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Ingls 11.

Progressive tenses

1. Choose the correct option.

The troops next month to Ukraine.

a) were leaving
b) are leaving
c) have been leaving

2. Choose the correct option.

The organization for human rights against gender discrimination at work in front of the
parliament as we speak.

a) was protesting
b) is protesting
c) has been protesting

3. Choose the correct option.

At the moment he for a dancer position in the ballet company.

a) has been auditioning

b) was auditioning
c) is auditioning

4. Choose the correct option.

They to find a solution for the problem of overpopulation over the years.

a) were trying
b) have been trying
c) had been trying

5. Choose the correct option.

At the same time he complaining about the product when the owner entered the shop.

a) is complaining
b) was complaining
c) had been complaining

6. Choose the correct option.

Recently, scientists the behavior of a new virus.
a) have been studying
b) were studying
c) are studying

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Ingls 11. ano

7. Choose the correct option.

Since last year, advertisers more aggressive marketing strategies.

a) are using
b) were using
c) have been using

8. Choose the correct option.

The community her for years, when she was finally accepted.

a) had been discriminating

b) has been discriminating
c) was discriminating

9. Choose the correct option.

The children in Darfur of hunger when the conflict ends.

a) will be dying
b) are dying
c) have been dying

10. Choose the correct option.

The men were accused and convicted because they ... womens rights.

a) are violating
b) had been violating
c) were violating

11. Identify the tense of the highlighted verb and explain its use in the sentence:The troops
are leaving to Ukraine nest month.

12. Identify the tense of the highlighted verb and explain its use in the sentence: The
organization for human rights is protesting against gender discrimination at work in front of
the parliament as we speak.

13. Identify the tense of the highlighted verb and explain its use in the sentence: Scientists
are working in a new research project that involves cloning.

14. Identify the tense of the highlighted verb and explain its use in the sentence: They have
been trying to find a solution for the problem of overpopulation over the years.

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15. Identify the tense of the highlighted verb and explain its use in the sentence: At the same
time he was complaining about the product when the owner entered the shop.

16. Identify the tense of the highlighted verb and explain its use in the sentence: Recently,
scientists have been studying the behaviour of a new virus.

17. Identify the tense of the highlighted verb and explain its use in the sentence: Since last
year, advertisers have been using more aggressive marketing strategies.

18. Identify the tense of the highlighted verb and explain its use in the sentence: The
community had been discriminating her for years, when she was finally accepted.

19. Identify the tense of the highlighted verb and explain its use in the sentence: The children
in Darfur will be dying of hunger when the conflict ends.

20. Identify the tense of the highlighted verb and explain its use in the sentence: The men
were accused and convicted because they had been violating womens rights.

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Ingls 11. ano
Progressive tenses Answer Key

1. b)

2. b)

3. c)

4. b)

5. b)

6. a)

7. c)

8. a)

9. a)

10. b)

11. The highlighted verb form is in the Present Continuous and it indicates an action that it is
going to take place in a near future. It refers to a future arrangement.

12. The highlighted verb form is in the Present Continuous and it indicates an action that it
taking place at the moment the speech is being produced.

13. The highlighted verb form is in the Present Continuous and it indicates a longer action that
is in progress of being accomplished.

14. The highlighted verb form is in the Present Perfect Continuous and it indicates an action
that has started in the past and has continued up to the present moment.

15. The highlighted verb form is in the Past Continuous and it indicates an action that was
taking place simultaneously to another one in the past.

16. The highlighted verb form is in the Present Perfect Continuous and it indicates an action
that has started in a recent past and has progressed until the present moment.

17. The highlighted verb form is in the Present Perfect Continuous and it indicates the duration
of an action that has started in the past and had continued to occur until the present moment.

18. The highlighted verb form is in the Past Perfect Continuous and it indicates an action that
has occurred in the past continuously until another action in the past occurred and interrupted
that first one.

19. The highlighted verb form is in the Future Continuous and it indicates an action that will be
in progress when another one happens next.

20. The highlighted verb form is in the Past Perfect Continuous and it indicates the cause of an
action that happened in the past.

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