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Examination malpractice is one of the most dangerous corrupt practices in our

educational institutions. This practice like fraud and other financial crimes is

drawing our Institution backwards from attaining educational growth and

development to catch up with the rest of educational advantage institution in the

country. It is line with the view of STAN (2001) Buttressed that the spate of

examination malpractice seems to have rocked the educational system of this

country to its foundation. It is also threatens the credibility of the certificates issued

by the examination bodies.

This dysfunctional education problem as pointed out by Odoh (1993) has

become an unfortunate and embracing feature of Nigeria education process.

However, very little has been done by Federal, State and Local Government to

understand other phenomenon. As the government feels that such phenomenon is

purely the problem of the institution concerned. In the educational sector also, very

little has been studied and written on this phenomenon.

It is in the light of situation, the researcher deems it to investigate the

problems of examination malpractice among university students with a particular


make effective recommendation on how to solve the problems of examination

malpractice in the University.


The main aim of the study is to look at examination malpractice and all its

ramifications. The outcome of this is expected to throw light on the following;

1. To design a system that will replace an existing manual

2. The importance of valid and reliable examination in usmanu danfodiyo

university sokoto

3. The causes of examination malpractice in usmanu danfodiyo university


4. The types of examination malpractice engaged by usmanu danfodiyo

university sokoto

5. The effect of examination malpractice of the student in educational system.

Education is the foundation upon which physical and technological development

rest. In Nigeria, education has been adopted as an instrument for national
development. Therefore, government, communities, private organization and
individuals have established educational institutions with a view of training the
citizens for the development of the nations physical and human resources. One of
the objectives of education in Nigeria is to prepare the young ones to face future
changes and develop them to meet the nations manpower requirement.

In educational institutions teaching and guidance activities are supposed to take

place so that appropriate skills and knowledge can be acquire by the students.
Furthermore, machinery through which the extent of knowledge and skills
acquisition is determined at each stage of education has been set up. This is in form
of examination which organized in order to evaluate, assess and test knowledge
and skills. School need to conduct examinations as yardstick for assessment. It is
the most practical way of assessment in education. Maduka (1993) defined
examination as way to ascertain how much of a subject matter in a particular field
of study that candidate has mastered. Homby (1995) defined an examination as a
formal test of somebodys knowledge or ability in a particular subject, especially
by means of answering or practical exercises.

Examination is an important aspect of the education process. This is the stage at

which the learners knowledge, skills, ability and competencies are assessed, and
judgments made about such performance. The outcome of such judgments is used
for diagnosing as well as placement of students. Beating the due process of
examinations leads to misconduct. Hence, examination misconduct is as old as
examination itself. However , the rate at which examination misconduct occur in
the Nigerian educational system is highly disturbing and therefore, needs prompt
attention by all stakeholders. In fact, the phenomenon has both moral and legal


Examination misconduct was described as a cankerworm (Yakubu

,Edokpa,1998). This prompted the federal military government to promulgate
Examination misconduct Decree 20 in 1984. The decree prescribes heavy
punishment for offenders. In spite of stiff penalties, examination misconduct is
growing in leaps and bounds at all levels of Nigerian educational system.
Pupils/students, teachers, school administrators, parents, examination invigilators
and supervisors, custodians of examination materials, officials of examination
bodies and law enforcement agent are involved. Hence, Decree 20 was amended
copiously by examination misconduct decree 33 of 1999, which lists twelve
various offences as examination misconduct.

Examination misconduct, as an antisocial behavior, has in recent times attracted

the attention of stakeholders in education industry (Ojikutu, 1987; Olumeru, 1992;
WAEC, 1994; Adamolekun, 1998). The phenomenon has been defined in various
ways by teachers, sociologist, philosophers, psychologist and educational
administrators. In summary, the University of Port Harcourt Academic Policies
(2001) defines examination misconduct as all forms of cheating which directly or
indirectly falsify the ability of students. Offences regarded as forms of examination
misconduct during examination:

i. Using another person to sit for an examination on behalf of a candidate.

ii. Bringing in prepared answers/copying from textbooks, notebooks,
laboratory specimen or any other instructional aides smuggled in to the
exam all.
iii. Collaborating with an invigilator to cheat in the examination hall.
iv. Communicating or attempting to communicate between/among examiners.
v. Copying or attempting to copy other students work/answers in
vi. Submitting or attempting to submit a new prepared answer script as a
substitute for the original script after examination.
vii. Non-submission of answer script at the end of an examination.
viii. Illegal removal of answer script from the examination hall.

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