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Film Profile

Name of Film Taken

Director Pierre Morel
Year Released 2009
Main Cast Liam Neeson, Maggie Gracee
Sub Genre ( if applies) Action
Budget $25 Million
Gross (how much it made) $226.8 Million (Box Office)
Synopsis Two teenage girls go to Paris during the
What is the film about? summer for a vacation; they stay at a cousins
house. One of the girls is daughter to a high
profile CIA agent.
The former CIA agent, Bryan, has had his
daughter, Kim, kidnaped and will she be
forced to become a sex slave if Bryan does
not find her. In an act to trace and save her
he goes to Paris to find her. He uses every skill
he has to find his daughter and rescue her.
The CIA agent must go to drastic measures in
order to achieve his objective of saving his
daughter, to do this he must fight, kill and
stay alive. Using all of his experience, every
skill he has I key for the survival of himself and
his daughter. In order to save his daughter he
must rage through Paris and have the city
turn on him; he has to go through corrupt
police and armed gangs to hold the best
possible chances of saving his daughter.
Character Profile Bryan Mills former CIA agent who is
Brief overview of main characters. Do passionate to protect his family.
they follow Propps theory? What are the The characters do not follow Propps
generic stereotypes of the characters? character theory. Although Bryan Mills has
the interpretation of a Hero. There are
numerous characters that can be classed as
the antagonist, the villain. For example, the
kidnappers and the sex slave traffickers.

Kim the daughter of the former CIA agent.

She goes to Paris with a close friend and is
kidnaped. She goes through pain and
trauma until her father eventually saves her.
Mise-en-scene The film is set in Paris.
The location of the film relates to the genre
Location Where is the film set, of the film and emphasises the action aspect
how does the location look and and the mission. It shows a mystical point of
what does it convey about the view because it is in a foreign country. The
location you will need to consider images of Paris used in the film are shown to
the use of decor, colour and be dark grey and a light blue, this makes the
Costume Consider what is worn, scene depressing which reflects the situation.
the colour and what it connotes?
Props What are used and why? A gun is used to display violence.
The main character, Bryan Mills, wears a
leather jacket, which makes him look neither
protagonist nor antagonist, but shows that he
Film Profile
can display violence. The dark clothes
represent his feelings of trauma and the
genre of the film.
Camera One of the main shots in this film is most likely
to be a wide shot, this gives the audience a
What are the important camera perspective of what is happening.
frames? How is the camera
moving and why? Tracking shots are also used, sometimes the
Also consider how is it moving such camera moves slowly to create tension.
as whether the movement is In scenes such as a car chase there will be
smooth or whether shaky and the fast, snap shots to create pace and build up
effect this has? tension.
Consider the range of options for
moving the camera and how At the beginning of the film bridging is used
these are used like tracking shots, to link two or more perspectives into one
hand-held, steadicam, jib and shot, making the audience ask questions as
crane. to what is happening, it builds up the film
When looking at framing also (rising action).
consider the position and angle of
the camera. Are any of the shots Close up shots and extreme close ups are
on low or high angles? Does the used for detail and have the ability to create
film use any cantered angles and a dramatic effect on the audience. The
if so what does this suggest about detail of the extreme close up can show the
the world or characters? emotions of the character, making the
audience realise the emotional effect of the
scenario in the film; this builds up the
knowledge and understanding of the film.
These shots are likely to be in the rising
action, where tension is building up, a
situation is beginning to develop, and
questions are being asked.

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