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Key Terms Organisational objectives

1.1 organisational objectives

mission statement: a statement of the businesss core aims, phrased in a way to motivate
employees and to stimulate interest by outside groups.

Vision statement: a statement of what the organisation would like to achieve or accomplish in
the long term.

Corporate aims: the long-term goals with a business hopes to achieve.

Divisional/operational objectives: short or mdium terms goals or targets usually specific in

nature which must be achieved for an organisation to attaing its corporate aims.

Strategy: a long-term plan of action for the whole organisation, designed to achieve a
particular goal.

Tactic: short-term policy or decisin aimed at resolving a particular problema or meeting a

specific part of the overall strategy.

Ethics: moral guidelines that determine decisin-making

Ethical code (code of conduct): a document detailing a companys rules and guidelines on staff
behaviour that must be followed by all employees.

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