Writing Chemistry Lab Reports 12

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Manipulative Skills

Aspect 1 Aspect 2 Aspect 3

Following Instructions Carrying out Techniques Working Safely
Complete Follows instructions Competent and methodical in Pays attentions to safety
accurately, adapting to new the use of a range of issues.
circumstances (seeking techniques and equipment.
assistance when required).
Partial Follows instructions but Usually competent and Usually pays attention to
requires assistance methodical in the use of a safety issues.
range of techniques and
None Rarely follows instructions or Rarely competent and Rarely pays attention to safety
requires constant supervision. methodical in the use of a issues.
range of techniques and

The skills involved are those required to carry out the full range of techniques covered by a thorough
laboratory experience. These skills include but are not limited to the following:
Using volumetric glassware
Handling flammable, corrosive, and/or toxic chemicals safely
Performing a titration accurately
Using a pH meter
Taking steps to ensure cleanliness and purity appropriate to the experiment

Indications of manipulative ability include the following;

amount of assistance required in assembling equipment
ability to follow instructions accurately
orderliness of carrying out procedures
yield and purity from preparative exercises
accuracy of quantitative determinations
adherence to safe working practices

Jerry discovers the element of surprise..

Page 12

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