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Think... Act

Mine 2017
Welcome to PwCs 14th annual
review of global trends in the
mining industry Mine. This
analysis is based on the financial
performance and position of
the global mining industry
as represented by the Top40
mining companies by market

Introduction............................................................................. 4

Industry in perspective............................................................. 6
Surveying the new terrain................................................. 13
Calibrated action............................................................... 19
Going digital .................................................................... 21
Exploration budgets - looking for safety............................. 23
CSR: Refining the story..................................................... 25
Coal without Fire.............................................................. 27
The new energy revolution................................................ 30

The Top 40............................................................................. 32

Financial analysis................................................................... 34
Income statement ............................................................. 34
Balance sheet.................................................................... 37
Cash flows......................................................................... 39
10 year trend..................................................................... 41

Glossary................................................................................. 42

Explanatory notes to the financial analysis.............................. 43

Key contributors to Mine 2017................................................ 44

Contacting PwC...................................................................... 47

Stop. Think... Act | Mine 2017 | 3


Recovering from 2015s race to Stop Think

the bottom, the members of the
Top 40 paused and drew breath in In 2016, traditional players Where to next, we ask? Is the
2016. Rapidly rising commodities continued balance sheet bolstering strategy so defensive as to simply
prices promised a way forward to calm the market and stop the advocate repaying debt, preserving
and the valuations of the Top angst associated with financial cash, sustaining existing assets
40 responded. But, valuations distress. A heavy emphasis was andwaiting for a sustained
aside, there is little to suggest that placed on shedding debt. The increase inprices?
the group made any substantial brakes were firmly applied to
In the short term, shareholders
advances throughout the year. exploration activities which
may appreciate the strengthening
continued to shrink, and what little
At first glance, the 2016 financial of balance sheets and increases
was undertaken was generally
data seems a little dull. The in share prices. But the industry
allocated to safe jurisdictions.
numbers, however, highlight the will need to execute a longer-
Capex fell dramatically again, by a
symptoms of a broader inertia. We term vision or it will remain
further 41 percent, to a new record
believe the industry is determining at the mercy of commodities
low of just $50 billion, and there
its next move. The poor results speculators. Shareholders will
was a lack of significant greenfield
of 2015 demanded a reaction demand performance from the
projects announced or commenced.
and short-term price rebounds existing asset base, culminating
provided the scaffolding to make Production was generally flat. in dividends, or they will simply
the Top 40 great again. However, While the Top 40 faced external reallocate their capital if the
restraint was the order of the day. headwinds in the form of mining sector cannot provide a
A price rise was welcomed but with increased oil prices, prudent long-term growth vision.
cautious optimism and warnings to cost control measures ensured
There is clearly a divergence
heed the lessons of the past. operating expenditure was
in thinking between Chinese
constrained. Traditional miners
The narrative of the Top 40 in companies and the rest of the Top
were rewardedwith a strong
2016, therefore, reads like a 40 as their goals are different and
upswingintheir market cap, and
mine site safety mantra: Stop. Chinese capital is more patient.
earned some breathing space.
Think Act. The industry has Many planned disposals were China aside, the old guard have
stopped feeling so anxious and is called off in response to better donned hard hats, high viz jackets
now considering Where to from market conditions. and steel-capped boots in a bid to
here?. Some members of the Top protect themselves from the pitfalls
40 stated their intentions, but 2016 The exception to this was the
of the recent past. Praise should be
was not a year of action. We now 11Chinese companies within the
given for the efforts to repay debt,
wait to see how the industry will Top 40. China defied conventional
innovate and adopt new efficiency
advance. industry behaviour and invested
measures all of which have
at the bottom of the cycle.
helped to curb costs and restore
Indeed, the most significant asset
credit ratings and investor trust.
buyers among the Top 40 were
But where will this thinking take
the industry if a playing it safe
attitude to investment prevails in
the future? We argue that it will
lead back to old habits of lavish
spending in a boom followed by a
wave of write-offs during the bust
that inevitably follows.

Already well known is the rising
importance of battery technology
and its impact on coal and new
Stop world lithium, cobalt and
graphite. Our sole lithium player
from last year (Tianqi Lithium
Industries) remains in the Top 40,
Think and we know of other integrated
companies in these sectors that
qualify for inclusion if they
were pure-play miners. But the
Act future may be about integration.
Emerging market companies,
who are also focused on new
world minerals, are increasingly
integrated. In the traditional
markets, we are seeing new players
seeking to secure supply and even
calls by stakeholders for BHP to
get on board the battery train. It
remains to be seen if a major will
New opportunities and hazards Act pivot in this direction.
are on the horizon. Do we take it
seriously when Apple poses the Balance sheet clean-ups require What will be the results of this
question Can we one day stop discipline and much hard work reflection for the remainder of
mining the Earth altogether?1 has been done. We witnessed 2017? Will action come in the
or when Elon Musk puts forward the tailing-off of impairments, form of investment in greenfield
a 100-day guarantee to fix a the avoidance of any new projects, M&A or technology?
states energy crisis with battery bankruptcies, the absence of any Thelatter, we think, simply
technology?2 The industry must significant streaming transactions cannotbe ignored.
carefully consider how it responds. and the general passing of distress.
The market rightly applauded Aside from the completion of new
Many in the Top 40 have reflected this, reinstating a positive gap projects, none of the majors has
on the qualitative aspects of their between market caps and net book signalled bold intentions for future
license to operate. The community values that was absent in 2015. growth. But who could blame them
increasingly demands exceptional Healthier price-to-earnings (P/E) when early 2017 has heralded
corporate social responsibility. multiples returned. And, even as further volatility in prices and the
In terms of safety standards and price growth slowed early this year, subsequent reversal of some of the
broader economic contributions, valuations continued to rise until 2016 gains. Few things are certain
the industry has long done some April. This provides a platform for in this industry, but we know that
heavy lifting. However, the the industry to act into the future. China is unwavering in its strategy,
story often fails to resonate with shareholder activism is rising,
governments and the broader What we failed to see was government interventions are
community. Some in the industry significant action on the future becoming more commonplace and
are now making bold declarations direction of the Top 40, at least new players are disruptive. Will the
on matters such as diversity and by the traditional players. Weve industry also act, or simply react?
transparency, but they will need called the industry out in the past
to demonstrate action soon or risk for reacting to short-term price
becoming laggards in the broader movements, and thankfully this Jock OCallaghan
did not happen in 2016. Is the Global Mining Industry Leader
corporate pack. PwC Australia
pause an indication of longer-
While the sirens are not sounding, term thinking by the industry? Liam Fitzgerald
the warnings are ever-increasing to One major (RioTinto) may think Canadian Mining Leader
adapt to these challenges. so. Recognising the long-term, PwC Canada
cyclical nature of the industry, it Maxime Guilbault
has publicly stated that its new Mine Project Team Leader
CEOhas a 10-year mandate.3 PwC Canada


Stop. Think... Act | Mine 2017 | 5

Industry in perspective

Miners saw the dust settle at long last in 2016, after a pulverizing downturn ground the industry to a virtual
halt. Today, after years of pulling back on investment, exploration and human resources, the worlds largest
mining companies are ready to move ahead. They have cut debt, strengthened balance sheets and taken
necessary impairments. In the process, these players have found themselves in step with an awakening global
demand for most commodities, and they have watched their credit ratings rise and valuations grow. This year
will be all about assessing options and making the right corporate decisions to sustain the market optimism
that these events haveunleashed.

The first quarter of 2016 was While spot commodity prices Mining companies need to impose
a turning point as industry remain volatile, long-term analyst better capital discipline in the
fundamentals started to improve. consensus price forecasts held decade ahead and, indeed early
Through the year, we saw a rise in relatively stable throughout 2016. evidence suggests that they began
both spot commodity prices and the The key to a sustained recovery will to do so in 2016. The industry must
market capitalization of the Top 40, be to ensure that the industry does also consider the potential gain of
two markers which have historically not repeat the mistakes of the last bolder moves while costs are still
been strongly correlated. Though boom cycle: buying high, pumping relatively low.
prices have not yet rebounded to up production with marginally
Last year marked the return to
the pre-downturnlevels reached in profitable and expensive projects,
profitability of the Top 40, with
2011, we do see evidence that they and then recording significant
an aggregate net profit of $20
have bottomed out. impairments when commodity
billion in 2016 as compared to an
prices decline.
aggregate loss of $28 billion in
2015. Valuations also climbed,
especially for the traditional
Market cap of Top 40 vs adjusted price index ($ billion) miners, with the trend continuing
through Q1 2017 even as
commodity prices remained flat.
1,600 The mining industry remains a
long way off the peaks of previous
1,400 1,314 cycles, but it has regrouped and
1,259 1,200 1,234 begun to rise again.
1,226 958
957 1,222
1,010 791 871 875
791 839
800 936 748
563 714
461 494
565 595


2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 April

Market cap Price index

Source: PwC Analysis

Market capitalization of the Top 40 companies against an adjusted price index for a basket of
commodities including copper, coal, nickel, zinc, gold, silver and iron ore.

Reclaiming investor Top 40 price to earnings ratio
confidence 60
The clearest sign that there is 50
renewed confidence in the sector
is the willingness of investors to
pay more for the future earnings of 30

mining companies. 20

P/E ratios are not indicators of 10

future results, but they do reflect 0

the markets view of expected (10)
profitability. A higher P/E ratio
says investors are willing to pay a (20)
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
greater price for a stocks future
earnings and vice versa. PE ratio PE ratio (excluding impairment)

While the Top 40 racked up Source: PwC Analysis

significant losses in 2015, their
earnings excluding impairment
charges increased slightly between
2015 and 2016. During the same
period, however, investors proved
willing to pay more for these
companies as global commodity
prices improved. As a result, P/E
ratios returned to positive territory.
And today they are suggesting that
we may have witnessed the bottom
of the cycle and can expect profits
to further climb in 2017.

Stop. Think... Act | Mine 2017 | 7

Regaining Year wise Gap in Market cap and Net Book value ($ billion)
As the last commodity downturn
took hold in 2012, nothing signified
the degradation of trust in the 600
industry more clearly than the
shrinking gap between the aggregate
net book value and market value.
The nadir occurred in 2015, when 400
net assets were collectively almost at
par against the market capitalisations
of the Top 40. This was the moment
when investors essentially concluded 200
that the outlook was so poor for
some companies that the businesses
were worth less than the carrying
value of their assets.
Last year marked a critical turning 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
point as market caps once again
exceeded net assets. The positive
gap of approximately $220billion
between the two in 2016 represents
the first increase since 2010; it is
supported by the $204billion of
impairments booked in the last
five years, including $53 billion in
2015alone. Source: PwC Analysis

Movement in Top 40 By the end of April 2017, valuations It is worth noting, however, that
had gained an additional the rise in valuations was distorted
market capitalization $34billion during a period when by spot iron ore prices. Among
Overall the market capitalization spot commodity prices were the traditional companies, four
of the Top 40 increased in 2016 relatively flat. companies represented almost
by 45percent to $714billion, 50percent of the increase in overall
This data suggest that the market is
approaching the 2014 level. Rising market capitalizations, and each of
valuing stronger balance sheets and
commodity prices played a driving them has exposure to iron ore:
solid management, suggesting that
role, but we need to ask, How investor trust is on the rise and the BHP Billiton Limited (BHP)
big a part? Have companies been recovery is sustainable. Rio Tinto Limited (Rio Tinto)
lucky or good? Glencore Plc (Glencore)
Vale S.A. (Vale)

Movement in top 40 market capitalisation $ billion

15 714
41 (1)

7 5
650 155



500 483


31 Dec 2015 Diversified Iron Ore Coal Copper Gold Rare earth Other 31 Dec 2016
Source: PwC Analysis

The three largest increases as Market Cap vs Net Book Value of Traditional and
apercentage of 2015 market Emerging Companies ($ billion)
capitalization were Anglo
American Plc (Anglo), Fortescue 700

Metals Group Limited (Fortescue) 600

and Teck Resources Limited (Teck).
Anglo and Fortescue hold major 500

iron ore assets. Teck, meanwhile, 400

has significant exposure to
steelmaking, coal and copper. 300

Traditional companies had larger
gains in value, representing 100

86percent of the total increase 0

in market capitalization. Chinese T E T E T E T E
companies did not receive much of 2013 2014 2015 2016
a lift from rising commodity prices;
Market Cap Net Assets Note: T (Traditional) and E (Emerging)
this may be because they have
Source: PwC Analysis
less sensitivity to price changes
and their investor base has fewer
liquidity options (and limited
investment alternatives) as the
ability to invest outside of their Balance sheets Asset sales in 2016 were largely
country is limited. strategic and most transactions
strengthened appeared to be value accretive
Miners put a strong effort into to shareholders rather than fire
strengthening their balance sheets sales. Miners, especially diversified
in 2016. Debt repayments totalled players, sold minority stakes in
$93billion, up from $73billion non-mining businesses. Most
a year earlier. Repayments were of the debt that was issued was
funded from three sources: used to refinance, rather than for
acquisitions or mine development.
1. Increased cash flow from
operations; With the reduced borrowing,
the Top 40 closed the year with
2. $8billion of asset sales and
a gearing ratio of 41percent, a
$14billion of minority stake
significant improvement from the
2015 record of 49percent, but still
3. Issuance of fresh debt. well above the average of the last
10years of 29percent.

Top 40 gearing ratio (%)






2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Gearing ratio (net borrowings/equity) Average (10 years)

Source: PwC Analysis

Stop. Think... Act | Mine 2017 | 9

As a result of debt reduction, Impairments Impairments per commodity
paired with the increase in market 2016 $ billion
capitalization, overall net debt as a significantly reduced 2
proportion of market capitalization After hitting a near-record in 2015, 3
for the Top 40 decreased impairment charges tumbled last

significantly, down from 45 percent year to a less-alarming $19billion. 1

in 2015 to 28 percent. Encouragingly, most of the recent
Credit ratings agencies rewarded impairments have related to non-
miners for their debt management core assets. Sixty-threepercent
strategies by upgrading a number of the 2016 total involved energy
of players. The average rating rose assets. Mining assets impaired
from just-above-junk BBB to BB+, included $2 billion worth of
and some major miners, such as manganese, $1.5billion of nickel
Anglo American restored their and $1billion of coal. This is a far 11

investment-grade status. cry from the $36billion write down

Manganese Coal Nickel
of core mining assets in 2015.
First Quantums successful debt Energy Products Other Metals

management strategy helped bring Notable 2016 impairments:

the company back into the Top BHP $7.4billion
40. Similarly, Anglo and Freeport- Impairments per commodity
Freeport $4.3billion 2015 $ billion
McMoRan (Freeport) jumped
up the rankings (to 9 and 10 Balance of $7.3billion is made 8

respectively) as a result of drastic up by Glencore, Vale, Anglo

debt retirement and the avoidance American, Newmont and 5

of any new debt issuances in 2016. South32.

17 9

Iron Ore Coal Nickel Gold
Copper Energy Products Other Metals

Source: PwC Analysis

Although the impairment charges Capex vs impairment (value $ billion)
tumbled in 2016, miners also
$ billion
scaled down on capital expenditure
in 2016. Hence, impairments taken
138 132
by miners were still almost 40% of 140

the capital expenditure incurred 120

in 2016. Thispercentage is close 100
to the average of the impairment 83
as apercentage of capital 57 56
expenditures. 60
45 49

40 27
As part of the focus on the capital 19
allocation and the under-pinning 20

of their balance sheets, the Top 40 0

reduced the outflow related with 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

capex.Closer inspection of the Capex (PP & E + Exploration) Impairment

Top 40s 2016 capex revealed that
approximately 50 percent of capex Source: PwC Analysis
was related to sustaining activities,
implying that only half of the $49
billion was growth capital, with
the remainder used to maintain

Stop. Think... Act | Mine 2017 | 11

Impairment losses also were Top 40 adjusted return on capital employed (ROCE)
reduced, mainly due to the
significant impairments recognized
in the prior year and more stable
business conditions. Although 14

both indicators were below the 12

prior years level, it is important 10
to highlight that the proportion of
impairments/capex (2016: 39%)
has reduced to a level that is similar 6

to 2012 (33%) from the peak of 4

2015 (77%) which indicates that
miners are responding to messages
around capital discipline. 0
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Adjusted ROCE

Source: PwC Analysis

Surveying the new terrain

The improving market has finally Iron ore prices doubled to the end The story of coal prices in 2016
given miners more options to of the year, reaching a high of proved equally dramatic. Thermal
consider this year. It is now time for $80 a tonne (CFR spot Australia). coal prices doubled, reaching
management to assess conditions, This trend continued in early a peak of $100 per tonne in
locate and understand the markets 2017, with prices peaking at a November, before beginning a
pressure points and map out where 30-month highof $89 a tonne retreat in December that knocked
the next opportunities lie. in midFebruary, only to suffer a 20percent off prices and did not
sharp reversal thereafter. settle until after February 2017.
Core strength The rally was sparked by a
Coking coal prices proved even
more volatile, with monthly
Last years Mine noted the strong mix of stimulus in the Chinese
averages for Premium Hard Coking
rebound in commodities prices that steel manufacturing sector and
coal starting the year around $80
commenced in Q1 2016. This trend speculative trading off the back of
per tonne and reaching a peak
broadly continued throughout international news, such as the US
of $300 per tonne in November.
the year, but it was a bumpy ride presidential election in November.
This rise followed Chinas
acrosscommodities. Sentiment turned abruptly when
announcement that it would
concerns emerged that Chinas
Gold (up 15%), copper (up 27%) reduce the number of coal mining
port stocks of iron ore had risen
and nickel (up 13%) were solid days for the year. But when the
dramatically. Fears of a glut crept in
performers, but the real story of government backpedalled on the
on the back of increased production
2016 was the brawn of coal and initiative, prices quickly reversed,
from existing projects (the Top
iron ore prices, both of which were falling back to $150 per tonne.
40 were up 9% in 2015 and 6%
battered the prior year and took In2017, supply disruption caused
in 2016) and the commencement
investors on a wild ride in 2016, by Cyclone Debbie in Australia
of production at new large scale
Q1 2017, and even up to the date temporarily pushed prices back
projects, most notably Vales
ofthis report. upto $300.
behemoth S11D mine.

Price indices, selected commodities (January 2016 = 1)






Jan-16 Mar-16 May-16 Jul-16 Sep-16 Nov-16 Jan-17 Mar-17

Coal Iron ore Copper Nickel Gold

Source: The World Bank

Stop. Think... Act | Mine 2017 | 13

Volatility, selected commodities







May 2015

May 2016

May 2017
Nov 2015

Nov 2016

Nov 2017
Aug 2015

Sep 2015

Dec 2015

Aug 2016

Sep 2016

Dec 2016

Aug 2017

Sep 2017

Dec 2017
Mar 2015

Mar 2016

Mar 2017
Feb 2015

Feb 2016

Feb 2017
Jun 2015

Jun 2016

Jun 2017
Oct 2015

Jan 2016

Oct 2016

Jan 2017

Oct 2017
Apr 2015

Apr 2016

Apr 2017

Jul 2015

Jul 2016

Jul 2017
Nickel Copper Gold Silver Coal Iron Ore

Source: PwC Analysis

Fake news and The market volatility caused The Trump bump agitated
reallybigChina by political events caused broader markets and appeared to
overexcitement among speculators offer significant promise to the
The world witnessed seismic and short-term traders alike. It was resources sector in the form of
developments in 2016, including easy to get preoccupied with the increased infrastructure spending
the Brexit vote, the election of daily reporting of commodity price and an end of the war on coal
US President Donald Trump and fluctuations and either baseless in the US. However, our data
the escalation of tensions on the overoptimistic sentiment or dire suggest that it had little effect
Korean peninsula. Historians predictions about the state of on prices other than in the short
will likely study the political term. Certainly coal prices did not
significance of these events for receive a lasting lift from President
years, but in the mining business Trumps election. Similarly, iron
the reality is that the fundamentals ore prices, which began Q2 2017
of supply and demand towered in in free fall, indicate that there
is no sustainable value despite
importance over every vote and
the early optimism regarding a
personality of 2016.
US infrastructure boom. Rather,
the story remains one of Chinese
financing, as well as demand and
concerns ofexcesssupply.

What may be a more interesting Alleviating distress As a result, net borrowings
story to explore in Mine 2018 is (borrowings less cash) fell from
the effects of real policy change The rebound in prices provided $239billion to $202billion and
in the US, rather than the current miners with the opportunity to leverage ratios improved, while
rhetoric. At the time of writing, focus on debt repayment. Members liquidity ratios remained stable.
President Trump had scored his of the Top 40 diverted cash away Net borrowings to EBITDA fell
first major win with the planned from dividends and investments from 2.60 to 1.89. The five most
repeal of Obamacare passing the and used it instead to reduce leveraged companies in 2015
House of Representatives. If he liabilities. At the same time, the fire cut their debt ratio from 2.0x to
can begin to achieve traction on sale of assets reduced to a trickle 0.7x, although Vale and Yanzhou
other proposed measures, such (seeBalance sheets strengthened remained among the five most
as significant tax reform and onpage 9). leveraged companies in 2016.
infrastructure stimulus, then we
may see more lasting impact on
commodities prices through 2017,
and not just short-term volatility.

Net debt as % of Market Cap for Top 5 leveraged companies

as of 31 December 2016






2016 2015

Source: PwC Analysis

Stop. Think... Act | Mine 2017 | 15

Free cash flow



Net debt

$239bn 2016


Source: PwC Analysis

The exception was a number of the Alternative financing Top 40 Market Cap
larger Chinese miners who were
never considered distressed in the Innovative use of alternative
first place, and who continued financing has helped relieve
issuing debt to fund growth. distress by allowing mining
With the significant rise in free companies to raise capital more
cash flow (up to $40billion from cheaply, without diluting existing
$13billion), miners were also able shareholders. During the worst
to avoid pressure to pay down debt of the cycle in 2015, alternative
using other, expensive sources of financing companies provided 2015 2016
capital. Total capital raising fell a lifeline to some of the Top 40.
from $94billion to $74billion, Four companies alone raised more $494,000 $713,500
and nearly half of this was due than $3billion in capital from
to the dramatic drop in equity alternative financing companies.
raising (down to $3billion from Source: PwC Analysis

$22billion). Some would argue

that miners couldnt raise equity Royalty Companies Market Cap Alternative financing companies
given the market environment, but that included Franco-Nevada,
there was a window for IPOs and Silver Wheaton, Royal Gold, Osisko
secondary issuances in 2016 for Gold Royalties and Sandstorm,
those who wanted it, for example have taken full advantage of the
on Canadian bourses. Rather, it commodity cycle, acquiring and
seems that the low P/E ratios at the investing in assets at the bottom
beginning of the year led miners of the cycle. Their business model
to avoid diluting and raising the 2015 2016
has rewarded investors: with
ire of major shareholders who had EBITDA up more than 40percent
bought in at the top of the cycle a $14,551 $23,312 in the year, the combined value of
few years prior. alternative financing companies
increased considerably more than
that of the Top 40 (58percent
Source: PwC Analysis
versus 45percent), with the top
three financiers enjoying a rise of
61 percent.

China, India and ASEAN-5* GDP Growth Chinas big shoes
China maintains its dominance over
14.0 the global demand for metals. As
13.0 one of the worlds largest economies,
11.0 it consumes more than 40 percent
10.0 of the worlds copper supply, and
8.0 it remains the leading importer of
7.0 ironore.
But Chinese demand needs to be
3.0 monitored closely, as anticipated
declines will impact global bulk
0.0 and base metals commodity prices.
Iron ore prices, for instance, are






















threatened by the possibility of
ASEAN GDP Growth India GDP Growth China GDP Growth % a looming decrease in Chinese
Source: IMF
At this point, it is difficult to know
Alternative financing companies Although valuations for metal whether any countries will be able
have achieved premium valuations streaming transactions and to fill the demand gap that will
relative to the Top 40. By the end royalties may occur at a premium be left as Chinas growth slows in
of 2016, they traded at 1.3x price to during the downturn, they can hurt the coming years. India and the
net asset value (P/NAV), whereas mining company shareholders over ASEAN-5 (composed of Indonesia,
the Top 40 traded at 1.0x P/NAV. the long term if they give away Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand
Alternative financing companies too much future value. For this and Vietnam) offer the best
have been able to take advantage reason, we expect members of the opportunity. Indias GDP growth
of this valuation gap to purchase Top 40 to reduce the number of has exceeded Chinas for several
royalties and metal streams at a these financial deals as conditions years and the economic expansion
substantial premium to the market, continue to improve. There will, of the ASEAN-5 is now almost on
creating a winwin, especially however, always be a role for par with Chinas.
during market downturns. alternative financing companies The Chinese rate of growth has
to fund the development projects declined for a decade. Some
At the bottom of the cycle, both
of companies that have less expect it to settle at around 6
equity markets and debt markets
accesstocapital. percent however its difficult to
were closed to a large number of
pre-production miners, who turned Finally, companies such as find consensus on that figure. This
instead to alternative financing Glencore have used alternate remains a robust rate and means
companies that provided financing strategies, such as hedging, to that China will continue to play a
through metals streaming improve or at least secure their significant role in driving demand
androyalties. bottom line (refer to the income in the mining industry. The critical
statement analysis). In a similar question is how that demand will
vein, in 2016, we saw BHP re-enter be satisfied.
the hedging market (for off-shore
gas), a move which was well China: in the
received on the whole. drivingseat
During the downturn, Chinese
companies demonstrated one
enormous advantage over other
miners in both traditional and
emerging countries: access tocapital.
With deeper pockets than their
competitors, Chinese players were
able to fund more acquisitions than
their counterparts, either snapping
up assets at premium prices or
buying opportunistically.

Stop. Think... Act | Mine 2017 | 17

We also witnessed an increase in
acquisitions by Chinese private
equity firms, and we expect China
to continue to be active in acquiring
global mining assets as a way to
reduce its dependency onimports.
$2.8billion $1.5billion
One variable worth watching,
however, is concerns regarding
restrictions on capital outflows
by the Chinese government. We for Freeports stake in Tenke Mine for Anglos niobium and
have recently seen, for example, phosphate assets
tighter approval processes for Material: Copper and cobalt.
foreign acquisitions by Chinese Valuation: 0.9x P/NAV and 12.5x Valuation: 1.5x P/NAV and 6.4x
companies, although these are not EV/Fwd EBITDA EV/FwdEBITDA

specifically targeting. The Chinese

government said in February
that the new measures are only
directed at reducing suspicious or Fire sales dampened Anglos decision to keep these
assets proved that even in a
One of the biggest M&A stories of declining market, companies will
Valuations of Chinese companies in 2016 concerned the assets that did continuously reassess alternatives.
the Top 40 are trading well above not sell. Numerous large deals that Instead of selling, Anglo was
the rest of their peer group (18.7x we were expected to be completed able to maximize cash flow from
EV/fwd EBITDA versus the 8.5x by early 2017 were withdrawn these assets and use the funds to
EV/fwd EBITDA). This gap gives from the market, possibly due to reducedebt.
Chinese companies additional the rebound in commodity prices
capacity to pay substantial and the improving prospects of the
premiums for assets. companies that owned them.
Most notable among Chinese Among the anticipated deals that
mergers and acquisitions during failed to materialize was the sale
2016 were the deals by China of Anglos Australian coal assets at
Molybdenum Co., Limited (China Moranbah and Grosvenor mines as
Moly), a new addition to the Top 40 well as Kumba Iron Ore in South
that moved quickly to acquire assets Africa. Analysts and market watchers
from other members of the group. had expected Anglo to proceed
The company bought the niobium with the divestitures as part of the
and phosphate business from companys announced debt reduction
Anglo, as well as Freeports share strategy. They had expected the
of the Tenke mine that produces Moranbah and Grosvenor mines to
copper and cobalt. sell for more than $1billion.1

Notable transactions among Top 40 miners

$1.3bn $712m $500m

Newmont Mining Corporation sold First Quantum Minerals Inc. (First Glencore sold 100percent of its
48.5percent stake in Batu Hijau to Quantum) sold the Kevitsa mine to stake in the Antapaccay mine to
an Indonesian consortium. Material: Boliden. Materials: Nickel, copper, gold Franco-Nevada. Materials: Gold and
Copper. Valuation: 0.8x P/NAV and platinum. Valuation: 0.8x P/NAV silver. Valuation: 0.8x P/NAV.

Early in 2017, Shandong Gold Mining Co. Limited (Shangdong) acquired a 50percent
stake in the Veladero gold mine from Barrick Gold Corporation(Barrick).


Calibrated action

The industry has confronted price Are we condemned to repeat It is also worth noting that,
demons in recent years, overcome history or will we remember beginning in the back half of
its production hangover and driven this time as a tipping point for the year, members of the Top 40
liquidity threats into retreat. theindustry? reported a significant upswing
The rehabilitation process has in the number of positive project
The mining sector faces lengthy
involved the pain of write-offs, milestones and a decrease in the
development cycles and its
the shedding of discounted assets number of negative milestones.
investment horizon should
and the slashing of capex and Examples include the decision of
be equally long. The greatest
exploration budgets. Following Freeport to curtail mining and
opportunities may already have
managements use of prudent cost milling operating rates and to
been missed, as the rising P/E
controls, alternative financing and operate at 75 percent in its Sierrita
ratios for companies and P/NAV
technological advancements, the open-pit copper and molybdenum
ratios for assets discussed on page
recovery process is well advanced mining complex located in Tucson,
7 for P/E ratios page 17 for P/NAV
and the industry now stands Arizona in response to lower prices.
ratios. But intuition would say that
at a critical juncture. How will Another example is Glencore
now, at this point in the cycle, is
itproceed? moving its Black Star mine in
often the best timetoinvest.
Queensland, part of the Mount
Looking back at this same point
None of the Top 40 companies Isa Mines complex, to care and
in previous cycles, one could
announced any new projects maintenance after mining out the
apply the benefit of hindsight
in 2016, although five of existing reserves. We expect this
and say miners made significant
their mines did commence trend to continue throughout2017.
mistakes. The failure to invest in
exploration and capex in the last Parts of the industry have already
downturn added fuel to a super- We are certainly seeing a different invested in cost control measures
cycle fire, already lit by Chinese and more confident investment and technology (see page 19).
demand. The industry found itself behaviour by the emerging Hopefully, these initiatives will be
forced to buy high to keep up companies this time round, most maintained through the cycle and
with production aspirations and notably the prominence of China in we wont see missed timelines and
meet voracious demand. By 2012 recent M&A deals. cost blow outs on capital projects
the cycle had begun to turn and as in the past.
we saw the beginning of record
write-offs of investments made at
the top of the cycle, excessive debt
relative to realistic asset values
Those who cannot remember the past
and, ultimately, distress across are condemned to repeat it.
thesector. George Santayana

Stop. Think... Act | Mine 2017 | 19

But operating expenses will surely Should the industry take seriously
expand again this cycle, with Apples question, Can we one day
factors such as currencies and stop mining the Earth altogether?
wages nearly impossible to control. or Elon Musks 100-day guarantee
And, with a lack of investment in to fix a states energy crises with
exploration and new projects, the battery technology? Whether
Top 40 may again find themselves miners choose to put any faith in
with a diminished project pipeline, these ideas or not, it is essential
decreased reserves and out-dated that they recognize the forces
equipment and facilities when the of change now at play. Is the
cycle accelerates. This scenario mining industry doing enough
suggests that, excluding the China to show they are considering
effect, growth will again be driven all stakeholders, not just
by mid-caps and juniors, whose shareholders? Theyve shown
own valuations will temporarily they have strengthened their
soar and spark another round of balance sheets, but are mining
aggressive M&A by the Top 40. companies doing enough to show
they are strengthening stakeholder
It is easy to criticize, especially
when investment choices are made
in real time and require the trust Will the industry stick to the
and confidence of investors in comfort of its roots? BHP is already
management to make long-term facing a case of shareholder
decisions. But will boards be bold activism demanding such a shift.
enough to resist short termism? To date, the Top 40 by-and-large
Do companies have the right have not signalled their intention.
diverse and talented management But given the growing strength
to take advantage of this reprieve of their balance sheets and
and move the companies into the rising valuations, they now have
future? Will they embrace rigorous, options and must begin taking
disciplined decision-making? informedaction.
Lets hope so. A possible indication While the traditional miners have
may be Rio Tintos recent maintained their hold on the Top
announcement of a 10-year 40 listing they need to ensure
mandate for its current CEO. What they have the agility to adapt. It is
is certain is that the mining sector important to realize that the rules
needs to be more compelling with are changing. Of the emerging
its story to the market, so that it is companies in the Top 40, more
able to resist shareholder pressures, than half are owned in part by their
for example, to pay dividends at local governments and as such
the bottom of the cycle. have access to financing outside of
traditional capital markets.
We expect that China will continue
to be the main driving force The Top 40 have done well to move
behind commodities prices and cautiously past the market cave-in.
subsequently the fortunes of the Now, as they gear up for action,
Top 40. But we also have our it is essential that management
eye on the newly-empowered apply the lessons learned from
players in the consumer sector the past, focus on sustainable
whose presence is growing on long-term growth and avoid
thesidelines. repeatinghistory.

The benefits of asset optimization When Vale3 cut the ribbon late last
tools are significant. Separate year on its S11D project in Brazil
Going analysis by PwC estimates that
they can help companies lower
one of the worlds largest iron
ore mines the project boasted
digital maintenance costs by as much as
20 to 40percent, increase asset
one of the lowest cash costs per
tonne, partly because of increased
utilization by up to 20percent, operational efficiency achieved
reduce capital expenses by between through investments in innovation
5 and 10percent, and also improve and technology.
Conventional mining today has environmental health and safety.
The S11D mine uses an array
become increasingly expensive, as
A number of miners have of technologically advanced
miners reach deeper into the earth
announced or implemented digital processes, including a truckless
to find profitable ore bodies and
innovations that are enhancing system for conveying ore, which
work their way through decreasing
performance. Rio Tinto,1 for Vale says cuts fuel costs by
grades of ore. This cost challenge
example, has built a remote 77percent and also reduces waste
is exacerbated for miners with
monitoring and control facility that and greenhouse gas emissions.
large and/or remote asset bases
can connect with mines all over the A natural humidity process,
who are often struggling with basic
world in real time. which uses humidity in the
performance issues, including high
ore itself to remove impurities,
maintenance costs, low reliability, By using the technology to
reduces water consumption by
reactive fixes, low utilization rates collect data from trucks and
up to 93percent. In addition, an
and safety incidents. processing plants and then analyze
advanced automation and control
the information for efficiency
In response, companies are system regulates the supply
opportunities, the company says it
focusing on improving productivity. of raw materials according to
has reduced costs by $80million.
To truly achieve performance process demands and simulators
breakthroughs, however, they will Barrick last year announced that assist with the training of
need to rethink how mining itself it would work with Cisco Systems wagonloadsoperators.
works, a process that demands on the digital reinvention of
digital innovation. its business. The plan will see
Barrick2 embed digital technology
New technologies promising
in every dimension of its Cortez
a boost for the sector include
mine in Nevada to deliver better,
software to optimize asset
faster and safer mining. Advanced
utilization, devices to remotely
sensing technology and real-
monitor and control activities,
time operational data will be
and robotics for the automation
used to inform decision-making.
ofrepetitive tasks.
Equipment will be automated
for increased productivity, while
predictive algorithms will enhance
the precision and speed of
maintenance and metallurgy.

Stop. Think... Act | Mine 2017 | 21

BHP4 has improved both safety Understanding that artificial Todays cutting-edge innovations
and profitability by using drones intelligence has become an may not even exist in five or
fitted with military-grade cameras essential tool for improving 10years. The speed of change is so
and are able to transmit real-time processes and outcomes, great that companies must build
aerial footage and 3D maps. The Goldcorp recently began using flexibility into their plans and
company estimates that it is saving IBMs cognitive computing their workforce to accommodate
$5million a year at its Queensland system, known as Watson. Unlike the disruptive force of technology
sites alone by replacing planes with traditional computer systems, during the long life of a mine.
drones for some survey work. The which are programmed to perform
While new technologies can be
remotely-operated devices are also specific tasks, cognitive computing
costly to acquire, implement
employed to ensure areas are clear systems have the ability to learn
and maintain, the payoff can be
before blasting and to track fumes through their interactions with
significant. Mining companies that
after a blast. both data and humans. The
genuinely understand technology,
technology has the potential to
In addition, maintenance teams use and leverage it strategically, will
transform every facet of the mining
drones to help inspect overhead benefit the most.
process, according to Goldcorp.5
cranes, towers and roofs of tall
With the digital world presenting
buildings, removing the need for Of course, innovation is not all
so much potential risk, opportunity
individuals to work at height. about the upside; digitization
and disruption, mining companies
presents its own set of challenges
need to be agile when thinking
for the industry, including
about how to align technology
costs, cyber risks, the lack of a
with business needs, and they
digital culture within mining
must make the right choices on
companies and the need for
partnerships and implementation.

While new technologies can be costly

to acquire, implement and maintain,
the payoff can be significant.
Mining companies that genuinely
understand technology, and leverage
it strategically, will benefit the most.

1. Rio Tinto From PwC slides Industry 4.0 From Vision to Reality/From Facility to Mine November 3rd, 2016 PwC
2. Barrick
3. Vale
4. BHP
5. Goldcorp

Gold remained the most sought- Canadian stock exchanges continue
after asset, attracting 48percent to be a leader in the global mining
Exploration of exploration dollars, followed by markets. In 2016, approximately
budgets looking base metals at 31percent. 57% of the global mining
financings were raised though the
We dont expect that the budget
for safety for coal (see page 27) or iron ore
TSX and TSX-V according the TMX
Group and S&P Global Market
will increase significantly in 2017.
Several of the iron ore advanced
stage projects initiated during The belt-tightening occurred across
Commodity prices rebounded last
the boom that were subsequently the sector, from the exploration
year but mining companies opted to
shelfed in recent years have been departments of majors such as
play it safe, deferring to investors
revived; but will not warrant Freeport, Vale and Barrick, to the
demands and expectations rather
significantexpenditures. offices of aspiring junior miners.
than investing in exploration at a
Among the few exceptions within
time when costs remain low. With respect to iron ore, Australian
the Top 40 was China Moly, which
is the clear leader with 47% of
For the fourth straight year, the boosted its exploration budget by
the $454 million global budget
industry reduced spending on approximately $14.5million.
for the commodity. Consistent
exploration, bringing expenditures
with the prior year trend for other Among the companies surveyed
to barely one-third of the record
non-ferrous metals, this was a by S&P, however, the median
$21.5 billion allocated in 2012 to
significant decrease to 2015 (by exploration budget in 2016 was
$7.2 billion in 2016, according to
approximately 47%). Reasons the smallest amount in more than
research according to research by
are various for the decrease but a decade. Juniors accounted for
S&P Global Market Intelligence.
with significant reserves and 39percent of the overall decrease
The S&P annual Corporate
without strong and long-term and majors 36percent.
Exploration Strategies report looked
demand there is not much room for
at the budgets of 1,580 companies As the mining industry seeks to
worldwide. It found that spending in reassure nervous and discontented
2016 amounted to just $6.9billion, investors, it is not providing them
21percent less than in 2015, as the with organic growth options
sector placed projects on hold and for which many experts pay.
favoured less risky, later-stage assets. Not surprisingly, less funding
unearthed fewer discoveries.
There were 55 initial resource
Raised in the Canadian stock market (USD) announcements last year, up from
just 44 a year earlier, but still a long
8,000 way from the peaks recorded in
2012 of 168 announcements.







2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Equity Capital Raised TSX (USD) Equity Capital Raised TSX-V (USD)

Source: TMX Website and PwC Analysis

Stop. Think... Act | Mine 2017 | 23

Top Destinations for Mining Exploration



United States Europe

7% 1% FSU 6%
Mexico Other Latin Pacific/SE Asia
America 5%
6% 2% 5%
West Africa East Africa
2% DRC
6% 4% Brazil
4% 13%
Southern Africa
6% Australia

Other locations account for 3%

The US showed the sharpest pullback in exploration last year, with its budgets falling more than 30%, although gold and copper exploration
helped the country account for a 7% share of the global total. Nevada had the largest share (47%) of the US budget, with two other states,
Arizona and Alaska, together accounting for a further 22% of the total.

Source: S&P Global

This guarded, frugal mindset Improving economic conditions What will trigger the next cycle of
means mining companies will suggest that large mining investment remains unclear, but
continue to set their sights on companies will begin to reverse the it is unlikely to match the lasting
brownfield projects, where the spending decline this year, but S&P force of Chinas economic boom
risks and potential payoffs are expects the exploration budgets of that launched the last spending
fewer. The industry is also relying junior explorers to slip further in spree beginning in 2003. We do
heavily on resources from the 2017 even though many of them believe, however, that companies
safest political geographies. have found it increasingly possible that fail to take advantage of
Canada and Australia attracted to raise funding since March 2016. todays opportunities and low costs
more of the global exploration will eventually find themselves
Rather than moving boldly to take
budget than any other country, riding the same boombust cycle
advantage of todays relatively
at 14percent and 13percent that has defined the industry
cheap supply of labour, equipment
respectively. forsolong.
and services, almost all players are
In contrast, Africa suffered one of standing on the sidelines, watching
the largest pullbacks in investment to see who will move first.
of any region. The entire continent
absorbed only 13percent of global
spending in 2016, according to

There is an increased need GRI compliance requires reporting
for information that is clear, on a wide range of metrics,
CSR: Refining transparent, timely and assured. including: governance standards;
This is key to building investor ethics & integrity; anti-corruption
the story confidence and improving and procurement; energy, GHG
futureresults. and other emissions; water
pollution; biodiversity; health
There are many major
& safety; non-discrimination,
sustainability reporting initiatives,
diversity and indigenous rights; and
such as the Global Reporting
The industry has faced a number of localcommunities.
Initiative (required reporting for
sustainability challenges over the
International Council of Metals GRI compliance is significantly
past few years, often manifesting
and Mining members (ICMM)) higher among Traditional
themselves as roadblocks, social
and the Extractive Industries companies (see chart), while
protests against big projects and
Transparency Initiative (EITI), Emerging companies are either
difficulty in accessing finance for
but the industry still has a mixed using other standards or not
perceived dirty projects. In 2016,
record. Approximately 90 percent creating Sustainability standards
a new challenge emerged from the
of the Top 40 report to GRI and (illustrated by other in the
industrys more consuming facing
40 percent are EITI members2 chartbelow).
customers, as demonstrated by
(although actual EITI reporting
Apples announcement to increase Some companies find such
takes place by country and may
metals recycling and reduce tasks complex and onerous and
include non-members, corporate
reliance on mined minerals.1 stakeholders can be overwhelmed
membership signifies a broader
by long reports with irrelevant
These threats may seem remote, commitment to transparency).
information that is not designed for
but public support may speed Of the 23 companies that are
their sectors or needs.
their adaptation of manufacturing International Council of Metals
processes to incorporate more and Mining members, nine (or
recycling. Mining companies would 39%) independently assured
do well to get on the front foot their GRI Reports in 2015 (or
understanding, managing and IntegratedReport).3
reporting their impacts and selling
their successes. A lost license to
operate is the biggest impairment
of all, and the industry must
protect its valuable brand with

Traditional markets Emerging markets

GRI-Comprehensive-compliant Sustainability Report GRI-Core-compliant Sustainability Report Other No Sustainability Report

Source: GRI 2016 report (based on 2015 Annual Reports)


Stop. Think... Act | Mine 2017 | 25

% reporting Safety Water Use Carbon/GHG Value Added Diversity
quant. KPI emissions and/or
for2016 Distributed
Emerging 42% 42% 33% 17% 42%

Traditional 82% 73% 68% 59% 68%

Total 68% 62% 56% 44% 59%

Source: PwC Analysis

Note: Excludes certain companies for which annual reports were not available.

To try and cut through the The results show that around
reporting burden, we performed half of companies produce
a review of the Top 40 Annual timely, quantitative data on key
Reports and CSR Reports, looking sustainability metrics. Traditional
at which companies reported data miners report around twice as
in a timely manner. often as Emerging miners. Across
both groups, companies are
The guiding principles were that
most focused on safety, followed
the information should be:
by diversity and environmental
Timely; only reports that were issues, with economic contribution
released alongside the most coming last.
recent financial information
were considered Given mining companies
substantial GDP contributions
Focused; only 5 of the most in many countries, including
common mining indicators infrastructure spending and
wereconsidered general CSR investment, this again
safety, points to the industry underselling
water use, their contribution. With increased
global social activism, it is more
carbon/GHG (greenhouse important for miners to tell their
gas) emissions, story in a compelling way, to
reporting on economic value connect with stakeholders and
added to stakeholders, and avoid losing their license to trade.
Measurable; only quantitative
data, linked to the entities
key performance indicators,

12% 16% Representation of women

Representation of women on
executive management on Board of Directors of
team of Top 40 Top 40

Source: PwC Analysis

Newcastle Coal Spot Price, Historical 2012-17 and Analyst
Expectations 2018-2021
Coal without
120 Forecast




Urbanization and industrialization
in emerging Asian economies have
continued to provide support for 0






many commodities, none more

















so than both metallurgical and
thermal coal in 2016. However, Source: From December 2018, analyst forecasts for Newcastle Spot Contract, FOB, 6,000 kcal/kg GAR
while industrial demand for steel in Consensus Economics Survey. Before March 2017, historical data for same Spot Contract.
large infrastructure projects means
that there should be a healthy Indias share of world coal demand In the United States, natural gas
market for metallurgical coal well will double by 2035, as it rolls out briefly achieved cost-parity with
into the future, the flame may be hundreds of gigawatts (GW) of coal in 2016, and a $15/tCO2
fading for thermal coal, as the new coal power plants (although carbon price would reinforce this.
move to gas and renewables in the much of this will be domestically President Donald Trumps headline
power market accelerates, driven supplied as the government policies to assist the domestic coal
by environmental concerns. imposes reforms on the sector). industry will do little to change
Indonesia is planning 35 GW the harsh economic realities, and
Thermal coal of new capacity by 2019, more utilities will be reluctant to invest
Thermal coal prices went for a wild than half of which will be coal- in new coal-fired assets that risk
ride in 2016 (see Commodity Prices fired. Bangladesh plans to revise becoming stranded under the next
on page 14) with a significant its energy mix and look towards administrations energy policies.
increase from mid-2016 after coal-fired plants as its natural gas
Within the US and beyond,
several years of depressed prices. reserves continue to dry up; while
government subsidies have
While prices have stabilized Vietnam and other Southeast
helped launch wind and solar in
at these levels in 2017, analyst Asian nations are still looking to
the markets. Now economies of
expectations are for a gradual coal as the cheapest way of rapidly
scale are making unsubsidized
decline in Asian prices1 from the expanding power capacity.
renewables which essentially
present range of $70-80/tonne, These trends should support gently enjoy zero marginal costs
to about $60-70/tonne in 2021. rising production volumes over competitive against coal and gas.
This softness largely reflects an the next five to 10 years. But the
overhang of supply in the seaborne As we first warned last year,
broader economics of the industry
market, as well as the perception weakness may reappear in the
look uninspiring, and prices
that the Chinese government is longer-term due to the anticipated
may plateau as environmental
committed to moving steadily away drop in demand for coal to fuel
regulation ramps up worldwide.
from coal towards renewables. power plants in many parts
Technological advances and
of the world. Consumption of
Coals significance to the energy economies of scale are also likely
thermal coal among members of
market in the short-to medium- to see the economics of building
the Organization for Economic
term, however, is not about to plants powered by gas and
Co-operation and Development
diminish. Asia in particular is renewables improve dramatically,
peaked a decade ago. China
going to continue to consume vast reducing the current cost
will likely reach that tipping
quantities of coal for electricity advantage of coal-fired power.
point in five years, according to
generation. Outside of China, Asian forecasts from BP. Indeed, China
coal-fired capacity will double by has yetto exceed its 2013 peak
2040, according to the US Energy coalconsumption.
Information Administrations 2016
International Energy Outlook.

1. Newcastle Spot Contract, FOB, 6,000 kcal/kg GAR

Stop. Think... Act | Mine 2017 | 27

Fuel prices with and without CO2 pricing























Coal (Central Appalachian, 12500 Btu/lb)

Coal + Carbon Price $15/tCO2

Natural Gas (Henry Hub)

Natural Gas + Carbon Price $15/tCO2

Source: Coal EIA Central Appalachian, Assumed carbon content 90 kg CO2/GJ, Natural Gas World
Bank Commodities Prices, Assumed carbon content 53 kg CO2/GJ

As the price of wind and solar Although volume growth will be

power plunges, China, India and fundamentally limited on a global
other countries across Asia are basis, profitability will depend
working to make renewables a on how well producers manage
significantly larger portion of their their costs and balance supply and
power mix. China aims to invest demand in individual regions. The
$361billion in renewables by five pure-play coal companies in
2020, more than three times what the Top 40, all based in China or
it spent in 2015. And, at the end India, remained insulated from
of this year, China is launching its market moves in 2016 due to
first nationwide carbon trading their large reliance on long-term
market, with prices expected to coal offtake contracts. Revenues
be in the $10-20/tCO2 range.2 were broadly flat, and net income
India, meanwhile, is targeting 175 margins held up at 14percent.
GW from renewables in 2022, Despite slimming operational costs
five times this years target, as it and PPE investment, valuations
removes 50 GW of planned coal- dipped slightly (overall market
fired plants from the pipeline. The capitalization slipped 2percent).
Indian government has increased We did see a vote of confidence in
its carbon tax eight times since one ex-Top-40 player in traditional
2010 and aims to derive approx markets; Goldman Sachs and
57percent of the nations power JPMorgan Chase Bank pledged
from green energy by 2030.3 At $1.5billion in loans to bring
the moment, 70percent of Indias Peabody Energy out of bankruptcy
power is dependent on coal- protection early this year.4 They
firedplants. may be betting that enough value
resides in existing reserves to
justify a rescue, despite limited
growth upside.

2. PwC, International Emissions Trading Association GHG Sentiment Survey 2016


Coal consumption by region
Billion toe




4 Other non-OECD Asia


1965 1975 1985 1995 2005 2015 2025 2035


Metallurgical coal Last years rebound in the Some traditional diversified

global steel market, along with miners with extensive thermal
In contrast to thermal coal, the Chinese production cuts and metallurgical coal operations
demand and pricing for influencing the thermal coal distanced themselves from the
metallurgical coal will remain market, drove MetCoal prices overall coal market in 2016. Early
relatively strong over the long above $300/tonne. Since then in the year, Anglo American
term, as economic growth prices have proved volatile, announced that all coal assets
within developing markets, dropping to $140/tonne early would be managed for cash
especially those in Asia, drive in 2017 before bad weather in generation or disposal. Although
up the consumption of steel. Australia pushed them back the company did not complete
Asia, Africa and Latin America above $300/tonne. Mergers all the anticipated transactions
are all considering ambitious and acquisitions have also been (especially as coal prices rose later
infrastructure programs, active over the last year. Notable in the year), the broad intent to
builtwithsteel. transactions include Indonesian exit thermal coal in particular
thermal coal producer Adaros was clear.7 Similarly, Rio Tinto
purchase of BHPs deposits in continued shedding Australian coal
Indonesian Borneo, one of the assets, a process it began in 2015.8
largest undeveloped coking
coal reserves in the world;5 and
Rio Tintos sale of its 74percent
interest in Zululand Anthracite
Colliery in South Africa.6


Stop. Think... Act | Mine 2017 | 29

Average costs are expected to But the lithium market is getting
The new energy decrease further to $160 per
kWh in 2018. The falling cost of
crowded, with more and more
mining companies now scrambling
revolution lithium-ion batteries is now a
major factor in making EVs cost
to secure assets or bring product
to market over the next five years.
competitive with the internal Cobalt, on the other hand, has
combustionengine. attracted less attention from
juniors, as most of the worlds
Lithium and cobalt are enjoying
reserves lie in the Democratic
a growth story unlike any other
The key factor that inhibits the Republic of Congo (DRC), a
commodity these days, driven
widespread adoption of renewable notoriously unstable market
by the global emergence of the
energy is storage capacity. forinvestors.
EV market, expanding demand
Recent developments in battery for high-capacity energy storage Currently more than 61percent
technology have allowed energy and the ubiquitous presence of of cobalt is sourced out of the
storage to become affordable ever-lighter and more powerful DRC, produced mainly as a by-
and most importantly effective. consumer handheld devices. product of copper and nickel
We anticipate that the demand Combined with a supply shortage mines; only 2percent is produced
for clean and renewable sources in a market controlled by a handful as a primary metal.2 There are no
of energy will further drive the of players, the price of lithium major expansions or new copper
demand for lithium and cobalt. jumped more than 40percent in or nickel mines with by-product
The two metals are major the first quarter, compared with a cobalt planned to start production
components in most of todays year earlier of 2017, and the price in the near to medium term, which
advanced batteries, which are of cobalt surged 117percent. essentially puts a cap on supply.
powering electric vehicles (EVs), Rising prices for lithium and Although EVs and storage will
stationary energy storage units cobalt are proving irresistible likely drive significant new
and portable computing devices. to many investors and miners, demand for lithium and cobalt for
Demand for both lithium and especially juniors looking to take years to come, most new entrants
cobalt is likely to keep rising as advantage of the boom to promote to the field will be challenged
the economics of producing these their stocks after the long and to developtheir assets or find
batteries continues to improve. painful downturn for the overall lucrative partnerships.
The average cost of a lithium-ion commodity sector.
battery has decreased from $900 A handful of dominant suppliers
per kilowatt-hour in 2010 to $225 in each market have the power to
per kWh in 2015,1 according to significantly affect global prices
Deutsche Bank. and the resources to boost their
own capacity in the next few years.
1. Welcome to the Lithium-ion age, (May 2016) Deutsche Bank Markets Research, Hocking, Matthew.
2. CRU Market Outlook 2016 edition

Tianqi Lithium remains the only The market capitalizations of some Tesla Motors, more than any other
pure-play lithium producer on of these companies, including single company, has been credited
this years Top 40 list, slipping Albemarle Corporation and SQM, with driving demand for todays
in at No. 38, after entering the are large enough to merit them a new generation of batteries.
rankings a year earlier at No. 31. place on the Top 40. But because The upstart automakers market
The companys shares have had a they retain their status as primarily capitalization has already eclipsed
volatile ride over the last year on chemical businesses, we have not that of Ford, signalling just how
the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, listed them in theranking. strongly investors believe in the
losing as much as half their value move to EVs.
Several large battery companies
before surging forward to a new
including Tesla Motors, Samsung But the effect the company will
high in early 2017.
and Apple have indicated an ultimately have on the market
Glencore (No. 3 on the Top 40) interest in securing their own could be dwarfed by events in
ranks as the worlds largest miner supplies of the metals, suggesting China, where seven mega-factories
of cobalt, a position it bolstered this that vertical integration may are coming online. By some
year by acquiring full ownership be the future of the lithium and estimates, these plants alone will
of the Mutanda mine in the DRC. cobalt markets. For the moment, require between 150,000 and
Glencore says the property has the prices can swing dramatically in 200,000 tonnes of new lithium
potential to become the worlds the absence of a transparent spot at a time when there is already a
largest cobalt producer.3 market. Trades most often involve shortage of supply.4
bilateral agreements with only a
Other players with significant The cobalt market is also
small handful of suppliers, causing
cobalt assets include China Moly experiencing a shortage of supply
an illiquid market in which supply
and Vale. The majority of lithium and there are no new cobalt
and demand fundamentals are the
and cobalt is sold directly to mines on the horizon, suggesting
key drivers of price.
chemical producers, and some of that prices will only continue to
the biggest players in the chemical With batteries expected to catapult increase as more EVs roll off the
sector have established integrated demand for lithium alone by more assembly line.
supply chains, producing their own than 400percent over the next four
supplies of the two metals for their years, the technology and energy
finished products. sectors will soon become the prime
consumers of both metals.


Stop. Think... Act | Mine 2017 | 31

The Top 40
Top 40 Companies
Traditional (T) v 2016 2015
Name Country (*) Year end
Emerging (E) Ranking Ranking
BHP Billiton Limited Australia/UK T 30-Jun 1 1
Rio Tinto Limited Australia/UK T 31-Dec 2 2
Glencore Plc Switzerland T 31-Dec 3 6
China Shenhua Energy Company Limited China/Hong Kong E 31-Dec 4 3
Vale S.A. Brazil E 31-Dec 5 8
Coal India Limited India E 31-Mar 6 4
MMC Norilsk Nickel Russia E 31-Dec 7 5
Grupo Mxico S.A.B. de C.V. Mexico T 31-Dec 8 7
Anglo American plc Uk/South Africa T 31-Dec 9 27
Freeport-McMoRan Inc. United States T 31-Dec 10 18
Barrick Gold Corporation Canada T 31-Dec 11 16
Newmont Mining Corporation United States T 31-Dec 12 15
Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan Limited Canada T 31-Dec 13 9
Polyus Gold International Limited Russia E 31-Dec 14 20
Fortescue Metals Group Limited Australia T 30-Jun 15 40
Saudi Arabian Miniong Company (Ma'aden) Saudi Arabia T 31-Dec 16 10
ALROSA Russia E 31-Dec 17 New
Goldcorp Inc. Canada T 31-Dec 18 14
Teck Resources Limited Canada T 31-Dec 19 New
Newcrest Mining Limited Australia T 30-Jun 20 22
Fresnillo plc Mexico T 31-Dec 21 19
South32 Limited Australia T 31-Dec 22 New
The Mosaic Company United States T 31-Dec 23 11
Shandong Gold Mining Co., Limited China/Hong Kong E 31-Dec 24 38
China Coal Energy Company Limited China/Hong Kong E 31-Dec 25 12
Zijin Mining Group Company Limited China/Hong Kong E 31-Dec 26 13
Agnico Eagle Mines Limited Canada T 31-Dec 27 28
Antofagasta plc United Kingdom T 31-Dec 28 25
China Molybdenum Co. Limited China/Hong Kong E 31-Dec 29 New
Randgold Resources Limited Channel Islands T 31-Dec 30 29
Sumitomo Metal Mining Co., Limited Japan T 31-Mar 31 23
Shaanxi Coal Industry Company Limited China/Hong Kong E 31-Dec 32 21
Jiangxi Copper Company Limited China/Hong Kong E 31-Dec 33 26
First Quantum Minerals Limited Canada T 31-Dec 34 New
China Northern Rare Earth (Group) High-Tech Co.,
China E 31-Dec 35 17
Zhongjin Gold Corp., Limited China E 31-Dec 36 New
Yanzhou Coal Mining Company Limited China/Hong Kong E 31-Dec 37 34
NMDC Limited India E 31-Mar 38 32
Tianqi Lithium Industries, Inc. China E 31-Dec 39 New
AngloGold Ashanti Limited South Africa T 31-Dec 40 30

We use the Top 40 companies First Quantum and Teck The number of Chinese
by market capitalization at 31 Resources, two notable companies on the Top 40
December 2016 as a proxy for absentees from the 2015 Top decreased marginally to 11
the performance of the mining 40, re-emerged on the 2016 from 12 a year earlier. All of
industry.The explanatory notes list afterstrengthening their those remaining are now in
here detail how we aggregate and financial positions. the bottom half of the ranking,
analyze the financial information ALROSA also re-emerged on the with the exception of China
of those companies. Top 40 list, landing at No. 17, Shenhua Energy, which sits at
thanks in part to the increase in No. 4. While we do not expect
Notable takeaways from this
the value of the Russian ruble a significant placement shift
yearsTop 40 are as follows:
relative to the US dollar. in traditional and emerging
Membership within the Top 40 companies in 2017 there are a
did not change significantly, Top movers in the ranking number of Chinese companies
indicating that an element included Fortescue Metals, up still on stand by.
of stability returned to the from the bottom to No. 15, and
Anglo American, which climbed Diversified and gold companies
industry.There were seven
to ninth spot, up from No. 27. continued to dominate the Top
new entrants from the previous
Both companies reduced their 40, increasing their weighting to
year, five of which had made
long-term debt balances during more than half.
appearances on previous
rankings in either 2014 or 2015. the year. The split of traditional and
New entrant China Moly Co., Notable absentees from the Top emerging companies remained
Limited joined the list after 40 include Kinross Gold and relatively consistent, with a
growing through acquisitions. Lundin Mining. Both have large small drop in the latter to 17,
And new arrival South32 had cash balances and have indicated down from 19 a year earlier.
demerged from BHP in 2015. they are looking to either make
Despite a 46percent increase in acquisitions or enhance internal
the overall market capitalization growth opportunities in 2017.
of the Top 40 compared with
2015, the threshold for entry
to the ranking remained
unchanged at $4.5billion. This
discrepancy highlights a growing
valuation gap between the top
players and the other members.

Stop. Think... Act | Mine 2017 | 33

Financial analysis
Income Statement

$billion 2016 2015 Change (%) Miners managed to turn the

Revenue 496 491 1% historical aggregate net loss
Operating expenses (375) (378) -1%
in 2015 into a profit, driven by
lower impairment charges, and
Other operating expenses (15) (22) -32%
a decrease in interest expenses
Adjusted EBITDA 105 92 14%
after key players cleaned up their
Impairment charges (19) (56) -66%
balance sheets.
Depreciation and amortisation (44) (45) -2%
Net finance cost (9) (18) -50%
Revenue from the Top 40 remained
PBT 34 (28) -221%
relatively flat up just 1percent
from the previous years sum of
Income tax expense (15) (5) 200%
$491billion despite a rebound in
Net profit 20 (33) -161%
commodity prices, specifically coal
Net profit less impairment 39 23 70% and iron ore in the second half of
the year. Coal revenue declined by
Effective tax rate 44% -18% 4percent while iron ore increased
Equity 488 470 4% by 2percent.
Capital employed 648 747 -13%
This disconnect is as a result of
differences in reporting as revenue
Key Ratios from six of the Top 40 does not
Adjusted EBITDA margin 21% 19% include the impact of the last half
Net profit margin 4% -7% years price recoveries enjoyed
Return on capital employed 3% -4% by the rest of the Top 40. This
Return on equity 4% -7% further highlights the volatility
Return on capital employed excluding impairment 6% 3%
experienced by the commodities
market in 2016, confirming the
incomparability of the first and
second half of the year.


$107 billion


$92 billion

Revenue by commodity ($ billion) Although not at the levels we
saw last year, iron ore producers
continued on their positive streak,
Other increasing production by 2 percent
in 2016.
The nearly flat production figures
are further confirmation of a lack
of significant expansionary capital
into the industry, a continuation
Iron ore
of the trend seen in 2015. The
future of the industry however is
largely dependent whether miners
Coal are able to get out of survival
mode and insightfully seek growth
opportunities, having learned from
Copper history.
With production values remaining
0 20 40 60 80 100 relatively flat from prior year, the
2015 2016 industry owes much of the overall
Source: PwC Analysis stability of the revenue figures
on the strong rebound in key
commodities prices experienced in
To illustrate the impact of the Production the second half of 2016.
commodity price during 2016,
we adjusted Top 40 revenue for Keeping up with the theme of
differences in year ends for the resilience, miners continued to Costs
key players, resulting in an overall challenge themselves to employ In an effort to counter the impact of
revenue increase by about 12% optimal production measures the industry downturn experienced
from the prior year. while actively seeking to contain in late 2015 and continuing
costs. Overall, production numbers in 2016, miners embarked on
In their 2017 half year results, BHP, remained relatively flat from 2015,
being a key contributor to coal and widespread efforts to cut costs
with increases in production in by implementing more efficient
iron ore in the Top 40, reported some commodities being absorbed
phenomenal results boosted mainly production methods to lower
by the dispirited performance of controllable input costs. The results
by commodity prices, consistent others.
with the rest of the industry. thereof were clearly seen in 2015,
with the Top 40 reporting a 17%
decrease in operating costs against
Production by key commodity higher production volumes in the
% prior year.





Iron Ore Thermal Coal Metallurgical Coal Gold Copper

Source: PwC Analysis

Stop. Think... Act | Mine 2017 | 35

At face value, 2016 operating cost Although the impact thereof Having announced plans to reduce
results do not necessarily paint cannot be quantified relative to cash costs by $1 billion in 2015,
the same impressive picture as successes achieved for the Top 40 Rio Tinto was able to exceed this
2017. Overall, production figures as a whole, from announcements target by $600 million in 2016,
marginally decreased from 2015 made by the miners, we know despite externalities such as the
volumes (1%) with expenses that cost initiatives are still in steady recovery of crude (see
from ordinary activities following full swing. Notable player Rio graph below). In their results,
the same trend and declining by Tinto recently exceeding its cost BHP announced a reduction in
only1%. cuttingtarget. controllable cash costs of US$1.4
billion for F16. Input costs
(including staff costs) were kept
controlled and overall, the Top
40 reported a decrease of around
Crude oil, monthly average







Jan-15 Apr-15 Jul-15 Oct-15 Jan-16 Apr-16 Jul-16 Oct-16 Jan-17 Apr-17
Source: PwC Analysis

$billion FY2016 FY2015 Change (%)
Current assets
Cash 86 82 4.9%
Inventories 65 67 (3.0%)
Accounts receivable 57 55 3.6%
Other 39 37 5.4%
Total current assets 247 241 2.5%

Non-current assets
Investment in associates and joint ventures 49 48 2.1%
Property, plant and equipment 616 632 (2.5%)
Goodwill and other intangibles 59 55 7.3%
Other investments and loans granted 15 15 0.0%
Other 77 88 (12.5%)
Total non-current assets 816 838 (2.6%)

Total assets 1,063 1,079 (1.5%)

Current liabilities
Accounts payable 81 84 (3.6%)
Borrowings 43 48 (10.4%)
Other 50 40 25.0%
Total current liabilities 174 172 1.2%

Non-current liabilities
Borrowings 245 273 (10.3%)
Other 144 136 5.9%
Total non-current liabilities 389 409 (4.9%)

Balance sheet Total equity 491 505 (2.2%)

Total equity & liabilities 1,054 1,083 (2.7%)

Key ratios FY2016 FY2015

Working capital levels
Gearing ratio 41% 48%
Current ratio 1.42 1.40
Working capital levels remained Quick ratio (times) 1.05 1.01
broadly consistent year-over- Net debt (borrowings less cash) 202 239
year, thanks to several years Net debt to EBITDA 1.91 2.62
of rigorous working capital Cash to cash cycle (days) 25 12
reduction programs by the Top Net working capital 73 69
40. The move has freed up cash
for companies, but it appears
that the industry does not have
much room left to cut additional
working capital.
FY 16 ($billions) FY15 ($billions)
Accounts receivable 57 55
Day Sales Outstanding (DSO days) 41 41
Inventory 65 66
Days Inventory Outstanding (DIO days) 64 56
Accounts payable 81 84
Days Payable Outstanding (DPO days) 80 77
Net working capital 73 69
Working capital ratio 15% 13%

Stop. Think... Act | Mine 2017 | 37

Working capital changes This compares with ratios of
50percent and 42percent,
respectively, in 2015.

Although the debt levels are

200 improving, there are still three
84 81
companies with gearing ratios
150 of approximately 100percent.
These include Saudi Arabian
66 65
at 138percent, Freeport at
127percent and MMC Norilsk
50 Nickel (MMC) at 117percent. This
55 57 picture, however looks brighter
0 than the one in 2015 where MMC
2015 2016 was at 186percent and Freeport
Accounts payable Inventory Accounts receivable
Source: PwC Analysis
Net borrowings to EBITDA
coming down
Decrease in net borrowings Three companies bucked the debt
reduction trend: Net debt to EBITDA ratios
Borrowings by the Top 40
i. BHP added $5.3billion, decreased to 1.91, down from the
decreased $33billion in 2016,
peak in the prior year of 2.60. This
which is consistent with plans ii. Polyus Gold International
decline resulted from a reduction
announced last year by Glencore, Limited added $2.8billion,
of net borrowings by 15percent
Freeport and Barrick. This iii. Saudi Arabian Mining Company year over year and the increase of
was composed mainly of long- added $2.9billion. EBITDA by 16percent year over
term borrowing reductions
($28billion). Given an increase
in cash balances of $4billion, Improved gearing ratios Similar to the prior year, there
Net Borrowings (Borrowings less The continuing focus on debt were twelve companies with a net
cash) fell by $36billion. This repayments resulted in an debt to EBITDA ratio greater than
applied across both Traditional and improved gearing ratio of 12. EBITDA fell for all of them, but
Emergingcompanies. 41percent in 2016 compared nine of the twelve companies did
with a record high in the prior manage to reduce their net debt.
The Top 40 had many reasons for
trimming their debt levels. The year of 48percent. The ratio was
most commonly reported include: 42percent among traditional
companies and 34percent
To strengthen the balance sheet; amongemerging companies.
To focus on capital allocation.

Cash flows

$billion 2016 2015 Change Positive free cash flow

Cash flow relating to operating activities
Operating cash flows decreased
Cash generated from operations 114 124 -8%
to $114billion, from $124billion.
Income taxes (paid)/refunded (13) (19) -32%
However, two outliers drove
Other (12) (9) 33% the results: BHP and Glencore.
Net operating cash flows 89 96 -7% As discussed in the Revenue
section, BHPs results reflected the
Cash flow related to investing activities reporting lag (BHP has a June 30
Purchases of property, plant and equipment (49) (83) -41% year-end). Most other companies
Purchase of investments excluding controlled entities including (1) (3) -67% saw their Operating Cash Flow rise
Purchases of, or increased investment in, controlled entities (2) (1) 100% following higher commodity prices
Exploration expenditure* - - 0% and cost control.
Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment 8 2 300%
Proceeds from sale of investments 14 8 75% Cut back on capital
Other (10) (5) 100% expenditures
Net investing cash flows (40) (82) -51%
Investment in property, plant and
equipment declined to $49billion
Cash flow related to financing activities
down from $83billion the prior
Dividends paid (16) (29) -45% year. This reduction follows earlier
Share buy backs (4) (6) -33% announcements that companies
Proceeds from borrowings 71 72 -1% were going to focus on their
Repayment of borrowings (93) (73) 27% core assets and streamline their
Share issuances 3 22 -86% operations. In all, acquisitions were
Other (5) (4) 25% down as well as the development
Net financing cash flows (44) (18) 144% ofproperties.

Net movement in cash and cash equivalents 5 (4) -225%

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the year 82 86 -5%
Effect of foreign currency exchange rate on cash and
(1) (0) 403%
Cash and cash equivalents at end of the year 86 82 5%

Free cash flows 40 13 208%

Stop. Think... Act | Mine 2017 | 39

Top 40 Capital Velocity compared to capital expenditure ($ billion) Several companies that paid
dividends in 2015 stopped
paying the distribution in 2016,
200 20
including Glencore and Anglo.
15.6% 15.9% The marked decrease in dividends
15 is expected with the focus on

100 10
Shares issuance
50 5 Share issuances decreased
dramatically in 2016 to just
$2.3billion, down from $22billion
0 0
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
a year earlier. However, the 2015
amount included the issuance
Capital Expenditure Capital Velocity of $14.4billion worth of shares
Source: PwC Analysis by South32 upon demerging
from BHP which accounted for
Borrowings Dividends down to a trickle 65percent of the share issuances.

Debt repayments for the Top As predicted in the previous Mine,

40 amounted to $93billion in overall dividend payments by the
2016, up from $73billion the Top 40 remained under pressure
previousyear. for 2016 as companies focused
on paying back debt. Dividend
Most of the debt that was issued
payments declined by 45percent
is being used for refinancing,
from $29billion to $16billion.
rather than for acquisitions or

10 year trend

$billion 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006

Aggregate market capitalisation 714 494 783 958 1234 1202 1605 1259 563 1481 962

Aggregated income statement

Revenue 353 354 500 512 525 539 435 325 349 312 249

Operating expenses -251 -390 -359 -350 -340 -311 -246 -217 -208 -176 -141

EBITDA 102 -36 141 162 185 228 189 108 141 136 108
Amortisation, depreciation
-63 -101 -63 -97 -86 -42 -34 -31 -57 -19 -12
PBIT 39 -137 78 65 99 186 155 77 84 117 96

Net finance cost -9 -18 -14 -15 -6 -6 -7 -6 -6 -5 -3

PBT 30 -155 64 50 93 180 148 71 78 112 93

Income tax expense -15 -5 -22 -30 -25 -48 -38 -22 -21 -32 -27

Net profit 15 -160 42 20 68 132 110 49 57 80 66

Adjusted net profit excl. impairment 30 -1 74 43 111 147 112 60 88 82 66

Year on year increase/ (decrease)
(0%) (29%) (2%) (2%) (3%) 24% 34% (7%) 12% 25% 12%
Year on year increase/ (decrease)
(383%) (126%) (13%) (12%) (19%) 21% 75% (23%) 4% 26% 33%
Year on year increase/ (decrease)
109% (481%) 110% (71%) (48%) 20% 124% (14%) (29%) 21% 47%
innet profit
EBITDA margin 29% (10%) 28% 32% 35% 42% 43% 33% 40% 44% 43%

Aggregated cash flow statement

Operating activities 89 96 118 124 137 174 137 83 104 95 77

Investing activities -40 -83 -87 -125 -169 -142 -79 -74 -102 -126 -67

Financing activities -44 -18 -27 -3 21 -28 -35 10 14 36 4

Free cash flow 40 13 27 -6 11 76 70 19 38 44 40

Aggregated balance sheet

Property, plant and equipment 616 631 650 712 701 601 511 467 402 371 262

Other assets 447 444 535 544 544 538 432 334 274 284 192

Total assets 1063 1075 1185 1256 1245 1139 943 801 676 655 454

Total liabilities 563 578 610 624 563 482 387 354 339 329 217

Total equity 491 492 575 632 682 657 556 447 337 326 237

Note: All income statement data presented excludes Glencore marketing and trading revenue and costs.
Note: The information included above includes the aggregated results of the Top 40 Mining companies as reported in each respective
edition of Mine, except for 2014, which uses the current years Top 40s financial comparative financial results.

Stop. Think... Act | Mine 2017 | 41

Terms Definition
Adjusted net profit Net profit excluding impairments

Capital employed Property plant and equipment plus current assets less current liabilities

Capital expenditure Purchases of property, plant and equipment

Capital velocity Ratio of capital expenditure to capital employed

CEO Chief Executive Officer

Cash to cash cycle Days inventory outstanding plus days sales outstanding less days payables outstanding

Current ratio Current assets/current liabilities

CFR spot Australia Cost and freight spot price from Australia

DIO Days Inventory Outstanding

DSO Days Sales Outstanding

DPO Days Payable Outstanding

EBIT Earnings before interest and tax

EBITDA Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation, amortisation, and impairments

EBITDA margin EBITDA/revenue

Emerging miners/markets and companies Referring to Top 40 companies that are operated from Brasil, Russia, India and China

ETR Effective tax rate

Free cash flow Operating cash flows less investment in property, plant and equipment

GDP Gross Domestic Product

Gearing ratio Net borrowings/equity

IMF International Monetary Fund

M&A Mergers and Acquisitions

Market capitalisation The market value of the equity of a company, calculated as the share price multiplied by the number
of shares outstanding
Net assets Total assets less total liabilities

Net assets ratio Total assets/total liabilities

Net Asset Value (NAV) Net asset value based on analyst consensus estimates (not the net assets derived from the financial
Net borrowings Borrowings less cash

Net profit margin Net profit/revenue

NPV Net present value

PBIT Profit before interest and tax

PBT Profit before tax

Price-to-earnings ratio (PE ratio) Market value per share/earnings per share

Quick ratio (Current assets less inventory)/current liabilities

Return on capital employed (ROCE) Net profit excluding impairment/property, plant and equipment plus current assets less current
Return on equity (ROE) Net profit/equity

Top 40 40 of the worlds largest mining companies by market capitalisation as of 31 December 2016

Traditional miners/markets and companies All of the companies included in the Top 40 that are not Emerging

Working capital Current assets less current liabilities

Explanatory notes to the
financial analysis
We have analyzed 40 of the Information has been aggregated Some diversifieds undertake part of
largest listed mining companies for the financial years of individual their activities outside the mining
by market capitalization. Our companies and no adjustments industry, such as the oil and gas
analysis includes major companies have been made to take into businesses of BHP and Freeport,
in all parts of the world whose account different reporting parts of the Rio Tinto aluminium
primary business is assessed to be requirements and year-ends. As business and Glencores marketing
mining. The results aggregated such, the financial information and trading revenues and costs. No
in this report have been sourced shown for 2016 covers reporting attempt has been made to exclude
from the latest publicly available periods from April 1, 2015 to such non-mining activities from the
information, primarily annual December 31, 2016, with each aggregated financial information,
reports and financial reports companys results included for except where noted.
available to shareholders. the 12-month financial reporting
Where the primary business is
period that falls within this period.
Where 2016 information was outside the mining industry, such
All figures in this publication are
unavailable at the time of data as Boliden AB where more than
reported in US Dollars, except
collation, these companies have 95% of external revenues are from
when specifically stated. The
been excluded. Companies have smelting activities, they have been
results of companies that report in
different year-ends and report excluded from the Top 40 listing.
currencies other than the US Dollar
under different accounting
have been translated at the closing All streamers such as Franco
regimes, including International
US Dollar exchange rate for the Nevada and Silver Wheaton have
Financial Reporting Standards
respective year. been excluded from the Top 40 list.
(IFRS), United States Generally
Accepted Accounting Principles Entities that are controlled
(US GAAP) and others. by others in the Top 40 and
consolidated into their results have
been excluded, even when minority
stakes are listed.

Financial reporting

1 April 2015 31 December 2016

The financial information shown for 2016 covers reporting periods from 1 April 2015 to 31 December 2016, with
each companys results included for the 12-month financial reporting period that falls within this period

Stop. Think... Act | Mine 2017 | 43

Key contributors to Mine 2017

From left to right

Marcia Mokone (PwC South Africa), Johan Erasmus (PwC Canada), Rebecca Allerman (PwC United States),
TiffanyNetupsky(PwC Canada), Facundo Meyniel (PwC Argentina), Tim Boothman (PwC Indonesia),
SimonMcKenna(PwC Australia), Maxime Guilbault (PwC Canada), Dennis Tomory (PwC Canada),
Piyush Bharti (PwC India).




Stop. Think... Act | Mine 2017 | 45

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Stop. Think... Act | Mine 2017 | 47

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