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RIBASIM exercises Deltares Delft

Virgin river basin

RIBASIM7 Quick Start additional exercises

Version 5.0

Wil N.M. van der Krogt

October 2013

RIBASIM exercises Deltares Delft

Table of contents
1. The Virgin River basin situation ............................................................................ 3
2. Exercise Virgin reservoir and irrigation area .......................................................... 5
3. Exercise Crop based irrigation demand .................................................................. 8
4. Exercise Virgin town and city ...............................................................................11
Annex A Model data ................................................................................................15


Figure 1 Map of Virgin River basin Base case. ....................................................... 3

Figure 2 Map of Virgin river basin with potential irrigation area Scenario A case. . 4
Figure 3 Schematization of situation with potential irrigation area Scenario A case. 4
Figure 4 Map of Virgin river basin with potential reservoir and irrigation area A and
B: Scenario B case Virgin reservoir. ............................................................... 6
Figure 5 Schematization of situation with potential reservoir and irrigation area A and
B Scenario B case Virgin reservoir. ................................................................ 7
Figure 6 Crop plan for irrigation area B (same as for area A). .................................... 8
Figure 7 Schematization of situation with potential reservoir, irrigation area A and B
and Virgin Town and City: Scenario D case Crop based irrigation demands. .10
Figure 8 Map of Virgin river basin with potential reservoir, irrigation area A and B
and Virgin Town and City: Scenario C case Default flow composition. .........13
Figure 9 Schematization of situation with potential reservoir, irrigation area A and B
and Virgin Town and City: Scenario C case Default flow composition. .........14

RIBASIM exercises Deltares Delft

1. The Virgin River basin situation

The Virgin River basin situation is described in the Quick Start Guide. For the present
situation the basin does not have any activities within its boundaries (see Figure 1). But
several development plans are available which situations must be analysed.

A first plan is to develop a potential irrigation area abstracting water from the Virgin
River (see Figure 2).
A second plan is to develop additionally a dam and reservoir, and irrigation areas
abstracting water from Virgin River and Virgin tributary (see Figure 4).
Finally the fictive situation with an upstream town and an downstream city must be
analysed (see Figure 8).

As described in the Quick Start guide you have first set up the Base case in which the
present situation was modelled consisting of the upstream boundary inflows only. Next, you
have analysed the first plan to develop the potential irrigation area. In this report the second
plan is analysed.

Figure 1 Map of Virgin River basin Base case.

RIBASIM exercises Deltares Delft

Figure 2 Map of Virgin river basin with potential irrigation area Scenario A case.

Figure 3 Schematization of situation with potential irrigation area Scenario A case.

RIBASIM exercises Deltares Delft

2. Exercise Virgin reservoir and irrigation area

Problem: Beside the potential irrigation area A also a potential reservoir and extra
irrigation area B must be evaluated. The situation is shown in Figure 4. Can you
estimate the size of the irrigation area B in this potential situation?


Open as new the previous Scenario A case and name this new case
Scenario B case Virgin reservoir.
Update the schematization (see Figure 5): add the Virgin reservoir, the
potential irrigation area B and the weirs in the river using the surface water
reservoir node, diversion nodes and fixed irrigation node. The type of the links
is surface water flow link or diverted flow links.
Enter the model data for the surface water reservoir node, fixed irrigation
nodes and the diverted flow links.
Check and if needed update the source priority list of the irrigation nodes:
under Netter you can edit this list with the Source priority editor which can
be entered the same way as the spreadsheet model data editor DataEdit. The
source priority list shows the preference for the various sources.
Make a simulation run.
Assess the basin performance in terms of water shortage: percentage of time
with shortage for irrigation area A and B. Look at the summary table.
Extend the size of irrigation area B, make a simulation run, and assess the
basin performance in terms of water shortage: percentage of time with
shortage for irrigation area A and B, and look at the summary table. Repeat
this action till no further extension of the area is possible without introducing
shortages above defined criteria.
Save the simulation case (name is Scenario B case Virgin reservoir).

RIBASIM exercises Deltares Delft

Figure 4 Map of Virgin river basin with potential reservoir and irrigation area A and B:
Scenario B case Virgin reservoir.

RIBASIM exercises Deltares Delft

Figure 5 Schematization of situation with potential reservoir and irrigation area A and B
Scenario B case Virgin reservoir.

RIBASIM exercises Deltares Delft

3. Exercise Crop based irrigation demand

Problem: The irrigation demand in the previous cases has been schematized with the
Fixed irrigation node for which the net demand has been explicitly specified (mm/day
for each month). The net demand must be computed outside RIBASIM. An
alternative option is to schematize irrigation with the Advanced irrigation node. If this
node type is used then the irrigation demand is computed by RIBASIM based on crop
characteristics (in the fixed data base) and crop plans (model data).

1. Can you setup a case based on Scenario B case Virgin reservoir with the
irrigation demand computed based on crops?
2. Next, can you estimate the size of the irrigation area B in this potential
3. Finally, can you assess the effect of changing the rice crop (paddy) into less
water consuming crop?

Actions for 1:

Copy hydrological scenario 127 to your Virgin model hydrology directory

Open as new the previous Scenario B case Virgin reservoir and name this
new case Scenario B case Crop based irrigation demand.
Select hydrological scenario 127
Update the schematization (see Figure 7): change the 2 Fixed irrigation node into
Advanced irrigation node.
Enter the model data for the 2 two Advanced irrigation nodes (see Excel file or
Annex A). Use the Crop plan editor Cropper to enter the crop plan for the 2
irrigation nodes (see Figure 6). The crop characteristics data are stored fixed data
base, see below for the list of defined crops and the list of associated files.
Check and if needed update the source priority.
Make a simulation run.
Assess the basin performance in terms of water shortage: percentage of time with
shortage for irrigation area A and B, and the reservoir operation.
Save the simulation case (name is Scenario B case Crop based irrigation

Figure 6 Crop plan for irrigation area B (same as for area A).

RIBASIM exercises Deltares Delft

Content of file Cropdata.dat

ODS 1.00DAT 2.00XXXXXXXX 1.00

* DelftAGRI : Crop data
* =====================
* Reading format : free format
* Date : 26 feb 2007
* Number of crops
* Description of the data
* -----------------------
* Cr Ix = Crop index. Crop index must be in sequence !!!!
* Crop name = Name of crop (max. 20 characters)
* Kd cr = Kind of crop water demand model :
* 1 = flood basin crop demand model e.g. for paddy
* 2 = dry land crop demand model e.g. for vegetables
* Plt. per. = Planting period to cover the whole cultivated area
* with the crop [# of time steps].
* Grow. seas. = Length of growing season excluding land preparation
* (which is one time step) [# of time steps].
* Root zone depth = Depth of the modelled soil layer [mm]
* Root
* Plt. Grow. zone
*Cr Kd per. seas. depth
*ix Crop name cr [#ts] [#ts] [mm]
*-- ---------------------- -- ----- ----- -----
1 'Paddy Kharif ' 1 1 5 400.
2 'Light Kharif ' 2 1 4 600.
3 'Light Rabi ' 2 1 4 600.
4 'Cotton ' 2 2 6 1000.
5 'Sugar Cane ' 2 1 10 1000.
6 'Garden ' 2 1 10 600.

Table 1 Agriculture and irrigation data files (stored in directory Fixed).

File name Description of contents
Cropdata.dat Crop data.
Cropfact.dat Crop factor per time step in growing season.
DelftAGRI.dat Specification for daily output on field level.
Desired water level on the field per time step in growing season., only relevant for
Deswtlvl.dat flood basin crops.
Extra water layer demand on the field per time step in growing season., only relevant
Extwtdmd.dat for flood basin crops. Used in the crop plan editor.
Field buffer storage per time step in growing season. (mm above desired field water
FldBfrSt.dat level or soil moisture).
Instantaneous drainage water level on the field per time step in growing season at the
InstDran.dat beginning of the time step, only relevant for flood basin crops.
Irrpract.dat Irrigation practise : on - off supply switch per time step in growing season.
YldRpFct.dat Yield response factors per time step in growing season.

RIBASIM exercises Deltares Delft

Actions for 2:

Open as new the previous Scenario D case Crop based irrigation demand
and name this new case Scenario B case Crop based irrigation demand +
Extended area B.
Extend the size of irrigation area B, make a simulation run, and assess the
basin performance in terms of water shortage: percentage of time with
shortage for irrigation area A and B, and look at the summary table. View the
reservoir operation. Repeat this action till no further extension of the area is
possible without introducing shortages above defined criteria.
Save the simulation case (name is Scenario B case Crop based irrigation
demand + Extended area B).

Actions for 3:

Open as new the previous Scenario B case Crop based irrigation demand +
Extended area B and name this new case Scenario B case Alternative crop
Update the crop plan data for the two Advanced irrigation nodes. Use the Crop
plan editor Cropper to delete, add or change the crops in the crop plan. Make a
simulation run, and assess the basin performance in terms of water shortage:
percentage of time with shortage for irrigation area A and B, and look at the
summary table. View the reservoir operation.
Save the simulation case (name is Scenario B case Alternative crop plan).

Figure 7 Schematization of situation with potential reservoir, irrigation area A and B and Virgin
Town and City: Scenario D case Crop based irrigation demands.

RIBASIM exercises Deltares Delft

4. Exercise Virgin town and city

Problem: Based on the previous case the situation with a Town in the upstream
Minor catchment and a City at the mouth of the Main river must be analyzed on flow
composition only. Can you setup two cases: one with the default flow components
and one with the user defined flow components and evaluate the flow composition
upstream of the city:

Main runoff
Minor runoff
Town sewage
City sewage
Rsv release
FirA drainage
FirB drainage

The situation is shown in Figure 8.

Actions for Default defined flow composition:

Open as new the previous Scenario B case Virgin reservoir and name this
new case Scenario C case Default flow composition.
Switch on the option Flow composition (default) at task block Specify
simulation control data.
Update the schematization (see Figure 9): add the Town and City in the river
using the Public water supply node. The type of the link is Surface water flow
Enter the model data for the Public water supply node.
Check and if needed update the source priority.
Make a simulation run.
View the flow composition in the various links from map (choose at Graph:
More variables and select all flow component): make a stacked areal graph.
Save the simulation case (name is Scenario C case Default flow

Actions for User defined flow composition:

Update the substance definition file WQsubsta.dat in the sub-directory

\Lookup\Scenario.127 as shown below.
Open as new the previous Scenario C case Default flow composition and
name this new case Scenario C case User defined flow composition.
Select scenario 127 at the available water quality scenarios (drop-down box).
Switch on the option Flow composition (user) at task block Specify
simulation control data.
Enter the Water quality model data for the Variable inflow, SW reservoir,
Public water supply and Fixed irrigation nodes: specify value 1 at the
associated flow component.
Make a simulation run.

RIBASIM exercises Deltares Delft

View the flow composition in the various links from map (choose at Graph:
More variables and select all flow component): make a stacked areal graph.
Save the simulation case (name is Scenario C case User defend flow

Content of file WQsubsta.dat

ODS 1.00DAT 1.00XXXXXXXX 6.00

* Water quality substances definition data
* ========================================
* This files contains all computed water quality substances.
* Reading format : Free format
* Number of substances (max. 25)
* For each substance the following data :
* 1. Substance index (integer value)
* 2. Full substance name and unit (between quotes, max. 40 characters)
* 3. Look-up table file name (between quotes, max. 20 characters)
* 1 2 3
*--- ---------------------------------------- --------------------
1 'Main runoff ' 'Dummy.lkp '
2 'Minor runoff ' 'Dummy.lkp '
3 'Town sewage ' 'Dummy.lkp '
4 'City sewage ' 'Dummy.lkp '
5 'Rsv release ' 'Dummy.lkp '
6 'FirA drainage ' 'Dummy.lkp '
7 'FirB drainage ' 'Dummy.lkp '

RIBASIM exercises Deltares Delft

Figure 8 Map of Virgin river basin with potential reservoir, irrigation area A and B and Virgin
Town and City: Scenario C case Default flow composition.

RIBASIM exercises Deltares Delft

Figure 9 Schematization of situation with potential reservoir, irrigation area A and B and Virgin
Town and City: Scenario C case Default flow composition.

RIBASIM exercises Deltares Delft

Annex A Model data

1. Fixed irrigation node data

All nodes Active

Time step Netdemand (mm/day) Area (ha)

FirA FirB
January 10000.0 6.0 15000.0 6.0
February 10000.0 8.0 15000.0 8.0
March 10000.0 12.0 15000.0 12.0
April 10000.0 4.0 15000.0 4.0
May 10000.0 0.0 15000.0 0.0
June 10000.0 15.0 15000.0 15.0
July 10000.0 10.0 15000.0 10.0
August 10000.0 12.0 15000.0 12.0
September 10000.0 8.0 15000.0 8.0
October 10000.0 6.0 15000.0 6.0
November 10000.0 0.0 15000.0 0.0
December 10000.0 0.0 15000.0 0.0

SW efficiency (%) 65.0

Return flow (%) 40.0

2. Public water supply node data

All nodes Active

Explicit demand
Time step (m3/s)
Town City
January 3.0 10.0
February 3.0 10.0
March 3.0 10.0
April 3.0 10.0
May 3.0 10.0
June 3.0 10.0
July 3.0 10.0
August 3.0 10.0
September 3.0 10.0
October 3.0 10.0
November 3.0 10.0
December 3.0 10.0

Distribution losses (%) 0.0

Return flow to SW (%) 75.0
Return flow to GW (%) 0.0

RIBASIM exercises Deltares Delft

3. Reservoir node data

Virgin reservoir

Node Active

Physical Main gate

Gate capacity
Level (m) Area (ha) Storage (Mcm) Nethead (m) (m3/s)
100.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 9999.0
160.0 5000.0 600.0 100.0 9999.0
-1 -1 -1 -1 -1

Full reservoir level 155.0 m

Initial level (m) 130.0 m
Main gate level 100.0 m
Turbine intake level 100.0 m
Auxiliary energy consumption 0.0 %
Plant load factor 80.0 %

Time step Firm energy demand (GWh)

January 0.0
February 0.0
March 0.0
April 0.0
May 0.0
June 0.0
July 0.0
August 0.0
September 0.0
October 0.0
November 0.0
December 0.0

Turbine characteristics

Net head (m) Power Capacity (MW) Net head (m) Efficiency (%)
0.0 50.0 0.0 90.0
100.0 50.0 100.0 90.0
-1 -1 -1 -1

Discharge Discharge
(m/s) Head loss (m) (m3/s) Tail race water level (m)
0.0 0.0 0.0 50.0
500.0 0.0 500.0 50.0
-1 -1 -1 -1

RIBASIM exercises Deltares Delft

Operation rules

Flood control level Target level Firm storage level

(m) (m) (m)
January 155.0 155.0 100.0
February 155.0 155.0 100.0
March 155.0 155.0 100.0
April 155.0 155.0 100.0
May 155.0 155.0 100.0
June 155.0 155.0 100.0
July 155.0 155.0 100.0
August 155.0 155.0 100.0
September 155.0 155.0 100.0
October 155.0 155.0 100.0
November 155.0 155.0 100.0
December 155.0 155.0 100.0

Net-evap (m/day)
January 1.0
February 2.0
March 3.0
April 4.0
May 5.0
June 6.0
July 7.0
August 7.0
September 6.0
October 5.0
November 4.0
December 3.0

4. Diverted flow link data

For all diverted flow links

Link Active
for all time steps
Capacity (m3/s) 9999.90 (months)
Online adjustable gate setting Yes
Operate on downstream
demand Yes

Maximum diverted flow

Upstream flow (m3/s) (m3/s)
0.0 0.0
100.0 100.0
-1.0 -1.0

RIBASIM exercises Deltares Delft

4 Advanced irrigation node data for crop based irrigation demand

Node active label Total area [ha]
FirA Yes 0 10000
FirB Yes 0 15000


Actual Dependable Ref. Dependable Rainfall

rainfall rainfall evapotranspiration river flow effectiveness
time series time series time series
index index time series index index [%]
FirA 933 933 933 2 70
FirB 923 923 923 1 70

Saturation Initial
Wilting point Field capacity capacity moisture
[% of RZ] [% of RZ] [% of RZ] [% of RZ]
FirA 17 35 53 35
FirB 17 35 53 35

Crop plan for FirA and FirB

Cultivation 1
Start of Cultivated saturation Number Growing Stacking
Crop name plant.period area Percolation requirements fields season area
[% of [% of
[ts index] tot.area] [mm/day] [mm] [-] index [-] tot.area]
Paddy SMV 1 50 2 100 1 1 0

Cultivation 2
Start of Cultivated saturation Number Growing Stacking
Crop name plant.period area Percolation requirements fields season area
[% of index [- [% of
[ts index] tot.area] [mm/day] [mm] [-] ] tot.area]
Paddy SMV 1 50 2 100 1 1 50

Cultivation 3
Start of Cultivated saturation Number Growing Stacking
Crop name plant.period area Percolation requirements fields season area
[% of [% of
[ts index] tot.area] [mm/day] [mm] [-] index [-] tot.area]
Paddy SMV 7 50 2 50 1 2 0

Cultivation 4
Start of Cultivated saturation Number Growing Stacking

RIBASIM exercises Deltares Delft

Crop name plant.period area Percolation requirements fields season area
[% of index [- [% of
[ts index] tot.area] [mm/day] [mm] [-] ] tot.area]
Paddy SMV 7 50 2 50 1 2 50

Field Normal per. SW GW
application distribution distribution conveyance conveyance Feedback
Name efficiency efficiency efficiency efficiency efficiency on field
[%] [%] [%] [%] [%] status
FirA 90 85 85 80 0 Yes
FirB 90 85 85 80 0 Yes

Crop per crop
name Priority
Kharif 1
Kharif 1
Light Rabi 1
Cotton 1
Cane 1
Garden 1

Name to SW to GW label
[% of [% of
tot.drainage] tot.drainage] [-]
FirA 100 0 0
FirB 100 0 0

Priority Allocation Allocation
Name fraction priority priority
[%] part 1 part 2
FirA 100 1 1
FirB 100 1 1

Min.survival at no
Name fraction survival
at full costs [% of
[%] potential

RIBASIM exercises Deltares Delft

FirA 75 50
FirB 75 50

FirA Potential Potential farm
production yield
Crop name crop yield Price costs losses
[kg/ha] [Mon.unit/kg] [Mon.unit/ha] [%]
Kharif 5000.0 1.6 3250.0 20.0
Light Kharif 6000.0 1.2 6500.0 20.0
Light Rabi 8000.0 1.0 6000.0 20.0
Cotton 2500.0 20.0 1750.0 20.0
Sugar Cane 100000.0 1.5 4750.0 20.0
Garden 20000.0 1.9 2750.0 20.0

FirB Potential Potential farm
production yield
Crop name crop yield Price costs losses
[kg/ha] [Mon.unit/kg] [Mon.unit/ha] [%]
Kharif 5000.0 1.6 2600.0 10.0
Light Kharif 6000.0 1.2 5200.0 10.0
Light Rabi 8000.0 1.0 4800.0 10.0
Cotton 2500.0 20.0 1400.0 10.0
Sugar Cane 100000.0 1.5 3800.0 10.0
Garden 20000.0 1.9 2200.0 10.0


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