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The complexity of business nowadays should not hinder the speed of
customer service of a company. Agyapong (2011) believed that service quality
had great impact on customer satisfaction. On the other side, it also believed that
the role of technology would help companies to overcome its business complexity
to provide better service performance. Gagnon dan Dragon (2002) stated that
technology had tremendous impact on organizational performance. These two
facts then can be combined to serve the theory that the use of technology will
later increase customer satisfaction by optimum work performance.
As a company which serves music education as its main business, Willy
Soemantri Music School (WSMS) has now been introduced to use technology to
support its operational acitivities. This franchise-based business was established
in 2005, and currently has 23 branches accross Jakarta, Tangerang, Bekasi and
Bandung. WSMS business model is to provide music education solely. Unlike
other well-known music school in Indonesia, such as Yamaha, Kawai and Alegro,
which also sells musical instrument apart from music education, WSMS only
provide music education as its business model. Currently, WSMS approximately
serves 5,000 students learning music in its branches.
One of its recent-established branch, WSMS Bintaro, started to use
integrated custom-developed IT software as supporting facilities of its
operational. WSMS Bintaro started its business on March 2017, and has now
served 65 students. There are several course classes offered: piano, keyboards,
guitars, drums, vocals, saxophone, violins, flute and bass. The purpose of IT
software apllication is to provide administrative-related work to cater customer,
instructors and franchise requirements. The program software is called WSMS
Admin. As it is called, it performs administrative function of the organization. It
deals with students and instructors database, registration fee payment record,
course monthy tuition payment record, class schedules, music book stock list,
music book sales, monthly revenue report, and instructors salaries report. The
work flow of the software is as following figure:

Fig. 1.1
Software Workflow

On the other hand, Blose and Tankersley (2004) found that service quality
is very much related to organizational outcome. The service performed by
company will most likely improved customer positive attitudes towards
company. These research will discover the relationship of the use of technology
and service quality by measuring service quality dimension linkage to
organizational output.

Literature Review

Service Quality
According to Blose and Tankersley (2004), service quality is defined as an
attitude of a consumer that reflect the perceiveness of overall superiority and
excellence in the process and an outcome of a service provider. There are several
dimensions that create service quality, in which are:
a. The reliablity with which the service is offered
b. The guarantees that customer receives whats best of the service offered when they
purchase it
c. The tangible features of the experience using the service
d. The empathy shown by employees to customers
e. The responsiveness of service personnel on duty

Technology Acceptance Model

According to Park (2009), technology acceptance model (TAM) was first
introduced by Davis in 1986. TAM offers a basis that explains how external
factors contribute to user perceiveness in using technology with ease and user
perceiveness in the usefulness of the technology. In which later those
perceiveness will influence user attitude and behavior towards the use of
technology in actual work. The concept is provided below with the following
Fig 2.1.
TAM Diagram
The indicators used in the use of tecnology are as follows:
a. The technology is useful in job execution
b. The technology is easy to understand and apply
c. User will use technology as part of his work

Organizational Output
According to Bitner, Zeitahml and Gremler (2010), technology use impacts
the service perfromance by improving relationship between employees and
customers, especially when it matters to service delivery and interpersonal
interactions. The ease of service access would be great leverage for the company,
as it is also provides comfort to customers when purchasing its services.
According to Blose and Tankersley (2004), such organizational output suggested
to relate with service quality are:
a. Customer loyalty
b. Complaint behaviour
c. Sales volume

Research Methodology
This research is done in exploratory model, in which we would find the
relationship between the use of technology and service quality. Hence we collect
primary data by distributing questionairre to user which both are employees and
customer of WSMS Bintaro. 30 respondents were invited to participate in
completing the survey. The variable operational are as follows:

Variables Dimension References

Use of The application is useful in Park (2009)
Technology operational
The application is easy to use Park (2009)
I will use the application in Park (2009)
Service Quality The application is reliable in Blose &
supporting work Tankersley
Customer was assured to receive best Blose &
service provided by the purchase Tankersley
The service looks like tangible Blose &
features when customer use it Tankersley
Customer can see the employees Blose &
empathy Tankersley
Employees are very responsive Blose &
towards customer when in work Tankersley

By using SPSS, we would see the ANNOVA calculation to see the relationship
between those two variables.
Results & Discussions

The ANNOVA table of regression model shows as follows:

Model Summary
Std. Error of
R Adjusted R the
Model R Square Square Estimate
1 .892a .795 .788 .35272
a. Predictors: (Constant), TU

Sum of Mean
Model Squares df Square F Sig.
1 Regressio
13.535 1 13.535 108.793 .000b
Residual 3.484 28 .124
Total 17.019 29
a. Dependent Variable: SQ
b. Predictors: (Constant), TU

Unstandardized d
Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constan
.642 .244 2.634 .014
TU .820 .079 .892 10.430 .000
a. Dependent Variable: SQ

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