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Le Petit Chef [HBSP 602-080]

Consider the statement at the top of page 10 in your case.

Le Petit Chef has always depended on its R&D team to retain its competitive
edge. We spend 4.4% of sales on R&D, almost twice the industry average. But we
seem to be getting fewer and fewer big wins. If we are to compete against the
global giants in this industry, we have to fix this problem. And soon.

Based on your analysis of data in the case what would you identify as the principal reasons for
Le Petit Chefs current situation and the best opportunities for improvement? What should
Brigitte Gagn recommend to her boss, Monsieur Leferrire, and to her colleagues in the
management team? As the case says, everyone in the room would be watching intently to see
how she handled the situation.

An understanding of the reasons for the current situation is necessary, but that understanding is
useful only in so far as it informs the plans for what to do now and in the future. You, along with
Mme. Gagn will have to address that issue.

Your conclusions should follow logically from your analysis. Keep in

mind that I am familiar with the facts of the case, so use case
evidence to back up your analysis and reasoning, not merely to
describe the case situation1.

Your paper should be no more than 1500 words2 in length, exclusive of

charts, tables or similar exhibits. I encourage you to use exhibits in
preference to extended text. You may collaborate with other students
in analysis of the case, but the paper must represent your own work.
If you share spreadsheets or graphics with other students, be sure to
indicate that you have done so.

I find the cases Exhibit 3 somewhat confusing. You may need to

rework some of the numbers for the year 1992 to better reflect what I
believe was the authors intent. You may use it or not as you deem


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