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system integration Technical Briefing

Understanding snail trails

on PV modules
Module degradation | When the phenomenon of so-called snail trails first emerged over a decade
ago, they prompted concerns of a major new problem afflicting PV modules. Sylke Meyer, Marko
Turek, Thomas Manke, Stephan Groer and Christian Hagendorf, who have contributed extensively
to understanding the science behind snail trails, review the latest thinking on the phenomenon and
what it means for plant performance

snail trails. This article gives an overview was suggested by some authors to replace
of what is known meanwhile about the the misleading initial name by the more
mechanism of snail trail formation and correct name grid finger discoloration.
what PV operators and manufacturers can However, this has not been generally
derive from this knowledge. accepted by the PV community.
Further analysis of the origin of brownish
The microstructure of snail trail grid finger discoloration required a skilled
discoloration sample preparation and high resolution
It became obvious by simple microscopic techniques. By detaching the glass and
inspection of snail trail-affected module encapsulating EVA layer from a discoloured
sites that the visual impression of dark module area it was found that the brown-
stripes on the cell surface is caused by ish traces are located within the covering
partially discoloured contact fingers. As EVA very near to the cell/EVA interface
illustrated in Figure 2, the impression of a [3]. Finally, it was found by transmission
homogeneous dark area is a kind of optical electron microscopy that the brownish
illusion since it is solely caused by a discon- colour within the EVA material correlates
tinuous brownish discoloration of the with the appearance of nanometre-sized
silver grid fingers but not the cell surface particles (see Figure 3). A chemical analysis
itself. Based on this very early finding it of those nanoparticles revealed silver as

ore than 10 years ago, the first Fig. 1: Solar
owners and operators of PV cells with cross-
modules reported the appear- ing and framing
ance of a phenomenon which was
unknown and unaccountable at that time.
Dark stripes crossing the area or framing
Figure 2. Micro-
the edge of solar cells were observed
scopic inspection
within a short time (several months) after of a typical snail
installation of the modules [1]. The myste- trail discolora-
riousness of this defect was increased by tion, increasing
zoom factor from
the fact that in many cases neither all cells
left to right
of a module were affected nor all modules
of one installation. And it is perhaps due
to this initial perplexity that pictorial but
misleading names were used to describe
the phenomenon: snail trails, snail tracks,
worm marks or framing.
Within a few years this kind of PV
module defect became widespread. In
2012 it was reported that about 50% of all
newly installed modules were more or less
affected from snail trails [2]. The concern
Figure 3. Detached EVA piece from a solar module with grid finger discoloration.
about the impact to module performance
The pattern of the contact fingers is imprinted as brown traces (left). TEM image of
and possible long-term effects initiated a a cross section through the EVA sample with the labelled position (right). The concen-
lot of scientific studies on the root cause of tration of nanoparticles (dots) corresponds to the discoloured area of the sample

60 | February 2017 |

system integration Technical Briefing

Figure 4. EL the origin of snail trails. This includes silver

image and acetate, silver carbonate, silver phosphate
photograph of a
or silver sulphide [5, 6]. Possibly, there are
solar cell affected
from grid finger different forms of grid finger discoloration
discoloration. The and the term snail trails describes a class
patterns of cell of failures. Nevertheless, it is commonly
cracks and discol-
accepted that invading moisture plays a
oured stripes
are completely key role and that there is a dependency on
identical the type of encapsulation and back sheet
material. Further stress factors, like UV
irradiation, current or temperature may be
additional triggering factors. In our opinion
this disunity of the scientists does not have
their main component. Thus, it could be and entering the sunny side of the cell any practical relevance, as discussed below.
concluded that the formation of silver through cell cracks or between single
nanoparticles within the EVA layer right cells. This assumption is supported by Diagnostic test procedures for grid
above a contact finger is the microstructural the observation that glass-glass modules finger discoloration
and chemical reason for the visual impres- seem to be completely resistant against Several lab procedures have been devel-
sion of discoloured cell areas. grid finger discoloration, since the glass oped to test the sensitivity of module
at the backside is a much better barrier to materials for grid finger discoloration. This
The mechanism of snail trail moisture than usual back sheet foils. After can be done by treatment of a one-cell
formation the invading water has entered the cell mini-module with damp heat conditions
After having discovered silver nanoparti- surface, a small fraction of silver from the under bias and subsequent microscopic
cles as the microscopic origin of the grid grid fingers may dissolve and migrate into inspection of grid fingers at the cell edge.
finger discoloration the questions arise the encapsulation foil on top of the grid As shown in Figure 5, a clear difference
why and how they occur specifically at fingers. Through a chemical reaction the can be observed between samples which
the sites of dark stripes or frames. One dissolved silver ions are reduced and form are sensitive to or resistant against grid
plausible explanation is supported by metallic nanoparticles exhibiting a typical finger discoloration after damp-heat treat-
the observation that those grid finger brownish colour. It could be shown, that ment for 1,000 hours. In this example, the
discolorations which cross the cell strongly there is a correlation between the type of samples were different only in their foil
coincide with cell cracks. This is illustrated polymer foils used for module assembly materials (encapsulant and back sheet)
in Figure 4. The electroluminescence EL and the sensitivity to grid finger discolora- but contained the same type of cell. This
image shows that the cell has a charac- tion [4]. Thus, the current hypothesis is that shows that the solar cell itself or the type
teristic pattern of cracks. This pattern is certain polymer foil additives trigger the of silver paste is of minor influence. The
completely identical to the pattern of the formation of snail trails in photovoltaic mini-module test is very useful for module
discoloration seen at the photograph of modules, but this has not yet been investi- manufacturers in order to qualify their
the same solar cell. This coincidence was gated in detail. foil materials with respect to grid finger
found for all investigated samples with It should be mentioned here, that there discoloration. Therefore, there is an actual
cell-crossing discoloration stripes and was are controversial analytical results and SEMI activity to standardise this kind
reported by many authors. However, there conclusions concerning the chemical of test (SEMI SNARF Document #6071).
is certain confusion with the definition composition of snail trail discoloration. Unfortunately, this test principle is not fully
of cracks and micro-cracks. Cracks which Mainly using Raman spectroscopy as applicable for standard-sized modules.
are related to grid finger discoloration as the analytical method, a variety of silver It turned out in experiments that for
described above are always macroscopic compounds were found and attributed to standard modules not all sensitive material
cracks which penetrate the whole cell. This
means they are 180-200 m in vertical
dimension (the whole wafer thickness) and
several millimetres up to centimetres in
lateral dimension. Micro-cracks are clearly
different in their dimensions (some micro- ista
metres in depth) and occur for example as
surface damage after wafer sawing. These
terms should not be mixed up. sen
The second form of grid finger discol- ve
oration, called framing, is located at the
edges of the cell. Thus, the discoloration
is correlated either to cell cracks or to the
cell edges. Therefore, the probable reason
Figure 5. Test setup for mini-module samples and test results. If the colour of the grid finger remains
for the onset of grid finger discoloration
unchanged after 1,000 hours test duration the material combination can be regarded as resistant to grid
is moisture entering the PV module from finger discoloration. In contrast, a significant brownish colour of grid fingers at the cell edges indicates
the backside (through the back sheet) sensitive foil materials

62 | February 2017 |

Technical Briefing system integration

Figure 6. Section crack. In this case however, so many cracks

from a PV module have formed that many cell areas became
(nine cells):
electrically isolated and hence, were lost
photograph with
excessive contrast for the modules performance. In this case,
(left) and electro- one can even compare it quantitatively:
luminescence the measured reduction in power output
image (right)
was ~40% which matches almost exactly
the sum of inactive cell area.
Besides those extreme cases, it was
confirmed also for modules with little or
moderate discoloration that the power
reduction (if any) is assigned to the cell
cracks and not to the grid finger discolora-
combinations showed grid finger discol- the discoloured area is exclusively at the tion as such [8, 12].
oration after 1,000 hours of damp-heat site of grid fingers, not on the cell surface Generally, it is important to minimise the
testing. Probably, the test time is too short itself. Therefore, the active cell surface is number of macroscopic cracks already in the
for big samples. not impaired and, hence, the discoloration cell and module production. However, not
Studies had shown that the susceptibility does not lead to reduced light harvesting. every crack immediately leads to a power
of modules to grid finger discoloration is Furthermore, electron microscopic studies loss and one has to distinguish between
not tested by the IEC 61215 and a combined on affected grid fingers showed that there is electrically active and inactive cracks. Active
mechanical load, humidity freeze and UV no significant change of material structure cracks cause electrically isolated cell areas
test had been proposed [12]. For snail trail or cross section which might have influence and result in a power loss which is detectable
evaluation of installed PV modules the only to the conductivity [5]. Thus, snail trails in the standard sun-simulator test. On the
straightforward test procedure is an electro- themselves should not cause a reduction of other hand, inactive cracks hardly affect cell
luminescence measurement to detect electrical performance. In practice, this has or module power but can become electrically
cell cracks combined with microscopic been investigated at different places and active later on during the module operation
inspection of grid fingers. This requires published several times [6-8]. At first glance, in the field.
field inspection with mobile electrolumi- many examples for reduced power output EL imaging is a commonly applied
nescence and microscopy equipment or in from snail trail affected PV modules have method for crack detection in the PV
case of ambiguity the dismounting of the been found. However, it turned out that it industry. As a manual operator-based
affected module and transportation into a is difficult to measure the influence of grid EL inspection depends on the opera-
PV service lab. finger discolouration separately from any tors experience and skills it is of limited
underlying cell cracks. reliability and can hardly be used to obtain
The impact of snail trails on An extreme example is shown in Figure quantitative results. Therefore, the method
module performance 6. A section of a PV module is shown which of choice is a fully automated EL inspec-
From the microstructural origin of grid is significantly affected from snail trails. tion, which includes automated software
finger discoloration as described above, The comparison between photograph algorithms in order to detect nearly all
there is one major implication to its impact and electroluminescence image confirms macroscopic cracks timely during cell and
on the electrical module performance: that each dark trace is correlated to a cell module production. Applying modern

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system integration Technical Briefing

Figure 7. Automated identification of cracks can serve as a basis for the quantitative estimation of expected power losses. Left: crack detection using
image processing algorithm. Middle: estimation of inactive cell area due to cell crack. Right: quantification of worst case scenario due to detected crack

image processing algorithms, it is not Authors References

only possible to detect the smallest cracks
[1] M. Kntges, I. Kunze, V. Naumann, S. Richter,
reliably; the prospective power loss can Sylke Meyer is head of the research group
C. Hagendorf, Schneckenspuren, Snail
Silicon Wafers at Fraunhofer Center for Tracks, Worm Marks und Mikrorisse, 8.
also be predicted by software simulation,
Silicon Photovoltaics CSP, Germany. She Modulworkshop, TV Rheinland (2011)
assuming that the inactive cracks become studied biochemistry and received her [2] Joachim Treder, 9. Workshop Photovoltaik-
active later on in the field (see Figure 7). An Ph.D. in the field of structural analytics Modultechnik TV Rheinland 2012
[3] Meyer, S.; Timmel, S.; Richter, S.; Werner, M.;
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Glser, M.; Swatek, S.; Braun, U.; Hagendorf,
tion right before lamination enables the Wittenberg, Germany. Her current research C., Silver nanoparticles cause snail trails
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both snail trails and, even worse, cracks [4] Meyer, S.; Timmel, S.; Glser, M.; Braun, U.;
which will cause power loss in the module. Marko Turek leads the team Electrical Wachtendorf, V.; Hagendorf, C., Polymer
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characterisation of solar cells at Fraunhofer trails in photovoltaic modules, Solar Energy
Snail trails and long-term reliabil- CSP. He studied physics at the Dresden Materials & Solar Cells 130 (2014) 6470.
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field of condensed matter theory from the
Only recently, the first studies on the University of Regensburg. His research J. and Zhou, Y.N., Microscopy study of snail
trail phenomenon on photovoltaic modules,
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tion have been published [9]. The authors advanced characterisation methods, and [6] Duerr I Bierbaum J Metzger J Richter J Philipp
investigated modules affected by snail the development of new test methods and D, Silver Grid Finger Corrosion on Snail
devices. Track affected PV Modules Investigation
trails over the period of two years and on Degradation Products and Mechanisms,
came to the conclusion that after the initial Energy Procedia, 2016 vol: 98 pp: 74-85
Stephan Groer studied physics and
[7] S. Richter, M. Werner, S. Swatek, C.
formation of discoloration in the first year received his Ph.D. in the field of surface Hagendor f, Understanding the Snail
no (or only very little) evolution of new science at the Martin Luther University Trail Effect in Silicon Solar Modules on
traces could be detected two years later. Halle-Wittenberg. After working in the PV Microstructural Scale, 27th European
industry he joined Fraunhofer CSP in 2011 Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference
Moreover, no further decrease of electri- and Exhibition, 24-28 September 2012,
where he leads a team which is focused on
cal performance was observed. Thus, the Frankfurt/Main, Germany
microstructure characterisation of materi- [8] Yang H Chang J Wang H Song D, Power
good news is that snail trails obviously als, devices and defects. Degradation Caused by Snail Trails in Urban
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Thomas Manke is the head of solar busi- Procedia, 2016 vol: 88 pp: 422-428.
operation and do not have any measurable [9] A. Dolara and S. Leva and G. Manzolini and
ness at pi4 robotics in Berlin. He is an
long-term impact. One can even regard E. Ogliari, Investigation on Performance
educated precision mechanic and got his Decay on Photovoltaic Modules: Snail
snail trails as indicator of cell cracks which MA at the Humboldt-University Berlin in Trails and Cell Microcracks, IEEE Journal of
were invisible otherwise. Having in mind 2006. Afterwards he founded the company Photovoltaics, 2014, vol: 4 pp: 1204-1211.
that cell cracks may cause severe power OB-Vision and developed vision systems [10] Han-Chang Liu, Chung-Teng Huang, Wen-
for glass inspection. In 2010 he joined pi4 Kuei Lee, Shih-Siang Yan, Fu-Ming Lin, A
loss and that those cracks may be the start- Defect Formation as Snail Trails in
robotics. Photovoltaic Modules, Energy and Power
ing point for dramatic cell damage after
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mechanical stress like snow or typhoon, Christian Hagendorf is head of the research [11] A. Dolara and G. C. Lazaroiu and S. Leva
snail trails may serve the PV operator as group Diagnostics of Solar Cells at and G. Manzolini and L. Votta, Snail Trails
Fraunhofer CSP, Germany. He obtained his and Cell Microcrack Impact on PV Module
guide for regular inspection.
Maximum Power and Energy Production,
Ph.D at Martin Luther University, Halle-
IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, 2016, vol: 6,
Acknowledgements Wittenberg, in the field of surface and inter- pp: 1269-1277.
face analysis of semiconductor materials. [12] J. Berghold, M. Roericht, A. Bttcher, S.
The research on module defects at His research activities focus on optical, elec- Wendlandt, M. Hanusch, S. Koch, P. Grunow
Fraunhofer CSP was partly funded by the trical, microstructural and trace elemental and B. Stegemann Elec trochemical
German government projects FIDELITAS characterisation of solar cells and modules. corrosion within solar panels 27th EUPVSEC
(BMWI, project code 0325735C) (2012) 3511-3517

64 | February 2017 |

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