increase in the overall heat
disagreement indicated that the effect of the viscous force is not transmission coefficient is about 7 %.
negligible. As the residual film is thinner, the effect of the In addition, because of the gravitational drainage, the
viscous force will become dominant and Eq. (24) will be condensate can be drained without blow-through of the
applicable. It should be noted that A can be set to zero and Eq. supplied steam. Thus, a reduction in the steam consumption
(24) reduces to can also be expected. As for the scraper, several types such as
a fiat plate and steam jets are possible. The results of this basic
Re=0.56 Ga ,/2 (30)
study will contribute to the optimum design of a dryer with a
if condensation does not occur. scraper.
390 K. Futagami et al

SUMMARY two temperature on outside surface of wall, K

U dimensionless velocity ( = u / R w )
Our results can be summarized as follows.
u velocity of condensate, m/s
1. In the analysis with the laminar film model, a mathematical Y dimensionless distance ( = y / R )
singularity termed the divergence of the film thickness y distance from inside surface to center, m
occurs when the viscous force is not great enough to
increase the flow rate against the force of gravity. The Greek Symbols
corresponding actual phenomenon will be the appearance of
A dimensionless thickness of condensate film ( = ~5/
a bore.
2. A criterion is proposed for the critical conditions at which
divergence commences. thickness of condensate film, m
3. The solid film model can be used to calculate heat r/ fraction of volume occupied by condensate,
transmission through the condensate film and the cylinder dimensionless
wall if divergence does not occur in the laminar film model. X thermal conductivity, W/(m K)
Thus, an analytical solution can be obtained. v kinematic viscosity, m2/s
4. The predicted and measured heat transmission coefficients p density, kg/m 3
agree for the acrylic resin cylinder but differ for the angular coordinate, rad
stainless steel cylinder. If the difference is ascribed only to
angular velocity, rad/s
the residual condensate film in scraping, its thickness
must be about 25/~m. Subscripts
5. The residual film thickness must be evaluated in designing a b position of scraper (initial value)
paper dryer with a scraper. f condensate
6. Experiments show that theory overestimates the Reynolds m mean value
number at which the bore appears. s saturation
sc position of scraping
Financialsupport was suppliedby the Ministryof Education, Scienceand w wall
Culture of Japan through research grant 60550156. We are also much wi inside surface of wall
indebtedto Mr. F. Abe for exhibitinghis excellentskill in constructingthe
wo outside surface of wall
experimental apparatus.
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