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GENERAL DESCRIPTION 1 SpeakersStereo or Twin Amp 5
SpeakersMono 6
Line OutputStereo or Twin Amp 6
Electrical Specifications 3
Line OutputMono 6
Mechanical Specifications 3
AC Power 7
Input 4
Line Output 4 Line Voltage 7
Fuse 4 Input Switch 7
Line Voltage 5
InputStereo 5
InputTwin Amp 5 PARTS LIST cover pocket
Over one million watts of amplifier output Long life, flexibility, highest quality con-
power capacity have been manufactured by struction are characteristic designs in every
Mclntosh since 1947. In this 1,000,000 watts Mclntosh instrument. Wide electrical and
of audio power there are less than 10 watts of thermal margins of safety for all components
distortion capacity and less than 1/100 watt and tubes, advanced engineering, and cool
of noise capacity! operating design add to the long life built
The dramatic difference in the quality of into every Mclntosh product. Reliability pro-
music reproduction when you listen through longs your investment without expensive
Mclntosh instruments is directly due to low maintenance costs.
distortion performance. Careful, devoted The MC275 has on one chassis two 75
research is a way of life at Mclntosh. The watt power amplifiers. In addition to use as a
world's finest amplifier is the creation of per- stereo amplifier, the flexibility of the MC275
severing, resourceful Mclntosh engineers. permits it to be used as a monophonic
Mclntosh Laboratory is the only manufac- amplifier that delivers 150 watts, or as two
turer in the entire industry to guarantee the separate 75 watt amplifiers with each chan-
lowest distortion at all audio frequencies, at nel amplifying completely separate pro-
full power. The U.S. Patent Office has rec- grams, or as two amplifiers for use with an
ognized the advanced technology of the electronic crossover network. Such flexi-
Mclntosh circuit by granting 6 patents.1 bility permits maximum use for greatest
return from your investment.

The patented Mclntosh Unity Coupled turn of primary number one is next to the
circuit and output transformer have estab- same turn of primary number two. There is
lished Mclntosh amplifiers as the unchal- almost complete magnetic coupling between
lenged leaders in the audio field. the two wires. The magnetic coupling is rein-
Before 1947, low distortion at high power forced by the capacitance between the
and high efficiency was impossible. A com- two wires.
pletely new engineering approach resulted in
an amplifier that for the first time permitted
high power with distortion below 1%. That
new engineering produced the Mclntosh
Unity coupled circuit and the Mclntosh bifilar
wound output transformer. With the intro-
duction of the Mclntosh amplifier new stand-
ards for distortion-free performance were
established. INPUT OUTPUT


Fig. 1Representation of bifilar winding.

The Mclntosh output transformer is
unique. It has two primary windings which are
wound bifilarly. In the bifilar technique both
primary wires are wound side by side. Each Fig. 2Representation of Mclntosh output circuit.
U.S. Patent No's: 2,477,074; 2,545,788; 2,646,467; 2,654,058; 2,860,192; 2,929,028.
In the Mclntosh Unity Coupled circuit one output circuits.
of the bifilar primary windings is connected The MC275 uses an advanced design of
through the power supply to the plate and the Mclntosh output transformer. The new
cathode of one of the output tubes. The other transformer design incorporates all of the
bifilar primary winding is similarly connected benefits of the original Mclntosh design and
to the other tube. even further improves the power band width.
All low distortion high power amplifiers The MC275 output transformer has three
use push-pull output circuits known as Class primary windings, wound trifilarly. The new
AB1, AB2 or B. Two tubes are arranged in a third winding is connected between the
balanced circuit. This permits each tube to plates of the cathode follower driver.
operate alternately somewhat over half the Leakage inductance (lack of coupling)
time. Compared to full time operation of the between the primary and secondary wind-
tubes, the push-pull method reduces heating ings of the output transformer limits the high
and permits more power from a given type of frequency response of an amplifier. The
tube. Despite this advantage of the conven- primary and secondary windings of the
tional push-pull circuit one problem in par- Mclntosh output transformer are interleaved
ticular remained to be solved. When current five times to improve coupling. The inter-
in each tube is cut off to begin the idle period leaving is accomplished by winding groups of
distortion is produced at the instant of cut primary layers, then secondary layers alter-
off and again at the instant when current nately until the total transformer is wound.
flows. This form of distortion is known as Interleaving helps to extend the Mclntosh
Notch Distortion and was well illustrated by power band width to over 100,000 cycles.
Mr. Pen Tung Sah in the "Proceedings of the Since 1947 this new technology has been
I.R.E." Volume 24, pp 1522-1541 in 1936. built into every Mclntosh power amplifier.
Imperfect coupling between the primary Good voltage regulation in the power
windings found in all conventional output supply permits overloads without overshoot
transformers produces the condition which or blocking, good transient response, and
permits notch distortion. Trying to improve complete stability. To improve regulation a
coupling in a conventional transformer de- silicon rectifier power supply is used in the
creases the power response at both low and MC275. In addition to better voltage regula-
high frequencies, heating the output tubes tion, the silicon rectifier allows even higher
and lowering the available power output. operating efficiency, cooler operation, and
The Mclntosh Unity Coupled output cir- longer amplifier life."
cuit and bifilar transformer is the first com- To greatly extend tube and component
mercial breakthrough that eliminates notch life a thermistor in the MC275 limits current
distortion by coupling both output tubes surges produced when the equipment is
almost to perfection. In the Mclntosh trans- turned on. The thermistor is a special type of
former the extremely close coupling of the resistor. Its resistance depends on its tem-
bifilar windings removes the condition which perature. When the amplifier is off the therm-
permits notch distortion. Furthermore the istor has a high resistance value (about 79
the two output tubes are arranged as partial ohms). Just after the amplifier is turned on
cathode followers. Half of the output circuit the current which flows through the therm-
is in the cathode and half in the plate of each istor heats it and causes its resistance to
tube. The output tubes now are operating in decrease to a low value (less than .7 ohms).
a local feedback loop which, reduces their Current is thus limited when the MC275 is
distortion, reduces their internal generator first turned on but is not limited as the unit
resistance, and reduces their balance warms.
requirements. The Mclntosh circuit in
reality perfects push-pull high efficiency


Power Output: (Center tap internally grounded) 300

Stereo or twin amplifier75 watts con- ohms
tinuous per channel (One side internally grounded) 34 ohms,
Monophonic150 watts continuous 75 ohms
Harmonic Distortion: Output Voltage:
Less than 0.5% at rated output or less, Stereo or Twin Amp:
20 cycles through 20,000 cycles. Typical (Isolated from ground) 25 volts
performance is 0.3% or less at 20 cycles (Center tap internally grounded) 230
and 20,000 cycles at full power. Typical volts
performance in the mid frequencies is (One side internally grounded) 70.7
0.1% or less at full power. volts, 115 volts
Intermodulation Distortion: Mono:
Less than 0.5% for any combination of (Isolated from ground) 25 volts, 70.7
frequencies from 20 cycles through volts
20,000 cycles if instantaneous peak (Center tap internally grounded) 230
power is below twice the rated power. volts
Phase Shift: (One side internally grounded) 70.7
Less than 8 20 cycles through 20,000 volts, 115 volts
cycles Internal Impedance:
Frequency Range: Less than 10% of rated load impedance
At rated output: Input:
+0, -0.1 db 16 cycles through 40,000 Input impedance250,000 ohms
cycles Input sensitivity0.5 volts to 30 volts
+0, -0.5 db 16 cycles through 60,000 through gain control with input switch in
cycles MONO or TWIN AMP position. With the
At one-half rated output: switch in the STEREO position, sensi-
+0, -1 db 10 cycles through 100,000 tivity is 2.0 volts through a balance
cycles control.
Noise and Hum: Power Requirements:
90 db or more below rated output 105 volts to 130 volts at 50/60 cycles:
240 watts at zero signal output: 400
Output Impedance: watts at rated output. The power trans-
Stereo or Twin Amp: former is tapped for 117 volts and 125
(Isolated from ground) 4 ohms, 8 ohms, volts.
16 ohms Tube Complement:
(Center tap internally grounded) 600 Voltage AmplifierOne 12AX7 (drives
ohms both amps)
(One side internally grounded) 67 ohms, Phase InverterTwo 12AU7
150 ohms Drive AmplifierTwo 12BH7
Mono: Cathode Follower DriveTwo 12AT7 or
(Isolated from ground) 2 ohms, 4 ohms, 12AZ7
8 ohms, 16 ohms, 32 ohms OutputFour KT88 or 6550

Dimensions: Finish:
Chassis dimensions: 17" long x 12' Chromium and Black
wide x 8" high. (See INSTALLATION on Accessories Supplied:
Page 5 for minimum mounting space.) Owners Manual
Weight: Mounting Template
Chassis only67 pounds. In shipping Mounting Flanges
carton76 pounds. Octal output plug with cap

Fig. 3The end panel of the MC275 showing all input and output facilities.

INPUT ation connections for 2 ohms, 4 ohms, 8

The input of the MC275 has a three posi- ohms, 16 ohms, and 32 ohms are provided.
tion lever switch to permit the amplifier to be The terminal strips may also be connected
used in any one of three ways: for a constant voltage output of 25 volts in
(1) As a monophonic 150 watt amplifier either stereo or mono, or for 70.7 volts
(2) As twin 75 watt amplifiers used with an in mono.
electronic crossover network, or two The secondary of the Mclntosh output
completely separate amplifiers, or in transformer may be operated either grounded
stereo applications requiring 0.5 volt or not grounded. As supplied, the secondary
sensitivity in the power amplifiers of the MC275 is not grounded. If grounding
(3) As a stereo amplifier used with a is desirable a wire may be connected be-
Mclntosh preamplifier or other high tween chassis and common of either or both
output stereo program sources. output terminal strips.
The input marked STEREO has a sensi- The barrier strip output connections are
tivity of 2.0 volts controlled by a BALANCE fed from the secondary of the output trans-
control. The input impedance is 250,000 former,
LINE OUTPUT (See also pages 5, 6 and 7)
The input marked TWIN AMP has a sensi-
The octal socket marked LINE OUTPUT
tivity of 0.5 volt. Each TWIN AMP input is
has connections for 70.7 volts, 115 volts,
controlled by a GAIN control. The GAIN con-
230 volts, or 600 ohms for stereo operation.
trol allows signal sources with output from
For monophonic operation the octal socket
0.5 volt up to 30 volts to be connected with-
provides connections for 70.7 volts, 115
out overloading the input to the amplifier. volts, 230 volts, or 300 ohms.
The input impedance is 250,000 ohms.
The 600 ohm winding and the 300 ohm
The input marked MONO has a sensitivity winding are balanced to ground. Pin 1 of the
of 0.5 volt. The MONO position of the input
octal socket is the center tap for these wind-
switch parallels the inputs to both ampli-
ings and is grounded.
fiers. When the outputs are properly con-
The connections at the octal socket are
nected the MC275 becomes a 150 watt
fed from taps on the cathode winding in the
monophonic amplifier. The MONO input has
primary of the output transformer.
a GAIN control that permits connecting signal
sources up to 30 volts without overloading FUSE
the amplifier's input. The input impedance The MC275 uses a 5.0 ampere slo-blo
is 250,000 ohms. type fuse. The auxiliary AC socket is not
OUTPUT fused.
The two barrier terminal strips marked
OUTPUT provide stereo connections for the AC OUTLET
normal speaker impedances of 4 ohms, The auxiliary AC outlet can be used to
8 ohms, and 16 ohms. For monophonic oper- supply power to other equipment in the
system. The outlet will provide a maximum of tween 105 volts and 130 volts, 50 cycles to 60
300 watts of power. The AC outlet is not fused. cycles. The switch marked LINE VOLTAGE
changes the tap on the primary of the power
LINE VOLTAGE transformer. The switch can be adjusted at
The MC275 operates on any line voltage be- any time.
Adequate ventilation extends the trouble- end of the amplifier that hold the bottom
free life of electronic instruments. It is cover to the chromium chassis. Place the
generally found that each 10 centigrade square edge of the mounting flange with the
(18 F) rise in temperature reduces the life of three round holes positioned over the three
electrical insulation by one half. Adequate holes in the bottom cover. The three holes in
ventilation is an inexpensive and effective the mounting flange will line up over the
means of preventing insulation breakdown three holes in the chassis. Replace the three
that results from unnecessarily high operat- self tapping screws through the mounting
ing temperatures. The direct benefit of ade- flange and bottom cover. The mounting
quate ventilation is longer, trouble-free life. flange is now firmly attached to the ampli-
The suggested minimum space for mount- fier. The mounting flange on the other end of
ing the MC275 is 20" long x 14" wide x 10" the amplifier is installed in the same way.
high. Always allow for air flow either by
ventilation holes or space next to the bottom
of the amplifier and a means for the warm
air to escape at the top.
The MC275 can be mounted in any posi-
tion except upside down. If the amplifier is to
be installed on a vertical surface it is recom-
mended that the transformers be on the
down side. The advantage of this position is
that the flow of heat from the tubes rises
Fig. 4Bottom of MC275 with mounting flanges attached.
vertically and does not tend to heat the
transformers. Place the MC275 mounting template on
If the MC275 is to be permanently mounted the area where the amplifier is to be mounted.
use the two mounting flanges supplied with Center punch the mounting shelf through
the amplifier. The flanges are shipped sepa- the 4 slotted holes in the mounting flanges
rately and must be attached to the amplifier shown on the template. Remove the template
bottom at each end. and install four #10 round head screws in
Turn the MC275 over with the transform- the center punch marks. Do not tighten these
ers down and place it on a piece of cloth or screws. Place the amplifier over the screw
cardboard to prevent scratches. The ampli- heads and slide the amplifier to either side
fier is shipped with 4 plastic feet on the bot- in the slotted holes of the mounting flanges.
tom cover. Remove the 4 plastic feet. Re- The # 10 wood screws can then be tightened
move the three self tapping screws at one securely.
INPUT-STEREO right program source is plugged into the
The shielded cable from the left output of jack marked TWIN INPUT-R.
the Mclntosh preamplifier is plugged into INPUT-MONO
the jack marked STEREO INPUT-L The The shielded cable from the program
shielded cable from the right output of the source is plugged into the jack marked
Mclntosh preamplifier is plugged into the MONO INPUT.
jack marked STEREO INPUT-R.
INPUT-TWIN AMP For stereo or twin channel operation it is
The shielded cable from the left program not necessary to use the same impedance
source is plugged into the jack marked load on each output. Simply connect each
TWIN INPUT-L The shielded cable from the output for the impedance desired.
If the Connect one speaker
Warning: Do not parallel the amplifier out- speaker lead to the screw
puts when using the amplifier as a stereo impedance marked LEFT-COM Connect a Connect another
is: and the other to: wire between: wire between:
amplifier or twin channel amplifier. Damage 2 ohms LEFT-4 LEFT-COM and LEFT-4 and
to the output tubes may result if parallel RIGHT-COM RIGHT-4
4 ohms LEFT-8 LEFT-COM and LEFT-8 and
operation is attempted when the output volt- RIGHT-COM RIGHT-8
ages are not the same phase and amplitude. 8 ohms LEFT-16 LEFT-COM and LEFT-16 and
Speakers are connected at the barrier RIGHT-COM and
16 ohms RIGHT-8
strips marked OUTPUT on the left end of LEFT-8
the panel. 32 ohms RIGHT-16 RIGHT-COM and
In compliance with the National Electrical
Code, Class II wiring can be used between When connected as outlined the MC275
the speaker and the amplifier at the 4 ohm, operates as a 150 watt monophonic amplifier.
8 ohm, or 16 ohm connection. Class II wiring LINE OUTPUT-STEREO or TWIN AMPLIFIERS
is lamp cord, bell wire, or other wire with The octal socket marked LINE OUTPUT
this type of insulation. For the normally short has connections for 70.7 volts, 115 volts and
distances of under 100 feet between the 600 ohms. The 25 volt line is fed from the
amplifier and speaker, #18 wire or larger barrier strips.
can be used. For distances over 100 feet For 25 volt line operation connect one of
between the amplifier and speaker use the left leads to the screw marked COM on
larger wire. the LEFT barrier strip. The other left lead is
The loudspeaker impedance is usually connected to the screw marked 8 on the
identified on the loudspeaker itself. Connect LEFT barrier strip. Connect the right leads
one of the leads from the left loudspeaker to in the same manner on the RIGHT barrier
the screw marked COM on the left barrier strip.
strip. Connect the other lead from the left The 67 ohm and 70.7 volt connections are
loudspeaker to the screw marked with the the same. To connect for 67 ohm or 70.7
number corresponding to the speaker im- volt operation the octal plug supplied in the
pedance on the LEFT barrier strip. hardware bag is used. Solder one of the left
Connect one left speaker Connect one right speaker leads to pin #7 and the other to pin #1.
If the speaker lead to screw LEFT-COM lead to the screw marked
impedance is: and the other to: RIGHT-COM and the other to:
Solder one of the right leads to pin #8 and
4 ohms LEFT-4 RIGHT-4 the other to pin #1. Pin #1 is the ground
8 ohms LEFT-8 RIGHT-8 side.
16 ohms LEFT-16 RIGHT-16 The 600 ohm connections for the left side
The only adverse effect on the operation are made between pin #2 and pin #3. The
of a Mclntosh amplifier when it is improperly 600 ohm connections for the right side are
matched is a reduction in the amount of made between pin #4 and pin #5. The 600
distortion-free power available to the loud- ohm winding is balanced to ground. Pin #1
speaker. Close impedance matching is de- on the octal socket is the center tap of the
sirable for maximum distortion-free power. 600 winding. Pin #1 is grounded.
Use this table to determine proper speaker For all applications using 600 ohms use
connections: Class I wiring if the installation must meet
Connect the the requirements of the National Electrical
If the speaker impedance speaker leads Code.
is between: between COM and: LINE OUTPUT-MONOPHONIC
3.2 to 6.5 ohms 4 ohms The octal socket marked LINE OUTPUT
6.5 to 13 ohms 8 ohms has connections for operating the MC275
13 to 26 ohms 16 ohms monophonically at 70.7 volts, 115 volts or
300 ohms. For operating at 25 volts connec-
OUTPUT-MONOPHONIC tions are made at the barrier strips.
When the MC275 is to operate as a 150 To feed a 25-volt line, connect one side to
watt monophonic amplifier, the outputs of the screw marked COM on the LEFT barrier
the two channels combine to produce a strip. Connect the other side to the screw
single 150 watt output. This chart lists the marked 8 on the LEFT barrier strip. Then
proper connections and interconnections for connect with a wire the screw marked COM
monophonic operation. on the LEFT barrier strip to the screw marked
COM on the RIGHT barrier strip. Connect, screw marked RIGHT-16. Connect a wire
with another wire, the screw marked 8 on the between RIGHT-COM and LEFT-16.
LEFT barrier strip to the screw marked 8 on To connect for 300 ohms one lead is
the RIGHT barrier strip. soldered to pin #2. The other lead is sol-
The 34 ohm and the 70.7 volt connec- dered to pin #3. Connect pin #2 to pin #4
tions are the same. To connect for 34 ohms with a wire. With another wire connect pin
or 70.7 volts solder one of the leads to pin #3 to pin #5. Pin #1 is the center tap of the
#1 in the octal socket. The other lead is 300 ohm winding. The 300 ohm winding is
soldered to pin #7. A wire is connected be- balanced to ground.
tween pin #7 and pin #8. AC POWER
For 150 watt monophonic operation 70.7 The MC275 operates on 105 volt to 130
volts is available from the secondary of the volt, 50 to 60 cycle power. The amplifier will
output transformers, isolated from ground. be turned on and off if its power cord is
Connect one lead to the terminal strip screw plugged in one of the auxiliary AC outlets on
marked LEFT-COM and the other lead to the the program source.


Before turning the MC275 on check all in the proper sockets. After the following
connections and plugs to see that they are adjustments have been completed the MC-
firmly and correctly connected. Check to 275 will operate without any further attention.
make sure that the tubes are firmly seated

LINE VOLTAGE tion marked TWIN AMP, the input of the
The LINE VOLTAGE switch should be set MC275 is connected to the two jacks marked
to the position that more closely matches the TWIN INPUT located below the two center
average line voltage in your area. The local control knobs marked GAIN. The input sensi-
electric power company can usually tell you tivity in this position is 0.5 volt. This position
the average line voltage in your area. If the has been provided for use with a low output
line voltage is between 105 volts and 120 stereo preamplifier, an electronic crossover
volts put the LINE VOLTAGE switch in the 117 network, or as two completely separated
volt position. If the line voltage is between monophonic 75 watt amplifiers.
120 volts and 130 volts put the switch in the The two center control knobs marked
125 volt position. If the line voltage is un- GAIN should be adjusted to match the input
known, it is safer to operate with the switch sensitivity of the MC275 to the output voltage
in the 125 volt position. of the program source equipment.
INPUT SWITCH To balance a stereo system using the
STEREO TWIN AMP input position use a monophonic
With the input switch in the left position signal from the program source. A mono-
marked STEREO the input of the MC275 is phonic signal supplies the same voltage to
connected to the two jacks marked STEREO both channels. Turn the volume control on
INPUT located below the BALANCE control. the source equipment to the 12 o'clock posi-
The amplifier has an input sensitivity in this tion (half rotation). Turn up the GAIN con-
position of 2.0 volts. This position has been trol on the LEFT input until the loudness in
provided to be used with Mclntosh preampli- the room is not quite as loud as you like to
fiers or any other high output preamplifiers. listen. Then turn the GAIN control on the
The BALANCE control assists in balancing RIGHT input until it is equally as loud as the
the overall stereo system for equal loudness. left channel. The system is now balanced for
Equal loudness is affected by room acous- loudness and provides the most convenient
tics, furniture placement, speakers and amount of loudness change when using the
many other things. With a monophonic signal volume control on the source equipment.
adjust this control until both loudspeakers MONO
are equal in sound output. With the switch in the right position
TWIN AMP marked MONO the inputs of the MC275 are
With the input switch in the center posi- internally connected in parallel to the jack
marked MONO INPUT. This jack is located IMPORTANT
below the right control knob marked GAIN. The excellent performance that is inher-
The input sensitivity in this position is 0.5 ent in all Mclntosh amplifiers does not
volt. The GAIN control should be adjusted to depend on the critical adjustment of bias or
match the input voltage sensitivity of the balance controls in the output circuit. The
MC275 to the output voltage of the program patented Mclntosh circuit delivers its adver-
source. tised specifications without any need for
For maximum flexibility set the GAIN con- these controls and is not dependent on care-
trol as follows: turn the volume control on fully balanced tubes for its performance.
the program source equipment (i.e. tape With Mclntosh you can install the amplifier
recorder, tuner, preamplifier, etc.) to the and forget it.
12 o'clock (half rotation) position. Turn the The MC275 you have purchased will give
GAIN control on the MC275 until the loud- you years of pleasant and satisfactory per-
ness of the sound from the speaker is just a formance. If you have any questions con-
little louder than you normally like to listen. cerning the operation or maintenance of this
The volume control on the program source amplifier please contact:
equipment now has the most convenient Customer Service
amount of loudness change in either direc- Mclntosh Laboratory, Inc.
tion from the 12 o'clock position. 2 Chambers Street
Binghamton, New York
Our telephone number is 723-5491.
The direct dial area code is 607.

Mclntosh Laboratory Incorporated guar- period of 90 days from date of purchase.
antees this equipment to perform as adver- This guarantee does not extend to compo-
tised. We also guarantee the mechanical and nents damaged by improper use nor does it
electrical workmanship and components of extend to transportation to and from the
this equipment to be free of defects for a factory.


An application for a FREE 3-YEAR FAC- in the 3-year factory service contract. If the
TORY SERVICE CONTRACT is included in the application is not mailed to Mclntosh Labo-
pocket in the back cover of this manual. The ratory only the services offered under the
FREE 3-YEAR FACTORY SERVICE CONTRACT standard 90-day guarantee will apply on this
will be issued by Mclntosh Laboratory upon equipment. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF 3 YEARS
receipt of the completely filled out applica- OF FREE FACTORY SERVICE BY FILLING
tion form. The term of this contract is defined IN THE APPLICATION NOW.

In Canada: Manufactured under license by:

McCurdy Radio Industries, Ltd.
22 Front Street West
Toronto, Canada
Design subject to change without notice.



Made In U.S.A.
Phone-Area Code 607-723-5491

Printed in U.S.A.

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