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1. Background of the Study

We already instinctively entwine rose with notion of beauty and love. It seems only fitting

then that rose actually does offer beauty enhancing benefits. This iconic flower specifically

does beauty wonders on the skin.

In one of the flowers earliest uses for beauty, the ancient Greeks and Romans used rose

petals to perfume their baths. They highly valued roses and also decorate the floors of their

banquet halls with rose petals. In distilled forms, roses have been included at cosmetics,

medicines, and therapeutic treatments for centuries. Rose essential has antibacterial, antifungal

and antiviral properties, making it ideal to topically treat a host of ailments including abrasions,

burns, and skin conditions. It has also been used to ease sore throats, fever and cough.

Rose water is also known for its healthy and beauty benefits. You can use rose water to

treat acne, and add to tea to calm sore throat, and of course pour it in a luxurious bath for

experience, and more. Check out our tutorial on how to make organic rose oil. Beauty product

today also embracing rose as an ingredient. Whether listed on todays organic rose essential oil

or rosehip seed oil, these lovely essences do far more than just add their light scent to your

products. This fragrant flower helps rejuvenate and replenish skin. Discover how this lush

blossom can make your skin feels velvety soft as a bed rose.

Importance of the Study

Roses have been included in cosmetics, medicines, and therapeutic treatments for centuries.

Rose essential oil has antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties, making it topically treat

a hose of ailments including abrasion, burns, and skin conditions. It has also been used to ease

sore throat, fever, and cough. Its not only a flower or fragrant, but it can be a main ingredient

for a product, for it has different benefits. There are many qualities of rose essential oil that

make it beneficial for skin.

The antimicrobial and aromatherapy benefits alone are good reason to put a few drops in

your DIY lotions and creams. Rose Essential Oil can be of great interest for those who care a

lot about their looks. It makes the scars and after marks of boils, acne and pox on the skin fade

quickly. This includes the fading of stretch marks, surgery scars, and fat cracks associated with

pregnancy and delivery. Much of this is due to the antioxidant activity of rose essential oil,

which spurs on the healing processes of the skin.

This product may help people who suffers from skin diseases and also helps improve our

hygiene in a way. Also, it has positive effects towards the user if the user is maintaining using

it and with proper using, the user may get the positive effect of the product.

2. Statement of the Problem

1. Does the product effective?

2. Is the product affordable?

3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the product?

4. Is the product safe?

5. How long the product will be produce?

3. Hypothesis

1. Yes, its effective and proven based on the survey that we made.

2. The product is cheap because its homemade and organic.

3. The advantages of the product are, helped those who has skin disease because its

organic and well and purely-made and it helps improve hygiene and the disadvantage

is it may be irritating to people who has sensitive skin and also dont apply to

sensitive part of your body.

4. Yes, because the product is organic and has pure rose extract, but we recommend

a consultation before using it for everyones safety.

5. The product will be produce by only a day or two because it is easy to make.

4. Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study aims to produce a helpful and useful product out of rose.

5. Time and Place of the Study

This product was conducted at LGU Habitat Brg. San Pablo, Tacurong City Sultan Kudarat

last October 20, 2017.



According to an old Persian saying, Rose is the only thing you can take with you when you
die because its not of this world. With its elegant appearance and rich fragrance, this bloom has
definitely achieved prime status when it comes to romance a symbol of love and devotion True,
unadulterated, and pure rose essential oil (Rosa damascena) is actually pretty hard to find. In
almost all cases you will find a highly diluted oil, usually no more than 5% rose oil in a base of oil
(or even alcohol), or a rose absolute. This is because of the high cost of extracting rose, an oil
extraction through the steam distillation of its petals. (Did you know it takes 12,000 petals to
produce one single 5ml bottle of rose oil??) Despite these obstacles it's still highly coveted and a
much-loved oil, both for its aroma and its benefits. Its true aroma is rich, floral, sensual, and
oooooh so heavenly. Rose is most commonly used for emotional balance and skin health, however
throughout history rose oil uses have ranged from digestive to hormonal and almost anything in
between, including immune, heart health, and more.

rose is a woody perennial flowering plant of the genus Rosa, in the family Rosaceae, or the flower

it bears. There are over a hundred species and thousands of cultivars. They form a group of plants

that can be erect shrubs, climbing or trailing with stems that are often armed with sharp prickles.

Flowers vary in size and shape and are usually large and showy, in colours ranging from white

through yellows and reds. Most species are native to Asia, with smaller numbers native to Europe,

North America, and northwestern Africa. Species, cultivars and hybrids are all widely grown for

their beauty and often are fragrant. Roses have acquired cultural significance in many societies.

Rose plants range in size from compact, miniature roses, to climbers that can reach seven meters

in height. Different species hybridize easily, and this has been used in the development of the wide

range of garden roses. [1]

The name rose comes from French, itself from Latin rosa, which was perhaps borrowed from

Oscan, from Greek rhdon (Aeolic wrdon), itself borrowed from Old Persian wrd-

(wurdi), related to Avestan vara, Sogdian ward, Parthian wr.

Roses are best known as ornamental plants grown for their flowers in the garden and

sometimes indoors. They have been also used for commercial perfumery and commercial cut

flower crops. Some are used as landscape plants, for hedging and for other utilitarian purposes

such as game cover and slope stabilization. They also have minor medicinal uses. The rose oil,

usually from R. canina, is used as a minor source of vitamin C. The fruits of many species have

significant levels of vitamins and have been used as a food supplement. Many roses have been

used in herbal and folk medicines. Rose water has a very distinctive flavour and is used heavily in

Middle Eastern, Persian, and South Asian cuisineespecially in sweets such as barfi, baklava,

halva, gulab jamun, gumdrops, kanafeh, nougat, and Turkish delight. Gulab jamun made with rose

water. Rose petals or flower buds are sometimes used to flavour ordinary tea, or combined with

other herbs to make herbal teas.

In France, there is much use of rose syrup, most commonly made from an extract of rose

petals. In the Indian subcontinent, Rooh Afza, a concentrated squash made with roses, is popular,

as are rose-flavored frozen desserts such as ice cream and kulfi. [9][10] Rose flowers are used as

food, also usually as flavorings or to add their scent to food.[11] Other minor uses include candied

rose petals.[12]

Rose creams (rose-flavoured fondant covered in chocolate, often topped with a crystallised

rose petal) are a traditional English confectionery widely available from numerous producers in

the UK. Henri Fantin-Latour was also a prolific painter of still life, particularly flowers including


Rose absolute oil is derived from rose blooms. The plant, a perennial shrub from the genus

Rosa of the plant family Rosaceae, is native primarily to the temperate areas of the Northern

Hemisphere. There are over 100 species of roses, the majority of which is native to Asia, although

some come from North America, Europe, and northwest Africa. The rose plant can be an erect,

climbing, or trailing shrub with stems covered in thorns of various shapes and sizes. The leaves

are alternate and pinnately compound, somewhat oval and sharply toothed. The fleshy, berry-like

fruit is called a hip, and the flowers, which usually have five petals (cultivated varieties have

double or multiple sets of petals), come in different colors, such as white, red, yellow, pink, and

even orange. There are two types of oil produced from roses: rose absolute oil and rose otto oil.

They are actually used for the same purposes, but are different in terms of how they are produced.

Rose otto, also called attar of roses, is extracted via gentle steam distillation. It usually comes from

the Damask rose (Rosa damascena), and produces a sticky, pale yellow or olive-green oil with a

rich and spicy floral scent.

Meanwhile, rose absolute oil is made via solvent extraction and is the cheaper of the two

varieties. It is more viscous than rose otto, and solidifies at cooler temperature, which is why I

suggest warming it in your hand before using it. Rose absolute oil is either reddish orange or olive

green in color, with a lighter floral scent. Of the two, its scent is the one that you would typically

expect from rose oil.2

Some aromatherapists prefer to use rose otto oil, as they feel that the chemical solvents

used to extract the rose absolute oil may negatively affect the properties of the oil. However, others

believe that the radiance and intensity of rose allows the oil to withstand the extensive processing,

so that rose absolute oil still has positive benefits.

Aside from its delicate appearance, rose is valued for making a highly useful essential oil:

rose absolute oil. Read on to learn more about rose absolute oils properties, uses, and why it is an

essential oil that deserves a place in your cabinet. rose oil can also be applied topically, such as in

skin formulas. It can be added to creams, soaps, and lotions not only for its fragrance, but also for

its mild antiviral and bactericidal properties.

A 2009 study of 40 healthy volunteers found that applying rose oil to the skin led to a

greater relaxation response than a placebo oil. Those who received rose oil also decreased their

breathing rate and blood pressure more than those who received a placebo. Rose oil uses include

topical application to create an inspiring atmosphere and elevated spiritual experiences. Its sweet,

rich aroma encourages feelings of positive self-reflection and can create an uplifted feeling when

inhaled. Rose oil has also been used topically for thousands of years, and today it can be found in

many skin care products, including Young Livings Rose Ointment. Rose oilthe product of one

of the most recognizable and culturally significant flowers in the worldhas a rich, intoxicating

aroma thats just as beautiful as the bloom itself. Rose essential oil is distilled to gently release the

delicate flowers oil through steam. Because each 5-ml bottle requires 22 pounds of rose petals,

Rose oil is one of the most valuable essential oils you can acquire.

The smell of a rose is one of those experiences that can ignite fond memories of young love

and backyard gardens. But did you know that roses are more than a pretty smell? Its true, for they

have therapeutic benefits that can help heal many health conditions.

In 2010, Chinese researchers published a study uncovering that rose oil exhibited one of

the strongest bactericidal activities compared to 10 other oils. They also discovered that just after

five minutes of a 0.25 percent dilution, Propionibacterium acnes (the bacteria responsible for acne)

was completely destroyed!


1. Rose is a woody perennial flowering plant of the genus Rosa, in the family Rosaceae, or

the flower it bears. There are over a hundred species and thousands of cultivars. They form

a group of plants that can be erect shrubs, climbing or trailing with stems that are often

armed with sharp prickles.

2. Vitamin C also known as ascorbic acid and L-ascorbic acid, is a vitamin found in food

and used as a dietary supplement. [1] As a supplement it is used to treat and prevent scurvy.

[1] Evidence does not support use in the general population for the prevention of the

common cold. [2][3] It may be taken by mouth or by injection.

3. Vitamin D refers to a group of fat-soluble secosteroids responsible for increasing

intestinal absorption of calcium, magnesium, and phosphate, and multiple other biological

effects. In humans, the most important compounds in this group are vitamin D3 (also

known as cholecalciferol) and vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol).

4. Vitamin E refers to a group of compounds that include both tocopherols and tocotrienols.

[1][2] Of the many different forms of vitamin E, -tocopherol is the most common form

found in the North American diet. [3] -Tocopherol can be found in corn oil, soybean oil,

margarine, and dressings.

5. Flavonoid are a group of plant metabolites thought to provide health benefits through

cell signaling pathways and antioxidant effects. These molecules are found in a variety of

fruits and vegetables. Flavonoids are polyphenolic molecules containing 15 carbon atoms

and are soluble in water.

6. Tannins (or tannoid) is an astringent, polyphenolic biomolecule that binds to and

precipitates proteins and various other organic compounds including amino acids and


7. Antioxidant is a molecule that inhibits the oxidation of other molecules. Oxidation is a

chemical reaction that can produce free radicals, leading to chain reactions that may

damage cells. Antioxidants such as thiols or ascorbic acid (vitamin C) terminate these chain


8. Vitamin A is a group of unsaturated nutritional organic compounds that includes retinol,

retinal, retinoic acid, and several provitamin A carotenoids (most notably beta-carotene).

[1][2] Vitamin A has multiple functions: it is important for growth and development, for

the maintenance of the immune system and good vision. Vitamin A is needed by the retina

of the eye in the form of retinal, which combines with protein opsin to form rhodopsin, the

light-absorbing molecule[5] necessary for both low-light (scotopic vision) and color

vision.[6] Vitamin A also functions in a very different role as retinoic acid (an irreversibly

oxidized form of retinol), which is an important hormone-like growth factor for epithelial

and other cells.

9. Vitamin B3 Vitamin B3 is one of 8 B vitamins. It is also known as niacin (nicotinic acid)

and has 2 other forms, niacinamide (nicotinamide) and inositol hex nicotinate, which have

different effects from niacin. All B vitamins help the body convert food (carbohydrates)

into fuel (glucose), which the body uses to produce energy. These B vitamins, often

referred to as B-complex vitamins, also help the body use fats and protein. B-complex

vitamins are needed for a healthy liver, healthy skin, hair, and eyes, and to help the nervous

system function properly.



A. Instrumentation

Survey Questionnaire:

1. How many days you used the product?

__ 7 days __ 14 days __ 21 days

2. What do you think about the product?

__ Effective __ Not effective __ Undecided

3. Does the product prevent dry skin?

__ Yes __ No __ Not sure

B. Materials

1. Rose

2. Olive oil

3. Small jar

4. Pot of water

5. Strainer

6. Cup

C. Procedure

1. Gather all the materials needed in making the product

2. Heat a pot of water.

3. While waiting for the water to boil, pick 2 to 3 organic roses to fill the

small cup with the roses petals.

4. Then, shred the rose petals.

5. Once the water is boiling, turn off the stove.

6. Pour 1 cup of olive oil into the jar.

7. Add the petals into the jar filled with olive oil and mix well.

8. Cover the jar and put it into the boiled water, warming the rose will help it

release the scents on to the oil.

9. Remove the jar and let it sit for at least 24 hours for stronger result.

10. Use strainer to separate the rose petal and the oil. (optional)

11. Add some fresh petals to the oil to make it stronger. (optional)

D. Research Design

The product of the research is experimental because we used rose to make an

essential rose oil for the benefit of the people with skin problems.

E. Data Gathering

The people who used the product observed that the rose helps the oil produce such

a good source of making people to reduce or control their skin problems like acne,

dry skin and allergies. This product is effective and useful in many ways. Maintaining

use of the product can give such amazing result to the user.


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