Writing Your First or Next Paper PDF

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How To Write Your

First (Or Next)


Jode Plank

Edited By Nick Oswald

a BitesizeBio.com eBook
Begin The Right Way

If I had six hours to chop down a tree, I'd spend the first hour
sharpening the axe.
Abraham Lincoln

Section 01
Writing papers is an art that most of us this one that you can start relying on as etc.) would need to be in this experiment
learn on the job, and it is often a painful controls, and so you dont feel as for it to be a figure in a paper.
process. In this ebook, Ill run you compelled to add those controls to this
Imagine your hypothesis is correct, and
through my step-by-step approach to experiment.
youre going to use the results of this
writing papers and hopefully help make
After all, you have been working with this experiment to convince a critical viewer
the process of writing your first, or next
reaction for months and you know that what lanes need to be on the gel to make
paper, a bit easier.
nothing happens to the substrate without your point? Would you convince (or at least
The vast majority of us dont actually Protein X. Since you are likely presenting frustrate) an opponent of your hypothesis?
start writing our papers by writing, but a ton of experiments in your lab
Not only can thinking in figures help
rather by creating a series of figures meetings, your labmates and mentor
prevent you from having to re-do all of your
that illustrate the story that we are may not even call you out on trivial
experiments right at the moment that you
going to tell. With this in mind, my first controls.
should be focused on other matters (i.e.
piece of paper-writing advice to any
The problem is revealed when you first writing your paper), but it will tighten up
student is this: learn to make a
decide to communicate your story to your science. The first time your science
complete, compelling, professional-
people outside of your lab, whether that should be critically reviewed is before you
looking figure.
communication comes in the form of a show it to somebody else.
talk, poster, or a paper. You look through
your lab notebook and realize that you
Think in figures dont have one experiment that has
Become a master of your
every element required to satisfy a
critical viewer. techniques
When you are at the bench, you can fall

into a trap where you are performing Think in figures is my advice to keep
By techniques Im talking about the
experiments just to answer a particular young scientists from falling into this
manner in which you visualize your
question to your own satisfaction. trap. Instead of heading straight to the
experiments: agarose gel electrophoresis,
bench with your burning question, stop
The problem with this is that you have a SDS-PAGE, western blotting,
and ask yourself what elements (positive
whole series of experiments preceding immunofluorescence, etc.
controls, negative controls, gel markers,

Some dont believe that pretty data is Becoming a master of a technique can story (paper) could take a notebook worth
worth the effort, while others think that take as long, and be as frustrating, as of work, you will have plenty of chances to
generating pretty pictures is something developing the story itself. Therefore I practice while advancing your project.
theyll do later, when theyre ready to would always advise you to strive for this
After collecting the data from any particular
publish. Either way, theyre wrong. goal from the very beginning.
experiment, analyze the execution of the
If you believe that how your data looks Im not talking about taking a month off technique as well as the scientific data that
doesnt matter, crack open an issue of from project-advancing experiments to the experiment generated. If you think the
Cell and compare the figures to those perfect your electrophoresis skills; even data could be prettier, then when you plan
from a low impact-factor journal in your generating the first real figure of your the next experiment also think about what
field. While there are obviously many you might be able to do to improve your
factors that determine where a paper technique.
will publish, I believe that prettiness of
You can shorten this learning curve by
the data can have a very real effect.
keeping an eye out for others inside or
Clean, sharp gels and high signal-to- outside of your lab that have already
noise ratios in antibody-based perfected the technique in question, and
techniques inspire confidence in the soliciting their advice and help.
reviewers, influencing where the paper
will publish.

It also creates an impression on the Learn to use a vector-based

readers, influencing the actual impact graphic design program
your paper will have in your field.

As much as we might hate to admit it, a Weve all heard the clich a picture is
Ugly data wont inspire confidence worth a thousand words. In science, often
large part of science is trust in the
in editors, reviewers or readers a picture is irreplaceable with words, and a
authors of the papers we read, and you
want people to trust the results you good illustration is worth 200-800 words.
generate. (Yes, I actually tried quantifying it a couple
of times.)
With the restrictive word counts of be a significant learning curve for the internet for information about features you
some journals, a handful of good more advanced features. Therefore you encounter or methods for accomplishing
illustrations can buy you several more want to learn to use this program when the task you have at hand.
paragraphs of analysis and pontification you have the time, and not when the
A better option would be to buy a tutorial
in your manuscript. pressure is on to publish your paper.
book that shows you the features by
Many scientists use PowerPoint to The good news is that there are several stepping you through a set of lessons.
make their illustrations and, depending options for learning these programs. The
The best option is to take a class. If you are
on your project, you can get by with it. most basic is the Google method,
a graduate student, you may be able to
where you plug away at it, searching the
Considering that it is a presentation take undergraduate courses at your
program and not a graphic design University for free.
program, it does a pretty good job.
Alternatively, Community Colleges also
But I have never met anybody that often offer courses on popular programs.
regretted the time that they spent Also, once you have the basics down, if
learning to use a true vector-based you learn of others that are proficient with
graphic design program like Adobe your program, dont be shy about asking for
Illustrator or CorelDRAW, among help I can often show somebody the
others. solution to their problem in minutes after
they have spent hours searching for the
These programs offer more options and
more control. This of course brings a
dizzying array of buttons and Generating compelling, polished figures is
commands that can be intimidating but the first step in communicating your results
I would advise any scientist to spend to the world. They will not only become the
Adobe illustrator and other similar
the time it takes to become proficient basis of your paper, but will be the starting
tools can be tricky to learn but
with one of these programs. point for any posters and talks that you give
help you create slick-looking on this project. The next step writing the
Some of the features in these programs figures first draft.
are intuitive, but for most of us there will

Writing The First Draft

Start with the end in mind

Stephen R. Covey

Section 02
You have been pounding away at your I do the whole thing Introduction then the meeting where you discuss the
project, probably for a year... or two... through Discussion including the outline would be the best time to talk about
or three... Anyhow, you now have a Experimental Procedures. Usually at this what journal you will be sending it to.
collection of figures that seem to tell stage I can see problems that might
This becomes most critical at the top of the
quite a nice story, and now its time to arise in the presentation and fix them
pile the manuscript you write for Nature
write the first draft. without deleting sentences I spent hours
will be radically different from the one you
crafting. It also serves as my map while
There has been a lot written on the write for Cell. Other journals may not have
writing to keep me focused and aware of
mechanics of scientific writing, and such extremes in the structure, but may
where Im going in the narrative.
even if you havent read that material, have other content requirements that
you have read a lot of papers. After finishing a reasonably detailed should be kept in mind.
outline, it would be a good idea to give it
So rather than giving you a section-by- For example, a primarily biochemical paper
to your mentor along with the figures
section breakdown on paper writing, Im intended for The Journal of Biological
(complete with legends) to look over.
going to outline my process for Chemistry will likely have to have more
generating the first draft of my Hopefully, your mentor can give this emphasis on biological relevance than if
manuscripts. some serious consideration, and the same manuscript were being sent to
afterward meet with you and discuss it. If Biochemistry.
Create an outline there are large, sweeping changes to the
order of the experiments, or if he or she Just spit it out
Opinions differ on this point, but I envisioned a different focus of the work
personally like starting things off with than the one youve put forward, then the
Now you have the outline with your
an outline. This allows me to map out changes can be made here where the
mentors tentative stamp of approval and a
the order in which I introduce material, time investment in the prose is still
solid idea about where it should go, its
describe the experiments, and list the minimal.
time to start fleshing it all out into a paper.
key points that I want to make about
each without getting wrapped up in Determine the destination My next piece of advice is to be careful
phrasing and transitions. how much time you spend getting the
You may have discussed this with your wording just perfect on any particular
mentor before now, but if you havent, section. If you are having a tough time
saying something just right, then take You need time for your mind to reset on correct any wrong words (there, theyre,
your best stab at it and leave behind an the subject so you can read what you and their...). Of course, if you find any
e-note saying Im not certain Im happy wrote again with fresh eyes. Besides, larger issues with the science, fix those as
with this yet. you probably should re-read the papers well.
you referenced again, just to make sure
On one occasion I spent three days
they said everything you thought they Phone a friend
writing and re-writing just one
said when you cited them. If you havent
paragraph that I thought was essential
written the Experimental Procedures yet, If you have a senior labmate with some
to the paper. In the first round of edits,
this is also a good time for that. publication experience that can be bribed
my mentor eliminated the whole thing.
with either cookies or beer, then have him
That was three wasted days, and in the or her read the manuscript over quickly and
end the paragraph wasnt as necessary Once you have let the manuscript rest, get some feedback.
as I was convinced it was at the time. come back to it and read it again, slowly.
Now is not the time for multiple opinions
Does it sound like the published papers
When you find yourself at a loss for just ask just one person that you trust and
youve been reading? (In other words,
the right words, do your best in a respect.
did you get the tone right?) Make sure
reasonable period of time, mark it, and
the narrative flows, fix the typos, and Stress that you arent looking for line-
move on. The statement may not be as
editing, just general impressions of your
necessary as you think or your mentor
writing style and the storyline. Once you
may have just the right turn of phrase
get their feedback, try to incorporate it.
needed to make the point.
Now you have your first draft. Its time to
Let it rest give it to your mentor. The next step
surviving the editing process.
You just finished writing the first draft!
You even referenced it! Now, if time
allows, close the file and dont open it
Dont worry about the wording
again for a week.
when writing your first draft

Surviving The Editing

No passion in the world is equal to the passion to alter someone

else's draft.
H. G. Wells

Section 03
Once you have written the first draft rest of your field will actually refer to the effort to fine tune a difficult passage in the
and handed it off to your mentor, the paper as the new one out of Dr. first draft of a manuscript.
editing process begins. Depending on Bigshots lab, and your mentor will be
Not only should you not do this because of
the personalities involved, this could be held far more accountable for what is
time and effort considerations, but because
a very difficult time in the relationship said and how its said than you will.
spending that amount of time and effort
between you and your mentor. Therefore, your mentor may have some
makes you more invested in those areas of
very strong opinions on the exact
Here are the perspectives (perhaps the manuscript. This makes changes or
wording of the manuscript.
mantras?) that I try to maintain during deletions of these sections much more
the process. Dont take it personally frustrating to deal with.

It isnt just your paper In terms of a learning experience, one of
Everybody has their own way of saying the most difficult aspects of the editing

something, and if your mentor has process can be separating the changes
After spending a lot of time working on
crossed your way out and written his or due to stylistic differences from the
the experiments, presenting lab
her way in, dont take it as a personal changes made in the name of a more
meetings, and maybe even presenting
criticism. universal truth.
a poster or giving a talk, you have
come to think of the project as yours. It may well be that your phrasing was Stylistic differences are just a matter of
Its understandable, and perhaps even just fine, and they arent necessarily personal choice, and shouldnt be taken too
necessary to maintain the level of correcting what you wrote, but rather seriously, while the later changes are
dedication required to bring many putting their own stamp on the things you can learn from and use in the
projects to fruition. manuscript. In this process you will future.
discover that they have words they love
With the edits of the first draft can come The easiest way to tell the difference is to
to use, and words they hate to use. Over
a hard truth it isnt just your paper. go over the edits with your mentor.
time, youll likely discover that you have
Your mentor thinks it is also, or even
similar lists of words.
primarily, his or her paper. They will have a definitive reasons for the
In the previous section, I warned against changes that you should probably learn
This isnt an entirely unreasonable something from while youll hear things like
spending a large amount of time and
perspective, since in all likelihood the I thought this sounded better or I just

dont care for that word for the edits usually expressed with sentences that Now, I believe that this particular scenario
that come down to stylistic issues. begin But you said that... It undermines happens less often with good mentors, who
your confidence that the next version of are engaged with their students and
Be Prepared: Sometimes the manuscript will be acceptable, as actively thinking about their projects long
things change though you are trying to hit a moving before its time to write the paper.
But even with really good mentors, you
The line-editing isnt necessarily the I mean, you did everything they said to have to realize that sometimes things
most frustrating element in the editing do with the first draft, and that wasnt change.
cycles. A number of times Ive seen good enough, so why should you believe
Sometimes when everything is packaged
mentors get a manuscript full of that doing what they say now will be
together, you realize that you need one
experiments that theyve seen over and acceptable either?
more experiment to prove the model youve
over again, incorporated into a put at the end of the paper.
narrative that the student has
discussed with them (and hopefully Or, after talking to a colleague at a
they approved of at the outline stage), meeting, your mentor thinks that the field
and it wasnt until they saw the whole would be more receptive to a closely
package put together that they realized related, but slightly different focus of the
that they didnt like the story. paper. There never was a contract between
you and your mentor that said I will do
This can results in a major restructuring these ten experiments, and you must
of the manuscript, changing everything publish them without asking for any more.
from the title on down. Sometimes it
also means re-doing experiments to Try to keep an open mind and see how the
address subtly different questions than new requests will make the manuscript
the original experiments addressed or better.
including totally new experiments. Cynthias mentor decided her
paper needed re-focussing, after
This can leave you with the feeling that
the 5th draft
a contract has been broken, and is
You and your mentor are
on the same side

In these situations, its critical to try to

maintain a healthy perspective, like the
one above. My own rule is to look at
each change thats made and ask Is
the new version incorrect or misleading
in any way? If the answer is no, then
accept it. If its yes, then set it aside
and discuss your concern with your
mentor. Take big deep breaths when
you need to, and set time aside in your
schedule to do relaxing activities if
things start getting under your skin.

Look for the humor in the fact that in

the second round of editing, your
mentor is quite likely to re-edit their own
work from the first round.

And remember each round of edits gets

you closer to publishing your paper.

Getting Published

It wouldn't happen... There hasn't been one publication

by a monkey
Karl Pilkington

Section 04
After what has potentially (likely?) been The purpose of the cover letter is From what I have seen, however, the
years of data collection and a month or threefold: journal will explicitly state which sections
two of writing, rewriting, wailing and are confidential and which will be shared
gnashing of teeth, your first paper has To explain to the editor the significance with the referees.
been hammered into shape. of the work (i.e. why their journal
should publish your work), The importance of the cover letter grows,
Hopefully the process has yielded generally speaking, as the impact factor of
something metaphorically closer to To suggest other experts in your field to the journal rises.
Michelangelos David than Mr. Potato review the work,
At the top of the heap, journals like Cell,
Head. Either way, its time to send your To exclude other scientists that may Science, and Nature are only interested in
creation out into the word and see your have competing projects or other publishing novel, ground-breaking research
hard work in print. Here is a brief conflicting interests. (There are some and they receive far more manuscripts than
description of the publication process other legalities that are taken care of they can publish.
here, but they arent all that interesting.)
The cover letter The cover letter for these journals needs to
The latter two areas are strictly between convince the editors that your manuscript
In the old days, manuscripts were you and the editors at the journal, but fits the bill, otherwise your manuscript may
submitted by mail, and one wrote a know that these are only suggestions if never even be read. Well, it will, but not by
cover letter so that the person who the editor feels that you have stacked them...
opened the package didnt have to the deck by excluding all of the most
figure out the contents on their own. qualified scientists, they have the right to The editors
send it out to those that you have

Nowadays, manuscripts are submitted requested not review the work.
Every journal is organized differently, but in
electronically, but cover letters are still
The significance of the work may or may general terms there are at least two levels
part of the package in one form or an
not be confidential some journals now of editors ones at the top that have the
other. For some journals it still looks
send this statement along with the final say on publications, and a second tier
like a letter, and for others the various
abstract when asking potential referees if of editors that actually handle the review of
elements are entered into fields on a
they are willing to review the work. the manuscripts, often called managing
web page.

At the top journals these positions are makes is whether or not the manuscript They dont think it constitutes a significant
all filled by full-time PhDs that work for is suitable for the journal. enough advance in the field even if the
the journal, while most journals have a topic is sexy
much larger staff of academic lab If this editor feels that your work isnt
consistent with the journals mission, They think the discipline is wrong (trying
heads (PIs) who volunteer a portion of
then he or she can reject the paper to publish a biochemistry paper in The
their time to the journal as editors.
without it even going out for review. This Journal of Cell Biology, for example),
Once you and your mentor submit your is called an editorial rejection, and there
They feel that the work is derivative (it has
manuscript to a journal, somebody isnt much you can do about it. It could
already been published before).
takes a look at the cover letter, be because:
abstract, and key words and tries to
decide which of the managing editors They dont believe your topic is sexy
The only good thing about an editorial
has the expertise to manage the review enough for their journal
rejection is that it generally happens
of the manuscript. quickly.
This editor doesnt need to have the If the editor is undecided about a
level of expertise that the referees manuscripts suitability for their journal, he
posses, but he or she must be familiar or she may send out feelers to lab heads,
enough with the field to know who to which consists of an e-mail containing the
ask to be a referee, and to make title, authors, abstract, and possibly a
educated decisions when there is a significance statement and solicit their
difference of opinion between two opinion.
referees or between a referee and the
authors. The referees
Once the manuscript (with cover letter)
has been sent to the managing editor Well, you have just found out that your
and that editor has agreed to handle
This is not a recommended cover manuscript has been sent out to review. So
the paper (if the editor is a volunteer), letter approach for convincing the what is actually happening?
then the first decision that he or she editor that your topic is sexy

Remember the feelers sent out When the referees submit their reviews, responsible for killing a manuscript, when
above? If the lab head contacted feels there are parts that are relayed back to he or she actually recommended
that the work belongs in that journal, the authors, and parts that only the publication (almost certainly with revisions)
feels qualified to review the work, editors see. but the editor disagreed. (Were not
doesnt have any conflicting interest, supposed to know who reviews our papers,
and has the time, then he or she will be In addition to a field where you can enter of course, but speculation on referee
asked to review the work. editor-only comments and concerns, identity is a favorite pastime of many
there are also a series of statements that scientists, and raised to the level of an art
Now what is supposed to happen is the referee must choose from. They are by some.)
that this scientist receives the some form of the following:
manuscript and reviews it, keeping the
Publish without revision
Dealing with the reviews and
information in strict confidence.
writing your response
Some lab heads do this, but some farm Publish with minor revisions
out the paper review to their senior Consider for publishing upon major
graduate students and postdocs. revisions Your manuscript wasnt rejected, but the
referees did have some criticisms, though.
You should keep this in mind once Reject
Dont worry about that we all get them. I
you send the work out the door, the
think criticisms are how scientists prove to
question isnt Does anybody in my field
As the author, you never actually see others that they actually read something.
know about my work?, but rather How
many people in the field know about my what the referee recommended you
Referee comments can fall into one of
work? receive the recommendation of the
several different categories:
editor. The editors recommendation is
Even if the lab head has farmed out influenced by the referees The referee has no idea what is going on.
some of the legwork of the review, recommendations, but the editor has the
almost all will read the manuscript Sometimes the editor just picks a bad
freedom to come to his or her own
themselves and come to their own referee, and the referee either didnt want
conclusions. to admit ignorance or truly believes they
Its good to bear this in mind, because can review papers outside of their
sometimes a referee will be held discipline. The best example of this that
Ive heard was a friend that had a math- rewrite your entire introduction, it may be This is nice, but I would rather have read
intensive paper reviewed by somebody a different story. your next paper.
that didnt know the basic mathematical
This one is tough youve put together ~6
symbols used in the paper, mistaking
figures (and a bunch more in
them for variables which were left The nitty-gritty details question. supplemental), and all the referee wants
undefined, to their great outrage.
These are usually asked by the people are the next 6 figures, which you thought
When you get these types of comments right in your field, and they can go one of would be your second paper.
(and you will, eventually), the hardest two ways. Re-read your title and conclusions does
thing to do is to write a polite response,
Some are so specific and detailed that your data solidly support these statements?
but you should.
trying to incorporate the information that Sometimes referees ask for the next paper
Remember, you dont know who the the reviewer requests into the because the authors promised more with
referee is, but they know who you are, manuscript itself is difficult to do while the title than they delivered with the data. If
and scientists have excellent keeping the paper accessible to the this isnt the case, then politely state in the
memories. average reader. response that you agree that the next 6
In this case, it may be sufficient to just figures/experiments would be very
You didnt cite my favorite papers. answer the question in the response interesting and exciting so exciting that
letter and the referee will be satisfied that they will get their own paper.
If you have the space to add a couple
sentences and/or a couple references, the work is solid.
add them. This person spent their On the other hand, the issue may be a You did it all wrong.
valuable time helping you publish your more important point than you originally
paper, so do as they ask. thought, so if the information can be This is the toughest. The referee doesnt
incorporated without confusing the like your reagents, your experimental
Chances are that you should have cited
average reader, incorporate it into the design, your interpretation of the data, or all
them in the first place, and citations are
manuscript. of the above.
one criteria that is used to evaluate
established scientists, so it isnt just an I think the most important thing to do is try
ego thing. Now if they ask you to to detach yourself emotionally from the
situation and ask if there is any validity This is why I emphasized politeness so anything in the manuscript, then the referee
to what they are saying. many times above. You also have to isnt going to be very happy about the
strike some balance between rebuttals to situation.
Keep an open mind and try doing the
a referees criticisms and changes to the
experiments their way and see what the On the other hand, you should never
results are. If the results are different, weaken, diminish, or reduce the clarity of
then they may have saved you from If the editor requests additional your manuscript just to appease every
having to retract the paper in the future. comments from the referee and all you comment of a referee.
have done is argue the validity of the
If the results are the same, then your
referees comments without changing
work and the conclusions have only
gotten tighter. If their requests are Page Proofs
completely off-base or unfeasible (the
experiment that costs millions of dollars
You have survived the review gauntlet, and
or uses an instrument with
the journal has accepted your creation. You
specifications that hasnt been invented
arent quite done yet, but dont worry, the
yet), then you need to communicate
next step is pretty painless.
this politely in the response letter.
After accepting your manuscript, the journal
One thing that you should bear in mind
ships it off... someplace... where they
when writing the response to the
format it for publication. (I like to think it is a
reviews is that the editor is obliged to
tree-house full of elves with laptops rather
communicate the referees review to
than the cubical farm that it likely is.)
you, regardless of whether the editor
agreed with it or not. These formatted files are called the page
An elf in the publishing tree-house proofs, and these files will show up
Your response may only be read the
formatting your manuscript for unannounced in you inbox with a ~48 hour
editor, or it may also be forwarded back
publication deadline for you and your mentor to review
to the referee for additional comment.
and return them.

After you return them, that is it. That is computer screen. Has the resolution
what is published, warts and all. Fail to changed? Is the brightness and contrast
return them? They might publish the acceptable? Are there any typos/
paper as is. So pay attention to your misspelled words in the figure itself? This
inbox and the details! is your last chance to fix it in the
manuscript without the potentially
Remember that list of words that your
embarrassing publication of a correction.
mentor hates? Well the journal/line
editor has their own list, and they have
edited your text.
Congratulations! You have published
The best advice I was given is to read your first paper! Now how far are you
the paper backwards, one sentence at along on the next manuscript?
a time. This forces you to read what is
written, and not to start reciting the
manuscript you wrote in your head.

This can allow you to catch any typos If you enjoyed this eBook, visit BitesizeBio.com for
many more eBooks, articles, webinars and videos on
that have snuck through, and to catch topics like this.
the edits that the line editor has made.
If the edits that have been made dont
change the meaning or clarity of the
statement, let them go learn to pick
your battles. Dont forget to check the
references, either. It may be a good
idea to bribe a grammar/spelling gifted
friend to help you out as well.

Scrutinize the figures, both printed and

actual size, (preferably on several
different printers) and enlarged on your

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