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Member of group :

1. Riska Ayu Febrianti (26)

2. Rizka Rahayu Sasmita (27

Class XI-MIIA4

Tahun Pelajaran 2014-2015

SMA Negeri 1 Porong

1. Definition of short functional text is a short text that has particular

meaning and purpose, and can be used in our daily life. It may be in the
form of prohibition, invitation, greeting cards, short message, shopping list,
notice, announcement, etc.
2. The purpose of functional text is to give you specific information or to
help you perform a dayto-day task. Some examples of functional text are
brochures, food nutrition labels, menus, recipes, and class schedules.

Examples of Functional Text

Advertisements Manuals
Announcements Maps
Bank statements Memos
Brochures Menus
Bus schedules Pamphlets
Diagrams Recipes
Directories Schedules
Emails Search engines
Food labels Signs
Game directions Surveys
Instructions Television guides
Internet websites Text messages
Invitations Traffic signs
Labels Warranties
Letters Yellow
1. Caution
1) Definition of Caution
Caution is a warning against certain acts in avoiding danger. To warn
readers about possible damage to equipment or data or about potential
problems in the outcome of what they are doing.

2. Greeting Card
1) Definition of Greeting card
Greeting card is a letter (usually decorated with pictures) that are
used to congratulate, pray for someone, and so on. The form of
greeting cards such as greeting cards, greeting card grief / sympathy
and get-well greeting cards.
2) Functions as an expression of sympathy and care to others.
3) The purpose is to congratulate someone achievement, express
sympathy on someones, and motivate someone on gaining
4) Some characteristics of greeting card:
1. Clarify a clear purpose
2. Use an appraisal diction
3. Accurate addressee
5) Example Of Greeting Card
3. Short message
1) Definition of Caution
Short message is a short message created to convey something to
others that the person is doing or not doing something.
2) Its function is to send an important message to other people
3) Some characteristics of a short message
1. Clear addressee (someone who receives the message)
2. Straight forward
3. If it is an instruction state it clearly.
4. Example Of Short Message

4. Invitation
1) The Definition of Invitation
Invitation card or invitation letter is a card / letter that aims to invite
someone to come to an event.
2) The Social Function of Invitation
Practically, the main function of invitation is asking or requesting some one
to go to a place, do something, or participate in certain event.
Commonly many people use Invitation in several occasion, such a birthday
party invitation, wedding party invitation, engagement party invitation,
and other occasions and we want some of our friends to come to the party .
People also use the invitation when they have something and need to
help.They will invite some one to come and ask them to help. That what we
do with invitation in our daily life. Because invitation card is sent for public
purpose, the invitation design is very carefully thought. By giving good
design, the invitation will make good impression.
3) The Types of Invitation
When we take a look on several invitation which are close to our life, we
will find 2 types of Invitation. As many typical printed or spoken
documents, invitation can be:
a. Formal Invitation : This type of invitation has a meaning official senses.
It is written by institution or company. Due to its formality, such typical
invitation seems to tie the people whom are invited
b. Informal Invitation: this kind of invitation is found a lot in social
interaction. The informal invitation can be written or spoken and
commonly given or addressed to family member, friend, mate etc
4) Example of Invitation

5. Announcement
1) Definition of Announcement
Text announcement is a notice writing addressed to the general public /
specific group that contains the information or news notifications.
2) The Functions: to provide complete and clear information about certain
events or occasion
3) Some characteristics of announcement:
1. Straightforward and ease the readers to get information quickly
2. Keep it short, inviting, and to the point.
3. Clear and complete
4. For a bad news, make a direct and no-nonsense statement.
6. Advertisement
Advertisement used to promote a product in the form of goods or
services. Advertisement contains sentences persuading to entice the reader
to buy the product or come to a place has to offer.

7. Label
Label is a piece of paper, polymer, cloth, metal, or other material affixed to
a container or article, on which is printed a legend, information concerning
the product, addresses, etc. Information printed directly on a container or
article can also be considered labeling.
8. Shopping list
A shopping list is a list of items needed to be purchased by a shopper.
Consumers often compile a shopping list of groceries to purchase on the
next visit to the grocery store. The list may be compiled immediately
before the shopping trip or incrementally as shopping needs arise
throughout the week. The shopping list itself may be a scrap piece of paper
or something more elaborate.
Example Of shopping list

9. Letter
1) Definition of Letter
Letter is written communication or instrument that affirms existence of a
fact or obligation or grant of a power or right.
2) Example Of Letter
10. Procedure Text
1) Definition Of Procedure
Procedure a piece of text that gives us instructions for doing something
2) Purpose: to describe how something is done through some steps.
3) Generic Parts: * aim/purpose
* materials/ingredients
* steps
4) Example
How to make Fried Rice

1. a plate of rice
2. 1 egg
3. 2 spoonful of oil garlic, onion, tomato sauce,
Chilli sauce
4. lettuce
1. Pour the oil on the frying pan, wait a minute then
grind the spicy and take on it.
2. add rice, chili sauce and tomato sauce, mix them
3. Serve the fried rice with boiled egg and lettuce.

1) Definition Of Memo
Memo is a short message used to inform someone about something or ask
someone to do something
2) Generic Part:
a. Opening segment
b. Purpose
c. Closing segment

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