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Running head: CURRIULUM MAP 1

Curriculum Map

Nicole Richter

PPE 310: Healthy Learning Communities

Dr. Houston

Arizona State University

November 16, 2017


Curriculum Map

At the Inland Paper Company, there are monthly strategy meetings where holistic health

focuses can be incorporated into the agenda. These take place the first Tuesday of every month

and every department is given time to attend. Strategy meetings are normally an hour long with

either a group activity or there will be designated time during the month for employees to

participate. These are not required, but strongly encouraged, and there will be modifications for

any employee with special needs. As a leader in the office it is important to focus on the health

of the employees and not only their work. Good health practices will lead to less illness, fewer

absences, and reduced costs for the employer. They will also minimize the stress felt by every



Educate employees on how the lack of social cohesion can be detrimental to the office as

a whole. Managers should not view healthy competition as a way to increase productivity

because it can have the opposite effect (Overbeck, 2015). Instead employees should be

considered to work together, crossing department lines, to use multiple perspective and critical

thinking to solve a problem. The office should be restructured so it is not segregated by

department, allowing for more interaction. Incentive programs should be based off individual

performance, not by doing better than a colleague. Increasing social cohesion will alleviate the

stress that comes from competition and create a more unified, productive work environment.


Having poor emotional well-being makes it more difficult to cope with stress, build

relationships, and makes it difficult to recover from setbacks (Smith et al, 2016). Employees will

be made aware of resources such as therapy that can help with emotional upheaval. The six keys

to mental health will be covered: social connection, staying active, managing stress, brain-

healthy diet, quality sleep, meaning and purpose. Emotional health issues will be destigmatized

by encouraging leaders/managers/employees to share their personal experiences. The importance

of balance between work and personal life will be stressed and employees will be encouraged to

use mental health days without repercussion.


The work environment is primarily sedentary with employees sitting at desks for long

stretches. At least 30 minutes of physical activity per day is recommended to maintain overall

health (Physical activity, 2015). Employees will be encouraged to talk to HR about making the

management of their chronic illness easier in the office. Provide a list of opportunities for

physical activities in the local community that can take place during lunch, after work, or on the

weekends. Go over the flexible dress code for individuals who want to actively commute to



Spiritual health can mean a different thing to every employee. Give the broad definition

of it being a personal matter involving beliefs and values that provide a purpose in our life

(Spiritual wellness, n.d.). Cover company policy on inclusivity and make sure every employee

feels safe practicing their spirituality. Do not stick rigidly to the dominant cultures celebrations

or practice. Offer ways to practice spirituality in the office to promote spiritual health. Encourage

employees to privately practice self-reflection to evaluate what gives them purpose. Lead by

example by showing compassion and acceptance. Go over ways to improve spiritual health in the

office, like prayer or meditation, without disrupting the work day.


Bring in healthy catering from a local business to showcase a possible lunch option for

employees. Encourage the use of water bottle that track intake to increase hydration and

therefore health. Stress the importance of nutrition and how it effects overall health. Briefly

cover the USDA Dietary Guidelines and their recommendations for a healthy diet (2015-2020

Dietary Guidelines, 2015). Show employees how to use MyPlate to keep track of calorie intake

and set personal wellness goals. Cover the seasonal fruits and vegetables that will be available in

the work room and challenge employees to avoid the vending machine.


Discuss how redundant tasks and monotony can affect intellectual health (Prophet, 2012).

This can lead to job dissatisfaction and a stressful working environment. Discuss how employees

can improve intellectual health by thinking outside the box. There is a program in place where

employees can rotate departments, within reason, to make it less likely to get stuck in a rut.

Encourage employees to play scrabble during lunch breaks or to enroll in night school to keep

their mind working. Brainstorm possible creative projects for employees to work on to eliminate


Month Holistic Key Activity

Health Focus Information
January Social Lack of social Employees from
cohesion causes separate departments
problems in work and leadership level
environment will work together to
Get to know identify an area in
colleagues outside need of improvement
of department and formulate a plan
Work together to together to fix it.
achieve goals Their plan will
encourage social
interaction among
February Emotional No shame in Leadership will be
needing help encouraged to share

Ways to improve their own experience

emotional health: with emotional health
diet, exercise, issues so others do
therapy, sleep not feel alone. There
Resources in the will be a
office demonstration of easy
meal ideas that are
Employees will be
paired up as
March Physical Regular physical The subsequent
activity helps meetings during the
maintain a healthy month will be
weight and reduces walking meeting to
stress promote physical
Employees with activity. Employees
physical ailments will be given a day
will be gym pass so they can
accommodated to explore their options.
ensure their A handout with
physical health options for actively
Moving around the commuting will be
office or installing provided. Employees
standing desks will will be encouraged to
be encouraged join the office Fitbit
challenges with
April Spiritual The office is an Brainstorm with
accepting and employees on what
tolerant place for all spirituality means to
forms of spirituality them so they can see
Spiritual health is the diversity. Try to
an important part of have every belief
wellbeing system represented in
There are ways to office celebrations.
improve spiritual Have employees
health in the office participate in a short,
publicly or guided meditation at
privately their desks after the
Finding what gives meeting.
your life purpose is
crucial to success
May Nutritional Poor nutrition can Plan and strategize a
affect all other areas healthy potluck event
for the month where

of health as well as each employee brings

productivity. a nutritious dish.
There are easy ways Remind employees of
to make changes any food allergies or
and tools/apps that sensitivities. Show
can help everyone how
Implement new MyPlate and Fitbit
break room strategy can work together to
for introducing improving health.
seasonal fruits and Provide a handout
veggies. with a meal plan and
grocery list to show
employees how much
easier it is to maintain
nutritional health
with a plan.
June Intellectual Job dissatisfaction Provide a handout
can come from with local night
redundant tasks that classes and
do not further descriptions for
intellectual health employees. Give each
Do not become department a task
complacent, from another
continue to department to work
challenge yourself on throughout the
Work with or in month. Have both
other departments departments work
to change up typical together on the final
schedule plan to present. Set
Take advantage of up board games and
opportunities to let employees play in
challenge yourself small groups to show
intellectually a fun way to improve
cognitive abilities.


Working in an office can become an oppressive and unhealthy environment without the

proper knowledge. Incorporating holistic health focuses into the monthly strategy meeting is a

good way to introduce healthy ideas. There are six key areas of health: social, emotional,

physical, spiritual, nutritional, and intellectual. The curriculum map above outlines the crucial

elements needed for each topic and an activity to get employees involved. It is important to not

only cover these topics in the meetings, but to create a change in the work environment. A

healthier work environment is beneficial for the employees and company.

The Inland Paper Companys Strategy meetings cover the goals for the month as well as

the health topic for the next few weeks. Every meeting will discuss how this area of health

effects the others and wellness in general. These conferences tend to be longer to allow adequate

time to thoroughly educate employees. Handouts will be given so individuals can refer back to

information throughout the month. The aim of these meeting is to improve health and reduce

stress. Stress reduces productivity, creates tension, causes absences, and leads to job

dissatisfaction. Getting active, eating right, socializing, finding balance, feeling accepted, and

engaging in cognitive growth all reduce stress. Working and focusing on each area of health and

listening to what employees think should change will create a positive work environment. This

will give the office a positive outlook that will help them map out and reach their goals, if they

feel supported. The strategy meetings also provide an opportunity for dialogue with leaders to

address any stressors that make their personal or professional lives difficult. Employees with

good health who enjoy their work and have a purpose will be beneficial to the company.


Overbeck, Jen (2015). You dont have to be the boss to change how your company works. 2-6.

Retrieved from

Physical activity for a health weight (2015 May 15). Retrieved from

Prophet, M. (2012, October 13). The 5 Dimensions of Wellness. Retrieved November 17, 2017,


Smith, M., Segal, R., Robinson, L., & Segal, J. (2016). Improving Mental and Emotional Health.

Help Guide. Retrieved from


Spiritual wellness (n.d.) Retrieved from

2015 2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. (2015 December). U.S. Department of Health

and Human Services and U.S. Department of Agriculture. 8th Edition. Retrieved from

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