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The effectiveness of Online Professional Development (OPD) 1

The Effectiveness of Online Professional Development (OPD)

Mona M Alenezi

Northern Illinois University

ETR 520 Introduction to Research Methods in Education
The effectiveness of Online Professional Development (OPD) 2

Table of Contents
The Effectiveness of Online Professional Development (OPD) ................................................ 1
Problem to be Investigated ........................................................................................................... 3
Purpose of the Study............................................................................................................................... 3
Justification of the Study ....................................................................................................................... 3
Research Question .................................................................................................................................. 4
Hypothesis ............................................................................................................................................... 4
Theoretical framework........................................................................................................................... 4
Definition of terms .................................................................................................................................. 5
Brief Overview ........................................................................................................................................ 5
Background and Review of Related Literature ......................................................................... 6
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 6
Studies Reviewed........................................................................................................................... 6
Effective professional development ....................................................................................................... 6
Faculty members experiences with OPD............................................................................................. 8
Findings of studies ................................................................................................................................ 10
Description of the Research Design..................................................................................................... 10
Description of the Sample .................................................................................................................... 10
Description of Instruments Used ......................................................................................................... 11
Explanation of the Procedures Followed ............................................................................................ 11
Discussion of Internal Validity ............................................................................................................ 11
Discussion of External Validity ........................................................................................................... 12
Description and Justification of the Statistical Techniques or Other Methods of Analysis Used . 12
Ethics and Human Relations ..................................................................................................... 12
Timeline ....................................................................................................................................... 13
References .................................................................................................................................... 14
Appendices ................................................................................................................................... 16
The effectiveness of Online Professional Development (OPD) 3

Problem to be Investigated

Purpose of the Study

The goal of this study is to evaluate the overall effectiveness of online professional

development that prepare faculty to teach online at Hail University in Saudi Arabia.

Justification of the Study

The online professional development of the teacher is an essential element of the

development of education to be able to meet the needs of society and achieve its objectives.

Interest in the online professional development of teachers is also a serious issue posed by the

challenges of globalization, the technological revolution. Because the emergence of new

educational formats based on e-learning and virtual learning environments. ICT is an opportunity

to provide a rich learning experience for students, and teachers need to be able to update their

skills and experiences in a safe, robust and cost-effective manner (Rienties, B., Brouwer, N., &

Lygo-Baker, S,2013). Therefore, it is necessary to focus on professional development for

teachers. The aim of this content is to evaluate the overall effectiveness of online professional

development that prepares faculty to teach online course. Today, many universities and

institutions begun offering professional developments to prepare their faculty for online teaching.

Recently, Hail University Integrated Blackboard system to implement online education and

started offering professional developments to prepare faculty for online teaching. However,

literature suggested that there is a lack of studies that evaluate the effectiveness of these

professional developments (Lackey, 2011). Faculty perception and their insight are very

important indicators for the quality and the value of professional development and future
The effectiveness of Online Professional Development (OPD) 4

researches are suggested in this area (Meyer & Murrell, 2014). The result of this study will help

to develop an online professional program that support and develop faculty members skills in

online teaching.

Research Question
Is there a relationship between the length of faculty online professional development and

faculty self-reported levels of knowledge at Hail University in Saudi Arabia?

There is a significant relationship between the length of OPD and faculty self-reported

levels of knowledge.

Theoretical framework

There are a wide range of educational program evaluation that assess the overall

effectiveness. Kirkpatricks (1994) and Guskeys (2000) evaluation models are the most

common models that evaluate the overall effectiveness of professional development/training

program. Although Kirkpatricks model is designed to evaluate program in the business and

industry context. While, Guskeys (2000) model is designed for evaluating educational

professional development program. For this study, Guskeys model will be used to guide this

study. Davis et al. 2009 stated that Guskeys (2002) multilevel evaluation of professional

development does indeed apply to ICT-related teacher training (p.146). Guskeys Model has

five levels of evaluating (reactions (satisfaction with the training), (2) learning (gains in

knowledge, attitudes, or skills demonstrable in training), (3) organization support (institutional

commitment), (4) transfer (behavior change), and (5) results (impact).

The effectiveness of Online Professional Development (OPD) 5

Definition of terms

According to Killion (2008), professional Development is defined as: The process of

learning among educators.

According to Allen &Seaman (2007), Online Course/Teaching is defined as: Delivering

80% or more of course content online with typically no face-to-face meetings.

Brief Overview

This study will look for a relationship between the length of faculty online professional

development(OPD) and faculty self-reported levels of knowledge at Hail University in Saudi

Arabia. This correlational study will be conducted with faculty members in Hail university. Will

be randomized and a cluster-random sample of data will be obtained. the faculty members

participating in this study who have taken an online professional development (OPD) before will

be given a questionnaire regarding what Faculty perceived ability to teach online, with a specific

focus what is the Effectiveness of OPD components. The researcher will then arrange this data

on a scatter plot and determine a correlational coefficient to see if there is a relationship between

the length of faculty online professional development(OPD) and faculty self-reported levels of

The effectiveness of Online Professional Development (OPD) 6

Background and Review of Related Literature


The purpose of this section is to review previous studies about the effectiveness of online

professional development and related topics. The researcher used the online Library search

provided by Northern Illinois University. Different databases used to find related articles such as

Eric, EBSCO, ProQuest and Google Scholar. The researcher used different terms to find articles

such as online professional development, training, faculty development, and online teaching.

This section will be divided into topics. The first topic will be about the general idea about

Effective professional development. The second axis will include a review of a series of studies

related to the experiences of faculty members with online professional development. At the end

of this section, a result will be developed based on a review of studies. The study included

interviews with faculty members to discuss their participation in seminars as well as overall

growth and development as a faculty member. Interviews were conducted by individuals who did

not participate in the seminars.

Studies Reviewed

Effective professional development

The successful integrations of technology in educations requires Effective professional

development (Culp, Honey & Mandinach, 2003). As most of the colleges and universities tend to

offer online courses, training faculty and developing their skills to teach online become and

essential aspect in higher education. Faculty need to be prepped, trained and equipped with the

required skills to be able to teach online.

According to McQuiggan (2007), in higher education institutions there are an increasing

number of online teaching staff courses. While there is recognition of the need to develop faculty
The effectiveness of Online Professional Development (OPD) 7

members to prepare for online education, there are many different development models of

faculty that are being implemented with differing foci on technology, education, and course

content. Some faculty members teach the is first online training course without any prior

experience in education or online learning. Other faculty members participate in college

development programs that occur partially or entirely on the Internet, giving them opportunities

for online testing. It seems that most programs take the faculty through a step-by-step training

process. While there is evidence of faculty changes, there are few reports of reflective thought,

questioning beliefs and presuppositions about teaching, or revisiting their own education

philosophy. It will be interesting to try to identify what happens to faculty when they are

preparing to teach online and actual engage in online teaching.

According to Meyer (2014), many institutions have implemented a variety of faculty

development programs designed to help faculty design, teach online courses and use technology

wisely in traditional classrooms. The University of Central Florida requires all faculty members

to participate online in a 70-hour faculty development course. The University of Michigan has

also implemented a central professional development for online faculty members that goes

beyond a one-time workshop to include weekly tips, online mentoring, and online learning


According to McQuiggan (2007) distance learning managers responsible for designing

and implementing faculty development for online education need to address faculty as adult

learners and provide a model for faculty development that captures the principles of adult

learning in a context of online learning. Many examples were found at the New England Center

for Inclusive Education (NECIT), which provided seminars for faculty development at seven

colleges and universities. Seminars met weekly for a semester, participants included faculty
The effectiveness of Online Professional Development (OPD) 8

members thinking about their careers, identifying strengths and competencies, and meeting new

ideas Meyer (2014).

According to Wilson and Elizabeth (2004) teaching the teachers to teach online. Using a

variety of approaches to meet the needs of the prevailing majority, including workshops, short

courses, practical learning projects and website support. institutional approach to addressing this

group of staff would pose challenges for the developer: shifting focus from customized solutions

to individual teacher needs to strategies that could turn the prevailing majority into innovation

adoption. In pursuing the development of online teacher skills, strategies should include not only

teaching the technical skills required to use the program and the learning management system

that distributes course to the student, but also teaching instructional design skills in order that the

teacher can Integrate the interaction that has always been part of teaching, in the Internet

environment. a solution to this problem can be found in organizing the development of teachers

skills to match the degree of online support offered in online courses. Required to use the

program and the learning management system that distributes course to the student, but also

teaching instructional design skills in order that the teacher can Integrate the interaction that has

always been part of teaching, in the Internet environment. a solution to this problem can be found

in organizing the development of teachers skills to match the degree of online support offered in

online courses.

Faculty members experiences with OPD

According to Meyer (2014), many institutions have implemented a variety of faculty

development programs designed to help faculty design, teach online courses and use technology

wisely in traditional classrooms. The University of Central Florida requires all faculty members

to participate online in a 70-hour faculty development course. The University of Michigan has
The effectiveness of Online Professional Development (OPD) 9

also implemented a central professional development for online faculty members that goes

beyond a one-time workshop to include weekly tips, online mentoring, and online learning


According to Lackey (2011), when he interviewed faculty members. Trevor and Carrie

participated in a course on the Internet, but were directed them to enhance their online learning

skills. The course was a four-week professional development course offered by the Center for

Distance Learning Campus on best practices for online teaching. The course focused on teaching

methods of online learning, as well as facilitator role in the process. When asked about the

course in terms of specific educational training, Christie mention the importance of

communicating and making sure that students did not feel lost. It is important to keep the

students from feeling like they are just out there and nobody is responding to them. The course

also included some logistical issues like management strategies and administrative issues in

online teaching.

Participants some participated in preparatory activities such as workshops, classes and

resources on the Internet, as well as seeking help from one of the university staff and colleagues

at some point during online teaching. When asked: "What did I find more useful than the training

I received?" Peter recalled his experience in an online certification course: the training was very

good. Participants were asked whether there were any areas where they felt they needed further

preparation to enhance their online learning experience. Five out of six participants wanted more

help in learning some techniques online as well as using it to create a dynamic experience for

students Lackey (2011).

The effectiveness of Online Professional Development (OPD) 10

Findings of studies

It is necessary the development of online teacher skills in a way that enables them to be

able to adapt and interact with the new data of the digital age to be equipped with expertise,

knowledge and skills. In pursuing the development of online teacher skills, strategies should

include not only teaching the technical skills required to use the program and the learning

management system that distributes course to the student, but also teaching instructional design

skills in order that the teacher can Integrate the interaction that has always been part of teaching,

in the Internet environment. a solution to this problem can be found in organizing the

development of teachers skills to match the degree of online support offered in online courses

(Wilson and Elizabeth ,2004). .The results showed that the seminars promoted significant

changes in the ways in which teaching staff participated Meyer(2014).

Description of the Research Design

According to Creswell (2015), Correlational design provides an opportunity to predict

scores and explain the relationship between variables. In correlational designs, investigators use

the statistical test of the relationship to describe and measure the degree of correlation (or

relationship) between two or more variables or groups of degrees. The research methodology for

this study will be A correlational study is an appropriate methodology because my research

questions is to find out if there is a there a significant relationship relationships between the

length of OPD and faculty self-reported levels of knowledge.

Description of the Sample

The participants in this study are Faculty members who have taken online professional

development at Hail University. The researcher will use Convenience sampling technique. This
The effectiveness of Online Professional Development (OPD) 11

technique is appropriate because the researcher has access to Hail Univariate because she was

working at this university.

Description of Instruments Used

Online survey will be developed by the researcher to collect the data about the online

professional development that the faculty members have taken in the last year. The survey

created and developed by Guskey (2000) will be adapted and modified to fit the research


Explanation of the Procedures Followed

Once the online survey developed and reviewed by experts, the researcher will send the link to

the Deanship of development at Hail University to distribute the link the faculty members

emails. Later, the Deanship of development will be contacted by the researcher to ask them to

send a reminder to potential participants to participate in this study.

Discussion of Internal Validity

The first threat to internal validity in this study is Instrumentation. This is a threat to

internal validity because the instrument might not exactly measure the interested variable.

Strategies for controlling this threat in the study include by carefully design the instrument items,

and have it review by experts. The second threat to internal validity in this study is Subject

characteristics. This is a threat to internal validity because the relationship between the IV and

the DV might be caused by anther variables. Strategies for controlling this threat in the study

include Try to control the other variables like using hieratical regression. The third threat to

internal validity in this study is Mortality. This is a threat to internal validity because Mortality

Can be a possible threat because the participants do not participants and fill the survey.
The effectiveness of Online Professional Development (OPD) 12

Strategies for controlling this threat in the study include I will try to remind the participants few

times about filling the survey. The fourth threat to internal validity in this study is Testing. This

is a threat to internal validity because the participants may for any reasons forget the information

about the last OPD.

Discussion of External Validity

As the participants of this study will be faculty members at only one of the 28 universities in

Saudi Arabia, the result of this study might not be generalized to other faculty members at the

others universities.

Description and Justification of the Statistical Techniques or Other Methods of

Analysis Used

Variables on my research questions will be measured using online survey. For example,

faculty self-reported levels of knowledge will be measured by the faculty self-reported data and

their attitudes towards the OPD. The independent variable of interest in this study is the Length

of OPD. the participants age and gender will be used as control variables. The dependent

variable for this study self-reported levels of knowledge. Means, standard deviations, and faculty

self-reported levels of knowledge will be computed using SPSS. The relationship between the

independent and dependent variable will be described using a scatterplot and a correlation

coefficient. A t-test for r will also be calculated to determine if the correlation is statistically

significant. The researcher will also use correlation coefficient (Pearson's r).

Ethics and Human Relations

Along with the link of the survey link, an introduction about the study will be included

participants explaining the study objectives and why they were selected specifically for
The effectiveness of Online Professional Development (OPD) 13

participation. Participants will be informed that their participation is voluntary, names will not be

used in the research questionnaire, and they have the right to withdraw from completing the



Date Research Tasks

May 15, 2018 Approvals from the Deanship of development

at Hail University.
June 15 to August 15, 2018 Complete the IRB application and submit it.
August 15, 2018 Submit the final draft of the application of the
IRB and get the approval.
September 15, 2018 Distribute the link of the survey to the

potential participants by the Deanship of

development at Hail University.

October 15, 2018 Prepare the data collected by Qualtrics

software for analysis.

November 15, 2018 Complete data analysis.

December 15, 2018 Complete Thesis and submit it to committee.

The effectiveness of Online Professional Development (OPD) 14


Allen, E. & Seaman, J. (2007). Online nation: Five years of growth in online learning. The Sloan


Culp, Katie McMillan, Margaret Honey, and Ellen Mandinach. "A Retrospective on Twenty

Years of Education Technology Policy." Journal of Educational Computing

Research 32.3 (2005): 279-307.

Guskey, Thomas R. Evaluating Professional Development. Corwin Press, 2000.

Lackey, K. (2011). Faculty development: an analysis of current and effective training strategies

for preparing faculty to teach online. Online Journal of Distance Learning

Administration, 14(4), n4.

Meyer, K. A., & Murrell, V. S. (2014). A national survey of faculty development evaluation

outcome measures and procedures. Online Learning Journal, 18(3).

Rienties, B., Brouwer, N., & Lygo-Baker, S. (2013). The effects of online professional

development on higher education teachers' beliefs and intentions towards learning

facilitation and technology. Teaching and teacher education, 29, 122-131.

McQuiggan, Carol A. "The role of faculty development in online teachings potential to question

teaching beliefs and assumptions." Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration

10.3 (2007): 1-13.

Wilson, Gail, and Elizabeth Stacey. "Online interaction impacts on learning: Teaching the

teachers to teach online." Australasian journal of educational technology 20.1 (2004): 33-
The effectiveness of Online Professional Development (OPD) 15


Rienties, B., Brouwer, N., & Lygo-Baker, S. (2013). The effects of online professional

development on higher education teachers' beliefs and intentions towards learning

facilitation and technology. Teaching and teacher education, 29, 122-131.

The effectiveness of Online Professional Development (OPD) 16


Q1 <What is your Gender?

o Male
o Female
Q2 <Please specify your age range?

o Less than 25 years old

o 26-36 years old
o 37-47 years old
o 48-58 years old
o Above 59
Q3 <is your major?

o Natural Science
o Applied Science
o Medical & Health Science
o Education
Q4 <How many years of work experience do you have in teaching?

o 1- 5 years
o 6-10 years
o 11 years and more
The effectiveness of Online Professional Development (OPD) 17

Q5 < What is the highest degree you have completed?

o Bachelor's degree
o Master's degree
o Professional degree
o Doctorate degree
Q6: Do you teach or have taught online course?

o Yes
o No
The effectiveness of Online Professional Development (OPD) 18

Q7: How many online courses do you teach or have taught?

o 1-3
o 4-8
o more than 9
Q8: Thinking of the last OPD you have attended, For how many days did this OPD last?

o 1 day
o 2 - 4 days
o 5 to 8 days
o More that 9 days
Q9: Rate the effectiveness of each OPD component in preparing you to teach online:
Extremely Very Moderately Slightly Not effective
effective effective effective effective at all

o o o o o
reading o o o o o
o o o o o
Discussion o o o o o
with other
participants o o o o o

Q10: Having completed the OPD, how knowledgeable are you about doing the following tasks?
The effectiveness of Online Professional Development (OPD) 19

Extremely Very Moderately Slightly Not

knowledgeab knowledgeab knowledgeab knowledgeab knowledgeab
le le le le le at all
t technical
o o o o o
that map to
o o o o o
Use online
to modify o o o o o
related to
o o o o o
The effectiveness of Online Professional Development (OPD) 20

Create an
students to o o o o o
build new
and skills.
methods of
teaching o o o o o

Q11: How you describe the overall quality of the OPD?

o Excellent
o Good
o Average
o Poor
o Terrible

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