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DEFENCE we FORCE O1A-2017-2888 I¢ November 2017 Mr Reuben Tilley request-6791-5596e702@requests or Dear Mr Tilley | refer to your email of 3 November 2017 requesting, under the Official Information Act 1982 (OIA), documents for the defence force ‘Project Seal’ in the 1940's. You added that the project was a “tsunami bomb", that it was meant to simulate a natural disaster, and that it was tested in the Hauraki Gulf. You stated that you had particular interest in correspondence between New Zealand and the United States and the rationale for New Zealand's involvement in the enterprise. An old Navy Department file (Miscellaneous: Inventions: Seal Development) dating from the period 1944 to 1952, is attached, tis unlikely that the Defence Force will have retained any other records associated with Project Seal, although a request will be circulated internally to learn if that is indeed the case. A search on the Archives New Zealand Archway online catalogue, however, using Project and Seal as keywords, brings up files including the Project's final report [Archives NZ R1768240]. The Final Report of Project “Seal’, by Professor T.D.J. Leech, School of Engineering, Auckland University College, 18 December 1950. The same keywords entered into Google will locate articles from the New Zealand Herald, the National Business Review, the Telegraph and other publications. There is also a Wikipedia entry, although it is arguably less clearly-written than it might have been. Online, there are also articles that discuss the practicability of bomb-triggered tsunamis in publications such as Business Insider Australia, or Real Clear Defense. Essentially, the Project Seal experiments were conducted to discover whether coastines could be inundated to reduce Allied casualties sustained in the bloody frontal assaults on Japanese-held Pacific Islands. The physics of water displacement and of eneray pulse-generation in water suggest that the experimenters were unjustifiably optimistic. | trust that the publicly-available information which | have mentioned will satisfy your request for information. | shall write to you again, should any non-public papers remain in New Zealand Defence Force archived files. Yours sincerely G.R. SMITH Commodore, RNZN Chief of Staff HONZDF NAVY DEPARTMENT. PART SUBJECT: ¥ SECRET, ws scx TOP SECRET DECLASSIFIED LMACOA Joie aA ba < Laff. rite Wumber,.NAO25,).128. voto. Ae FILE RELEASE STATEMENT VETTING COMPLETED AND: VNo classified documents on file. ¥ NZDF documents have been declassified Y Other NZ Govt Dept classified documents have been cleared for access Sv V Foreign Source classified documents have cleared for ee ‘sestiicled parallel file (see separa Other comments: Foe, Gettin rc val sata enous Meat iN Lae Nemes Decekseiey Kriret Protect Hes, ae Signed..... . Date. For Headquarters jew Zealand Defence Force imac Zev NB: Classifie ents of other New Zealand Departme a there is some concern about declassifying them should be referred to the relevant departm SHRM Department of Scientific and Industrial Research Box 6018, Government Buildings, WELLINGTON, November 1h jg 52 MEMORANDUM for: Navy Secretary, Navy Office, WELLINGTON, sb waunney@n 9 fae x am advised b; re rains A, you hold tie following ie reports, Copy No. fos Interim Re ot dated 31 1 bie S Copy Neer Pinal Rep, © dat 8) cember 1950. xN se reports ees ce F interest to you oe to iw Officer in char; Ny } oo | XK mes rei yas PM 91/5/14 oe DEFENCE SECRETARIAT PRIME MINISTER’S OFFICE, WELLINGTON. SECRET L, Novewber 1952 HEMORANDUM tor:~ he Navy Secretary Tho tony Secretary” The Air Secretary ed &, tap searenee per as es 2 es service Departments ‘hold any progr yeports on the ro ject. feng NE sacrum, er aeees So a copy Waavised to Ee AN Ow We Of State Committee. . iy neff w oat 1p SECRET =~. 6th May, 1952. MEMORANDUM for: = & Nv KS The Offteer-tn-charge Defence Documents Section, Departaent of Scientific and Thdustriel Research, WELLINGTON, With reference to your Memarandur 8.1.R. 84/48 of 2nd May. It is o ed thet copy. of the aboy, ‘oned project held in 5 tody. ot Utica Pr a5 SECURITY CLASSIFICATION. “oy 4 ¢ kK | j 4 4h Box 8018, fovePnment Buildings, WELLINGTON, YevORANDUM | for: the Chief of the Naval statf, Navy Office, WELLINGTON, ASRAE DS DEOTEOR \ ony No. 2.08 she on gune.8, 49s » "sonido ta on the "Seal" Project 1 Report al "Reps It ted\been decided towmalte ‘thie ap ee document and a certificate \ it Mate custody will be requifed™et eix-monthly intervals. \, wilt you please qavsee tnt, your copy ie held undey adequate security” conditions. EMA Cer) ne WB. 2688. officer in Charge fe $ TIO) JRA pda 1/1) SECURITY CLASSIFICATION. Tre 87 SIR—36] eer a ping see oe essen 8. T.R. B4/18. Gin. ‘Arpactinent of Scientific aud Industrial Reseacel Bor 6018, Government Buildings, SECRET __ wmmoron, CURITY CLASSIFICATION = ane 8th June 19 52 tal MEMORANDUM tor - as e Chief of the General Staff, Wellington mp Jane Chief of the Naval Starts Wolaingten a a oy ithe Ohie? of the sir Steet, fe on, 8 xoy Ais lb * T fowrard herewith nae "Seal" project, att this sire w propriate cot ae oontittee ie oo of Admiral ‘the oath Zealand Chiefs io LaFhrmed GE the rt the Ame rt: =p » with Atomio enereys.” Requeet the New Zealand Joint Sti ked the Seoretary, hs if * Bol. 28.46 ARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIO AND INDUSTATAL RESEARCH DERENGE SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY COMMITTED Wellington, 30th August MS, wEnoRANDDM Tor :— A Gy Member: 4 nbers, e Defence Selentizic advisory Gonma ties: s Y Bee a : Aas 1% ia a "1 2 67 SS Horewith roport by Reohua be Laditee He ove, for eonsidsration et the ae: ate che Gemini ee bor, Se Secretary fionos Sooretartat. ~ m ote on NSe ain tae By Professor 7, ae “of the Faculty of oe iepeNeiveralty Coniegy, 2, ORIGIN OF PROJEOR: Frojegts SS Anvestigation of the potentialities of inundation’ by soe ce Piolelly podiecd tlapl wavea ror offensive y gtoce fuon a sugeootion by Wing Goamandes B. Gibson, Gonoral Sir Banerd Puttick, G,G,3.) on i3th Jenueny IH. former had noted, whilat ongeged on sarveye in the Pa pa eae period 1936 to 1942, that PLasting operat mheNtgon autbastged coral foruationa ooasioneliy. wore attended by ung. Gay large waves, Generel Puttick Instructed asjones 0 , the NZ, Chiefs of Steff representative in the South reolgie (anda (Gnzedsopas) to piace the proposal before Admiral W. Fo Haley, NGonmander of the South Pacific area (Cousopac) < abrongsuogde’ wore wody Zor ing Gomiender Gibson, Frotesdor J, ky Snoggrges,) Unversity of California Divigion of Wer Research, “Wid was thetedin the area inyostigoting curtain protiene relating to submarine warfare, and Professor T.D.J. Lecoh, who was Acting Director of Schontific Developaente, Now Zealand, to examina the idea at Noumea in February, 190h, 2, NEW CALBDONTAN EXPEATHENTS. it was dvoided t» oxplore the euggcstion by a4 hoo trials undoy the guidance vf @ team ovpriging Captain W, L. Eréaen, U.B,ll. Colonel Saluon, Wing Comaender Gibson, Profeceors Snodgrass and Leech, Exploratory wok was anéerteken fur the pumposo of determining + (g) the influence of certain chengos in charge size ana shape (v) the edrootional ezfeots of a series of curface charges arronged to confora with certain geometrical pattern; (o) soe Laca of the meohanies of the ection, ry os The veaults wore inoorporeted 4n « report dated Fist Karoh, 1944, watch was approved by Admiral Halevy and tranasittoa by Alm to New Zasland Chiefs of Staff with a request that New Zealand undertake Zurthor invostigatione, ss shown by the following extract: "The resulte of these oxperiscnts, in my opinion, show that inundation 4n egphibious verfore has definite ena far reaching possibilities as offensive wespon, It would be very desirebls to have further Gevolapnenta carrica out to ostablich a precticeble method end oovdure which o.uld be used in offensiva warfare, 1 would be fost oful Af thts dovod pment ovuha bo aontinuyd to" oaspletion by jew Zschand officers, all practicable assistance of feoilities snd pePecnnel in thie Comiend Will be at your disp-sal." Ghicts of Staff Gusttioe, ond proposals for implementation were eubiitted t% and epproved’ by Wer Cabinet on 5th Mey, They Anvo: the establishnent 5? an aray at unger tho ee £ Sy 5. BE sconce) AY The establishme: Recearch tno ie ekth Arsy Troops Gewpany, Ny ata OS Mad tions : 6h 27 9 AénArel Halsey 's request wae exorined by the New Zeeland VY 20 wy conte Oe for personnel, security end messing gti earch Section was under the direct contra of the Gus SS cer, Professor Leech, The Works Section was o 1 constructive wotk, ‘The Explosives Sootlon dae specialist Officers and Po tty Officers of the ye &} ae tee the Gomand of a U.S, Naval offioer, eel oe eauune las obirn tote all technics want te: FIELD se $a pa the area Peninetla in the Haurek! Gulf was adopted, It Close ts Auckland, and the oxisting Army bulldines fea regemety been reduced to a "are ond aintenenoe® baaks, Fre int of security, it wes favourably situated, Gldee to the areBy there wore soverel sites suitably arranged for tho larger experinents proposed, To cater for the Buell scale work, @eelgned t2 develop the principles involved, an earthen daz was constructed in ono of the velleys, which provided an experimental pool approxiaately 1,200 ft. long, 200 ft, wide, end with depthe Feoying in steps to 2h ft, ae Final suggestion for utilieing the fortress cite In eadition to aeking provieton for basle development at thengaperva, plane were aade for on operational test in New Zeaignd at Taronul Bey, North auckland, betwoon the Bay of Islands and Weangora, which leter had t» bo abandoned, oa The instruwentation assccdated with the Reacarch Station oaled fr gneiderable ad hic development, because of the unusual hature of the project, acurte wave roovrding mechaniens, radi controlled firing and menssuvring devices hed to bs develdped. These and many other details were developed and operated satisfactor— ty, It wae originally intended that Professor Leech would be acsisted by a eenlor group comprising Prifeceor Snoderase and two leading fustralian hydraulic onginours. After protracted Reeotlations theee gentlemen were not available, and the technical @ireotion and command of tho waole project reanined througnout the Teapunsloility of Professor Leech. Be a 7 4 Gonteupwraneously with the setting up of the Fiela Researoh station, Dr, E. vereden, SeoNtary, D.S.1.R.y and srig@ R. 8, Park were able to discuss the\gub ction with Uy iAterested in oognate pr bleue Be included Sim >Geaee: Bévisor to the adudralty, Fr os B,D, Ellis, nee ebe, of & ne ¢ agtion of th Professcr Cha,wan and Dr. W, 3 4 y Penny of the 1 o Sotence, These scientists ‘had been interes % the effects of firini ul -6d charces, and Witt . pestimistiog * as Sir Geoffrey Taylor, 6: ‘ For the nost panty, the point sf viei ‘sea upon theoretical 1nGfoePi6ne modified the Gepth of the charce was sual, \ AneSafsroach to ee Rees experimental. However, the jnatheuetical comtributionarby Sir Geoffrey Taylor end Dr, Fenby Anveluabhe «ott lid not eprly strictly to the cages being consice: Tt clear a8 tine progreescd thet the weohanien of the*desto) charges fired at the curface vagvored fundanientell; thdt fpP subsercod chareea, ¥ Somothet letapy De. Marsden ea thederoblem wa th. Dr. Vanevar Bush eas Hine ton, and i 8 ove ehovuraging, 2 Wes one Waere CN / (NS Very cerifet studigs of the bshaviour of single cherges were fade, ‘Tha, results cae trated that single cherges were Aneffictent in/rekatd tthe procuction of weves,- However, these stuckes roveghyt east elyhifioant fact witeh’ scoounted for tho verlier scgéstonél obgeryation tn which on ebnormally large wave Wes prriuce, Thape bea ouell ovitical depth for the position of the centre of grayity™? the chares below the Water surface, at which the oxchgmeNfron explvelve enerery to wave energy isa maxinun, Ver), sifol) ceviations from thie ere accompanied by marked JecrgadeBein efficiency. Thie fact called for the precise Lieation gfohabges in vhs later experteente. | This shallow eritioal depth was unsuspected by the U.K, authorities, who hed been thinking in terns of e critical depth of auch ereater magnitude. Por charges, 1t had been shown in U.K, thet when they were fired ai/this oritical Jopth the gas bubble attained tts maxtaun size on breaking the surface, and was able to produce the preatest wave aliplitudes, These enplituces were found to be lesa than thoge produend when the charges were locates at tho shallow critical depth Yascovered in the N.Z. experinenta, Tho use of multiple charcys locates t) conform with geonetrical patterns was foun. t cive markedly superior resulte, fot only as Pegaraa wave aqlitades, but in certain oases pronounced airectional effects vere produced, ' In al] these caces the hecnltudes of the recultant wave aaplitutee were very senel tive to charge epacing, and tho location, Tho shape of the charge was also portant, e 6, SOME DIFFICULTIES: Shortly efter the Unit commenced operations on 6th dune, agUL, there was 4 change in c2maand of the South Pactric area. This, Siutines with the schy cucpestions by senior officers, resulted in changes in tho details of yolley, without heving due Tegard to, the Goohnigal diffoultivs inyelved, It did not aipear to be realised that 1 seke8 Gonsiderable tla to plen end impleuent experimental prograiaos, As areeult, auch effcrt was waste. Iv woe als> unfortunate that the uaJority of the U.K, authorities were originally pessimistic, Subsequent events clearly Geaonetrated that because vf the absence of personal contest, they had basee their deoigione uon the effeets of charges placed at The gfeavor oritioal cepth, an were at the time entirely unfentitar withthe existence of the second critical depth near the surface, VY These factors cvabined With the growing ascendancy of the Allies tn the Pacific theatre in reducing the tional demand fer "Seal" and caused the N, Z. Givernnent to 4 the project 4 Jan 1945, before the full experinents perenne Wes comp: fang the. Tundeentel ecientifie problems was anal the Field Stat. x a eed at on 8th January, 1945. Ab tht been carried out with charees Panel! jelent. T.N.Ps was used generally, al eh O.E,, nits elignite were Guployea tn gone gabesy Te BASS ueione) were crave t= (a) offenerve ania voaatnag WA ee shobvenns Roneeeeres (0)° conpar Re corteeiak ow talaias [Wewaay VERS Cale eee ee Be cao ae lengthe Of the ertifici fas (c) the efficiency of con’ ion a piosive energy to wave energy Snevesses aatertall “the, be} b te increased; (2) exyrgarveo uscaStietons Gio waren sutace pessiend spselog reeults to se an w cepth, From prectioal considerations Speed nSogbenhy the etunee tathoe ero eovrianeces the use (lz thanges 1s not promising, but multiple charges elve markedly 2 Pesulte, The vee of charges suitably spaced and’ 10 2800 ath regard’ to geaetrical ounelderetions 16 the 0 je etonation of the lerge mess of exploelve (at the ost aA the sae Aoplencntation presents one major problem, 1c., 6 tite roblew had nd @oLutlon, but eubsyquently methods have “c aed overseas) ; ww arges of TiH;T, of the order of 2,000 tone divided into, Gay, 10 equal anonnts oni euitably dlgposed, wave amplitudes St the order of 30 to MO ft, are within the bounds of possibility at dlstances of the under of 5 miles off-shore, given favourable and conaonly found eea-bottome; (hs) The use of uodele eimiler to those used in Hydraulics Laboratories je imperative to determine the suitability of eny given ite end the best method of attack. Zt wos hoped by Professor Leech that he could complete the final analysis ana proparation of the report on a pert—tine beeis then he returned to bis duthes as Professor of Engineering, Auckland University Ovllece, but serious difficulties beset the School of ry “Be Bngtnaorine begause of en unprocatented nico tn etadont, enrvinente the impossibility of obtaining adequate etaff during the period from 1945 to date, Hawover, eons of these Qffioulties have boen overcome, and during 1950 he Wiil be available to do thie, 8, SUBSEQUENT BVEKIS. During 1946, Dr, Karl Compton, Ghatraan of the Atoutc Energy Evaluation Boatc, was in touch with the Commander of the Seal unit, woo wee invited to represent New Zealand at the second Bikini Trlel, However, a critical situation existed at the Auckland Univeralty College, and’ the College Council aid not seo ite way Qlear to Polease the Professor of Engingering for this purpose. He, However, eupplied Gata relotive to the location of the chatce atthe oritical depth near the surface, together with forecasts of Wave auplitudes at predetermined ointé at waich wave recorders Were tobe cateblished, The experipental records wore in agrsepahe) With the Torecaste to Wathin the IAG t9 of experimental eror. Th Pebradey, 1947 Loatex vac inv sned tye Mwstant Secretary to the J.s, Nevy to Ai th Dean O'Bmfer\ in chabee of the School of Engineering, Univererty of California, e 18 of the reoorag obtained at Bikimi\ Again, contiqued britigal)condi tions at Aucklana University Gobuege forced the Cofneil to fhold ite erasasion for Dip bo be Teiveesd, During 1918, the Univers. ty of iifornia-publtshed @ Winbor of papers x: the project. Recently, Dr, Maredor\| dvieed that Ory , Director, Armament Reeearen Es ehment, Fort Balete: goneidered that the Tnal reportechiquid be oomplete de Dunfng tite past two yedup the Gofirtand’r hes received numerous epatieies throuch Dr,elaré@en afltthe United States Smbasay ae to when{ the final report will)be redéy¥ Everything poasible has been dons, Xbut the circumste Af prevailed within the University Colleges of New @gland, oe ch as to make 1% lmpossible for senior staff to cope( wil’ additional burdens eimiler to the one 4n question, A \s 9, FROPOSALS FOR 1950. The ai 16 UntyeRet ty College Council has approved of the release of Profesdef Leech Guring 1950 for the purpose of completing tho report upghiieval" peooot, | In accition, owine to the availability om Tour Q10 candidates for the B.S. (Hons,) degree, it 48 reovadended tHas the opportunity be taken to fll'in a few gaps 10 certain rOndéngntel issues by enploying theee men, The problems which @7ule ke conveniently assigned to them ere: (a) The relgtidaship vetwoen the kinetic energy at impact of falling welghte\ghd the oncrey in the neaultant wave srain. (8 certain enount ofework slong these Lines was cone at Wnengaparoa, but Atgwadnot completed. again, the methods used then were not entirely satisfactory), The review of ang the study of methods designed to Improve the efficiency of destraying wave energy, This will involve model Studies upon "wave traps! and opené the way to poselble counter foaauree (nothing woe one along these Lines, baY sone meoent work of French oF4sin has been publishes in La Houtlle Blanche), A study 4n the augmentation of wave amplitudes by the application cf surface tapaote in serios, i,e,, after the initial impact a econ impadt 1s applied ab the most euitable aoment). Studies upon the effect of different torss of choeline shores upon Wave enplitudes. A certain amount of work has been done, bute large field has yet to be explored. e ~o In each case the above problems ogn be effectively divorced from the "eal project and eescciated, for the purposes of eecurity, with fundenentel wave stuctes and cesancgraphy. It 1s veoonmended that the proposele in this section te clecusced by the Defence Scientific Aavisory Coumittee, for the purpose of doteratning: (e) whether they ere desirable; and b) how they might be implemented. A Army Headquarters, Now Zealand Military Forces, Wellington, C.1, t 6 Fob h7- Loon tors The 8: eoae erie, \ se Qs 1, Please find herewith copy of letters received from the Director, Department of Scientific & Industrial Research. ‘It is requested that the should be brought befor The noxt meeting of the chiefs it ER Enel's: Copy of letters. wees] a]. P.M, N/5A1~ SEE peer 8 geet | Gopies to: the GileNor th ! ‘The Chief ofthe \ ; ‘INWARD TELEGRAM Seniand, Ganbenta FROM 2H Uieh CoaniedioneR for we he Ministorsef Rxtermal Affeirs, Wollington To = Woy, 19s 42th May, iSlly DATE AND 18h DATED.. TIME OF RECEIPT. 4S pene ‘WIS TELEGRAM MUST BE PARAPHRAGED I TIE COMMUNICATION OF 1S CONTENTS 10 [ANY PERSON OUTSIDE TIME GOVERNWENT SERVICE 1S AUTHORIZED Seore No, 153° Your telegram No. 187 Lang advises if would help him coneiderably in jaking PLEASE Nors| Gecisions and avrangononte 1f he knew wore about the project pApeng| Teferred to and has requested us to. scoure any further "APERS| “anformation which 4 is congAdered in order te give. ‘Thia GRCULATED | 121 be kovt ontsnoly contadential.”<. prosune there wail Be. ‘ no objection to my giving such Jarcrantion to Venables als Peet | Behe som woe "O} by (st URE i CABIN SSCRETIRLAD + acsION | ov “Gh Or Metso nut ims ke ae SHORGTARY . GhiS@-c? GENE CHUB OP AMT APP Hon Ma Pas toa, QULWARD TELEGRAM + . THIS TELEGRAM MUST RE PARAPHRASED IF THP COMMUNICATION OF rs CONTENTS 70 ANY PERSON OUTSIDE, THE GOVERNMENT SERVICE 18 AUTHORIZED Te’ FROM HUY wins tie ve aatwwlal Wide les, sJeLiington, ‘The High Commipetoner for N.2., Canberra. Moy, 19th. TIME OF DESPATCH: 2 8-74 PORTAN No.196, My telegram No.195. On. further reflection we foel that if ot all poseibie, and asaiming that thero ic 9 prospect of their eccepting the positions without necessity for thie, no intimation should b we) of this tevelopment to either Venables or Lang. E it sppears that they ere unwil; comalt them they get sone indication of fore of the pi we leave it to your scum a give such di fan iby be necessary to a Sieh acceptance. * We “a a Commonwealth authoritie: ensure that. ee 1ge 0} a nature of the develop oe tracted t Lo eee Ne LIVAN, HON.! eH a oy MIN, DEEN ont ENEAAL STARR, ie CHIE ‘OF THE AIR SN " DuuLItE coining aC Dy atohee, eat ye mee FEIRS itoteter' Dent. ae ‘om INWARD. TELEGRAM ‘Tis TELEGRAM MUST BE PARAPHRASED IF THE COMMUNICATION OF 1S CONTENTS TO "AS PERSON OUTSIDE THE GOVERNMENT SERVICE IS, AUTHORIZED FROM 2 gis ; ton. TO. — Posh Boy, 1th, i CAVA 5.30 Dol DATED. TIME OF RECEIPT. sam Ho, 196), sours Paani We ty Ao yas contagted aaneos: Wwiton 51 prejeet and erg Iolo hade ee ae oN cumtees syaney nate PERRY — HON.!. IN. QHPRNCS Ted @uNERAL SPAN? BINGT SRORSTARTAT Per your Ens orn talny: Firgpaanl Healy Fate Thpt, Bop INWARD TELEGRAM he Tigh Comsestonen for W.2., Canborray FROM... opie To @he Minister oo prepay: Atveira, Nea ‘tony. “25rd Hays 1910 .ATE AND pen ols rd May, 19M. DATE AN 8.55 Dee DATED... ‘TIME OF RECEIPT. a ‘is TELEGHAM MUST BE PARAPHRASED IF THE CUMMUNIEATION OF TS 0 "ANY PERSON OUTSIDE. TH GOVGRAMENT SERVICE 1S AUTHORIZED | BNORNT. No. 163. My telegram No. 159, Pereonel contact hee been mede With Yenebles who Sti © himself a very reluctant to raise the watter of\has relenea. Ho ig writing direc. to Professor Leech concerning the matter, he Cliairmen State! Rivera Comission has telegraphed that Vistorian Governcent advises thot it yemaats it Le unable, 80 approve of neleare of research engl eae importance of work uso which he 4 sent enmeged Formal reply froa Departuent of a ‘Affaire not, received. << HOW MR navn, & DIRBO Nea eee. Te \ D.BD.S7/ 76-7 - BD. departuent of Setentific & Industricl Research, BMORAMDUN for: ‘Myth May, 19s. md Navy Orfice, Uauigron. ROTROR "SRAL" = JOB WO, 8.601. ‘The address of the 2th Army Troops Company, N.5.i. vi 2 chat kn DATED A MOSSE Mele i es Gr VY sis TeLL0MAM MUST BE PARAPHRASHD 1: 1H5 IMMLAEATON of cons 10 “SAREE OURIDE THE OOVERMENT SIRI ALMOND 15 PHO2%0i%6" u0ST SBORE: thecy franc. 8G. gna. ‘Bor deorstary, hicks of jaeLons, AUnipad, donk diseloae thi. 42 mew i] ho Iinited 4n'poracnned and oguigmant end doubt. © prokoced au oet thin’ projeat, Ho piates tint he ming sno joey 20 Ctnopea ane Cominen rox ciccuaaien Qs should jcanejte Ya Nov Venlond pkatn Unit ; N fiow Zeetnie, 20. At fookganinekion BE alee LONTTOW bet tha aork helngeNgs in Tew Wer waswand 8! aporul. contribution, J ~ +> TEM ob eavEEed. Captoin Lonetgi meio .commtnanc ai &. oP end poquerst dean Bf projcat aoticotcd TRG tod States h t Gf oy nowsonne2.. rorfaciton ad p60! ‘oe sim GENERAL SORENEZFIC "a aia Daps. 25/5/MMe BOP BECHER. AR CABINER piGRED IME MINISTES Dy DEP Aste, tenor Cole 5th June, 1944. MERON tor The Chief of the General Statt, The Chief of tho dir Starz, Mayal Seoretary for Chief of the Maval Staff; a_i in roe; the development of this, a poapest, might tome hie with a ia See, to whom he applies t: f stance 1 noosusary am prastiont: <8 aan informed him that so f1 the wis Became of X 4 artim ana Goverment Dep: bes eh ey Should cooperate sh Mine to, them Mees > Staff or the pe: is Of the a at Beers) if a 6th June, 19k. Rar. RANDOM for Bs om oon has Stewie & Peres should be of Staff's representatiy to ascertain whether or not the ‘The 3 ¢ Chiefs of ota neur in the terms of the proposed messag win ote good as to let me know your views on or store tur ; gov otters oF of staff Coantttes. id Galak a avs] fu January 21, 1947. 1097 Professor Thomas Leeoh, Auckland Untvorsity Colleges Dear Professor Leech, 8 my understanding that seystedl ven ‘to the United Stati analysis of data on explosi ost happy to have you order to save the wl ao: aay es ‘the. your information, viion when acting as ye filled out by yous You when you come. I hope that ee ee ssible to accept this invitation. Please Jet me know sible the date of your arrival and the length of os unery + oe yours, Sede) Mi P, ofsrieny Chai man a ae) Rat of exces 8.T+Re 7l/li/~ BSece Department of Seientific and Industrial Research WELLINODON, C.1+ Ath Fepruary, 1947+ woniRADU for: The Chief of General Staff, Army, Headquarters » MBLLINGTON. I attach copy of Letter University 0 It 48 presumed test and the request possibly even mors Zealand. I reco) oe Bs the U.S. Navy invitation arrives regarding of Leech’s services, he be authorised to senso w eo in consultation the results of the ew oF coviC tag prepared menozomiun oa whpte Sit, peodeed und Forrowied At by Gir mad to CONINCH through OLNOFOA fon Bizoeéien Anco Suture poldcy. He Advises that tka aa received Qy Ro 20 EGG Gag popsiicn te Guotat the grojeat, wy, supe aacnziel nage 4 Ro oo edvioea HINSHY afar tea, vient acuasing © “Yes on be cosuldeved sseag CPunexaayseres Tadertatjag Lo vou 6 wetlovent sem Qe mAgomal felon A380 tr Aho snie venta oN gh conti ih pone ag ranky wowiceo of & Rh eS mnogo 30 6. and reareqtgtent to press Admiral Newton further in this a ponggnd indeed feel that ho con vory likely de nothing to help onascere gia gPay from Cominen. We would auggert eee your Peiccusaign that you might ‘ako the rivet ossvenisen opportuni ty ene oetseing the cubsect with Adnirel King Gea that you might then ties to him and aay how grateful wo wouts ‘be could be givon regarding the development of (Signed) RxTERMAL, GAYAL SECRETARY CHIEF O° THE GENERAL aTARF CRYER OP THE AIR STARE HON. SCINVIFIC & INDUSTRIAL Ri WAR CABTNET SECRETARIAT ‘TS TELEGRAM MUST BE PARAPHHASED IF THE COMMUNICATION OF ITS CONTENTS 70 "ANY PERSON OUTSIDE THE GOVERNMENT SERVICE 1S AUTHORIZED See dstew of ha liysin.cfra tree st Loin he New, Zealend WmMstor, vashinate 264h Juno 494). TIME OF DESPATCH:......8230. Dome — molidowing a suggestion mde in arch last by a New Zeplond Coficor, which Consopac then agresd shoved pronice of considerable NOsii, & sald team? New Zeeland sejontints, headed by Colonel ~ Leech, procecded to Nownea and with the-sasiabence of Professor Snodatasa of the United States vho was in New Galedonta at the tine, cenducbed certain experimentns These indicated that. tho development cn which they were engaged snd which ie known ep SEAL showed pronist G22 a complete plan for rocsarch and gewglormont was ‘thea dram aad approved by Admiral false. 1 gaged the fonggtion oro) Dake 4a How Zoatanl to be commana: New, Zealand with the. ass NT ofticerse y Ggreonent that Som on Yule’ subject Ohiefs of Statt at Ged that wo ghpul Reasonable and practics sistance bt ee re tae ae poagonaib Rew 08 porgont Bog Gpesostate appoint @ a be rc fox. tho bets Pheretfeotive auppiy by the Gate: States quiinord ties of cond ‘thes of explosives and other materiate which e In New Zealand as welll os the velease of Ee? developmen 3a This revis cussed with Heleoy when-he was in. Wow gomland, phon on hie way, te. bie new Comm, he Gd agves to@ ition with Ad ee Conmandor of acitte oon, on hig Wey through Nowa. ire have proseedi co. Spe Somation of: > & is ‘not inconsido: igh’ mie a ‘as we ow it should be decided : to ce wey Bc be stopped saed Admiral Rowton reply. a6 £9 whether o” , the develamied? on aro neat Deb anaa a Te a that the agvvices) of Protossor. Snodgraan should ke ‘a8 soon ce possible, Howton has mow atatod that @ thoky grojeck has been forverded by aix maid: to Comach theough nepoa 28r direction as to Petuye und indicated that until od he ic nos (vepont not) dae postition, to eaeley ying personnel of materiel. He has.edded that tel: > vetld not “nave BUrrioten’ soub will RO nade for tho ending see fron the Sonegeing that we are in sono difficulty lopment ef this project witch wo are anxtous, £0 there ie en assuraace that the active Givection A and aasistence of the United States autliond ties will ehooming and ohon‘iy. .tndood, without. this, any werk va do hofe wild be dorgely ineffective of well os waaterul oP public|maneyy fons ogres thereof. ‘Therefore nes ealent pictures First ly, Sxploratory investigations Snodgrass University of California D.W.R. ‘end Leech in Noumea were to test p. ‘tion of creation of tidal waves by use of seeieaen r offensive purposens Seconady, those exploratory repeat exploratory investigetions showed auch promise that following items were considered and approved by Admiral Halsey then Comiander Sopac. (a) Establishment Field Kesearch Station to det physical laws governing the phenomenon uni dest means of offensive applications Deoation of suoh stations fh Character and extent of Seeiassations Number types origin of eS) ae peteire sees secondly Kale anit Amp lement seis jand and assured despatch a8 coon, 88 pO ii ae ondam 7th April and wre oes. StSRRE nepovsationt Soul led ny 420. : Fourthly, New Zealand meee ais request ‘ull research unit a laid down active! eh anus 1 Tews. BPifth) for this part sen lem no furt e required exce| {upleavntation of Bnodegase despateh iter ? i Bey on ad La sd would teke leading Seventhly,” sanbeigh full knowledge of problem wbkoh 18 Of su To inoffiosont ene sarensonsbie for one man to control and iroh programme envisaged. Bighthly, Marsden reports 4 ready to procesd to Mew Zealand his’ technical chiet dent N.DeasC, willing oo-operate Af apprised dotaile, Minha, Reporte. seat ross of which letter holds Sonalage ly feasible and Hew Zeslani work to date entation to he rolstdvoly simples Tenthiy, It 18 1 oe a in some querters thst there are to distinot phases’ of develope ie ; (a) Fandamon jearch pzoblem foc which eae Seren Sa Snodgease ain“equipment is required. er gna eer! i" *' SE MARE a a ‘optsontson ‘to operations conolasion of (8)y ; ee + comma et aia request: sie further ct tap int ena tat eupport enlisted despatch Pes (c) if ‘cominon decddes to esieia Halsey's decision snd request to ke F. New Zealand immediate despatch Snodgrass be urged. w ey 1a yf the first and second reports jommanding Unit have boon received for us { ohflg. ie Meee ata iertornanted tenngCOuee ery one ieoty 08 seek earn desired that he will transndtre after” “General start, thenco to the OMSr of peturn it to this office, \ I-also enclose a_dopy. of a telegeaf re subject which was prepayed by Professor Leepit \. i. Perry with ¢he guggestion that 4P\be de Zealand Minister @t Washinton. If, ¥pwehave, w to this suggestidn 1 shall be glad tOsheve tem NZNE—oj Novy Of, oe Wellington, Memorar -» from CHIEF OF NAVAL STAFF. te De ones ne 2 have te CmmaG & tithe m Pree upab A Wen 7 S549 | fom Bonde, Le Crsites Hab ue abe Teheran. ECR uly re is Aer ne O oO VY ow A INWARD TELEGRAM FROMZha.iien..10824n4 tniateny Nashington—— TO NO ih GSDOF ER GORA ARCA LEG y Reliington-—— mye DATE AND, DATED Duly 9 {De TIME OF RECEIPT. fish duel, ‘Tils TELEOKAN MUST BE PARAPHRASED If I ¢OMMUNKATION OF 15 eONTENTS 10 ANY EASON OUTSIDE THE GOVERNIENT SERVICE Is AUTHORIZED 2 Bocroti, #vbm Serendsen, Your telograw 25. June 28th, singuistes ave under way Gnd 1 nope to be able to Let you something de?inive cavly next woul (eignea) Bananas <) 8336/33/4 Ruy JPATOUARTERS, TOP. Scene ROTON G.I 5 EGR: ve BALAN Fr Okbi 47 duly 194h. S: ter} Benes Stab? Comittee, ine Minister's Dept. » ‘SEAL Project. Reference your lotter of 13th July, I have read the progress reports tron Ut, Colonel beech ind have no convents £0 mikes : ie In view of telegram No. 3h9 from the New Zesland Minister, Washi nm Shere a 3 to be no necessity to send drett ae te L ie: ‘urthe: t] 2 age eee aa ee Et 2 Qo eae 4 /.te INWARD. TELEGRAM qnils TELEGRAM MUST BE PARAPHRASED (f THE COMMUNICATION Of iTS CONTENTS T0 S eepeneoN OUTSIDE THE GOVERNMENT SERVICE IS AUIORIZED O ppom ihe Tew Reuiend mamstor, Womn..gton ‘he Winistor of Extornal affetrs, Wellington DATE AND 27th July 194l DATED. 25th Duty 1944 TIME OF RECEIPT. § Dame TO os 3802 Your 425. TOP SEORET. whis matter ts oti21 oagorts hore end. tndoed tas Boroniitic Reo onary ses had been inkt ena yoo be given but oeficen of tho Tittle wee is dikely War. The oomont 1a pow in the idea which eoneideration during the 18st. Aifticutilos are sce, perth Sxploniony C professor of the highest éci ent; dmpwactiool. Th i out thg yarlaye would apps! useful most. generally. Tydng see coasts, CHIEFS OF STAFF COMMITTER, ARMY HEADQUARTERS, WELLINGTON, Biat duly, 19h. TOP SECRET MEMORANDUK for: ho Chief of the General Stats. — ey mane SM a Further to my onde of 434h July’ above, I have now recet} m_ the offic SEAL tnit copies of fi d progress Fi ject. Those 2 sr for United 5} sent és have boon forwarded to youn repronentat petite ee, ‘The copy res co jew Zou la fa OF ie Forwarded to the Enter of tap General” 3 Pel Tt ie desired that he wil: Stae's it to t ofthe Nava Start who ie asked ‘t it in turn to ‘the/Chief of the Air Staff, the i Return it “< 1 office. f S Coe ee = Secretary, Sense Sp dtart Cooma tte feed tg Ea AM le | Moe Rae WAR CABINET SECRETARIAT, PRIME MINISTER'S DEPARTHENT, WELLINGTON, ‘MBYORANDUY for:~ Ith August, 19bbte Chief of the General Steff Copy tor of the Air 8’ SEAL With reference to your recent conversation with Mr, Shanahan when swe sarees ee it would be Geairebie, in view the interest being taken United Kingdom Authorities in the velopment of the SEAL project, ate ‘pie e of the pry 88 ne to date shor forwarded to London, I re to inform yor the only cop! aval: are those allocated to ane Chiefs of iy ‘These copies are forw: th and it i that you should arrange for their to the New Sete Officer in London, I that if any the “Ohi tate desiree, accegs to ety of tne, xe a copy & ie e by , the ‘ieer Commanding the ~ M5 - © Ss Enel, , x Assistant ret ANS Cabinet. y Gex on negzs| ttt OUTWARD TELEGRAM TUIS TELEGRAM MUST BE PARAPHRASED IF THI con "ANY BERSON OUTSIDE THE GOVERNMENT SERY, pRomPetonder, Welington To | Bazotsogeo, e DATEDZO% Aagust 19h SECRET, From secretary Ohtefs of dteff: G.526u. Please dnform Aémiral Nevton that we understand that Professor Snodgrass is vow in Papifia end thet his address is Gare Cordaspace We deaine invite him to proceed to New Zondand to participate dn Gevelopnent Seal project. Grateful if you will ascertain from Gomsopes whether he vill oxteml invitation on our behalf or whether he would deeite that we mko 1% eye ond 43 Me event how we can reach Snodgvaree Sag ANY PERSON OUTSIDE THE GOVERQMENT SERVICES AUTHORIZED epresentabive South: Pacific Headquarters, FROM....1ow-donlaad-Ohtet’s of Sbaeta TO ...-Aeuy- Headquarters, iieLiingt on: | DATE'AND DATED 208A August, 194k TIME OF RECEIPT. 20%h August, 154ts BellS Pathe \ Secret: 0025 Shodgraus not in Pacific. ii your information, aariont Head, Bp OUTWARD TELEGRAM ‘lls TELEGRAM MUST BE PARAPHRASED IF THE CONMUNICATION OF ITS CONTENTS 10 "ANY PERSON OUTSIDE THE GOVERNMENT SERVICE 1S AUTHORIZED. OMe. Minieterof Atherndl sttaina, Seliinghop io. diow,. 4enlind. Liniater, Washington, ase te TESA Auguatis 19s... TIME OF DESPATCH:..11pem, Seeret: 555 Gomsonuc states 1n response to enguiny made to him that Snodgrass ie not in the Pacific, We would be grateful if you would endeavour to logate him ana extend an invitation to hi to proceed to New Zealand as soon aa ted he wit here; “a Ws din a0 course when it & popsible to aeaist in development of ‘Seal’. Flemee AO vibe yp vue d nist “To The Minicter of External Affuirs, Wellingtons SATE AND. 25th Auguet, 19h, DATED 24th August, LOUMME OF RECEIPT 5 patna SSORB?, Wo.30, Your telegram No.555 snd my telegram 380, Yestordsy Cominch informed Comzopse that no further action is to be takon in reference to "Seal" snd Snodgrass wao informed through cewvice channels by Ceminch that he is not to be seconded to Yew denland for this purpose. In these circumstances ther seems ivile wee in endeavouring to approach Snodgrase who ig in any case not in the U.8,4, oe mee * Serdal 001842. August ‘28, 494. SOR suoRems fork pene ae seen South Pacific Force. thera, @ piret Bogs sa (2) nego 7th ition ‘from any further prosecution m related to subject project and 4 re eee tothe Bait, Uni OR Copy to: Ginepoa Buora GHIRPS OF STAFF COMEITTER, ARME iy iy Cat 7th September, 1944. Chr of veport hevewith for metentions tnt resources of nt of ie at cus oc ue stay ouig ta ny ar vealanas ng to be provided from United States resources, eives Unit under United 5: and aanned States personnel to be 6 ‘under the Cowmand of the Commander of the Research tical Development and Training Unite to be as ‘Tact goon ae it rears desirable and to be ened ital Le ‘At that a seid ile cenen Prmotnty (htnee matte ‘Command. Co) agmaae pope, ooe tot tater ten Oe Somtton ef, ‘The Comma nier, South Pacific Aree, PSS some Erne canara RECOMOMNDED + (a). (ob). (a)e ‘Tet assistance should be afforded by New Zealand in developing the | project known aa "Seal" to a point where it ie pos to say whether — or not it can be satisfactorily employed for operational purposes. That the organization to enable this development should be as ft A esearch unit be Zeeland army: eed oy dmerioan Seu ind techn a ferme od @. transferre Not later tha ‘the tactical units an see Cie =e Seopnttmats the wank of a ‘This officer et (ates Naval dxooutive officer. rhe ae Fequizements are as follows! units (Ameriean personnel) 55 oN Army personnel 4122 DsS-T.Re Personnel 22 199 SS to cover the development wi21 be on the paragraph (h) of letter Gated 2nd May addressed te Bry to the Toamiry by the Winkster of Armed Forces and : War Go: ton, provided I @) se stores released by. the United States Authorities for jealer the development shell not be a charge to the New nd. authori tiest ok of destruction led by the cuinaritios fer uso in this de dovolopnonte That, the Hon. urs Perry represent War Cabinet in the establishment and implementation of the schemes APPROVED IN WAR GABINEE 5th May, 19lble Navel secretary Referred, Original Schedule sent to Armys OUTWARD TELEGRAM TWilGKAM MUST BE PARAPHRASED IF TIE COMMUNICATION OF ITS CONTENTS TO AW PERSON OUTSIDD THE GOYERNMENT SERVICE IS AUTHORIZED FROM * TIME OF DESPATCH:..22.20°P* oliowing vieasag’ 1¢ frow opue that Wat Cobinet and Chiefs of sonuble ond practical aseietance nj development Tseal" arojeet, y dchivo that whole project | shovid bo controlled ens coterdinated by United states oMFicer Fespondible Girectiy so Gorsopac bot action 46 being faker Porthiish to Sova Ressareh Unit ynder immediate direction of losives, Tdeticad Develo; iy. Rien: State have agre #6) CaN CETUS OF SEN uaee fer SgtennTy OUTWARD TELEGRAM lids HAMAS MUST BE PATAPHRASED 1 1h GiMMbQICATIN We ATS CONTENTS 0 SAT Prasas OU TSI TIL DUNERSML NE SLRVICL fs AUIIRIZLD FROMPie Bimiswer oF szternet A, ©, wellingten, TO The Haga Gounissioner for N.Z., Canberra, DATEGth May, 19. TIME OF DESPATCH: 11 a.m, Ne A, Ww ive becn ankea by the Conpander, South Pacific Yappal o6Stone hgeieeteo personel from his commend in: the CebRetGtene here of s high veiordty war progect.. vor thi ne raat the aseiecance of ito byarauiio engineers of the higtest Galibres and ied agreed that #, Voouvices Reaeareh, Angines? Ot the detropol isan citer Board Sydsey eni’'Rs tang, Magineer, Vfotontun Geoto sive: Gonateeion Medpourne, wilt be meee oni tobe mons mesuage hai nsent to y Leech, Acting Director OF steing w hey personally 4 be fox \ for apirox. t sey Riussoraonthe ta in thig wotk and ehather the eva ar0. 1ikely ep oeeer objootions se 3g fe iimediutely pe mele Sedeiveds but in cater yQo1d be aratornl 1? ap Song hoach md Be eiling to Or Anny Headquarters, New Zealand Military Forces, Wellington C. 1, 3 Mey 19. BEI, conte, Ragenen rent Salen et ie ee Se ey - 3 2nd Mey, 19bh6 sm directa ate have reooivea through "Peptonenial jive ie en ‘ed ertioulare of the ‘ae ‘which for securi.y reacons Soe a ae tee \@ proposals have been considered by ae Seni cal oouree be a sraae Re h ond y be available sath ster ‘the Sean ‘rill be furnished the, peevesed organiustion whieh ¢, 48, Gut inatod of 55 United 2tetes personne) and roomed (miliary and sotentific) 4s attached hereto. ecu of otaft Would appreciate savice from you ut the ible moment aa to whether you concur in end approve the for development as outlined above. Yours faithfully, mele” Secretory Chiefs of stat Comisttec. ‘The Commandery South Pacific’ Arca, Noumea y Wel Department oF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS, aE Wetuneton. N.Z, 2nd Way, 19h. MEMORANDUM for: ‘Mie Chief of the Air staff ‘The Chief of the Naval start A draft is enclosed of a telegram which, assuming that War Cabinet give formal assent on ‘Thursday to the C.0.S. proposala concerning “Seal”, I Would sugzest be de: to Engedsopac Headguarters for o cation to Gonsopac. I have given a copy to Salmon, ia oultiek os were / this telegram with « fo ication Ghiefa of Staff stati gee what the Cabinet and your view id to enclose this a copy of the if onganieatio ua faown to you ie COPY OF TELEGRAM. wi FROM... Ite | TOP SECRET, Inform Comsopao Eximenn that Sar Cabinet and Chiefs of Stef? have agreed afford 411 roaronsble and practical ageistance in development "Seal" projects they deuire that whole VY project shoulé te controlled ond inated by Uni Fosponsible directly to aotion 18 be: to form Revoarch Unit oa to senne’ Other unite, vis mtr eioal ss i... will, it te suggest NaN from ier teo rican poreomel; fire! to be formed a end antil United ara oF appointed 0. ox ue under local wie 9; Zz short D. 7 a L a 7d ‘0 Pon | CoN ao toN v & % se (ee Sell | (SA) LIND WOLIWL ] uv & (nL HoENzeR | SPC L109__ | ONOTUIZ MIM. OD LACH eon, Dvd0S " YY Y, Ay OsWae ZN (20 S20UNO8 72 | ® f | 20 Sgonosse S20 \— > > 7 aay are x5 wie Ce, (HDWor' a oieoS | eek OY Rey £0 SF2UNOSIY | ONO TOE 2 AY DWvAOS WOD JauOgS Ain FORCE HEADQUARTERS, J WELLINGTON Gt. €.0.S. PAPER NO. 193. COPY 0, OP sEREIE | 2end April, 194d. DEVELOPMENT OF SEAL PRoJacT te During recent months considerable experimental work has been carried out at the lesdquarters of the Commander, South Pacific area, on the development of an idea euggested by Wing-Commender c Geom, RNZAF, ‘The prepougiewas origins] ly ref gered to tng O Headquarters by the Chie? of oN Gpheral Stat? for sinfest cation ~ 2 ge At was considered to by Se ah ticwar value adhe United States Forces in the citlc ARG, For rensone of sealnty fhe gadu has cx A : been given ths code stete)SEAL. oy With the-@pproval of var opudntia Profebeor 1.0.0. beech, Acting Director bi Getentitic Develgpaght, ey Noumea to agist in the wow on the resutts Wich Tilve yey uchieved to date ane largely she-Sutcono of expersiends oranda by him and other New Zeallane Ofticors in conpferabion kre J.M. Snodgrass, United states Dovartiaing’ of PaagennobS The Now Zoclend Chiefe of Staff Representative va? Aamo Walsey's headquarters has also been Stamately coprechPa’ uit J2vetopnont. 3 The Severopnent “has now reached the otage whore it can be stated that PKe Lac! Kr promise of being capable of effective use. In aGqumoranaun Qytgil /ap¥i1 3, 194! to the Chiefs of starf Represen- Sw tative, Aduima Mialsey, hag e: ed the opinion that the results of kN pe the expurtmerita “show far-reaching possibilities as an offensive weapoh'y Gnd states further that "it would be very dseirable to have fubsfer” experiments carried out to establish u practicable msthoa end) procedure which could be used for offensive warfare”. Pans asked that what might be described as the second stage of development should be carricd out in New Zealona principally by New Zealand Persomel, and has stated that all practical assistance will be given by his Commana. Le Considerable discussion his inevitably taken place between the Hew Zealand Chiefs of Staff Representative and the Sta‘f of the Comasndsr, South Pacific, and, as a result, the Chiefs of Staff find themselvcs comnitzea to a substantial degree in regard to the future development of tho project. The withdrawal of any assistance already pro.fersd by Colonel Salmon is likely to have unsatisfactory reper- cussions on their aseocdation with United States Commanders. 5: 4A substantially complete plan Sor sesvarch and dsvelopminty of the suggestion has been aram(ap\gnd, it is undoratood, approveaby™ Aamivel Halsey. Tt envisamed phsMformation of a whisk New Zoogdha comendod by a New Zeelandoffider ond manned méinky by Ne@\Zectand personnel with some specialist American officers Und pebty pfficora. The eventual strength OfAhe unit, whioh#ittappears route be reached by gradual stagep, tevestimated ct \oropMe@rs andlis3 other ranks of whom approximately one-third would beSamericdn perbonnel. 6 ft de airficuit at thiblstage $6 cbgte the time that will be roquirsafloy complete the experittehts ofthu’exsct nature ana extent of the Wacfiities which wif "bg Aocdgd. \\It is cetimated, however, that the work should be complebd duPihg 944. It will consist mainly in experiments onfa,smdl1 efaiayfith occasional field trials. te he xeienbitic xeseaFeh work would be undertaken at the Department f gelenti®ierand Industrial Research in Auckland, and the Piplavéxperimente im tho Hauraki Gulf, or some other suitable area Péascnablysgdideent to Auckland, It should be stated that one of the particular reasons why it is desired to have the further doveloprtoxs undertaken in New Zocland is that the necessary ecientifte ich ig not available in Now Caledonia ean anatSehnica? equipment w: pe thtained hore from the Depertment of Scientific and Industriel Research. In#ddition tothe resources of that Department tho smportant requirements will be aecommodetion end maintenance for tho porsenncl of thy unit and the usa of certain equipment, such us launches, cranes and, possibly, a emall amount of earth-moving machinery The total cost cannot at present bo estimated. 8. In view of Professor Levch's close association with the work and his technical knowledge of the ficld of resoarch, it is brovosed that he should be appointed Commanding Officer of the Unit. 9%. Having exemined the results of the experiments carrica out to date, and having discusssd the matter with the Chiefs of stafr Representative and Professor Leech, the Chicfs of Start ara of opinion, in vicw of the consideration expressed in paragraph h, that the ‘dea ghoul be developed to the pointe at whieh ¢ 44 posemLe bo ony keto OF nob 4h coh bo extlefuctondy urglayed for crests V puxposes. ven though the smog Browse prove to bein the neh, this conclusion ould have qg6iiive vatuo in sx fio gna, ad ‘ Possible amploynent of thé sae by the enemy. Aes he & hana, should the deverormeng Pay suceescful, only will japon of Gent earn tate te rman aa MP iL atapnt cartoinly be eee Se Cosurgmbich shoula be TY eed cuteness veaheoieroe as tis erase ae problems SARC with tho\@winistration of a unit compbeg partly of Key, asia ant S sb ap eaatatnt Eh BNWAN IRA canta ne teeeed. Rae y of United States personnel. Preaent considera eesofi dp. Tore ere no Naval porsonns? who can be 2 Ags thefonts, 4A limitea nunber of spectaLisea sir ge opae. GPVE Taade avaliable. The Army persona requipeg igt’be gniisttd, if Var Cabinet go diveots, but prasumbiy wr SOR Zoeken then depeunceeetterty ton Tee grounds, the ee, of Gtaff feel that tho manning of the fiola orporipdngaiAnts cn the toclmtent training and developmnt units sh abo confined to émorican pereonnel. (4) That tho orgoniaation, if it is to be set up in Yew Zealand, should be dircetly under the jurisdiction of the Gonmander, South Pacifie Arca, ard should be commanded exclusively by United States officers, (44) ‘That the assistance given by Now Zealand should be limited to:~ (a) Loan of specialiced officer: (b) Hoking available to the unit the facilities of tho Departmen’ of Seientitte ona Industrial Research both ss to personnel ana technical equipment. (c) Providing an area in ‘which tho experimental work can €o Sarricd out and xefigerine saftatee, Xith accommodatiody Whtonial and éqipment as may bo“ayadlabio-FoP\tne puPpose - (signed) AMEETOH. raite, A Pimodere. GhioPe? thapligvel State. (sigiga) b.ueeaarer,, AAP Vicetlarshal. Chief Of the Air Staff. ((signda) “W.c. cowry, Brigadior. PoP" chiof of the General Staff. €.0.8. PAPER NO. 193. COPY 10, 22nd April, 49bl. CHIERS OF STAFF coMITT TER, DEVELOPUEND OF SEAL PRosnor, Ne During recent months considerable experimental work has deen carried out at the lieadquarters of the Commander, South Pacific area, on the development of en idea suggested by Wing-Commander Gideon, RuMT.Z.A.P, The proposay was originally refgrred to that), Headquarters by the chie? of dhs ‘Ggheral Staff for investigation ‘ as it was considered to bet of Sfesowar valuggo) gut United States Forose in the Pacific Aiedy For reason of geclnity the ddea has been given the code.ratie) SAL. eX ~ Be With theaperovel of War Cabinesy ProfeSeor T.0.5. Leoch, Acting Director YF Geientitic novetgbnght, Wéh\t Noumea to aalst in tho x04 ghd mo rests witgh ave pedwchieved to dato ere lergedi_vhe Cuteone of experinbays conductd by him end other Now Zealand) Officers in co-operation sith Brofessor J.M, Snodgrass, United Siatos Departmént of Repegreh The Hew Zealand Chiefs of Stat? Represontative af AdmsTBlWalssy's headquarters has also been intimately confiectiéd with" g8vetopment. 3 po development has now reached the stage where it can ve stated that the idea slows promise of being capable of effective use. In e“ugmorandun Gated spril 3, 1944 to the Chicts of Staff Reprecen- tative, Aduimai(Halsoy has expresved the opinion that the results of the expgr'imerits “show far-reaching possibilities as an offensive weapoh' dnd states further thet "it would be very desirable to have further’ experiments carried out to estsblish a practicable method end procedure which could be used for offensive warfare", Bame acked that what might be described as the cocond stage of development should be carried out in New Zealand principally by Rew Zealand Persomnei, and has stated that all practical assistance will by given by his Commund, Le Considerable discussion hasiuwitasly taken place between the Now Zealand Chiefs of Staff Representative and the Staif of the Commander, South Pacific, ond, asa result, the Chiefs of Staff find thomevlves commitsed to a cubstential degree in regard to the future development of the project. The withdrawal of ony assistance already pro. fered by Colonel Salmon is likely to have unsatisfactory reper- cussions on their association with United States Commanders. 5. 4 substantially complete plan for research and development) of the sugeeation has besn dravnfup\and, it is understood, approvea by Admiral Halsey. Tt envisage thoVformation of a taibth New Z2qiana comanded by a New Zealand ofti8er ond manned wainky by NeW Zealand personnel with some spectutat smerion ofpigore tina pdttyjofticors. ‘he eventual strength ot/the unit, wiih’ iMpppears ae be reached by gradual stagap,, to/ectimated at \ereffiders gnd4s53 other ranks of whom approximately ono-thira would wOvwftertegn Pevsonne). 6. It ds difficult ot thik btago #@ state the tims that will be roguirda/to complete the experiitents dPethe’ exact naturs and extent of the Wacllitics which will “bg/novded. Nt ie estimated, however, that the work should be gompievGa ayring™ 94h. It wi2l consist muinly in experimonts onva,smdil sfal8)Fith occasional ficld trials. i The xesenbitie fesva¥oh work vould be undertaken at the Department ‘of séfentiiftecand Industrial Research in Auckland, ana the fislaGxporimento’An the Howraki Gulf, or some other suitable area Péadonably.qtideent to sucklend. It should be stated that one of the partidalar reasons why it is desired to have the further nary ocientitic development undertaken in New Zcaland ig thet the no andt¢hinieal equipment which ia not ayaileble in Now Caledonia can je bbtained here from the Department of Scientific and Industrial Restarch. In addition tothe resources of that Department the important requirements will be accommodation and maintenanes for the personnel of the unit and the uss of certain equipment, such as launches, eranes and, possibly, a mall amount of earth-moving machinery Tho total cost cannot at present be estimated. a 8 In view of Professor Lycch's close association with the Work and his technical knowledge of the field of research, it is Propossa that he should be appointed Commanding Officer of the Unit. 9. Hoving examined the vesults of the experiments carrica out to date, ond having discussed the matter sith the Chiefs of state Ropresentative and Professor Lesch, the Chiefs of Stuf? are of opinion, in view of the considuration expressed in paragraph hy that the idea should be developed to the point o% which it is possible tom sey whother or not it ean be satisfactorily omployed for operationf. V Os purpose, ven thous thy angie Yhoula prove to wn the nedadiye, Ko this conclusion Kouta have @feye3h value in reapeiot to the Posaible employment of thG Addn by the onomy. Aon ene Ge shand, should th development seer succeseml, Kp a wsdapon of reat potontina vofasnero baun ereateg? pit innapmbfon wi22 elnsot curta nly be ovétaab¥e aa to the cvufitoy Sianw 8s Ss should be ompioyod 15 the Seepon wore tung REM heh Tica forces. 40. ¢ \ fre chiots of Suet: Pov A Neetsibie of the organizetion and prt problems ote with gprrintetration of @ unit ‘ compbepht partly of Newfiedana canacethy of United States personnel. sonnel Will eso The appointment of thy. Pehiake Mex zoulana p: perme; AiOPS. There aro no Noval porsomes present considerdi ehalised fia Gapibs SRha toganae mening eae med Ai Forco/pbasonnel chy BS made Wvailable. The Army per requized. Gif be eniieted, if War Cabinst go directs, but presumably only My tne exffengy/oz com: ether escuntial eonmitmont. On thoeo grounds, phe Bhlurs of Star? fool that the manning of thy ficla shgfi®Mbe confined to American porw2nnel, AM They would, therefore, prefer (4) That tho organization, if it 4s to be set up in New Zooand, should be directly under the jurisdiction of the Gomondcr, South Pacific Arcs, and should bo conmanded exclusively by United States officers, (ia) ‘That the assistance given by New Zenland should be limited tc (a) oan of spseiaticed officcrs. (>) Making avatabis to the unit the facilities of the Department of Sotentitie and Industrial Resvarch both as to personnel and tectinieol cgnipment. (c) Providing an area in which the experimental york copy Qhrriva out ana xfmgering » “ stepdad assisidies/ ith accommodationy andgculpment as may bd ayallable=for the purpose. ) (signed) aMBEL “A. tate,” ‘golnoddPey Ghiot6f thé Meysl state. (sagnea}™ Ly serrr, 2p Wico-Har shel. Cpreg“ef the Air Staff. (siggy “Wo. opwmy, Brisadisrs ‘ior Chief of the General Staf?. ia im ARMY HEADQUARTERS WELLINGTON. 0.46 49th April, 19h. Chief of the Air Steff. = Seek Pak pnoney pede ties poe Gusete cm Bt: er on the development ose jouseed e fast mecting of the Chiefs of staff Sonat ieee. bs I have thought it advisable not to make! any on in the @reft of the actual nature of the project. This can, ary y be explained later to War Cabinet e paper 18 ° thems Qy I should be glad if you ise me not 1 Fri Qiet April whether you sgree w: of the the nature of the modifications thereto. nel. o26fif C.0.8. PAPER NUMBER COPY NUMBER Development of SEAL Projects ie During recent months ‘consiaéreble experimented work has been cerried out at the Headquarters of the Commander, South Pacific area, on the development of an idea suggested by Wing~ Commander Gibson, RNeZ.A.Psy which for reasons of security P hae been given the code name Ma cael Oy z 2 With the epproval 2 asthe 5 Director of Scientific i Fin the experimental work - to date are large! fey mult of ‘and other New one in Tole anodgrese, Witte states of Zeeland sep starr Repren aang ‘elo been inti ee & development. 3€ 2 development now stage where it can be stat ‘thet ise of being caprble of effective use. mnlefnio 08 April 3rd to the Chiefs of Staff Repres oa, sey has angel ea thet the Se t te ‘show far reaching possibilities on en hfe , and states further that "it would be very des: ‘ther experimenta carried out to establish a ‘and procedure which could be used for offensive has asked thet whet might be described ae the aesond 7 Wwelopments should be carried out in New Zealend principal | zealend personnel, andhiae stated that Gil practiced t ‘A eubstantially complete plan for xesearch and development ~ of the suggestion nal bama:dzawn up endeuprored by sania neleoy» It envisages the formation of a unit im New zealand commanded by a New Zealend officer end manned mainly by New Zealend personnel with some epectalist american offisera and petty officers. The ne — gpeituial tegen, 40 entinabes ot 46 stridérn ond 453 other sank of whom approximately one-third would be /uériean personnel. — $B —_w view of Professor Leach's close asagoiation with the work ond nis techneal knowledge of the field of research, it 1s proposed thet he should be Z we ‘The scientific be accomodation the use of ae launcheds ovsnes end possibly e mall machinery, The total cost cannot at pres +9 “ out to da having Glacusved the netter ¥ith the 1%, Chiete of si pssaeagare ‘and Protensor 6 of Start that zt iho biden het cee ask et ne which x possible to say sxctins's or not it can be satisfactorily rc for operationel purpones. Jven though the angwer should prove to be in the negutive thie conclusion would have @ yosttive value in relation te the possible employment of tmundetions ty the enecy- on the otner nandy shows the dereloument prove auesusstily not only will a weapon ¢ but information will eluost cortainly be available as to the counter _— the Altea Peroes. ai Balt Considerable discussion has neo thevibeniy taken place between ae the N.2, Oniere of state representative and the atate of the Commander South Pacific and ae‘ result the Chiefs of Steff fina ‘thenelives comitted to a substantial degree in regard to the future development of the project. The withdrawal of any already proffered by Colonel salmon is likely to have unsatisfactory vepercussions on their esgoctstion with United ‘States Commer. 40. Abitnenenetine"the Chiefs of steft are very se the orgenisetional and other problems associated with the personnel. The appointnent will else present consi be released to the unit? personnel éan be be enlisted, if, expense of oniets of to eo S te ‘They woul (4) met #1 deat it is to be set up in New zealand, shor under the jurisdiction of the Commander, ie and should be commended exclusively by That ace given by Hew deelend showla be Limited tor- Ke of specialised officers. Moking available to the unit the fectiities of the Department of Seientific and Industrial Research, both as to personnel and technical equipment. Providing en@ea in which thé experimental work can be carried out and rendering assistance with a¢comodation, nmeteriel end equipment as may be available for the purpose. 8 RD bn Ye €.0.8, PAPER NO. Pe te Jey pares We cory No. a GuIERS oF si ri evel ts During recent months considerable experimental work has been carried out at the Headquarters of the Comonder, South Pacific Area, on Spm ee “e fag ee & With the approval jabinet, Profe ar Director of Scientific ent, went to mane the ex- ‘the development of on idea suggested by Ving Comander Gibson, R.N.Z. perinentel work, and ‘te whieh hav ae are largely the result_oP@herinents ~ fi New Zealand officers in oe with Proes! Ss, United states serene ihe =< ansllgiespenreni at me "9 needquartes aed connected 1300 feet. ow & the aoverorhet) Ya SS the stage where it can be stated that the Adeb/ shows 1 of being capable of effective use. Tm 0 menorangum Web6d. 4 1 1944 to the chiefs of Staff Representative, Admired Had sey tes exdugngea the opinion that the results of the experi- ments (Che far-reeonges possibilities as an offensive weapon”, and etator Ptithon hat Yit would be very desirable to have further experi~ ments carried gut to establish a practicable method and procedure which could B6 nuded for offensive warfare". He hes asked that what might. be desdfiped as the second stage of development should he carried out in wew Yeb1and principally by New Zeeland personnel, and has stated that all practical assistance will be given by his command. be Considerable diccussion has evidently taken place.between the NZ. Chiefs of staff Representative and the Staff of the Comender, South Pacific, and, as a result, the Chiefs of Staff find thonselves committed to ® substantial degree in regard to the future development of the pro~ ject. ‘the withdrewal of any assistance already proferred by Colonel Salmon is likely to have unsatisfactory repercussions on thelr associa tion with United States comenders. 5e A aubetontielly complete plan for research ond Geveloynent of the suggestion has been dravm up and, it in understood, approved by Admiral Haleey. It envisages the forviation of a itt in Wew Zealand comended by a iew dealand officer and manned mainly by New Zealand wy sonnel, with acne specialiet Aner ore and petty, officers. ge eventual strength of the unit, ad coer Se peachy gradual stages, is estinateg a eo oes of whom, officers and approximately one-third woul@ be Ameriotn per: Ss © 5 er 6. It is er at this tila tihe that will be Fequired to complete the experiment: os anid extent of e the feoilitfes ghfon will be nee: «SY ‘ted, however, that the worke(aioulld ve completed auPad 4 will consist mainly in ppertpeiti on « muni sopte w}tn oes field trials. << te he scientiPtc rose, TK would. be underteken at the De- portnent of soiphtitte” ang‘: jal Research in sucklandy and the field experiments in ho fiampais ure, or some other suitsble area reasonsbly edjacent to Ausland. \ It should be stated that one of the particular reasons why it is Wesgred to have the further development wndertoken in Wew wealand ia thét’ the necessary solentifio and technical equipment which is not availab}e in New Caledonia can be obtained here from the Department of Sei@htéthe ond Industrial Research. In addition to the resources of the ‘beportment of Selentific and Industrial Research, the important re- qQuiréments will be accommodation and maintensnee for the pérsomel of the unit and the use of certain equipment, such os launches; cranes and, possibly, @ small amount of earth-moving machinery. The total cost camot at present be estimated. 8. In view of Professor Leech's close association with the work 1 i ana his technical knowledge of the field of research, it 18 proposed that he should be appointed commeiiding officer of the unite oe Having examined the results of the experiments carried out to date, ond having discussed the matter with the N.Z. Chiefs of Staff Re~ presentative and Professor Leech, the Chiefs of Staff are of the opinion, in view of the consideration expressed in paras 4, that the idea should ve developed to the point which it is possible to say whether or not it can be satisfactorily employed for operational purposes Bven ‘the answer chould prove to be in tive, this uelon @ positive value in relation t le emplo: mundi: tbe by the enemy. on the o should the ful, not only will a a great potentigh velit hav begn created, ‘but infomation wi2t eVoertainly be Ye as we counter- . measures which enquadod employed if wer ed against the Allied forces. \ yy Cee ss 10. Chiets of state arbwery genedBle of the organization end otnerXgeaplione ascootateq/ifamn the ration of a unit composed partly of New Zealand and(psttly, a States personnel, The Eeptiiment of tne eevee pentane wl aeons considerable dipficll tics. thefe are no navel personnel Who can be re- Lexssato tau a iinftea number of specialised Air Force personnel ean be made Available. \ Whe Army personnel required can be enlisted, 4f the“Cstyinet go Mrecte but presunably only at the expense of some other cecentidl, dou tment. On these grounds, the Chiefs of staff feel that the moaning of the field experimental unit and the technical train- ing and dev@lopment unite should be confined to Ameriean personnel. the They would, therefore, prefe: Le what the organization, if it is to be set up in Kew jeolend, chowld be directly under the jurisdiction of the Comender, South Pacific Area, and should be conmanded exclusively by U.S, officers. ite That the assistance given by New Zealand should be ' (a) (>) (e) 4 4 ‘limited to:- Lom of specialised officers. Making avatleble to the unit the facilities of the Department of Soientific and Industriel Research both as to personnel end technical equiznent. Providing an area in which, the mental work cen be carried out and rendering ansietmoe with accommodation, material end equipment as may be available for the purposes * ES ao €i Se | as | i | i SCHDULS 5 OF THR MINUTES OF tm sthby continua sd ol S7/i/t, tees, 0%, penan, Mi seers sonal Reae y ‘| at South Pa oa. ] eae Ame sacettey of Seve P ‘at VY the request of the Chiefs of . Q5 Colonel Sai out: Fave an sho a Pin further investigation and Cem Su] WARY ek wiRZ, LL? v fai car orga ERAN: j B sprdd 19 qo: Mo CHIEPS OF STAHF, WELLINGTON, N. z Gubject: General Report fo? Period 27 War to 2 April 19h. Further to ity epart of 27th March «.. 4 4, INUNDANIONS. Preparational planning, 9s. ery dnuy lest report, is an hand, TT del heoeh haa amp h his No h ri, eh a Aa. at A ‘been prose to Schaap complete ree of it analysis of photos, preparatd n on aid Sot us basta ior Buthne: de are going the “rounds” of Gomsoy Sy the Deputy Comantor,, Vice, we vill get the final O.K, ‘This appears to be all. ir in my report of 21 March, paragraph two, ly by, id Officer ae with four British R.N, officers and the 1 of visit is ‘boon advised Pe receipt of a ‘Admivelty, the mission consists of RK. USV.0. RAK th, 'R.N. W.Heard, R.N. Fed. 5 Soi Je) H.Patton U.8.N.R. 3+ BREDISH NAVAL UISOTON (Contd), GO foe ares aie che oes er Se ive Seen nate Zor"s dinner a G. GemRantons (Conta). Veosele sunk; heer, SAP) ‘This month to date: Brana/Gareo. Tankers Total rovdins eee ie Last month: 19 ships totalling 49,800 tons sunk. Adrorazt destroyed: Month to date > . fae Col (Biship) Baddeley. seo shee wWeoad ‘Gibson , TH MESSAGE WOE. TELRER our (BN 2 so GOP¥-OF, TELEGRAM. 17. 5N IN CIPHER, WITHOUT pe Re PARAPHRASEDOBOSSON, — OSP1NEIy N.Z.A1L No. 888) G'S OF 3, REPREGEPATIVEE 9 : Oe 4 DATED...WUMY ADWAR, 19 : On Ps 9360, bth sorte Vor GAIRPS STAR. ‘Wogn EGR: Referonce my report 2ct March pare a oe eta em OP Admiral HALEY has vreqested continuation of SHAL developments. Inter alia his lctter states "uy opinion ml in ambibious fare hap definite and far Possibilities as en oftenaite- weapon", "I would de grateful so | 2 mia tn of faet2ities ond A@iepossl", outline of ve in eecordance wit War Cabinet resources a sneer, Peay eat Tndaptess S wok ee ‘spprovel but suggest in Nr ZRAEAND until I oon versonslly report Naw ZBALAND by firet trano- portation when gem comploted probably within sever returning but GIRSON returns HATS 6th to “Blrondy tate include posting to S3A% Unit of from UsdA. ond U.S, Ordnance Officer ADAIS froa hore. aN steicted secrecy and seourity 4s requested for all Sooretary} of Stat? Comittos. D.0.0e8s Naval secretary toniouts. Ghier gor Ain ptast. q ‘af your information, Sas ‘diary ,chiets of Gtast Conmittes, Orice oe Hic’ GHEY TEE ee aa Tor Ne % CHIEPS OF STAFF, WELLINGTON. N.Z- General. Report for Period 20th to 26th March 19li+. vurther to my report of 2tat March 191) +++ vara rye mass ato Bae four ongined tions ues Oe gale evades noe 3 Ne far ia ‘but 2 0 ave onawy losses in this and 6,¥%, Areas to datos ‘Moansle gunk: (over 500 tons): 7 a - Y Marchant Novag. seve tany eomioma: Che gr aay stare, Son ga tev orgation. 4 2 Ooms ¢ Secretary ,Chiefe of Starr Committee. KB : cs 15/3/1844, cwsArou. |=; be Sez ie Tos Ne %, Chiefs of Staff, Wellington, NZ, q Subject: General Report for period 29 Feb to 5 March Lol. : ls Further to my report of 28 Feb 19) = Las samen 7 Pedcenliee sey eapaeeel t mibmitted, has been ‘out probably will arrive 45 ay Hoe peescseyiera: ves by ronal s fis. Be ‘ye QERRABTONG. (Gontinued) Adroratt Destroyed. ete gf Month of Jgmary 3 M,Z. Chiefs of staff, Wellington, nz, Genorel Report for Period 6th to 1$tn March 2oiis. Parther to my report of 5th March ... 7 1+ 4/8 & pares, Remaining 7 Pairmiles arrived on 7 Mar» A programe siniler to that followed by the First Section has been and it 4 expected that Paimdles wiil clear from here on 16 Mavens to meet f their being Brit BoHBe allo ‘then ¢ ¢ - 5 a ee i Report for Period 43th to 19th March 29bb. ‘0 my wopent of 43¢h Manin ++ ae aa posed . oapekvon “fet 6 Ach ele 28th Pebruary 19h). We%s Chiefs of Staff, Wellington, mz. General Report for pericd2ist to 23 February. Further to uy report of 24 February 19}... fee op oS rae any Oly tue, short fall elven ofsieors and crave o, se Se ss as ; ‘are > about i on ELSGL oo, TSE hss saan “32s | muowmo, Wes 3 iz i ci sats have beer 308 ; es a facili i ees dann 582 y_U3A i and ind ( under Colonel us a. aware of this meteires any further explosation, 2028 Fo. ‘1945 are being annotated by CONGHTSOSSPA, panes cwwsions held cover film work. a Sameeonta) ‘dn Maitland roturned from Advanced Toadquarterds retuned from Advanced Headguurterss he aloo fe ErS ns ore Seb rice orkte thie oF al Dyth February,/35 ‘Br: yr Hunt! arture officis Hass fe tS PO COMGEN FIJI as @ fe and left, a si tory a regretful: Tn thels Ee to COGS + re er ] sere a saga PET Pe 2 tothe tae Ds nde os Be Both aa rane nt ra Hever oft xp. 101 Gear oll # sy werine cn DIE} Marine oil ‘3 DIES MC spies SAR wootlotl SAE 30; Mobiloil siz 50. TNUNDATION. yollowing ofthe instructions from Gog and presentation of papers to CoUSORAG, advantage was taken of the presence of Professor gustfe fa 2 eo'uarshel Toitt, mNLAr, arrived nove by aircraft 060, El hy A a ds et ain P/ube 3 we: as er Governsr} COMBOYAG = Admiral Halsey, Admiral ana eetbat (te ones) eickcine See anges ne ~ sgatgmnogras ~ ‘= qonorel pamnott, colonel Bel, olenel witiery colonel Genaral sonrereations vespecting ‘programme and ee en reeittes a“ tes ae ars aoe ae SERRATION» te figures for airoreft and ‘oases are as ‘up-to-dat ry shipping Advoreft destroyed: pecabor ate) oe lil Sn fe om from comney Sh omen following on stayed ab this Headquarters on mihactons;~ o~ ok hese gate, wae Kode Lleuts-colonel wilitens, imilos 7 , aa $ J soe mea Seat aS thes” ix, ¥rench Navel Paymastors a ane . me erated a oath aan wacete, sot ‘WeGs russel) Weta cong Mee Bs sate ag etatr He Reese 7 Be Pht Et dae aass4

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