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International Journal of Therapeutic Applications, Volume 11, 2013, 19-23

International Journal of Therapeutic Applications

ISSN 2320-138X


*Paramvir Singh , 1Pankaj preet Singh, 2Supreet Bindra
* Department of Sports Sciences, Punjabi University, Patiala
Physiotherapist, ESIC Model Hospital, Ludhiana

advanced cultures, the best trained healer for

fracture is the orthopedic surgeon .
A Traditional Bone Setter (TBS) is a traditional There is a large difference in the health care
practitioner of joint manipulation, who educate services in the developed and the developing
themselves from tradition and takes up the countries. According to the human development
practice of healing without having had any formal index: a composite statistic of life expectancy,
training in accepted medical procedures. Bone education and income indices used to rank countries
setting practice is common in large parts of rural into four tiers of human development, India has
populations and contributes largely to the been categorized as a country with medium human
alternative medicine, especially in context of Asia, development .The well organized services in the
Africa and South America owing to deficient health developed countries lead to early diagnosis and
care services in these developing nations. TBS are treatment. The population of many of these
easily accessible, cheaper and believed to give countries is relatively small, the lesser number of
quick results. At the same time non union, patients and high doctor patient ratio ensure a
malunion, traumatic osteomyelitis and limb good treatment for everyone. In addition the
gangrene are some of the major complications of effective insurance system in these countries does
Traditional Bone setting treatment. Despite these not refrain its citizens from the benefits of the
complications, there is a great demand for TBS. specialized treatment . On the other hand the
Some patients elect to leave orthodox hospitals in scenario is not the same for the developing countries
favour of treatment by a TBS. If properly trained in the continents of Asia, South America and Africa.
about the radiological diagnosis, duration of
healing, complications of mismanagement and Though India occupies only 2.4% of the worlds
rehabilitation exercises, the TBS can be of land area, it supports over 16% of the worlds
immense help in sharing the burden of health population. There is wide contrast within health
service providers in the developing countries facilities available in the country. At one end there
are well equipped corporate hospitals in
Key Words: TBS, Joint manipulation, Malunion, metropolitan cities, performing the state of the art
Alternative medicine, Rural population surgeries, on the other end often there is complete
absence of orthopedic care facilities at the village,
taluka and tehsil level. While there are orthopedic
surgeons in government run district hospitals, in the
The traditional bone setters were practicing long context of the lack of infrastructure, their role as
before the orthopedics was introduced to the specialists remains limited. Thus both public and
developing world . Even before the Caveman Grogg private formal health care sectors fail to cater to the
picked up a club and began to hunt, humans have basic orthopedic care needs and hence a rural
suffered from fractures. With the increase in the patient has no option, but to approach a bone
awareness of injuries and its subsequent treatment, setter .The accurate statistics about the TBS are not
certain people accepted the responsibility of keeping available for majority of the countries. In a
and using that knowledge to heal. In tribal cultures developing country like India, the TBS are one of the
that person was termed as a bone setter whereas in largest specialist groups practicing traditional
medicines and numbers are superseded only by

International Journal of Therapeutic Applications, Volume 11, 2013, 19-23

traditional birth attendants or Dais. It is believed opportunity to perfect their techniques. By the 15
that there are about 70,000 traditional healers and century, a barbers guild had formed in England to
bonesetters in India and that they treat 60% of the help, recruit, train and regulate its members and
entire trauma . Classes of these traditional healers competed with the surgeons guild to treat the same
include traditional birth attendants, traditional ailments. The 17 century witnessed a better
medicine men and the traditional bone setters, the understanding of anatomy, the discovery of
bone setting practice being the most specialized circulation of blood, and a new technique for
form of traditional medicine . amputation using a flap. Nicholas Andre published
the first textbook on preventing and correcting
Origin of Bone setting musculoskeletal deformities in children. Thereafter
A Traditional Bone Setter (TBS) is a practitioner Hunters research on tendon healing, discovery of X-
of joint manipulation. The TBS can also be defined as rays by Roentgen and many others paved the path
the practitioner whoeducates themselves from for transition from bone setting to todays
tradition and takes up the practice of healing orthopedic surgeon .
without having any formal education or training in TBS basic treatment includes bandaging
the accepted medical procedures. The functions of
techniques, management of inflammation, sprains,
TBS mainly include management of fractures,
strains, dislocations, methods of early healing of
dislocations, congenital anomalies along with their fractures and strengthening of bones using medicinal
associated complications. The practice of bone products such as oils. The tribes of South Australia
setting is ancestral in nature and is passed on to the
made splints from clay, and the Shoshone Indians
generations, though there is no documentation of
soaked strips of fresh rawhide in water and wrapped
the procedures. Some outsiders also receive their them around limbs. Rawhide and clay hardened
training via apprenticeship. According to an 10
when it dried protecting the injured bone .
estimate, 10 40% of the patients with fractures and
dislocations in the world are managed by the Strengths and Weaknesses of Bone setting
8, 9.
unorthodox practitioners
Bone setting practice involves a remarkable
Bone setting practices have its roots in most degree of expertise and skill as it does not involve
countries and may vary by name, art and place. As radiological aids . As this practice is passed on to
early as 1900 BCE in Babylon, King Hammurabi the generations, TBS are extremely cautious about
organized a code of laws to regulate medical practice reputation and deliver the best treatment to the
and set penalties for failure. That code mentions patients. The faith of people in bone setting cannot
specifically the Gallabu bonesetters who handled be ignored and the fame enjoyed by bone setters is
minor surgery, dentistry and slave branding . The so much that patients took voluntary discharge from
first known written instructions for surgery and bone orthodox hospitals to receive treatment from TBS .
setting date to 1600 BCE. The Edwin Smith Papyrus, At the same time complications of TBS practice
an American Egyptologist, described the appropriate account for 50-60% of the limb gangrene in Nigeria,
treatment of fractures. By the fifth century ACE, the necessitating amputations in hospitals and thus
writings of Sustra in India offered instructions for warrants further study in other developing nations
limb amputation and concept of creating iron as well .
prosthetics. Hippocrates also wrote a treatise on 13
Thanni studied factors influencing patronage of
fractures and dislocations known for its accuracy of
traditional bonesetters and continuing popularity
anatomy and physiology, which addressed
and concluded that the educational level of the
compound fractures, reduction, dressing and
respondents did not seem to influence the
immobilization. After the descend of the Roman
patronage of and believe in bonesetters. The TBS are
Empire, advances in medicine slowed. The Roman
cheaper and utilize faster healing methods. The fear
Catholic Church became the governing body for the
of heavy plaster of paris bandages, prolonged
social and religious activity. Church leaders believed
periods of immobilization and amputation
that sickness was a penalty for sin and called for
influenced people to visit the TBS. In some cases,
prayer and fasting. The priests servants, the
apathetic attitudes of orthodox hospitals or coaxing
barbers, were the only ones permitted to perform
by relatives, neighbors and TBS canvassers led clients
surgical operations. Because of day to day
to TBS. In addition the TBS were viewed as
interaction with the people, barbers had an
specialists for minor fractures , easily accessible ,

International Journal of Therapeutic Applications, Volume 11, 2013, 19-23

reassuring and also offering home treatment and The literature does witness some studies with
thus the TBS enjoy strong regional influence and either equal or far better results of TBS than
popularity. orthodox practice.The universally accepted
treatment for forearm fractures today is open
In the study on role of traditional bone setter in 15
12 reduction and internal fixation.Shang et al tried the
primary fracture care in Nigeria, Onuminya found
Chinese method of bone separator pads and splint
that TBS services are well preserved as family
immobilization in 2,221 forearm fractures and found
practice and training is by apprenticeship, records
that the method is not only simple, economical and
are kept by oral tradition, there is no prescribed fee
effective but also eliminated delayed union and
and patronage for TBS is high. The fracture diagnosis 16
malunion. Fang et al used paper roll spreaders and
is based on assessment and experience. The TBS
wooden splints in 147 patients with forearm
relies solely on the conservative method and all
fractures. They concluded that by preserving
fractures are reduced by closed method and
interosseus membrane, manipulative reduction is
stabilized with an external traditional splint and a
greatly simplified and that the wooden splints were
protracted period of immobilization. The outcome of
found to be much more effective and satisfactory
TBS is good for close fractures of shaft of humerus,
than the plaster of paris for immobilization of
ulna, radius and tibia, but poor for periarticular and
fractures of shafts of both forearm bones.The
open fractures. Nonunion, malunion, traumatic
randomized trials in buckle fracture of the distal
osteomyelitis and limb gangrene were the common
radius have shown that they can be treated
major complications of TBS treatment. 17
effectively in soft bandage .In addition the modern
Ogunlusi et al in a prospective study on why practice of functional cast bracing, advocated by
patients patronize TBS, included twenty nine Sarmiento and Latta bears close resemblance to
patients who presented at orthopedic outpatient some of the bamboo bandaging pattern of the
clinic after attending TBS centers. The study revealed traditional bone healers.
that the males accounted for large portion of the 19
Hemmia et al in the study on long term
patients seeking TBS treatment. Duration of
effectiveness of bone setting, light exercise therapy
management at the TBS centre was as long as 18
and physiotherapy for prolonged back pain
months in a patient with closed femoral shaft
concluded that traditional bone setting seemed
fracture who ended up with a nonunion after
more effective than exercise or physiotherapy on
prolonged treatment. Total 79.3% of the patients
back pain and disability, even one year after therapy.
went to the TBS center from the sites of injury,
including patients with multiple fractures. Fractures On the contrary, many failures of bone setting
and dislocations were managed by using the typical procedures have been reported, leading to a bad
splint made of bamboo, rattan cane and palm leaf reputation of the providers. Bonesetters have been
axis knitted together to form a mat which was widely criticized for their use of irrational methods.
wrapped around the fracture site tightly along with Oginni calculated a high failure rate of 66.7%
the herbal concoction without consideration for among patients who voluntarily opted out of TBS
reduction and alignment. The study also revealed treatment. The traditional bandaging method of
that 72.4% of the patients attended TBS as they applying splints directly to the skin has often being
wanted cheaper and quicker services than the mocked more than the traditional tourniquet
modern orthopedic treatment. The study also fracture splint. The commonly reported
showed that many of the patients wanted quicker complications include gangrene of the affected limb,
services for their acute problems and to return to nonunion, malunion, contractures, osteomyelitis and
work early, unfortunately they ended up with the limb shortening.
primary pathologies poorly treated and complicated 21
Chowdhury et al in their prospective study to
despite long period of management. Fear of
analyze complications of fracture treatment by TBS
amputation was the reason of patronage in 7% of
and factors predisposing to complications in
patients .The complications of the TBS treatment
Dinajpur district concluded that out of 120 patients,
were nonunion and malunion which accounted for
16.7% had a fracture union in acceptable position
96.5%. As the complication rate of TBS was very
with near to normal range of movement at different
high, the author concluded that affordable and
joints whereas 83.8% had complications in the form
accessible hospital services should be provided to
of malunion (77%), delayed union (6.8%), nonunion
reduce the TBS patronage.

International Journal of Therapeutic Applications, Volume 11, 2013, 19-23

(13.5%), gangrene (1.5%), compartment syndrome health care system with special reference to
(2.7%), extensive blister formation and cellulites orthopedic practice and malpractices in India. The
(20.3%), Volkmanns ischemic contracture (3.4%) literature has depicted that even though the medical
and rest had stiffness of elbow and shoulder. facilities have been provided to the populations but
22 in remote areas the approach of health care system
Hag and Hag in their study on complications of
was not found to be satisfactory. The scarcity of
fractures treated by traditional bone setters in
availability of medical care in remote area has
Khartoum, Sudan reported compartment syndrome
helped local non-qualified practitioners named as
(14.3%), osteomyelitis (8.6%), and restriction of
TBS to promote their approach among the
movement (11.4%), Volkmanns contracture (5.7%)
population. Eighty percent of the total population in
and gangrene (8.6%) which ended in amputation to
India reside in rural areas where TBS have performed
be the complications of bone setting. Besides these
there services for the welfare of the society. The non
complications, there is a great demand for TBS
reliable doctor patient ratio in rural population has
services, so much that some patients elect to leave
lead to the promotion of the TBS services and
orthodox hospitals in favour of treatment by a TBS.
healing related complication have arisen with
The possible reasons for this include cultural beliefs,
greater pace but up to date data is not available. The
ignorance, and third party advice, short supply of
complications of TBS treatment namely gangrene,
trained orthodox man power in rural areas, quicker
mal-union, non-union have been produced due to
and cheaper services and the fear of amputation at
14 lack of proper training and non documenting
an orthodox hospital . The rehabilitation is seldom a
approach in spite of that the faith of patients in TBS
part of TBS services. Since not all the patients
cant be ignored and if adequate training along with
treated by TBS report back to the orthodox
certification courses is devised for the TBS, they can
hospitals, except those with complications, it is
be of great help in primary health care thus reducing
believed that there must be many patients with
the load on the health care systems of the
minimally displaced fractures who have been
23 developing nations.
successfully treated by them .
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