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New Instruments

GOOGLE CARDBOARD INDIRECT Cardboard is made of a sheet of cardboard, two

OPHTHALMOSCOPY biconvex lenses with a 45-mm focal distance, one
neodymium ring magnet, one ceramic disk magnet,
Allen O. Eghrari, MD two strips of regular adhesive-backed Velcro, and one
Aaron Wang, MD, PHD rubber band to hold the phone in place (Figure 1).
Christopher J. Brady, MD, MHS Design plans are available online for do-it-yourself
production from cardboard or 3D printing, and pre-
From the Wilmer Eye Institute Johns Hopkins made kits can be purchased for several dollars from
University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland. various websites.
Here, the authors describe the use of a modied
Indirect ophthalmoscopy is an essential component Cardboard for smartphone-based indirect ophthalmos-
of intraocular examination. It depends on a nearly copy. Its advantages lie in its head-mounted position-
parallel head-mounted light source and prisms to ing, allowing intuitive use and lens position, and its
provide a view of the retina and optic nerve to the cost at orders of magnitude less than traditional
examiner. recording indirect ophthalmoscopes.
Infrastructure limitations prevent indirect ophthal- Most signicantly, if the acrylic lens included in the
moscopy in much of the developing world. Power package is used, then indirect ophthalmoscopy can be
outages contribute to inadequate electrical supply. conducted at minimal cost and without dedicated
Corrosion of circuitry secondary to environmental ophthalmic equipment.
exposure may prevent long-term use of headsets.
Smartphone-based ophthalmoscopy allows record-
ing of fundus examinations, uses a rechargeable, Methods
battery-powered light source directly next to the
smartphone camera, and requires only the addition of Monocular View
a lens. The authors have previously described the use To use the Cardboard without dedicated ophthalmic
of Google Glass for indirect ophthalmoscopy,1 but this equipment, the smartphone should be moved laterally
device most recently cost $1500 and is no longer com- so that the screen is centered on one eye of the
mercially available. Cardboard device. The phone should be turned such
In June 2014, Google (Mountain View, CA) that the camera and ash light source of the camera
publicly released production details for Google Card- should face the patient. Relative to the examiner, the
board, a do-it-yourself toolkit with the purpose of camera of the phone should be positioned temporally
producing a basic virtual reality platform out of and the base of the phone positioned nasally. The
common smartphones.2 The combination of an ordi- second acrylic lens is then removed from the
nary phone in conjunction with a pair of biconvex Cardboard.
lenses allows users to slide their phone into the card- Given the 45-mm focal distance of the acrylic lens,
board apparatus and create a three-dimensional the strength (22D) of the lens allows it to be used as an
interface.3 indirect lens for fundoscopy. It can be used either with
or without dilation, although the view to the retina is
Supported by NIH K12 EY015025 to 10 (AOE), NIH clearer with dilation. It is held with one hand, between
KL2TR001077 (CJB). This publication was made possible by the the positions where 20D or 28D lenses would be held,
Johns Hopkins Institute for Clinical and Translational Research in front of the face of the patient.
(ICTR) which is funded in part by Grant Number KL2TR001077
from the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences If the Cardboard comes with straps for the head, it
(NCATS), a component of the National Institutes of Health does not require manual support. If packaged without
(NIH), and NIH Roadmap for Medical Research such a strap, it can be held with the second hand, up to
None of the authors has any conicting interests to disclose.
Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not the face of the examiner.
necessarily represent the ofcial view of the Johns Hopkins ICTR, The authors found one modication to the Google
NCATS, or NIH. Cardboard to be helpful, xation of a light-emitting
Reprint requests: Christopher J. Brady, MD, MHS, Wilmer
Ophthalmological Institute, 600 N. Wolfe Street, Baltimore, diode as an external light source. Such light-emitting
MD 21287; e-mail: diodes are available from many online retailers

Copyright by Ophthalmic Communications Society, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

independent of the program run on the phone. How-

ever, the smartphone light can be used for video
recording, which allows both continuous documenta-
tion and consistent light.

Binocular View
To use Cardboard with a binocular view, both lenses
are to be kept within the device, and the smartphone
should be placed into the standard position. An
opening should be available in the Cardboard facing
the patient for the camera to have a view looking
outward; however, in the absence of such an opening,
it can be produced with minimal difculty, creating an
opening in the cardboard carefully with a utility or
craft knife.
Split-screen applications are available in both Apple
and Android app stores, allowing the view through the
camera to be seen simultaneously by both eyes.
Fixation of an independent light-emitting diode pro-
vides for exibility in the choice of applications, as not
all of them use the continuous light source of the


With these minimal modications, the authors found

use of the device to model the natural use of an
indirect ophthalmoscope in the direction of hand
movement and positioning. Sample photographs,
through both dilated and undilated pupils, are evi-
denced in Figure 2. The authors used two commer-
cially available acrylic lenses, 25-mm and 34-mm
lenses in diameter (both with 45-mm focal point),
and found both capable.
Although no direct optical axis exists between the
eyes of the examiner and patient, the real-time updating

Fig. 1. Google Cardboard. This affordable device is widely available

for production using cardboard, acrylic lenses, and ubiquitous materials.
Two lenses provide the examiner with a binocular, magnied view of
the smartphone, placed within the device. One lens may be held in front
of the device for use as an indirect lens, removing the need for dedicated
ophthalmic diagnostic equipment. Top: Patient view of device with
external light-emitting diode afxed. Middle: Examiner view of the
device. Bottom: Close up of coin cell battery and white light-emitting
diode that is afxed to the smartphone with electrical tape in the
top panel.

Fig. 2. Sample images of Google Cardboard indirect ophthalmoscopy,

(e.g., for less than USD 0.10 per diode. using packaged acrylic lenses. Left: Through a dilated pupil and stan-
This may be afxed to the front opening of the Card- dard 25-mm diameter acrylic lens included in the device, the smart-
phone captures features of the optic disk, vessels, and peripapillary
board apparatus with a watch or coin cell battery, as retina. Right, top: Through an undilated pupil and standard 25-mm
in Figure 1 (less than USD 0.50 at, diameter acrylic lens, the smartphone captures features of the optic disk
reducing dependence on the smartphone light source, and vessels, a view through which papilledema or glaucoma may be
evident. Right, bottom: Through a dilated pupil and 34-mm diameter
which may vary in position between models and affect acrylic lens, features of the retinal periphery, including vasculature, are
battery life. Moreover, it allows the light to be used visible.

Copyright by Ophthalmic Communications Society, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

of information on the screen and rapid refresh rate can using phone technology during the course of treating
provide for adequate adjustment. For phones that patients, whereas only 28% reported using computers.4
support a 120-Hz refresh rate, often associated with Imaging-oriented specialties such as ophthalmology
slow motion settings, optimal real-time visualization would obtain particularly signicant benets from this
can be achieved. For the Android, the authors found inexpensive technology.
that the standard video and photography application is Key words: Google Cardboard, indirect ophthal-
helpful for its voice activation ability. moscopy, retinal imaging.

Discussion References

In this study, the authors demonstrate the use of 1. Wang A, Christoff A, Guyton DL, et al. Google glass indirect
ophthalmoscopy. J MTM 2015;4:1519.
Google Cardboard to perform indirect ophthalmoscopy, 2. Google Cardboard. Virtual reality on your smartphone. Avail-
independent of the need for dedicated ophthalmic able at: Accessed October
equipment. Using dilating drops or a conventional 26, 2014.
indirect lens facilitate examination, but are not neces- 3. Oremus W. Forget oculus rift. Slate 2014. Available at:
sary. As demonstrated, eye screening may be performed
with materials ubiquitously available worldwide. dodocase_vr_google_cardboard_is_virtual_reality_in_a_25_
The use of smartphone technology to facilitate cardboard_box.html. Accessed October 26, 2014.
4. Lewis T, Synowiec C, Lagomarsino G, Schweitzer J. E-health
medical practice in low-resource clinical settings has in low- and middle-income countries: ndings from the center
been consistently demonstrated. In a study of 16 for Health Market Innovations. Bull World Health Organ
developing countries by the World Health Organiza- 2012. Available at:
tion, 94% of healthcare programs surveyed reported 5/11-099820/en. Accessed October 26, 2014.

Copyright by Ophthalmic Communications Society, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

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