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Statement of the Problem

Cigarette smoking is also responsible for 85% of all lung cancer deaths and 30% of all cancer
deaths. An estimated 21% of all cases of coronary heart disease can be attributed to cigarette
smoking. It is a major risk factor for diseases of the heart and blood vessels; for chronic
bronchitis and emphysema; for cancers of the lung, larynx, pharynx, oral cavity, esophagus,
pancreas, and bladder; and for other problems such as respiratory infections and stomach
ulcers. The harm of smoking is a hot issue which has being discussed in many countries for along time.
There are 17.3 Million Filipino adults are current tobacco smokers. Cigarette smoking harms nearly
every organ in the body.
Significance of the Study

The result of this study will encourage the readers to help, inform and encourage their friends, loved ones
and other people to quit smoking. This research will provide them enough information that will enable
them to discourage people in using cigarette.
Objectives of the Study
Cigarettes are highly addictive, so why are they legal? What leads the user to continue smoking, even
when they know that it is harmful for their health? The physiology reason: The inhaled substances trigger
chemical reactions in nerve endings within our body. This activity increases heart rate, memory,
alertness, and produces a measurably faster reaction time after individuals have smoked.

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