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Mitigating Acid Rock

Rens Verburg

inTRoDuCTion to select the option that has the most desirable combination
Sustainable mining requires the prevention, mitigation, man- of attributes (e.g., protectiveness, regulatory acceptance, com-
agement, and control of mining impacts on the environment. munity approval, cost). Mitigation measures implemented as
Acid rock drainage (ARD) continues to be one of the most part of an effective control strategy should require minimal
serious and visible environmental issues facing the mining active intervention and management.
industry because it is often the transport medium for a range Proper mine characterization, drainage-quality prediction,
of pollutants, which may affect on-site and off-site water and mine waste management can prevent ARD formation in most
resources, and associated human and ecological receptors. cases and minimize ARD formation in all cases. Prevention of
The impacts of ARD on near and distant water resources and ARD must commence at exploration and continue throughout
receptors can also be long term and persist after mine clo- the mine life cycle. Ongoing ARD planning and management is
sure. Therefore, ARD prevention, mitigation, and treatment critical to the successful prevention of ARD.
are important components of overall mine water management Stopping ARD formation, once initiated, may be chal-
over the entire life of a mining operation. lenging because it is a process that, left unimpeded, will con-
This chapter addresses the prediction, prevention, and tinue (and may accelerate) until one or more of the reactants
treatment of ARD. A comprehensive approach to ARD man- (sulfide minerals, oxygen, water) are exhausted or excluded
agement reduces the environmental risks and subsequent from reaction. The ARD formation process can continue to
costs for the mining industry and governments, reduces produce impacted drainage for decades or centuries after min-
adverse environmental impacts, and promotes public support ing has ceased, as is illustrated by the portal in Spain shown in
for mining. The extent and particular elements of the ARD Figure 16.5-2, which dates from the Roman era.
management approach that should be implemented at a certain The cost of ARD remediation at orphaned mines in North
operation will vary based on many site-specific factors, not America alone has been estimated in the tens of billions of
limited to the projects potential to generate ARD. U.S. dollars. Individual mines can face postclosure liabilities
Acid rock drainage is formed by the natural oxidation of of tens to hundreds of million dollars for ARD remediation
sulfide minerals when exposed to air and water. Activities that and treatment if the sulfide oxidation process is not properly
involve the excavation of rock with sulfide minerals, such as managed during the mines life.
metal and coal mining, accelerate the process. ARD results This chapter draws heavily from and follows the general
from a series of reactions and stages that typically proceed from structure of the Global Acid Rock Drainage Guide (GARD
near-neutral to more acidic pH conditions. When sufficient base Guide), a state-of-practice summary of the best practices
minerals are present to neutralize the ARD, neutral mine drain- and technologies. It was developed under the auspices of the
age or saline drainage may result from the oxidation process. International Network for Acid Prevention (INAP) to assist
Neutral mine drainage (NMD) is characterized by elevated ARD stakeholders, such as mine operators, regulators, com-
metals in solution at approximately neutral pH, whereas saline munities, and consultants, with addressing issues related to
drainage (SD) contains high levels of sulfate at neutral pH with- sulfide mineral oxidation (INAP 2009). Readers are encour-
out significant dissolved metal concentrations. Figure 16.5-1 aged to make use of the GARD Guide and its references for
illustrates the various types of drainage schematically. further detail on the subjects covered in this chapter.
A risk-based planning and design approach forms the
basis for prevention and mitigation. This approach is applied foRMATion of ACiD RoCk DRAinAge
throughout the mine life cycle but primarily in the assessment The process of sulfide oxidation and formation of ARD is
and design phases. The risk-based process aims to quantify the very complex and involves a multitude of chemical and bio-
long-term impacts of alternatives and to use this knowledge logical processes that can vary significantly depending on

Rens Verburg, Principal Geochemist, Golder Associates, Inc., Redmond, Washington, USA

1722 SMe Mining engineering handbook

Typical Relation to Drainage pH

Saline Drainage

Neutral Mine Drainage

Acid Rock Drainage


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Typical Drainage Characteristics

Acid Rock Drainage Neutral Mine Drainage Saline Drainage

Acidic pH Near neutral to alkaline pH Neutral to alkaline pH
Moderate to elevated metals Low to moderate metals. Low metals. May have
Elevated sulfate May have elevated zinc, moderate iron.
Treat for acid neutralization cadmium, manganese, Moderate sulfate,
and metal and sulfate removal. antimony, arsenic, or magnesium, and calcium.
selenium. Treat for sulfate and
Low to moderate sulfate sometimes metal removal.
Treat for metal and sometimes
sulfate removal.

Source: INAP 2009.

figure 16.5-1 Types of drainage produced by sulfide oxidation

Fe(II) + S22

[1a] [1a] + O2 + H2O

FeS2(s) + O2 + H2O SO42 + Fe(II) + H+


+ O2 [3] [2] + FeS2(s)


Fe(III)@Fe(OH)3(s) + H+

Source: Stumm and Morgan 1981.

figure 16.5-3 Model for the oxidation of pyrite

majority of ARD (Stumm and Morgan 1981). The reactions

shown are schematic and may not represent the exact mecha-
nisms or reaction stoichiometry, but the illustration is a useful
visual aid for understanding sulfide oxidation.
The chemical reaction representing pyrite oxidation
(Reaction 1 in Figure 16.5-3) requires three basic ingredi-
figure 16.5-2 Roman portal with acid rock drainageSpain
ents: pyrite, oxygen, and water. This reaction can occur either
abiotically or biotically (i.e., mediated through microorgan-
isms). In the latter case, bacteria such as Acidithiobacillus
environmental, geological, and climate conditions (Nordstrom ferrooxidans, which derive their metabolic energy from oxi-
and Alpers 1999). Sulfide minerals in ore deposits are formed dizing ferrous to ferric iron, can accelerate the oxidation reac-
under reducing conditions in the absence of oxygen. When tion rate by many orders of magnitude relative to abiotic rates
exposed to atmospheric oxygen or oxygenated waters due to (Nordstrom 2003). In addition to direct oxidation, pyrite can
mining, mineral processing, excavation, or other earth-moving also be dissolved and then oxidized (Reaction 1a).
processes, sulfide minerals can become unstable and oxidize. Under the majority of circumstances, atmospheric oxy-
Figure 16.5-3 presents a simplified model that describes gen acts as the oxidant. However, aqueous ferric iron can oxi-
the oxidation of pyrite, the sulfide mineral responsible for the dize pyrite as well according to Reaction 2. This reaction is
Mitigating Acid Rock Drainage 1723

Reactions in Stages I and II

9 FeS2 + 72O2 + H2O @ Fe2+ + 2SO42 + 2H+ [1]
e.g., Carbonates Fe2+ + O2 + H+ @ Fe3+ + H2O [3]
8 Fe2+ + O2 + 52H2O @ (Fe(OH)3 + 2H+ [4]
pH in Microenvironment Around Minerals

pH Plateaus Resulting from Minerals

Buffering at Various pH Values
e.g., Gibbsite
Stage I

4 e.g., Ferrihydrite
Stage II
e.g., Aluminosilicates
Stage III

1 Reactions in Stage III

Lag Time Fe2+ + O2 + H+ @ Fe3+ + H2O [3]
0 FeS2 + 14Fe3+ + 8O2 @ 15Fe2+ + 2SO42 + 16H+ [2]


Source: INAP 2009.

figure 16.5-4 Stages in the formation of ARD

considerably faster (two to three orders of magnitude) than the enargite) generate acid when they react with oxygen and water.
reaction with oxygen, and generates substantially more acid- Sulfides with metal/sulfur ratios equal to 1 (e.g., sphalerite,
ity per mole of pyrite oxidized. However, this reaction is lim- galena, chalcopyrite) tend not to produce acidity when oxygen
ited to conditions in which significant amounts of dissolved is the oxidant. Therefore, the acid generation potential of an
ferric iron occur (i.e., acidic conditions: pH 4.5 and lower). ore deposit or mine waste generally depends on the amount of
Oxidation of ferrous iron by oxygen (Reaction 3) is required iron sulfide present. However, when aqueous ferric iron is the
to generate and replenish ferric iron, and acidic conditions are oxidant, all sulfides are capable of generating acidity.
required for the latter to remain in solution and participate in Neutralization reactions also play a key role in determin-
the ARD production process. As indicated by this reaction, ing the compositional characteristics of drainage originating
oxygen is needed to generate ferric iron from ferrous iron. from sulfide oxidation. As for sulfide minerals, the reactiv-
Also, the bacteria that may catalyze this reaction (primarily ity, and accordingly the effectiveness with which neutraliz-
members of the Acidithiobacillus genus) demand oxygen for ing minerals are able to buffer any acid being generated, can
aerobic cellular respiration. Therefore, some nominal amount vary widely. Most carbonate minerals are capable of dissolv-
of oxygen is needed for this process to be effective, even when ing rapidly, making them effective acid consumers. However,
catalyzed by bacteria, although the oxygen requirement is hydrolysis of dissolved Fe or Mn following dissolution of
considerably less than for abiotic oxidation. their respective carbonates and subsequent precipitation of a
A process of environmental importance related to ARD secondary mineral may generate acidity. Although generally
generation pertains to the fate of ferrous iron resulting from more common than carbonate phases, aluminosilicate min-
Reaction 1. Ferrous iron can be removed from solution under erals tend to be less reactive, and their buffering may only
slightly acidic to alkaline conditions through oxidation and succeed in stabilizing the pH when rather acidic conditions
subsequent hydrolysis and the formation of a relatively insol- have been achieved. Calciummagnesium silicates have been
uble iron (hydr)oxide (Reaction 4). When Reactions 1 and 4 known to buffer mine effluents at neutral pH when sulfide oxi-
are combined, as is generally the case when conditions are not dation rates were very low (Jambor 2003).
acidic (i.e., pH > 4.5), oxidation of pyrite produces twice the The combination of acid generation and acid neutraliza-
amount of acidity relative to Reaction 1 as follows: tion reactions typically leads to a stepwise development of
ARD (Figure 16.5-4). Over time, pH decreases along a series
FeS 2 + 15 4O 2 + 7 2H 2 O = Fe ]OHg3 + 2SO 24 + 4H + of pH plateaus governed by the buffering of a range of min-
eral assemblages. The lag time to acid generation is a very
which is the overall reaction most commonly used to describe important consideration in ARD prevention. It is far more
pyrite oxidation. effective (and generally far less costly in the long term) to
Although pyrite is by far the dominant sulfide responsible control ARD generation during its early stages. The lag time
for the generation of acidity, different ore deposits contain also has significant ramifications for interpretation of test
different types of sulfide minerals. Not all of these sulfide results. Because the first stage of ARD generation may last
minerals generate acidity when being oxidized. As a gen- for a very long time, even for materials that will eventually be
eral rule, iron sulfides (pyrite, marcasite, pyrrhotite), sulfides highly acid generating, it is critical to recognize the stage of
with molar metal/sulfur ratios less than 1, and sulfosalts (e.g., oxidation when predicting ARD potential. The early results
1724 SMe Mining engineering handbook

Exploration Assessment Design Construction Operation Closure Postclosure

Corporate Regulatory and Community Context


Environmental, Social, and Economic Setting

ARD Risk

Mine Environmental Management

Source: INAP 2009.

figure 16.5-5 Conceptual ARD management framework

of geochemical testing, therefore, may not be representative Many mining companies have established clear corporate
of long-term environmental stability and associated discharge guidelines that represent the companys view of the priorities
quality. However, early test results provide valuable data to to be addressed and their interpretation of generally accepted
assess future conditions such as consumption rates of avail- best practice related to ARD. Caution is needed to ensure that
able neutralizing minerals. all specifics of the countrys regulations are met, as corporate
A common corollary of sulfide oxidation is metal leaching ARD guidelines cannot be a substitute for country regulations.
(ML), leading to the frequent use of the acronyms ARD/ML Mining companies operate within the constraints of a
or ML/ARD to describe the nature of acidic mine discharges social license that, ideally, is based on a broad consensus
more accurately. Major and trace metals in ARD, NMD, and from all stakeholders. This consensus tends to cover a broad
SD originate from the oxidizing sulfides and dissolving acid- range of social, economic, environmental, and governance
consuming minerals. In the case of ARD, Fe and Al are usually elements (sustainable development). ARD plays an important
the principal major dissolved metals, while trace metals such part in the mines social license because it tends to be one of
as Cu, Pb, Zn, Cd, Mn, Co, and Ni can also achieve elevated the more visible environmental consequences of mining.
concentrations. In mine discharges with a more circumneutral The costs of closure and postclosure management of ARD
character, trace metal concentrations tend to be lower as the are increasingly recognized as a fundamental component of
result of formation of secondary mineral phases and increased all proposed and operating mining operations. Some form of
sorption. However, certain parameters remain in solution as financial assurance is now required in many jurisdictions.
the pH increases, in particular the metalloids As, Se, and Sb,
as well as other trace metals (e.g., Cd, Cr, Mn, Mo, and Zn). Characterization
The generation, release, transport, and attenuation of ARD
fRAMeWoRk foR ACiD RoCk DRAinAge are intricate processes governed by a combination of physi-
MAnAgeMenT cal, chemical, and biological factors. Whether ARD becomes
The issues and approaches to ARD prevention and manage- an environmental concern depends largely on the charac-
ment are the same around the world. However, the specific teristics of the sources, pathways, and receptors involved.
techniques used for ARD prediction, interpretation of ARD Characterization of these aspects is therefore crucial to the
test results, and ARD management may differ depending on prediction, prevention, and management of ARD.
the local, regional, or country context and are adapted to cli- Environmental characterization programs are designed to
mate, topography, and other site conditions. collect sufficient data to answer the following questions:
Therefore, despite the global similarities of ARD issues,
1. Is ARD likely to occur?
there is no one size fits all approach to address ARD man-
2. What are the sources of ARD?
agement. The setting of each mine is unique and requires a
3. How much ARD will be generated and when?
carefully considered assessment to find a management strat-
4. What are the significant pathways that transport contami-
egy within the broader corporate, regulatory, and community
nants to the receiving environment?
framework that applies to the project in question. The site-
5. What human and ecological receptors have contact with
specific setting comprises the social, economic, and environ-
the receiving environment?
mental situation within which the mine is located; the frame-
6. What level of risk would the anticipated concentrations
work comprises the applicable corporate, regulatory norms and
of contaminants in the receiving environment pose to the
standards and community-specific requirements and expecta-
tions. This framework applies over the complete life cycle of
7. What can be done to prevent or mitigate/manage ARD?
the mine and is illustrated conceptually in Figure 16.5-5.
All mining companies, regardless of size, need to comply The geologic and mineralogical characteristics of the
with the national legislation and regulations pertaining to ARD ore body and host rock are the principal controls on the
for the countries within which they operate. It is considered type of drainage that will be generated as a result of mining.
good corporate practice to adhere to global ARD guidance as Subsequently, the site climatic and hydrologic/hydrogeologic
well; in many cases, such adherence is a condition of funding. characteristics define how mine drainage and its constituents
Mitigating Acid Rock Drainage 1725

Mine PhaseIncreasing Knowledge of Site Characteristics

Mine Planning,
Feasibility, and Design Construction and
Exploration (Development) Commissioning Operation Decommissioning Postclosure

Source Ore-body Laboratory testing of Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing water Long-term water
characterization waste and ore materials laboratory laboratory quality monitoring quality monitoring
(static and kinetic) testing and field testing (if necessary)

Collection and analysis Field testing of Instrumentation of

of water samples from waste and ore waste facilities
existing historic sources materials
Collection and
analysis of water
samples from
Conceptual Site Model Component


Pathway Exploration Hydrogeologic Hydrogeologic, Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing

drilling may characteriztion hydrologic, and hydrogeologic, hydrogeologic, hydrogeologic,
characterize groundwater occurrence, water quality hydrologic, and hydrologic, and hydrologic, and
groundwater direction, and rate of flow monitoring water quality water quality water quality
occurrence monitoring monitoring monitoring
Hydrologic (if necessary)
surface water flow

Baseline surface water

and groundwater quality

Baseline soil and sediment


Receptor Receptor identification Receptor and Ongoing receptor Ongoing receptor Ongoing receptor
habitat monitoring and habitat and habitat and habitat
Baseline characterization monitoring monitoring monitoring
(receptors and habitat (if necessary)
including vegetation
metals surveys)

Peak Ongoing Characterization and Monitoring
supports site
and source

Source: INAP 2009.

figure 16.5-6 overview of ARD characterization program by mine phase

are transported through the receiving environment to recep- receptors within the watershed boundary requires expertise in
tors. To evaluate these issues, expertise from multiple disci- field biology and public health.
plines is required, including geology, mineralogy, hydrology, Over the mine life, the focus of the ARD characteriza-
hydrogeology, geochemistry, (micro)biology, meteorology, tion program evolves from establishing baseline conditions to
and engineering. predicting drainage release and transport and to monitoring of
The geologic characteristics of mineral deposits exert the environmental conditions, receptors, and impacts. Despite
important and predictable controls on the environmental inherent differences at mine sites (e.g., based on commodity
signature of mineralized areas (Plumlee 1999). Therefore, a type, climate, mine phase, regulatory framework), the general
preliminary assessment of the ARD potential should be made approach to site characterization is similar.
based on a review of geologic data collected during explora- Figures 16.5-6 and 16.5-7 present the chronology of an
tion. Baseline characterization of metal concentrations in vari- ARD characterization program and identify the data collec-
ous environmental media (i.e., water, soils, vegetation, animal tion activities typically executed during each mine phase.
tissue) may also provide an indication of ARD potential and The bulk of the characterization effort occurs prior to min-
serves to document the potential for naturally elevated metal ing during the mine planning, assessment, and design (some-
concentrations. times collectively referred to as the development phase). In
During mine development and operation, the initial addition, potential environmental impacts are identified and
assessment of ARD potential is refined through detailed char- appropriate prevention and mitigation measures, intended to
acterization data on the environmental stability of the waste minimize environmental impacts and human and ecological
and ore materials. The magnitude and location of mine dis- risk, are incorporated. During the commissioning/construction
charges to the environment also are identified during mine and operation phases, a transition from site characterization to
development. Meteorological, hydrological, and hydro- monitoring occurs, which is continued throughout the decom-
geological investigations are conducted to characterize the missioning/closure and postclosure phases. Ongoing monitor-
amount and direction of water movement within the mine ing helps refine the understanding of the site, which allows for
watershed(s) to evaluate transport pathways for constituents adjustment of remedial measures, in turn resulting in reduced
of interest. Identification of potential human and ecological closure costs and improved risk management.
1726 SMe Mining engineering handbook

Mine PhaseIncreasing Knowledge of Source Material Characterization

Mine Planning, Postclosure

(Pre-) Feasibility Construction and (Care and
Exploration and Design Commissioning Operation Decommissioning Maintenance)

Waste Rock Drill core Laboratory testing of Ongoing laboratory Ongoing laboratory Collection and Collection and
descriptions and drill core samples testing of drill core testing* analysis of runoff analysis of runoff
assay data sample selection or development and seepage and seepage
(petrology and targets waste* rock samples* Ongoing field leach samples from waste samples from
mineralogy) testing rock facility waste rock facility
Field leach testing (if necessary)
Block model (barrels, test pads) Collection and
(quantity of ore analysis of runoff
and waste) and seepage
samples from waste
Waste or Facility TypePotential ARD/NMD/SD Sources

Review of any rock facility

historical data
Tailings Laboratory testing of pilot Ongoing laboratory Ongoing laboratory Collection and Collection and
plant tailings* testing of pilot-plant testing of tailings analysis of analysis of
tailings* discharge* supernatant and supernatant and
Analysis of pilot testing seepage samples seepage samples
supernatant Collection and from tailings from tailings
analysis of storage facility storage facility
supernatant and (if necessary)
seepage samples
from tailings storage

Ore Laboratory testing of Ongoing laboratory If ore stockpiles

drill core samples* testing* exist, collection and
analysis of runoff
and seepage

Pit Laboratory testing of Field scale leach Collection and Collection and
drill core samples testing (e.g., wall analysis of pit analysis of pit
sample selection targets washing) water and pit water samples
pit walls* inflow(s) water (if necessary)
Collection and samples
analysis of water
samples (i.e., runoff,

Underground Laboratory testing of Collection and Collection and Collection and

Workings drill core samples analysis of water analysis of mine analysis of mine
sample selection targets samples (i.e., sumps, pool water samples pool water samples
mine walls* dewatering wells) (if necessary)

*Typical laboratory testing components: particle size, whole rock analysis, mineralogy, acidbase accounting, static and kinetic leach testing.

Source: INAP 2009.

figure 16.5-7 ARD characterization program for individual source materials by mine phase

Prediction processing method, regulations, and stakeholders. Prediction

One of the main objectives of site characterization is predic- programs therefore need to be tailored to the mine in question.
tion of ARD potential and drainage chemistry. Because pre- Also, the objectives of a prediction program can be variable.
diction is directly linked to mine planning, in particular with For instance, they can include definition of water treatment
regard to water and mine waste management, the character- requirements, selection of mitigation methods, assessment of
ization effort needs to be phased in step with overall project water quality impact, or determination of reclamation bond
planning. Early characterization tends to be generic and gen- amounts.
erally avoids presumptions about the future engineering/mine Predictions of drainage quality are made in a qualitative
design, whereas later characterization and modeling must con- and quantitative sense. Qualitative predictions are focused on
sider and be integrated with the specifics of engineering/mine assessing whether acidic conditions might develop in mine
design. Iteration may be required as evaluation of the ARD wastes, with the corresponding release of metals and acidity to
potential may result in the realization that a reassessment of mine drainage. Where qualitative predictions indicate a high
the overall mine plan is needed. Integration of the character- probability of ARD generation, attention turns to review of
ization and prediction effort into the mine operation is a key alternatives to prevent ARD, and the prediction program is refo-
element for successful ARD management. cused to assist in the design and evaluation of these alternatives.
Accurate prediction of future mine discharges requires Significant advances in the understanding of ARD
an understanding of the sampling, testing, and analytical pro- have been made over the last several decades, with parallel
cedures used, consideration of the future physical and geo- advances in mine water quality prediction and use of preven-
chemical conditions, and the identity, location, and reactivity tion techniques. However, quantitative mine water quality
of the contributing minerals. All mine sites are unique for rea- prediction can be challenging because of the wide array of the
sons related to geology, geochemistry, climate, commodity, reactions involved and potentially very long time periods over
Mitigating Acid Rock Drainage 1727

which these reactions take place. Despite these uncertainties, weathering products that result from sulfide oxidation. Such
quantitative predictions that have been developed using real- methods involve the following:
istic assumptions (while recognizing associated limitations)
Minimizing oxygen supply
have proven to be of significant value for identification of
Minimizing water infiltration and leaching
ARD management options and assessment of potential envi-
Reducing, removing, or isolating sulfide minerals
ronmental impacts.
Controlling pore water solution pH
Prediction of mine water quality generally is based on
Controlling bacteria and biogeochemical processes
one or more of the following:
Factors influencing selection of the above methods
Test leachability of waste materials in the laboratory
include the following:
Test leachability of waste materials under field conditions
Geological, hydrological, chemical, and mineralogical Geochemistry of source materials and the potential of
characterization of waste materials source materials to produce ARD
Geochemical and other modeling Type and physical characteristics of the source, including
water flow and oxygen transport
Analog operating or historic sites are also valuable in
Mine development stage (more options are available at
ARD prediction, especially those that have been thoroughly
early stages)
characterized and monitored. The development of geo-
Phase of oxidation (more options are available at early
environmental models is one of the more prominent examples
stages when pH is still near neutral and oxidation prod-
of the analog methodology. Geo-environmental models,
ucts have not significantly accumulated)
which are constructs that interpret the environmental char-
Time period for which the control measure is required to
acteristics of an ore deposit in a geologic context, provide a
be effective
very useful way to interpret and summarize the environmental
Site conditions (i.e., location, topography and available
signatures of mining and mineral deposits in a systematic geo-
mining voids, climate, geology, hydrology and hydro-
logic framework; they can be applied to anticipate potential
geology, availability of materials and vegetation)
environmental problems at future mines, operating mines, and
Water quality criteria for discharge
orphan sites (Plumlee et al. 1999). A generic overall approach
Risk acceptance by company and other stakeholders
for ARD prediction is illustrated in Figure 16.5-8.
More than one measure, or a combination of measures, may be
Prevention and Mitigation required to achieve the desired objective.
The fundamental principle of ARD prevention is to apply a Typical objectives for ARD control are to satisfy envi-
planning and design process to prevent, inhibit, retard, or stop ronmental criteria using the most cost-effective technique.
the hydrological, chemical, physical, or microbiological pro- Technology selection should consider predictions for discharge
cesses that result in the impacts to water resources. Prevention water chemistry, advantages and disadvantages of treatment
should occur at, or as close to, the point where the deterioration options, risk to receptors, and the regulatory context related
in water quality originates (i.e., source reduction), or through to mine discharges. Figure 16.5-9 provides a generic overview
implementation of measures to prevent or retard the transport of the most common ARD prevention and mitigation measures
of the ARD to the water resource (i.e., recycling, treatment, available during the various stages of the mine life cycle.
and/or secure disposal). This principle is universally applica-
ble but methods of implementation are site specific. Treatment
Prevention is a proactive strategy that obviates the need The objectives of mine drainage treatment are varied.
for the reactive approach to mitigation. For an existing case Recovery and reuse of mine water within the mining opera-
of ARD that is adversely impacting the environment, miti- tions may be desirable or required for processing of ores and
gation will usually be the initial course of action. Despite minerals, conveyance of materials, operational use (dust sup-
this initial action, subsequent preventive measures are often pression, mine cooling, irrigation of rehabilitated land), and
considered with the objective of reducing future contami- so forth. Mine drainage treatment, in this case, is aimed at
nant loadings, thus reducing the ongoing need for mitigation modifying the water quality, so that it is fit for the intended use
controls. Integration of the prevention and mitigation effort on or off the mine site.
into the mine operation is a key element for successful ARD A more public objective of mine water treatment is the
management. protection of human and ecological health in cases where
Prior to identification or evaluation of prevention and mit- people or ecological receptors may come in contact with the
igation measures, the strategic objectives must be identified. impacted mine water through indirect or direct use of on-site
That process should consider assessment of the following: and off-site water resources. Water treatment then aims to
remove the pollutants contained in mine drainage to prevent
Quantifiable risks to ecological systems, human health,
or mitigate environmental impacts.
and other receptors
In the majority of jurisdictions, any discharge of mine
Site-specific discharge water quality criteria
drainage into a public stream or aquifer must be approved by
Capital, operating, and maintenance costs of mitigation
the relevant regulatory authorities; regulatory requirements
or preventive measures
stipulate a certain mine water discharge quality or associated
Logistics of long-term operations and maintenance
discharge pollutant loads. Although discharge quality stan-
Required longevity and anticipated failure modes
dards may not be available for many developing countries in
Prevention is the key to avoiding costly mitigation. The which mining occurs, internationally acceptable environmen-
primary objective is to apply methods that minimize sulfide tal quality standards generally still apply as stipulated by proj-
reaction rates, metal leaching, and the subsequent migration of ect financiers and mining company policies.
1728 SMe Mining engineering handbook

Minimum Objective of
Typical Project Phase ML/ARD Program Stage ML/ARD Program Activities
ML/ARD Program

Development of Compile and review

Initial Exploration/Site
Conceptual Geological Prescreening historical data.
Model for the Site Develop logging manual.
Perform diamond drilling
and store cores.
Log cores.
Analyze cores for total

Obtain geological report.
Interpret geological

Phase 1 Arrange site visit by project

Advanced Exploration/ Initial Assessment of
(Initial Geochemical geochemist.
Detailed Site Investigation Potential ML/ARD Issues
Characterization) Develop conceptual
geochemical model.
Compare site with analogs.
Design static testing.
Perform static testing.
Sample site water (existing
facilities, groundwater,
surface water).
Interpret ML/ARD potential.

Development of Mine and List mine facilities (including

Prefeasibility (Initial Phase 2
Waste Management infrastructure).
Mine, Waste, Water, (Detailed Geochemical
Plans to Address Identify data characterization
and Closure Planning) Characterization)
ML/ARD Potential needs by facility.
Design characterization plan.
Feasibility Studies, Design

Execute testing (detailed static
and kinetic).
Mine Planning,

Redesign of Mine Data Needed

Interpret test data.
and Waste to Refine
Define waste management
Management Source Term
Perform block modeling.

Feasibility/Permitting Continue Phase 2 program.

Assessment of Development of
(Detailed Initial Mine, Define geometry of facilities.
Project Effects Facility Source
Waste, Water, and Develop mine waste schedule.
with Proposed Ter m
Closure Planning) and Interpret climatological data.
Mine Plan
Effects Assessment Select modeling methods.
Execute modeling.
Couple water and load
Refinement of
Evaluate uncertainty and risk.
Ter m

Reevaluation of Downstream Water Interpret baseline water

Project Effects Quality Modeling quality.
Decommissioning, Postclosure

Develop downstream
Construction, Operation,

hydrological and
hydrogeological modeling.
Select water quality modeling
Execute modeling.
Evaluate uncertainty and risk.
Design verification

Project Implementation Assessment and Verification Execute monitoring plan.

(Construction, Mining, Modification of Mine Plan Monitoring Evaluate results.

Source: INAP 2009.

figure 16.5-8 generic overview of ARD prediction approach
Mitigating Acid Rock Drainage 1729

Exploration Characterization

Assessment Prediction

Design Planning for Avoidance

Construction Surface Water Control Works Groundwater Control

Waste Rock Tailings Open Pit Underground


Special Handling Desulfurization

Segregation Compaction
Encapsulation Amendment
Layering Dewatering
Operation Blending

Selective Mining and Avoidance
Hydrodynamic Controls

Appropriate Siting of Facilities

In-Pit Disposal
Permafrost and Freezing
Alkaline Materials

Dry Cover Seals

Decommissioning Water Cover


Monitoring, Maintenance, Inspection

Where Long-Term Collection and Treatment Are Required

Source: INAP 2009.

figure 16.5-9 generic overview of ARD prevention and mitigation measures

The approach to selection of a mine drainage treat- prepared. Mine drainage treatment must always be evaluated
ment method is premised on a thorough understanding of and implemented within the context of the integrated mine
the integrated mine water system and circuits and the spe- water system. Treatment will have an impact on the flow and
cific objective(s) to be achieved. The approach adopted for quality profile in the water system; hence, a treatment system
mine drainage treatment will be influenced by a number of is selected based on mine water flow, water quality, cost, and
considerations. water use(s) and receptors.
Prior to selecting the treatment process, a clear statement Characterization of the mine drainage in terms of flow
and understanding of the objectives of treatment should be and chemical characteristics should include consideration
1730 SMe Mining engineering handbook

Drainage Treatment Technology Categories

Specific Target
Neutralization Metals Removal Desalination
Pollutant Treatment

Lime/Limestone Precipitation/ Biological Sulfate Cyanide Removal

Process Hydroxide Removal Chemical Oxidation
Biological Oxidation

Sodium-Based Alkalies Precipitation/ Precipitation Processes

(NaOH, Na2CO3) Carbonates Such as Ettringite Radioactive Nuclides
Ion Exchange
Ammonia Precipitation/ Membrane-Based
Sulfides Processes
Arsenic Removal
Oxidation Reduction
Biological Sulfate Wetlands, Ion-Exchange Precipitation
Reduction Oxidation Ponds Processes Adsorption

Wetlands, Other Wetlands, Passive Molybdenum Removal

Anoxic Drains Technologies Treatment Processes Iron Adsorption

Other Other Technologies


Source: INAP 2009.

figure 16.5-10 generic overview of ARD treatment alternatives

of temporal and seasonal changes. Flow data are especially Sources of mine drainage feeding the treatment facility
important, as this information is required to size any treat- Nature and location of treated water receptors
ment system properly. Of particular importance are extreme
Various ARD treatment alternatives are presented in
precipitation and snowmelt events that require adequate siz-
Figure 16.5-10.
ing of collection ponds and related piping and ditches. The
key chemical properties of mine drainage relate to acidity/
alkalinity, sulfate content, salinity, metal content, and the
Monitoring is the process of routinely, systematically, and
presence of specific compounds associated with specific min-
purposefully gathering information for use in management
ing operations, such as cyanide, ammonia, nitrate, arsenic,
decision making. Mine site monitoring aims to identify and
selenium, molybdenum, and radionuclides. There are also a
characterize any environmental changes from mining activi-
number of mine drainage constituents (e.g., hardness, sulfate,
ties to assess conditions on the site and potential impacts to
silica), which may not be of regulatory or environmental con-
receptors both on- and off-site. Monitoring consists of both
cern in all jurisdictions but that could affect the selection of
observation (e.g., recording information about the environ-
the preferred water treatment technology. Handling and dis-
ment) and investigation (e.g., studies such as toxicity tests
posal of treatment plant waste and residues such as sludges
where environmental conditions are controlled). Monitoring
and brines and their chemical characteristics must also be fac-
is critical in decision making related to ARD management,
tored into any treatment decisions.
for instance through assessing the effectiveness of mitigation
A mine drainage treatment facility must have the flexibil-
measures and the subsequent implementation of adjustments
ity to deal with increasing/decreasing water flows, changing
to mitigation measures as required.
water qualities, and regulatory requirements over the life of
Development of an ARD monitoring program starts with
mine. This may dictate phased implementation and modular
a review of the mine plan, the geographical location, and the
design and construction. Additionally, the postclosure phase
geological setting. The mine plan provides information on
may place specific constraints on the continued operation and
the location and magnitude of surface and subsurface distur-
maintenance of a treatment facility.
bances, ore processing and milling procedures, waste disposal
A variety of practical considerations related to mine site
areas, effluent discharge locations, groundwater withdrawals,
features will influence the construction, operation, and main-
and surface water diversions. This information is used to iden-
tenance of a mine drainage treatment facility:
tify potential sources of ARD, potential pathways for release
Mine layout and topography of ARD to the receiving environment, receptors that may
Space be impacted by these releases, and potential mitigation that
Climate may be required. Because the spatial extent of a monitoring
Mitigating Acid Rock Drainage 1731

Problem Definition
Conceptual Site Model (CSM) Physical Setting
Regulatory and Legal Registry
Pathway Receptor Community Requirements
Source Dynamic System Model (DSM)
Corporate Requirements
Quantitative Representation
Financial Considerations
of CSM

Goals and Objectives

Define Monitoring Objectives Audit (Internal/External) Characterization and Prediction

Characterize Current Conditions Continuous Feedback
Assess ARD/ML Potential
Detect Onset of ARD/ML Meeting Objectives? Design for ARD Prevention/Mitigation
Predict Onset of ARD/ML New Objectives?
Assess Effects/Impacts of ARD/ML
Assess Engineered ARD/ML Controls
ARD Management Plan
Materials Definition
Risk Assessment and Management
Management Strategy
Design Monitoring Program Adequate Data Collection?
Appropriate Locations? Integration with Mine Plan
Data Requirements to Meet Objectives
Appropriate Frequency? Operational Controls (SOPs, KPIs, QA/QC)
Sampling Locations and Media
Appropriate Methods? Roles, Responsibilities, and Accountability
Sampling Frequency
Appropriate Analytes? Data Management, Analysis, and Reporting
Sampling Methods (SOPs)
Parameters/Analytes to Be Measured Laboratory Performance?
Quality Assurance/Quality Control
Performance Assessment and Monitoring
Reconciliation with Goals, Objectives, and KPIs
Assumption Validation
Implement Monitoring Program Learnings
Data Collection Implementation of SOPs Accountability
Data Management Data Security and Integrity Auditing and Management Review
Risk Assessment and Management

Data Analysis and Interpretation Appropriate analyses?

No Yes
Validate or Update CSM/DSM Timely Analyses? Goals Satisfied?

Source: INAP 2009. Source: INAP 2009.

figure 16.5-11 Development of an ARD monitoring program figure 16.5-12 flow chart for ARD performance assessment
and management review

program must include all these components, a watershed consideration of the physical setting, regulatory and legal
approach to ARD monitoring (including groundwater) is often registry, community and corporate requirements, and finan-
required. Monitoring occurs at all stages of project develop- cial considerations. Characterization and prediction programs
ment, from preoperational through postclosure. However, identify the potential magnitude of the ARD issue and pro-
over the life of a mine, the objectives, components, and inten- vide the basis for the selection and design of appropriate ARD
sity of the monitoring activities will change. The development prevention and mitigation technologies. The design process
and components of a generic ARD monitoring program are includes an iterative series of steps in which ARD control
presented in Figure 16.5-11. technologies are assessed and then combined into a robust
system of management and controls (i.e., the ARD manage-
Management and Performance Assessment ment plan) for the specific site. The initial mine design may
The management of ARD and the assessment of its perfor- be used to develop the ARD management plan needed for an
mance are usually described within the site environmental environmental assessment. The final design is usually devel-
management plan or in a site-specific ARD management oped in parallel with project permitting.
plan. The ARD management plan represents the integration The ARD management plan identifies the materials and
of the concepts and technologies described earlier in this mine wastes that require special management. Risk assess-
chapter. It also references the engineering design processes ment and management are included in the plan to refine strat-
and operational management systems employed by mining egies and implementation steps. To be effective, the ARD
companies. management plan must be fully integrated with the mine plan.
The need for a formal ARD management plan is usu- Operational controls such as standard operating procedures
ally triggered by the results of an ARD characterization and (SOPs), key performance indicators (KPIs), and quality assur-
prediction program or the results of site monitoring. The ance/quality control (QA/QC) programs are established to
development, implementation, assessment, and continuous guide its implementation. The ARD management plan identi-
improvement of an ARD management plan are ongoing pro- fies roles, responsibilities, and accountabilities for mine oper-
cesses throughout the life of a mine, which will typically fol- ating staff. Data management, analysis, and reporting schemes
low the sequence of steps illustrated in Figure 16.5-12. are included to track progress of the plan.
As shown in Figure 16.5-12, the development of an In the next step, monitoring is conducted to compare
ARD management plan starts with establishment of clear field performance against the design goals and objectives of
goals and objectives, such as preventing ARD or achieving the management plan. Assumptions made in the characteriza-
compliance with specific water quality criteria. This includes tion and prediction programs and design of the prevention/
1732 SMe Mining engineering handbook

mitigation measures are tested and revised or validated. SuMMARy

Learnings, or lessons learned during monitoring and assess- A thorough evaluation of ARD potential should be conducted
ment, are evaluated and incorporated into the plan as part of prior to mining and continued throughout the life of the mine.
continuous improvement. Accountability for implementing Consistent with sustainability principles, strategies for dealing
the management plan is checked to ensure that those respon- with ARD should focus on prevention or minimization, rather
sible are meeting the requirements stipulated in the plan. than control or treatment. These strategies are formulated
Internal and external reviews or audits should be conducted within an ARD management plan, to be developed in the early
to gauge performance of personnel, management systems, and phases of the project together with monitoring requirements to
technical components to provide additional perspectives on assess its performance. Integration of the ARD management
the implementation of the ARD management plan. Review by plan with the mine operation plan is critical to the success
site and corporate management of the entire plan is necessary of ARD prevention or mitigation. ARD management practices
to ensure that the plan continues to adhere to site and corpo- continue to evolve but tend to be site specific and require spe-
rate policies. Finally, results are assessed against the goals. If cial expertise.
the objectives are met, performance assessment and monitor-
ing continues throughout the mine life with periodic rechecks RefeRenCeS
against the goals. If the objectives are not met, then redesign INAP (International Network for Acid Prevention). 2009.
and reevaluation of the management plan and performance Main page. GARD Guide: The Global Acid Rock
assessment and monitoring systems for ARD prevention/ Drainage Guide.
mitigation are required. This additional effort might also _Page. Accessed January 2009.
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The process described in Figure 16.5-12 results in con- perspectives of acidbase accounting. In Environmental
tinuous improvement of the ARD management plan and its Aspects of Mine Wastes. Edited by J.L. Jambor,
implementation, and accommodates possible modifications in D.W. Blowes, and A.I.M. Ritchie. Short Course Series
the mine plan. If the initial ARD management plan is robust, it Volume 31. Quebec, Canada: Mineralogical Association
can be more readily adapted to mine plan changes. of Canada.
Implementing the ARD management plan relies on a Nordstrom, D.K. 2003. Effects of microbiological and geo-
hierarchy of management tools. Corporate policies help define chemical interactions in mine drainage. In Environmental
corporate or site standards, which lead to SOPs and KPIs Aspects of Mine Wastes. Edited by J.L. Jambor,
that are specific to the site and guide operators in implement- D.W. Blowes, and A.I.M. Ritchie. Short Course Series,
ing the ARD management plan. Where corporate policies or Vol. 31. Quebec, Canada: Mineralogical Association of
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industry best practice. Nordstrom, D.K., and Alpers, C.N. 1999. Geochemistry of
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Communication and Consultation of Mineral Deposits, Part A: Processes, Techniques, and
The level of knowledge of ARD generation and mitigation has Health Issues. Edited by G.S. Plumlee and M.J. Logsdon.
increased dramatically over the last few decades within the Reviews in Economic Geology, Vol. 6A. Littleton, CO:
mining industry, academia, and regulatory agencies. However, Society of Economic Geologists.
for this knowledge to be meaningful to the wide range of stake- Plumlee, G.S. 1999. The environmental geology of min-
holders generally involved with a mining project, it needs to eral deposits. In The Environmental Geochemistry of
be translated into a format that can be readily understood. This Mineral Deposits, Part A: Processes, Techniques, and
communication should convey the predictions of future drain- Health Issues. Edited by G.S. Plumlee and M.J. Logsdon.
age quality and the effectiveness of mitigation plans, their Reviews in Economic Geology, Vol. 6A. Littleton, CO:
degree of uncertainty, and contingency measures to address Society of Economic Geologists.
that uncertainty. An open dialogue on what is known, and Plumlee, G.S., Smith, K.S., Montour, M.R., Ficklin, W.H.,
what can be predicted with varying levels of confidence, helps and Mosier, E.L. 1999. Geologic controls on the com-
build understanding and trust, and ultimately results in a better position of natural waters and mine waters draining
ARD management plan. diverse mineral-deposit types. In The Environmental
Communicating and consulting with stakeholders about Geochemistry of Mineral Deposits, Part B: Case
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operate. Because of the generally highly visible nature of G.S. Plumlee. Reviews in Economic Geology, Vol. 6B.
ARD, skilled people are needed to communicate effectively, Littleton, CO: Society of Economic Geologists.
and the involvement of representatives from all relevant tech- Stumm, W., and Morgan, J.J. 1981. Aquatic Chemistry, 2nd
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