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Starring for:

Yuri Pari and Bryan Cotrado are THE CUSTOMER

Angel Romero and Gabriela Paniagua are THE SUPPLIER

This monday, the engineers are starting the construction new buildings, but they will need
materials, them decided call a supplier

Conversation 01

Yuri : Good morning, is this Romero and Paniagua construction suppliers. customer service

Angel : Yes, Angel Romero speaking, can i help you?.

Yuri : This is Yuri from axel building, i'd like to make an order, please.

Angel : Of course. one moment, please,ok. what is your customer number?

Yuri : My customer number is 22141822

Angel : 22141822. thank you.

Yuri : I'd like to order bags of cement, please. that's item number AJ437 and i'd like 200 bags,

Angel : Ok 200 bags of cement.

Yuri : Also i'd like plywood, item number PL4123

Angel : Ok. PL4123 right? thank you. is that for delivery or pick up?

Yuri : Pick up please. for tomorrow morning.

Angel : That's great. thank you. bye.

Yuri : Bye.

Next day

Conversation 02

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