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Answer the Five Questions

Q.1 Why/how is sports inherently political, according to Dave Zirin in the film: Not Just a

Game. Consider issues related to patriotism, the military, gender, race, and


In the video, Dave Zirin argues the connection between sports and politics as well as their

relationship, irrespective of societys opinions. In the video, Zirin cites examples and discusses

incidents where race and sports have connected. He ignores the myth that politics and sports do

not mix. Rather, he demonstrates how sports play a fundamental role creating and at times

contesting militarism, sexism, gender, patriotism, racism, and commercialized violence. Zirin

challenges athletes, sport fans, students, and teachers not to deny the existence of politics in


Q.2. What are some of the issues associated with high levels of competition in youth sport,

as illustrated by Friday Night Tykes?

Healthy competition is essentially a good thing because it drives people to try harder and

work for what they want to achieve. In the sports arena, especially in youth sports, there appears

to be an ever increasingly divided view of how leagues should be run. Most coaches and some
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parents believe that everybody deserves to win and get a trophy and that having fun is more

imperative than winning and a specialized athlete is less important than an experienced player.

Q. 3. How do sports fit into, and perhaps help perpetuate the notion of Guyland?

According to Guyland, the number of positives identified can result from watching and

taking part in sports. There are also some dangers identified when sports are a substitute for real

conversations, and when sports are used as an avenue to create female free areas of life, or when

a persons manhood is planted in his participation in sports as opposed to something more

doubtfully masculine.

Q. 4. How does the film The Power of an Illusion help debunk the notion that there is

some kind of genetic advantage for African American athletes?

In the film, humans cannot be subdivided into races and how there is not a single gene or

trait that can be used to differentiate all members of one race from all members of another. In

that case, race is a powerful social idea with real outcomes for peoples lives although it may not

be biological.

Q.5 How does the film In Whose Honor deconstruct and problematize the use of Native

American mascots?

In the film, the stereotyping of Native Americans is believed to be a vivid decrease

when reflected by our culture and the media although it does not imply that it is not there. The

movie, tells the story of the ancient tradition of sport logos and mascots for college and

professional sports teams. These names have been incorporated into society as a custom and
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many people are not aware any differently other than it is a mascot. However, this is different for

those who directly draw roots from these mascots.

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