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1. Sentence 1: Rewrite general statement

2. Sentence 2: Mention main advantage and disadvantage

3. Sentence 3: Give your opinion.


1. Sentence 1: Outline main advantage

2. Sentence 2: Give reason/s

3. Sentence 3: Give example/s

4. Sentence 4: Restate main advantage


1. Sentence 1: Outline main disadvantage

2. Sentence 2: Give reason/s

3. Sentence 3: Give example/s

4. Sentence 4: Restate main disadvantage


1. Sentence 1: Rewrite general statement

2. Sentence 2: Mention main advantage and disadvantage again

3. Sentence 3: Give your opinion

Q: 1 University students are increasingly studying abroad as part of their studies. Do the
advantages of studying abroad outweigh the disadvantages?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.


Many university students routinely study in other institutes around the world as part of their degrees.
Although students will often struggle with cultural and linguistic challenges while abroad, they will
also gain significant life experiences that will reward them later on in their careers. In my opinion,
students are far better off having studied in a different country despite the challenges that they will
inevitably face.


The greatest benefit of studying abroad is that students will have life experiences that will improve
themselves as people that would have been otherwise impossible if they had have only studied in their
own countries. Being in another country requires people to push themselves beyond the norm into
unusually difficult experiences. For example, when I studied in Indonesia and India as a twenty-year-
old, I was continually pushed out of my comfort zone into psychological states that were unique and
novel and that I had to adapt no matter what. These ultra-challenging experiences are paradoxically
the main advantage of studying overseas because they make you grow as a person.


The main challenges that students will face while overseas will usually stem from cultural and
linguistic differences. These differences can pose massive obstacles for people because they require
one to move beyond the familiar and into the unknown which can often be awkward and scary. For
instance, while studying in Indonesia I had to frequently make a fool of myself in order to
communicate with the local people in their language. Oftentimes, I felt embarrassed and I longed to
speak English and be in the familiarity of my own culture.


Studying overseas has become incredibly common. While students will no doubt experience social
and language barriers, it is in fact these barriers that lead to the main advantage of studying abroad
which is personal growth. As a contradiction of sorts, it is the hardship that ultimately makes the
experience of studying abroad more advantageous than disadvantageous.

320 words



1. Sentence 1: Write a General Statement based on prompt

2. Sentence 2: Rewrite the question prompt in your own words.

3. Sentence 3: This essay will argue that/why...


1. Sentence 1: Restate Side 1

2. Sentence 2: Give reason/s

3. Sentence 3: Give example/s

4. Sentence 4: Conclude Side 1


1. Sentence 1: Restate Side 2

2. Sentence 2: Give reason/s

3. Sentence 3: Give example/s

4. Sentence 4: Conclude Side 2


1. Sentence 1: This essay argued that/why...

2. Sentence 2: Give your opinion (extent)

Q: 2 Vaccinating children against preventable diseases is not only unnecessary but also
dangerous. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer and include
any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.


Vaccinating children has become increasingly unpopular among certain demographics of society these
people claim that vaccinations are hazardous to childrens health and as such are not needed. This
essay will argue why vaccinating against spreadable diseases is entirely necessary despite some
potential risks.


Parents have always been wary of vaccinating their children. They are justifiably worried about
injecting their children with unfamiliar substances that could potentially make them sick. Parents
naturally feel protective of their children. Indeed, there have been some recorded instances of children
unfortunately reacting adversely to their injections. These few instances have bolstered existing fears
in parents that vaccinations are not necessary and potentially more dangerous than the possibility of
contracting the communicable disease itself.


Despite the minor risks associated with vaccinating children, the idea that they are unnecessary a
dangerous s completely preposterous. Vaccines have prevented vast numbers of deaths over hundreds
of years in countries around the world. The number of deaths so far prevented far outweighs the
number of children who have been adversely affected by the immunisations themselves. Some
diseases have actually been completely eradicated through vaccination campaigns. Overall, the Idea
that vaccinations are unnecessary and dangerous is ill-informed and dangerous in itself and could
potentially lead to a far worse outcome for society.


This essay argued that people who are against vaccination have a flawed understanding of
vaccinations and underestimate the effects of what they believe. In my opinion, vaccinating children
is an absolute imperative that is entirely justified despite the small and occasional risk involved.

256 Words



1. Sentence 1: Write a "general statement"

2. Sentence 2: Rewrite the question prompt in your own words

3. Sentence 3: This essay will discuss why. But why.

Paragraph I

1. Sentence 1: Restate "Side 1"

2. Sentence 2: Give reason/s

3. Sentence 3: Give example/s

4. Sentence 4: Conclude Side 1

Paragraph 2

1. Sentence 1: Restate "Side 2"

2. Sentence 2: Give reason/s

3. Sentence 3: Give example/s

4. Sentence 4: Conclude Side 2


1. Sentence 1: Write a "general statement"

2. Sentence 2: This essay will discuss why. But why.

3. Sentence 3: In my opinion.

Q: 3 some people prefer to shop for food in supermarkets. Other people prefer to do their food
shopping online. Discuss both views and give your opinion. Give reason and any relevant
examples from your knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.


Large supermarkets have recently introduced online grocery shopping. While many shoppers do their
food shopping online, many still tend to prefer shopping the traditional way by visiting the
supermarket. This essay will discuss why online food shopping has its benefits but why traditional
food shopping is ultimately Superior.


Online food shopping is certainly an efficient way to complete what many people consider to be
laborious chore. A person can simple, click through a website and have food delivered - within a very
short period of time - to ones door. As an example. a major supermarket in Australia promises a three
hour turnaround time on grocery delivery. Being able to shop online saves busy people the
unnecessary hassle of having to visit a supermarket.


But not everyone needs to save time and visiting a supermarket can in fact be an extremely positive
experience. Walking through the aisles allows one to choose from a vast array of different products
and to decide exactly what goes into the shopping basket. For example, think about the variety of
different vegetables available at a supermarket, its enjoyable selecting the best avocado from the pile.
It goes without saying that supermarket shopping, if you have the time, Can be a pleasurable


With the introduction of online food shopping. Traditional routines are being challenged. This essay
discussed why online shopping can be an extremely efficient process but why shopping at the
supermarket in person can be such a Pleasurable experience. in my opinion, visiting the supermarket
offers a superior experience to online shopping.

260 Words



1. Sentence 1: Write a "general statement"

2. Sentence 2: Rewrite the question prompt in your own words

3. Sentence 3: Tell the reader what you will tell them

Paragraph I

1. Sentence 1: Restate "Side 1"

2. Sentence 2: Give reason/s

3. Sentence 3: Give example/s

4. Sentence 4: Conclude Side 1

Paragraph 2

1. Sentence 1: Restate "Side 2"

2. Sentence 2: Give reason/s

3. Sentence 3: Give example/s

4. Sentence 4: Conclude Side 2


1. Sentence 1: Write a "general statement"

2. Sentence 2: Rewrite the question prompt in your own words

3. Sentence 3: Tell the reader what you told them,

Q: 4 some parents believe that learning mathematics at school is redundant and should not be
taught while others believe that it should remain a foundational subject whether or not it is used
later in life. Discuss both sides. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant
examples from your knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.


Whether or not to teach mathematics at school is becoming increasingly controversial. While some
parents think that learning mathematics is no longer relevant, other parents maintain that t is an
important subject. This essay will discuss both sides of the argument in depth.


There are a growing number of parents who believe that mathematics should be removed as a school
subject because it has become unimportant. They have reason to believe that mathematics is no longer
needed as a human skill as it is now typically done by computers. Everything from simple addition
and subtraction to complex mathematical equations are now computer operations. These parents have
good reason to believe that mathematics is r longer a relevant subject in schools.


In contrast to parents who wish to remove mathematics as a school subject are those who believe that
it is a fundamental part of learning despite its usefulness After all, mathematics provides people with a
difference conceptual way to view the world For example, knowing how to add. Subtract and divide,
albeit calculations that can be done on a phone, are essential daily skills. For these reasons, there are a
number of parents who believe mathematics should remain.


Should mathematics be removed from a schools syllabus? A number of parents think that
mathematics s outdated and therefore redundant. Other parents disagree and think that mathematics s
still relevant and important. This essay discussed he various reasons why parents hold these points of
view and whether mathematics should remain a part of students school studies.

256 Words



1. Sentence 1: Rewrite "General Statement"

2. Sentence 2: Introduce answer to "Question 1"

3. Sentence 3: Introduce answer to "Question 2"

Paragraph I:

1. Sentence 1: Answer "Question 1"

2. Sentence 2: Give reason/s

3. Sentence 3: Give example/s

4. Sentence 4: Restate answer to "Question 1"

Paragraph 2:

1. Sentence 1: Answer "Question 2"

2. Sentence 2: Give reason/s

3. Sentence 3: Give example/s

4. Sentence 4: Restate answer to "Question 2"


1. Sentence 1: Rewrite "General Statement"

2. Sentence 2: Restate answer to "Question 1"

3. Sentence 3: Restate answer to "Question 2"

Q: 5 Formal exams are used to assess students at the end of each semester in many countries.
Why are these exams used by schools and universities? What other types of assessment are
possible? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.


Universities in most countries around the world tend to formally examine their students at the end of
every semester. Formal exams are carried out in order to measure learning progress and determine the
particular academic level of their students. Despite the widespread usage of formal examinations,
there are many other ways to examine students, including essay writing and interviews to name but a


Measuring progress and determining the particular level of a student through formal examination is
important for many stakeholders. Most importantly, the student wants to be evaluated in order to
know how well he or she is progressing. In addition, universities and schools like to know how
effective their teaching practices are. I have been both a student and a teacher and on both occasions I
appreciated knowing whether or not I was progressing or whether my students were progressing. It is
for these reasons that formal examinations are still widely used in schools and universities today.


Formal examinations are not the only way to measure student performance; there are a variety of
ways to measure outcomes that are not formal per se. Instead of writing exams, students could have
on end of semester interview whether they shore their knowledge. Or, they may want to do something
more creative and make something of their knowledge in the form of art or invention. One of the best
assessments that I had at university involved me creating a portfolio of writing. This was less formal
but still an excellent way for me and my professor to evaluate my level of understanding.


All around the world, students take formal examinations every semester. Schools and universities
must endeavour to monitor the progress of their students and formal examination is one way of doing
this. In spite of the ubiquity of formal assessment, there are other much more varied and sometimes
creative ways to examine students.

320 Words

10 | P a g e


1. Sentence 1: Rewrite "general statement"

2. Sentence 2: Briefly mention opinion 1 and opinion 2

3. Sentence 3: Give your OVERALL opinion

Paragraph I

1. Sentence I: Restate "Opinion 1"

2. Sentence 2: Give reason/s

3. Sentence 3: Give example/s

4. Sentence 4: Conclude Opinion 1

Paragraph 2

1. Sentence I: Restate "Opinion 2"

2. Sentence 2: Give reason/s

3. Sentence 3: Give example/s

4. Sentence 4: Conclude Opinion 2


1. Sentence I: Rewrite "general statement"

2. Sentence 2: Briefly mention opinion 1 and opinion 2

3. Sentence 3: Give your OVERALL opinion

11 | P a g e
Q: 6. some people believe that eventually all jabs will be done by artificially intelligent robots.
What is your opinion? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from
your knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.


Artificially intelligent robots are progressively replacing humans in the workforce. While it as
possible that all menial jobs will eventually be done by robots, it is unlikely that jobs that require
human contact will be taken over. This essay will discuss why eventually only very few jobs will be
carried out by people.


Robots may eventually replace all human labour that does not require specific and complex human
skills. Many companies will turn to artificial intelligence because it is far less expensive than hiring,
training and employing a human. In supermarkets in Australia, for example, many cashiers have been
replaced by automated stations that cost far less than employees. In addition, these automated stations
work around the clock and require no holidays or holiday pay. For these reasons, jobs that can be
replaced by robotic intelligence will be replaced.


Conversely, there are some human jobs that cannot be replaced because robots will never achieve the
capacity to do them. Put simply, some jobs require a human touch. These jobs include psychology,
education, medicine and social work to name but a few. Robots will never be able to achieve what has
taken so9al evolution hundreds of thousands of years to achieve.


It is increasingly likely that robots will end most human employment. Unskilled labour will eventually
be done entirely by robots; however, sophisticated jobs that require human specific skills will always
exist. Ultimately, very few jobs will be safe in an increasingly artificially intelligent workforce.

246 Words:

12 | P a g e


1. Sentence 1: Rewrite "General Statement" in your own words.

2. Sentence 2: This essay will discuss two main causes.

3. Sentence 3: This essay will suggest two main solutions.


1. Sentence I: Introduce both causes

2. Sentence 2: Give reason/s

3. Sentence 3: Give example/s

4. Sentence 4: Conclude causes


1. Sentence I: Introduce both solutions

2. Sentence 2: Give reason/s

3. Sentence 3: Give example/s

4. Sentence 4: Conclude solutions


1. Sentence I: Rewrite "General Statement" in your own words.

2. Sentence 2: This essay discussed two main causes.

3. Sentence 3: This essay suggested two main solutions.

13 | P a g e
Q: 7 Stress-related illnesses are becoming increasingly common. What do you think are the
causes of this? What solutions can you suggest? Give reasons for your answer and include any
relevant examples from your knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.


People are increasingly suffering from sicknesses as a result of stress. This essay will discuss the main
causes of stress-related sicknesses including longer working hours and increased job pressures. This
essay will also suggest solutions to these problems including improving ones work-life balance and


People are working longer hours than ever before. In addition they have more job pressures. People
place themselves under these unfavourable conditions because the workforce is a competitive domain.
For example, some people aspire to climb the corporate ladder to gain high status and a high paying
job. This often results in mental and physical suffering because they have to work overtime and take
on additional roles which can be stressful.


Maintaining a good work-life balance and improving ones diet are both critical to mitigating stress
related illnesses. People need to realise that if they live only for work they will suffer either mentally
or physically and a poor diet will further exacerbate these issues. For example, many employees burn
out from working too much and neglecting family, friends, exercise and hobbies as well as the foods
they eat. Therefore, in order to reduce work one must include a better ratio of work, rest, recreation
and dietary sustenance.


In conclusion, in todays fast paced world more and more people are becoming ill as a result of stress.
This essay discussed how stress is often caused by long working hours and intense workplace
pressure. This essay also suggested that the solutions to this problem are twofold: to manage a better
work-life balance and to eat a healthier diet.

264 Words

14 | P a g e
1. It is commonly thought in certain demographics of society that _____________________ is one of the
most crucial concerns societies are facing now a days.
2. It is a well-known fact that__________________________________ has become an integral part of
our living ideology.
3. The public in general tends to believe that there is no easy way out to get rid of the menace.
4. On superficial level__________________ may appear to be least significant issue yet, it is definitely
remains to be one of the debatable one on micro level.
5. Infect, the stance remains an effort to piece apart and then synthesize the phenomenas
surrounding all this.
6. In my opinion, a certain pragmatic/ sensible and policies should be introduced to eradicate this
alarming threat.
1. If we delve deep in the given scenario, we may come across that human factor is the main reason for
aggravation of this dilemma.
2. The second crucial factor contributing to the aggravation of the dilemma is failure to make policies in
this regard.
3. The next element which may be considered intensively responsible in creation of this threat is poor
policy making in this regard...
4. A comparative study reveals that ___________________ temporary solution seeking may arguably be
behind the plight.
1. It can be faithfully asserted that by applying this solution, we can have things done positively.
2. A pragmatic solution of the issue is to take a quick initiative to check it on the slaughter.
3. Especially focusing the micro level__________________________________ in human living areas.
4. The second feasible way to stop the march of ________________________ is to eliminate trash
thrown in the sewerage.

1. One may find it difficult to reach a solid conclusion in this regard but I am tempted to say in the light
of the given evaluation. It can be comprehensively concluded that we can hope.

320 Words

15 | P a g e
1. It is commonly thought in certain demographics of society that _____________________ is one of the
most crucial concerns societies are facing now a days.
2. It is a well-known fact that_______________________ has become an integral part of our living
3. The public in general tends to believe that there is no easy way out to get rid of the menace.
4. On superficial level__________________ may appear to be least significant issue yet, it is definitely
remains to be one of the debatable one on micro level.
5. Infect, the stance remains an effort to piece apart and then synthesize the phenomenas
surrounding all this.
6. In my opinion, a certain pragmatic/ sensible and policies should be introduced to eradicate this
alarming threat.
1. What should be established at the very outset is that it is so? There is a concrete background behind the
reuse of______.
1. Many factors such as _________ .are taken into consideration in order to address this issue/evaluate its
2. It is essential to note that in almost all sections of human interaction, we find _____ facilitating us.
1. On the other hand, it is observable that there is another side of the coin____________________.
2. The argument rendered against___________________________________ also include
1. It is interesting is speculate on what would happen if ________________________________.
1. The fact remains that ________________ has undoubtedly given rise to________________.
1. The essential point on which one may differ is that ____________________________.
2. With some reservation, it can be faithfully mentioned that__________________________.
1. Everything which can be feasibly productive should be done to adjust this matter..
2. The best possible way to solve the issue is to have true perspective about it
1. Overall, it is very difficult to reach a solid conclusion in this regard but I am tempted to say in the
light of the given evaluation. It can be comprehensively concluded that we can hope.

320 Words

16 | P a g e

1: You live in a room in college which you share with another student. However, there are many
problems with this arrangement and you find it very difficult to work. Write a letter to the
accommodation officer at the college. In the letter,

describe the situation

explain your problems and why it is difficult to work

say what kind of accommodation you would prefer


Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to let you know that I am unhappy with my current living conditions. While the

accommodation itself is fine, my housemate has become intolerable making it almost impossible for

me to work. I hope you will consider my situation favourably.

Let me explain my situation. The trouble started about three months ago when my housemate first

moved in. Prior to that, everything was fine; my old housemate was extremely considerate. My

current housemate, however, stays up almost all night and plays incessantly loud music. As such, I

have not been able to sleep properly and therefore cannot concentrate on my studies.

Would you kindly transfer me or my housemate to another room? I would much prefer to live with

someone who is quieter and more considerate of others. As long as it is quiet, I don't mind whom I

live with.

Thank you for your consideration.

Yours faithfully,

156 words

17 | P a g e
2: A friend who lives in another country has invited you to come and stay with him/her on your
next holiday. You are too busy to accept the invitation. Write a letter to your friend.

In your letter,

>Thank him/her for the invitation

>Explain why you cannot come.

>Ask him about other times to visit. INFORMAL LETTER PATTERN

Dear Paul,

I'm writing to thank you for your invitation. It's very kind of you but unfortunately I won't be able to

make it due to my very hectic work schedule.

Let me explain my situation in more detail. I've recently started a new job teaching English and I've

been working around the clock. I don't mean to complain; I've been enjoying it immensely. The

school I'm working at is actually my old high school. It's really quite interesting teaching with people

who used to be my teachers.

Could you let me know of another time you will be free? I would love to come to stay. I'm interested

in seeing your new house and meeting your wife. I'll be free in the New Year because of school

holidays and I'll also be free in winter. I'd certainly love to escape the cold to visit you then!

Please let me know.

Your friend,

154 words

18 | P a g e
3: You are applying for a job and you need a letter of reference. Write a letter to a former boss.

In your letter:

>Describe the job you are applying for

>Say what you want included in the reference letter

>Request that your former boss send you the letter by the end of the week


Dear Michael,

I am writing to ask 1 you would kindly write me a reference letter. The job I am applying for is in the

tourism industry. More specifically, I hope to give surfing lessons to tourists in Bali.

Let me explain in more detail, I know that we worked together as teachers, but I would appreciate it if

you could include information about my character. You could describe my hardworking and amicable

personality, for example. In addition, if you could possibly mention my ability with foreign languages

that that would be excellent. If you remember, I speak Russian, Portuguese and Italian.

Would you be able to deliver me this letter by the end of the week? I have a tight deadline for the job

application as the job begins in less than two weeks, it would mean a lot to me if you could write this

letter as soon as you possibly can.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

165 words

19 | P a g e

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