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Erin Yaremcio


Dr. Aaron Stout

Education 3501

September 27, 2017

Reflection on Curriculum Ideologies and Practice

Curriculum ideologies subconsciously effect how we as teachers present materials to our

students. It is our duty as teachers to decide to what affect that our own biases influence how we

view learning and teaching. In order to understand our own influence, we have to understand our

own curriculum ideology first; myself being a Learner Centered/Focused believer.

It is hard to define exactly to what extent curriculum ideologies inform practical

perspectives about teaching and learning. But, our ideologies certainly inform the practical

applications of our day-to-day lives. For myself, by believing that the learner is the most

important aspect of education I believe in using my ability as another learner to acquire the

knowledge that my students are not yet able to, in order to help my students achieve success. My

own knowledge and experiences have allowed me to formulate an understanding of what

techniques work for different types of students. For example I have found that when working

with students who are unmotivated to work on their assignments due to their own fears of

repetitive failure, to use one-on-one formative games and activities to bolster their confidence

before a worksheet or quiz is administered. Because I am Learner-Focused I found this technique

highly effective, not only for the student but also for myself. I believe that as a teacher it is best

to go with your gut intuition, and thus it feels natural and unforced to interact with a student in

this manner.
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My own ideal learning environment would be structured around comprehension and

challenge. As the learner, I would have access to materials that both challenge me and support

from teachers for when I come across areas of confusion. By creating a low stress environment

that is accommodating for my unique learning and testing style, I would feel more comfortable

attempting new and daunting tasks. Assessment, when summative, would be administered in

such a manner that would enable me to succeed and explain my reasoning. Now, if I were to

create an ideal learning environment for my students, I would want to create an environment in

which they felt safe to take risks with their education. I believe that failure is necessary in

learning, however I would create an environment in which my students understood that failure is

conducive to learning, instead of learning being based on success only. My students should have

no qualms about asking for help, clarification or challenge, as my classroom would be

accommodating to their needs. I also believe that learning happens best when students feel

comfortable in expressing their vulnerabilities, and so by creating an empathetic and welcoming

environment, my students would be able to explore who they are in a loving and safe manner.

I strongly believe in public education. I believe that public education is crucial in shaping

the minds of the children of today, by allowing them the freedom to find themselves. Teachers

have incredible influence on their students lives, and thus if a teacher is able to imbue qualities

such as compassion, equality, respect and dignity into their students lives, the teacher has been

successful in teaching their students. Considerably, when thinking about my perspective of

public education, I also fall under the social reconstructivist and the social efficiency category.

Social reconstructivist in the sense that I believe that we have the ability to change the world, by

teaching our students behaviours that benefit the bettering of society. Social efficiency as I

believe that public education is the best platform to which the policies outlined in social
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reconstructivism are spread. Though my own views on public education do not highlight many if

at all any features of scholarly academia, I believe that my combination of the other three

ideologies highlight why I believe that homeschooling is horrendous. Homeschooling does not

provide an outlet for students to interact and form social skills that are necessary for proper

conduct. If a singular ideology is presented to a young mind, they do not have the chance to pick

and choose what ideas suit their own lifestyle, as they have not been exposed to other ideas.

However, it is important to recognize the strengths and weaknesses of the ideologies as

well. As a Learner Centered ideologist, I take pride in my focus on the learner. Being Learner

Centered allows me to think of new and creative ways to engage the different types of students in

my class so no one is left feeling bored, left out or confused. However, I do realize that with

being Learner Centered, I focus on the student and their own specific needs and not always on

the content that they need to know in order to be up to standard with the curriculums goals.

Social Re-Constructivism has many strengths as well; most importantly being the ability to

change the world by educating todays youth. Be that as it may, Social Re-Constructivists view

and judge the world based on its failures, and does not consider the accomplishments that society

is making. Social Re-Constructivism can generate the mindset that the world is in constant

turmoil, which in turn can give the youth of today a negative outlook on life. Social Efficiency,

on the other hand, views students as malleable materials that can be shaped into contributing

members of society; without regard to the students needs or goals. That being said, Social

Efficiency ensures that each student is taught the necessary materials that are needed for success.

Scholarly Academics view the world in terms of knowledge. The hierarchy that is believed by

Scholarly Academia views those who have spent time researching and learning their field as the

highest among society; which can influence students to strive for personal success through their
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knowledge base. However, Scholarly Academics view those who are not able to master their

field as lower in the social hierarchy, which can create issues with power dynamics among

students for whom learning is easy and for those who struggle.

In considering the curriculum ideologies, I believe in many of the viewpoints from the

Learner Centered approach. I believe that students should have the opportunity to gain the

necessary knowledge in a fashion that is easily understood and comprehended. When I think of

teaching, I think of ways to accommodate every one of my students needs and abilities in order

to create knowledge equality within the classroom. I believe that I am defined mostly by the

Learner Centered ideology as I have had the opportunity as a student to be placed in Special

Education classrooms (preschool and kindergarten) and thus see the value in creating knowledge

equality. As well, I have some elements of Social Re-Constructivism in my own teaching and

learning ideology, as I believe that education is a tool to teach the youth of today the necessary

and needed skills to create a better society. Due to my need for society to be more inclusive, I

know that as a teacher you have the influence to change the world by helping others learn to

change the world.

I believe that ones ideology(ies) should influence the construction and execution of a

learning experience in a controlled and self-aware manner. It is important that as a teacher you

recognize your own biases and work towards balancing your biases with the viewpoints of

others. However, these ideologies that a teacher may have also impact their students, and thus I

believe that when a teacher has a strong and healthy ideology that is shared within the students,

students are able to associate certain views of the world with this teacher and therefore are more

likely to gravitate towards teachers that share similar ideologies. Not only are shared ideologies

ideal, but the exposure to other ideologies allows students the ability to examine which
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ideologies best suit their lifestyle. Overall, I believe that ones ideology in the classroom is best

used with self-awareness and balance in order to create an environment that is open to other


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