Sex Linked QR Scavenger Hunt

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Sex Linked Inheritance QR Scavenger Hunt

Use this link or your own phone QR Code Scanner (Snapchat!) to access each article or video. You may have
to grant the website access to your webcam, close the website, & re-open it.

Then answer the questions associated with each article or video.

Causes & Inheritance of Duchennes Muscular Dystrophy (DMD)
1. What is muscular dystrophy?

2. What was the first identified genetic cause of muscular dystrophy?

3. What is the name of the protein involved in DMD? Why does a gene mutation affect a protein?

4. How is DMD inherited?

5. What are the chances a woman (XDXd) with DMD on one of her X chromosomes and a man (XdY)
without DMD have children with the disease? Complete the punnett square. (Use Ctrl + . to format the


What Causes Color Blindness?

1. What percentage of men typically have red-green color blindness? Woman?

2. Where is the mutation for color blindness located?

3. How is it possible that a woman can carry the mutated gene and not be color blind but if a man
carries the mutated gene he is always color blind?

4. What is the name of the cell that senses light in your eye? Which type allows us to see color?

Case Closed: Famous Royals Suffered From Hemophilia

1. Which royal family was cursed with poor health?

2. What is hemophilia?

3. How is the disease inherited?

4. Did more royal men or royal women have hemophilia? Why does this make sense?

TedEd: Secrets of the X Chromosome

1. How many pairs of chromosomes are in every human cell?

2. What type of information does the Y chromosome carry? The X chromosome?

3. Why do calico cats have patches?

4. Why are mutations on the X chromosome less severe in women?

Explaining the Causes of Hemophilia

1. How many types of hemophilia are there? What are they?

2. What is the most common type of hemophilia?

3. Are female carriers of the disease completely symptom free? Why do you think this is?

4. Based on what we learned about DNA replication, why do you think the chances of sporadic
hemophilia are so low? (Hint: What are DNA Polymerases 2 jobs?)

Debrief & Synthesis

1. What is a sex-linked, or X-linked, trait?

2. Do both genders express and/or inherit sex-linked traits equally? Why or why not?

3. When making a pedigree that traces a sex-linked trait, we show the X chromosome carrying the
alleles, e.g. XA Xa or XE XE or Xh Y. Why is it important to trace the X and Y chromosomes in a pedigree
in addition to the alleles?

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