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APSUSC-36678; No. of Pages 11 ARTICLE IN PRESS

Applied Surface Science xxx (2017) xxxxxx

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Applied Surface Science

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Full Length Article

Inuence of the modulated two-step synthesis of biogenic

hydroxyapatite on biomimetic products surface
Florin Miculescu a , Aura Catalina Mocanu a,g , George E. Stan b , Marian Miculescu a, ,
Andreea Maidaniuc a,h , Anisoara Cmpean c , Valentina Mitran c , Stefan Ioan Voicu d ,
Teodor Machedon-Pisu e , Lucian Toma Ciocan f
University Politehnica of Bucharest, Department of Metallic Materials Science, Physical Metallurgy, 313 Splaiul Independentei, 060042, J Building, District
6, Bucharest, Romania
National Institute of Materials Physics, Laboratory of Multifunctional Materials and Structures, Atomistilor Str., No. 405A PO Box MG 7, 077125, Magurele,
Bucharest, Romania
University of Bucharest, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 91-95 Splaiul Independentei, 050095, District 5, Bucharest, Romania
University Politehnica of Bucharest, Advanced Polymer Group, Faculty of Applied Chemistry and Material Science, 1-7 Gh. Polizu Str., Polizu Campus,
011061, L 015 Building, District 1, Bucharest, Romania
University Transilvania of Brasov, Department of Materials Engineering and Welding, 1 Universitatii Str., 500177, Room A II 1, Brasov, Romania
Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Prosthetics Technology and Dental Materials Department, 37, Dionisie Lupu Street., District 1,
020022, Bucharest, Romania
S.C. Nuclear NDT Research & Services S.R.L, Department of Research, Development and Innovation, 104 Berceni Str., Central Laboratory Building, District 4,
Bucharest, Romania
S.C. Nuclear NDT Research & Services S.R.L, Destructive and Nondestructive Testing Laboratory, 104 Berceni Str., Central Laboratory Building, District 4,
Bucharest, Romania

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Processing calcium-rich natural resources, such as marble and mussel seashells, into biomimetic prod-
Received 7 April 2017 ucts could constitute an environmentally-friendly and economically sustainable alternative given their
Received in revised form 4 July 2017 geographical widespread. Hitherto, their value for biomedicine was demonstrated only for seashells,
Accepted 17 July 2017
with the technological exploitation approaches still facing challenges with respect to the identication
Available online xxx
of generic synthesis parameters capable to allow the reproducible and designed synthesis of calcium
phosphate at an industrial-ready level.
In this study was targeted the optimization of Rathje synthesis method for the fabrication of biogenic
Biogenic hydroxyapatite synthesis
Surface characteristics calcium phosphates, by conveniently adjusting the chemical composition of employed reagents. It was
In vitro assays shown that post-synthesis heat-treatment of compacted powders is the key step for inducing struc-
tural transformations suitable to attain biomimetic products for reconstructive orthopedic applications.
The sintered materials have been multi-parametricallyevaluated from morpho-compositional, structural,
wettability, mechanical and cytocompatibility points of view and the results have been cross-examined
and discussed. Convenient and efcient preparation routes to produce biogenic hydroxyapatite have been
identied. The functional performances of the as-prepared biogenic ceramics endorse their use as a solid
and inexpensive alternative source material for the fabrication of various bone regenerative products
and implant coatings.
2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

Exploitation of marine biogenic resources for preparing bio-

logically relevant calcium phosphates (CaP) attracted considerable
interest since the development, in 1974, of a synthesis method for
coralline hydroxyapatite [1]. Although the method preserved the
Corresponding author.
corals porous architecture, some disadvantages, such as uncon-
E-mail addresses: marian.miculescu@upb.ro, m miculescu@yahoo.com
(M. Miculescu).
trolled resorption or inadequate mechanical properties, led to the

0169-4332/ 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: F. Miculescu, et al., Inuence of the modulated two-step synthesis of biogenic hydroxyapatite on
biomimetic products surface, Appl. Surf. Sci. (2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apsusc.2017.07.144
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APSUSC-36678; No. of Pages 11 ARTICLE IN PRESS
2 F. Miculescu et al. / Applied Surface Science xxx (2017) xxxxxx

development of alternative synthesis methods which allow the with their mechanical and biological performance, in the search for
preparation of calcium phosphates powders with different com- relevant triggers capable to support a controlled bio-functionality.
positions [2].
Transition to eco-friendly preparation methods, complying
2. Materials and methods
with the current exigent recommendations for environmental
protection, impose adapting traditional synthesis procedures to
2.1. Samples preparation
exploit other various abundant waste-type raw materials. Cur-
rently, besides corals [1,3], waste materials such as marine animal
The raw materials used in this study are dolomitic marble
shells (sea urchins [4] and sea shells [57]) are taken into account
(Ruschita, Romania) and Mediterranean mussels Mytilus gallo-
as CaP precursors in an attempt to satisfy the increasing demand
provincialis (Black Sea coast, Romania). After a mechanical cleaning,
of materials for biomedical applications by using the benets of
the raw materials were calcined in air at 1300 C for 6 h, in an elec-
natural resources in a sustainable manner.
trical furnace. After calcination, the materials were cooled in air and
The frequently investigated synthesis methods use the cal-
stored in Petri dishes.
cium carbonate (CaCO3 ) existing in various natural resources and
The reagents amounts for CaPs synthesis were initially calcu-
a phosphate-based reagent (e.g. phosphoric acid (H3 PO4 )), which
lated based on the stoichiometric reactions described in the Rahtje
are chemically reacted to produce a CaP [7,8]. The reaction takes
method [11,1618]: for 10 g of Ca(OH)2 powder (derived from heat-
place at moderate temperature (150220 C) and requires up to
treated marble/seashells), 200 ml of distilled water, and 5.5 ml of
6 h [9,10]. More promising results have been obtained by applying
H3 PO4 (85%, Sigma-Aldrich) were used. Further, the experiments
an indirect synthesis route, which implies the thermal dissociation
were conducted separately for the marble and seashells-derived
of CaCO3 into calcium oxide (CaO), and its further treatment with
powders, using 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3 stoichiometric acid quantity.
H3 PO4 [11]. Although it was initially was introduced for pure syn-
The marble and seashell-derived powders were rstly hydrated in
thetic reagents, the method can be extended for the processing of
distilled water and then treated with H3 PO4 by drop-wise addi-
natural raw materials by adapting the reaction parameters the
tion at a rate of 1 ml/min. The solutions were magnetically stirred
aim of this study.
during the synthesis for 2 h, at 700 rpm. Further, the prepared solu-
The biomaterials prepared by such methods can be thermally
tions were washed, ltered and dried at room temperature (RT)
processed and transformed into biphasic or multiphasic CaPs,
for 168 h, and then in oven at 100 C, for 24 h, until the powders
whose biomedical performance depends on the ratio between the
were obtained. The prepared powders were mixed with normal
insoluble and the resorbable constituent phases. The phase com-
saline solution and pelletized by cold isostatic pressing at 0.1 MPa.
position can be conveniently adjusted, by designed variation of
The pellets were dried at RT for 24 h, and sintered in an electrical
synthesis parameters, such as to induce desired properties (i.e.
furnace at 1200 C, for 10 h.
resorbability, bioactivity, osteoconductivity, or osteoinductivity),
The samples are further referred to by H3 PO4 quantity (e.g.
depending on the local requirements imposed by the implantation
0 = stoichiometric quantity; 3 = 1.3 calculated H3 PO4 quantity)
environment. Besides the biphasic or multiphasic CaPs the mixtures
and by the raw material (M = marble; S = seashell). The as-
of thermally unstable CaPs (e.g. dicalcium phosphate dehydrate
synthesized powders will be referred AS and the thermal-treated
(CaHPO4 2H2 O, DCPD) or brushite, and anhydrous dicalcium phos-
(sintered) samples TT (example: 1S-TT = Thermal Treated pel-
phate (CaHPO4 , DPDA) or monetite) can be used as self-setting
let prepared from Seashells-derived powder treated with 1.1
formulations. In this later case, the setting reactions and the nal
(+10%) stoichiometric H3 PO4 quantity). A bovine hydroxyapatite
product characteristics are governed by each component fraction
(HA) previously prepared and completely characterized [19] was
within the mixture. However, since there has been little discussion
used as reference material in the study. The reference material was
on the stability of such formulations and on the inuence of com-
analyzed as-synthesized (HA-AS) and after sintering (HA-TT) in the
pounds such as calcium oxide or calcium pyrophosphate, which
same conditions as the other samples.
sometimes occur during synthesis reactions [12], further clari-
cations are needed in order to develop competitive high quality
products. 2.2. Bulk and surface physical-chemical characterization
Most of the CaPs synthesis methods based on natural sources of techniques
calcium carbonate are difcult to reproduce because the synthesis
parameters are not completely reported. Also, these studies primar- a) The morphology and composition of the AS powders and TT
ily discuss the rst stages of preparation, although further thermal pellets were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
processing of the obtained powders induces compositional and (Philips Xl 30 ESEM TMP) coupled with energy dispersive spec-
structural changes which inuence considerably the nal products troscopy (EDS) (EDAX Sapphire spectrometer), at an acceleration
performance [1315]. Moreover, the variability of natural sources voltage of 25 kV and working distance of 10 mm. The SEM and
of calcium carbonate (due to their different origin and/or environ- EDS investigations were performed in three randomly chosen
ment) inuences their chemical composition, which in turn affects areas.
the thermal decomposition process into calcium oxide, and the b) The samples structure was evaluated by X-ray diffraction (XRD)
phase composition of the prepared CaPs. (Bruker D8 Advance diffractometer equipped with a LynxEye
This study proposes an adaptation of the conventional indirect detector), in Bragg-Brentano geometry, with Cu K ( = 1.5418 )
synthesis method (known also as Rathje method) [11] for preparing radiation. The scattered intensity was scanned in the 2 range
CaPs using dolomitic marble and Mytilus galloprovincialis seashells 1060 , with a step size of 0.04 and a dwell time of 1 s.
raw source materials. Dolomitic marble represents a new proposal c) The bonding architecture and functional groups presence was
for extending the range of natural calcium carbonate sources used evaluated by Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectroscopy
for preparing CaPs. (Perkin Elmer Spectrum BX II spectrometer) in attenuated total
The as-prepared and thermally-treated products have been reectance (ATR) mode (PikeMiracle head). The spectra were
thoroughly characterized, aiming to correlate the composition, recorded in the range 5004000 cm1 , with a resolution of
morphology, structure, and wettability of the biogenic materials 4 cm1 and a total of 32 scans/experiment.
d) The mechanical compression testing of the sintered materials
was performed on cylindrical pellets with a Walter + Bai AG LFV

Please cite this article in press as: F. Miculescu, et al., Inuence of the modulated two-step synthesis of biogenic hydroxyapatite on
biomimetic products surface, Appl. Surf. Sci. (2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apsusc.2017.07.144
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F. Miculescu et al. / Applied Surface Science xxx (2017) xxxxxx 3

Universal Testing Machine equipment, using a 300 kN load cell the exothermic reaction between the calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2 )
and a compression rate of 5 mm/min, with an acquisition rate of and H3 PO4 (Eq. (3)) transforms the initial aqueous solution into a
0.01 s. The measurements were performed in triplicate. gel whose densication takes place gradually until the mixing of
e) Wettability was evaluated by water contact angle measurements the gel becomes difcult. In this stage, the gel crystalizes around
using a Krss Drop Shape Analyzer DSA100. The experiments the unreacted CaO grains [23,24].
were performed at 19 1 C and 45 5% room humidity. The
images were captured at 1 s and 5 s after water droplet deposi- CaCO3 CaO + CO2 (1)
tion and the results (average of 3 determinations/sample) were
processed with the ImageJ 1.50 software. CaO + H2 O Ca(OH)2 (2)
f) Surface energy and roughness parameters were determined 10Ca(OH)2 + 6H3 PO4 Ca10 (PO4 )6 (OH)2 + 18H2 O (3)
using MountainsMap Technology by Digital Surf Besancon,
France software. The controlled release of phosphate anions in water (by drop-
wise addition) and reaction with calcium cations can lead to the
preparation of various biologically relevant CaPs. Hydroxyapatite
2.3. In vitro cytocompatibility assays
[HA, Ca10 (PO4 )6 (OH)2 ], beta-tricalcium phosphate [-TCP, -
Ca3 (PO4 )2 ] and alpha-tricalcium phosphate [-TCP, -Ca3 (PO4 )2 ]
In vitro biological performance of the bioceramic disc samples
are the most popular biocompatible CaPs used in different
was evaluated using murine pre-osteoblastic cell line (MC3T3-E1,
monophasic, biphasic of multiphasic formulations for bone restora-
ATCC , CRL-2593TM). The potential of these materials surfaces to
tion applications [12,25]. Brushite, is a metastable CaP and is known
sustain cell survival and growth was assessed by Live/Dead, LDH
as a precursor of HA [26]. During indirect synthesis, brushite can
and MTT assays, respectively.
remain stable or can dissolve, reprecipitate and disintegrate [27].
The samples were sterilized at 180 C for 1 h, washed four
Monetite is the anhydrous form of brushite, and is not present in
times for 15 min with Dulbeccos Modied Eagles Medium (DMEM,
the biological environment in neither normal or pathological calci-
Sigma-Aldrich) and then were placed in 24-well plates. MC3T3-
cations [25,28].
E1 cells were seeded on the samples surface at an initial cell
density of 1.2 104 , allowed to adhere, and incubated in DMEM
3.1. EDS analysis
supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum (Gibco) and 1%
(v/v) penicillin/streptomycin (10,000 units mL1 penicillin and
The comparative EDS analysis of the sintered pellets and refer-
10 mg mL1 streptomycin) (Sigma Aldrich) in a humidied atmo-
ence material (HA-TT) (Fig. 1) aimed to evaluate the samples Ca/P
sphere of 5% CO2 at 37 C for specic time points. All experiments
ratio. Besides the main CaPs elements (i.e., Ca, P, O), the ceram-
have been performed in triplicate.
ics prepared from dolomitic marble or seashells contain variable
The Live/Dead viability/cytotoxicity assay kit was used accord-
quantities of C and traces of Mg, Na, K and/or Si [29].
ing to the Invitrogen Life Technologies manufacturers instructions.
The atomic Ca/P ratio calculated from EDS results varied
Briey, after 1 day of culture, the analyzed samples were labeled
between 1.18 and 1.63. The Ca/P ratio was found similar for
with a mixture of calcein AM (4 mM) and ethidium homodimer-1
the samples prepared from marble or seashells under similar
(2 mM) solution for 15 min at RT in dark conditions [20]. The sam-
conditions. Therefore, the raw source material type does not sig-
ples were then washed with DMEM and examined under inversed
nicantly inuence the CaPs pellets composition. The samples
microscope (Olympus IX71) to detect the living cells (bright green
prepared according to stoichiometric reactions have the closest
uorescence) and dead cells with compromised membrane (red
Ca/P ratio with respect to the reference material (bovine HA). The
uorescence). The uorescent images were captured using Cell F
increase of H3 PO4 quantity used in the synthesis process led to
Image acquisition system.
a decrease of Ca/P ratio, and suggested the possible presence of
The cytotoxic potential of the analyzed specimens was evalu-
brushite/monetite/calcium pyrophosphate phases [25,30].
ated by quantication of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) released in
the culture medium by the MC3T3-E1 cells grown on their surfaces.
This assay was performed after 3 days of culture, by using LDH- 3.2. XRD investigations
based In Vitro Toxicology Assay Kit (Sigma-Aldrich), as previously
reported [21]. The XRD patterns of AS and TT materials are comparatively pre-
The cell viability/proliferation was investigated using 1 mg/mL sented in Fig. 2. Only the 0S-AS samples derived from seashells
MTT [3-(4, 5-dimethyl thiazol-2-yl) 2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bro- (Fig. 2A), presented a monophasic structure consisting of nano-
mide] solution (MTT, Sigma-Aldrich, M 2185) at 3 days after sized HA (ICDD: 00-009-0432), as evidenced by the broad and less
seeding. This quantitative colorimetric study represents an useful dened diffraction maxima [31].
indicative for cell metabolic activity [22]. The amount of formazan In the case of all the other AS samples, synthesized under either
produced by metabolically active viable cells was recorded at stoichiometric (i.e. 0M-AS) or non-stoichiometric (i.e. 1M-AS, 1S-
550 nm using a microplate reader (Thermo Scientic Appliskan). AS, 2M-AS, 2S-AS, 3M-AS, 3S-AS) conditions, a bi- or tri-phasic
Statistical analysis of LDH and MTT tests was performed with composition was revealed, with nano-HA coexisting with brushite
GraphPad Prism version 3.03 software using one-way ANOVA with (ICDD: 01-072-1240) and monetite (ICDD: 01-075-1520) crys-
Bonferronis multiple comparison tests. Triplicate samples were talline phases. The brushite concentration progressively increased
used to ensure the reproducibility of the results. The data are pre- (at the expense of nano-HA) with the quantity of acid used in
sented as mean standard deviation. The results were considered the chemical reaction of the natural calcium reagents. This is to
statistically signicant at p < 0.05. be expected, as in acidic conditions the formation of brushite and
monetite compounds is thermodynamically favored. Although, in
acidic conditions monetite is predicted as the chemical reaction end
3. Results and discussion product, brushite is usually formed due to its higher precipitation
kinetics [32]. The formation of brushite in the case of the AS samples
Indirect synthesis of CaPs started with the thermal decomposi- derived from marble under stoichiometric conditions can be linked
tion of CaCO3 into CaO (Eq. (1)) based on the reaction between CaO to the presence of Mg within the dolomitic marble. The inhibitory
and H3 PO4 in aqueous environment. After CaO hydration (Eq. (2)), effect of Mg on HA growth has been previously documented [33,34],

Please cite this article in press as: F. Miculescu, et al., Inuence of the modulated two-step synthesis of biogenic hydroxyapatite on
biomimetic products surface, Appl. Surf. Sci. (2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apsusc.2017.07.144
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4 F. Miculescu et al. / Applied Surface Science xxx (2017) xxxxxx

Fig. 1. (A) EDS spectra and (B) evolution of Ca/P atomic ratio of the sintered pellets prepared from marble (M) or seashells (S) using different quantities of H3 PO4 .

Fig. 2. The XRD patterns of the AS and TT samples derived from (A) marble and (B) seashells.

and has been explained by the disturbance of the random aggre- elemental traces (Mg, Na, K and/or Si) found in the precursors could
gation of the (Ca9 (PO4 )6 ) clusters (so-called Posners clusters) also lead to this effect [29,33,34].
and their interaction with the intercluster aqueous medium, which The decrease of HA content of the AS samples presented a
hinders the development of the spherical particles, known as the monotonous trend in the case of the seashells-derived samples,
transient precursors for the formation of HA [13,35]. The advent of and a rapid one for the marble-derived ones (no HA signal being
the minor monetite phase in the case of the 2M-AS sample can be a detected starting with sample 2M-AS).
result of the partial dehydration of brushite during the powder dry- After the 1200 C thermal-treatment, one can observe a signi-
ing process [15,36]. Traces of unreacted Ca(OH)2 were evidenced cant increase in the crystallinity of all samples (Fig. 2). 0M-TT and
only for the 3M-AS samples (prepared with 1.3 stoichiometric 0S-TT present a bi-phasic composition, consisting of a HA phase
H3 PO4 quantity) possibly due to a slow kinetic reaction. Given that with increased crystallinity and -TCP (ICDD: 00-055-0898). The
the synthesis was not based on pure substances, the inuence of TT samples obtained under non-stoichiometric reaction conditions

Please cite this article in press as: F. Miculescu, et al., Inuence of the modulated two-step synthesis of biogenic hydroxyapatite on
biomimetic products surface, Appl. Surf. Sci. (2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apsusc.2017.07.144
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APSUSC-36678; No. of Pages 11 ARTICLE IN PRESS
F. Miculescu et al. / Applied Surface Science xxx (2017) xxxxxx 5

consist of either pure -TCP (i.e. 2M-TT and 1S-TT), or a biphasic - The morphology of AS samples mainly consisted of grains with
TCP/Ca2 P2 O7 (calcium pyrophosphate) mixture (i.e. 1M-TT, 2S-TT, sizes between 2 and 15 m. The initial polyhedral shape of the
2M-TT, and 3M-TT). These structural modications are supported grains changed with the increase of H3 PO4 quantity to a quasi-
also by the Ca/P ratio evolution of the samples (Fig. 1). The HA partial rounded elongated one. At 1.3 stoichiometric H3 PO4 quantity,
decomposition into -TCP at high temperatures was anticipated the 3M-AS sample is organized in needle-like particles with a
[37,38]. Furthermore, brushite is known to partially decompose non-uniform size distribution. In this case, the grains of crystal-
into monetite above 100 C, and further into Ca2 P2 O7 at 270 C lization aggregated as clusters, denoting an incomplete conversion
[36,39]. However, the presence of -TCP phase only for some sam- of Ca(OH)2 , which is consistent with the XRD observations. Sim-
ples, which prior to the thermal-treatment contained brushite as ilarly, seashell-derived samples featured the transformation of
secondary (i.e. 1S-TT) or dominant (i.e. 2M-AS) phase, suggests that polyhedral grains (with sizes lower than 10 m) into platelets with
brushite can also serve as a -TCP precursor. The Ca2 P2 O7 (ICDD: narrower quasi-rounded complex shapes (e.g. 3S-AS sample). Com-
01-073-0440) content of the TT samples gradually increased with pression and sintering of the powders generated, overall, denser
the brushite concentration of AS materials (and thus with the quan- sample morphologies with few residual pores and particle shapes
tity of the acid used during their synthesis). that are difcult to discriminate. Furthermore, the TT samples
elicited superior compactness which progressively improved with
3.3. FT-IR measurements the increase of the acid quantity used during synthesis. This sug-
gests that the presence of CaPs phases such as monetite or brushite
The comparative FTIR-ATR spectra of the as-synthesized and results in a better sinterability of samples.
thermal-treated powdered materials are presented in Fig. 3A, B,
together with the envelopes of the reference bovine HA samples. 3.5. Contact angle measurements
In all respects the IR absorption data were in good agreement with
the above presented XRD results. The characteristic vibrational The water contact angles (WCA) have been recorded at 1 s and
bands of HA were identied: the 4 doubly degenerated bending 5 s after droplet deposition on the TT samples surfaces. The typical
(560600 cm1 ), 1 symmetric stretching (961963 cm1 ) and 3 WCA images are comparatively illustrated in Fig. 5A. The WCA val-
asymmetric triply degenerated stretching (9651100 cm1 ) modes ues measured after 1 s varied between 12 and 49 and 1561 for
of orthophosphate functional groups, as well as the vibrational the marble- and seashells-derived samples, respectively (Fig. 5B).
modes of structural hydroxyl groups (630631 cm1 ) [4042]. Except 0M-TT and 0S-TT samples (having a biphasic HA/-TCP
Supplementary, the presence of HPO4 2 functional groups have structure (Figs. 2 & 3)), all the other mixed CaPs samples have lower
been reveled by the bands positioned at 871876 cm1 and WCA values with respect to the reference bovine HA specimen. This
11131117 cm1 , in the case of all AS samples [40,41,43]. The suggests that a prominent role upon the surface hydrophilicity of
increase in intensity of the HPO4 2 IR bands is directly linked CaPs samples is played by their phase composition (which progres-
to the AS samples gradual enrichment in brushite and mon- sively turns into full -TCP or -TCP/Ca2 P2 O7 mixes). The surface
etite. The amplication of these bands intensity is accompanied, morphology (Fig. 4) is the second key inuencing factor for WCA
in the case of marble derived AS samples prepared under non- recorded at 1 s. The lowest WCA values corresponded to samples
stoichiometric conditions, rich in brushite (i.e. 2M-AS and 3M-AS), with higher surface porosity.
by the advent of the characteristic IR bands of brushite: water At 5 s after the droplet deposition the WCA decresed sig-
vibration (661 cm1 ), P O H out-of-plane bending vibration nicantly. All samples, except the 0M-TT and 0S-TT samples
(785 cm1 ), P O(H) 1 stretching (983 cm1 ), P O 3 stretching (containing HA as major phase), presented very low WCA values
(1054 cm1 ), 6 degenerate stretching of HPO4 2 (1132 cm1 ), (<4 ). In some situations, the water droplets were absorbed faster
and P O H in-plane bending (12071219 cm1 ) [4446]. More- than image acquisition time, and the WCA value was considered 0 .
over, for the above mentioned samples (2M-AS and 3M-AS) a Thereby, hydrophilic character (WCA values <90 ) has been
peak-split was encountered at 1020 cm1 corresponding to the HA emphasized for all cases, becoming far more pronounced after 5 s.
disappearance as a synthesis compound. This was revealed also by The WCA values varied function of precursor type and H3 PO4 quan-
the XRD investigations (Fig. 2A). tity used for the synthesis of each specimen, and thus of the induced
After the thermal-treatment at 1200 C these bands disap- phase composition (HA, -TCP, or Ca2 P2 O7 , with the latter two
peared, presumably due to the HPO4 2 ions condensation into showing a higher solubility in aqueous media). Seashells-derived
P2 O7 4 ions, known to occur above 550 C [40]. This hypothesis pellets presented, overall, higher WCA values with respect to the
is supported by the emergence of the typical vibrational bands marble-derived ones. The increasing H3 PO4 quantity used in syn-
of P2 O7 4 ions at 755 and 1205 cm1 [47,48], noticed for both thesis process, and thus the progressive formation of other CaPs
the marble and seashells derived materials (Fig. 3A, B). The bands beside HA, led to a decrease of contact angles regardless of natural
positioned at 943, 980981, 11171122, and 11591161 cm1 are calcium precursor type.
distinctive to -TCP [49]. The surface hydrophilicity is known to promote harmonious
Regarding the 2500/30003500 cm1 domain, which is spe- cell adhesion and protein absorption [50,51], and thus can gov-
cic for the stretching vibrations of (O H) bonds in absorbed ern a given material biofunctionality. Previous studies revealed the
water molecules, there were no important modications. This was superior hydrophilic character of other CaPs, such as -TCP, with
expected since the investigated samples were thermally-treated respect to both pure HA and biphasic calcium phosphates (BCP).
at 1200 C; at such high temperature we predicted and obtained However, it has established that BCPs generally enable better cell
completely dehydrated samples, in all the cases. development and protein or other biological moieties adsorption
[12,52,53]. Thus, it suggested that only a certain material surface
3.4. SEM analysis hydrophilicity can foster suitable biological interactions.

The microstructure evolution of the AS and TT samples is dis- 3.6. Surface energy and roughness investigations
played in Fig. 4, in comparison to the bovine-HA reference sample.
The reference sample presented particles (with sizes in the range Given that the samples preparation method targeted no prefer-
515 m) having irregular shapes and sharp edges, and submicro- ential direction, it is important to mention from the beginning the
metric round particle clusters. isotropic character of all the samples. As we indicated above, the

Please cite this article in press as: F. Miculescu, et al., Inuence of the modulated two-step synthesis of biogenic hydroxyapatite on
biomimetic products surface, Appl. Surf. Sci. (2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apsusc.2017.07.144
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6 F. Miculescu et al. / Applied Surface Science xxx (2017) xxxxxx

Fig. 3. Comparative FTIR-ATR spectra of AS and TT samples derived from (A) marble and (B) seashells.

Fig. 4. Representative SEM micrographs for the AS powders and TT samples derived from marble and seashells.

Please cite this article in press as: F. Miculescu, et al., Inuence of the modulated two-step synthesis of biogenic hydroxyapatite on
biomimetic products surface, Appl. Surf. Sci. (2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apsusc.2017.07.144
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F. Miculescu et al. / Applied Surface Science xxx (2017) xxxxxx 7

Fig. 5. (A) Typical contact angle images recorded for the TT samples. (B) Roughness proles of the TT samples obtained with the MountainsMap software.

surfaces hydrophilic character is characterized by a WCA less than due to its roughness [57]. For a non-rough surface, this parameter
90 (good surface wettability). The mechanical balance of a water should remain equal to one; otherwise, for hydrophilic surfaces,
droplet is obtained through the action of all the three interface its increment is due to the roughness increase. We calculated the
stresses and is described by the Youngs equation (Eq. (4)): r factor (ISO 4287 standard) [57] by analyzing the 2D roughness
proles (Fig. 5B) obtained from SEM micrographs analysis with the
LV cos = SV SL (4) MountainsMap Technology by Digital Surf Besancon software:
 LV liquid-vapor stress [mN/m],  SV solid-vapor stress [mN/m],
 SL solid-liquid stress [mN/m], contact angle [ ]. r = 1 + R L0 /100% (6)
By rearranging the above equations terms we obtained the con-
tact angle characteristic equation (Eq. (5)) that offers an overview All the above-mentioned parameters were determined for the
on the liquids capacity to wet the surface: 1 s WCA acquired data (Fig. 5A). Results were comparatively pre-
sented in Fig. 6 and indicated, in terms of precursors type and
cos = (5) chemical composition post thermal treatment, a relative inuence
of the surface energy and roughness factor r on the contact angle
Taking into consideration the reproducible experimental con- due to the very small dimensional variations of the samples (mea-
ditions, we assumed a constant solid-vapor tension ( SV = ct.). sured values were less than 1 m). Compared to the reference
The waters surface tension was reported in the literature as material (HA-TT), surface energy displayed a positive ascending
 LV = 72.80 mN/m at 20 C [5459]. Therefore, surface energy trend line for all the investigated samples, contrary to the con-
( SV  SL ) values could be determined from Youngs equation. tact angle downtrend [6264]. Given that energy increases during
However, the behavior of solid surfaces in contact with uids can be droplet formation and motion process (surface grooves lling),
better characterized by taking into account the surface roughness these results conrmed the surface wettability ( < 90 ) [63]. Fur-
assessment [56,60]. This was conducted in terms of the following thermore, the Ra parameter displayed a monotonically ascending
parameters: Ra (the middle arithmetic deection of the prole) for tendency for both precursors, which was consistent with the sur-
the surfaces micro-geometry outline and RL0 (the developed length face roughness positive effect on the wetting behavior [63].
of the roughness prole) for a better differentiation in case of appro- Overall, the general trend slightly shifted from 2M-TT to 3M-
priate Ra values, but completely different wettability behavior [59]. TT sample, and 2S-TT to 3S-TT sample respectively. Even if the r
Furthermore, given that the roughness is much smaller than the factor in case of marble derived samples is an exception, the contact
water droplet dimensions and similar across the analyzed surface angle/roughness ratio is similar to all the other investigated data
[61], we also used the Wenzel equation, applicable for < 90 , to sets. These results endorsed the initial measuring trend of WCA
determine the ratio between real rough surface and an ideal smooth and proved that surface roughness had a minor inuence on the
surface r which is proportional to the surface area increase wettability behavior.

Please cite this article in press as: F. Miculescu, et al., Inuence of the modulated two-step synthesis of biogenic hydroxyapatite on
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Fig. 6. Surface features of TT samples derived from marble and seashells.

Fig. 7. (A) Relevant uorescence micrographs of green-labeled (viable) and red-labeled (dead) MC3T3-E1 cells, grown in contact with the developed biomaterials and
reference control surfaces, at 1 day post-seeding; (B) Evaluation of LDH activity released into the culture media at 3 days post-seeding; (C) MTT assay assessment of the
viability/proliferation of MC3T3-E1 cells grown on the developed bioceramics.
Data analysis was based on mean SD (n = 3). OD optical density.

3.7. Biocompatibility assays cells could adhere and spread on these surfaces and adopt a typical
spindle-shaped morphology. However, the morphological features
To explore cell behavior on the surface of the designed bio- exhibited by MC3T3-E1 cells grown on 0M-TT and 0S-TT sub-
materials, the cellular distribution, morphology, and viability strates, consisting of HA and -TCP, were similar to those recorded
of MC3T3-E1 cells were evaluated at 24 h post seeding using on the reference HA-TT. Slight morphological changes have been
Live/Dead assay, which allowed the simultaneous identication of recorded in the case of the other types of sample surfaces. This
green-labeled (live) and red-labeled (dead) cells (Fig. 7A). Note- dissimilar cell behavior could be ascribed to differences in biomate-
worthy, the green uorescence also gives information about cell rial chemical composition and surface properties (e.g. morphology
morphological features. The results showed that the ratio between and WCA values). The WCA values, measured at 1 s and 5 s after
the viable and dead cells was signicantly in the favor of the liquid-biomaterial surface contact, decreased with the increase
viable cells on all types of surfaces. Moreover, a higher number of H3 PO4 quantity, and thereby with the solubility of the sin-
of viable MC3T3-E1 cells was observed on 0M-TT and especially tered end products. This explains the better cell response elicited
0S-TT samples, similarly with the control sample represented by by 0S-TT and 0M-TT surfaces which exhibit water contact angle
cell culture plates (CCPs). Also, uorescent images showed that values close to the CCPs control surface (around 50 60 ). As pre-

Please cite this article in press as: F. Miculescu, et al., Inuence of the modulated two-step synthesis of biogenic hydroxyapatite on
biomimetic products surface, Appl. Surf. Sci. (2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apsusc.2017.07.144
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Fig. 8. Stress-strain curves characteristics for TT specimens derived from (A) marble and (B) seashells materials.

Fig. 9. Comparative (A) compressive strength and (B) breaking strain evaluation for the materials derived from derived from marble and seashells.

viously mentioned, it is well known that the surface wettability 3.8. Compressive strength evaluation
plays an important role in determining the dynamics of protein-
surface interaction and it can be considered one of the main factors The samples mechanical performance was evaluated by stress-
reecting the extent of cell adhesion onto a given surface. Gener- strain curve measurements (Fig. 8) and compressive and tensile
ally, the anchorage dependent mammalian cells prefer moderately strength assays (Fig. 9). All the analyzed specimens resemble the
hydrophilic surfaces (water contact angle around 60 ) showing typical fragile mechanical characteristics of ceramic materials,
good spreading, proliferation and differentiation [65,66]. slightly accentuated in the case of the seashell-derived ones.
Low cytotoxicity is an important feature of any biomaterial that Youngs modulus (elastic modulus) of marble-derived TT sam-
is suitable for biomedical applications. To determine the possible ples decreased with the increase of H3 PO4 quantity used during
detrimental effects exerted on cell viability by the analyzed bioma- synthesis and with respect to the bovine HA-TT reference sample
terials, the release of LDH into the culture media was quantied as (e.g. 0M-TT decreased with 61%) (Fig. 8A). A similar variation could
an index of cell death [31,67]. The LDH activity prole revealed no be noticed for seashells-derived TT samples (e.g. 0S-TT decreased
signicant differences between all studied biomaterial surfaces at with 32% compared to HA-TT sample) (Fig. 8B), only that the mini-
3 days after cells seeding (Fig. 7B). Furthermore, these biomaterials mum value in this specic case was recorded for the 2S-TT material
proved to display low LDH release in culture medium suggesting (corresponding to 1.2 stoichiometric H3 PO4 quantity).
that none of them exerted cytotoxic effects. The compressive strength values (Fig. 9A) varied inversely pro-
Also, the in vitro studies investigated the MC3T3-E1 cells via- portional with the H3 PO4 quantity used for synthesis, similarly to
bility/proliferation on the surface of the analyzed specimens using elastic modulus evolution. However, suitable results, compared to
the MTT assay, which provides information on the cell growth and those of reference HA-TT specimen, were identied only for sam-
metabolic activity. Fig. 7C presents the levels of MTT conversion ples synthesized under stoichiometric regime (i.e., 0M-TT, 0S-TT
after 3 days of cell culturing. It was showed that pre-osteoblast with biphasic HA/-TCP composition). Their compressive strength
cells maintained their metabolic activity during this incubation values fall within the 210 MPa range, corresponding to the human
period. No signicant differences between the analyzed samples cortical bone [41]. All analyzed samples revealed higher break-
were observed. However, it can be seen a slight increase in cell via- ing strain values (Fig. 9B) with respect to the reference HA-TT
bility/proliferation for samples 0S-TT versus 0M-TT; 1S-TT versus specimen. The seashells-derived materials withstood the highest
1M-TT, and 2S-TT versus 2M-TT, suggesting that seashell-derived deformations. The high recorded standard deviations suggest the
bioceramics are slightly more cytocompatible than the marble- presence of non-homogeneity induced by porosity.
derived ones.
Taken together, the biological evaluation of the developed bio-
ceramics, in terms of pre-osteoblast survival, morphology and 4. Conclusions
viability/proliferation, demonstrated their potential to be used as
bone graft substitutes. The proposed hydroxyapatite synthesis method focused on
the optimization of Rathje technique due to limited information
reported on the subject and the involved biogenic precursors,

Please cite this article in press as: F. Miculescu, et al., Inuence of the modulated two-step synthesis of biogenic hydroxyapatite on
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