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7-1 Design of Work Systems

(Direct Time Study & Activity Sampling)
7-2 Design of Work Systems

- a discipline that concerned with:
1. Better ways of performing jobs/tasks (Method
Study, Job Design, Work Design, or Methods

2. Exercising control over the output by setting

standards for output/work with respect to time
(Time Study)
7-3 Design of Work Systems

Job Design

Job design involves specifying the content

and methods of job
What will be done
Who will do the job

How the job will be done

Where the job will be done

7-4 Design of Work Systems

Design of Work Systems

Behavioral Approaches to Job Design
Methods Analysis
Motions Study
Working conditions
7-5 Design of Work Systems

Job Design Success

Successful Job Design must be:

Carried out by experienced personnel with
the necessary training and background
Consistent with the goals of the
In written form

Understood and agreed to by both

management and employees
7-6 Design of Work Systems

Specialization in Business: Advantages

Table 7.1

For Management: For Labor:

1. Simplifies training 1. Low education and
skill requirements
2. High productivity
2. Minimum
3. Low wage costs
3. Little mental effort
7-7 Design of Work Systems

Table 7.1

ForManagement: ForLabor:
1. Difficult to motivate 1. Monotonous work
quality 2. Limited opportunities
2. Worker dissatisfaction, for advancement
possibly resulting in 3. Little control over work
absenteeism, high
4. Little opportunity for
turnover, disruptive
tactics, poor attention
to quality
7-8 Design of Work Systems

Behavioral Approaches to Job Design

Job Enlargement
Giving a worker a larger portion of the total
task by horizontal loading
Job Rotation
Workers periodically exchange jobs
Job Enrichment
Increasing responsibility for planning and
coordination tasks, by vertical loading
7-9 Design of Work Systems

Methods Analysis

Methods analysis
Analyzing how a job gets done
Begins with overall analysis

Moves to specific details

7-10 Design of Work Systems

Methods Analysis

The need for methods analysis can come

from a number of different sources:
Changes in tools and equipment
Changes in product design
or new products
Changes in materials or procedures
Other factors (e.g. accidents, quality
7-11 Design of Work Systems

Methods Analysis Procedure

1. Identify the operation to be studied

2. Get employee input
3. Study and document current method
4. Analyze the job
5. Propose new methods
6. Install new methods
7. Follow-up to ensure improvements
have been achieved
7-12 Design of Work Systems

Analyzing the Job

Flow process chart

Chart used to examine the overall sequence
of an operation by focusing on movements
of the operator or flow of materials
Worker-machine chart
Chart used to determine portions of a work
cycle during which an operator and
equipment are busy or idle
7-13 Design of Work Systems

Figure 7-2
Job Requisition of petty cash D. Kolb 1 of 2

Details of Method
Requisition made by department head
Put in pick-up basket
To accounting department
Account and signature verified
Amount approved by treasurer
Amount counted by cashier
Amount recorded by bookkeeper
Petty cash sealed in envelope
Petty cash carried to department
Petty cash checked against requisition
Receipt signed
Petty cash stored in safety box
7-14 Design of Work Systems

Motion Study

Motion study is the systematic

study of the human motions used
to perform an operation.
7-15 Design of Work Systems

Motion Study Techniques

Motion study principles - guidelines for

designing motion-efficient work procedures
Analysis of therbligs - basic elemental
motions into which a job can be broken
Micromotion study - use of motion pictures
and slow motion to study motions that
otherwise would be too rapid to analyze
7-16 Design of Work Systems

Principles Of Motion Economy (Study)

Use Of The Human Body
1. The two hands should begin as well as complete at the
same time.
2. The two hands should not be idle at the same time.
3. Motions of the arms should be made in opposite and
symmetrical directions simultaneously.
4. Momentum should be employed to assist the worker
wherever possible.
5. Work should be arranged to permit easy and natural
rhythm wherever possible.
7-17 Design of Work Systems

Principles Of Motion Economy (Study)

Arrangement Of The Work Place
1. There should be a definite and fixed place for all tools
and materials.
2. Tools, materials, and controls should be located close
and directly in front of the operator.
3. Gravity feed bins and containers should be used to
deliver material close to the point of use.
4. Drop deliveries should be used wherever possible.
5. The work place and chair should be arranged so that
alternate sitting and standing at work are easily
6. Chairs that permit good posture should be provided.
7-18 Design of Work Systems

Principles Of Motion Economy (Study)

Design Of Tools And Equipment
1. The hands should be relieved of all work that can be
done more advantageously by a jig, fixture, or foot
operated device.
2. Two or more tools should be combined wherever
3. Tools and materials should be pre-positioned wherever
4. Levers, crossbars, and hand wheels should be located
in positions that operator can manipulate them with the
least change in body position and the greatest
mechanical advantage.
7-19 Design of Work Systems

Developing Work Methods

1. Eliminate unnecessary motions. (Is this

activity necessary, or can it be eliminated?)
2. Combine activities. (Can this activity be
combined with others?)
3. Reduce fatigue. (Can this activity be
4. Improve the arrangement of the workplace.
(Is this the proper sequence of activities?)
5. Improve the design of tools and equipment.
6. Is this the proper person to be doing this
7-20 Design of Work Systems

Method Improvement (example)

7-21 Design of Work Systems

Method Improvement (recommendation)

7-22 Design of Work Systems

Working Conditions To Be Considered

Temperature & Ventilation


Illumination Color
7-23 Design of Work Systems

Working Conditions (contd)

Noise & Vibration Work Breaks

Safety Causes of Accidents

7-24 Design of Work Systems

Work Measurement

Standard time
Stopwatch time study
Historical times
Predetermined data
Work Sampling
7-25 Design of Work Systems

Historical Experience
Relatively easy, convenient, and inexpensive
Not objective, unknown accuracy

Not recommended
7-26 Design of Work Systems

Time Studies

Labor standards are based on observing

worker doing task
Observe only a sample of work
Use average time & pace to set standard
Requires a trained & experienced analyst
Standard cannot be set before task is
7-27 Design of Work Systems

The Eight Steps to Conducting a

Time Study
 Define the task to be studied (after a methods
 Break down the task into precise elements
 Decide how many times each element of the task
must be measured
 Record the times and ratings of
performance for the task elements
[Rating = (Observed rating / standard rating)]
The Eight Steps to Conducting a
Design of Work Systems

Time Study - continued

(*Rating = assessment of a worker relative work rate based on observers
observation compared with standard pace.)

 Compute the average observed cycle time (element

times adjusted for unusual influences)

6. Compute the normal time for each task element:

Normal time = (Average actual cycle time)
x (Rating factor)
7-29 Design of Work Systems
The Eight Steps to Conducting a Time
Study - continued

7. Sum the normal times for each element to

develop a total normal time for the task

8. Compute the standard time:

Standard time = Total normal time

(1- Allowance factor)
7-30 Design of Work Systems


Personal time allowance - 4% - 7% of total

time - use of restroom, water fountain, etc.
Delay allowance - based upon actual delays
that occur
Fatigue allowance - to compensate for
physical or mental strain, noise level,
tediousness, heat and humidity, assumption
of an abnormal position, etc.
7-31 Design of Work Systems
Rest Allowances (%) for Various Classes
of Work (examples)
1. Constant allowance
(a) Personal allowance 5
(b) Basic fatigue allowance 4

2.Variable allowances:
(a) Standing allowance 2
(b) Abnormal position 2

(i) Awkward (bending) 7

(ii) Very awkward (lying,
stretching) 3
7-32 Design of Work Systems

Direct Time Study (Example)

Work Element Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Cycle 3 Cycle 4 Cycle 5

Take glass 8 9 8 10 8

Place on jig and turn on the 10 12 10 11 12

Milling Operations 25 25 25 25 25
(fully automatic)
Lift glass and put it on conveyor 8 8 6 8 6

Time study data using snap back stop watch. Time in seconds. Total allowance is
15% of the normal time. Workers rating is 110%.
Compute the standard time.
Calculate the labor cost for each product if the workers wage is RM 3 per-hour.
7-33 Design of Work Systems

Direct Time Study (Example)

Element Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Cycle 3 Cycle 4 Cycle 5 Average Normal Std
time time
1 8 9 8 10 8 8.6 9.46 11.129

2 10 12 10 11 12 11 12.1 14.235

3 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

4 8 8 6 8 6 7.2 7.92 9.318

Element 1: Average time = (8+9+8+10+8)/5 = 8.6 sec

Normal time = Average x Rating = 8.6 x 1.1 = 9.46 sec
Std time = Normal /(1-allowance) = 9.46 / (1-0.15) = 11.129 sec
7-34 Design of Work Systems

Direct Time Study (Example)

Compute the standard time.

Overall std time = 11.129+14.235+25+9.318 = 59.682 sec

Calculate the labor cost for each product if the workers wage is RM 3 per-hour.

3RM / hr 4
Worker's wage = = 8.33(10) RM / sec
3600sec/ hr

Labor Cost per product = 59.682sec x 8.33(10)4 RM / sec

= RM 0.0497
7-35 Design of Work Systems

Work Sampling

Labor standard is set using output and % of

time worker spends on tasks
Involves observing worker at random times
over a long period
Less expensive than time studies
Observer requires little training
Ineffective with short cycles
7-36 Design of Work Systems

Work Sampling

Used for
Ratio delay studies
Setting labor standards
Measuring worker performance
7-37 Design of Work Systems
The Five Step
Work Sampling Procedure

1. Take a preliminary sample to obtain an

estimate of the parameter value
2. Compute the sample size required
3. Prepare a schedule for observing the
worker at appropriate times
4. Observe and record worker activities; rate worker
5. Determine how workers spend their time (usually
as a percent)
7-38 Design of Work Systems

Work Sampling Equations

(Total Time) (% of time working) (Rating)

Normal Time =
Number of units Produced

Standard Time = Normal Time

(1 Allowance)
7-39 Design of Work Systems

Work Sampling (Example)

Status Tally Sum Percentage


Idle IIII 4 4/45 = 9%

Work sampling studies were conducted for 6 consecutive days at a factory.

A total of 45 observations were made during the 8 hours working period for
each day. The number of units managed to be produced are 3000 units for 1
week. The factory is operating 6 days a week. The data above are included
with rating and allowance of 97% and 15%.

Compute the standard time.

7-40 Design of Work Systems

Work Sampling (Example)

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Status Tally Sum Percentage


Idle IIII 4 4/45 = 9%

6 days / week 8 hours working period
hr min
Total observation time = 8 60 6 day = 2880 min
day hr
produced are 3000 units Productive 91% rating a 97% allowance 15%.
Standard Time, STD = Total observation time Productive % Rating 1
Total output 1 allowance

Standard Time, STD = 2880 min 0.91 0.97 1

3000 unit 1 0.15
= 0.997
7-41 Design of Work Systems

Solved Problem
Work Elements Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Cycle 3 Cycle 4

1 0.22 0.26 0.25 0.23

2 0.15 0.18 0.15 0.16
3 0.90 1.10 1.04 1.00
4 0.72 0.80 0.76 0.68

Data from snap back stop watch in minutes of a manual assembly process time
study. The worker is rated at 108%. The allowances are 5% for fatigue, 6% for delay,
and 6% for personal relief. The workers salary is RM1000 per month.
a) Compute the standard time for the assembly process.
b) If the demand is 100,000 unit per month, estimate the number of operators
required for the assembly process. The company is operating 24 days per month
and a single 8 hour shift per day.
c) If the company can only manage to employ 18 workers, compute the over time
cost per day for each worker for the production of 100,000 units per month. Assume
only 15 workers are available for over time and the over time pay rate is 1.5 times of
the normal wage.
7-42 Design of Work Systems

Solved Problem
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Work Cycle 1 Cycle 22
Cycle Cycle 3 Cycle 4 Average Normal Std
Elements Time Time
1 0.22 0.26
0.26 0.25 0.23 0.24 0.259 0.312
2 0.15 0.18
0.18 0.15 0.16 0.16 0.173 0.208
3 0.90 1.10
1.10 1.04 1.00 1.01 1.091 1.314
4 0.72 0.80
0.80 0.76 0.68 0.74 0.799 0.963
(a) Element 1
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5% for fatigue, 6% for delay, and 6% for

rated at 108%.
personal relief

0.22 + 0.26 + 0.25 + 0.23 5% + 6% + 6% = 17%

Average Time = = 0.24 min
Normal Time = Average Time x Rating = 0.24 x 1.08 = 0.259 min
1 1
Standard Time = Normal Time x = 0.259 = 0.312 min
1 - Allowance 1 0.17
Total Assembly Standard Time = 0.312 + 0.208 + 1.314 + 0.963 = 2.797 min/unit
7-43 Design of Work Systems

Solved Problem
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b) If the demand is 100,000 unit per month, estimate the number of operators
required for the assembly process. The company is operating 24 days per month
and a single 8 hour shift per day.
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hr day min min

Working time of 1 operator = 1 8 24 60 = 11,520
day mth hr mth
Monthly quantity produced by 1 operator =
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mth = 4,118.70 unit

min mth
Monthly Demand mth = 24.28 25
Number of operators required = =
Capacity per operator 4118.70 unit
7-44 Design of Work Systems

Solved Problem
c) If the company can only manage to employ 18 workers, compute the over time cost This image cannot currently be display ed.

per day for each worker for the production of 100,000 units per month. Assume only 15
workers are available for over time and the over time pay rate is 1.5 times of the
normal wage.
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Monthly quantity produced by 18 operators = 4,118.70 18 = 74,137units
Monthly quantity shortage = 100,000 - 74,137 = 25,863
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Daily quantity shortage = mth = 1077.6 unit
day day
unit unit min
Time required to produced 1077.6 = 1077.6 2.797
day day unit
min hr
= 3,014 = 50.234
day day
7-45 Design of Work Systems

Solved Problem
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Assume only 15 workers are available for over time and the over time pay rate is 1.5
times of the normal wage.
day hr
= = 3.349
15 operator operator day
Normal wage = mth = 5.208 RM
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day hr hr
24 8
mth day

Over time wage = 1.5 x 5.208 = 7.812
hr hr
Over time cost per operator per day
hr RM RM
= 3.349 7.812 = 26.162
operator day hr operator day
7-46 Design of Work Systems

Tutorial 1
Proses Description Average Time (min)
1 Manual 23
2 Manual 32
3 Automatic machine 9
4 Manual 8

Rating : 110%
Allowance: 20%

(a) Compute the standard time for each process.

(b) If the company has no problem with the availability of manpower,

recommend the maximum capacity for the factory for a 8 hour shift work.
7-47 Design of Work Systems

Tutorial 1
Proses Description Average Time Normal Std Time
(min) time

1 Manual
2 Manual
3 Automatic
4 Manual

7-48 Design of Work Systems

Tutorial 2
Emirates Consultant conducted a work sampling studies for 5 consecutive days at an
assembly factory. A total of 48 observations were made during the 8 hour working
period for each day. The data collected during the 5 day studies is illustrated in Table
1. The whole assembly process is operating on 5 working days per week, 95% rating
and the companys allowable allowances is 20%.

(i) Compute the standard time (min/unit) for the assembly process.
(ii) At peak demand period, the factory is normally required to produce 3,100 units per
week. If only 60% of the employee is willing to work over time, compute the average
overtime per day must be arranged in order to meet the peak demand.

Item Data
Total output over 5 days studies 2,500 unit
Assembly process at fast speed 35% of observations
Assembly process at moderate speed 45% of observations
Assembly process at slow speed 5% of observations
Production is stopped due to no operator 5% of observations
Production is stopped due to no material 10% of observations
7-49 Design of Work Systems

Tutorial 2
Total observation time = (Time of observation/day in minute x day of observation)

Total observation time 1

Std Time = =
Total output
Productive % Rating
1 allowance

unit (Demand quantity)
Peak Demand = (Working days)

(Working time / in minute)

Capacity during normal 8 hours = (STD Time)
7-50 Design of Work Systems

Tutorial 2
Capacity shortage = unit/day (Demand / day - capacity / day)

If all employees are forced to do over time, the over time hours
= (Shortage capacity x Std time)

Considering only 60% of employees are available for over time,

then total overtime =
7-51 Design of Work Systems

Work Sampling Time Studies

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