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Chapter 8 Quiz

True / False Questions

1. Companies can now make vast amounts of information available to employees and customers
on their Internet, intranet, and extranet sites.
True False

2. An intranet is a private piece of a company's Internet network made available to customers or

to vendor partners using secured access by unique password.
True False

3. An extranet is a company's internal Web site, which contains information for employee access
True False

4. Many of the wonderful promises made by advances in technology is overshadowed by

concerns over loss of privacy.
True False

5. The potential cost savings for American corporations who ship work to countries with lower
labor costs is becoming increasingly unattractive due to rising wages.
True False

6. The first wave of technological advance came with the establishment of call centers in other
parts of the world.
True False

7. The ethical obligations of new technical capability are only just being realized.
True False

8. Desktop computers, e-mail, instant messaging, and the World Wide Web have changed our
work environments and created a new world of ethical dilemmas.
True False

9. According to the employer position, all employee activity should be work-related, and any
monitoring of that activity is an infringement of employee privacy.
True False

10. An organization has an obligation to its stakeholders to operate as efficiently as possible, and
to do so it must ensure that company resources are not misused.
True False

11. Employees feel that their time at work represents the productivity for which they receive an
agreed upon hourly wage or salary; therefore, it's their employer's prerogative to monitor their
activities at work.
True False

12. Employees feel that electronic monitoring implies that they can't be trusted.
True False

Chapter 8 Quiz

13. The ability to work outside of your office and log in to your company network is known as
True False

14. Differing opinions regarding monitoring employees at work are difficult because the
willingness to compromise has fallen in direct relation to the prevailing job market.
True False

15. Advances in technology have blurred the concept of "at work."

True False

16. The time of day or the day of the week significantly grows in importance when employers
attempt to contact employees about work-related issues.
True False

17. If an employee receives formal notification that the company will monitor all e-mail and
Web activity, and that notification makes clear that his/her continued employment with the
company depends on the employee's agreement to abide by that monitoring, then the employee
has given thick consent.
True False

18. When jobs are plentiful and an employee would have no difficulty finding another position,
then the consent given to the monitoring policy is thin.
True False

19. Though employees may resent the availability of technology that allows employers to
monitor every key stroke on their computers, it is often the documents written on their machines
that do the most harm.
True False

20. Parties charged with cyber-liability are generally in a supervisory role over the person or
parties personally responsible for the injury or damage.
True False

21. Implied liability is a legal concept that a party may be held responsible for injury or damage,
even if that party was not actively involved in the incident.
True False

22. Cyber-liability applies to the existing legal concept of liability to a new worldcomputers.
True False

23. There are many parallels between George Orwell's novel, 1984, and the current debate over
the right to privacy in the workplace.
True False

24. The liability argument and the recent availability of capable technology may be driving this
move towards an Orwellian work environment.
True False

Chapter 8 Quiz

25. "Thou shalt not use a computer to monitor employees" is one of the ten commandments of
computer ethics.
True False

26. "Thou shalt not appropriate other people's intellectual output" is one of the ten
commandments of computer ethics.
True False

27. In today's society, your employer's ability to intrude upon your private life is relatively the
same as it was a decade ago.
True False

28. "Smart" ID cards are tools used to monitor employees at the workplace, and can track an
employee's location while he or she moves through the workplace.
True False

Multiple Choice Questions

29. The ______ is a private piece of a company's network made available to customers or vendor
partners using secured access with a unique password.
A. extranet
B. intranet
C. corpnet
D. govnet

30. The ______ is a company's internal Web site, containing information for employee access
A. extranet
B. intranet
C. corpnet
D. govnet

31. As a(n) ______, companies now have the technical capability to send your personal data to
any part of the world in order to take advantage of lower labor costs.
A. shareholder
B. employer
C. employee
D. customer

32. The potential cost savings for ______ corporations who ship work overseas to countries with
lower labor costs is becoming increasingly attractive.
A. Chinese
B. Asian
C. American
D. African

Chapter 8 Quiz

33. The first wave of this technological advance came with the establishment of ______.
A. fiber-optic cables
B. extranets
C. call centers
D. intranets

34. The ethical obligations of new technological capability ______.

A. have been expected
B. are just being realized
C. will be realized soon
D. have been realized from its induction

35. Which of the following has NOT changed with our work environment over the last two
A. Desktop computers
B. Instant messaging
C. The World Wide Web
D. Face-to-face communication

36. As an employee of an organization, your productivity during your time at work represents the
performance portion of the ______ contract you entered into with the company when you were
A. piece-rate
B. pay-for-performance
C. private
D. political

37. According to employers, if you want to do something private, ______.

A. do it during lunch
B. do it before entering your office
C. do it during a scheduled break
D. don't do it at work

38. According to employees, employers should not intrude upon their ______.
A. Internet activities
B. e-mails
C. civil rights
D. work calls

39. In the eyes of employees, electronic monitoring implies ______.

A. the employer doesn't trust its employees
B. the employer is seeking to maximize employee labor
C. the employer is looking out for the interests of its shareholders
D. the company is using this as a coercive tactic to improve its employees' performances

Chapter 8 Quiz

40. Why has arriving at a satisfactory resolution of the opposing arguments surrounding
electronic monitoring proven to be difficult?
A. Both sides are unwilling to negotiate the issue
B. Employers view electronic monitoring as a necessity to preserve the interests of their
C. Employees feel their corporate culture will be negatively impacted
D. It has become increasingly difficult to determine precisely where work ends and where an
employee's personal life begins

41. The ability to work outside of your office and log into your company network refers to
A. telecommuting
B. cyber-networking
C. virtual officiating
D. blogging

42. The new capability of ______ has blurred the concept of "at work."
A. instant messaging
B. e-mail
C. telecommunication
D. blogs

43. In this new environment, the concept of being at work has become far more ______.
A. rigid
B. flexible
C. unyielding
D. strict

44. Adam Moore has pointed out that ______ will inevitably create a distinction between two
types of consent: thin and thick.
A. the state of the job market
B. the state of the company
C. the state of the government
D. the state of the economy

45. If an employee receives formal notification that the company will be monitoring all e-mail
and Web activity and it has made clear in that notification that continued employment with the
company will be dependent on the employee's agreement to abide by that monitoring, then the
employee has given ______.
A. thick consent
B. conditional consent
C. thin consent
D. mutual consent

Chapter 8 Quiz

46. If jobs are plentiful and the employee would have no difficulty finding another position, then
the consent given to the monitoring policy is ______.
A. thick consent
B. conditional consent
C. thin consent
D. mutual consent

47. Which of the following describes an "outbound telesales agent?"

A. Employees who phone other company employees at work to explain and offer their
company's services.
B. Employees who visit customers at their home with the aim of selling the company's services.
C. Employees who phone customers at home with the aim of selling the company's services.
D. Employees who visit large corporations with the goal of selling the company's services.

48. Which of the following describes an inbound sales channel?

A. Selling products to customers who visit the company.
B. A team of employees who visit customers at their home with the aim of selling the company's
C. A team of employees who phone customers at home with the aim of selling the company's
D. Taking care of customer complaints and the selling of products to customers who call in to the

49. What recently available technology causes the most harm?

A. The monitoring of employees' every key stroke
B. Telecommunications
C. E-mails
D. Documents written on employee machines

50. The text lists all of the following companies as examples of businesses that have recently
used technology to monitor ethical behavior, except for:
A. Chevron Corporation
B. Apple, Inc.
C. Xerox Corporation
D. Boeing

Chapter 8 Quiz

51. What type of liability implies that a party may be held responsible for injury or damage even
thought it was not actively involved in the incident?
A. Cyber
B. Vicarious
C. Associative
D. Mutual

52. What type of liability implies that employer liability for Internet communication behavior is
the same as liability for communication written out on company letterhead?
A. Mutual liability
B. Vicarious liability
C. Associative liability
D. Cyber-liability

53. The extent of cyber-liability can be seen in the all of the following top categories of
litigation, except:
A. injury or physical damage to people or property
B. discrimination
C. obscenity and pornography
D. information leaks

54. Which of the following is NOT a commandment of computer ethics?

A. Thou shalt not use a computer to harm others
B. Thou shalt not use a computer to bear false witness
C. Thou shalt not use a computer for financial gains
D. Thou shalt not use a computer to steal

55. What type of software monitors employees at their workplace and can intercept, analyze, and
archive all communications on a network?
A. Hacker
B. Key stroke
C. "Smart" ID
D. Packet-sniffing

56. All of the following are invasive tools used to monitor employees at the workplace, except:
A. keystroke loggers
B. GPS micro-chips
C. "smart" ID cards
D. video surveillance


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