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Paper 2: Dutch Book Arguments

Due Date This paper is due at midnight on 11:59PM on Saturday, November 25th 2017. Please submit your
paper on Canvas in .doc, docx, .pdf or .odt format.

Topic Reconstruct either the synchronic or diachronic Dutch Book argument (Vineberg 2011). Recon-
struct the best objection that you can, and respond on behalf of someone who finds the Dutch
book argument convincing. There are many discussions of Dutch Book arguments online, and
additional sources are summarized in (Hajek 2003).

Technical Please include a complete bibliography with any secondary sources that you have consulted. Your
Requirements paper should be as long as is necessary to reconstruct the argument charitably As a rough guide-
line, most students need about 1,200 to 1,500 words to accomplish this task. Your paper should
not exceed 1,500 words, excluding the bibliography. Please include a complete bibliography with
any other sources that you have consulted.

References [1] A. Hajek. Interpretations of probability. 2003. url: http : / / plato . stanford . edu / entries /
probability-interpret/ (visited on 04/14/2013).
[2] S. Vineberg. Dutch book arguments. In: (2011). url:

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