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Date Applied: ___________________________

Job Title:
1. ___________________________
2. ___________________________

Application for Employment

Name in full:
(Surname) (First Name) (Middle Name)

Present Address:

(House No.) (Street) (District) (Municipality/City) (Length of stay) (Zip Code)

Residence Tel. No.: _____________________ Other Contact Nos.: __________________

Previous Addresses: (State previous residences in the last 2 years)
1. ______________________________________________________________________
Provincial Address: ________________________________________________________
(House No.) (Street) (Municipality/City) (Length of stay)
Date of Birth: ____________Gender: _______ Height: ___________Weight: _____________
Place of Birth: ___________Age: ______SSS No.: _________________ PagIBIG No.: ______________________
PhilHealth No: ___________________________ TIN No: _____________________ Tax Status _____________
E-mail Address: ___________________________________ FB/Twitter/IG Account: __________________________
Citizenship: __________Civil Status: _______Religion: _________Philhealth No. __________________
If married state name of spouse: ________________ Date of Marriage: __________ Age of Spouse: ________
Name and age of children:
Name Date of Birth
________________________________ ________________________
________________________________ ________________________
________________________________ ________________________

Dependents other than children: _____________________ Relationship: _______________________

Name of Father: __________________________________ (Living/Deceased)
Mothers Maiden Name: __________________________________ (Living/Deceased)
Person to be notified in case of emergency: ___________________________Relationship: ____________
Address: _________________________________________Tel./Mobile Nos.: _______________________

Academic Qualifications
Date School / Institution Attended Qualifications Obtained
From To
Other Qualifications / Courses Attended
Date Qualifications Obtained Brief Description
From To

Language & Computer Skills

Please indicate your proficiency as follows: Excellent = 4, Good = 3, Fair = 2, Basic = 1, None = 0
Language Reading Written Spoken Computer Skills Score
English Microsoft Word

Others: Microsoft Excel

Others: Microsoft PowerPoint

Others: Microsoft Outlook


Other Skills & Achievements

Please list any other relevant skills and achievements you would like to mention.

Career History (starting from current employment)

Date Firm / Institution Position Held Reason(s) for leaving
From To
(mm/yy) (mm/yy)

Details of Current Employment:

Present monthly salary Bonus / 13th month Notice period required
Do you SMOKE? ____________________________
State name and position of relative working in this company: ______________________________
Relationship: ______________________________
Have you been a member of any union? _______________________Association or club? _______________
Do you possess a Drivers License? _______ Professional ( ): Non-Professional ( ): Expiry date: ___________

Other Information:
Yes No
Have you been suffering from any physical impairment or disease?

Have you ever been discharged or dismissed from the services of a previous employer?

Are you currently engaged in any other businesses?

Do you have a criminal record?

Have you ever had any civil judgments made against you?

Have you ever been disciplined or fined by any regulatory body?

Have you ever received a formal caution or been absolutely/conditionally

discharged or bound over after being charged with any offence?

Is there any legal action pending against you?

If you have answered yes to any of the above questions, please give full details,
including dates below:

REFERENCES: Please indicate 5 CHARACTER references which may be your previous / present superior / subordinate
/ colleague.
All references should have telephone/mobile numbers:
I declare that this Information Sheet has been accomplished by me, and all personal data Ive provided are true, valid and
complete and I understand that omission or misrepresentation of any fact may result in refusal of employment or immediate
dismissal (if I have been employed) and I also authorize the company to conduct background check on me. I also promise
to work with the company in accordance with my agreement with the HR and Admin Manager:

[ ] 5 months contract or until the duration of my extension.

[ ] Minimum one year.
[ ] Minimum two years.

I am obliged to reimbursed the company the equivalent amount incurred in the processing of my employment should I am
unable to fulfill my commitment of minimum length of service.

Signature over printed name

How did you find out about this job advert? (Please tick and provide details as appropriate)

RS Concepts website

Online job advert

Social Media

Word of mouth


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