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On the Construction of Gender

Hindu Girls in Patrilineal India

Leela Dube
What are the mechanisms through which women acquire the cultural ideas and values which shape their images of
themselves and inform the visions they have of the future? What are the processes by which women are produced
as gendered subjects in the patrilineal, patrivirilocal milieu of Indian society? This article examines the process
of socialisation of Hindu girls through rituals and ceremonies, the use of language, and practices within and in
relation to the family.

T H E process of growing up female in the the essencewhile the woman provides the underlying the ideas and behaviour of the
patrilineal, patrivirilocal milieu of Indian field which receives the seed and nourishes people. Their close relationship with religion
society has received inadequate attention it. A child shares the father's blood. Thus, as it is lived and practised by the people does
from social scientists. The many subtleties while the natal group emphasises woman's not need emphasis. The specificity of a kin-
and complexities of the process have been transferability or her non-functional nature ship system is crucial for understanding the
missed out. What docs it mean to be a girl? from the point of view of perpetuation of process of socialisation. This is, of course,
At what age does a girl become conscious the group and continuity of the family, the not to deny the need to examine the various
of the constraints under which she will have husband's group emphasises her instrumen- inter-linkages between the individual
to live, of the differential value accorded to tality, her place as a receptacle, a vehicle for household and the wider structures and pro-
male and female children, and of the justi- the perpetuation of the group. This social cesses of society; the recognition of the im-
fications behind it? When and how does she arrangement in which men and women have portance of the specificity of kinship is
learn the content of roles appropriate to her? unequal rights, positions, and roles, both as crucial for such examination.
What are the mechanisms through which brother and sister and as husband and wife, Finally, family structure and patterns of
women acquire the cultural ideas and values is perceived as corresponding to the arrange- kinship are tied to the institution of caste.
that shape their images of themselves, and ment of nature which assigns unequal roles In the caste system the fact that membership
inform the visions they have of the future? to the two sexes in procreation.' of discrete and distinct groups is defined by
How do they acquire sensitivity towards the (lender roles are conceived, enacted and birth entails a concern with boundary
contradictions in values and norms pre- learnt within a complex of relationships. To maintenance through regulation of marriage
sented to them and towards the limits within understand this process it is necessary to and sexual relations. Although group place-
which they have to function, necessitating keep in mind the implications of the family ment in most of Hindu India is governed by
the adoption of particular strategies? In structure and the wider context of kinship the principle of patrilineal descent, in the
other words, how are women produced as in which it is embedded. There arc two ma- attribution of caste status to the child the
gendered subjects? jor aspects of the implications of family caste of the mother is not irrelevant. The
This paper1 goes a part of the way in structure. A family structure, at a given point onus of boundary maintenance falls on
answering some of these qestions. I do this of time, is not just a function of demo- women because of their role in biological
by focusing on aspects of the process of graphy, it also reflects the rules of recruit- reproduction. Caste, then, imparts a special
socialisation of Hindu girls through rituals ment and marital residence and the nor- character to the process of growing up
and ceremonies, the use of language, and mative and actual patterns of rearrangement female in Indian society.
practices within and in relation to the family. of the family in the process of the replace-
1 have restricted my focus on the socalisa- ment of the old generation by the new. Se- THF MALE CHILD
tion of Hindu girls for two reasons: the first- cond, there is something beyond the actual
hand material on rituals and linguistic ex- composition of a family unit its 'configura- The recognition of the special value ac-
pressions, customs and practices which I tion of role relationships' and 'specific' and corded to male children comes early. While
could gather for the paper came mostly from 'objective' contribution of members to the. surrounded by affectionate and appreciative
Hindu informants or about Hindu girls; and business of livingthat goes into the appor- parents, grandparents, uncles and aunts, a
my own upbringing in a Hindu family form- tionment of family resources, gender-based little girl of three or four may hear a
ed a solid base for collecting information and age-based division of work, and the con- maidservant exclaim: "Oh such a sweet
and for understanding and interpreting it. ceptions of, and training for, future roles of child. How wonderful it would have been if
The material used in this paper comes from male and female children. this was a boy?" This incident was narrated
various regions of India. While producing Kinship is not merely a moral code but to me by M K Chander of the University of
instances, I have, in the anthropological provides the organising principles which Mysore. The little girl in question was the
tradition, specified the region to which and govern the recruitment to and placement of second daughter of parents who were hoping
often the group to whom the ritual/custom/ individuals in social groups, formation of for a son. The happiness expressed all
practice relates. However, the spread of these the family and household, residence at mar- around at the birth of a son and the way the
rituals, customs, and practices is wider in riage, resource distribution including in- parents and the close relatives of the new
terms of geographical and social space; the heritance, and obligations and responsi- born are congratulated can hardly escape the
generalisations and inferences drawn from bilities in the business of living of individual attention of little girls. The desirability of
them have much wider applicability. members of the group. The notion of having sons and undesirability of having
It should be kept in mind that gender dif- entitlementto membership in a family, to more daughters is made explicit, often by
ferences that are culturally produced are, food and nutrition, to health care, to educa- outsiders: "Four daughters? Each one will
almost invariably, interpreted as being rooted tion, to authority and decision-making take thousands of rupees and walk out of
in biology, as part of 'the natural order of cannot be understood and a proper analysis the house. Bringing up a daughter is like
things'. To give one relevant example, in of family ideology is impossible unless we pouring water in sand'' Parents who have
patrilineal India the commonly-held idea take note of these aspects. Many of them only daughters are pitied. Their future is
regarding the roles of father and mother in may not be clearly spelt out; it is necessary, bleak for they will have no support or suc-
procreation is that man provides the seed therefore, to examine the assumptions cour in old age. A Telegu expression conveys

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this effectively: "Bringing up a daughter is Rituals provide one of the important means idol and for an exchange or distribution of
like watering a plant in another's courtyard!' through which girls come to realise the in- saubhagyachinha or symbols of married
Elders bless young girls and women by evitability of their transfer from the natal state which indicate good fortune and
wishing that they have a large number of home to that of the husband. Sucheta auspiciousness. In all these festivals the com-
sons (and just one daughter). The notion of Mazumdar, talking about the socialisation ing of daughters to the natal home is a happy
the greater value of sons is further streng- of Hindu middle class Bengali women, says: event but always of brief duration.
thened by the existence, with regional varia- ... Durga puja does carry one important The change in the daughter's relationship
tions, of special worships and vratas (fasts message for young girls. This puja is sup- with her natal home after marriage forms
and observances) that are performed by posedly in celebration of the goddess's return the content of many other rituals. In a
women to have sons and to ensure a long to her natal home. The fact that it lasts for Bengali wedding, before leaving her natal
life for sons already born. A son born after five days in the whole year forcefully suggests home with the bridegroom, the bride stands
the daughter is often described as the fruit to the girl that, once married, she too can- with her back towards the house and throws
of penance and vows undertaken by the not expect to visit her family very often.4 a handful of rice over her shoulder. This
mother. A male child is so valuable that the Durga puja has a parallel in Karnataka, the signifies that she has returned the rice that
sister after whom it is born comes in for Gauri puja. The Gauri puja, celebrated she has consumed until then and has absolv-
special praise as auspicious and auguring about a month before the Durga puja, com- ed herself of the debt in the natal family.
good fortune. She is honoured in various memorates Gauri's visit to her natal home. Another custom, also from Bengal, which
ways. In Uttar Pradesh, for instance, a lump The songs sung by women describe how is a variation of the 'returning of the rice'
of jaggery is broken on her back. She has Gauri entreats Shiva to send her home and, theme seems to express a feeling of helpless-
the distinction of bringing in good luck in Shiva comes out with a series of arguments ness and worthlessness on the part of a
the form of brother, a son to continue the which spell out the duties of an ideal daughter. The morning after the wedding
family line. housewife and mother. An interesting when the bride is preparing to leave the
I am not arguing that a girl is given a feel- argueni that Shiva puts forward is that house she speaks to her father with a hand-
ing of being unwanted all the time. In many Ganesha is young, he is used to comforts ful of dust and says three times, "1 have
regions there are some special days on which and luxuries in their house, Gauri's parents taken from you in handfuls of gold. I am
daughters of the family are honoured. There are poor; if Ganesha makes demands which giving back in handfuls of dust". In an Oriya
is a considerable interest in a daughter's her parents cannot fulfil the child will be wedding, the bride pours rice into the pallu
clothes, ornaments, and accomplishments, miserable. It would also be an embarrass- (end of the sari) of her mother. This gives
A saying in Marathi that "the father of a ment for her parents. Gauri persists in her rise to sighs, mutterings, wailing and weep-
girl will never remain hungry" expresses a request entreating that she may be allowed ing all around that now that she has return-
general feeling of the usefulness of a to go at least for three days. Finally Shiva ed the rice she has consumed, the daughter's
daughter in the performance of housework. permits. Just as Durga comes with her four relationship with her natal home is broken
Many parents are proud of their daughters' children, Gauri is followed by Ganesha, her for ever.
achievements at schools and colleges. The younger son. The visit lasts for three to five The idea of the accident of birth and the
message that gets communicated is, however, days and is celebrated with great fanfare. contrasting fortunes of daughter and son is
invariably that of the immutability of the Then comes the hour of farewell. The at- a common theme in wailings and the 'send-
social system and that a daughter's stay in mosphere is heavy. Young girls are often o f f of a bride from her natal home and also
her parental home is short-lived. Moreover, moved to tears just as they are at the wed- in subsequent visits and departures of a mar-
not only is there something unnatural about dings of their female relatives and friends ried daughter. To give one example, in parts
a delay in or absence of marriage but that when the transfer of the bride from the natal of central India, on the eve of the ceremonial
such a situation is full of danger and risk family to the husband and his family is departure of a daughter after the wedding,
to the reputation of the family. An Oriya dramatised through rituals and ceremonies. a mother wails: " M y child, had you been a
proverb equates a daughter with ghee: both The Gauri puja conveys to young girls the son you would have lived with us and
are valuable but both begin to stink if not truth that they too will have to leave the ploughed the field and looked after us. I
disposed of in time. An expression in Telegu, mother's home. It also underscores a would have served you hot rice. But now you
very often repeated by women in the con- woman's lack of autonomy with respect to are being sent out of the house like a corpse!'
text of the worry about marrying a girl at her visits to the natal home. In fact, in the The songs sung in the Hindi belt at the
the appropriate time, describes a post- process of socialisation of girls there is con- time of sending off the bride express feel-
puberal daughter as a boil on the chest.3 siderable emphasis on the possible need to ings of sorrow and resentment of the bride:
At the premature death of her husband bow before the wishes of the husband and
O father you brought my brother up to be
a woman is consoled that very soon her sons his family, and in general, on the sub-
will grow up and look after her. One never missiveness and obedience, as feminine
5 You brought me up for shedding tears,
hears this being said about daughters. On ideals. O father, you have brought your son up to
the contrary they are looked upon as a Gauri puja is celebrated also in parts of give him your house,
liability and the mother is consoled that with Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Maha- And you have left a cage for me.
the grace of god these girls too would be rashtra. Some other festivals in Andhra Looking upon the daughter as a tem-
married off well. Related to this contrast Pradesh and Maharashtra contain the same porary member of the family and the son
between the expectations from sons and idea of the coming home of a goddess or as a permanent member has its conse-
daughters is the commonly observed fact goddesses; around the same time as Gauri quences: often girls themselves are keen to
that in middle class families with meagre puja many families celebrate the coming collect their own dowry without much con-
resources daughters are sent to relatively in- home of two devis, known as elder and sideration for the plight of the parents and
expensive regional language schools whereas younger Mahalakshmis (who are believed to the future of younger siblings. If they have
boys are educated in more expensive English be sisters) along with their children. The no right of membership in the natal family,
medium schools. In people's perception the festival lasts for three days. It is customary they also have no obligation to contribute
education of a daughter is essentially for her to invite married daughters of the family, towards its maintenance. Their main concern
own benefit; it is not an investment so far real and classificatory, to the feast in honour is to establish themselves in the new family
as the natal family is concerned. of the Mahalakshmis. A popular festival of and acquire a status there. They look upon
married women in Maharashtra in the dowry as a necessary contribution towards
month of Chaitra (March-April) celebrates this process. An Oriya proverb brings out the
Girls grow up with a notion of their tem- the coming home of Gauri: women invite lack of convergence between the interests of
porary membership within the natal home. each other for viewing the well-decorated the daughter and the mother: "mother and

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(laughter go into the temple, each to pray for and rituals do not, however remove feelings and Maharashtra, at the name-giving
her own happiness'. Just as a daughter's well- of uncertainty and insecurity about the ceremony of an infant a little girl is chosen
being is not essential for her mother's hap- future. to act as the mother of an infant which is
piness, the daughter too need not pray for It would be interesting to look further at represented by a stone, usually an elliptical
her mother, for her own happiness is not the lullabies and nursery rhymes. In Bengal, grinding stone. She sits near the mother of
dependent on her natal family's well-being. as in many other parts of India, such the new born on a decorated seat. The stone
On the other hand, from childhood a boy lullabies and nursery rhymes are very com- representing an infant is wrapped in a new
is depicted as the future provider, the light mon and cut across the rural-urban divide cloth, just as the human baby is in new
of the lineage, the one who would alter the and, often, across class and social group. clothes, and may also be adorned with an
family's fortunes. He is induced to do well Each song has many renderings in different ornament. The little girl and the stone in-
in life for his own sake as well as for the sake dialects. There are songs meant for girls fant go through the various rituals before
of the family. This contributes to feelings of alone, songs, for both boys and girls, and the mother and the new-born do so; this is
tension and insecurity and is one of the songs that are meant for boys alone: to ward o f f evil. I n some communities a lit-
reasons why young men find it difficult to Do not cry my beautiful baby, I shall bring tle girl also plays the role of a companion
take a stand against dowry which is the a wife for you to a pubertal girl during the period of seclu-
easiest way to improve one's life style Her skin will be like gold, her lips will be sion on her first menstruation.
overnight. nipples of red. Beginning from Kashmir in the north-west
The entire complex of wedding rituals I shall fill huge drums with ghee, the custom of worshipping and the ritual
which dramatise the transfer of the bride I shall cook very fine rice feeding virgin girls (kanya) on special occa-
from one family to another is, in fact, a My son will eat his fill, sions is widespread in India. The eighth day
poignant experience and a revelation to girls His wife will lick his empty plate. of the festival of nine nights (nava ratri) is
in their childhood. Many girls vividly It is obvious that these songs convey the one such special occasion. On this occasion
remember the first experience of the wed- same message to the girls who hear them: in Bengal, one girl is chosen as representing
ding of a girl in the family/kin group. This that of their transferability and the possibili- the Mother Goddess. She is decorated in
is not surprising since the message of the in- ty of an unfriendly environment which they finery and is worshipped. The offerings
escapability of marriage and of separation will have to face in future. made to her are consumed by others as
from the parents as a necessary consequence A very effective source of conveying these prasad (consecrated food). Two Points
of marriage is first put across through ideas is everyday language. Take, for in- emerge: First, in the instances given above
lullabies and nursery rhymes: stance, the following questions which form the roles or forms assigned to little gifts are
Rock-a-bye-baby, combs in your pretty hair, part of the conversation among elders: ' I n essentially feminine ones8 and help in
The bridegroom will come soon and take you which family have you given your daughter?' developing their consciousness of fernaleity.
away or, as in Oriya, 'Where have you sent your Second, the purity and the consequent
The drums beat loudly, daughter to toil?' or, 'Into which family have privileged status of a girl in the pre-pubertal
The shehnai is playing softly you married your daughter?'. These expres- phase contrasts sharply with pubetry and
A stranger's son has come to fetch me sions imply transferability or transference of post-pubertal status and helps define the
Come my playmates, come with our toys a female child as 'givens' of the social reality. latter phase with tremendous clarity
Let us play, for I shall never play again
When I go off to the stranger's house.6 C O N S T R U C T I O N OF FEMINEITY: . CONSTRUCTION O F F E M I N E I T Y : O N S E T
A necessary corollary of the sense of in- PREPUBERTAL PHASE OF PUBERTY
escapability of marriage is the feeling of
uncertainty about moving to a harsh en- The construction of femineity, 7 is a con- The onset of puberty introduces dribasic
vironment. This is expressed in terms of a tinuous, complex, and occasionally con- changes in the life of a girl. In many Indian
contrast between the natal home and the tradictory process. The differential value of languages menstruation is likened to the
mother-in-law's house: sons and daughters and the unshakable process of flowering or blossoming the
I went inside the house and the maid-servant association between marriage and the depar- necessary stage before fruit can appear
scolded me ture from the natal home is complemented and expressions such as 'her body is full',
Fearing the maid-servant, I went to my room; by the notion of the intrinsic purity of pre- 'it is ripe', and 'it is ready' are common.
And my sister-in-law abused me pubertal girls. This quality of purity is given References to full-grown body, becoming a
Fearing my sister-in-law, I went to the special recognition in several rituals. In the 'woman' becoming 'big', becoming 'mature'
kitchen to cook marriage ceremonyy of certain brahmin and 'knowledgeable' all express the fact of
Any my mother-in-law threatened me, groups and a few other communities in Kar- her changed status.
Please do not be angry, mother-in-law, I am nataka a little girl carries a pot of auspicious In south India this change in statua is ex-
like a daughter to you water decorated with betel or mango leaves pressed through rituals and ceremonies.
If you drive me out, wherever shall 1 go? on her head and walks in front of the bride. Some castes in Maharashtra and O r i s s a also
Similarly, songs of Bhulabai, a special col- She is believed to ward off evil. In fact, a share the essential features of puberty rituals
lective worship of the Mother Goddess little girl carrying a pot of water decorated although they often conduct them on a fairly
observed for a determinate number of days with leaves and often covered with a modest scale. My account of puberty rituals
by little girls in Maharashtra and the songs coconut is a necessary feature of marriage and special dietary prescriptions and restric-
of Gangaur in Gujarat and Rajasthan in- ceremony and other rituals among many tions for pubertal girls is based on observa-
variably speak of the contrast between the caste groups in south India and Maharashtra. tion and informal interviewing, It was a con-
husband's home and the natal home. An oft- Among the brahmins of Andhra Pradesh scious decision on my part not to depend
repeated stanza in the songs of Bhulabai such a girl has to accompany the bride- on the earlier accounts of puberty rituals
goes tts follows: groom. In Maharashtra, when Maratha prepared by anthropologists and administ-
The natal home is beautiful; bridegroom is going in a procession to the rators and published in volumes on-tribes
There we can play to our heart's content wedding pandal, a little girl sits behind him and castes and in monographs and journals;
The in-law's place is cruel on horseback and carries a small pot of I was keen to know the situation which ex-
It stifles and kills. water on her head. A pre-pubertal girl is ists now. Information was collected for dif-
The rituals and ceremonies held at the looked upon as a manifestation of devi or ferent castes in various geographical areas.
bridegroom's place signify a welcome and Mother Goddess and is believed to be an The common features of the celebration of
the process of incorporation of the bride into anti-dote to evil spirits and the evil eye. the onset of puberty are: confinement or
the bridegroom's family. These ceremonies In parts of Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, seclusion of the girl for a certain number of

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days9 arti to signify the auspiciousness of understood. Apart from eating nourishing is clear, however, is that the special value ac-
the occasion and to ward o f f evil to which food, the girl has to avoid 'cold' or parti- corded to fertility and marriage also has its
a menstruating girl is believed to be especial- cularly 'hot' foods. The regulations may other side, the apprehension of barrenness
ly vulnerable, serving her special food, in- continue from a few days to a few months and of the failure to get married.
forming the relatives and friends, giving the to one or two years after the first menstrua- In most of north India the first menstrua-
girl a ritual bath, presenting her with new tion. Indigenous understanding of the tion is not marked by rituals. The event is
clothes and accessories of beautification qualities of different kinds of food is at the taken care of by the mother and the female
such as flowers, jewellery and bangles, and back of these restrictions and recommenda- relatives unobstrusively and within the
a feast which also serves the purpose of an- tions. They are meant to make up for the home. The observances relating to menstrual
nouncement of the event.10 loss of blood, regularise the menstrual cycle pollution are introduced quietly, often with
In Karnataka, at her first menstruation a and How, strengthen the reproductive organs, the attempt that children and males in the
girl is fed with dry coconut, milk, ghee, eer and in general, to contribute towards future family and outsiders should not notice them.
tain fruits, a mixture of jaggery and sesame fertility, to make the process of child-bearing A menstruating girl is asked not to eat spicy
seeds and meat and chicken soups among smooth, and to restrain the girl's sexuality. food, pickles and curds, and in general to
meat-eating groups. It is customary for the Puberty celebrations and the special diet avoid what are considered very 'cold' or very
relatives, particularly the affinal relatives, to regulations seem to express the value of 'hot' foods. She is advised not to stand in
bring gifts. In Andhra Pradesh jaggery and restrained and controlled sexuality and of cold water for too long or to walk around
sesame seeds are ceremonially pounded by motherhood. with wet feet. Jumping, playing rough games
women often to the accompaniment of As a part of the changing scene among and riding a bicycle are considered as harm-
songs; small balls made out of this mixture educated people in towns and especially in ful during menstruation. A l l these are related
are given to the menstruating girl and are cities, the event of first menstruation is be- to the care which needs to be taken of the
distributed among women and girls. There ing turned into a family affair without any girl's reproductive organs and of the regu-
is also an exchange of turmeric powder and ostentatious celebration, though the basic larity of the menstrual period and flow.
kumkum among married women which is rituals may be retained. What McGilvray It is interesting to note that to the north
a common feature of most auspicious oc- [1982:34] says about the Moors in Sri Lanka of north India, in Nepal, the onset of puber-
casions. Among the vokkaliga of Mysore the seems to be the reaction of at least some peo- ty is marked by confinement and special
period of confinement lasts for sixteen days ple in Karnataka: "The Moors, on the other rituals. As described by Lynn Bennett,
at the end of which there is a celebration. hand, seem now-a-days to be more concern- among the upper caste Pabatiyas, it is mark-
The girl has to be kept back from attending ed with the liabilities and proprieties of hav- ed by the immediate removal of the girl from
school or going out. ing a nubile unmarried daughter in the her natal home and seclusion in a dark win-
The fact of a girl's maturity and her full household and so they avoid any public dowless room known as the 'gupha' or cave.
grown body is communicated symbolically ritual which might draw attention to her She may not see or be seen by Surya, the
through certain gifts. In Andhra pradesh changed status." It is seen that if an elder sun-god, or her male natal kin during the
pre-pubertal girls customarily wear a long sister is still unmarried, there is a tendency period of her seclusion. At the end of her
skirt and a blouse. An important component to hush up the onset of puberty for the seclusion she must take a purificatory bath
of the puberty ceremony is the ritual of younger sister. As a matter of adherence to and receive from her father and brothers
wearing a half-sari gifted by the maternal tradition sonic families perform puberty gifts consisting of a red sari and a blouse
uncle. A half-sari is much shorter than a full rituals only for the first daughter, with and accessories of a married woman signi-
length sari and hence easily manageable for celebration and invitations, and take 'he fying 'a complete transference of the
a young girl. It, however, serves the main corning of age of subsequent daughters more daughter's nascent sexuality away from her
function of a sari: to provide an outer covet or less as a routine event. A special diet is, natal group and to another patrilme' (p 240),
for the upper portion of her body. The ritual however, given to a pubertal girl, and among A significant point made by Bennett is about
of wearing a half-sari, therefore, symbolises upper castes observances of purity and the cultural assertion of a girl's sexuality in
the changed status of the pubertal girl. pollution relating to menstruation are prac- relation to her natal male kin as symbolised
School-going girls often feel embarrassed tised to a certain extent. Although school- by the severe avoidance of these kin by her
when they are confined at home for a deter i n g girls from educated families are able during the period of seclusion."
minate number of days, depending upon the to have their way and may even be helped In both north and south India the onset
custom of the particular caste, and an ap- by the father in avoiding the celebration of of puberty is a definite point of departure
plication for sick leave is sent to school. the event, they cannot avoid sharing a part in the life of a girl. She has now crossed the
Certain customs such as wearing a half-san of a common core of ideas and beliefs. threshold of childhood and entered the most
make the change in status obvious and in co- Although the celebration and the ingre- critical stage of life when her body has ac-
educational institutions when they return to dients of the special diet may vary across quired a capacity to reproduce but she has
the school these girls may have to face some regions and caste groups, the message is no authority to do so. During the period
teasing from the boys. It is, however, not easy clear: the girl is now equipped to become a between puberty and marriage a woman's
for parents to discontinue the practice for mother and this is a matter of rejoicing, for vulnerability is at its peak. The post-pubertal
they may be criticised for being stingy in the main purpose of the female body is to phase then is characterised by restrictions on
avoiding the celebration of a gifts coming reproduce. The ceremonial wearing of green movements and on interaction with males
of age. bangles by a pubertal girl among the and by the imposition of special safeguards.
In Marathi, attaining maturity is euphe- Maratha caste group in Maharashtra make I shall look into these later. My point here
mistically expressed as She has now acquired this clear since green is the colour of fertility is that the management of a girl's sexuality
a padar' Padar is the upper end of the sari and signifies auspiciousness. The girl has, is tied to her future as a wife and mother.
which is used to cover the bust and is taken moreover, reached marriageable age and Motherhood is the highest achievement in
over the shoulder and allowed to hang on those people (particularly affines) who are a woman's life. Marriage is the gateway to
the other side. Among the nattati nadar, a likely to be interested in a marital alliance motherhood. Everything else is secondary
maternal uncle brings a sari for the niece should know about this fact. to these two goals.
when she reaches puberty. The implications Does this emphasis on fertility and mar
of a full grown body will be discussed a little nage and special attention which a girl T H E ' F O R T U N A T E ' A N D T H E 'AUSPICIOUS'
later. receives when she reaches puberty increase
It is in the light of her emergent sexuality her sense of self-worth? Or does it give her Preoccupation with the desirability of
and prospective motherhood that the special a feeling of being trapped and having lost marriage is expressed through a number of
diet for the pubertal girl needs to be her freedom? We cannot be certain. What practices. Blessings and vratas for getting a

WS-14 Economic and Political Weekly April 30, 1988

husband like Shiva or Vishnu convey the women are excluded from the 'auspicious' avoid being anywhere near the unfortunate
message forcefully. The purpose of the two activities of the 'fortunate' women and are and inauspicious woman on this occasion.
popular festivals, specially meant for little made to feel that there is something wron, The atmosphere is considered charged with
girls, Bhulabai in parts of Maharashtra and with them. Those who remain unmarried, misfortune and in order to protect herself
Gangaur in parts of Gujarat, which are by choice or through the compulsion of cir- from inauspiciousness, a sumangali woman
characterised by collective worship, singing cumstances, often prefer to live in large cities must clench a piece of turmeric in her first.
and playing, is to obtain a good husband. where it is possible for them to exist in The other opposition which serves to
There are parallels in collective and in- relative anonymity, and where the norms are define the value of the married state, par-
dividual worships and fasts in other less stringent. 13 ticularly for unmarried post-pubertal girls,
regions. 12 The commemoration of the The message of the value of the married is the image of the prostitute. The ways of
penance performed by Parvati for obtaining state is also transmitted in negative terms. the fallen, wanton, provocative, immoral
Shiva as a husband through a fast and puja If a married woman is auspicious, a widow woman must be avoided. This takes us into
(worship) has a very wide spread. In Kar- is inauspicious and the significance of the question of the management of a girl's
nataka when the bride worships Gauri and widowhood has to be avoided. If bangles sexuality.
distributes prasad, young unmarried girls are break it is not said that they have broken,
advised to come forward to get a share so but that 'they have increased' or 'they have F E M I N I T Y A N D S E X U A L I T Y : BODY,
that they too become fortunate tike the bride become many'. So also w i t h the SPACE A N D T I M E
and soon get married. In Andhra Pradesh, mangalsutra, a necklace of black beads, or
it is believed that whoever acts as the bride's tali (of south India), a special gold chain. A girl is, we have seen, at her most
companion during the wedding ceremony These are the symbols of married state to vulnerable between the onset of puberty and
while she is going through the rituals will be removed at widowhood. Similarly, in marriage. Marriage has to be carefully con-
soon get married. The same idea informs the language kumkum does not get rubbed off trolled in a caste society concerned with the
practice of sharing the bride's plate and a married woman's forehead; it increases in maintenance of boundaries. I hope my em-
absorbing some of her good luck. size'. The same care in language is taken in phasis on significance of caste in the con-
regard to the vermilion in the parting of the cern for management of sexuality of young
It is impossible for young girls to escape
haira mark which signifies the married unmarried girls does not give an impression
the value of the married state. Marriage
state of a woman in central, northern, and of a changeless Hindu society nor of im-
signifies good fortune and a state of bliss.
eastern India. These euphemisms are a part penetrable boundaries of castes. The
The terms for a married woman whose hus-
of several Indian languages such as, Marathi, phenomenon of caste is too complex, and
band is alive are saubhagyavati or suhagan
Kannada, Telugu, Gujarati, Bengali, Hindi, subsumes too baffling a variety of patterns
which means the fortunate one and suman-
and Oriya. The underlying idea is the same: to yield to simple explanations. It may be
gali which means the auspicious one. (in
everything happens as though spoken words mentioned, however, that due to a variety of
wedding invitations, the prefixes to the
have a capacity to act or to come true and factors contributing towards social change
names of the bridegroom and bride differ:
hence their utterance must be avoided. At the boundaries of endogamy are widening:
for the bridegroom it is ayushman or chiren-
the husband's death, a woman's bangles are distinctions between 'sub-castes' are not con-
jeev meaning 'one with long life'; a feminine
ceremonially broken, her vermilion sidered relevant by many. There is also
form of such a prefix may or may not be
mark/kumkum is rubbed off and her greater tolerance of inter-caste marriages,
used for the bride, but what is invariably
mangalsutra/tali and toe rings are removed. provided the ritual distance between con-
used is saubhagyakankshini 'one who aspires
Even among those communities which tradi- cerned caste groups is not too wide, and
for a blissful married state;) On all kinds of
tionally allow remarriage of widows these there are no problems of disparity in
ceremonial occasions and rituals participa-
practices are followed: at the second mar- economic and social status. But, these
tion of these 'fortunate' and 'auspicious'
riage the insignia are restored. changes are limited in scope and extent and
women is essential. Thus, it is only a mar-
have not radically affected people's ideas.
ried woman with a living husband who can A l l over India, depending on the kind of
participate in digging the earth and carrying attire that is accepted for widows, there are The phenomenon of boundary main-
it to the marriage pandal, spreading oil and rules regarding what a married woman tenance is a crucial element in the definition
turmeric paste on the body of the bride or should not wear. In parts of south India of the cultural apprehension of the vulnera-
the bridegroom, and performing an arti on there are rules which say that a married bility of young girls and the emphasis on
these auspicious occasions. The instances are woman should not sleep at night on an emp- their purity and restraint in behaviour. This
innumerable. ty stomach, without eating at least a little- is expressed in the construction of legitimate'
bit of rice, particularly on certain auspicious and 'proper' modes of speech, demeanour
The saubhagyagood fortuneor
days, for such practices of self-denial are and behaviour for young girls and in the
suspiciousness has to be carefully nurtured,
associated with widowhood. And even organisation of their space and time. 'A Girl
There are a series of vratas to be observed
though the practice of shaving off hair of is Born', a contemporary , street play in
by married women for the long life and pro-
widows has almost died out, there is still an Marathi by a group of feminists which has
sperity of the husband and the accompany-
association of scissors and razors with wido- attained considerable popularity, sums up
ing narratives have clear messages. Feeding
whood. In many houses girls are discouraged the do's and don'ts administered to a post-
a 'fortunate' married woman on special
from letting scissors, blade or any sharp in- pubertal girl:
occasions increases one's good fortune; so
does the distribution and exchange of strument touch their hair. There still exist Do not abandon the vow of womanhood
various accessories symbolising good fortune considerable reservations about girls cutting taken by you
and auspiciousness of the married state such the ends of their hair in order to make them You have to follow your mother, grand-
as turmeric powder and kumkum, vermilion, even. Many women in south India are very mother, and great grandmother
glass bangles, fruits, flowers, comb, and mir- particular about wearing flowers in their You have to mind the hearth and children
ror. Although there are considerable regional hair: flowers signify an auspicious state and Do not ask odd questions, Do not exceed the
variations the core appears to be the same. a right to beauty which a widow is denied. boundaries
During the last few decades the age of Among the iyer brahmins of Tamil Nadu Do not get out of control, Do not aban-
marriage for girls has gone up, particularly when the husband dies the wife continues don the vow of womanhood.
to wear the insignia of married state for ten- Do not speak with your face up, Be inside
among the middle and upper middle classes,
days. At midnight of the tenth day all these the house
and the number of unmarried young women Wash clothes, clean the utensils, Cook and
in white collar occupations has increased. are removed. This job has to be done by
serve food
At the same time, the cultural import of women who have already become widows.
Clear the leavings and remove the soiled
marriage has changed very little. Unmarried Sumangali women have to scrupulously plates

Economic and Political Weekly April 30, 1988 WS-15

Sew and embroider, Sweep and draw designs it is always the petal w h i c h r u n s the risk of w h a t is k n o w n as 'eve-teasing' in I n d i a . T h e
on the floor g e t t i n g h u r t a n d disfigured'. T h e same idea presence o f t h i s n o t i o n can b e sensed, i f n o t
Water the Tulsi plant, Circumambulate the is expressed in central I n d i a : "Whatever can clearly expressed, i n the m a n n e r i n w h i c h
sacred tree happen t o b u t t e r - m i l k ? I t i s the m i l k w h i c h p a r t i c u l a r instances o f y o u n g m e n m a k i n g
Observe fasts a n d perform vratas gets b a d " and " I t i s the earthen p o t w h i c h passes at y o u n g w o m e n are analysed.
Bend your neck downwards, Look down gets p o l l u t e d a n d d e f i l e d easily a n d per-
wards Prescriptions regarding the ways in w h i c h
manently; a m e t a l one can be rubbed, wash-
walk without looking up, do not let your eyes a g i r l s h o u l d act a n d behave t h a t we have
e d o f f a n d cleaned t o p u r i t y ; n o t h i n g hap-
wander discussed are, it s h o u l d be clear, set o u t in
pens to It?' L i k e n i n g w o m a n to an earthen
Do not abandon the vow of womanhood. 1 4 vessel a n d m a n to a vessel m a d e of brass is
the context o f specific n o t i o n s o f space and
time. T h e i n j u n c t i o n s about physical seg-
concederable i m p o r t a n c e is attached to widespread in I n d i a a n d is even used in the
regation a n d c o n t r o l o f contact w i t h males
the B E g i r l carries herself, the way she sits, deliberations o f village councils i n adjudica-
make certain demands on a g i r l outside her
stand and t a l k s , a n d interacts w i t h others. t i o n o f cases o f elopement, molestation, and
home: w i t h downcast eyes, silent a n d u n -
A girl s h o u l d w a l k w i t h soft steps: so soft sexual aggression.
obtrusive movements, a n d her b o d y almost
that they are barely audible to others. Taking s h r i n k i n g , a g i r l is expected to create a
l o n g strides denotes m a s c u l i n i t y . G i r l s are A g i r l has to be carefully guarded against
separate space for herself i n places full o f
often rebuked for j u m p i n g , r u n n i n g , rushing even a remote semblance to a w o m a n of
strangers. M o r e often, however, a g i r l prefers
to a place a n d h o p p i n g . These movements loose character, a w o m a n of the street, a pro-
to move w i t h o t h e r girls in a group. T h i s is
are c o n s i d e r e d a p a r t o f m a s c u l i n e stitute, someone w h o uses her charms to at-
well b r o u g h t o u t b y K r i s h n a K u m a r :
behaviour, unbecoming to a female; however, tract men. For a post-pubertal g i r l w h i s t l i n g
the logic of the management of a girl's sex- is n o t merely to be a t o m b o y ; it signifies .. .We boys used the street for so many dif-
uality also defines t h e m as un feminine; they a m o r o u s i n c l i n a t i o n . T h i s is also true of the ferent thingsas a place to stand around
can t y r i n g the contours o f the b o d y i n t o j i n g l i n g o f bangles. S m i l i n g w i t h o u t pur- watching, to r u n around and play, try out the
greater p r o m i n e n c e a n d attract people's at- pose, g l a n c i n g ' f u r t i v e l y ' , l o o k i n g t h r o u g h manoeuvrability of our bikes. Not so for
t e n t i o n . A g i r l has to be careful about her the corners of one's eyes do n o t become a girls. As we noticed all the time, for girls the
well-bred g i r l . Shyness a n d modesty are ap- street was simply a means to get straight
posture. She s h o u l d not sit cross-legged or
proved a n d considered as ' n a t u r a l ' feminine home from school. A n d even for this limited
w i t h her legs w i d e apart. Keeping one's knees
qualities. W h i l e o n the theme o f develop- use of the street they always went in clusters,
close together w h i l e s i t t i n g , standing, or
ment of f e m i n i n i t y , it is necessary to make perhaps because behind their purposeful de-
sleeping is 'decent'; a n d indicates a sense of
one p o i n t : the i m p o r t a n c e given to the meanour they carried the worst fears of be-
shame and modesty. ' D o n ' t stand like a man'
physical appearance of a g i r l . T h e value ac- ing assaulted.
is a c o m m o n rebuke to make a g i r l aware of
c o r d e d t o v a r i o u s c o m p o n e n t s o f physical K r i s h n a K u m a r goes o n :
the demands o f f e m i n i n i t y .
appearance is conveyed n o t o n l y t h r o u g h Watching these silent clusters for years eroded
G i r l s are encouraged to speak softly, and lullabies, songs, and sayings b u t also t h r o u g h my basic sense of endowing individuality to
to avoid abrasivemale'language. Boys, of open praise o r c r i t i c i s m o f i n d i v i d u a l girls every human being. I got used to believing
course, learn a l l kinds of abuses; however, w i t h i n their h e a r i n g . A girl's f o r t u n e (mar- that girls are not individuals.
even the m i l d e r abuses used by w o m e n are riage being its most salient c o m p o n e n t ) is
tied up w i t h her appearance; g o o d l o o k s are K r i s h n a K u m a r is describing, w h a t he
frowned u p o n i f used b y y o u n g girls. A g i r l
considered as an i m p o r t a n t ' q u a l i f i c a t i o n ' c a l l s , ' tragic pattern of socialisation': his ex-
must demonstrate her c a p a c i t y for self-
of a female. No wonder that m a n y girls tend periences o f b o y h o o d i n a small t o w n i n
restraint: t a l k i n g and l a u g h i n g l o u d l y is
to develop an excessive interest in their M a d h y a Pradesh, central I n d i a . H i s article
disapproved o f ; a g i r l s h o u l d n o t be argu-
appearanceoften at the cost of other quali- is a r e m i n d e r that to understand the
mentative. In A n d h r a Pradesh, a l o u d -
f i c a t i o n s a n d i n clothes, jewellery, a n d socialisation o f girls i t i s i m p e r a t i v e t o l o o k
m o u t h e d g i r l may receive t h e epithet of
cosmetics. Such an interest is interpreted as i n t o socialisation o f male c h i l d r e n . 1 5
' M a r i ' w h i c h refers t o the malevolent g o d -
dess w h o b r i n g s pests a n d d e s t r u c t i o n . a n expression o f f e m i n i n i t y a n d thus It is not o n l y molestation b u t also the fear
Sucheta M a z u m d a r ' s statement that being 'natural'. of being m a l i g n e d as a g i r l of b a d character
soft-spoken a n d demure qualifies a Bengali w h i c h a g i r l tries to avoid in f o l l o w i n g a
girl for a description of her being like L a x m i , In n o r t h I n d i a the association of a curved strategy that Johanna Lessinger w h i l e
the goddess o f wealth, w h i l e a l o u d a n d posture w i t h a d a n c i n g g i r l is so strong that describing the activities o f w o m e n petty
noisy g i r l is rebuked as A l o k k h i (the op- even an unconscious act on the part of a g i r l traders i n M a d r a s has called ' p u b l i c
posite of L a x m i ) seems to capture a c o m - of leaning against a w a l l or a p i l l a r brings chaperoning'. 1 6
m o n experience for girls. The actual epithets, f o r t h rebuke f r o m elders. C h e w i n g betels
makes the l i p s red, loose u n p l a i t e d hair If the space outside the house has to be
however, vary.
speak of a b a n d o n ; these are sources of at- negotiated in determinate ways by girls, this
To establish her feminine identity, a young t r a c t i o n . I n m a n y parts o f I n d i a girls were is also t r u e of spatial divisions w i t h i n the
g i r l s h o u l d a v o i d masculine d e m e a n o u r a n d traditionally forbidden to l o o k into a m i r r o r house. Pre-pubertal girls can generally p l a y
behaviour. T h i s i d e n t i t y also demands t h a t or to c o m b their hair after sunset since these w i t h b o t h boys a n d other girls on streets and
she s h o u l d be circumspect w i t h men. A g i r l acts were associated w i t h a prostitute get- in parks, courtyards and o t h e r open spaces
w h o has come of age has to be protected not t i n g ready for her customers. These practices W i t h the onset o f puberty t h e c o m p u l s i o n s
o n l y f r o m men but also f r o m herself. T h e s t i l l c o n t i n u e i n m a n y families. Restrictions of safeguard on female m o d e s t y push her
need to c o n t r o l female sexuality is often ex- o n the wearing o f b r i g h t a n d gaudy clothes i n t o the i n t e r i o r of the house w h i c h is the
pressed t h r o u g h metaphors. Emphasising the by u n m a r r i e d g i r l s are also r o o t e d in similar secluded ' p r i v a t e ' d o m a i n o f the family. I n
security of not allowing young women and associations. A g i r l standing in the d o o r w a y poorer sections o f the p o p u l a t i o n , w i t h -
men' to c o m e close it is said t h a t unless a of the house, p a r t i c u l a r l y at dusk, m a y be drawal o f y o u n g girls, between the onset o f
physical distance is m a i n t a i n e d between hay rebuked even by brothers w i t h a m e n t i o n of p u b e r t y a n d marriage, f r o m the l a b o u r
the prostitute. I n the process o f t r a i n i n g for market i n l c u d i n g domestic service in private
and fire, it is impossible to protect the hay
proper behaviour, certain assumptions a n d homes i n a w e l l - k n o w n p h e n o m e n o n . I n
f r o m catching fire. A n o t h e r saying prevalent
i n d i c a t i o n s can seriously o f f e n d the sen- r u r a l areas a n d a m o n g c e r t a i n sections i n
a m o n g the m a t r i l i n e a l b u t caste-bound
sibilities of g r o w i n g girls. For instance, there u r b a n areas d r o p o u t rates for girls at the age
nayar p o w e r f u l l y conveys the fact of vulnera-
is a c o m m o n l y held n o t i o n t h a t the de- o f p u b e r t y increase substantially.
bility of young girls: 'Whether the t h o r n falls
o n the petal o r the petal falls o n the t h o r n , m e a n o u r of a g i r l is itself responsible for There are s i m i l a r restrictions t h a t are

WS-16 E c o n o m i c a n d P o l i t i c a l Weekly A p r i l 30, 1988

defined by the d i m e n s i o n of t i m e . There is for a g i r l is i m p l i c a t e d in t h e management many ways. A g i r l w h o does not like
a certain f a m i l i a r i t y w h i c h g i r l s have w i t h o f her sexuality. I t w o u l d b e interesting t o ' f e m i n i n e ' tasks is r e m i n d e d t h a t if she
" R e t u r n before i t gets d a r k " and " W h o i s explore these questions f u r t h e r keeping in t h i n k s that she can become a male, she is
going w i t h y o u ? " These constraints of space m i n d the variations across caste, class, a n d mistaken and that she may as well learn to
a n d t i m e create problems f o r m i d d l e class social groups. do the w o r k assigned to her, for, having been
girls i n terms o f choice o f schools/colleges b o r n a female how can she escape i t , A boy
a n d coursesco-education a n d staying o u t w h o likes to w o r k in and a r o u n d the kitchen
t i l l late w h i c h certain courses d e m a n d are PROCESS OF T R A I N I N G : T A S K S A N D and is interested in d o i n g what are con-
frowned u p o n a n d , consequently, in their IDEOLOGY sidered as feminine tasks,for instance, em-
choice of careers. b r o i d e r y o r d r a w i n g designs o n the f l o o r -
I t u r n now t o another aspect o f the pro-
becomes the target for derision and teasing.
cess of socialisation: t r a i n i n g for feminine
A t any rate, i t appears t h a t h o m e a n d The most c o m m o n terms used for such a boy
tasks, It is, of course, d i f f i c u l t to speak of
school reinforce each other in the process of describe h i m as a w o m a n i s h male, one w h o
a single pattern of gender-based d i v i s i o n of
socialisation. My experience at a school in is neither male nor female, effeminate, u n -
work since it is characterised by considerable
one o f the villages i n K o l h a p u r district o f manly, and even i m p o t e n t .
diversity across regions and social groups.
Maharashtra brings this o u t clearly. D u r i n g
At the same t i m e , w o r k a r o u n d the kitchen, A n i m p o r t a n t component o f this 'natural'
my visit to the school a l o n g w i t h a g r o u p
m e n i a l and d i r t y household w o r k and c h i l d d i v i s i o n of w o r k is the n o t i o n of a sense of
of post-graduate students we were taken to
care generally fall in the feminine sphere. service (sewa) as the necessary q u a l i t y for
various classrooms and, as is the practice in
The n o t i o n s o f appropriateness o r inap- girls. I shall examine this n o t i o n as p a r t of
such schools, students sang songs. In the
propriateness o f particular kinds o f work for the t r a i n i n g o f girls t h r o u g h the ideas,
j u n i o r m o s t class boys and girls sat together;
adult females a n d males get reflected, if not values, and practices associated w i t h f o o d .
the song in w h i c h b o t h j o i n e d was about
replicated, in the w o r k assigned to girls a n d
C h a n d a m a m a (the m o o n addressed as A necessary feature of the organisation
boys. The distinction between feminine w o r k
maternal uncle), a p o p u l a r theme for o f the serving and d i s t r i b u t i o n o f f o o d
a n d m a s c u l i n e w o r k c o m e s early i n
nursery rhymes and songs f o r c h i l d r e n of w i t h i n the household is that the left-overs
c h i l d h o o d and becomes sharper as the c h i l d
this age. In a somewhat senior class, s h o u l d be eaten by female a n d n o t by male
grows up.
however, certain shifts had occurred: girls sat members o f the family. L i t t l e girls have t o
i n one h a l f p o r t i o n o f the r o o m and boys T h e responses of 100 r a n d o m l y selected learn this: an expression of resentment on
in the other h a l f . They sang t w o separate parents of students admitted to Sardar Patel their part may b r i n g in concessions but often
songs. The song w h i c h the girls sang was ac- Vidyalaya, a h i g h class school in New D e l h i , w i t h a remark that a capacity to adjust is
c o m p a n i e d by a dance and was about the to the question whether they w o u l d have girls o f p r i m e i m p o r t a n c e for girls. I f a g i r l c o n -
flowers in the rainy season. B o t h the boys or boys to do certain chores are revealing. tinues to cry a n d shout for food because she
and the girls were reasonably confident. Twenty-five per cent of the parents d i d not is hungry she is considered fussy and is teas-
distinguish between their sons and daughters ed about her lack of self-restraint. In many
In the classroom of seventh standard, the
for any of the ten chores m e n t i o n e d in the m i d d l e class houses girls are instructed to
girls w h o were a l l sari-clad n o t o n l y sat in
list but a m o n g the rest, there was a clear bias take care that the rice at the b o t t o m of the
a p o r t i o n of the r o o m separated f r o m the
towards asking the girls t o w o r k i n the k i t - pan (which runs the risk of getting b u r n t and
boys, but they sat on the f l o o r by the side
chen, sweep the floor, wash tea cups, put of c o n t a i n i n g t i n y pebbles) is not served to
of the planks. T h e boys were cocky: they
washed clothes on the line, a n d dust the fur a male member of the f a m i l y . S i m i l a r care
stood u p o n the w o o d e n p l a n k s and i n f u l l -
niture, and the boys to fetch eggs and bread is taken regarding the first dosa.
throated voices sang c o n f i d e n t l y a song
f r o m the market, help change the tyre of the
describing the valour of Shivaji, the well- G i r l s s h o u l d t e a m t o bear p a i n a n d
scooter or car, and so o n . These responses
k n o w n M a r a t h a hero. We t r i e d very hard to d e p r i v a t i o n , to eat a n y t h i n g that is given to
p o i n t towards deep rooted ideas regarding
persuade the girls to sing b u t they sat coyly t h e m and t o acquire the q u a l i t y o f self-
the gender-based d i v i s i o n o f w o r k i n the
and d i d not open their m o u t h s . T h e teacher
society. 1 7 denial. T h i s is a part of the t r a i n i n g for the
w h o was a m a l e d i d ask the girls to sing but reality that they are l i k e l y to c o n f r o n t in the
seemed to appreciate a n d understand their T h e naturalness o f the w o r k supposed t o house o f the mother-in-law.
reticence a n d shyness. W h e n we questioned be appropriate for girls is conveyed effective-
the girls as to why they d i d n o t sit on the T h e notions of tolerance a n d self-restraint
ly, w i t h o u t necessarily generating a feeling-
planks it was the boys w h o answered: "They are also rooted in a consciously-cultivated
of d i s c r i m i n a t i o n , to l i t t l e girls by encourag-
themselves choose to sit on the floor. W h a t feminine role w h i c h is embedded in and
i n g t h e m i n v a r i o u s games w h i c h involve
can others d o ? " legitimised by culture and c u l t u r a l ideology.
'dolls', 'household', 'kitchenwork', 'marriage',
The c o o k i n g , serving a n d d i s t r i b u t i o n o f
It is i m p o r t a n t that the m o s t p r o m i n e n t 'baby', a n d ' v i s i t i n g neighbours'. B e g i n n i n g
f o o d are i m p o r t a n t constituents of a presti-
caste g r o u p i n K o l h a p u r d i s t r i c t i s t h a t o f w i t h assistance i n c o o k i n g a n d other k i t
gious and valued role for H i n d u w o m e n .
the M a r a t h a s w h o emphasise their m a r t i a l c h e n w o r k , serving of f o o d , c a r i n g for
This role contributes to women's self-esteem,
past, f o l l o w a pattern of hypergamous mar- younger siblings, preparing f o r the w o r s h i p
offers t h e m a genuine sense of f u l f i l m e n t
riages, observe a k i n d of seclusion of of f a m i l y deities, and l o o k i n g after the ag-
a n d i s central t o the d e f i n i t i o n o f m a n y
w o m e n , a n d t a l k of sexual a s y m m e t r y as a ed, girls learn to take over some of the
female k i n s h i p roles. T h e ideal o f A n n a -
part of the n a t u r a l order of things. A ques- responsibilities themselves. Washing clothes
p u m a , the u n f a i l i n g supplier o f f o o d , i s
t i o n emerges: C a n w e really t h i n k o f refor- is a feminine task to be shared by the girls;
accepted across different regions of I n d i a .
m i n g the educational system or of a reform- where men wash their own clothes, children's
This ideal w h i c h has an aesthetic appeal and
e d system o f f o r m a l e d u c a t i o n t o b r i n g clothes are s t i l l left to w o m e n and girls.
w h i c h sets o u t p r i v a t i o n a n d sacrifice as
about a more Enlightened' relationship bet- Sweeping a n d m o p p i n g the f l o o r is women's
d e f i n i n g characteristics o f f e m i n i n e m o r a l
ween the sexes as l o n g as t h e larger struc- w o r k . A c c o r d i n g t o m y i n f o r m a n t s i n Kar-
character generates a set of dispositions
tures w h i c h p r o v i d e the context for this nataka a n d A n d h r a Pradesh it is, in fact,
where a w o m a n has to t h i n k of others before
e d u c a t i o n a l system c o n t i n u e to reproduce considered the height o f i m p r o p r i e t y i f the
oneself a n d o u g h t not to care a b o u t w h a t
gender-based relationships o f d o m i n a t i o n b r o o m touches any male o f the f a m i l y . 1 8
is being left for her. Finally practices relating
and subordination?
T h e p o i n t w h i c h needs emphasis, then, is t o f o o d are associated w i t h n o t i o n s o f the
I have t o u c h e d u p o n o n l y a few issues in the naturalness w h i c h imbues the gender- male and female body. Tall a n d hefty boys
the way the o r g a n i s a t i o n of space a n d t i m e based d i v i s i o n of w o r k . T h i s is expressed in are a matter of pride for the f a m i l y ; special

E c o n o m i c and P o l i t i c a l Weekly A p r i l 30, 1988 WS-17

care is taken to give boys such food as would practices set certain limits in terms of the 3 This was brought to my attention by
make them strong. On the contrary it is said dispositions they inculcate among women Ramamurthy of the University of
that a girl grows like a refuse heap. It is best, and the different kinship roles within vary- Mysore.
therefore, if her intake of food is controll- ing status which they assign to them within 4 Sucheta Mazumdar, 'Socialisation of Hindu
ed, particularly just before and after the the family. The rituals and practices and the Middle Class Bengali Women', South Asia
social system are, moreover, imbued with a Bulletin, Vol I, No 1 (Winter 1981).
onset of puberty. Girls should look younger
than their age: a girl with a developed body certain givenness and appear as a part of the 5 I owe the account of Gauri puja to discus-
raises questions about containment of her natural order of things. It is within these sions with D Vijaya of the University of
sexuality and reminds people that marriage limits that women question their situation, Mysore, a feminist scholar and a writer in
is imminent for her; she, it is believed, is also express resentment, use manipulative Kannada.
more likely to become a victim of sexual ag- strategies, often against other women, turn 6 This and the following lullabies are from
gression. Women's concern that girls should deprivation and self-denial into sources of Bengal. I thank Meenakshi Mukherjee and
internalise proper attitudes and modes of power, and attempt to carve out a living Tanika Sarkar for them.
behaviour as a part of their training to space. 7 I follow Shirley Ardener's use of the term
become women and the different notions femineity. The notion has been elaborated
regarding requirements of male and female by Renee Hirchon: "Femineity comprises
bodies often combine to make a significant Notes aspects of self-identification on a deep
difference in nutrition for males and structural level, as opposed to the less
females. [This is a somewhat altered version of the paper precise and not separate reality of feminini-
which forms a part of Socialisation, Education ty which is loaded with notions of secon-
Before closing this section, one point and Women: Explorations in Gender Identity, dary sexual characteristics and man's ap-
needs to be made. There is, I feel, a certain (ed) Karuna Chanana (New Delhi: Orient preciation of these" (p 55); Ardener adds:
ambiguity that characterises the training of Longman, 1988). The paper, in an incipient "Femineity is not merely an equivalent of
girls. While they are being trained for pre- form, was presented in a seminar on Socialisa- femininity, since it is located at a different
sent and future roles, the fact that they will tion, Women and Education at the Nehru level of abstraction and articulation" (p 46).
eventually be going into another family is Memorial Museum and Library, New Delhi. I See Shirley Ardener 'Sexual Insult and
never forgotten. Families differ. That a girl am grateful to Ravinder Kumar for his sensitive Female Militancy' in Perceiving Women,
will leave her parental home eventually is reception of the paper and for the facilities at (ed) Shirley Ardener (London: J M Dent
certain: to what kind of a home she will go the library during the period of its revision. I and Sons Ltd; New York: John Wiley and
is not. And it will take years for her to ac- would like to express my appreciation to Karuna Sons, 1975, 1977) 29-53; and Kirsten
quire any power of decision-making or any Chanana for her patience and her faith in me. Hastrup, The Semantics of Biology-
autonomy in that new home. There are also Saurabh Dube's association with the paper, at Virginity', in Defining Females, (ed) Shirley
all stages, has been invaluable. His help is Ardener (London: Croom Helm in associa-
many 'ifs' in the process. Socialisation for
acknowledged.] tion with Oxford University Women's
an unfamiliar setting and an uncertain future
Studies Committee, 1978),' 49-65.
imparts a degree of tentativeness and pro-
1 Material for this paper has come from a
visionality to the process. This, I feel affects 8 The rituals show that a pre-pubertal girl is
variety of sources. I have drawn upon the
the development of self-confidence and in- never visualised as someone who can engage
experiences of a number of people from
itiative in girls. Ambiguity also characterises in the pursuit of knowledge or in the learn-
various regions of the countrytheir obser-
the presence of contradictory values and ex- ing of a professional craft. This contrasts
vations, accounts of rituals and festivals,
pectations which essentially reflect the con- with the situation regarding boys. Among
and counter-questions have helped shape
tradictions inherent in the patrilineal many brahmin groups all over India and
this paper. Very often these people also
patrivirilocal kinship system. To give one ex- among some upper castes, the beginning of
acted as mediators and interpreters between
ample, the tie between a brother and a sister the process of learning of alphabet is
other informants and me. I shall acknow-
ritualised for a male child. Generally, the
is supposed to be life-long; throughout their ledge here, among many others, Ahalya,
father or guru (priest or preceptor of the
life sisters are expected to observe special Annapurna, M K Chander, Suzanne Daniel,
family) makes the little boy write the first
days for the well-being, long life and hap- Suresh Patil, Rati Rao, D Vijaya, and
alphabet with his finger on specially spread
piness of brothers. At the same time, they Robert Zaedenbos from Mysore; Abhilasha
out rice grains or earth, or on a special slate
also hear that a woman should be like water Tiwari and Pramiia Kumar from Bhopal;
with a bamboo pen. The first word to be
which does not have any shape of its own Pratima Sant from Nagpur; Bhoites and
written is generally 'om', believed to be the
and so can take the shape of the vessel in Ramanamma from Pune; Kamala Ganesh
first sound uttered at the beginning of the
which it is poured; nor docs it retain any from Bombay; V Mohan Kumar from
creation, or an ode to 'Sri Ganesha', the god
Trivandrum; and Indrani Chatterjee,
mark on it. Or, that a woman should be like who removes obstacles. Among occupa-
Pragati Mahapatra, Sujata Patel, Tanika
pliable mudto be cast into a shape of his tional groups a little boy may be ceremo-
Sarkar, Aiaka Sharma and Sanjay Sharma
choice by the potter. A woman should thus niously initiated into the craft of the family
from Delhi. Yashodhara Misra, a sensitive
be able to discard all the earlier loyalties and and the community.
story writer in Oriya, generously allowed me
habits and get absorbed in the husband's to borrow proverbs and sayings used by her 9 Confinement or seclusion can take various
family. in her stones and in a paper presented at forms. The menstruating girl may be con-
the Asian Regional Conference on Womer fined to a corner in the back part of the
and the Household held at New Delhi in house in a dark room; to a hut made with
January 1985. bamboo and different kinds of leaves; to a
2 For an elaboration of the implication of this shade away from the house made with nine
The structuring of women as gendered kinds of leaves, or there may be just a sym-
symbolism of biological reproduction for
subjects through Hindu rituals and practices gender relations within the family and bol of such a shade for which nine kinds
is fundamentally implicated in the constitu- household, see Leela Dube, 'Seed and of leaves are woven together and kept near
tion and reproduction of a social system Earth: Symbolism of Biological Reproduc- the leaves, with a few grains of rice spread
characterised by gender asymmetry and the tion and Sexual Relations of Production' underneath the seat, as among the brahmins
overall subordination of women. 19 To state in Visibility and Power: Essays on Women of Andhra Pradesh. The important aspects
this, however, is not to argue that women are in Society and Development, (eds) Leela of confinement of a menstruating girl are
passive, unquestioning victims of these prac- Dube, Eleanor Leacock and Shirley Ardener to avoid causing pollution to others, to be
tices and the representation of these prac- (Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1986), protected from the possible effect of evil eye,
tices. It is to suggest that Hindu rituals and 22-53. and to be out of sight of men, away from

Economic and Political Weekly A p r i l 30, 1988

their gaze.
10 I have benefited greatly from some recent
articles dealing with puberty rituals. Pauline
Kolenda 'Women as Tribute Woman as
Flower: Images of Woman in Weddings in
North and South' India', American
Ethnologist, Vol 11, No 3, (1984); Denis
McGilvray, 'Sexual Power and Fertility in
Sri Lanka: Batticaloa Tamils and Moors' in
Ethnography of Fertility and Btrth, (ed)
Carol MacCormack, London: Academic
Press 1982; and Deborah Winslow, 'Rituals
of First Menstruation in Sri Lanka', Man
(NS), Vol 15, No 4, (1980), 603-25.
11 See Lynn Bennett, Dangerous Wives and
Sacred Sisters: Social and Symbolic Roles
of High Caste Women in Nepal (New York:
Columbia University Press, 1983), 234-242.
12 For Bengal see Mazumdar (Note No 5).
13 My emphasis on the inescapability of mar-
riage for girls should not be understood as
freedom from compulsion for young men
to get married. They too are under pressure
for marrying within the acceptable boun-
daries and, more importantly, to bring
dowry to contribute towards the expenses
incurred on their own education or in the
marriage of daughter(s). Marriage of a son
is necessary to continue the family line. In
the case of girls, however, their placement
in a group depends on marriage and an un-
married status runs the risk of tarnishing
the reputation of the family. The propor-
tion of unmarried, married, and widowed
males and females in the population is in-
dicative of different norms for girls and
14 See Jyoti Mhapasekar, Mulagi Jhali Ho (A
Girl is Born) in Marathi (Bombay: Gran-
thali, 1984), The translation is mine.
15 Krishna Kumar, 'Growing up Male',
Seminar 318 (February 1986), 21-23.
16 See Johanna Lessinger, 'Work and Modes-
ty: The Dilemma of Women Market Traders
in South India', paper presented at the
Regional Conference for Asia on Women
and the Household, New Delhi 1985. Forth-
coming in Kinship, Production, and the
Household, (eds) Leela Dube and Rajni
Palriwala (New Delhi: Sage, 1988).
17 See Vibha Parthasarathy, 'Socialisation,
Women and Education: An Experiment' in
Socialisation, Education and Women: Ex-
plorations in Gender Identity, (ed) Karuna
Chanana (New Delhi: Orient Longman,
18 Needless to say, this description of division
of work, based on conceptions of masculine
and feminine tasks, has specific reference
to the domestic scene: it does not apply to
paid work outside one's own home.
19 The argument of this paragraph was
developed in discussion wit h Saurabh Dube
and was set out in a paper we did together
on 'Women in India, Hinduism, and the
Category of Politics' for a Symposium on
Women, Religion, and Politics organised by
IPSA Research Committee on Sex Roles
and Politics and ISA Research Committee
on Women in Society prior to the Eleventh
World Congress of Sociology, New Delhi,
August 1986.

Economic and Political Weekly April 30, 1988 WS-I9

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