IEC 1089 For Use-1

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NORME CEI INTERNATIONALE IEC INTERNATIONAL 1089 STANDARD rei canon 1991-05, Conducteurs pour lignes aériennes a brins circulaires, cablés en couches ~ concentriques Round wire concentric lay overhead electrical stranded conductors @ CET 1991 Droits de reproduction résorviss — Copyright — all ights rooervod ‘ats tose gran hare qu cou st for mean psy tm ory ey sae ce ‘maces yop le hehe ot Ted cate te pera rates totter edio eg ton hepa, ‘Suresu Conta! dots Commish Electrol igus tematonala 2, lado Varomio6. Gone, Stsss ES Commission Elvetotechnlaue Injornatlons| Electrotechnical Com Me cove prix pricecove = V our pi wren on gone z : Packaging : Merking and tare, 7.3 Rendom jengtis f A 3 ‘G 8 for stranded conductors & Mscow tended cong’ 1989 GEC -3- CONTENTS: FOREWORD .. Claire 1 Scone 2 Normative references..... Fon system A DERORIONS. enennete 5 5 3.2 Conductor sizes 53 5.5 Linear density ~ Mass per unit length . 5.7 Conductor strangth 6 Tests 1... 6.1 Classification of tests 62 Tost roquiroments... 8.3 Sempio size.. Sampia length. a eowrnn " 1 W 13 13 13 15 7 19 19 19 a at 27 a7 27 7889 @1E0 -5- INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION ROUND WIRE CONCENTRIC LAY OVERHEAD ELECTRICA, STRANDED CONDUCTORS FOREWORD 1) The formal decisions or agreomente of the IEC on technical matters, prepared by Technical Committees on ‘which all the National Committaes having a special intorast thorein aro represented, expracs, as nearly as bla, em International consensus of opinion on the subjects doalt with. ‘ 2) Thay have the form of recommendations tor International wea and they are accepted by the National Committoos in that sane 3) In order to promote internetional unifiestion, the IEC expresses the wlsh that all National Committoos © ekec' adopt the toxt of tho IEC recommondation for their astional rules in go far az national conditions will Any civargence betwoon the IEC recommendation and the corresponding national ruler should, as inr es posible, be cloarly indicated in the Inttor. This standard has been prepared by IEC Technical Committee No, 7: Bare aluminium conductors. The text of this standard is based on the following documents: r Monthe’ Rute Repert on Voting Two Months’ Procedure: Roport on Voting 71C0}420 71C0}490 Meo}est (e0)493, information sn the voting for the approvel of this standard can be found In the Voting Flepoxts indicated In the above table. This siandard replaces the following publications: SEC 207: 1966, Aluminium stranded conductors. IEC 208: 1968, Aluminium altoy stranded corductors (aluminium-magnesivm-silicon type). HEC 209: 1986, AlumIntum conductors, steel-reintorced. IES 210: 1966, Aluminium altoy conductors, steel-reintorced. Arvexcs A, B and C form an integral part of ihis international Standard. - Acvex D is for information only. 1089 @1EC ROUND WIRE CONCENTRIC LAY OVERHEAD ELECTRICAL STRANDED CONDUCTORS 1 Scope 1.1 This International Stand: specities the efectrical and mechanical characteristics of round wire concentile tey overhead alectrical stranded conductors made of combinations cf ery of the following metal wires: Ss} berd-drawn aluminium as per IEC $89 designated At‘; vurintum alley type B ee por IEC 104 designated A2"; faium alloy type A as per IEC 104 designated A3* {and when applicable to the ‘Ag cores, as per !2C 668); ‘ 4) reguiar sircngih steel, designated STA or S16, where A and B are zine coating e'=2598, corresponding respectively to classes 1 and 2; < S2A or S2B; 2) high strergth steel, designat {) oxtre high strengt> stosl, designated SA. 1.2 The conductor designations included in ‘iis standard are: At AZ, AB, AUISIA, AL/STB, A1/S2A, A1/S2B, A1/S3A, AQIS1A, AQISIR, A2/83A, AB/SIA, ASISiB, AS/SSA, ATIA2, AIIA3, 2 Mermative references ‘owing standards contairi provisions which, through relerence In this text, constitute s of this International Standard, Al the time of publication of this standard, the echtons Indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agrae- manis Yased on this International Standard eve encouraged to investigate the possibility of apptying the most recent editions of the standards indicated below. Members of IEC and ‘SO meltatn registers of currently valid Inte-national Standards, 4: 1887, Alumintum-magnesium-silicon alloy wire tor overhead line conductors. IEC 088: 1987, Zinc-coated steel wires for stranded conductors. (EC 869: 1987, Hard-drawn aluminium wire for overhead line conductors. “The cesintvty of those motals is a8 folowe (in incivaning orton) 4: 20,264 ream (connuspording to 61% IACS), AQ; 32.520 rem (conneeparsing ta 82% ACS). ‘ A; 92,080 nom (comesporcing to 82.5% IACS),

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