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- Teachers need to call students in random orders for different parts of the lesson.

Teacher Students
Slide Aims Action
Suggestions Timing Performance Timing

- Teacher reveals some

Let students get to 30
information about Before we start the lesson, I would like to introduce myself.. Listen
know the teacher seconds
INTRODUCTION him/herself.
1 minute
- Our lesson today will be about ASKING FOR SKINCARE ADVICE
Introduce the - Introduce the lesson and 30
- If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. Im here to support you Listen
lesson explain a bit about it. seconds
- Read the lessons
LESSON Tell students what
objectives on the slide - After todays lesson, you will be able to: 30
OBJECTIVES they will gain after Listen
- Use tools to emphasize seconds
30 seconds the lesson
key objectives on the slide
- Ask students to answer
1. List some skin problems.
the questions (ask 3-4
2. Do you think skincare is important? Why/Why not? 25 seconds/
WARM UP students to answer the 1 minute
Get students *Teacher can ask extra question below: Answer the student = 2
4 minutes questions) 30
ready to learn. questions minutes 30
- Teacher can give extra seconds
3. What do you do to take care of your skin? seconds

- Pair up students and ask

them to make a
conversation about the - In this part you guys will work in pairs. Lets choose one role and act it out
Warm-up the
FREE TALK context on the slide. with your partner in 2 minutes. Have a short
atmosphere and 30 2 minutes/pair
6 minutes and 30 - Remind students to pay - Read the situation for students. conversation with
encourage seconds = 6 minutes
seconds attention to other students' - Please pay attention to other students conversations, I might ask you a partner.
students to speak
conversations. some questions about them.
- Do not correct students
- Read out loud the
conversation and explain the I will read the conversation first and you guys will have to pay attention to it. - Listen to
meaning of the bold words Take note if necessary. teachers
on the slide 30
explanation and 30 seconds
- Choose students to seconds
take note
practice the dialogue.
Let students know (Recommendation: Depends
DIALOGUE about useful on the number of students in
5 minutes sentences in the the class, you can choose
context the weakest students or Ok, I would like to invite some of you to practice the conversation with me. - Chosen student
students who didnt get to And the others, please pay attention to the dialogue, my intonation and will practice with
speak in the warm-up slide pronunciation. the teacher. 1 minute/pair
minute 30
to practice the dialogue with - Could you practice the conversation with me? I will be. And you will - The rest of the = 3 minutes
you, or pair up students and be. class will listen
ask them to practice the and take note
dialogue together)
- Let students in turn read
out loud all the words on the
slide. 20 seconds/
Now Id like you guys to read all the words below: 30
Make sure all students get to student =
pronounce the words and 2minutes
correct their mistakes if
LOUD + Let students
necessary - Listen and
PRONUNCIATIO pronounce the
N sounds correctly - Explain and correctly
7 minutes pronounce the words for the It seems that you all still have some pronunciation mistakes with the ending
students and ask them to sounds /s/ and // 2 minutes 20 seconds/
repeat - Lets practice and I will correct your pronunciation 30 student = 2
- Let students practice until .. seconds minutes
they pronounce correctly
(maximum three times)
- Let the students choose a
context and practice it with
Let students Now you guys will practice what you have learnt with me. - Make a 2 minutes/
CONVERSATION - You can correct their
practice the Remember to use the sentences/words we have learnt. 4 minutes conversation with student = 12
16 minutes mistakes after the
conversation your teacher. minutes
- Practice with all the
- Give comments on
students performance in
- Take note of
detail (which words they ** Teacher has to remind students about their biggest strength and 1-
pronounced incorrectly) 2 mistakes that they need to improve.
Give feedback to - Evaluate each students ( sandwich method)
+ HOMEWORK 3 minutes - Ask the teacher 2 minutes
each student performance -Write down students feedback in the assessment form.
5 minutes questions (if
- Ask if students have any - Remind students to find the lessons to practice at home
questions related to the

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