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Conclusion: Internationalisation through Policy

University Press Scholarship Online

Oxford Scholarship Online

Internationalisation and Economic Institutions::

Comparing the European Experience
Mark Thatcher

Print publication date: 2007

Print ISBN-13: 9780199245680
Published to Oxford Scholarship Online: September 2007
DOI: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199245680.001.0001

Conclusion: Internationalisation through

Mark Thatcher (Contributor Webpage)


This final chapter summarises the findings of the book and relates them
to broader debates about internationalisation of markets and domestic
institutional reform. It presents a policy analysis approach of market
internationalisation and economic institutions that builds on, but
develops, second image reversed and comparative institutionalist
approaches. The framework put forward differs from these last two by
adopting a broader definition of internationalisation, one that includes
international policy decisions. It suggests that carriers of
internationalisation are not just socio-economic interests but also
political and state actors, especially governments. It argues that
internationalisation affects national decisions through a broader range
of mechanisms than economic efficiency or distributional conflicts, and
highlights those mechanisms that feed in directly to the domestic policy
process and involve governments. It suggests that nations that
represent very different varieties of capitalism can adopt similar
sectoral institutions, but that they do so through diverse routes that
reflect their domestic politics.

Keywords: policy analysis, markets, institutional reform, domestic politics

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Conclusion: Internationalisation through Policy

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