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Questionnaire on the SPUD Students Perceptions towards the Quality Service rendered by

Pedicab Drivers in Dumaguete City

Researcher: Leonard Cyren O. Ligutom
Answer the ff. information:
Name (optional): ____________________________________
Grade & Section: ____________________________________
Directions: Put a check mark ( / ) on the space provided on the desirable verbal descriptions .
Strongly Agree-5 Agree-4 Indecisive-3 Disagree-2 Strongly Disagree-1

Are the quality service of the pedicab drivers STRONGLY AGREE INDECISIVE DISAGREE STRONGLY
behavior/attitude satisfying to the students? DISAGREE 4 3 2 DISAGREE
5 1
a. The pedicab driver shows respect
b. They stop at me when I am the only one.
c. They help me when I am carrying heavy loads.
d. I am satisfied with their service.
e. I feel comfortable.
In what particular does pedicab drivers STRONGLY AGREE INDECISIVE DISAGREE STRONGLY
behavior/attitude satisfying to the riders? DISAGREE 4 3 2 DISAGREE
5 1
a. They usually accept me in going to rural places.
b. They prefer many commuters than small commuter.
c. They pass on rural places if I live in a subdivision.
d. I am satisfied with my riding/commuting in the
e. I get a hard time riding/commuting pedicab in large
& small community.
Are there many pedicab drivers passing by near the STRONGLY AGREE INDECISIVE DISAGREE STRONGLY
school, particularly in St.Paul University Dumaguete? DISAGREE 4 3 2 DISAGREE
5 1
a. I am able to ride easily in pedicabs faster.
b. They pass always on school.
c. I can ride faster/easily in going to school.
d. I easily get a ride in going somewhere/home.
e. I can commute/ride alone.
How does pedicab drivers react/act in Distant Places? STRONGLY AGREE INDECISIVE DISAGREE STRONGLY
Do they add unreasonably asked for extra fees? DISAGREE 4 3 2 DISAGREE
Reasonable fees? 5 1
a. They let me ride when I am going to distant places.
b. They make me pay unreasonable price to add in
distant places.
c. I am able to ride easily in going to distant places.
d. I can go to distant places faster.
e. I can ride faster alone.
In what ways/ How do you manage your budget in STRONGLY AGREE INDECISIVE DISAGREE STRONGLY
commuting? DISAGREE 4 3 2 DISAGREE
5 1
a. I budget my money strictly in riding a pedicab.
b. I usually expect unreasonable price in going distant
c. I usually pay double ride price.
d. I am easily persuaded in bargaining my pedicab fee.
e. I spend much money in riding pedicabs.

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