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1 pack per 10 enemies defeated

2 packs each for defeating the games master during the battle with Dormammu

As each enemy is revealed 2 enemy dice per player go into the bag.
2 dice per player are drawn and rolled up to 3 times to field characters.
Knocked out enemies are rolled up to 2 times thereafter and are removed if they do not
produce a character face. The others remain in the bag and are used until defeated.
The only exceptions are:
Mindless Ones they never leave, they go to the prep area if not produced within 2 rolls
Dormammu no Dormammu is defeated until the games master has been defeated.
The GM will not attack unless 3 of the same character are fielded vs the same player. Once 3 of
the same character are fielded against a player the GM will attack with all characters. A player
will begin with 20 life and cannot go below 0. If a player is eliminated, no rewards will be

The Avengers are training in Avengers tower when a call comes in that giant rabid dogs are
terrorizing the city. The team quickly assembles and heads into the night in pairs to find out just
whats going on. As the Avengers arrive on various scenes with their dog catching gear in tow
they see the dogs that theyre looking for And they definitely dont look friendly.
(reveal Blink Dog Lesser Fey)

As Hulk and Hawkeye are caging a few of the unusually large canines, they hear a voice behind
them, These are no ordinary beasts, Avengers. These creations come from another realm and
are the product of my greatest foe, Dormammu. I felt a disturbance in the universe that told me
his power was increasing, but I didnt expect he would find a way to send his creatures to our
world. Your cages will not help us, I will need to send these back to whence they came.
Great, says Hawkeye, how can we help?
I can definitely utilize your assistance to contain the beasts that he has released here. Once we
subdue the remainder of Dormammus minions I plan to cross the dimensional boundaries to aid
my allies. Several powerful mystics have already crossed over to Dormammus realm to staunch
the flow of evil to the Earth.
(reveal Dr. Strange Sanctum Sanctorum all players action dice are now 1 cheaper)

Dr. Stranges astral form splits and guides the Avengers around the city defeating Dormammus
beasts. Eventually they stop encountering demon dogs and encounter something even more
(reveal Mindless Ones Stare into Your Soul note that regenerated Mindless Ones will go
back vs the same player)

Well Done Avengers, and thank you. Ill be going now, I need to travel to the dark dimension
to find my allies.
No offense doc, but youre spent. Let us help. Weve learned a thing or two fighting these
whatever they ares here, says Captain America.
Defeating a few mindless ones is no small feat Avengers, but you have no idea what you would
face in the dark dimension. Its best that I go alone.
We can take care of ourselves out there Doc. You could use a few more hands and a lot more
science, says Iron Man.
Youre may be right about my energy level, that is. I could use some help keeping track of
my surroundings in Dormammus realm. On the other side we stay together at all costs, and
Avengers, be prepared for anything. By the hoary hosts of Hoggoth!

The Avengers are transported with Dr. Strange to the dark dimension and they immediately
encounter a vicious old woman?
(reveal Aunt May Caring Aunt as Agatha Harkness keeper of the darkhold)
All players now have the ability to spin up one character each time one of their characters is

Hello Steven, says Agatha.

Im glad to see that you are alright Agatha, but it seems that my worst fears have come true,
Dormammu has not only found a way into our world, he has been sending beasts across the
Thor yells, Strange, behind you!
Just then what looks like clutch of zombies and walking Skeletons grabs Dr. Strange! The
Avengers begin to battle the undead creatures.
(reveal Zombie and Skeleton Lesser Undeads)

The Avengers battle valiantly, but fail to reach Dr. Strange. As hes being carried away he hurls
the Eye of Agamotto to his comrades and shouts, Avengers, beware Dormammus
manipulation! This dimension is his. Force him to fight you with his own demons, and not with
(reveal Eye of Agamotto Reside within the Amulet Each player will receive an Eye in their
Prep area)
What is that supposed to mean? asks Black Widow. But before anyone can answer the team is
attacked by a group of apparitions!
(reveal Invisible Stalker Lesser Elemental and Ghost Lesser Undead)

I get it, Hulk says. Skeletons, Zombies, Ghosts these are our versions of demons, not the
ones that live here. Wait, says Falcon, did Hulk just solve a riddle that the rest of us
couldnt understand? Hulk is right Avengers, says a voice from the mists.
(reveal Wong Faithful Servant Each players sidekicks now receive +1, +1)

Wong, are you alright?

Yes Agatha. I am here to guide you further, says Wong. The others are just ahead.
The group trundles down a path behind Wong and then they encounter a fiend with glowing red
eyes. Hello Earth creatures, we have been expecting more of you for lunch!
(reveal Pit Fiend Lesser Fiend and Cockatrice Minion Monstrosity)

Wong, its best that you and I go back from here. Our powers are spent. The Avengers must
press on alone to meet their fate, says Agatha.
Not alone Avengers!
(reveal Scarlet Witch Chaos Magic Each player will gain 1 life each time they use an action)
(remove Agatha and Wong from the board)

Just ahead we will find Clea, says the Scarlet Witch. Wanda, how much more of this do we
have to deal with? asks Giant Man. Weve lost Strange, now Agatha and Wong are too weak
to continue The Scarlet Witch interrupts him, We will soon find Clea, she will reveal the
distance that we must cover before we can end this.
Oh this is soon to end! spews a demonic voice.
(reveal Glabrezu Master Fiend and Gorgon Paragon Monstrosity)

On the other side of the battle the Avengers encounter a beautiful white haired woman; and she
does not look happy
(reveal Clea Flames of Regency remind players that they can use a bolt to deal 3 damage to a
target whenever they could use a global)
Wanda, where are Wong and Agatha? And who is this?! Where is Steven? You were to guide
reinforcements to us! shouts an angry Clea.
You know we can hear you over here? says Hawkeye.
And I can hear all in this dimension!
(reveal Belaphoss the Mad Demon)

The Avengers come out on top of their vicious battle and hear a familiar and very re-assuring
Avengers, I am weakened, but youve done well to protect the Eye of Agamotto. It will return
my strength with all due haste.
(reveal Doctor Strange Master of the Mystic Arts players will now do 2 damage to the game
master each time they use an action die.)

Ha ha ha! Mortals Steven?! You bring mortals to battle in my dimension!

(reveal Dormammu Dark Lord of Chaos)

Doctor Strange begins, Yes Dormammu, and we will slow Your roll! shouts Ant-Man.
Not quite what I had in mind Scott Lang, but in a pinch, says Doctor Strange.

Dormammus will be rolled until all Dormammus drawn are in play 2 per player. Players may
now damage the games master. The Games master will have 10 life per player. Players must
decide when to do damage. Dormammu does not leave the field, he just gets rolled until he

And just like that, Dormammu fades from sight and the Avengers are back in front of Avengers
Tower. Black Widow is the first to pipe up, Wait, did any of that really happen? A pity that I
am in no state to return you to the inside of your tower Avengers, but I got you as close as I
could. As the group looks up they see Dr. Stranges astral form over their heads. Yeah, I
definitely think that happened, says Hulk. Iron man responds Well, whatever happened, Im
pretty sure we won.

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