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Dear Madam / Sir,

Welcome to Online Mock Test / E-Book Platform.

We thank you for choosing this software, for improving your performance
in the exam.
If you receive the software, through e-Mail (instead of physical CD) please
download the software by following the directions given in Part-4 (page12).

This User Manual, opened by you just now, is segregated into 4 parts:
1 System requirement Page 2
2 How to install guidelines Page 3
3 How to operate guidelines Page 6
4. How to download the software directions Page 12

In the CD (or downloaded software), 2 software files have been included:

(1) Syframework.exe, which is operating software for the CD.
(2) .exe file, which contains mock test or E-Book.

Kindly note that:

1. Validity of this software CD is restricted to 6 months only.
2. Password (Registration Key) will be given only once. In any
circumstances, the password will not be provided again. Please note
down the password and keep it safe.
3. This software/CD can be used on one computer system only. For a 2nd or
3rd computer, new pass word would be required, which will be available
against full payment only.
4. Presently, this software cannot be used on Android platform.

For any reason, if these conditions do not suit your requirement, please do not
ask for Registration Key (Password). Instead request for refund. We would add
that these conditions were also explained to you by our representative verbally
before you had placed the order.
If Key is requested and sent by us (whether used or note used), we shall not be
able to consider a request for refund, in any case.

Part - 1
System Requirement
The system requirement to run this software is very normal which is
available in any normal computer whether desk top or lap top.
To avoid any difficulty to run the software, please ensure before
installation of software, that :
1) Your computer system has Windows operating system installed on it.
2) Your computer has Windows Internet Explorer (at least version 8 or 9 or 10) installed
on it. If it not already installed, please download the Internet Explorer from Website of
Microsoft, where it is available free of cost (for example link for Windows-XP is
provided as under).

Part - 2
How to install the software
The installation is to be completed in 2 steps i.e. 1) installation of SyFramework and (2)
installation of online Mock test or E-Book.
Before starting installation, please deactivate, the anti-virus software installed on your
system, since some anti-virus programs may prevent SyFramework to register the
information on computer registry properly, which can create difficulty later.
1st step to install:
Install the SyFramework.exe by double clicking ICON, which will open the following
dialogue box:

Press NEXT
This will open the following dialogue box.

By default, the software will be automatically installed in drive C:\ as
C:\Program Files \ SyFramework, as shown above.

If you want to install it on a drive other than C:\, click Browse and then choose the drive.

Press the keys, one after the other as shown : NEXT > NEXT > INSTALL > FINISH.
This will install, the Software SyFramework, required to use the Mock Test.

2nd step : Installation of Mock Test
Install the Mock Test/E-Book by double clicking ICON (Mock Test.exe or E-Book.exe)
(or a file with similar name), which will open the following dialogue box:


It will create the following type of ICON on your desk top (which means that installation
has been completed).

Part 3
How to Operate the Mock Test or E-Book
Double click the above ICON on your desk top to run the file. It will open the following
dialogue box:

Click Online Mock Test Level C (shown at top extreme left corner of this image and also
shown below)

The file name will be different for different types of bankers, according to their scale.

The following Menu will be displayed. You can click any topic that contains different
Mock Tests, as shown below (Here Topic 01_Loans has been opened):

Click any mock test (say Mock Test 1)

A window will open on the right side that would display the Token number generated by
your computer and Package ID information.
It would ask for a Registration Key, as picture shown below:

How to obtain Registration Key (Password)?
Obtaining the Registration Key and registration, is a one time process.
To obtain Pass Word (Registration Key), please send (1) information at or (2) SMS to 09317812720 by providing following information:
(Please send Registration Key request by using only one mode and not both)

Information to be furnished to obtain Password (Registration Key)

(1) Your name (2) Date of Payment
(3) Amount paid (4) Transaction number or UTR number
5) Package or Product ID generated by your computer
6) Token Number generated by your computer (and not 52217424 as given in the above
Important : In the absence of above information, our system will not generate the
Registration Key. Hence furnishing of complete information, would help to avoid delay in
obtaining registration key.
We shall endeavour to send the Registration key (password) as early as possible, but max
within 24 Hours on the Mobile Number used to send SMS to us or at the eMail ID,
provided complete information, as above is sent.

How to make the Mock Test or E-Book operative?

1. After getting the Registration Key, open the file again by clicking the ICON
on the Desk Top. Note down the registration key, for future use, if any.
2. Insert the registration key and click to register it, which will open the mock test menu
or E-Book menu, as shown in the image after this section. Before starting actual
operation of the Mock Test or E-Book, observe the following steps.
Important procedural steps before actual use of the Mock Test or E-Book
1. Please close your computer and restart it.
2. After restart, if the Token ID shown is different, please deactivate the anti-virus
software, uninstall our software and restart the computer.
3. Install the software again and keep the anti-virus software deactivated. Obtain new
Registration key for the latest Token ID and Product ID generated by your computer.
4. Keep the anti-virus software deactivated till you make use of the Mock Test or E-
(This instance of generation of different Token ID arises very rarely and can be specific
to you computer. This step would help you to deal with this issue and is suggested as a
precaution only)

To start the test, press Start Test
This will display the test as under:

To hide the Menu on left side as above for better view of the test, click the Menu Button
on Top Left Most corner. To show the Menu, press the Menu button again.

To change the size of Font, click the Font Size Button shown at Top Left corner.

How to check performance and see the explanations for the questions?
After attempting the Test, go to end of the test and press the Show Result Button
This will display your result and provides explanation to the answers, as shown under:

Time for each question:
By default, the software provides time in minutes which is equal to number of questions
(i.e. 1 minute per question time). The user can manage his time accordingly.

Part - 4
How to download the CD
Procedure to Download
Please open the eMail, sent separately through Google (Drive), sharing a
link to download the CD.
In case you are not able to download the software with Microsoft Explorer,
you can try Google Chrome or Mozilla Fox.
On opening the said eMail, the following dialogue box will open.
Follow the directions shown in Red font to download the software:

The following screen will appear:

This will download the folder on your computer, in download folder.
By using win.rar software in your computer (which is normally installed),
you can unzip this file as a normal folder.
If you are asked to provide a PW to unzip the file please use the
PW = 123abc
If your system does not have win.rar facility or you are unable to install
win.rar facility, you can unzip the folder in some other computer having
win.rar software and copy back the folder to your system, on which you
want to run the CD.

Thank you and best wishes.


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